Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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1Peningkatan Efisiensi Pembakaran pada Boiler Melalui Penerapan Produksi Bersih KasusWiharja dan Joko Priyatno Susanto
2Pengolahan Air Payau Menggunakan Teknologi Membran Sistem Osmosa Balik Sebagai Alternatif Kepulauan seribu (Seribu Archipelago) is one of region of north jakarta, the province of DKI Jakarta Raya which is populated by around 18.000 inhabitants. It consists of 111 small islands. Among them, there are about 11 (eleven) islands are stated as the residential: P. Untung Jawa, P. Tidung Besar, P. Lancang Besar, P. Panggang, P. Pramuka, P. Kelapa I, P. Kelapa II, P. Harapan, P. Sebira. P. Payung dan P. Pari. P. Panggang and P. Kelapa I are the most populated.In relation to the clean water supply, specifically for drinking water/freshwater, mostly is got from the narrow well, rainfall and some water treatment installations that heve been owned by some islands. However, problem arises when the prolong dry season comes as the quality of water in the narrow well decreases significantly, the well water became brackish. In order to cope this problem, the avaibility of sufficient water treatment installations to process brackish water into freshwater is very important. The water treatment installation with reverse osmosis system is one of the most effective alternative in order to provide the freshwater for the people in the islands. The system has also been aplied sufficiently in several islands, such as P. Kelapa I, P. Tidung, P. Pramuka, P. Untung Jawa, P. Panggang dan P. HarapanPengolahan Air payau, Osmosa balik, Air minumWahyu Widayat
3Penerapan Teknologi untuk Mengurangi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca
Being located in the equator and also has bondaries with two tectonic plates, Indopnesia has various of energy resources, such as oil, coal, natural gas, as well as, renewable energy resources such as geothermal, solar, hydro, wind etc.
In relation to the above mentioned conditions, Indonesia has a lot of potential to reduce greenhouse gas emmission through increasing the energy efficiency, fuel swiching, as well as utilization of CCS (carbon dioxide capture and storage) in the oil, gas and coal mining.
Although Indonesia is not included in Kyoto Protocol?s country list, Annex I or Annex II, Indonesia is inclkuded among countries that had ratified the Earth Summit and the Kyoto Protocol. Therefore, it has a responsibility to help the developed country reduce their greenhouse gas emmission through application of environmental friendly technologies in the framework of Clean Development Mechanism.
Greenhouse Gas, CDM, Application technologiesMohammad Sidik Boedoyo
4Pengolahan Bahan Organik Enceng Gondok menjadi Media Tumbuh Untuk Mendukung Pertanian Organik
Eceng gondok (Eichornia crassipes (Mart)(Solms) is a floating plants that creates problems on the maximum of waters utilization. On the other side, eceng gondok is a potential organic matter that can be used for a growing media. The utilization of the organic matter for growing media will support of organic farming and minimize the use of chemical materials.
Process of eceng gondok decomposition can produce a growing media with high nutrients contain for plants growth. The experiments of growing media from eceng gondok for sawi hibrid plants show positive respons in which the plant has freshly growth and free of diseases.
Eceng gondok, bahan organik, dekomposisi, pertanian organikEuthalia Hanggari Sittadewi
5Rancangbangun Sistem Database Kualitas Air Limbah
Rumah Sakit

Environmental pollution that happened around us in this time have resided in condition of concerning. The environmental quality recovering is not only becoming responsibility of government, but becoming responsibility of all society, especially who was causing the environmental pollution itself. Some metropolitans like Jakarta has domestic waste as dominant waste, which is not dominant hostpital waste also contributes environmental pollution in Jakarta.To decrease the pollution level of wastewater from hospital, the government of Jakarta has published the environmental regulation. The regulation contains how the hospitals in Jakarta should manage and process their wastewater. This article explain about the design and development of database system for managing the data of hospital wastewater quality, so the observation process of wastewater quality from the wastewater treatment plant for the hospital can be monitored easily and known immediately.
database kualitas air, kualitas air limbah rumah sakit, IPAL rumah sakitHeru Dwi Wahjono
6Potensi Air Tanah Di Daerah Cikarang Dan Sekitarnya, Kabupaten Bekasi Berdasarkan?
Groundwater is one of the most important for human activities. The effects of land use and population changes in Bekasi area cause the degradation of groundwater quantity and quality. The aquifers potential in Cikarang and its surrounding as a study area are studied using geoelectric method. Geoelectric analysis can be measured the geometry of subsurface aquifer (thickness, depth, distribution, and structural geology). The aquifers in the study area are included of Bekasi Groundwater Basin System. The aquifers contain confined aquifer and unconfined aquifer. The thickness of unconfined aquifers less than 30 m, as lenses and bottom depth less than 40 m below of land surface. The thickness of confined aquifers is variation with maximum 80 m and the bottom depth 20-160 m below of land surface. The degradation of groundwater in Cikarang and its surrounding needs better groundwater management for sustainable development
potensi airtanah, akuifer, geolistrik, CikarangHeru Sri Naryanto
7Unit-unit Pemproses Pengolahan Limbah Cair Domestik Skala Rumah Tangga
In the last ten years water pollution problem in Jakarta has been becoming more serious. The highly increasing population causes the rising amount of domestic wastewater. Rivers in Jakarta have already been polluted by various wastewaters, such as from industries, domestic and many institutionals (offices, hospitals, markets/shop areas, etc.). It has been well known that the domestic wastewater contributes 70% in causing the river pollution, especially in Jakarta. Therefore it is very important to apply the proper domestic wastewater treatment system which is able to reduce the contaminants until an environmentally required standard. Some types of domestic wastewater treatment have already been used, but the results do not fulfil the environmental required standard. At least a unit of domestic wastewater treatment should have a control tank as the beginning filter, anaerobic part, aerobic part and a sedimentation tank as the final part of the whole system. An advanced technology using a biofilter media has been proposed and based on the experiment, the result has proven that it can reduce BOD from more than 1,000 ppm to less than 30 ppm. The retention time is about 3 days. The conclusion shows that this new wastewater treatment system is properly suitable alternative to be applied in domestic area, especially in a densely populated region. By applying the system we can also cope with the water pollution problem caused by domestic wastewater.
Domestic Wastewater technologyPetrus Nugro Rahardjo
8Disain Sistem Scada Di Instalasi Pengolahan Air Bersih Untuk Kebutuhan Domestik?
Industrial area represents location where some industries operate in one same area region. Usually an industrial area besides there are factory also there are office and housing. To fulfill domestic clean water required by housing and office, usually the organizer of industrial area have developed a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) with source of raw water which come from a river emitting a stream of around area. The increasing of domestic clean water needs has pushed management to increase the production of clean water by the existing WTP. Besides that, to increase the quality of clean water service to the domestic exist in industrial area, hence felt important to develop a system of SCADA to manage existing process in the WTP. As step early is to identify and plan the design system of SCADA for domestic WTP. From the result of development planning, the SCADA can be developed step by step according to the project plan and existing budget.
Water Treatment Plant (WTP), Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA), Kebutuhan Air Bersih Domestik PerumahanHeru Dwi Wahjono
9Penelitian Sumber Air Bersih Bawah Tanah di Pulau Flores

One of the most important of human life is water. Water may provide easily in certain areas , however, some parts in the world are still being suffered from the lack of fresh water. In eastern part of Indonesia for example people found the source of water several kilometers from their home and meet their basic need for their life. This research was executed in Flores Island to identify and explore the underground water which might be trapped under the town of Ende.
fresh water, research, underground water.CB Herman Edyanto
10Status Kualitas Perairan Umum Dan Air Tanah Di Wilayah Jakarta
The environment and water quality status of the open waters of the rivers and lake including ground water surround DKI Jakarta was evaluated on the base of the data collected by local government of the environmental agency of DKI Jakarta (BPLHD) period of 2004. The result shows that water quality of those open waters has degraded due to the impact of the domestic and industrial waste that flowing through the rivers. The DO, total suspended solid (TSS), ammonia, organic matter, BOD and COD of the open waters in general have more than intemperate of the environmental standard of the water quality for drinking, fisheries, animal husbandry and industrial need. While the ground water has degraded due to the increasing of the Fe, Mn and detergent. To eliminate and minimize the degradation of the water quality of the open waters and ground water surround Jakarta, strict regulation should be established following the regular monitoring of the whole area of the open and ground waters.
Kualitas Perairan Umum, Sungai, Situ, Air Tanah, DKI JakartaSuhendar I. Sachoemar dan Heru Dwi Wahjono
11Kajian Pemanfaatan Tumbuahan Sebagai Obat Tradisional Oleh Masyarakat Lokal Kecamatan Wawonii
Twice field works to Wawonii Island was carried out in 2003 and 2004, in order to collect data on utilition of medicinal plants by local people. Two villages of Wawonii district, which occupied by Wawonii tribe, were selected as study sites. Based on to that study 73 species plants, which uses by local people as traditional medicine and after having child were recorded. Similar to order inland areas of Indonesia, forest clearenses and process of modernization was also occurred in this study area. Consequense the effect of those activities expected will be affect in lost of local knowledge and destruction of natural pesources. For that reason a study on utilizes of medicinal palnt by local people is needed.
Traditional medicine; Wawonii tribe; Southeast Sulawesi.Mulyati Rahayu, Siti Sunarti, Diah Sulistiarini dan
Suhardjono Prawiroatmodjo
12Teknologi Pengolahan Air Minum Dari Air Baku
Yang Mengandung Kesadahan Tinggi

Water is very important need for our live. The lack of water, in term of quqnttity quality would triger serious social & health problems. The requirements for qualified water including element of phisical, chemical & bacteriological. One of chemical parameter in wateris the amount of Ca+2 & Mg+2, namely of hardnes. Since it is harmfull for human health hardness both in industrial and household consumption should be avoided. To cope the problem, there is an exact solution by processing the water with ion exchange filtration. The instalation could be used to process the water from deep well & ordinary well on the lime mountains which generally has a high hardness into qualified drinkable water.
Air minum, Kapur, Kesadahan, Pengolahan, Penukar ion.Wahyu Widayat
13Upaya Meningkatan Daya Dukung Sumberdaya Air Pulau Jawa
Water resource capacity in Java is significantly decreased. This has been noticed by the more frequent floods and over-dried seasons happened in several locations in Java. On the other side, the water demand in Java is raised as the result of increasing population and quality of live. Reducing of water resourcing capacity related with forest degradation, change of land usage and river pollution. Interpretation of the satellite imaging in 2005 showed that the vegetated land areas is left abaut 2,4 acre or 21% of the wholw area of Java island. This is lower than the regulated requirement, i.e. about 30%. Efforts might be needed to solve this problems, cover (1) Regulation of the number and distribution of population; (2) Forest and land rehabilitation; (3) Coasts degradation control; (4) Increasing efficiency of water usage and control of river pollution; (5) Management of land usage by implementing the required 30% area as opened green areas; and (6) Deregulation of the water management institution.
water resources capacity, forest degradation, populationIkhwanuddin Marwadi
14Condition Of Water Resource In Indonesia And Its Environmental Technology
Water resource is one of the most important resources for life and development. In Indonesia, the increasing population and development results the increased demand of water. On the other hand, water resource availability has become limited and has been at critical level for several locations. Around 65% Indonesian population (~ 125 Million people) live in Java island which is only 7% of total Indonesia continental area. The decrease of water resource is caused by some factors, namely pollution, deforestation, heavy agricultural activities, and the change of the function of catchment area. This paper will give some brief description how water resource in Indonesia distributes and what the appropriate technologies have been used for the treatment of low quality of water in order to fulfill the human life needs.
water resource, pollution, climate change, health impactKardono
15Konservasi Lahan Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Budidaya Lorong
BUDIDAYA LORONG (Alley Cropping)
The research of land productivity through the application of alley cropping has been carried out in transmigration area Kuro Tidur, Bengkulu. The research was done continously within three planting seasons, from 1997 to 1998.
The results of the research showed that Flemengia congesta as a fence crop or hedgerows was beneficial. The returning of organic matter from prunning of the hedgerows into the soil can conserve the soil through improvement of nutrients availability, increasing pH, decreasing availability of aluminium (Al) by chelate formation. The effect of dolomit 2,5 ton/ha and organic matter 5,0 ton/ha will increase soy beans production 28,9 % and increase corn production 33,1 %. The effect of dolomit 2,5 ton/ha and organic matter 10,0 ton/ha will increase soy beans production 38,6 % and increase corn production 54,9 %.
alley cropping, conservasionKasiran
16Fungsi Strategis Danau Tondano, Perubahan Ekosistem dan Masalah yang terjadi Tondano is a natural and biggest lake in North Sulawesi which some strategic functions i.e for irrigation, source of drinking water, hydropower, freshwater culture, tourisms, overflow control. Wide of Tondano Lake is about 46 ? 51 km2. There are 35 streams as inlet and one outlet only is Tondano Stream. Tondano Lake has some problems caused by many activities both in downstream area or around of the lake. People?s activities such as land clearing for plantation in downstream area, freshwater culture and daily people?s activities around of the lake had been organic material contribution in the lake waters. It has caused of water hyacinth booming (Eichornia crassipes (Malt) (Soms), erosion and sedimentation. Nowadays water hyacinth has been covered about 20% of Tondano Lake?s wide. Besides reduce of waters quality, water hyacinth booming has been made problems for hydropower and traffic in lake waters to the outlet. Because of that problems, Tondano Lake needs concern for intensif management.Strategic funcitions, ecosystem, erosion, sedimentation, water hyancinthEuthalia Hanggari Sittadewi
17Produksi dan Formulasi Bioinsektida dan Propagul Aktif Jamur Beauveriabassiana Tondano is a natural and biggest lake in North Sulawesi which some strategic functions i.e for irrigation, source of drinking water, hydropower, freshwater culture, tourisms, overflow control. Wide of Tondano Lake is about 46 ? 51 km2. There are 35 streams as inlet and one outlet only is Tondano Stream. Tondano Lake has some problems caused by many activities both in downstream area or around of the lake. People?s activities such as land clearing for plantation in downstream area, freshwater culture and daily people?s activities around of the lake had been organic material contribution in the lake waters. It has caused of water hyacinth booming (Eichornia crassipes (Malt) (Soms), erosion and sedimentation. Nowadays water hyacinth has been covered about 20% of Tondano Lake?s wide. Besides reduce of waters quality, water hyacinth booming has been made problems for hydropower and traffic in lake waters to the outlet. Because of that problems, Tondano Lake needs concern for intensif management.Beauveria bassiana, bionsecticide, production technology, formulationUntung Suwahyono dan Priyo Wahyudi
18Gumuk Pasir Parangtritis Konversi Versus Konservasi Tulisan ini mencoba mengulas tentang adanya fenomena alam yang sangat langka dan unik berupa gumuk pasir tipe "barchan", yang terbentuk sebagai akibat adanya ekosistem Parangtritis yang khas. Pantai Parangtritis khususnya dan pantai selatan Yogyakarta umumnya saat ini telah berkembang sangat cepat di dalam pemanfaatan potensi sumber daya alam di lahan pesisir sehingga banyak pihak berkeinginan untuk memanfaatkan lahan pantai berbagai keperluan, sehingga mengancam keberadaan gumuk pasir. Dengan segala keunikan, karakteristik dan potensi pantai yang khas tersebut, maka potensi terjadinya konflik kepentingan antar sektor akan semakin besar. Gambaran konflik dan akibat yang akan ditimbulkan apabila terus dibiarkan dapat mengancam kelestarian gumuk pasir di Parangtritis tersebut. Dengan model sistem dinamik maka upaya untuk melestarikan keberadaan gumuk pasir dapat dimungkinkan melalui skenario pembangunan berkelanjutan yaitu menyeimbangkan atau mengendalikan laju pengurangan lahan dengan laju penambahan wilayah gumuk.Gumuk pasir, konservasi, model dinamikLestario Widodo
19Denitrifikasi Limbah Nitrat Pada Berbagai Tingkat Keasaman Dengan Memanfaatkan Mikroba AutotrophA biological denitrification using autotrophic bacteria in batch suspension runs was investigated to clarify the effect of pH on denitrification rate. Elemental sulfur was employed as an electron donor. The culture of autotrophic bacteria was obtained from activated sludge by acclimatization. The effect of pH on denitrification rate could be expressed by bell-shape equation with optimum pH of 7,07. However at a pH range of 5,5 to 8,0, the denitrification rate significantly fastl. Therefore, the application of the denitrification of wastewater using autotrophic bacteria is suggested running well although without controlling pH.Denitrification, nitrate, autotrophic bacteria, elemental sulfur, pHRudi Nugroho
20By Product Exchange of Seaweed Solid Waste for Mushroom MediaA laboratory experiment on utilization of seaweed-containing solid wastes as media for growing mushrooms was conducted by researchers from the Institute for Environmental Technology. The solid wastes were obtained from PT. Agarindo Bogatama, a food industry which produces jelly powder processed from seaweed of Gracilaria. The company generates 60 tones of solid wastes of seaweed per-day that contained 70% of water content. The solid media was used to grow Auricularia polytricha, Pleurotus astreatus, and Ganoderma lucidum. Some mixed media were prepared with the percentage ratio of sawdust to solid waste as 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100. After sterilization the media were planted with mushrooms and then were kept in incubator. After 28-day the basidiomas of G. lucidum was developed while P. astreatus appeared after 36-day of incubation. Both were grown on 100% seaweed media (using 100% sawdust media as a control). This very early results indicated that solid waste of seaweeds have an additional value which can be used as media for mushrooms plantation. Implementation waste to product as a part of cleaner production approach should be disseminated to the industries, especially SMEs like PT. Agarindo Bogatama, who are concern to the environment.Byproduct exchange, seaweed solid waste, mushroomsTitiresmi