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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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181Hub. Tingkat Konsumsi Ikan Laut Thdp Kadar Mercury Dlm Rambut&Kesehatan Nelayan di Pantai KenjeranSurabaya Kenjeran Beach, as a part of Eastern coastal area at East Java, in addition to has function as a sea recreation (a tour) place and fishing, it also estuary for community channel and rivers from city. The condition of Surabaya Kenjeran Beach effected by Hg pollution, had observed by previous researcher, they suggested that water, sediment, and fishes from Kenjeran Beach were already dirtied by Hg at dangerous level. Hg that can be found in industrial waste generally has a inorganic form, but in the water environment, inorganic Hg change into organic Hg by microorganism (for example, methyl Hg) which is more toxic. Fisherman communities is one of the group which have a risk getting effect of methyl Hg, because they usually eat fish from sea that dirtied by Hg.
This research plan is case control, in order to studying relations between consumed sea fish and degree of Hg in fisherman?s hair, measuring average degree of Hg in their hair and than compare it with limit value, and also studying healthy disorder sigh that likely appear as a result of Hg poisoning. This research took place at Kenjeran district, Bulak sub district, Surabaya. The number of samples for group who affected by Hg are 70 person and controlled group are 45 person. Respondent?s hair (research subject) was taken and then observed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) No Flame.As result, at the fisherman group who consumed sea fish at average 99.11 g/day, they have degree of Hg in their hair is 256.086 ppb. There are no data of consume sea fish at that time for the controlled group, average degree of Hg in their hair is 0.511 ppb. Healthy disorder sigh (subjective symptoms) which is suspicious as a result of Hg poisoning at this research are kidney, lever disorder, headache, painful, tremor, bleeding gums, and visual disorder.Conclusion is, statistically there is significantly relations between consumed sea fish and degree of Hg in hair, and average degree of Hg in the effected group?s hair is higher than the controlled group, but it?s not over limit value that recommended by National Research Council (NRC) is 12 ppm, also there is significantly relations between degree of Hg in hair and healthy disorder sigh (subjective symptoms).
mercury (Hg), hair, healthySudarmaji, Adi Heru Sutomo, Agus Suwarni
182Hutan Keramat Dan Strategi Konservasi Di Rangkas Bitungkonservasi, masyarakat setempat, situs suciTeknologi,
183Hybrid Solar Lighting Sebagai Alternatif Teknologi Penerangan Alami Bangunan Untuk Efisiensi ?Artifi cial (electric) and direct lighting technologies available today have the potential to greatly reduce the growth rate of electricity consumed through lighting worldwide. While electric lighting has been ineffi cient throughout much of its history, direct (natural) lighting is nearly free and often plentifully supplied by the sun. However, electric lighting systems are necessary when solar lighting is not adequate and these technologies are being greatly improved. One relatively new method of lighting a building?s interior combines both artifi cial and direct lighting to maximize effi ciency is accomplished through the use of a paraboloidal, mirrored dish which actively tracks the sun to concentrate sunlight into an array of fi ber lighting, fiber opticsSuryo Anggoro
184Identifikasi & Perancangan Sistem Pengelolaan Data Sumber Daya Air Provinsi GorontaloGorontalo Province as new agricultural base province in the autonomous efforts through the Agency for Water Resources Management has been collecting and managing all data of water resources. Good data management for water resources is needed to support agricultural and fishery base activity in this province. The identification of potential of the existing water resources is needed for computer base structural database management system design. The design of database system is used as reference for development of software for water resources database management. The developed software can be used as Decision Support System to help provincial management and useful for information system to find out the potential of all water resources in Gorontalo Province area. The output of this activity is software for managing water resources in Gorontalo Province.database sumber daya air, sistem pengelolaan data, potensi sumber daya airHeru Dwi Wahjono
185Identifikasi Akuifer Air Tanah Di Kec. Mangkubumi, Kota Tasikmalaya Dengan Metode GeolistrikAlong with increase in population and economic growth in Tasikmalaya Residence cause the need of water is increased too. The majority these need take from groundwater resources. Occurrence groundwater resources depends on many factor like landform (landscapes), geology, precipitation, land use, etc. Resistivity geoelectric survey can detect groundwater resources occurrence. This survey can detect geometry and distribution of groundwater reservoir (aquifer). Generally, underground condition of Mangkubumi area consist of 3 layers of lithology i.e. soil layer, sandstone and clayey sandstone and locally there are lens of pebbly sandstones. Sandstones have good potential as aquifer. Sandstone layer is evenly distributed in Mangkubumi area at depth between 50 cm ? 15 m. For shallow groundwater resources exploitation should be directed at south east and south west part of Mangkubumi area; while for deep groundwater resources exploitation can directed anywhere at depth more than 100 m.akuifer air tanah, geolistrik tahanan jenisMardi Wibowo, Agung Riyadi, Wage Komara Widjaja, Sabaruddin W. Tjokrokusumo
186Identifikasi Hypoxia Di Teluk Hurun LampungThis study was carried out to describe the characteristics of hypoxia in the tropical coastal sea. The general oceanographic surveys were conducted two times in Hurun Bay, 5-7 February and 17-19 February, 2003. And also, a day-night survey (25 hours survey) and the continuous monitoring of water temperature, current and meteorology were carried out. The monitoring data of water temperature indicated that the seasonal variation and the spatial in temperature in Hurun Bay were small. The difference in temperature between the surface and bottom water was less than 1.3 oC. The water temperature increased from February and the highest in April. It gradually decreased to late June and a sudden decrease occurred in the early July. The lowest temperature was observed in September and then it increased again. The seasonal variation in the thermal stratification was not happened. Instead of the weak thermal stratification, a sharp picnocline was formed around 20m in the dry season. The water below the picnoline was colder and more saline and contained less DO than the overlaying water. The cold water mass which has high salinity and lower DO was situated along bottom deeper than 20m on 17-19 July. The lowest DO in this water mass was 0.4 mg/l. Such a cold water mass appeared in early July and it propagated from offshore to the coast. The oxygen consumption rate of the water column was about 0.1 mgO2/L/hour in Hurun Bay. Comparing these oxygen consumption rates and the DO of water, if the oxygen supply was restricted, the water in Hurun Bay could become hypoxic easily.Water temperature, Hypoxia, Dissolved oxygenArif Dwi Santoso, M.Eng dan Yuichi Hayami, PhD
187Identifikasi Kerusakan tumbuhan di Kebun raya Bali oleh BenaluThe mistletoes of Dendrophthoe pentandra, Helixanthera cylindrica, Scurrula parasitica and Scurrula atropurpurea growing on several plants collection in Bali Botanical Gardens. The research was carried out in June 2007 found about 114 branches/twigs of 105 treee collections had been attacked by several mistletoes. The attacked trees consisted of 51 species belong to 24 genera. The tree collections of genus Syzygium, Familie Moraceae were the most frequent tree species being attacked by the mistletoes. Dendrophthoe pentandra was the most frequent mistletoe attacking the botanic gardens plant collections and caused the biggest damaging effect. The damaging effect of the parasitic mistletoes generally occurred on the distal part of infected branches or twigs of the host plants.Mistletoe, host plants, damage, Bali Botanical Gardens.Sunaryo, Erlin Rachman dan Tahan Uji
188Identifikasi Kualitas Gas SO2 Di Daerah Industri Pengecoran Logam Ceper.Di Kecamatan Ceper, Kabupaten Klaten telah lama berkembang industri pengecoran logam. Untuk mengantisipasi pengeruh aktifitas industri tersebut terhadap kualitas udara disekitarnya, khususnya konsentrasi SO2 maka penelitian ini dilakukan. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa konsentrasi gas SO2 udara ambient di wilayah pengecoran logam masih jauh dibawah nilai ambang batas yang diperlukan, sehingga keberadaannya tidak menimbulkan pengaruh negatif terhadap lingkungan dan kesehatan masyarakat disekitarnya.Kualitas SO2, Udara Ambien, Pengecoran LogamWiharja
189Identifikasi Masalah Penyediaan Air Bersih Di Ibukota Kabupaten Kutai Barat & Alternatif PemecahanAs the capital city of West Kutai Regency, Sendawar still has a lot of problems relating to clean water supply for its residence. Those problems are caused by the very limited capability of local water authority (PDAM), the worse of environment management and water pollutions. Water pollutions occur because of improper mining activities (gold, silver and coal), domestic wastewater and sediment particles affected by increasing run off coefficient and erosion. Therefore the quality of surface water (River Mahakam) becomes worse and worse. PDAM Problems are not only being able to serve clean water need just for 19% residence in Sendawar, but also the low capability of human resources. There are three ways to solve those problems. Firstly, it is very important to apply a concept ?One River One Management? in the Mahakam Catchment Area. Secondly, Application of wastewater treatment technology must be carried out to reduce the pollutants produced from mining industries and municipal area. The third is by improving the human resource quality, especially in the field of environment and sustainable development.Water resource, Water authority, Pollution control, human resourceP. Nugro Rahardjo
190Identifikasi Populasi Gastropoda Air Tawar Di Waduk Saguling Dan SekitarnyaThis research has been carried out in Saguling, Jawa Barat. The aims of the research were to study the population of fresh water gastrophod and its ecological aspects. The research was done at three habitats which were the dam, paddy fields and ponds in three location : South Inlet, East Inlet and West Outlet of Saguling dam. It has been found 6 species of gastrophod which were Pomacea caniculata, Bellamya javanica, Lymnaea rubiginosa, Indoplanorbis exustus, Gyraulus convexiuscslus and Melanoides tuberculata. In all the habitats the density of species of Pomacea caniculata, Bellamya javanica and Lymnaea rubiginosa were relatively higher than others. While the highest dominantion index of gastrophod were at habitat of paddy fields in all locations and at habitat of ponds in East Inlet and West Outlet locations. Pomacea caniculata, Bellamya javanica and Lymnaea rubiginosa were dominant at habitat of pady fields and ponds. Furthermore, the highest gastrophod diversity index was at habitat of dam in South Inlet and West Outlet locations. All the gastrophod species were found in a group. On the other hand, there was a tendention that each habitat had a different gastrophod species.Gastropoda, populasi, wadukSri Wahyono
191Identifikasi Potensi Air Tanah Di Kecamatan Mangkubumi Tasikmalaya Dengan Metode Uji PompaPumping tests are carried out to determine how much groundwater taken from a well and what effects pumping will have on the aquifer. Theis recovery method aims to find out the aquifer characteristics such as transmisibility and permeability values. This method in principle observes the recovery of ground water surface.This reasearch location at Mangkubumi distric Tasiklamaya West Java. The value of transmisibilitas and permeabilitas in Mangkubumi district indicated the groundwater potential is good. Ground water flow (m3/day) between 684,02 at Cipawitra until 4.617,19 at Cipari Tasikmalaya. Hidrolik Conductivity between 0.39 ? 2.63 (m2/day).groundwater, pumping test, permeabilityAgung Riyadi, Kusno Wibowo, Mardi Wibowo, Sabaruddin WTj
192Identifikasi Senyawa Kimia Dan Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Piper Sp. Asal PapuaThe aim of this study was to identity the chemical compounds of the piper sp. Fruit originated from Papua, that has been used as ?sirih pinang?(chew betle) and to determine the antibacterial activity of hexane and chloroform extraxt of piper sp. to Gram + bacteria isolates(Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes dan Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram ? bacteria isolates(Salmonella typhimurium, Eschericia coli and Pseudomonas pseudomallei). The extract concentration were 50 % and 25 %, and every treatment consisted of 3 replications. The bacteriae growth media was Mueller Hinton Agar(MHA). The result of phytochemical screening of Piper sp.fruit(ether, alcohol,and water extracts)showed that it contained esential oil, lipid, emodol, tannin, reducing sugar, anthrasenoid, polyuronide, glucocide, steroid glycoside.Piper sp., phytochemical screening and in-vitro antibacterial testSumarnie-H.Priyono, dan Praptiwi
193Identifikasi Teknologi Rendah Karbon Untuk Pengembangan Energi Berkelanjutan Di IndonesiaGas rumah kaca, teknologi rendah karbon, penyediaan dan permintaan energi.Teknologi
194Implikasi Undang-Undang Nomor 14/2008 Tentang Keterbukan Informasi Publik Pada Informasi TeknologiSince the Internet was introduced virtual network, the globalization of information gradually changes. One positive result of the globalization of this information is the geographical boundaries are not visible in the face of the earth. Information wide open to anyone who would like to access and contribute in it. To protect the rights and obligations of both the information providers and the users from the cyber crime, the government has prepared several law and legislation. On this paper, the regulation of public information opennes (Law Number 14/2008) will be discussed, which protect the rights of people to access information held by public agencies and institutions. Example given is associated with the provision of information for environmental problems, particularly water management technology and liquid waste that has been managed by the Center for Environmental Technology, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology.Keterbukaan Informasi Publik, Pelayanan Informasi Teknologi, Hak Akses, Jaringan Global InternetKomarudin dan Heru Dwi Wahjono
195Induksi Mutasi Kultur In Vitro Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume Dengan Irradiasi GammaAmorphophallus muelleri Blume (Araceae) is valued for its glucoman content for use in food industry (heathy diet food), paper industry, pharmacy and cosmetics. The cultivation of A. muelleri is hampered by limited genetic quality of seed. The species is triploid (2n=3x=39), the seed is developed apomictically, and pollen production is low. The species is only propagated vegetatively. This may explain that the species is difficult to breed conventionally and genetic variability in the existing landraces cultivars is rather limited. Conservation of this species, therefore, is important for availability of the species in the future use of this plant. The objective of present research is to increase genetic variation by induce mutation using gamma-rays irradiation of shoot cultures of A. muelleri and to identify DNA polymorphism induced by gamma irradiation using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), so the mutants produced can be used for breeding purposes and for conservation program. Results of the experiment showed that gamma irradiation less than 5 gray was effective to induce mutation of A. muelleri. Four RAPD primers generated 35 scorable bands with 100% polymorphic bands. Size of the bands varied from 350bp to 2.0kbp. Clustering analysis was performed based on RAPD profiles using the UPGMA method. The range of genetic distance among individual
genotypes was from from 0.00 to 0.72, while genetic variance of the population was 0.21 + 0.13. The eighteen genotypes were proof to be mutants. The mutants produced in this experiment could be used as new germplasms for breeding purposes as well as for use in conservation strategy
Amorphophallus muelleri, induced mutation, gamma-rays irradiation,
Yuyu S. Poerba, Maria Imelda, Aida Wulansari dan Diyah Martanti
196Informasi Deteksi Sumberdaya Air Tanah Antara Sungai Progo-SerangThe demand for groundwater in developing countries is continuously increasing. It is used as industrial processes, drinking, agriculture, fishpond and irrigation. The reasons for this growth include agriculture, industrial processes, expanding cities, food production needed irrigation areas that urgently need groundwater supply. Actually now, in south Kulon Progo coast area, many people development agriculture with water supply from groundwater. From the measurement in the field concerning groundwater resources potential in the south Kulon Progo coast area, can be predicted that the fresh water resources be found as far as coast from Serang River until Progo River, with average wide 1.6 km and thick between 20 ? 43 meter and with depth average 25 meterair, sungai, agrikulturAgung Riyadi
197Inovasi Teknologi Biohidrogen Dari Limbah Biomasa Ke Energi Listrik Dengan Teknologi Fuel-CellEnterobacter aerogenes ADH-43, Bacillus pumillus Asp-8 and co-culture of both microorganism was inoculated and fermented by using molasses as by product of sugar factory, sugar starch, and glycerol as by product of biodiesel into hydrogen gas (H2). Both producing double mutant bacteria as a facultative anaerobe and who was obtained by classical mutagenetically treated in order to enhance H2 producing. We have obtained that E. aerogenes ADH-43 has highest ability for molasses fermentation, and the volume H2 reached 4,0 l H2/l molasses.The fermentation was carried out in 50 ml vial bootle, 37 oC, pH 5.8 and 20 hrs. Optimization of molasses concentration was performed in order to study the inhibition, and finally, 2 % of molasses was found. To enhance the yield and H2 flow rate, the fed-batch system was applied into 6 l Stirred Tank Fermentor (STR). Innitial volume 2 l of medium was fermented, 1 l fresh medium was added into reactor at 6 and 9 hrs of fermentation time. Finally the achieved volume H2 was 6,5 l H2/l molasses, the remained molases was 0,2 %, and the fermentation time could be prolonged 4 hrs compare to bacth fermentation. We have also found the relationship between the H2 evolution rate and the voltage of electrical formed when we connected into 7 stack of fuel-cell.Enterobacter aerogenes, Hydrogen gas (H2), Fuel Cell, fed-batchMahyudin Abdul Rahman dan Eniya Dewi
198Inter Annual And Monsoonal Rainfall Variability In Java Islanddry season, decreasing tendency of rainfall amount, faster dry season.Teknologi
199Inventarisasi Jenis-Jenis Tumbuhan Dan Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Konservasi Daerah Tangkapan?native species, crops, watershed, conservation, Belu, East Nusa Tenggara ProvinceTeknologi
200Inventarisasi Tumbuhan Yang Berpotensi Sebagai Bahan Pangan Di Daerah Wawolaa?foods, plant Wawolaa, Wawonii-Kendari.Teknologi