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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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21Status Kualitas Perairan Waduk JuandaIn attempt to know the trophic status and phytoplankton community in Juanda reservoir this research was conducted. This research revealed that based on secchi disk and concentration of Chlorophyll-a the Juanda reservoir have become eutrophic, with phytoplankton density was about 27,779-43,439 x 10-3 cell/l. The phytoplankton community was dominated by Synedra sp. (22.4-33.8%) and Microcystis sp. (10.2 ?31.4 %;). However this result was about 1000 x bigger than previous publication which reported the phytoplankton density in Juanda reservoir was only about 621- 35,514 cell/l, and the phytoplankton community was dominated by Microcystis sp. which always > 85%. These differences were suggested due to using net-plankton in the sampling of phytoplankton.Secchi disk, Chlorophyll-a, Waduk Juanda, eutrophic.Yudhi Soetrisno Garno
22Pengembangan Budidaya Udang Dan Potensi Pencemarannya Pada Perairan PesisirBecouse of the shrimp price in international market was high, Indonesia which have a big potential swamp for develop shrimp pond (tambak) plan to increase the shrimp production. Lately, intensive shrimp culture always failed due to decomposition of organic waste in the bottom created oxygen depletion and produced gases (NH3 and H2S) which dangerous to water organisms.To avoid the fenomema farmer threw out the organic waste to coastal water which can develop euthrofication, blooming and water quality degradation. This paper conclude that increasing of the shrimp production using intensive culture will create many problem, due to the existing technology was not completed by technology which can eliminate the organic waste in the pond. This paper suggest that before the intensive technology was completed with ?waste water treatment? or ?biomanipulation technology? which can eliminate the organic waste in the pond, the increasing of shrimp production will better using extensive program with conventional or semiintensive technology. Without all it the negative impact of organic waste in coastal waters will bigger than positive impact of increasing the shrimp production.shrimp production, organic waste, coastal waters, euthroficationYudhi Soetrisno Garno
23Seleksi Jamur Tanah Pendegradasi Selulosa Dan Pestisida Deltamethrin Dari Beberapa?polifenol-glukosida, CGT-ase, Nocardia sp., Bacillus subtilis dan Escherichia coliTeknologi
24Efektivitas Jumlah Rumpun Tanaman Eceng Gondok (Eichhornia Crassipes (Mart)Solm)?air limbah domestik, eceng gondok (E. crassipes), efektivitas, jumlah rumpun tanaman.Teknologi
25Penurunan Kadar Krom (Cr) Dengan Menggunakan Biomasa Ampas Tebu Secara Bio-AdsorbsiChrome is a substance belong to high toxicity heavy metal group which can cause both acute and chronic poisoning. One of the methods that can be used to reduce its concentration is biosorbtion with bagasse biomass. The objectives of the study were to understand the chrome concentration before and after absorbed, as well as to understand the amount of the most effective biomass. The study was an experimental with three treatments of which consisted of eight repetitions. The sample was synthetic liquid waste and the treatment absorbent was bagasse biomass which was processed as activated carbon of 10, 15, and 20 grams weight. The chrome concentration were measured by using AAS method. The results showed that the chrome concentration before treated was 10,196 mg/l, and the average of the reduction from the three absorbents weight were: 0.174 mg/l, 0,099 mg/l, and 0,011 mg/l respectively. It can be concluded that there were reduction differences amongst the three treatments, and 20 gr absorbent was the most effective one (99.88 % reduction). It is advised for further study to apply the bagasse for processing liquid waste from industrial activities.Bagasse biomass, ChromeYasril, Heru Subaris Kasjono, dan Sri Puji Ganefati
26Kajian Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat Industri Pengolahan Rumput Laut Sebagai Media?mikroalga, nutrient, media tumbuh, limbah organik, rumput lautTeknologi
27Dampak Budidaya Pertanian Intensif Terhadap Kualitas Air Permukaan Desa Kanigoro?water quality, heavy metals, pesticides, microbes.Teknologi Pengolahan Air
28Analisis Indeks Kualitas Air Lingkungan Pertambangan Batubara Pt Kpc Subdas Sangatta?Environmental quality index,Water quality index, ecosystem, key parametersTeknologi Pengolahan Air
29Peran Injeksi Air Secara Artifisial Dalam Upaya Pemulihan Air Tanah Di Kabupaten PandeglangInjeksi Air, Air TanahTeknologi Pengolahan Air
30Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi 4 Varian Ganyong (Canna Edulis) Terhadap Intensitas Naungan?ganyong, naungan, kultivar, waktu panen, proksimat, pertumbuhan dan produksiTeknologi
31Peningkatan Efisiensi Pembakaran pada Boiler Melalui Penerapan Produksi Bersih KasusWiharja dan Joko Priyatno Susanto
32Pengaruh Kebocoran Vakum Terhadap Efesiensi Energi di PabrikEquipments for cement production such as kiln, pre-heater and raw mill was operated in vacuum pressure with the range of -2 until -1000 mm WG. It is quite often that inside of those equipments has been cracked and worn out. This situation will allow air ingression to the system which is called false air. False air is also known as vacuum leak. False air in cement kiln can contribute to higher consumption of fuel, as for increasing air infiltration temperature from ambient to the system will need more fuel.Vacuum leak, false air, cement, fuel savingWiharja dan Widiatmini Sih Winanti
33Perubahan Tipe Batu Tahan Api Pada Klin Semen untuk Menambah Efesiensi ProduksiCement is produced in kiln reactor which has been installed with refractory, in order to protect the kiln shell of high temperature during the process, of chemicals and mechanical abrasion. Fire bricks are the most material for refractory, hence it is necessary to carefully select and properly installed. In this way it will contribute to save heat. Various types of fire bricks will have its characteristic to deal with. Appropriate placement of fire brick is aimed at avoiding unfastened and increasing its life time. Referring to the observations in one of cement factory, it showed us that kiln shut down occurred for 3-4 times in a year due to refractory problem. This shut down will reduce energy efficiency, rising operational cost as of starting up kiln using IDO, loosing production time including additional hours for maintenance staff to fix it.Kiln, refractory, fire brick, cleaner production, cementWiharja
34Identifikasi Kualitas Gas SO2 Di Daerah Industri Pengecoran Logam Ceper.Di Kecamatan Ceper, Kabupaten Klaten telah lama berkembang industri pengecoran logam. Untuk mengantisipasi pengeruh aktifitas industri tersebut terhadap kualitas udara disekitarnya, khususnya konsentrasi SO2 maka penelitian ini dilakukan. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa konsentrasi gas SO2 udara ambient di wilayah pengecoran logam masih jauh dibawah nilai ambang batas yang diperlukan, sehingga keberadaannya tidak menimbulkan pengaruh negatif terhadap lingkungan dan kesehatan masyarakat disekitarnya.Kualitas SO2, Udara Ambien, Pengecoran LogamWiharja
35Kajian Teknologi Daur Ulang Timah Dari Aki Bekas Yang Ramah LingkunganRecycling used battery to collect lead (Plumbum) have been executed by communities. This practice has been accepted for generations, and they have not accomplished scientific assessments yet, particularly in term of environmental aspect. In order to create synergy between potential economic and prevent environmental impact of this performance, therefore it is absolutely necessary to manage lead recycling from battery activities. Using appropriate technology could also reduce air pollution of lead dust (Pb particulate) and excess air.Used battery, cuppola, recyclingWiharja
36Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Pada Industri Semen, Baja, Pulp, Kertas Dan Tekstil Di IndonesiaGreenhouse Gas (GHG) emission is contributing to global warming. One of the significant greenhouse gas emissions is industry sector, especially from energy intensive industries. This sector produce greenhouse gas emission from fuel consumption, electricity consumption, energy consumption as raw material and emission come from the production processes. This study has the objective to calculate the CO2 emission balance in industry sector and the potency to reduce emission.CO2 emission, Pulp and paper, cement, Iron and steel, TextileWidiatmini Sih Winanti, Prasetiyadi, Wiharja, Teguh Prayudi, Indriyati, dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
37Perhitungan Efesiensi Boiler Pada Industri Tepung TeriguBoiler is an enclosed vessel that consume significant amount of fuel for heating water to become heated water or steam. The hot water or steam under pressure is then usable for transferring the heat to a process. Water is a useful and inexpensive medium for transferring heat to process. One of the methods for fuel consumption efficiency in boiler operation is maintain the steam production efficiency always in high performance, therefore can utilize the energy input as much as possible to produce steam. Boiler efficiency calculation can be calculated using direct method and indirect method. Each method has its advantage and disadvantage. The results of calculation can be used as guidance for industry to improve the boiler performance to become more efficient, that can reduce fuel consumption and production cost. The result of boiler efficiency calculation in flour industry is 69.6%. This result show that the boiler performance is under good efficiency standard for boiler 85%.Boiler, efficiency, direct methods, indirect methods.Widiatmini Sih Winanti dan Teguh Prayudi
38Perbaikan Jalur distribusi Stem Untuk Penghematan Steam Pada Industri KertasSteam is water in vapor condition with certain temperature and pressure that produced in boiler. Steam is widely used as an energy transfer media in many industries because steam has several advantage such as flexible and easy to control and can be produced efficiently and economically. Another advantage of using steam as energy sources is cheap and easy to distribute to user point and the energy is easy to be transfer to the industrial process. To reach the user points, steam need to distribute through distribution lines that consist of pipeline, flanges, steam traps, valves, joins, etc., including insulation system. Poor maintenance in steam distribution is one of the source of significant energy loses. Repairing of steam distribution system in a paper industry with replacing/ repairing more than 160 steam traps, pipelines, condensate leaking and pipelines insulation can reduce the consumption of steam about 5% of total steam consumption or about 30,517 tons per year and can give financial saving about Rp. 3,295,280,000,-. The natural gas consumption reduces about 45,887.64 tons per year and reducing greenhouse gas emission about 311,163 tons CO2. This activity need an initial investment about Rp. 1,800,000,000 and the payback period is 0.55 year.steam, distribution system, steam traps, energy savingWidiatmini Sih Winanti
39Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Di Kawasan Hutan Krui, Taman Nasional Bukit BarisanScholaris, ficus deltoidea, and Plants diversity of Krui Dipterocarp forest area and National Park Bukit Barisan Selatan West Lampung have been conducted. Explorative survey methods which including interview and direct field observation was applied in order to collect data of plant usage. A-mong 145 plant species recorded belong to 54 families have been use to in many ways e.q. 63 species for medicinal plants, 32 species for food, 32 species building materials, 3 species for handycraf, and 15 species for others. Four species out of considered endangered species namely Eurycoma longifolia, Alstonia Shorea javanicaPlant diversty, Pesisir Tengah Krui, West LampungWardah
40Inventarisasi Jenis-Jenis Tumbuhan Dan Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Konservasi Daerah Tangkapan?native species, crops, watershed, conservation, Belu, East Nusa Tenggara ProvinceTeknologi