Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 101-120 dari 814 item.
101Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Kota Di Kabupaten Bekasi ? Jawa BaratRecently, problems of municipal solid waste have appeared in the indonesian metropolitan city, such as Jakarta and Surabaya. The bad of solid waste management system in those city has affected the environmental quality especially in the final disposal site. The district of Bekasi, the one of big cities in Indonesia, has the same system of solid waste management with other cities in collecting, transporting and discarding of the wastes. To avoid arising the final disposal problems, Bekasi district government has improved the municipal solid waste management by upgrading of the open dumping system?s Burangkeng final disposal site into sanitary landfill system.Sampah, Pengelolaan, TPASetiyono dan Sri Wahyono
102Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah Plastik Di IndonesiaPlastic recycling activities has been done by nonformal institutions since along time ago especilaly in some big cities in Indonesia. The amount of plastic waste is about 10% to 15% of municipal soild waste. Plastic recycling activities has two advantages: (1) reducing the potential damage of environment caused by pollution, and (2) creating the job opportunity for people.sampah, plastik, pemulung, lapakFirman L Sahwan, Djoko Heru Martono, Sri Wahyono dan Lies A Wisoyodharmo
103Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah B3 di IndonesiaPengelolaan Limbah B3, Bahan Berbahaya BeracunTeknologi
104Sistem Pemantauan Online (Onlimo) Kualitas Air dengan Menggunakan Sistem Komunikasi GSMNowadays the water quality monitoring project that had been doing by government institution is increase due to decreasing of water quality. Many methods and techniques are developed for water quality monitoring. The communication technology development such as GSM/CDMA technology can be used as new network infrastructure for water quality monitoring. People over the world are now using this technology as new communication medium. With SMS as the one of services from GSM technology people can send or receive messages easily. By using the integration of digital sensor for water quality, digital data logger and GSM modem as communication unit, the water quality can be monitored as cheap as sending the SMS by phone cell. The critical value of water quality parameter also can be monitored and sent to the phone cell of decision makertime monitoring, Early Warning System (EWS)Heru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng, M.Kom
105Sistem Pemanfaatan Air Hujan (SPAH) dan Pengolahan Air Siap Minum (ARSINUM)Pengolahan Air, Air Hujan, Air Siap Minum, Arsinum, SPAHTeknologi Pengolahan Air
106Sistem Pemanfaatan Air Hujan (SPAH) dan Pengolahan Air Siap Minum (ARSINUM)Curah hujan yang tinggi di beberapa daerah di pedesaan kebanyakan terbuang mengalir begitu saja ke sungai. Bahkan tidak sedikit daerah yang mengalami banjir akibat hujan ini. Dalam rangka penyediaan air bersih di pedesaan yang memiliki curah hujan yang tinggi, dapat dikembangkan Sistem Pemanfaatan Air Hujan (SPAH) yang layak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat desa. Sistem ini dapat dikembangkan secara bergotong royong dan dikelola bersama-sama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih sehari-hari atau bahkan untuk dikomersialisasikan. Air Hujan, SPAH, Air Siap Minum, Bak Penampung, Filter, Multi Media Filter, ArsinumKel. Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih dan Limbah Cair
107Sistem Manajemen Komunikasi Data Jarak Jauh Berbasis Teknologi Sms Dan Radio TelemetryNowadays the water quality monitoring project that had been doing by government institution is increase due to decreasing of water quality. Many methods and techniques are developed for water quality monitoring. The communication technology development such as GSM/CDMA technology can be used as new network infrastructure for water quality monitoring. People over the world are now using this technology as new communication medium. With SMS as the one of services from GSM technology people can send or receive messages easily. By using the integration of digital sensor for water quality, digital data logger and GSM modem as communication unit, the water quality can be monitored as cheap as sending the SMS by phone cell. The critical value of water quality parameter also can be monitored and sent to the phone cell of decision maker.Pemantauan Kualitas Air, Teknologi SMS, Radio Telemetry, Early Warning System (EWS)Heru Dwi Wahjono dan Bayu Budiman
108Sistem Kultivasi Organik Pada Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogea L.)?pupuk hayati, semi-on-site-composting, sistem pertanian berkelanjutan, Arachis hypogea L.Teknologi
109Sistem Jaringan Kelembagaan Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Pantai.Lingkungan pantai merupakan suatu kawasan yang spesifik, dinamik, memiliki kekayaan habitat yang beragam di darat maupun di laut. Luas lahan kawasan pantai sangat terbatas padahal pemanfaatannya semakin lama semakin meningkat sehingga sering terjadi konflik kepentingan antar sektor yang membutuhkannya. Di lain pihak belum ada dukungan data, informasi dan koordinasi antar instansi yang sistematis, efektif dan efisien dalam masalah pengelolaan lingkungan pantai. Selama ini pengumpulan, penyimpanan, pengolahan data dan informasi serta penentuan kebijakan dilakukan secara sektoral oleh berbagai instansi yang terkait dan sering tidak terjadi koordinasi dan keterpaduan program dan kebijakan. Ditambah lagi masih belum ada kepastian siapa yang berwenang dalam perencanaan dan pengelolaan lingkungan pantai (belum ada sistem atau model jaringan kelembagaan yang baik). Untuk itu dibutuhkan komitmen dan peran serta stakeholders di daerah baik di tingkat propinsi, kabupaten/kota, dan desa-desa, untuk bersama-sama aktif dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya pantai, yang kemudian dituangkan dalam peraturan perundangan yang mengatur kewenangan masing-masing. Selain itu diperlukan mekanisme koordinasi yang jelas dan tegas baik koordinasi horisontal maupun vertikal serta melibatkan peran aktif masyarakat luas dalam mekanisme pengawasanSistem Jaringan Kelembagaan, Lingkungan Pantai, Pengelolaan Sumberdaya AlamMardi Wibowo
110Sistem Informasi Terpadu dengan NISYellow Page atau Network Information Service (NIS) merupakan teknologi untuk mengatasi masalah setting pada jaringan yang terdistribusi menjadi tersentralisasi.. Dengan menerapkan NIS pada komputer workstation yang tersambung pada sebuah jaringan lokal intranet, pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan oleh seorang administrator dalam mengatur jaringan, meregistrasi user, dan lain-lain dapat dikurangi.NFS, NIS, NOS, LAN, WAN, YP, Daemon, Server, Client, Slave, Network File System, Yellow PageHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
111Simulasi Model Alokasi Kebutuhan Ruang Kota/ WilayahRegional Spatial Planning (RTRW) of a city or a region becomes important due to limitation of land, while land necessity is increasing. In order to achive the sustainable city / region, the attention to natural capabilities on water conservation and flood protection should be adapted on RTRW. The RTRW should prevent the exsisting capabilities and increase when the capabilitis are less. Using simulation of model as tool of analysis in the spatial planning process, we can see the city/ region capabilities on water conservation and flood protection, and then make decision on spatial use of the city / region. The simulation in this study was applied in the City of Batam, which was focused in Batam Island by using data on the year of 2000. The results of the simulation shows that regions which are categorized as having high and very high capabilities on water conservation occupied only 13,36%, while those that have high and very high capabilities on flood protection is about 23,75% of the island area. By applying of reboisation scenarios, the regions that have high and very high capabilities on water conservation can be increased to become 56,97% and those that have high and very high capabilities on flood protection increase to 53.58% of the island areaAlokasi Kebutuhan Ruang, Simulasi, Model, SIG, RTRW, Kota BerkelanjutanNawa Suwedi, Mukaryanti, Alinda Medrial Zein, Diar Shiddiq
112Serapan Sianida (Cn) Pada Mikania Cordata (Burm.F) B.L. Robinson, Centrosema Pubescens Bth ?Some plant species growing in the contaminated areas, indicated high tolerancen and potentially affective in accumulating pollutants in their roots and above ground portions. These plants can be utilized as hyperaccumulators for cleaning up the contaminated sites. Study on heavy metal and CN contamination and potential plant species for accumulator is urgently needed in order to understand the problems and to obtain suitable technology for the solution. This research aims to examine CN accumulator plants growing in CN contaminated tailing to find a possible solution of cleaning up by using green technology of phytoremediation. Phytoremediation is defined as clean up of pollutants primarily mediated by photosynthetic plants. This study aims to characterized plants that grow under extreme contaminated media of gold mined tailing and to analyse their potencies as hyperaccumulators. Mikania cordata (Burm.f) B.L.Robinson,Centrosema pubescens Bth and Leersia hexandra Swartz which proven tolerant and dominant in the contaminated site were examined in this research. The plants were grown in tailing waste media added by 0 ppm CN, 2.5 ppm CN, 5 ppm CN dan 7.5 ppm CN using complete randomized design with 5 replicates. The results showed that the plants were capable of growing under the highest level of CN. Among three species, Mikania cordata showed the highest biomass production followed by Centrosema pubescens and Leersia hexandra. Total CN accumulation varied between species, the highest was reached in 2.5 ppm CN treatment i.e. 22.48 mg/kg in Leersia hexandra, followed by Centrosema pubescens (18.92 mg/kg) and Mikania cordata (12.03 mg/kg). The highest CN content was 0.085 mg in Mikania cordata treated with 7.5 ppm CN. High ratio of shoot to root CN (>1) was expected in hyperaccumulator plants to indicate that CN was more distributed in the above ground portions than in the roots. In this study the highest shoo to root CN ratio was showed in Mikania cordata i.e.11.75.Phytoremediation, contaminants, cyanide, Mikania cordata, ...
pubescens, Leersia hexandra
Fauzia Syarif
113Seleksi Jamur Tanah Pendegradasi Selulosa Dan Pestisida Deltamethrin Dari Beberapa?polifenol-glukosida, CGT-ase, Nocardia sp., Bacillus subtilis dan Escherichia coliTeknologi
114Sedimentasi dan Dampaknya Pada DPS Citarum Hulu.Pemanfaatan air dan lahan dan pengembangan suatu daerah aliran sungai selalu menyebabkan berbagai masalah teknis dan lingkungan. Begitu pula dengan lebih mendalami masalah proses erosi dan sedimentasi yang terjadi, merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam memecahkan masalah dasar yang berkaitan dengan tingginya tingkat erosi dan sedimentasi dalam suatu daerah aliran sungai. Proses sedimentasi yang komplek agar dapat dipecahkan, untuk itu sungai harus dipandang dari berbagai unit kelompok yang terintegrasi dalam suatu ekosistem. Dengan pendekatan pengukuran dan monitoring, serta penggabungan dengan pendekatan sistem model spasial dapat dipecahkan masalah yang timbul di per sungaian dan waduk, ehingga antisipasi terhadap berkurangnya umur waduk dapat diatasi. Dengan prediksi erosi dan sedimentasi secara spasial dapat diperoleh gambaran yang lebih jelas daerah-daerah mana saja yang terkena tingkat erosi-sedimentasi yang tinggi, sehingga daerah mana saja dalam DAS yang perlu konservasi dan prioritas penanggulangannya. Dan konservasi yang tepat pada DAS Citarum hulu dapat menurunkan laju sedimentasi, sehingga diharapkan umur waduk Saguling akan lebih panjang.Erosi, Sedimentasi DAS, Konservasi dan Penanggulangan DASMuhamad Arief Ilyas
115Sediment And Suspended Particulate Matter Of Jakarta Bay, IndonesiaJakarta Bay is a semi enclosed bay located in the northern coast of Jakarta Metropolitan City. Hydrologically 13 rivers flowing in the Jakarta region and there are three big rivers with significant discharge to the Jakarta Bay namely Citarum, Ciliwung, and Cisadane Rivers. Jakarta, as Indonesian capital city with population of 8.725.630 inhabitants, and another 15 million people live in the surrounded suburban of Jakarta, creates a significant anthropogenic impact to the environmental system. Limited infrastructures, such as no sewerage system and lack of industrial waste management, cause the rivers in this region have over their carrying capacity. Seventeen sampling stations were determined in the Jakarta Bay, consisting of 5 stations at the river mouths (estuaries) and other 12 stations in the bay spreading from the coastal to offshore areas. Water and sediment samples were taken during 2 monsoonal or seasonal variations, August 2006 for dry season and February 2007 for rainy season respectively. Additionally, samples were also taken in May 2007. Sediment distribution in the estuary consists mostly of black clay. The sediments clays were bad smell. In the coastal region and in the dry season, the sediments consists of black clay and at one sampling site (station S3) the sediment was bad smell. However, all sampling sites became bad smell in the rainy season. In the inner bay area, sediments were greyish green sandy clay with some shell fragments. In the outer bay, the sediments were dominated by greyish green clayey sand with some shell fragments. The black clay with bad smell is indicative of anthropogenic influence from Jakarta River Basin. C/N ratio of the sediments in the dry season ranged from 1 to about 4.2 where in the estuaries (at stations M1, M2 and M4) the ratio were higher compared to the inner and outer bays. The C/N ratio of suspended particulate matter ranged from the lowest ratio of 0.7 to the highest ratio of 17.7 at the bottom layer and lesser ranged of 0.7 to 9.8 at surface layer. POC concentrations ranged between 50-650 ?M and 50-900 ?M, in February and May, respectively. High concentrations of POC exists along the coastline or estuaries then decreasing toward the sea. POC is distributed widely in February than that in May due to higher discharge from the rivers. The average TOC concentrations in February is lower than that in May, but the TOC load in February was much higher than that in May due to the big differences of river discharge and because the samples were taken a week after the big flood in Jakarta area (February 4th - 6th, 2007). Total organic carbon fluxes from the river to the bay in February and May 2007 were 107.6 T /day C and 42.7 T /day C, respectively.sediment, anthropogenic influence, C/N Ratio, POC, TOC, fluxIwan G. Tejakusuma, Seno Adi, M.S. Nugrahadi, Rahmania D. and T. Yanagi
116Rumput Laut Gracilaria Sp. Sebagai Fitoremedian Bahan Organik Perairan Tambak BudidayaPhytoremediation is the utilization of green plants to remove pollutants from the environment. A central component of this technology is the use of plants as living technologies that provide services in addressing environmental issues. Therefore, based on the hydrological understanding, phytoremediation technology can be used to manage nutrient and water dynamics; It can lead significant improvement in water quality as well as remediation of degraded ecosystem.Laboratory experiment result indicated, seagrass called Gracilaria sp. have the ability in reducing organic substance as total Nitrogen (N-Total) from 1,2 mg / L into 0.4 mg / L in less than 10 hour. The integration of seagrass into pond ecosystem as organic substances phytoremedian of exceeding fish-feed accumulation expected to become an alternative technology for water quality recovery enhancement.seagrass Gracilaria sp., phytoremediation, brackish water aquacultureWage Komarawidjaja
117Retrofit Alat Penyulingan Akar Wangi Tradisional Menggunakan Boiler Berbahan Bakar Limbah Ramah LingTraditional distillation of akar wangi (Vetiveria zizanioides) using kerosene as a fuel has been used in small industries. The solid waste is burned in open air will emit strong odor which harmful to the environment. In fact, the waste has a caloric value of 3.800 kkal/kg, and by the proper handling, the waste can substitute part of the distillation process energy potentially and can reduce the environment impact caused by incomplete combustion or by the ingredient it self i.e. sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide. To treat those waste, it is necessary to separate between distillation vessel with the steam generation systemDistillation, akar wangi, solid waste, pollution, proper handlingAhsonul Anam dan Heru Kuncoro
118Respon Pupuk Daun Npk Terhadap Pertumbuhan Nepenthes Ventrata Dan Nepenthes NeglectaLeaf NPK fertilizer, plant growth, pitcher plantTeknologi
119Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi 4 Varian Ganyong (Canna Edulis) Terhadap Intensitas Naungan?ganyong, naungan, kultivar, waktu panen, proksimat, pertumbuhan dan produksiTeknologi
120Respon Penambahan Effectife Microorganism-4 (Em-4) Terhadap Kualitas Nutrisi Fermentasi ?The objective of this research was to obtain the best dosage of using EM-4 in sugar cane waste. This research was done in two processes. First process was fermentation of sugar cane waste within 9 days in ?Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak? Laboratory at Sriwijaya University. Second process was analyzed the nutritive value of sugar cane waste, in Laboratory of ruminant and chemical feed at Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Padjajaran University, Bandung. A Complete Randomized Design with four treatments and three replications was carried out. The experimental diets were : E0 (control), E1 (waste of sugar cane + 7,5ml EM-4), E2 (waste of sugar cane + 15ml EM-4), E3 (waste of sugar cane + 22,5ml EM-4). Each treatment was added with rice straw 20% of dried weight sugar cane waste. The parameters measured were dry matter, crude fiber, crude protein, NFE and crude fat. The results of this research showed that the treatment improved significantly to dry matter, crude fiber, crude protein, NFE and crude fat. The conclusi-on of the research was treatment by addition EM-4 15ml give the best result in all treatments.Effective Organism-4, nutrition quality, fermentation, sugar cane wasteA. Fariani dan Sindu Akhadiarto