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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 201-220 dari 814 item.
201Perawatan Sistem Intercooler Untuk Penghematan Energi Pada Industri PupukThe option of cleaner production of energy efficiency in the good maintenance on energy saving one of them was in the system of the water cooler from the intercooler system..The process unit of ammonia, urea production and the power house in the fertilizer industry needed 600 m3/jam cooling water approximately 60 % the requirement for cooling water from all over the requirement for the factory (reached 900 m3/jam).Several critical heat exchangers that use cooling water for process cooling, abnormally high process-out temperatures were noted. For example, the intercoolers (124CA & 124CB) of the Syn Gas Compressor (103J) are operating with Syn Gas outlet temperatures of 63?C and 51?C respectively, versus a target of 38.6?C. This excessive temperature will affect the performance of the downstream Chiller Plant and cause abnormally high-energy consumption. The improvement of system and equipment was carried out against intercooler 124CA in the fertilizer industry as well as was done by the replacement and maintenance that produced the decline temperature from 63 o C to 52 o C. This decline could be done by saving of energy of cooling water reached 2.62 MMBTU/hour so as to be able to reduce the disposal of greenhouse gases through to 422.293,733 tonne CO2/the year.Fertilizer industry, Cooling water systemDjoko Padmono
202Perancangan Sistem Basis Data Sumber Daya AirDatabase Sumber Daya Air, SISDA, Struktur Basis DataTeknologi Informasi dan
203Peranan Tumbuhan Liar Dalam Konservasi Serangga Penyerbuk Ordo HymenopteraThe role of the wild plants in relation to the conservation of the Indonesian insect
pollinators was studied at several areas of Java. Three of direct observation
methods were applied: study of biodiversity and observation on the wild fl owers
and the insect pollinators as well, and the behaviour of the insects. The fl owers
of wild plants were relatively smaller and paler in colour, however they were more
attractive to insect pollinators than cultivated plants. Flowering time of the wild
plants was mostly during wet seasons, contrary to that of the cultivated plants
which was mostly during dry seasons. Our observation indicated that these wild
plants are the food resources of insect pollinators during wet seasons. Observation data support the importance of wild plants to supply food to insect pollinators during wet seasons. Management of wild and cultivated plant environments is necessary to conserve insect pollinators.
insect pollinators, wild plants, conservationErniwati dan Sih Kahono
204Peranan Teknologi Pemantauan Secara Online Dalam Pengelolaan Kualitas LingkunganIn global industrial era, more than 70% industrial growth especially in Java will centrally around urban region. This matter can increase the environmental pollution as long as the progress of industry and technology development. Central and regional governments have continued to cope with the environmental pollution problem, although many environmental cases difficult to be resolved. This matter caused by the limited ability of observation technology and monitoring which conducted by the relevant institution and also because of the limited existing fund which allocated for the environment management. To increase the ability of environmental quality observation and monitoring technology in this time, we need the role of information and computation technology which can be used to observe and monitor online the source of pollution that resulting the environmental damages. To support this article we used the data of the case of information technology usage by the environmental institution in JapanOnline monitoring, pengelolaan Llngkungan perairan, teknologi Informasi dan komputasiHeru Dwi Wahjono dan Satmoko Yudo
205Peranan Sumur Pantau Dalam Pendeteksian Pencemaran Air TanahPencemaran air tanah merupakan masalah yang banyak terjadi di kota-kota besar, terutama di daerah padat dengan industri dan pemukiman. Keadaan ini merupakan dampak dari kemajuan peradaban manusia yang membawa perubahan lingkungan dan keseimbangan ekologi. Sumber pencemaran air tanah dapat berasal dari penyusupan air laut, air buangan industri maupun rumah tangga (domistik), limbah pertanian, pertambangan, dan kebocoran minyak dan lainnya. Untuk mendeteksi terjadinya pencemaran air tanah disuatu daerah diperlukan sejumlah sumur pantau. Pemasangan sumur pantau di perkotaan akan memudahkan di dalam mengevaluasi kondisi air tanah berdasarkan hasil pantauannya, sehingga langkah-langkah yang diambil akan lebih akurat dan terarah.Sumur Pantau, Air Tanah, Keseimbangan Ekologi, Intrusi AirIr. Arie Herlambang, M.Sc. dan Ir. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
206Peran Teknologi Lingkungan Dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Lingkungan Perairan DAS Citarum ?Sumberdaya lingkungan perairan daerah aliran sungai (SDLP-DAS) Citarum yang telah banyak memberikan manfaat dan berperan dalam pembangunan telah rusak dan tercemar sangat berat oleh sedimen dan berbagai limbah; baik limbah cair maupun padat yang langsung ataupun tidak langsung dibuang oleh manusia kedalamnya. Oleh karena itu maka perlu dirumuskan sebuah strategi pengelolaan dan teknologi lingkungan yang dapat merehabilitasi/ memulihkan SDLP DAS Citarum sehingga perannya dapat berkelanjutan. Kristalisasi dari literatur dan diskusi fanel yang telah dilaksanakan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis teknologi lingkungan yang dibutuhkan dalam pengelolaan SDLP DAS Citaerum menyimpulkan bahwa pengelolaan sumberdaya lingkungan perairan daerah aliran sungai (SDLP-DAS) Citarum yang berkelanjutan dan berkeadilan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat akan dapat terwujud jika dan hanya jika didukung oleh semua stakeholders, dengan melalui koordinasi aktif yang dilandasi rasa empati dan didukung dengan penerapan teknologi lingkungan dan teknologi ramah lingkunganPengelolaan Berkelanjutan dan Berkeadilan, Koordinasi Aktif, Rasa EmpatiYudhi Soetrisno Garno
207Peran Teknologi Dalam Penentuan Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air NasionalIn the national water resource management, the data is the basis for the calculation of water reserves. In a large scale and wide, searching the data will require substantial funding, as well as with the updates. Data colecting becomes a problem and not useful if not managed with the system efficiently and effectively. Technology occupies an important role in accelerating the work, such as remote sensing technology using a satellite to determine the condition of forests and water, or a weather that can see the concentration of clouds and wind movement. Determination of catchment areas of water and protected areas, may of them using remote sensing technology. Water treatment technologies for drinking water and the development of efficient recycling technology of waste water, is very supportive in increasing water use efficiency. Technological developments also influence government policy and the implementation of water resource management. National Policy of Water Resource Management is influenced by economic factors, environmental sustainability and socio-cultural conditions. The role of technology are facilitate, accelerate and improve the efficiency of the process, so that the process can be more economical and environmental impact is reduced, and does not conflict with the socio-cultural conditions.Kebijakan nasional sumber daya air, potensi SDA, teknologi pengolahan airArie Herlambang
208Peran Mikroba Aerob dalam Pengolahan Limbah Cair TekstilThe objective of this study is to understand the performance of microbial degradation activities in textile wastewater treatment unit. Result of BOD, COD, DO and microbial measurement indicated that DO concentration in activated sludge wastewater treatment unit was < 0.5 mg/L, ratio of BOD and COD was >1.99 and microbial density was around 1 x 107 ind/mL.
Based on parameter measured, firstly, the DO concentration is not enough for biodegradation process but this condition still work for biofloculation process; secondly, The BOD and COD ratio is indicating that wastewater compound could not fully degrade, eventhough the microbial density in the wastewater unit is in normal number.
microbes, activated sludge, biodegradation, biofloculation,
microbes, activated sludge,
Wage Komarawidjaja
209Peran Injeksi Air Secara Artifisial Dalam Upaya Pemulihan Air Tanah Di Kabupaten PandeglangInjeksi Air, Air TanahTeknologi Pengolahan Air
210Peran Industri dan Produk Tekstil Pada Kelestarian Sumberdaya Lingkungan Perairan DAS Citarum.Telah diketahui bahwa sebagian besar industri yang beroperasi di DAS Citarum adalah industri tekstil, yang sebagian besar belum mengolah limbahnya dengan baik dan membuangnya ke DAS Citarum. Oleh karena itulah maka tidak mengherankan jika keberadaan industri- industri tekstil tersebut sering dinyatakan sebagai salah satu penyebab utama tercemarnya kualitas lingkungan perairan DAS Citarum. Untuk mengetahui dengan benar tentang peran industri tekstil di DAS Citarum maka paper ini disusun. Paper ini dengan lengkap mengemukakan peran positif industri tekstil pada sosial-perekonomian masyarakat di DAS Citarum; dan peran negatifnya pada lingkungan perairan DAS Citarum. Selanjutnya dengan jelas paper ini menguraikan tentang penyebab mengapa industri tekstil sampai saat ini masih tetap membuang limbahnya; dan sekaligus menawarkan jalan keluarnyaPerairan DAS Citarum, Industri Tekstil, Sumber PencemarAde Sudrajat
211Peran Adipura Pada Pelaksanaan Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Di IndonesiaSolid waste management, operator, regulator, promoter, motivator, activatorTeknologi Lingkunganansor
212Peralatan Pemantau Penggunaan EnergiMonitoring equipment is very usefull to measure many kind of actual operation parameter of energy equipment dan also to compare with the design parameter to determine if the energy efficiency will be increased. In this paper, it is discussed the monitoring parameter for electricity system AC & DC and parameter for combustion monitoring equipment.Indriyati dan Djoko Padmono
213Penyisihan Timbal (Pb) Dari Tanah Terkontaminasi Dengan Proses ElektromigrasiThis study is trying to apply a new method in remediation electrokinetic by inserting conductive solution between cathode and soil to be treated. This is purposed in keeping the pH in low condition and preventing the precipitation of heavy metals in the soil adjacent to the cathode that often happen in the previous electrokinetic methods. Concentration of Pb (C0), period (t), concentration of conductive solution were selected as parameters, both with artificially contaminated sand and naturally contaminated soil experiments. The experiment with natural soil C0 = 975 ppm gave lower efficiency at 32,84% when it compares with sand as the medium, with the experiment in the same condition at 87,68%. Concentration of KCl also influenced the performance of system which was shown by the increasing in removal efficiency. The double increase of conductive solution concentration does not proportionally increase the flux of Pb. Although desorption in the natural soil take time longer than in the sand the removal efficiency relatively low. This is caused by the immobile state of Pb in the natural soil and the complexity of chemical reaction between heavy metals with surface of soil particle.electrokinetic, lead (Pb), electromigrationWahyu Purwanta
214Penyediaan Air Siap Minum Pada Situasi Tanggap Darurat Bencana AlamA response in an emergency condition is the most critical thing in natural disaster. In this situation, every thing is in a panic. Any decision must be taken tactically, quickly and property to minimize the number victims and severity as the impact of disaster. One of the response in an emergency is to provide facility of drinking water treatment unit which has to be located at the respective disaster area. This unit is designed compacly with high mobility, flexible and easily operated to fullfil the potable water need for the victims. The treatment processes use are filtration, adsorbtion and sterilization. The capacity is 1 M3/hour.Tanggap darurat, air minum, ultra filtrasi, bencana alam, mobilitas tinggi, tepat sasaranRobertus Haryoto Indriatmoko dan Wahyu Widayat
215Penyediaan Air Bersih Berbasis Kelembagaan Dan MasyarakatPangkep Island consist of 117 Island, situated in Southwest Makasar City, South Sulawesi. These islands supply fish and other marine commodity to the people who lives in nearby town. Unfortunately, they always lack of water, especially at the long dry season. Usually at rainy season, they collect water from the roof tile to storage tank. But at the long dry season the reserve water in not enough to fulfill daily needs. So it is necessary to applied some technology to create fresh water in some island. One of Island that has chosen as a pilot project is Pandangan Island. Pandangan Island can be achieved from Pangkep City only five hours using tradisional ship. The population around 1200 people and most of them are fisherman. At the long dry season they always lack of fresh water. The reverse osmosis system, capacity 10 m3/day, has been chosen as technology to overcome water problem in Pandangan Island. For remote area, it is assume only 5 liter/day/capita is enough, so the system could fulfill up to 2000 people. The equipment installed in the central Island, using shallow well as a intake water. The efficiency salt reduction is 95 ? 98% and recovery ratio 15 ? 35%. The establishment of committee is important to manage operasional of reverse osmosis system. Committee usually consist of 2 technical person and 1 management person, and they come from local people and well train, beside they also should have ability to sell the product water to surrounding island with competitive price. It?s need big effort to build sea water treatment in each island, so the priority should be determined, especially for crowded, populated and remote island such as Pandangan.Air bersih, kelembagaan, pengolahan air lautArie Herlambang
216Penyaring Air Paling EfisienArtikel ini menguraikan tentang proses pengolahan air tanah, khususnya untuk menghilangkan zat besi dan mangan dalam air dengan cara kombinasi proses aerasi dengan udara dan penyaringan dengan media pasir dan karbon aktif. Penyaring ini sangat efisien , materialnya murah, prosesnya mudah dan menghasilkan air bersih dengan kualitas yang baik.Air Tanah, Zat Besi, Aerasi, Karbon Aktif, PasirIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc. dan Ir. Satmoko Yudo, M.Sc.
217Penyakit Kanker Dapat Disebabkan Oleh Air Minum Anda.Trihalomethane (THMs) adalah senyawa yang dapat menyebabkan kanker (carcinogen). Senyawa THMs ini dapat terbentuk sebagai hasil samping proses khlorinasi. Beberapa cara untuk menghindari atau mengurangi terbentuknya THMs dalam air minum yakni dengan menghilangkan precursor THMs dengan menggunakan oroses adsorpsi dengan karbon aktif, oksidasi dengan ozon atau oksidator lainnya sebelum dilakukan proses pembubuhan khlor, menghilangkan senyawa THMs yang terbentuk dengan cara aerasi atau proses adsorpsi dengan karbon aktif, menggunakan disinfektant lainnya miaslnya hidrogen peroksida, khloramine atau khlordioksida dan menghilangkan senyawa-senyawa yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung dapat menimbulkan terbentuknya THMs.Trihalomethane, THM, Khlorinasi, Adsopsi Karbon Aktif, KhloramineIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
218Penurunan Kadar Krom (Cr) Dengan Menggunakan Biomasa Ampas Tebu Secara Bio-AdsorbsiChrome is a substance belong to high toxicity heavy metal group which can cause both acute and chronic poisoning. One of the methods that can be used to reduce its concentration is biosorbtion with bagasse biomass. The objectives of the study were to understand the chrome concentration before and after absorbed, as well as to understand the amount of the most effective biomass. The study was an experimental with three treatments of which consisted of eight repetitions. The sample was synthetic liquid waste and the treatment absorbent was bagasse biomass which was processed as activated carbon of 10, 15, and 20 grams weight. The chrome concentration were measured by using AAS method. The results showed that the chrome concentration before treated was 10,196 mg/l, and the average of the reduction from the three absorbents weight were: 0.174 mg/l, 0,099 mg/l, and 0,011 mg/l respectively. It can be concluded that there were reduction differences amongst the three treatments, and 20 gr absorbent was the most effective one (99.88 % reduction). It is advised for further study to apply the bagasse for processing liquid waste from industrial activities.Bagasse biomass, ChromeYasril, Heru Subaris Kasjono, dan Sri Puji Ganefati
219Penurunan Bahan Organik Air Limbah Industri Permen Dengan Menggunakan Reaktor Packed?mikrobiologi, pembibitan, aklimatisasi, bioreaktor packed bed, air limbahTeknologi Pengolahan Air
220Penurunan Kadar Cod Air Limbah Industri Permen Dengan Menggunakan ReaktorPollution in the rivers is generally caused by domestic and industrial waste. Some treatments to solve it can be done individually or collectively. The effort can be physical, chemical, or biological treatments chosen by its form, character, kind, quality, quantity. PT Van Melle Indonesia is a candy company which produces a high biological waste with COD concentration 10000-30000 mg/litre. This paper reports activated sludge reactor performance to decrease the waste?s organic content. The reactor is a biological waste water treatment, as a sequence of earlier anaerob process which still has a high COD (700-4000 mg/litre). A continued reactor operation done with retention time variation 24 hours, 18 hours, 12 hours, and 6 hours show reduced COD varied 80-90%. The highest efficiency was 97.59% from the 24 hours retention time, and the lowest efficiency was 89.5% from the 6 hours retention time.activated sludge reactor, candy industry wastewaterTitiresmi