Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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21Uji Kinerja Pengolahan Air Siap Minum Dengan Proses Biofiltrasi, Ultrafiltrasi ?Water is a very basic need for humans, especially for cooking and drinking. With the rapid growth of population in particular need of clean water for the community also increased in numbers. The problem is with the poor quality of raw water for drinking water, then in addition to expanding its production costs, the result is often less good. One of the problems or issues that are often found in drinking water in the world these days that is the emergence of compounds called Trihalomethanes or THMs abbreviated, as a side effect of the disinfection process with a chlorine gas or hypochlorite compounds. Currently, to removal organic pollutants, ammonia, detergents, odor and other micro pollutants in drinking water, PAM is usually used by the process of manufacturing processes using adsorbsi Powder Active Carbon Adsorption, continued with physicals processing is the process of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and disinfection with chlorine. With increasingly high prices of powdered activated carbon, coagulant and flocculant chemicals, then the cost of treating drinking water to be increasing. To solve the problem above, one alternative is to develop clean water treatment technologies using a combination of biofiltration and ultrafiltration process, and to produce drinking water to proceed with processing using the process of reverse osmosis. Within the combination of biofiltration, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis processes to treat the river water can be produced the drinking water with a very good quality without the use of chemicals for coagulation-flocculation process, and operational costs are relatively low.Air siap minum, biofiltrasi, ultrafiltrasi, reverse osmosisNusa Idaman Said
22Uji Kemampuan Bakteri Termofil Kompos Dlm Menguraikan Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) & KopolimernyaThe primary aim of this project were to isolate the termophilic bateria from compost and to test their capability in degrading of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and its copolymer (P(HB-co-5%HV), P(HB-co-8%HV), P(HB-co-12%HV)) using of polymer overlay methode. Testing of their capability was done in pH 8,0 and temperature of 55oC and 60oC. Fifteen isolates of thermophilic bacteria have been isolated and can be classified into 4 groups based on the profile of their growth rate, clear zone formation, and capability of PHB degradation. In the incubation of 55oC, degradation rate of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) was generally slower than their copolymer.PHB, kopolimer, bakteri termofil, polymer overlay, komposSri Wahyono
23Uji Eliminasi Gas Metana (Ch4) Dengan Biofiltrasi Pada Unggun Kompos Dan Tanah Penutup LandfillGasbio; Biofiltrasi; Eliminasi CH4Teknologi
24Uji Coba Kinerja Bakteri Karbonoklastik Pada Tanah Tercemar Minyak Bumi Dengan Teknik Landfarmingbioremediasi, minyak bumi, rekalsitran, bakteri hidrokarbonoklastik, biosurfaktanTeknologi
25Uji BOD, Indikator Kekuatan Limbah yang Masih BermasalahKebutuhan Oksigen Biokimiawi (BOD) adalah salah satu parameter kualitas limbah yang banyak digunakan untuk memprakirakan kekuatan suatu limbah mencemari calon badan air penerimanya, bahkan sering digunakan untuk memprakirakan status pencemaran suatu badan air. Dengan demikian BOD mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam usaha untuk mempertahankan daya guna suatu ba:dan air. Benarkah parameter BOD sehebat itu atau pantaskah uji BOD diperankan sebesar itu. Paper ini berusaha menguraikan dan mengkaji tentang kelebihan dan kelemahan uji BOD, dan hasilnya mengisaratkan bahwa sebagai parameter kualitas limbah, BOD tidak banyak memiliki kelebihan dari parameter lainnya kecuali kepraktisan yang bisa menyesatkan. Oleh karena itu maka sebenarnya uji BOD belum dapat digunakan sebagai alat meneliti, namun justru masih harus dijadikan bahan penelitian; atau harus diteliti. Akhirnya untuk menentukan kekuatan limbah dilapangan penggunaan COD (kebutuhan oksigen kimiawi) lebih disarankan.BOD, COD, Kekuatan limbah, PencemaranYudhi Soetrisno Garno
26Uji Aktivitas Proteolitik Mikroba Dari Iimbah Cangkang Udang Pada Proses Pembuatan Chitin.Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan uji aktivitas proteolitik mikroba pada proses pembuatan chitin yang menggunakan bahan baku limbah cangkang rajungan. Bakteri proteolitik yang digunakan berasal dari hasil isolasi bakteri yang terdapat pada pembusukan limbah cangkang udang. Dari hasil analisa yang dilakukan terhadap kultur cair hasil fermentasi yang mengandung serbuk cangkang rajungan diketahui bahwa koloni bakteri berasal dari limbah cangkang udang mempunyai aktivitas enzim sebesar 0,006 U (Unit/ml/menit), dengan kemampuan menurunkan kadar protein (deproteinasi) sebesar 31,90%. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan dasar proses pembuatan chitin dari limbah cangkang rajungan secara biologis, yang dipandang sebagai proses yang lebih ramah lingkungan dibandingkan dengan proses secara kimiawi.Chitin, Cangkang Udang, Cangkang, Rajungan, Aktivitas Proteolitik BakteriNida Sopiah dan Teguh Prayudi
27Transparansi Dan Akuntabilitas Pelayanan Publik Kasus Teknologi Pengelolaan Air Bersih ?Bureaucracy reform of public service delivery requires a fast prime, precisely, accurate, and affordable. Some of the important elements of public service delivery, among others, providing guidance services, service standards, service standards at least, one of the doors and a roof, transparency, and accountability. Information on water technology and water management, and need to be provided through public services and the prime quality, transparent and accountable, in order to support efforts to reform the bureaucracy to uphold the principles of good governance.Transparency and accountability, public services, water and waste water ?Komarudin dan Satmoko Yudo
28Transformasi Kimia Senyawa Belerang, Dampak Dan PenanganannyaChemical transformation in the atmosfeer occurs because of antropogenic and antropogenic activity. It can be existing in difference forms and follows biogeochemical complex cycles. If this chemical transformation of sulfur is over the environmental support ability, there will be serious impacts in many sectors of life, such as environmental pollution, decreasing of healt level, and affecting the agricultural productivity.The effort of preventive and recovery of environment must be done for repairing the polluted environmental to become the conditions which are more friendly with the environment.Chemical transformation, antropogenic, nonantropogenic; sulfurNida Sopiah
29Tools Untuk Memeriksa Network Interface dan Remote KomputerNetwork interface pada sebuah komputer yang sudah tersambung pada jaringan kerja komputer merupakan komponen perangkat keras yang paling berperan dalam jaringan tersebut. Oleh karena itu keberadaanya perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus oleh seorang administrator jaringan. Sistem operasi Unix memiliki perintah-perintah standar sebagai tools atau utilitas yang dapat digunakan untuk memeriksa network interface, memantau remote komputer, menelusuri jalannya data, dan lain-lain, sehingga pemantuan terhadap kondisi jaringan dapat dilakukan dengan mudahData Sharing, Network Interface, Ifconfig, dmesg, Internet Protocol, IP, Network TroubleHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
30Toleransi Lima Jenis Rumput Terhadap Minyak Dan Kapasitas Degradasinya Dalam Sistem Fitoremediasipencemaran minyak, fitoremediasi, rumput, air formasiTeknologi
31Titanium Dioxide Suspension Photocicatal In a Tubular Photoreactor And Titanium Dioxide ReuseWe studied flow rate, electrolytes effects, titanium dioxide separation and reuse and sunlight application on photocatalysis in a tubular photoreactor integrated with the titanium dioxide separation/reuse. The circulative flow treatment was preferred over the single pass treatment. Phenol and TOC removals in tap and deionized waters were a maximum at the circulative flow rate of 600 ml min-1 and the transmittance of 0.26%. At low flow rate, titanium dioxide particles were sedimented in tap water, but those were perfectly suspended in deionized water. The titanium dioxide slurry was sedimented spontaneously by standing and was repeatedly reused without decreasing the degradation efficiencyPhotocatalytic, Optimum flow, Electrolytes, Separation, SolraDhanus Suryaman
32Tinjauan Terhadap Perkembangan Perkembangan Penelitian Pengolahan Limbah Padat Pabrik Kelapa SawitOther than oils, palm oil mills also produce solid and liquid wastes than can threat environment quality. Palm oil mills solid waste consist of palm oil empty bunches, shells, fibres, sludge, and bungkil. The existing treatment for the solid wastes are burning in incinerator and dumping in open area. All of treatments are known that can decrease environmental quality because of its gasses produced such as CH4, H2S, NH3, and NOx (air pollutions causing global warming) from burning process and leachate and gasses (air and water pollution) from open dumping process. Research and development of the solid wastes treatment has been done by researchers using any kinds of technologies. One kinds of technologies that may applicable for treating the waste is composting because its advantages.Palm oil mill, solid wsates, compostingSri Wahyono, Firman L Sahwan dan Feddy Suryanto
33Tinjauan Teknologi Pengolahan Leachate Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (Tpa) Sampah PerkotaanLeachate is defined as a liquid, which flows through waste and extracts suspended material or their suspension. In most landfill, leachate is consist of liquids that go into the landfill, which originated from outside the landfill, such as surface drainage, rain water, ground water, water from spring water and other liquids which produced from waste decomposition. The existence of pollutant material or minerals in water body that is originated from leachate will propose the growth of microorganisms, which are harmful for human health and reduce the aesthetic. Leachate handling could be done with several methods, such as: utilization of hydrolic characteristics by ground water adjustment, thus the leachate flows would not go into the direction of ground water. Another way of leachate handling are: landfill isolation, in order to prevent the inflow of external water and the outflow of leachate water; site selection of an area, which has a good capability of pollutant neutralization; leachate recirculation to be redirected to the solid waste pile; flowing the leachate to domestic waste treatment system and leachate processing with a certain system. Some processing techniques that are often to be used are: physical-chemical processing, such as coagulation-flocculation-settling; aerobic processing (activated sludge, stabilization pond or aeration pond); anaerobic processing, such as stabilization pond and utilization of sorption characteristics, such as active carbon. The aerobic stabilization pond system is suitable for Indonesian condition due to the availability of sunlight, simple, relatively cheap and their capability of BOD reduction above of 90% and COD reduction of above 80%.Leachate, TPA sampah, teknologi pengolahan.Wahyu Purwanta
34Tinjauan Aspek Teknis Pemilihan Media Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Air LimbahThere are literally dozens of different types of biofilters used for wastewater treatment applications. While many have common features, some are fundamentally different from the rest. The purpose of this article is to educate the reader about the types of packings used for fixed film biofilters.The types of biofilters under discussion are filters that employ a non-moving surface area to provide a substrate for various bacteria to attach and grow. The substrate remains in place while the water flows through the system. The heart of these biofilters is the packing or media used to provide the surface area. The type of packing used strongly influences both the capital and operating costs of the biofilter. It is important to emphasize however, that the packing merely provides surface area for bacteria to colonize. It is the bacteria that do the actual work of the biofilter. In order for the bacteria to do their job effectively, the biofilter and packing design must provide an even distribution of nutrients and oxygen while removing dissolved and suspended waste products. Most biofilters utilize aerobic bacteria but it is also possible to design and operate anaerobic systems for special purposes. Various types of packings exist for fixed film biological filters. Each different type has advantages and disadvantages but in terms of overall cost and suitability, the structured packings are the best choice for commercial biofilter designs.biofilter, media, pengolahan air limbahNusa Idaman Said dan Ruliasih Marsidi
35Tinjauan Aspek Hukum terhadap Pola Penggunaan Lahan Di Daerah Aliran Sungai ?The development of urban and sub urban of Jakarta has influenced Ciliwung river bank, which finally damaged environment. Lacal government ?Kabupaten Bogor? has made RUTRW (Rencana Umum Tata Ruang Wilayah), general plan for regional use space to control the development and to avoid more damaged environment. However, there are many divergences occur in the land use. Observation to current area of the river in the Ciliwung in the middle area was hopping can give some suggestion to government for more aware and keep environment away from more damaged.Uses Pattern of River BanksSilia Yuslim dan Nur Intan Mangunsong
36Tingkat Pencemaran Air Permukaan Di Kodya YogyakartaPerkembangan kota yang tidak terkendali sering menimbulkan berbagai persoalan baik sosial, ekonomi, keamanan dan lingkungan, utamanya masalah pencemaran terhadap air permukaan maupun air tanah yang bersumber dari limbah industri, domistik, maupun limbah pertanian. Akibat dari pencemaran tersebut, kondisi air permukaan (sungai) di Kotamadya Yogyakarta telah terjadi penurunan kualitas, terutama meningkatnya kandungan Nitrit dan bakteri coli yang melebihi ambang batas baku mutu lingkungan. Untuk pencegahannya perlu kiranya adanya upaya-upaya untuk melakukan perbaikan lingkungan fisik, perbaikan saluran pembuangan limbah, pengolahan limbah, maupun sistem usahatani dengan menerapkan sistem pemupukan
Pencemaran ? Kualitas Air ? MenurunSudaryono
37Tingkat Kesuburan Tanah Ultisol Pada Lahan Pertambangan Batubara Sangatta, Kalimantan TimurMost of the land in East Kalimantan is ultisol soil types with low soil fertility. In a large-scale land utisol used for oil palm, rubber and industrial plantations, but on a scale farmers because of economic constraints has led to the ground ultisol terkelolannya not well. In general, land in coal mining utisol in Sangatta, East Kalimantan has a low soil fertility levels in various limiting factors, such as: poor content of organic material, so as to improve soil fertility with fertilizer needed organic fertilizer derived from compost or manure. Cation exchange capacity values are quite high up (10,4 - 17,36 me/100 g), so the land can only be used for the development of cash crops or plantation crops. Most of the land in Sangatta acidic, with high Al saturation, to reduce the acidity of the soil can be done by or with the accumulation Calcification phospat (element P) and KCl.ultisol, fertility, soil managementSudaryono
38Tingkat Filtrasi Rumput Laut (Gracilaria Sp)
RUMPUT LAUT (Gracilaria sp)
The Concern of this study is to understand Gracilaria sp. function in biofiltration process as a way in removing exceeding nutrient.
Laboratory analysis indicated that Gracilaria sp has the ability to reduce organic substance as orthophosphate in see water up to range 0.0082 -00.0149 ppm/days. Application of Gracilaria in waste water filtrattion is expected to be an alternative approach in shrimp pond waste water treatment.
Gracilaria sp., biofiltration, orthophosphate.Wage Komarawidjaja dan Dian Ary Kurniawan
39Teknologi Usahatani Konservasi Terpadu Konsep Pembangunan Berbasis Keserasian LingkunganSebagian besar sumber daya lahan di Indonesia merupakan lahan kering yang memiliki potensi untuk usaha pertanian. Pada umumnya kawasan lahan kering tersebut memiliki topografi dari landai sampai terjal, sehingga apabila dimanfaatkan untuk usahatani sangat rentan terhadap erosi. Tingkat erosi yang tinggi merupakan masalah serius terhadap kelestarian sumberdaya lahan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) dibagian hulu, dan menimbulkan pengaruh negatif di DAS bagian hilir. Usahatani pada lahan kering menghadapi problema yang sangat kompleks, beragam dan beresiko tinggi, oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian dengan strategi pendekatan pengelolaan secara terpadu. Penelitian dan pengembangannya melibatkan berbagai disimplin ilmu (interdisipliner). institusi (interinstitusi) dan petani sebagai pengelola utamanya. Pengembangan sistem usaha tani konservasi terpadu pada sub DAS Prambanan hulu dengan tujuan mencari solusi pengembangan teknologi alternatif serta upaya mengendalikan erosi, ternyata telah mendapat respon positif baik oleh petani binaan maupun non-binaan.Usahatani konservasi, Daerah Aliran SungaiSudaryono
40Teknologi Usahatani Konservasi Terpadu Konsep Pembangunan Berbasis Keserasian Lingkungan.Sebagian besar sumber daya lahan di Indonesia merupakan lahan kering yang memiliki potensi untuk usaha pertanian. Pada umumnya kawasan lahan kering tersebut memiliki topografi dari landai sampai terjal, sehingga apabila dimanfaatkan untuk usahatani sangat rentan terhadap erosi. Tingkat erosi yang tinggi merupakan masalah serius terhadap kelestarian sumberdaya lahan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) dibagian hulu, dan menimbulkan pengaruh negatif di DAS bagian hilir. Usahatani pada lahan kering menghadapi problema yang sangat kompleks, beragam dan beresiko tinggi, oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian dengan strategi pendekatan pengelolaan secara terpadu. Penelitian dan pengembangannya melibatkan berbagai disimplin ilmu (interdisipliner). institusi (interinstitusi) dan petani sebagai pengelola utamanya. Pengembangan sistem usaha tani konservasi terpadu pada sub DAS Prambanan hulu dengan tujuan mencari solusi pengembangan teknologi alternatif serta upaya mengendalikan erosi, ternyata telah mendapat respon positif baik oleh petani binaan maupun non-binaan.Usaha tani Konservasi, Daerah Aliran Sungai, DASSudaryono