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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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21Kontribusi Limbah Deterjen Terhadap Status Kehidupan Perairan Di Das Citarum HuluSoap is defined as compound of fats, fatty acids and caustics soda. These compounds work to reduce surface tension and increase its cleansing ability. The term ?detergent? usually refer to synthetics compounds, but has broader ability, not only reducing surface tension and increasing its cleansing ability but also has softening and emulsifying ability.Unfortunately, detergent in certain concentration can harm to aquatic organism such as plankton, mussel, mollusk and fish. In bioassays test, high detergent concentrations induced mortality in gill cells and reduced filtration rate of the mussel. In some report cited said that concentrations above 0.2 mg/L of anionic detergent already elicited detrimental, and sub-lethal effects in all test organisms.Therefore, in upper Citarum Catchments Area which has detergent concentration significantly above 0.2 mg/L could harm to sessile invertebrate organisms. And in the long period it may influence the diver and abundance of aquatic organisms.Water quality, aquatic organism, detergent.Wage Komarawidjaja
22Pengaruh Usaha Pengolahan Sagu Skala Kecil Terhadap Baku Mutu Air Anak SungaiThe objective of this research is to study the influence of small-scale sago processing industry to standard quality of Ciheuleut river water in Cibuluh Sub-district, District of Bogor Utara, and City of Bogor. The method used is to analyse the water in laboratory and subsequently the result is compared to standard quality of tapioca industry. Response of community in the area regarding this sago processing industry is gathered by performing interview in the form of questionnaire (number of community response is 35). Water samples used for water analysis are from 4 locations. They are water before flowing into the processing unit (A), water after filtration (B), process disposal water collected 1 m apart from filter (C) and discarded water that flows into river (D). Water analysis applied utilizes chemical analysis that includes pH, COD, BOD, DO, turbidity, cyanide and TSS (Total Soluble Solid) parameters. Laboratory analysis shows that location B has turbidity level that exceeds the standard quality required. Result of hypothesis test shows that hypothesis zero (H0) acceptable and alternative hypothesis rejected. It means water disposal waste of sago processing industry does not alter the quality of water disposal. Community feel disturbed (46%) on the existence of sago processing industry. The disturbance consists of liquid waste (20%), unpleasant odour due to solid waste (51.1%), and noise (22.9%). Unpleasant odour due to solid waste occurs during rainny season. 60% of responses say that water disposal of sago processing industry leads to river turbidity; whereas 40% thinks that it does not make any difference. River turbidity brings about itchiness (28.6%) while 68.6% says it does not make any difference. 71.4% of responses show that the existence of sago processing industry is beneficial to the community.water disposal, sago processing, standard qualityBambang Haryanto dan Enni Siswari
23Kebijakan Pengolahan Air Untuk Mewujudkan ketahanan panganAbstract
Up until now, some countries still facing food shortage. One of the reasons is waters carcity. As we know, it is estimated that 70 percent of the water consumed worldwide, including that diverted from rivers and pumped from underground, is used for irrigation, while some 20 percent is used by industry and 10 percent for residential purposes. In the increasingly intense competition for water among these three sectors, the economics of water do not favor agriculture. In China, 1,000 tons of water can be used to produce 1 ton of wheat, worth perhaps $200, or to expand industrial output by $14,000?70 times as much. In a country that is desperately seeking economic growth and the jobs it generates, the gain in diverting water from agriculture to industry is obvious.
Water capacity, water useMaryadi
24Kajian Pendahuluan Kelayakan Penerapan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik Secara Komunal?A preliminary assessment of an application of sewerage system with Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) and Down flow Hanging Sponge (DHS) technology was conducted in North Bogor. The Problem which often emerge in management of domestic wastewater is the limited land area and fund to built and operate a wastewater treatment facility. To overcome such problem, it is needed to develop a cheap wastewater treatment technology with high efficiency, easy to operate and also should be compact. The combination technology of UASB and DHS is proposed as an economic wastewater treatment which easy to handling. Therefore, to make sure that the technology is feasible or not to be built in North Bogor, there is need the preliminary assessment. The assessment was conducted through a survey of technical and social economic aspect. The results show that sewerage system using UASB and DHS technology is feasibl
wastewater, upflow anaerobik sludge blanket, downflow hanging sponge, preliminary assessmentAgus Rifai dan Rudi Nugroho
25Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Percetakan Uang Kertas (Utas) Menggunakan Proses Biologis AnaerobA research of wastewater treatment technology come from money producing industry was conducted in laboratory scale using 10 lt of Anaerobic Fixed Bed Reactor. The money producing wastewater was treated by mixing with domestic wastewater with various compositions. The wastewater was fed into the bioreactor by draw and fill daily.The results show that the optimum of COD removal is 52,5%, optimum loading is 0, 95 g-COD/l/day and optimum flowrate is 0,5 l/day. The optimum compossition of money producing wastewater towards domestic wastewater is 30%. These optimum conditions can be used as a designed criteria for full scale of anaerobic bioreactor in the money producing industry.Wastewater, Anaerobic, Fixed Bed Reactor Rudi Nugroho*, Ikbal *dan Nurtya Sulasmi**
26Pengaruh Pemakaian Biofilter Struktur Sarang Tawon Pada Pengolah Limbah OrganikWastewater treatment of a combined anaerobic-aerobic system is secondary wastewater treatment after physical treatment. Basically this wastewater treatment relies on bacteria in degrading pollutants. The use of honeycomb biofilter is to increase specific surface of media for attaching bacteria. Total volume of reactors is 280 liter, made of glass, equipped with two circulating pump and blower in the aerobic zone. The Biofilter is made of plastic, structurally like honeycomb. Its dimension is 28 cm x 25 cm x 30 cm, very light and easy to clean. It takes 14 days for seeding. The reactors were run in four different resident time, namely 7 days, 5 days, 3 days and 1 day. The raw water used in this experiment is wastewater from tofu and fermented soybean cake industries that have BOD around 300 - 500 mg/l. The water is sampled weekly and the results from 1,872 physical and chemical parameters from 144 water samples show that the reactors that using biofilters have better performance than the reactors using no biofilters. The Efficiency process in decreasing BOD value is around 51 - 91 % for resident time one day up to 7 days. Besides such a good relatively high efficiency, the hydraulic loading is around 0,48 - 3,33 m3/m2/ day and BOD loading is around 0, 20 - 0,43 kg BOD/m3/ day.Wastewater Treatment, Organic Waste, Biofilter, BiofilmArie Herlambang
27Alternatif Pengolahan Limbah Rumah Potong Hewan ? Cakung ( Suatu Studi Kasus )Public awareness on environmental protection is getting better now. This condition has also rise in a company own by Province Governmental of DKI Jakarta Raya in the field of slaughtering cattle. This company, namely Cakung Slaughterhouse stay in Jakarta Timur is more a public services instead of a private company. On the waste and wastewater handling as the by product of all activity in Cakung Slaughterhouse, an assessment and development of handling waste and wastewater was carried out cooperation with German agricultural research institute (Bundesforschunganstaltfuerlandwirschaft ? FAL) through on the job training, design and engineering of the waste and wastewater treatment plant that would be developed. The training was done by handling the waste of German slaughterhouse as a case study in Germany that has no experience in it on a Cooperation Project of Biological Waste and Wastewater treatment ? BTIG Project. Fortunately, beside the technology and system on waste and wastewater handling, also getting the high awareness in condition for a healthy circumference of life need. Make this project as basic of design on waste and wastewater treatment plant of a slaughterhouse, at least on the essentials organic waste treatment mode.waste, wastewater, slaughterhouse, anaerobic, compostDjoko Padmono
28Dinamika Kualitas Dan Kelayakan Air Waduk Sei Harapan Untuk Bahan Baku Air MinumDalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih yang sangat besar untuk pembangunan P. Batam, Otorita Pengembangan Daerah Industri Pulau (OPDIP) Batam telah membangun 6 buah waduk untuk menampung air hujan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas air dan kelayakan salah satu waduk tersebut yakni waduk Sei Harapan untuk menjadi bahan baku air bersih. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa mengacu pada Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No.20 tahun 1990 tentang pengendalian pencemaran air; maka air waduk Sei Harapan termasuk masuk sumber air ?golongan B? yaitu air yang dapat digunakan sebagai air baku untuk diolah sebagai air minum dan keperluan rumah tangga. Air tersebut tidak dapat digunakan sebagai air minum secara langsung tanpa pengolahan lebih dahulu (Golongan A) karena beberapa konsentrasi parameter logam berat, terutama kromium (Cr); kadmium (Cd); dan timbal (Pb) pernah termonitor lebih besar dari baku mutu air golongan A pada PP tersebut diatas. Guna menghindari dampak negatif dari logam-logam berat tersebut diatas maka disarankan agar sumber-sumber yang menjadi penyebabnya dikaji, dan kemudian dipikirkan cara menanganinya. Pengelola unit pengolahan air perlu memberi perhatian khusus pada logam-logam berat tersebut sehingga hasil pengolahan benar-benar bebas dari logam tersebut.Waduk sei harapan, kualitas air, air minum, logam beratYudhi Soetrisno Garno
29Pembebanan dan Distribusi Bahan Organik di Waduk Cirata.Pemanfaatan Waduk Cirata untuk pengembangan budidaya ikan sistem karamba jaring apung (KJA) cenderung berlebihan, sehingga menimbulkan dampak beban pencemaran bahan organik yang cukup tinggi. Penelitian pembebanan bahan organik dan distribusinya telah dilakukan di Waduk Cirata pada bulan Agustus tahun 2000, untuk mengetahui kontribusi sumber-sumber muatan organik dan bebannya pada komponen ekosistem. Beban organik allochtonus dari inlet (S.Citarum) mencapai 0,234 kg.dt-1 atau 7.393 ton per tahun, sedangkan beban organik autochtonus dari sistem KJA rata-rata 6.556 ton per tahun. Pada kolom air terdapat bahan organik total yang berkisar antara 13,9?22,7 mg.l-1, dan pada sedimen terdapat bahan organik total rataan per wilayah antara 152,5?188,6 mg.berat kering g-1 sedimen.Waduk Cirata, Bahan Organik, Sedimen, Keramba Jaring ApungLukman dan Hidayat
30Kajian Status Waduk Tirta Shinta dan Kelayakannya untuk Industri Ethanol di Kotabumi Lampung UtaraPT. Medco Ethanol Lampung has been constructed factory for cassava and mollase processing in order to product Rectified-Ethanol at Talang Jali Village, Kotabumi North Lampung. The estimation of capacity production is around 190.000 liter per day. Maximum necessity of fresh water for factory operasional is about 8.507 m3/hari. For the measurement depth and water volume Tirta Shinta Reservoir get the volume is about 3.155.434 m3 with the avarage depth for 1 ? 6 meter, while the discharge of water at outflow for agricultural is about 138.270 m3 per day at rainy season. If the water from Tirta Shinta reservoir use for main factory, and the total capacity reservoir only used 4.3 %, if nothing flow from river because dry season, and now Tirta Shinta reservoir can be supply only 17.7 month during dry season. Based on the environmental aspect, if better, a fresh water supply for ethanol factory from river has a big rate of flow. This present, beside for farming activity and tourism, the most of surface water reservoir covered by water plant that make problem for factory operational, specially for water pumpvolume water, factory, water balanceAgung Riyadi
31Daur Ulang Sampah Organik Dengan Teknologi VermicompostingOrganic material from municipal solid wastes can be recycled by composting technology become organic fertilizer. One kind of composting technologies is vermicomposting that use earthworm as ?machine? of composting process. There are two products from the process: biomass of worm and casting. Vermicomposting consists of three phases of activities such as preparation, processing, and nursing phase. Preparation phase consists of choosing of location, system, building, and equipment. Processing phase consists of making of worm media, preparation of worm and planting. Nursing phase consists of feeding, turning, cropping of casting and controlling of the disease. This article talk about those phases and the classification and characterization of earthworm.Vermicomposting, Sampah Organik, Kascing, KomposSri Wahyono
32Analisis Vegetasi Hutan Di Sekitar Gunung Wani, Suaka Margasatwa Buton Utara Sulawesi TenggaraStudy of plant ecology in around of Wani Mountain, Buton Utara Game Preserve, South-East Sulawesi, was conducted in April 2004. Two plots each 0,5 ha (50x100m) on 300 and 400 m a.s.l were established. As the result, the forest type is low land primary forest, which inclination land is steep. There were 106 species from 78 genus and 36 families, which dominated by Pometia pinnata, Litsea albayana, Homalium foetidum, Syzygium bordenii, Kjellbergiodendron celebicum, Cleistanthus myrianthus, Orophea celebica and Polyalthia lateriflora. Number of trees noted 452 individual/ha and sapling were 3016 ha/ha. Total Basal Area of trees in two-study site is 29,71 m/ha and distribution stem diameter class were largest between on 10-20 cm.Vegetation structure and composition, primary forest, Labuan Tobelo, Buton Island.Muhammad Mansur
33Penelitian Ekologis Durian(Durio spp). Di Desa Intuh Lingau, Kalimantan TimurEcological studies on the Durian (Durio spp.) in Intuh Lingau District, East Kalimantan Province was conducted on December 2005. One plot (0,6 ha) was establised at durian habitat for vegetation analysis. As the result, the forest type is secondary forest. Total number of trees (Stem diameter > 10 cm) were 183 individu which dominated by Durio zibethinus, Macaranga triloba, Ficus variegata, Octomeles sumatrana and Strombosia javanica. While, total number of sapling (stem diameter 2-9,9 cm) were 287 individu/0,15 ha which dominated by Leea rubra, Saurauia nudiflora, Monocarpia marginalis and Bridelia glauca. Vegetation structure and composition at study site will also discussed.Vegetation structure and composition, Durian habitat, East Kalimantan.Muhammad Mansur
34Pengaruh Kebocoran Vakum Terhadap Efesiensi Energi di PabrikEquipments for cement production such as kiln, pre-heater and raw mill was operated in vacuum pressure with the range of -2 until -1000 mm WG. It is quite often that inside of those equipments has been cracked and worn out. This situation will allow air ingression to the system which is called false air. False air is also known as vacuum leak. False air in cement kiln can contribute to higher consumption of fuel, as for increasing air infiltration temperature from ambient to the system will need more fuel.Vacuum leak, false air, cement, fuel savingWiharja dan Widiatmini Sih Winanti
35Tinjauan Aspek Hukum terhadap Pola Penggunaan Lahan Di Daerah Aliran Sungai ?The development of urban and sub urban of Jakarta has influenced Ciliwung river bank, which finally damaged environment. Lacal government ?Kabupaten Bogor? has made RUTRW (Rencana Umum Tata Ruang Wilayah), general plan for regional use space to control the development and to avoid more damaged environment. However, there are many divergences occur in the land use. Observation to current area of the river in the Ciliwung in the middle area was hopping can give some suggestion to government for more aware and keep environment away from more damaged.Uses Pattern of River BanksSilia Yuslim dan Nur Intan Mangunsong
36Kajian Teknologi Daur Ulang Timah Dari Aki Bekas Yang Ramah LingkunganRecycling used battery to collect lead (Plumbum) have been executed by communities. This practice has been accepted for generations, and they have not accomplished scientific assessments yet, particularly in term of environmental aspect. In order to create synergy between potential economic and prevent environmental impact of this performance, therefore it is absolutely necessary to manage lead recycling from battery activities. Using appropriate technology could also reduce air pollution of lead dust (Pb particulate) and excess air.Used battery, cuppola, recyclingWiharja
37Teknologi Usahatani Konservasi Terpadu Konsep Pembangunan Berbasis Keserasian LingkunganSebagian besar sumber daya lahan di Indonesia merupakan lahan kering yang memiliki potensi untuk usaha pertanian. Pada umumnya kawasan lahan kering tersebut memiliki topografi dari landai sampai terjal, sehingga apabila dimanfaatkan untuk usahatani sangat rentan terhadap erosi. Tingkat erosi yang tinggi merupakan masalah serius terhadap kelestarian sumberdaya lahan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) dibagian hulu, dan menimbulkan pengaruh negatif di DAS bagian hilir. Usahatani pada lahan kering menghadapi problema yang sangat kompleks, beragam dan beresiko tinggi, oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian dengan strategi pendekatan pengelolaan secara terpadu. Penelitian dan pengembangannya melibatkan berbagai disimplin ilmu (interdisipliner). institusi (interinstitusi) dan petani sebagai pengelola utamanya. Pengembangan sistem usaha tani konservasi terpadu pada sub DAS Prambanan hulu dengan tujuan mencari solusi pengembangan teknologi alternatif serta upaya mengendalikan erosi, ternyata telah mendapat respon positif baik oleh petani binaan maupun non-binaan.Usahatani konservasi, Daerah Aliran SungaiSudaryono
38Teknologi Usahatani Konservasi Terpadu Konsep Pembangunan Berbasis Keserasian Lingkungan.Sebagian besar sumber daya lahan di Indonesia merupakan lahan kering yang memiliki potensi untuk usaha pertanian. Pada umumnya kawasan lahan kering tersebut memiliki topografi dari landai sampai terjal, sehingga apabila dimanfaatkan untuk usahatani sangat rentan terhadap erosi. Tingkat erosi yang tinggi merupakan masalah serius terhadap kelestarian sumberdaya lahan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) dibagian hulu, dan menimbulkan pengaruh negatif di DAS bagian hilir. Usahatani pada lahan kering menghadapi problema yang sangat kompleks, beragam dan beresiko tinggi, oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian dengan strategi pendekatan pengelolaan secara terpadu. Penelitian dan pengembangannya melibatkan berbagai disimplin ilmu (interdisipliner). institusi (interinstitusi) dan petani sebagai pengelola utamanya. Pengembangan sistem usaha tani konservasi terpadu pada sub DAS Prambanan hulu dengan tujuan mencari solusi pengembangan teknologi alternatif serta upaya mengendalikan erosi, ternyata telah mendapat respon positif baik oleh petani binaan maupun non-binaan.Usaha tani Konservasi, Daerah Aliran Sungai, DASSudaryono
39Application of US-EPA Menthod 29:Samping of Metals Emission from Stationary SourceThis report summaries the results of sampling (and analyses) of stack flue gas of P.T. Semen Cibinong?s Kiln, located at Jl. Raya Narogong, Desa Nambo, Cileungsi, Bogor. The test was aimed to determine concentrations of emitted metals (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg and Tl) concentrations. The conditions of the kiln tested were maintained at its normal operation. The metals were sampled from the flue gas at 3 (three) replicates. The metals concentrations in all three tests were well below the standard as stipulated in Kep-06/BAPEDAL/02/1999. This stack sampling work was carried out with the strict procedures specified by United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA), Method No. 29. The laboratory analysis of metals were conducted by Analitika Sejahtera Lingkungan (ASL) laboratory, Bogor. The procedures of both stack sampling and laboratory analyses have followed a quality assurance/ quality control (QA/QC) program as an integral part of the overall technical effort.US-EPA Method 29, metals, traverse points, isokinetic sampling, linear velocityKardono
40Evaluasi Lingkungan Air Tanah Di Das Citarum HuluThe catchment area ?Citarum? has been being in a very critical condition relating to extremely environmental problems. River water pollution in this catchment is obviously caused by industrial and domestic waste water. Nowadays the pollution load is already too high and the BOD, COD contents exceed the WHO standard. The activity evaluating groundwater environment in the up steam of the catchment area has the objective wich is to monitor the effect of groundwater pollution brought about by decreasing of surface water quality in upstream Citarum. The observed locations are village Suleman, Mekarrahayu, Margarahayu and Nanjung. They are all in Bandung regency. The four observed locations can be as representative for the three parts of upstream Citarum, ie. Upper, middle and lower part. Results of the evaluation are able to described groundwater quality condition, especially in the upstream Citarum cathment area.Upstream Citarum, groundwater, evaluation, water pollutionR. Haryoto Indriatmoko, Heru Dwi Wahjono, Satmoko Yudo dan P. Nugro Rahardjo