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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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321Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Singkong, Kulit Pisang Dan Kulit Kentang Sebagai Bahan Pakan Ternak ?Indonesia as an agricultural country have many agriculture waste that usefull for feed ingredients, contained high energy but low protein. The constraints from the use of those feed ingredients are that they have low nutrient content, low economic value as feed, unavailable continously, hard to handle, need certain facility, need high transportation cost, low storage periode and high toxin contamination. Microbiology can handle those constraints by the use of microbes, which recently used in feed industry. This reseach have goal for improving protein contain of cassava peel, bananas peel and potatos peel which fermented by Aspergillus niger. The methodology done by solid fermentation as ORTSOM method and IRCHA method.Cassava peel, bananas peel and potatos peel sterilized by boiling and nitrogen analyzed by Kjeldahl method. The result show that protein contains of cassava peel, bananas peel and potatos peel increase significantly. (p<0.05.) and they can be as substrat for Aspergillus niger medium for product, cassava peel, bananas peel, potatos peel, Aspergillus
Sindu Akhadiarto
322Mesin Pengering Produk Pertanian Bertenaga Panas BumiIndonesia as the biggest geothermal potential country in the world. There are 252 geothermal locations have been identifi ed that distributed along a volcanic belt extending from Sumatera, Java, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku until Papua. Utilization of this energy be side for electrical power generation, it is used for non electrical (direct uses) as well. In the agriculture area with high rainfall, drying process can decrease quality of crop products. The tools doesn?t produce emission and doesn?t make noises and also as clean energy. By optimization the utilization of geothermal energy that available surrounding the agriculture area could increase the local people economic.Drying, conduction, covection, heat exchanger, direct use, cacao.Achmad Hasan
323Pelestarian Hutan Mangrove melalui Pendekatan Mina Hutan (Silvofishery)Indonesia contains about one-third of the world?s total mangroves areas, but experts say more than half of the country?s mangrove forest have been destroyed since the 1940s. The main sustainable alternatives to coastal aquaculture pond development within or associated with mangrove are silvofisheries and mariculture. Silvofishery is a form of integrated mangrove tree culture with brackish water aquaculture. This integrated approach to conservation and utilization of the mangrove resource allows for maintaining a relatively high level of integrity in the mangrove area while capitalizing on the economic benefits of brackish water aquaculture. Traditional models of silvofishery is the Empang Parit model, which is sometimes reffered to as Tambak Tumpangsari, was developed in Indonesia, tracing its roots back perhaps over a thousand years. The modern version of Empang Parit is today being promoted by the Indonesian Ministry of Foretry and the Directorate General of Fisheries. Silvofisheries have been successfully developed in Indonesia such as in Sinjai (Sulawesi), Cikeong (West Java), Pemalang (Central Java), and Bali.Mangrove, tsunami, silvofishery, IndonesiaKusno Wibowo dan Titin Handayani
324Upaya Mitigasi Pencemaran Laut dengan Artificial wetlandsIndonesia is an archipelago country which has coastline up to 81 000 km with rich and bountiful wetlands, especially coastal wetlands. Wetland areas estimated is more than 40.5 millions hectare, including mangrove forest around 6.3 millions hectare. As world environmental condition is degraded, Indonesia marine and coastal environments have been experienced degradation, especially mass fish killed incident quite often occurred in water environments due to eutrophiocation. This incidence has lead to productive coastal and marine environments to become hypoxia, means that this is a process of declining oxygen content in the water column due to organic matter or organic chemicals in water environment were accumulated in coastal and merine environments. Most scientist precited that this conditions was occurred because of mangrove forest was degraded and already convert to other uses, especially for shrimp pond produvtion and industrial development. World scientist has praised that mangrove forest is the place to be traditional shrimp pond location in years. Scientifically this traditional shrimp pond has praticed and applied ecotechnological approach for increasing stable shrimp production in Indonesia. However, this method has been changed lately for booming Indonesian shrimp export due to Indonesia economic development. Therefore, this paper proposed and elaborated the important and function of wetlands for not only economic development but also conserve and mitigate artificial wetlands ecosystem as a whole ecosystem for social, environmental and economic development in the future. This paper is also clarify the important of artificial wetlands in coastal and marine landscape.coastal wetlands, conserve and mitigate, Artificial-wetlandsSabaruddin Wagiman Tjokrokusumo
325Penghitungan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (Grk) Dari Sektor Sampah Perkotaan Di IndonesiaIndonesia produced 48.8 Mt/year of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) with population number of 218.8 million and rate of waste generation 0.61 kg/cap/day. Most of MSW (40%) are transported to the Solid Waste Disposal Site (TPA) in urban area. The landfill site which is unmanaged will become a source of the GHGs emission, mainly the methane emission. Based on the Indonesian population, using FOD IPCC Tier-2 method, CH4 generated from MSW sector (landfill only) in 2006 is 109.96 Gg CH4 and will be increased up to 259 Gg in 2010, 504 Gg in 2015 and 1,065 Gg in 2025. The increase number of this CH4 emission is caused by the increase of population number that will increase the waste production and also increase the volume waste that is collected in the disposal area. The future scenario by referring to the national strategic plan which is developed by the Public Work Department is that the waste should be reduced from the source, so the total volume will be reduced by 20% in 2010. In 2015, refers to the MDGs target, 80% of the MSW in urban area and 50% of the MSW in rural area should be transported to the final disposal site. As stated in Solid Waste Management Act No 18/2008 and in accordance with the raw water protection, improvement of landfill quality from open dumping to sanitary landfill or controlled landfill and development of regional landfill are the priority programs with national financial support as an initial investment.Global Warming, Municipal Solid Waste, GHGs Emission InventoryWahyu Purwanta
326Penerapan Instrumen Ekonomi Dalam Menguerangi Emisi Gas CO2 Suatu Perspektif Untuk IndonesiaIndonesia still using common and control (CAC) instruments in controlling environmental problems. Law No 23 year 1997 and decree of the minister and others regulations related to the law were established based on top-down policy approach. Environmental problems in most cases are effective to be controlled using common and control policy, however in issues of pollution or emission control, economic instrument or market based instrument is effective compare to the CAC. Another reason is flexibility of the instrument. This empirical study is intended to analyze how an instrument economy is useful in controlling CO2 emission. DICE model (Dynamic Integrated and Climate Change Economic ) or sometime called Three?Box model system is one of economic models which is used for controlling CO2 emission in response to potential threat of global warming. Emission of CO2 from fossil fuel is taxed through optimation of the model. Emission control rate is policy variable. Model system equations are solved using General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). Optimum scenario is occurred where value of rate of social preference 5%. Model outcome suggest that abatement cost having range between 0.1-6.7% of GDP and reduction of emission in range of 20 - 80% of current emission rate for the period of 1990-2019. In optimal condition, model suggest that appropriate emission tax for fossil fuel having range of 0.002 ? 0.024 USD per liter or equivalent to 3.90-40.35 USD carbon tax per ton of fossil fuel coal having range 1,95 -20,25 USD per ton CO2.economic instruments,environmental problebms,DICE model,EmissionKemas Fachruddin
327Teknologi Konservasi dan Rehabilitasi Terumbu Karang
Indonesia's rich supplies of corals and reef fish are endangered by destructive fishing practices. Cyanide and blast fishing are widespread throughout the archipelago even in protected areas. Indonesian reefs are also subject to various pressures from inland activities. Forestation and other land-use changes have increased sediment discharge onto reefs, and pollution from industrial effluents, sewage, and fertilizer compounds the problem. Cumulatively, these pressures appear to have significantly degraded Indonesia's reefs over time. Unfortunately, Indonesia has only limited monitoring. Few reefs are regularly studied, making the assessment of condition and change for the country quite difficult. Currently, most monitoring indicates clearly that reef condition is declining. This article showed the status, biology, and monitoring-rehabilitation method of coralcorral reef , rehabilitation, nutrientArif Dwi Santoso
328Landfill Gas for Energy:Its Status and Prospect in IndonesiaIndonesia, a nation with more than 230 million population, is the world's largest archipelagic state located between Asia and Australia continents. In 2000, the production of municipal solid waste (MSW) or refuse in 384 Indonesian cities was about 80,235 tons or 320,940 m3 per day. Refuse generation is predicted to increase five times by 2020. Waste composition is influenced by external factors, such as geographical location, the population?s standard of living, energy source, and weather. Generally, a high percentage of organic matter of refuse is between 61 and 72 per cent by weight. The presence of paper, plastic, glass, and metal ranges from 0.4 to 13 per cent. The current handling of refuse in Indonesia is mostly used the disposal land of unhealthy landfill in the form of open dumping. Around 450 units of open dumping have been in operation in Indonesian big cities. These open dumping landfills cause some problems ranging from odor to health problems. Center of Environmental Technology, BPPT has been preparing to carry out landfill mining both for its compost and gas. The gas sampling must be done first before it is pumped for energy use. The gas is suggested to be utilized for generating energy, for example for electricity. Initial test indicated that the composition of methane gas (CH4) is around 50%, which is a good enough for energy generation. If the percentage of burnable gas is too low to be used for generating electric energy, it might be mixed with high content of heating value of natural gas (dual fuel system). This paper will present the conditions of open dumping of landfill in Indonesia, and the status and the distribution of its containing gas. From this knowledge of the amount and distribution of landfill gas, it will be analyzed for suggestion how the mined gas will be suitably utilized by the people.landfill, municipal solid waste (MSW), refuse, biogas, methane, carbon dioxide, open dumping, reduceKardono
329Kawasaki Motor Indonesia Green Industry (Studi Kasus Wastewater Treatment Plant PT. KMI - Cibitung)Industri Otomotif, Pengolahan Air Limbah IndustriTeknologi Pengolahan Air
330Penghematan Energi Pada Industri SemenIndustri semen merupakan salah satu industri yang digolongkan sebagai industri
yang boros mengkonsumsi energi, karena dalam proses produksi mengkonsumsi
energi cukup besar setara dengan 25 s/d 35 % dari biaya total produksi. Sejalan
dengan semakin berkurangnya cadangan bahan bakar fosil yang tidak dapat
diperbaharui (non-renewable energy), penghematan energi melalui efisiensi
penggunaan energi pada proses produksi menjadi suatu keharusan yang tidak dapat dihindari. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya[1], Penulis telah melakukan Feasibility Study terhadap pemasangan VSD di Fan, yang menunjukkan kemungkinan penghematan energi yang cukup besar. Dalam penelitian ini, unjuk kerja dilapangan secara nyata telah didapatkan bahwa pemasangan inverter atau VSD?S pada Fan yang digunakan didalam proses produksi Industri Semen, mampu menghemat penggunaan energi sebesar 499,0464 MWH pertahun, dan nilai ini setara dengan penurunan emisi gas CO2 sebesar 361.309,594 Ton CO2/Tahun.
Industri Semen, Fan, Damper, Variable Speed Drive (VSD), Inverter.Teguh Prayudi
331Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Tahu-Tempe Dengan Proses Biofilter Anaerob Dan AerobIndustri tahu dan tempe merupakan industri kecil yang banyak tersebar di kota-kota besar dan kecil. Tempe dan tahu merupakan makanan yang digemari oleh banyak orang. Akibat dari banyaknya industri tahu dan tempe, maka limbah hasil proses pengolahan banyak membawa dampak terhadap lingkungan. Limbah dari pengolahan tahu dan tempe mempunyai kadar BOD sekitar 5.000 - 10.000 mg/l, COD 7.000 - 12.000 mg/l. Besarnya beban pencemaran yang ditimbulkan menyebabkan gangguan yang cukup serius terutama untuk perairan disekitar industri tahu dan tempe. Teknologi pengolahan limbah tahu tempe yang ada saat ini pada umumnya berupa pengolahan limbah sistem anaerob. Dengan proses biologis anaerob, efisiensi pengolahan hanya sekitar 70-80 %, sehingga air lahannya masih mengandung kadar polutan organik cukup tinggi, serta bau yang ditimbulkan dari sistem anaerob dan tingginya kadar fosfat merupakan masalah yang belum dapat diatasi. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan cara kombinasi proses biologis anaerob-aerob yakni proses penguraian anaerob dan diikuti dengan proses pengolahan lanjut dengan sistem biofilter anaerob-aerob. Dengan kombinasi proses tersebut diharapkan konsentrasi COD dalan air olahan yang dihasilkan turun menjadi 60 ppm, sehingga jika dibuang tidaklagi mencemari lingkungan sekitarnyaIndustri Tahu Tempe, Pencemaran, Limbah Cair, Sistem Biofilter Anaerob-AerobIr. Nusa Idaman Said, MSc.
332Proses Denitrifikasi Dengan Sistem Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Air Limbah Yang Mengandung NitratIndustri yang mengeluarkan limbah amoniak merupakan jenis industri yang cukup banyak keberadaannya di Indonesia, oleh sebab itu suatu penelitian dan pengkajian pengolahan limbah amoniak akan bermanfaat untuk memberi masukan pada pihak pemerintah maupun pihak industri dalam menjaga kelestarian liangkungan perairan. Penelitian dan pengkajian pengolahan limbah amoniak konsentrasi tinggi telah dilakukan dengan cara biologis menggunakan reaktor biofilter tercelup. Pemilihan sistem ini karena telah diketahui cara biologis adalah cara yang paling ekonomis dan reaktor biofilter tercelup merupakan sistem yang mudah dioperasikan dengan hasil yang cukup optimal. Pengolahan limbah amoniak dilaksanakan melalui dua proses yaitu proses nitrifikasi dan proses denitrifikasi. Pada percobaan terdahulu telah dilakukan percobaan penurunan amonia dengan proses nitrifikasi dan berhasil baik, dan percobaan kali ini prosesnya adalah denitrifikasi. Proses denitrifikasi bertujuan untuk menghilangkan senyawa nitrit dan nitrat, sehingga pada akhirnya hasil olahan air limbah yang keluar telah bebas dari senyawa nitrat dan selanjutnya dapat dibuang ke perairan umum. Hasil percobaan proses denitrifikasi menghasilkan penurunan rata-rata nitrit 100% dan nitrat 99%, dengan volume reaktor 45 liter, kapasitas maximum 4,8 liter/jam dan waktu tinggal 72 jam. Kemampuan optimal biofilter dalam menurunkan nitrat adalah 5351 mg/liter/m3 media biofilter, dengan waktu tinggal optimal 3 hari.Denitrifikasi, nitrat, biofilterArie Herlambang dan Ruliasih Marsidi
333Tanaman Potensial Penyerap Limbah Studi Kasus Di Pulau BatamIndustrial development has resulted in increasing population growth and their activities in Batam Island. Increasing growth of industrial activities and human population has a direct impact on increasing water demand and water pollution, especially on surface water resource degradation. However control on this type of problem has not been done properly due to lack of awareness and environmental knowledge. To protect and conserve water resources from pollution and degradation, some activities have to be done in the future to protect water quality and quantity. Aquatic plants have ability to improve water quality to assimilate and transform pollutants into plant tissue and sedimentation process. Based on flora and fauna biological survey, the recent study found that some aquatic plants were observed has a potential and ability to absorb and uptake nutrient and pollutants. Those important plants are Rynchospora sp., Scleria sp., Cyperus sp., Hypolythrum sp., and Fimbristylis sp.Sabaruddin W. Tjokrokusumo
Firman L. SahwanSabaruddin W. Tjokrokusumo
Firman L. Sahwan
334Pentingnya Penerapan Eco Industrial Park (EIP) di IndonesiaIndustrial manufacture is one of economical pillar that continuously develop the nationality economic development which is spread out in Indonesian region in industrial estate or in industrial zone. Industrial estate as a place of industrial estate is managed by industrial estate and also completely by infrastructure and supporting structure. By the developing of global trading issue and environmental requirement, climate change and emission reduction, also the role of national industry become more important, then through Eco Industrial Park, it is integrated between social economic and environment in consistently therefore it is able to make an sustainability industrial estate and it will give important meaning to implement Eco Industrial Park.Lestario Widodo
335Pengaruh Konsentrasi Media Soybean Dan 20 Jenis L- Asam Amino Pada Produksi Anti Jamur, Iturin AInfl uence of soybean meal concentration and 20 kinds of L-amino acids in iturin A production. The use of chemical pesticides has caused serious environmental problems and thus the demand for safer pesticides is increasing. One alternative is microbial pesticides that suppress fungal and bacterial of plant pathogens. Bacillus subtilis has been known as producer of lipopeptide antibiotics, like iturin A, plipastatin and surfactin. In this study, iturin A as an antifungal of plan pathogens was produced on varieties of soybean meal concentration; i.e. 8%, 10%, 12%, and 15% using B.subtilis RB14-CS. The result indicates that 8% soybean meal concentration produced the highest of iturin A production ( 2469 mg L-1) compared to the others. Beside the effect of nitrogen source ( soybean), the infl uence of 20 kinds of L-amino acids on an enhancement of iturin A productivity were observed. The examined L-amino acids were L-ala, L-arg, L-asn, L-asp, L-cys, L-glu, L-gln, L-gly, L-his, L-ile, L-leu, L-lys, L-met, L-pro, L-phe, L-ser, L-thr, L tyr, L-trp and L-val. The results show that no one of them could improve the iturin A productivity on soybean meal medium.B.subtilis RB14-CS, 20 kinds of L-amino acids, soybean mealYuliar
336Peran Injeksi Air Secara Artifisial Dalam Upaya Pemulihan Air Tanah Di Kabupaten PandeglangInjeksi Air, Air TanahTeknologi Pengolahan Air
337Tata Cara Pemilihan Lokasi Iplt Dan Ipal Dengan Menggunakan Sistem SkorInstalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL), Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur Tinja (IPLT), sistem skorTeknologi
338Pergeseran Kebijakan Dan Paradigma Baru Dalam Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai Di IndonesiaIntegrated watershed management, which aims at restoration of a sound hydrologic regime in the watershed considering water resources utilization, appropriate landuse, water quality control and environmental conservation, is becoming crucially important in Indonesia. Because, the land degradation of watershed in Indonesia more increases every time. There is a growing concern that many parts of the Indonesia watershed will continue to face problems of watershed degradation. The basic problem in most watershed area, especially in Java, is too many people being concentrated on too small land base. Besides that, the causes of watershed degradation are complex and interrelated, such as too much emphasis being placed on economic growth in the management of natural resources, and the continuing presence of poverty, population growth, infrastructural and industrial development. Thus, the exisiting environmental problems and their overall impacts are not only biophysical in nature, but also social. The integrated watershed approach stresses the interaction of all activities that take place throughout the watershed. The strategy of watershed management approach uses new paradigm with people of participation and using community development in operational, practices and bottom up approach.pengelolaan DAS, kebijakan, partisipatifSutopo Purwo Nugroho
339Pengukuran Benda Yang Bergerak Pada Pengolahan CitraIntensitas warna yang dimiliki oleh sebuah benda yang bergerak dalam bidang datar dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengetahui kondisi pergerakan benda tersebut. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi pengelohan citra, warna yang dimiliki oleh benda tersebut dapat dipisahkan dari warna latar belakang di mana benda tersebut bergerak, sehingga arah gerak, kecepatan dan posisi kedudukan benda tersebut dapat dihitung dengan perhitungan matematik biasa. Teknologi pengolahan citra ini dapat diterapkan misalnya untuk menghitung kecepatan kendaraan yang melaju dijalan bebas hambatan, mengukur kecepatan benda yang bergerak di langit atau di atas sungai yang berkelok-kelok.Labeling, Color Extrating, Grayscale, Hystogram, Image ProcessingHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
340Studi Karakterisasi Migrasi Fosfat Lumpur Ipal Yogyakarta Dalam Tanah Menggunakan Perunut 32pIPAL Yogyakarta mud contains high concentration of phosphate that can polute groundwater. To study phosphate migration with matematical model needs the data of soil properties and phosphate migration characterization in that soil. The phosphate migration characterization is determine in laboratorium scale using soil colomn nethod. The soil that are used in this research are soil at IPAL location (IPAL soil) and soil at soil at Physics Engineering Department GMU (PE soil). The tracer that is used is 32P radioisotop dan the detector is Geiger Muller detector. For IPAL soil the soil mass is 20 g, soil length is 2,1 cm, water height is 20 cm, and the flow rate of water 0,0038 cm3/s. For PE soil the soil mass is 25 g, soil length is 2,2 cm, water height is 20 cm, and the flow rate of water are 0,0275 cm3/s and 0,0071 cm3/s. The result shows that IPAL soil is clay class soil and PE soil is sand class soil.. The IPAL soil porosity is 0,2997 and PE soil is 0,303. IPAL soil permeability is 5,6984x10-5 cm/s and the average velosity is 1,79x10-4 cm/s. On PE soil for the flow rate of 0,0275 cm3/s the soil permeability is 4,338x10-4 cm/s, average velocity is 1,2818x10-2 cm/s, distribution coefficien is 0,88 ml/g, dispertion coefficien is 8,0971x10-3 cm2/s, phosphate migration velocity is 3,6429x10-3 cm/s, and the retardation factor is 3,5186. For the flow rate of 0,0071 cm3/s the soil permeability is 1,110x10-4 cm/s, average velocity is 3,322x10-3 cm/s, distribution coefficien is 1,345 ml/g, dispertion coefficien is 2,5339x10-3 cm2/s, phosphate migration velocity is 9,8888x10-4 cm/s, and the retardation factor is 3,3594. For the higher of flow rate the migration is higher. IPAL soil has capability to hold polutans.Lumpur IPAL, Migrasi FosfatAnung Muharini, Ester Wijayanti dan Donna Ardiani