Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 161-180 dari 814 item.
161Tools Untuk Memeriksa Network Interface dan Remote KomputerNetwork interface pada sebuah komputer yang sudah tersambung pada jaringan kerja komputer merupakan komponen perangkat keras yang paling berperan dalam jaringan tersebut. Oleh karena itu keberadaanya perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus oleh seorang administrator jaringan. Sistem operasi Unix memiliki perintah-perintah standar sebagai tools atau utilitas yang dapat digunakan untuk memeriksa network interface, memantau remote komputer, menelusuri jalannya data, dan lain-lain, sehingga pemantuan terhadap kondisi jaringan dapat dilakukan dengan mudahData Sharing, Network Interface, Ifconfig, dmesg, Internet Protocol, IP, Network TroubleHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
162Rancangbangun Sistem Database Kualitas Air Limbah
Rumah Sakit

Environmental pollution that happened around us in this time have resided in condition of concerning. The environmental quality recovering is not only becoming responsibility of government, but becoming responsibility of all society, especially who was causing the environmental pollution itself. Some metropolitans like Jakarta has domestic waste as dominant waste, which is not dominant hostpital waste also contributes environmental pollution in Jakarta.To decrease the pollution level of wastewater from hospital, the government of Jakarta has published the environmental regulation. The regulation contains how the hospitals in Jakarta should manage and process their wastewater. This article explain about the design and development of database system for managing the data of hospital wastewater quality, so the observation process of wastewater quality from the wastewater treatment plant for the hospital can be monitored easily and known immediately.
database kualitas air, kualitas air limbah rumah sakit, IPAL rumah sakitHeru Dwi Wahjono
163Pengembangan Sistem Database Online Monitoring (Onlimo) Kualitas AirRecent water quality decrease has caused difficult in finding clean water source for people and their daily life. Monitoring on water quality had been carried out many times, from up stream to down stream. It?s necessary to do Online Monitoring on ground and underground water quality continuously, so that the effect of water quality decrease could be detected earlier and handle directly. The output of water quality data needs to be processed so that the society and the decision makers could see the information publicly. So, we need a design of structured database of online and real-time water quality data processing. Water quality data management using structured data base system could make water source data retracing easierdatabase struktur, online monitoring, real time monitoringHeru Dwi Wahjono
164Identifikasi & Perancangan Sistem Pengelolaan Data Sumber Daya Air Provinsi GorontaloGorontalo Province as new agricultural base province in the autonomous efforts through the Agency for Water Resources Management has been collecting and managing all data of water resources. Good data management for water resources is needed to support agricultural and fishery base activity in this province. The identification of potential of the existing water resources is needed for computer base structural database management system design. The design of database system is used as reference for development of software for water resources database management. The developed software can be used as Decision Support System to help provincial management and useful for information system to find out the potential of all water resources in Gorontalo Province area. The output of this activity is software for managing water resources in Gorontalo Province.database sumber daya air, sistem pengelolaan data, potensi sumber daya airHeru Dwi Wahjono
165Daur Ulang Air Limbah (Water Recycle) Ditinjau Dari Aspek Teknologi, Lingkungan Dan EkonomiIn line with fast growth of populations in urban area the discharged waste water from daily activities have caused contamination of ground water and also surface water. Unbalance between distribution of source and usage of water have caused unbalance between supply and demand. Therefore, new innovation in the case supply of raw water has come to important attention. One of the alternatives which getting much attention in many state in world is to use recycle wastewater especially municipal wastewater as one source of raw water for water supply. Several things which need to be paid attention in the case of usage of recycle wastewater are consistency of the treated water quality as according to enabled condition. In usage of recycle wastewater to be used as clean water supply there is several categorize of contaminant which must be paid attention peculiarly namely for example organic contaminant including pesticide, pathogenic bacteria, parasite, virus and also heavy metal contaminant for example mercury, lead, chrome, cadmium etc. Therefore the treatment process must be done neglectlessly with control of quality which able to be justified. One of the concept for processing of urban wastewater to be made clean water is use combination of primary treatment, secondary treatment with biological process continued by advanced treatment by physico-chemical process for example covering clarification process, nutrient removal, recarbonation, filtration, adsorption with activated carbon, ion exchange process, and also demineralization with process of reverse osmosis and also ozonization and chlorination. With these processes combination can treat wastewater yield treated water with quality of as drinking water. This paper explained some example of wastewater treatment process for recycle wastewater which have been applicated in some state. One of the example of wastewater recycle process using combination of biological process continued with ultra filtration process, reverse osmosis process, and disinfection by ultraviolet, and also pH control such as those which have been conducted by NEWATER Factory, Singapore.Daur ulang, air limbah, teknologi, lingkunganNusa Idaman Said
166Daya Tahan Beberapa Organisme Air Pada Pencemar Limbah DeterjenSaat ini deterjen telah digunakan secara luas oleh masyarakat, sehingga limbahnyapun tersebar di setiap badan air. Limbah yang kadangkala nampak sebagai buih-buih putih tersebut dipastikan mempunyai dampak negatif terhadap organisme air. Untuk mengetahui daya tahan organisme air terhadap limbah deterjen tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa setiap organisme air mempunyai daya tahan yang berbeda terhadap limbah deterjen ?rinso?. Pada penelitian ini terungkap bahwa terhadap limbah deterjen rinso larva Culex sp memiliki daya tahan yang lebih baik daripada Daphnia carinata dan Chironomus sp. Hal ini tercermin dari kenyataan bahwa dalam waktu 38 jam; 50% larva Culex sp masih bertahan dalam media dengan rinso terlarut 4 x 10 2 ppm; Daphnia carinata dalam media dengan rinso terlarut 10 2 ppm dan Chironomus sp hanya dalam media dengan rinso terlarut 10 -1 ppm.Daya Tahan, Organisme Air, Limbah, RinsoYudhi Soetrisno Garno, PhD
167Daya Dukung Sumberdaya Air Sebagai Pertimbangan Penataan RuangThe concept of carrying capacity of water resource is applied as a management tool for the operationalization of sustainable regional planning. Carrying capacity of a region, comprising its supportive and assimilative capacities, is defined as the ability to produce desired outputs from a resource base to achieve a higher and more equitable quality of life, while maintaining desired environmental quality. The proposed conceptual model for the carrying capacity-based planning process considers problems, constraining and supporting factors, and interrelated systems within a dynamic ecosystem to arrive at the water resource-based sustainable regional planningdayadukung lingkungan, sumberdaya air, pengelolaan DAS, penataan ruang, Jawa BaratChay Asdak dan Hilmi Salim
168Pengelolaan Dan Penyebaran Informasi Data Debit Sungai Secara OnlineDalam melaksanakan kegiatan penelitian di bidang lingkungan keairan akan membutuhkan data-data sumber daya air yang selama ini dirasakan sangat sulit untuk memperolehnya. Hal ini selain disebabkan oleh panjangnya birokrasi dan tidak tersedianya data yang telah dianalisa, juga tidak adanya teknologi informasi yang diterapkan oleh instansi penyedia data dalam melakukan pengelolaan data sumber daya air. Sungai sebagai salah satu sumber daya air memiliki informasi yang datanya harus dikelola dan dipantau, karena sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia memanfaatkan air sungai untuk keperluan hidupnya. Pengelolaan data kualitas dan debit sungai secara on-line perlu dilakukan untuk menunjang berbagai macam kegiatan penelitian di bidang perairan khususnya air permukaan, sehingga proses pengambilan keputusan yang berkenaan dengan penentuan teknologi, pencegahan pencemaran sungai, pengelolaan sumber daya air dan lain-lain dapat dilakukan dalam waktu yang singkat.debit sungai, daerah aliran sungai (DAS), pos duga air (PDA), kadaster, SI/TI, database, internet ..Heru Dwi Wahjono
169Aplikasi Teknologi Bioengineering Jebakan Sedimen Di Sub Das Citanduy HuluCitanduy watershed has been classified as a critical watershed in West Java. Sedimentation load at Citanduy watershed reach 5 milion cubic meters/years. It is indicated that lagoon area ?Segara Anakan? was decreased about 823 hectars. Land use changes for cultivation area at Citanduy upland causes acceleration land degradation. Various efforts of the civil engineering and vegetative approach have been applied to control erosion and sedimentation. Alternative technology for controlling soil erosion and sedimentation is the application of sediment trap bioengineering. It is application on micro catchment area, environment-friendly, and easily adapted for the farmers community. The main for material of bioengineering sediment trap is made of Bamboo. Results of design that is applied in the critical area at Bukit Bitung up land (Citaduy upland) Kecamatan Tambaksari, Ciamis Region, measuring the width between 100 cm to 150 cm, whereas the height are between 80 cm to 100 cm. The application of this technology is effective sediment traps for micro catcment area of <5 hectars. Therefore for a broad cachment area more sediment traps are required. In a period of not more than 1.5 month, the sediment trap has been able to capture sediments up to 1 m3 per unit. The performance of sediment traps bioengineering also shown that bamboo as main components has grown up to not more than 30 days. The trapped sediments were restored back to the land for agricultural purposes after being add by agricultural waste. Sediments that have been processed at the same time also functions as soil amelioration or soil improvement.degradasi lahan, jebakan sedimen, bioengineering, sedimentasi, ameliorasiHasmana Soewandita dan Nana Sudiana
170Denitrifikasi Limbah Nitrat Pada Berbagai Tingkat Keasaman Dengan Memanfaatkan Mikroba AutotrophA biological denitrification using autotrophic bacteria in batch suspension runs was investigated to clarify the effect of pH on denitrification rate. Elemental sulfur was employed as an electron donor. The culture of autotrophic bacteria was obtained from activated sludge by acclimatization. The effect of pH on denitrification rate could be expressed by bell-shape equation with optimum pH of 7,07. However at a pH range of 5,5 to 8,0, the denitrification rate significantly fastl. Therefore, the application of the denitrification of wastewater using autotrophic bacteria is suggested running well although without controlling pH.Denitrification, nitrate, autotrophic bacteria, elemental sulfur, pHRudi Nugroho
171Development Of Autotrophic Denitrification For Nitrate-Contaminated Industrial WastewaterAn autotrophic denitrification system was developed for treatment wastewater from steel industry. The aim was to evaluate the kinetics and capability of the system in reducing nitrate content in such industrial wastewater. The experiments were conducted in batch suspension and continuous runs. The denitrification kinetics in suspension runs obeys first order reaction with the rate constant k1 and k2 were determined to be 0.014 and 0.004 g-N/m3.d, respectively. The continuous runs used a column packed with mixture of granular sulfur and limestone. The microbes of Thiobacillus denitrificans were attached on the surface of granular sulfur in the form of biofilm. The biofilm thickness was investigated to be approximately 40 ?m. The denitrification kinetics in the packed column obeys half-order reaction with the rate constant k of 0.172 g-N1/2.m1/2/(kg-S.d). The lower denitrification extent of industrial wastewater compared with the synthetic wastewater might be due to the lack of alkalinity.denitrification, sulfur, packed column, thiobacillus denitrificans.Rudi Nugroho
172Pemanfaatan Mikroba Autotroph Dalam Pengolahan Limbah Konsentrasi TinggiThe treatment of wastewater containing high concentration of nitrate and low concentration of BOD using autotrophic bacteria were conducted in batch suspension experiment to investigate nitrate concentration level which can be treated by the bacteria. The autotrophic bacteria were enriched by acclimating activated sludge with inorganic substrates. The experimental result shows that denitrification reaction with initial nitrate concentration in synthetic wastewater from 200 to 850 mg/l proceeded according to the one-order reaction. The denitrification rate increased with increasing the initial nitrate concentration. Sulfate was detected as the by product of the denitrification reaction. The sulfate produced for 1 mmol of nitrate decreased was 1.09 mmol.Denitrifikasi, nitrat, autotropik bakteri, elemen sulfur.Rudi Nugroho
173Proses Denitrifikasi Dengan Sistem Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Air Limbah Yang Mengandung NitratIndustri yang mengeluarkan limbah amoniak merupakan jenis industri yang cukup banyak keberadaannya di Indonesia, oleh sebab itu suatu penelitian dan pengkajian pengolahan limbah amoniak akan bermanfaat untuk memberi masukan pada pihak pemerintah maupun pihak industri dalam menjaga kelestarian liangkungan perairan. Penelitian dan pengkajian pengolahan limbah amoniak konsentrasi tinggi telah dilakukan dengan cara biologis menggunakan reaktor biofilter tercelup. Pemilihan sistem ini karena telah diketahui cara biologis adalah cara yang paling ekonomis dan reaktor biofilter tercelup merupakan sistem yang mudah dioperasikan dengan hasil yang cukup optimal. Pengolahan limbah amoniak dilaksanakan melalui dua proses yaitu proses nitrifikasi dan proses denitrifikasi. Pada percobaan terdahulu telah dilakukan percobaan penurunan amonia dengan proses nitrifikasi dan berhasil baik, dan percobaan kali ini prosesnya adalah denitrifikasi. Proses denitrifikasi bertujuan untuk menghilangkan senyawa nitrit dan nitrat, sehingga pada akhirnya hasil olahan air limbah yang keluar telah bebas dari senyawa nitrat dan selanjutnya dapat dibuang ke perairan umum. Hasil percobaan proses denitrifikasi menghasilkan penurunan rata-rata nitrit 100% dan nitrat 99%, dengan volume reaktor 45 liter, kapasitas maximum 4,8 liter/jam dan waktu tinggal 72 jam. Kemampuan optimal biofilter dalam menurunkan nitrat adalah 5351 mg/liter/m3 media biofilter, dengan waktu tinggal optimal 3 hari.Denitrifikasi, nitrat, biofilterArie Herlambang dan Ruliasih Marsidi
174Rancang Bangun Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Potong Hewan (Rph) Ayam Dengan Proses BiofilterMore than 90 % of Jakarta livestock supply, especially poultry, originated from outside the area. Meanwhile temporary places and slaughterhouse are spread out in some locations in Jakarta area, even most of them located in residences area. Almost all wastewater are not processed but straightly discharged to the sewer or river around the house. These spread chickens slaughterhouse activities caused environmental pollution which is difficult to control. This paper discussed about the design of wastewater process installation of chickens slaughter by biofilter anaerob-aerob process and test of its process result. Based on the test the removal efficiency of COD, Permanganate, BOD and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) were 86.52 %, 82.85 %, 88.79 % and 94.1 % respectively.Design, process, wastewater, chicken slaughterhouse, biofilter.Nusa Idaman Said dan Satmoko Yudo
175Oven Destilator Pengolah Sampah Plastik Ramah Lingkungan?Up to now, the majority of people treat plastic waste by burning and disposing it directly to the surrounding environment. The burning of the waste causes air pollution due to toxic compound called dioxin which is harmful for human health. Meanwhile, the dumping of plastic waste into water bodies can causing some negative effects such as the clogging of water duct or river which may lead to flooding. Annually, the number of plastic bag used can reach 500 million ? 1 billion, which is equal to 10 fold wrapping of earth surface (Nitizen, 2008). The best handling of plastic waste are using reuse or recycle methods which are environmentally friendly and at the same time can gain economical value1). The study is aimed to: 1) understand the capability of oven distillator in processing plastic waste into plastic grain and liquid smoke, 2) understand the influence of liquid smoke towards wood durability, 3) understand the price of the oven distillator and the corresponding break even point (BEP).The study was an experimental one and employed pre test and post test with control group design, and simultaneously assessing equipment?s production capacity. The data was analyzed descriptively and analytically with Anova test and t-test at 95% level of significance. The results show that oven distillator capable for processing 97,3% of plastic waste into plastic grain, while the rest was converted into liquid smoke. The liquid smoke was proved affect wood preservation (anova test, p<0.001), and have similar quality compared with varnish use (t-test, p=0,764). The cost analysis shows that the distillatory raise economical value of the waste by 217,66%, and The BEP would be reached in 68 days if 12 kg plastic is processed daily. It is advised that he oven can be used by general community or home industries for applying green and high economically value of plastic waste processing.Destilator, Pengolah SampahSri Puji Ganefati, Lilik Hendrarini, dan Sarjito Eko Windarso
176Laju Degradasi Surfaktan Linear Alkil Benzena Sulfonat pada Limbah Deterjen secara Anaerob ?Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) represents one of active substance of surfactants in detergents of which in high concentrations may cause environmental pollutions. The aim of the research was to know the efficiency of exclusion of LAS and the rate of LAS degradation in detergent wastes by the anaerobic process at fixed bed reactor equipped with cross flow material. This research was done in Process Laboratory of Balai Teknologi Lingkungan BPPT PUSPIPTEK Serpong. Reactor operation was done through continuous process with close circulation, up flow and 5 hours Rate Time Hour (RTH). Exclusion of LAS of detergent waste was recorded for 17 days. The degree of acidity after the process without inoculum (P1.0) was to 8.45, and for an anaerob condition with added inoculum (P1.1) was 7.88. The efficiency of the highest exclusion of CO soluble was equal to 80.96% (P1.1) with effluent 476 mg/L, and 76.81 % (P1.0) with effluent 531 mg/L. The exclusion of LAS of detergent wastes was 99.19% (P1.1) with LAS effluent equal to 17.51 mg/L and 98.3% (P1.0) with LAS effluent equal to 27.84 mg/L. The maximum rate of LAS surfactant degradationunt 0.95 ppm/day (P1.1) and 0.44 ppm/day (P1.0).detergent, LAS, fixed bed reactor, anaerobic, degradation, exclusion efficiencyR. Nida Sopiah dan Chaerunisah
177Penguraian Deterjen Dalam Air Minum Dengan Karbon Aktif Biologis.Pencemaran deterjen pada air baku minum di kota-kota besar di Indonesia saat ini masih menjadi masalah yang cukup serius, khususnya di dalam proses pengolahan air minum untuk masyarakat. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut perlu dikembangkan teknologi proses yang lebih baik dan murah. Salah satu alternatif yakni pengolahan air minum dengan menggunakan karbon aktif biologis (Biological Activated Carbon, BAC). Studi tentang penguraian deterjen di dalam sistem pengolahan secara biologis kontinyu dengan menggunakan karbon aktif biologis yakni campuran antara lumpur biologis (lumpur danau Biwa) dengan karbon aktif bubuk 90 mg/l telah dilakukan. Dengan sistem pengolahan tersebut didapatkan efisiensi penghilangan deterjen sekitar 80 - 90 %.Deterjen, Karbon Aktif Biologis, BAC, Lumpur BiologisIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
178Penguraian Deterjen Secara Biologis Di Dalam Reaktor Untuk Pengolahan Air Minum.Penggunaan bahan deterjen oleh masyarakat di negara berkembang , khususnya di Indonesia telah menyebabkan masalah yang cukup serius. Deterjen sintetis terutama jenis anionic telah digunakan secara luas di Indonesia sejak 20 tahun terakhir, sehingga residunya telah mengakibatkan pencemaran sungai, danau, laut maupun air tanah dangkal. Masalah tersebut menjadi lebih serius khususnya di kota-kota besar yang padat penduduknya, bahkan deterjen telah mencemari sungai-sungai yang digunakan sebagai sumber air minum. Berdasarkan alasan tesebut diatas, perlu dikembangkan teknologi yang murah (low-cost technology) untuk mengatasi masalah pencemaran deterjen terutama untuk keperluan pengolahan air minum, misalnya, yakni mengembangkan teknologi proses pengolahan air minum secara biologis. Penelitian tentang penguraian deterjen jenis anionic (LAS) secara biologis di dalam bench scale reaktor biologis secara kontinyu yang diisi (seeding) dengan lumpur biologis telah dilakukan. Dengan meng-gunakan proses tersebut dapat menghilangkan deterjen anionic (LAS) sekitar 60 sampai 78 %.Deterjen, Sintetis, Residu, Teknologi Proses, LASIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
179Perencanaan Pembanguna Wilayah Berdasarkan Konsep Produktifitas UnggulanProductivity is a ratio between an output and another input, such as: labor, and land. To solve the problem of resource limitation, it is necessary to develop some approaches, such as priority commodity approach and priority territory development approach. Some factors influencing the problem of non optimal development are very low development of Iceal priority commodity and undevelopment of priority area. Several policies and strategies that are needed in order to increase an area productivity is through priority sector / commodity development which is adjusted with carrying capacity of adjacent area, labor mobilization and human resource development. In order to support the direction of those policy and strategy, some programs that are developed are: reorientation program of local economic development that based on priority commodity, development program of strategic area and human resources development, quantitycally and qualitycally. In order to get a huge output to increase the people welfare, it is necessary to choose a right local priority commodity, thus others priority sectors will also be developed.develovment, Productivity and CommodityIkhwanuddin Mawardi
180Difusi Inovasi Teknologi Pengolahan Sampah ke MasyarakatThe diffusion of Waste Management System to the society should be followed by the change of not only their knowledge and attitude, but also their behavior. To find out the effects of the diffusion to the society, some measurements can be used. These are the number of society adopted the system and how fast the society can adopt it. In order to measure the success of its implementation, the knowledge on the natures of innovation in waste management technology is required, as well as the components influencing how fast it is adopted. By doing so, the system socialization is expected to be more acceptable by all parties. It is needed to avoid the incompleteness of waste management system socialization carried out so far by society and government elementsdiffusion, behavior, society, adopted, innovation, waste management.Muhammad Ansorudin Sidik