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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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21Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri MinumanThe organic concentration of soft drink factory waste water has not high organic concentration, therefore one of the alternatives of the treatment technology is using aerobic system : activated sludge. On this observation can be seen that the system can be used as waste water treatment for soft drink that is not so high in COD contain and the criteria parameters design can be fulfilled by process parameters during operation the system. The parameters that are not fulfill the design parameters is caused by the shock loading of toxic material or by the high loading rate of substrate of waste water. Based on parameter criteria as mention above, the efficiency that can be reached of this process is about 61,22%Activated sludge, softdrinkIndriyanti
22Study on Adsorption of Anionic Detergent by Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) and By Biological SludgeSince recently, detergents are not anymore causing so big problems in developed countries but they still do so in many developing countries including in Indonesia. Synthetic detergents , mostly anionic detergents, have been widely used in Indonesia over the past two decades, similar to their use in other developing countries , and residuals from such use have entered the country?s riverine and estuarine systems. Detergent problems have become more serious especially in urban areas where the spread of sewarage systems are still low. It is therefore important to develop appropriate technology to solve this problems such as developing treatment using powdered activated carbon (PAC) or biological treatment for removing detergents. The present study describes the the result of adsorption experiments of biological sludge, in relation with variables pertinent to the adsorption process such as the intial pH of the solution etc.Adsorption, Anionic Detergent, Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC), Biological SludgeIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
23Pengolahan Air Limbah Berwarna Industri Tekstil Dengan Proses AopsAn experiment of advanced oxydation processes (AOPs) was applicated in textile wastewater treatment for color removal. The experiment was conducted in laboratory scale using ozon and hydrogen peroxide as oxidizing agents. The textile wastewater contains any organic and inorganic dyes that could not be effective treated by coagullation and and sedimentation as well as by conventional aerobic treatments. Result of the experiments concluded that the AOPs technologies could be applied effectively for removal of color. Addition of hydrogen peroxide with volume of 0.25 ml for 1 liter of wastewater exhibits the reaction. The reaction of AOPs for color removal was optimum at temperatur of 70oC. As higher as pH, the reaction become faster and the efficiency of color removal become higheradvanced oxidation processes, color removal, hydrogen peroxide, ozonRudi Nugroho dan Ikbal
24Effect Of Aeration On Biodegradation Of Anionic Detergent Or Surfactant.Pengkajian tentang pengaruh proses aerasi terhadap penguraian deterjen ion negatif (anionic detergent) secara biologis telah dilakukan. Hasil pengkajian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa proses aerasi dapat memperbesar efisiensi penghilangan deterjen di dalam reaktor biologi. Bedasarkan pengkajian tersebut, diduga bahwa dengan adanya proses aerasi, penguraian deterjen ion negatif menghasilkan hasil antara atau hasil samping (metabolite) yang bersifat alkali. Sedangkan tanpa proses aerasi menghasilkan hasil antara atau hasil samping senyawa yang bersifat asam. Effect of aeration process on biodegradation of typical anionic detergent using biological sludge in batch reactor were assessed. Result of these experiments show that aeration process can ameliorate the removal efficiency of anionic surfactant in biological reactor. It is supposed that the biodegradation of anionic detergent have tended to bring about the alkaline metabolites or intermediates at aerated condition, and tended to form acidic metabolites at the condition without aeration.Aeration, Biodegradation, Detergent, Reaktor Bioilogis, MetaboliteIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
25Pengolahan Air Minum Sumur Gali Untuk Rumah Tangga Secara Aerasi, Filtrasi Dan DesinfeksiWater is the main needed for human being. The increasing effort of general health and healthy life-environment is influenced by quality and quantity of water. Therefore, we need to process water with some methods. In fact, the ADKL (Analisis dampak kesehatan lingkungan / environmental health impact analysis) study held in 2001, indicate that water quality from dig-well in Moyudan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, was below the standard of pure-water quality. It is important to complete the pure-water needed from dig-well with simple model processing from local resources by apropriate technologies in order to increase the water quality in household. Structure of the process, consist of : aeration that principally give chemical oxidation, filtration for filtering dirty material and disinfection for killing the microbes.The aim for this research was to understand the increasing of water quality from dig-well in Sumbersari, moyudan, sleman, yogyakarta on parameter of E. coli, nitrite, nitrate and sulphate, after processed by aeration, filteration and disinfection model with variation of debit : 1, 2 and 3 liter/minute.The research was experimental type with pre-test and post-test group design. Location of the research was in Sumbersari village, moyudan, sleman, yogyakarta. The independent variable was dig-well processing using aeration, filtration and disinfection model with variation of debit, while, the dependent variable were the decreasing/increasing of E coli, Nitrite, nitrate and sulphate.The result showed that after processed, E coli and nitrite was decreased, while Nitrate and sulphate was increased. Value of the parameter was below the standard. We suggest that, people of sumbersari vilage, Moyudan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, use the simple dig-well processing to improve the water quality of their dig-wellAeration, Filtration, desinfection, model water treatementSri Puji Ganefati, Siti Hani Istiqomah dan Purwanto
26Agenda 21, GEF dan Alih Teknologi.Agenda 21 adalah program aksi dunia untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan yang disepakati oleh 178 Negara, termasuk Indonesia. Agenda 21 ini terdiri dari empat bagian, bagian pertama tentang program yang berkaitan dengan dimensi sosial ekonomi, bagian kedua tentang pengelolaan sumberdaya dan pencemaran, bagian ketiga tentang program untuk penguatan kelompok utama dan keempat program pengembangan sarana implementasi. Pada bagian keempat ini antara lain dicantumkan komitmen negara maju untuk memberikan 0,7% GNP nya bagi negara berkembang untuk pengelolaan lingkungan. Untuk mengimplementasikan komitmen negara maju itu antara lain dibangun organisasi Global Environmental Facilities (GEF), untuk melaksanakan pemikiran yang dikenal dengan semboyan berfikir global dan bertindak lokal ( think globally act locally). Ada tiga badan dunia yang melaksanakan GEF ini yaitu UNDP, UNEP dan Bank Dunia. UNDP menyelanggarakan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan manusia dan kelembagaan agar pemerintah dan non pemerintah mampu melindungi lingkungan global. UNEP menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan bantuan serta prakarsa global dan pada Science and Technology Advisory Panel (STAP) yaitu kelompok yang memberikan masukan bagi kebijakan GEF dan membahas berbagai proyek yang didanai melalui GEF. Sedangkan Bank Dunia meneyelenggarakan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan investasi. Dalam kaitannya dengan alih teknologi, Agenda 21 lebih menekankan pada pengembangan sarana untuk terjadinya alih teknologi, tetapi tidak secara eksplisit memprogramkan alih teknologi itu sendiri. Untuk itu negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia harus menyusun siasatnya sendiri yaitu dengan merubah faktor-faktor kontekstual yang dapat diubah, seperti misalnya kepranataannya, mempengaruhi pihak pasokan atau mempengaruhi pihak permintaan. Jelas bahwa alih teknologi tidak akan dengan sendirinya terjadi, juga tidak dapat dilakukan hanya dengan mendatangkan artifak saja.Agenda 21, Global Environmental Facilities, Alih TeknologiTjuk Kuswartojo
27Studi Pewilayahan Komoditas dan Perencanaan Pengembangan Agribisnis di Kupang, NTT Tahun 1996/1997Sehubungan dengan rencana pengembangan Kecamatan Sulamu sebagai Ibukota Kabupaten Dati II Kupang maka diperlukan suatu skenario mengenai lalu lintas pewilayahan komoditas dan agribisnis yang dapat menunjang fungsi Kota Sulamu sebagai pusat kegiatan. Lalu lintas pewilayahan komoditas dan agribisnis baik yang akan masuk maupun keluar dari Sulamu harus dapat menunjang kegiatan perekonomian khususnya arus komoditas barang dan jasa, sehingga dapat meningkatkan perekonomian wilayah.Prasarana fisik yang perlu dipersiapkan meliputi sarana perhubungan baik yang berupa jalan, pelabuhan dan komunikasi, listrik, dan prasarana yang menunjang bidang pertanian, peternakan dan perikanan. Kesiapan penyediaan prasarana fisik akan dapat memperlancar arus lalu lintas barang dan jasa.Dalam strategi pengembangan Kota Sulamu secara Nasional diarahkan pada usaha pengembangan yang dapat mendorong terciptanya struktur dan kerangka landasan untuk mencapai tahap tinggal landas. Usaha-usaha untuk mencapai tahap tersebut dijabarkan sebagai berikut: 1. Upaya meningkatkan kegiatan perekonomian masyarakat dengan kegiatan yang sifatnya lebih produktif untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat dan nilai tambah. 2. Upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan masyarakat melalui penyediaan prasarana fisik seperti jaringan transportasi darat, air bersih serta drainase dan perumahan yang layak huni. 3. Kualitas kehidupan masyarakat bukan hanya dipenuhi melalui penyediaan prasarana fisik saja akan tetapi juga diupayakan melalui pendidikan agama, kebudayaan dan organisasi sosial kemasyarakatan.Agribisnis, GeolistrikDrs. Robertus Haryoto Indriatmoko
28Ecological And Ekonomic Aspect Of Complex Agroforest Systems in IndonesiaEcologically the agroforest systems could be comparable to mature secondary forests. The multispecies and multilayer structure of the vegetation create condition, in which flow of nutrient between different plant species is favoured and nutrient loss is kept at minimum level. Agroforest systems are managed sustainably by the farmers. Agroforest systems play important role in agricultural economy in Indonesia and are important sources of income for millions of smallholder farmers. From viewpoint of socio-economic aspects, agroforest systems can be considered as social forestry. So they could be complemented with overall forest policy and development. Development of agroforest systems as sustainable farming methods in Indonesia needs better knowledge on the interaction between trees and other vegetation components; biology of wild fruit and timber producing trees, end products processing and marketing.agroforest, biodiversity, nutrient cycle, economyTitiresmi dan Yudhi Soetrisno Garno
29Agroforestry as A From Of Land Use With Emphasis to Complex Agroforest in IndonesiaAgroforestry as land use management systems have been practised by local communities in Indonesia for centuries. Agroforestry systems in Indonesia can be found as densely vegetated pieces of land. This multispecies and multilayer vegetation structures is an ingenious answer of local communities combining management of small pieces of land for multiple products in an efficient manner. Agroforestry systems harbour a rich collection of plant and animals, despite the commercial orientation of the management.agroforest, damar, homegardenTitiresmi
30Pemanfaatan Lahan tidur di Bawah Tegakkan Hutan Rakyat dengan Tanaman NilamThe agroforest region is bestowed with diverse agro-climatic zones, which makes itself a rich storehouse of different types of flora and fauna. Besides, this conditions help in introduction, acclimatization, and cultivation of a number of aromatic plants with minimum efforts. There are a few commercial crops, which can be cultivated without disturbing the existing flora and have the potential to establish as cash crops in this region. Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth) has been identified as one such essential oil bearing aromatic plant with immense export potential. Patchouli oil production could be a rural based, labour intensive, low cost agro-base cottage industry, which will give large-scale employment in rural and hilly areas. Patchouli, being a shade loving plant can easily be grown as an intercrop amidst fruit trees, arecanut, and coconut plantation etc. It can also be easily cultivated in flood free fallow or wastelands. This will provide some extra income for the farmers. Following report of experiment in Cibojong-Padarincang-Serang clearly indicates that Patchouli cultivation can be a good option besides the traditional crops.Agroforest, intercrop, shading, nilam, Pogostemon cablinTitin Handayani dan Titi Resmi
31Pemantauan Kualitas Air Online Dan Realtime Di Intake Pdam Taman Kota Cengkareng Drain Dki JakartaThe need for clean water in big cities is very dependent on water supply by water companies (PDAM). The increasing demand for clean water in big cities is proportional to the increasing of number population and industry, but not comparable to the clean water supply and quality of raw water available. PDAM has made various efforts to improve the quality of clean water services to the community. One of the effort is to improve the performance of water treatment plant (WTP). To support the improvement of the performance of WTP, required water quality monitoring at the intake location in use. This paper discusses the online and realtime water quality monitoring at the water intake location using a multi-probe digital sensor and GSM technology. This observation data is used as a comparative data analysis of laboratory data on raw water source PDAM Taman Kota (Cengkareng Drain).air baku air minum, intake PDAM Taman Kota Cengkareng Drain, pemantuan kualitas air ?Heru Dwi Wahjono
32Rancangbangun Pompa Hidram Untuk Masyarakat PedesaanEnvironmental contamination and global climate change cause degradation of fresh water in the whole world. Increasing of oil price also insist the water treatment operational cost rise, especially for pumping and water lifting from the low land areas to up land. One of alternatif solution to reduce operational cost is using Hydraulic ram pumps (hydram pump). Hydram pump are water-lifting devices that are powered by filling water. Such pumps work by using the energy of water falling a small height to lift a small part of that amount of water to a much greater height. In this way, water from a spring or stream in a valley can be pumped to a village or irrigation scheme on the hillside. The main and unique advantage of hydram pumps is that with a continuous flow of water, a hydram pump operates automatically and continuously with no other external energy source - be it electricity or hydrocarbon fuel. It uses a renewable energy source (stream of water) mid hence ensures low running cost. Minimum up lifting vertical power of pump is twice than vertical distance of water down and maximum up lifting vertical power is twenty times than vertical distance of water down. If there are air captured in distribution pipe, it will need release valve. In this paper, different aspect of designing a hydraulic-rain pump system is discussed. Application and limitation of hydram pump is presented. It imparts absolutely no harm to the environment Hydraulic ram pumps are simple, reliable and require minimal maintenance. All these advantages make hydram pumps suitable to rural community water supply and mud backyard irrigation in developing countries.Air bersih pedesaan, pompa hidram, pengelolaan air bersihArie Herlambang dan Heru Dwi Wahjono
33Peningkatan Sistem Teknologi pengolahan Air Melalui Pengembangan Sistem Informasi.Clean water needs waste water treament will be a serius problem for indrustry especially for food indrustries. The packet information of applicable technology for water treatment aand indrustrial waste handling that san support any development sector nowdays is needed by any kind of society especially for small and medium enterprise players. To face on globlisation, the computer and information technology will be used as an important tools for distributing thr packet of technology from R&D community to any kind of society through global network. By using the exisitng network infrastrycture in the country, the packet information of technology will be distributed electrically specially to help group oif small and medium industry. As pilot project, this activity chooses the tahu/tempe industry located in technology, we try to help craftsman to resolve their problem on clean water supply and waste, so they can increase their product quality.air bersih, air limbah cair,sistem informasi, internet, hypertext, multimediaHeru Dwi Wahjono
34Penyediaan Air Bersih Berbasis Kelembagaan Dan MasyarakatPangkep Island consist of 117 Island, situated in Southwest Makasar City, South Sulawesi. These islands supply fish and other marine commodity to the people who lives in nearby town. Unfortunately, they always lack of water, especially at the long dry season. Usually at rainy season, they collect water from the roof tile to storage tank. But at the long dry season the reserve water in not enough to fulfill daily needs. So it is necessary to applied some technology to create fresh water in some island. One of Island that has chosen as a pilot project is Pandangan Island. Pandangan Island can be achieved from Pangkep City only five hours using tradisional ship. The population around 1200 people and most of them are fisherman. At the long dry season they always lack of fresh water. The reverse osmosis system, capacity 10 m3/day, has been chosen as technology to overcome water problem in Pandangan Island. For remote area, it is assume only 5 liter/day/capita is enough, so the system could fulfill up to 2000 people. The equipment installed in the central Island, using shallow well as a intake water. The efficiency salt reduction is 95 ? 98% and recovery ratio 15 ? 35%. The establishment of committee is important to manage operasional of reverse osmosis system. Committee usually consist of 2 technical person and 1 management person, and they come from local people and well train, beside they also should have ability to sell the product water to surrounding island with competitive price. It?s need big effort to build sea water treatment in each island, so the priority should be determined, especially for crowded, populated and remote island such as Pandangan.Air bersih, kelembagaan, pengolahan air lautArie Herlambang
35Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Teknologi Pengolahan Air (SITPA)Clean water needs and wastewater treatment will be a serious problem for industry especially for food industries. The packet information of applicable technology for water treatment and industrial waste handling that can support any development sector nowadays is needed by any kind of society especially for small and medium enterprise players. To face on globalisation, the computer and information technology will be used as an important tools for distributing the packet of technology from R&D community to any kind of society through global network. By using the existing network infrastructure in the country, the packet information of technology will be distributed electronically specially to help group of small and medium industry. As pilot project, this activity chooses the tahu/tempe industry located in Semanan, Jakarta Barat for the industrial centre. By surveying the need of technology, we try to help craftsman to resolve their problem on clean water supply and industrial waste, so they can increase their product quality.air bersih, limbah cair, sistem informasi, internet, hypertext, multimediaHeru Dwi Wahjono
36Aplikasi Teknologi Pengolahan Air Sederhana Untuk Masyarakat PedesaanThe level of water services by PDAM (Local Water Service Company) is still 19,4% of Indonesian population. Most of them still rely on groundwater, spring, river and rain. In the big and medium cities the level of water services higher between 40 ? 50 and 20 - 30% respectively, but in rural still very low. Recently many source of water is contaminated by domestic, industry, and agricultur waste due to lack of attention of water users to environment. Beside, some dense populated areas with low sanitation fasility make many shalow well contaminated by E.coli. For improving rural water services, It needs government policy that encourage bigger role of rural comunity to develop their ability and organization that maintain and protect source, process, production and distribution of water. Information of Simple Water Treatment Technology is an important that must be distributed to people who live in village or remote areas, in order to improve their knowledge. BPPT has been along time to develop many kind of water treatment technologies for treating river water, groundwater, peatwater, calcareous water,poluted water, brachist water or even sea water to make clean water or potable water. Many of those technologies have already applied in many areas in Indonesia, and up to now BPPT still develop many kind of water treatment technologies for the futureair bersih, pengolahan air, masyarakat pedesaanArie Herlambang dan Nusa Idaman Said
37Cara Murah Penyediaan Air Minum PedesaanDalam rangka penyediaan air bersih pedesaan, sering terdapat kendala misalnya, lokasi pemukiman yang berjauhan, sehingga jika dibangun sistem pengolahan yang terpadu dengan sistem perpipaan membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar. Untuk mengatasai hal tersebut, dapat dilakukan dengan cara pengolahan sederhana untuk skala rumah tangga. Tulisan ini membahas tentang cara pengolahan air sederhana, khususnya untuk mengolah air gambut. Cara ini merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih di pedesaan dengan cara yang murah dan sederhana.Air Gambut, Filter, Karbon AktifIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
38Sistem Pemanfaatan Air Hujan (SPAH) dan Pengolahan Air Siap Minum (ARSINUM)Curah hujan yang tinggi di beberapa daerah di pedesaan kebanyakan terbuang mengalir begitu saja ke sungai. Bahkan tidak sedikit daerah yang mengalami banjir akibat hujan ini. Dalam rangka penyediaan air bersih di pedesaan yang memiliki curah hujan yang tinggi, dapat dikembangkan Sistem Pemanfaatan Air Hujan (SPAH) yang layak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat desa. Sistem ini dapat dikembangkan secara bergotong royong dan dikelola bersama-sama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih sehari-hari atau bahkan untuk dikomersialisasikan. Air Hujan, SPAH, Air Siap Minum, Bak Penampung, Filter, Multi Media Filter, ArsinumKel. Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih dan Limbah Cair
39Pengelolaan Air Limbah Domestik Di Dki JakartaWater pollution problem caused by household waste water in the region of DKI Jakarta, and more made worse by affecting of expanding settlement area in buffer zone around Jakarta which without provided with waste water facilities, so that all waste water thrown to public channel and finally flowing into river bodies in region of DKI Jakarta. To overcome the mentioned above Government of Province DKI Jakarta have released Regulation of Governor Province Special District Capital of Jakarta Number 122 Year 2005 About Management Of Domestic Water Waste In Province Special District Capital Of Jakarta. According To Regulation Of Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 122 Year 2005 Section 7 express that house building and non house building is obliged to manage domestic waste water before discharge to public channel or drainage. Planning of domestic waste water treatment installation which represent environmental utilities or building represent conditions in course of publication of Permit Directing Of Usage Of Land;Ground (SIPPT), Plan Arrange Situation Building ( RTLB), Permission Found Building (IMB), and awaking up of domestic waste water treatment installation represent conditions in course of publication of Permit of Building Usage (IPB) and Elegibility Use Building (KMB), and also licensing of operational of institution in charge related to such operational.Air limbah domestik, air limbah rumah tangga, pengelolaanNusa Idaman Said
40Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik Dengan Proses Lumpur Aktif Yang Diisi Dengan Media BioballRecently, the treatment process of waste water contains organic pollutant which used in Indonesia especially in Jakarta is activated sludge process. The problem is its treated water quality which frequently does not yet fulfilled to effluent standard of wastewater. Some affecting factors are hydraulic retention time (HRT) too short, the fluctuation of wastewater flow rate, unfavorable function of aeration process and also which do not less important is operational mistake caused by insufficient knowledge of operator. To overcome the mentioned problems it is needed technological innovation to increase efficiency of wastewater treatment process especially activated sludge process.
This paper describes the study of domestic waste water treatment using activated sludge process which is filled with bioball plastic media for attaching microorganism to increase efficiency and keep stability of process. Result of the study shows that within 6 hours hydraulic retention time (HRT), the removal efficiency of COD, BOD, Ammonia and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) were 78.42%, 79.41%, 61.41%, and 82.06% respectively. The most effective of sludge circulation ratio is R=0,5Q. In sludge circulation ratio R= 0,5Q, the removal efficiency of COD, BOD, organic loading coming into bioreactor, the lower removal efficiency. In organic loading (BOD loading) 0.3 - 1.0 kgBOD/, the removal efficiency of BOD was 80 - 85 %.
Air limbah domestik, lumpur aktif, bioball, aerob.Nusa Idaman Said dan Kristianti Utomo