Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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81Studi Banding Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa SawitIn the last ten years Indonesia has already developed more than 15 Crude Palm Oil Factories (CPOF). Unfortunately the major of them do not have proper wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) yet. General speaking that in Indonesia the palm area has been increasing rapidly. Because of the very large palm area, almost all CPOF use a large area for the WWTP and the main processes of WWTP are anaerobic and aerobic system using large ponds as lagoons. The most environmental problems appear such as the bad quality of the effluent from WWTP and in maintaining units of the WWTP. The aim of this assessment is to compare the WWTP belong to 3 CPOF (PT. Kertajaya, PTP Nusantara IV Bah Jambi and PT. Smart Tbk) and RANUT as a research product from Palm Research Center located in Medan. Wastewater (produced by CPOF) used for Land application is also discussed and it is well known in using the wastewater to fertilize the palm plantation. A recommendation for the wastewater treatment system has been proposed. The system has eight processes including oil separation or first sedimentation, neutralization, equalization, anaerobic degradation, aerobic degradation, final sedimentation and sludge drying.comparison wastewater treatment plant, crude palm oil factoryPertus Nugro Rahardjo
82Struktur Komunitas Tumbuhan Bawah Di Kawasan Hutan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun?Jenis tumbuhan bawah, Alocasia esculenta, Begonia multangula, Psychotria viridifloraTeknologi
83Struktur Komunitas Makrozoobenthos Dan Kondisi Fisiko Kimiawi Sedimen Di Perairan Donan, CilacapStudi tentang struktur komunitas makrozoobenthos dan hubungannya dengan karakteristik fisik kimia sedimen sebagai dampak kegiatan industri dan domestik lainnya telah di lakukan di perairan Donan, Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Struktur komunitas makrozoobenthos di perairan Donan telah mengalami perubahan dengan ditunjukkan oleh keragaman dan kelimpahan spesies yang rendah. Sementara itu parameter lingkungan, seperti C-organik menunjukkan konsentrasi yang tinggi dan beberapa logam berat di sedimen juga terdeteksi. Konsentrasi logam berat bervariasi, yaitu Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr dan Ni dengan rata-rata konsentrasi berturut-turut sebagai berikut : 0,03 ppm; 7,4 ppm; 1,2 ppm; 14 ppm; 5,4 ppm; dan 3,2 ppm. Secara umum rendahnya kelimpahan makrozoobenthos ditemukan pada stasiun dengan kandungan logam berat yang tinggi, khususnya pada daerah sekitar kegiatan industri. Konsentrasi logam berat pada saat pengamatan terlihat lebih tinggi dari pengamatan sebelumnya. Hal ini menunjukkan telah terjadi pemasukan logam berat ke perairan Donan dimana aktivitas industri di sekitar perairan kemungkinan merupakan sumber utama pencemaran ini.Makrozoobenthos, Pencemaran, Logam Berat, Bahan Organik, Sedimen, Perairan Donan, CilacapAgus Sudaryanto
84Struktur Dan Komposisi Vegetasi Pohon Serta Estimasi Biomassa, Kandungan Karbon?Structure, Composition, Biomass, Photosynthesis, Transpiration, VegetationTeknologi
85Struktur Dan Komposisi Tumbuhan Pada Hutan Rasamala (Altingia Excelsa Noronha) Di Bodogol?Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango. Anak pohon, Hutan rasamala Strukture pohonTeknologi
86Strategi Teknologi Produksi Bersih Melalui Tata Kelola yang Apik (GHk)Salah satu strategi untuk mengefektifkan industri dengan cara meminimisasi limbah melalui strategi produksi bersih, Salah satu metodologi yang digunakan dalam penerapan Teknologi Produksi Bersih yaitu dengan cara : melakukan Tata kelola yang apik (Good House Keeping, GHK). Tata kelola yang apik atau GHK berkaitan dengan sejumlah langkah praktis yang dapat segera diambil oleh industri dan atas inisiatif industri sendiri untuk meningkatkan kinerja profesional dan menyempurnakan prosedur kerja dan keselamatan tempat kerja.Indriyati
87Strategi Pengembangan Energi Nasional Untuk Mendukung Pembangunan BerkelanjutanSocial awarrness, of the reduction and limitation of fossil fuel resource (oil) in one side, and of various other energy resources available to be utilized in other side, encourage us to shift the energy policy to use the renewable energy resources. In order to optimize usage of the renewable energy resources as a substitution to fulfil the energy supply, an appropriate strategy is required to manage the resources. In this paper, some strategies will be suggested as inputs to the govermentm in formulating energy policies.New Energy, Management Strategy of New Energy,Ikhwanuddin Mawardi
88Strategi Pengelolaan Sampah Di Kawasan Kepulauan SeribuThe district of Kepulauan Seribu consists of 110 islands which cover 6.997 km2 area in Teluk Jakarta. The local government relises that for supporting their sustainable development need a good environmental management such as solid waste management and treatment. The clean beach and settlement are very important for developing tourism and mariculture. Kepulauan Seribu has to set up the profesional integrated solid waste management that carried out by all the stakeholders. The clean island is investment for Kepulauan Seribu for attracting investor, economic actor and tourists.sampah, daur ulangFirman L. Sahwan
89Status Makro Invertebrata Pada Perairan Das Citarum Hulu Yang TercemarMacro invertebrate study in Upper Citarum Watershed conducted for a few target, such as understanding some organisms indices and the function in aquatic ecosystem.In this study, besides identified macro invertebrate type also measured some water quality parameter that influence to the exchange of its habitat quality. Water quality laboratory analysis indicates that pressure to macro invertebrate life happened due to the change in environmental quality Upper Citarum Watershed, either by physical impact (erosion) and also chemical impact (domestic, industries and agriculture). To overcome the problem mentioned, environmental monitoring enhancement to be needed, so that calamity of aquatic organism losses can be avoided.waters quality, aquatic organisms, macro invertebrateWage Komarawidjaja
90Status Kualitas Perairan Waduk Sei Baloi-Batam dan Kelayakannya untuk Bahan Baku Air MinumSei Baloi is a reservoir in the Batam Industrial Development Area (BIDA), which developed especially for source of drinking water. This research was conducted to know the water quality of Sei Baloi, and the suitability for the source of drinking water. This research revealed that the water of Sei Baloi can not directly used for drinking water due to concentrations of detergent, Cr, Cd and Pb were higher than the national standard for drinking water. Base on this result, it was suggested that the water of Sei Baloi need threatment for derease the above parametersBaloi, Batam, dringking waterYudhi Soetrisno Garno dan Ikhwanuddin Mawardi
91Status Kualitas Perairan Umum Dan Air Tanah Di Wilayah Jakarta
The environment and water quality status of the open waters of the rivers and lake including ground water surround DKI Jakarta was evaluated on the base of the data collected by local government of the environmental agency of DKI Jakarta (BPLHD) period of 2004. The result shows that water quality of those open waters has degraded due to the impact of the domestic and industrial waste that flowing through the rivers. The DO, total suspended solid (TSS), ammonia, organic matter, BOD and COD of the open waters in general have more than intemperate of the environmental standard of the water quality for drinking, fisheries, animal husbandry and industrial need. While the ground water has degraded due to the increasing of the Fe, Mn and detergent. To eliminate and minimize the degradation of the water quality of the open waters and ground water surround Jakarta, strict regulation should be established following the regular monitoring of the whole area of the open and ground waters.
Kualitas Perairan Umum, Sungai, Situ, Air Tanah, DKI JakartaSuhendar I. Sachoemar dan Heru Dwi Wahjono
92Status Kualitas Air Waduk Cirata Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan BudidayaWaduk Cirata is multipurpose cascade dam that lay in the middle of Citarum watershed. Based on some reports, the water quality of this dam significantly decreased to bad condition. This condition may be harmful to some equipments generating electricity power and also aquaculture product utilizing cages (KJA).The result of intensive observation during carps (Cyprinus carpio) culture period concluded that its aquaculture water changed into polluted called Eutrophic environment. There is correlation between eutrophication and lack growth of fishes in some cages. It is indicated by dominant increase of fish length than the increase of the weight of fish which is called as a negative allometric of fish growth.Water quality, eutrophication, aquaculture, growth rate, Cyprinus carpioWage Komarawidjaja, Sutrisno Sukimin dan Entang Arman
93Status Konsorsium Mikroba Lokal Pendegradasi MinyakLaboratory observation were conducted to study the effect of media containing oil spill on microbial ability in utilizing oil spill as carbon sources. Microbial consortia which was isolated from Cepu oil spill sample was inoculated on the Bushnell-Haas (BH) media containing 5% Cepu crude oil. The experiment proved that microbes could be able utilizing oil as carbon source for their cell multiplication, the more the turbidity concentration increase, the more the microbial population rise. Concentration of oil dissolved trend and availability that was measured show a microbial surfactant generation. Furthermore, microbial density that was measured along experiment period indicate an increase in density. The result indicate that remediation of oil spill study which is utilizing indigenous microbes as in situ bioremediation technologies can be implemented.Oil pollution, biodegradation, bioremediation, biosurfactantWage Komarawidjaja dan Esi Lysiastuti
94Status Dan Karakteristik Pencemaran Di Waduk Kaskade CitarumSungai Citarum yang memiliki 3 waduk dan berfungsi sangat multiguna; diindikasikan telah tercemar limbah organik dan logam berat. Mengingat pencemaran tersebut dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya fungsi air sungai/waduk sebagai bahan baku air bersih, wisata dan media budidaya ikan dengan KJA maka informasi mengenai status pencemaran yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan kebenarannya sangat diperlukan. Untuk memberikan informasi yang benar dan ilmiah tentang status dan karakteristik pencemaran di waduk kaskade Citarum itulah paper ini disusun. Hasil analisis terhadap data yang ada mengungkapkan bahwa Waduk Saguling tercemar berat oleh limbah anorganik dan organik yang berturut-turut berasal dari limbah industri dan, pemukiman. Waduk Cirata tercemar berat oleh limbah organik, yang utamanya dari limbah perikanan KJA yang beroperasi didalamnya. Waduk Juanda tercemar limbah organik dari KJA yang beroperasi Cirata dan Juanda. Kesimpulan mengenai tingkat dan sumber pencemaran yang berbeda di ketiga waduk ini, selain akan berguna dalam perencanaan pengelolaan waduk-waduk tersebut, juga sangat menarik karena selama ini penyebab pencemaran organik di waduk dan sungai hanya dialamatkan pada limbah pemukiman dan industri, sedangkan limbah KJA diabaikan.Citarum, waduk, pencemaran, industri, pemukimn. KJAYudhi Soetrisno Garno, PhD
95Status Kualitas Perairan Waduk JuandaIn attempt to know the trophic status and phytoplankton community in Juanda reservoir this research was conducted. This research revealed that based on secchi disk and concentration of Chlorophyll-a the Juanda reservoir have become eutrophic, with phytoplankton density was about 27,779-43,439 x 10-3 cell/l. The phytoplankton community was dominated by Synedra sp. (22.4-33.8%) and Microcystis sp. (10.2 ?31.4 %;). However this result was about 1000 x bigger than previous publication which reported the phytoplankton density in Juanda reservoir was only about 621- 35,514 cell/l, and the phytoplankton community was dominated by Microcystis sp. which always > 85%. These differences were suggested due to using net-plankton in the sampling of phytoplankton.Secchi disk, Chlorophyll-a, Waduk Juanda, eutrophic.Yudhi Soetrisno Garno
96Statistika Spasial Untuk Estimasi Stok Sagu Di Papua Barat, Indonesiastatistik spasial, area kerangka sampling, penginderaan jauh, sagu sawitTeknologi
97Species Diversity Of Euphorbiaceae In Karimunjawa Islands And New Record For JavaEuphorbiaceae, Kepulauan Karimunjawa, rekaman baru, keragaman jenisTeknologi
98Spasial Satistik untuk Estimasi dan Permalan Produksi Pertanian Studi KasusApplied Study on Agricultural Production estimate and Forecast by using Area Frame Sampling in Indramayu and Subang Districts is based on the successfulness of ?Area Frame Design? development for the whole Java Island. A brief explanation of design is presented to refresh its basic idea. The methodology of the study is discussed and the mathematical formulation to estimate rice refers to direct expansion approach is presented. The main aim of the study is to prove that area frame sampling is reliable to implement for rice production estimate and forecast. For that purpose, sample segments were extracted and inside the segment crop cutting was conducted. Three times ground survey were conducted to map rice growing stage and crop cutting. The analysis of ground data for both yield and harvest area was done then production estimate was derived. Furthermore, harvest area forcast for next three months after survey-1 was also conducted. Regarding to the man power capability and the results in both districts, it is considered that area frame sampling is feasible to implement in district level.Estimasi, Peramalan, Produksi Padi, Kerangka Sampel ArealMubekti
99Sistem Saringan Pasir Lambat.Sistem saringan pasir lambat memiliki karakteristik sederhana, efisien dan ekonomis. Saringan pasir lambat sangat cocok atau sesuai untuk penyediaan air bersih masyarakat pedesaan , juga sekelompok kecil masyarakat perkotaan karena teknologinya sangat sederhana dan tanpa pemakaian bahan kimia.Saringan Pasir Lambat, Slow Sand FilterIr. Ruliasih Marsidi dan Ir. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
100Sistem Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Tangga Skala Individual ?Tangki Septik Filter Up Flow?.Masalah pencemaran air di kota besar khususnya di DKI Jakarta telah menunjukkan gejala yang cukup serius. Salah satu sebab yang sangat potential adalah air limbah rumah tangga, yakni air yang berasal dari buangan dapur, kamar mandi, air bekas cucian ataupun kotoran manusia (tinja). Ditambah lagi dengan buruknya sistem sanitasi yang ada, maka proses pencemaran air khususnya air sungai dan air tanah dangkal menjadi lebih cepat. Tulisan ini membahas masalah cara pengolahan air limbah rumah tangga skala individual dengan Tangki Septik Filter Up Flow. Dengan cara pengolahan seperti ini efisiensi penghilangan BOD, COD, Suspended Solids (SS) dan deterjen yakni masing-masing sekitar 80 %, 77 %, 86 %, dan 54 %. Alat ini sangat cocok untuk daerah yang padat penduduk atau untuk daerah yang muka air tanahnya tinggi.Tangki Septik Filter Up Flow, Kotoran Manusia, Tinja, BOD, COD, SSIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.