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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 201-220 dari 814 item.
201Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Bakteri Pendegradasi Hidrokarbon Yang Berasal Dari TanahBioremediasi,, minyak bumi, bakteri hidrokarbonoklastik, biosurfaktanTeknologi
202Isolasi Jamur Yang Berkaitan Dengan Serangga Dari Rizosfir Tanaman?jamur yang berkaitan dengan serangga, larva Coleoptera, rayap, rizosfir tanaman, tanah gambutTeknologi
203Isolasi, Identifikasi, Dan Skrining Jamur Endofit Penghasil Agen Biokontrol Dari Tanaman?biocontrol agent; endophytic fungi; percentage inhibition of growthTeknologi
204Isolasi, Populasi Dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat Pada Daerah Perakaran?Bakteri pelarut Fosfat, Pycosvkaya, BengkuluTeknologi
205Ivetigasi Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Tandan buah kosong sebagai bahan bakar boiler terhadap pembentukan?The gas prudced in soliud waste disposal sites, practiculry CH4 can be a local enviromenteal hazard if precaution are not take to prevent uncontrolled emissions or migration into surrounding land. Gas can migrate from solid waste disposal sites either odors at low concertration, while at cocentration of 5 - 15 per cent in air, the gas may be form expolsive mixture. Recently, a forest fire on the Indonesia islands of Sumatra and Kalimatan left not only In Indonesia but neihboaring countries as well covered under a thick cluod of haze. Semo palm plantations and palm oil refineries once disposed of palm palm oil wste (Empty Fruit Bruinches)by drying them in ovens and then burning them in field. This paper discusses some result of the experimental and theoretical investigations which conducted to exasmie effects of the utilization of palm oil wastes partcularly Empty Fruit Brunches as the fuel of boiler on greenhouse gas emission.Kelapa Sawit, TBK(Tanda Buah Kosong), batu baram, CFB Boiler (CirculaTING Fluized Bed Boiler)Amiral Aziz
206Jamur Pembentuk Gaharu Sebagai Penjaga Kelangsungan Hidup Tanaman Gaharu (Aquilaria Sp)isolation, fungi, agarwood, FusariumTeknologi
207Jempeng (Saringan Batu Cadas)Penjernih Air Minum, Air Pedesaan, Penyaringan AirTeknologi Pengolahan Air
208Kadar Pestisida Organoklorin Dalam Air dan Sedimen Di Perairan Estuarin Mamberamo, Irian jayaPenelitian kadar pestisida organoklorin di perairan estuarin Mamberamo, Irian Jaya telah dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2003 menggunakan kapal Angkatan Laut milik Lanal Biak. Contoh air diambil pada 15 stasiun yang terdiri dari 9 stasiun saat surut dan 6 stasiun saat pasang, serta contoh sedimen diambil dari 13 stasiun. Kadar pestisida diukur menggunakan alat Kromatografi Gas dengan detektor penangkap elektron dan kolom kapiler WCOT Cp SIL 8 CB. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa kadar pestisida pada kolom air berkisar antara tak terdeteksi (ttd)0,347 x 10-9 mg/l saat surut dan saat pasang berkisar antara ttd-0,304 x 10-9 mg/l, sedang kadar pada sedimen berkisar antara 0,258- 0,844 x 10-6 mg/l. Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa kadar total pestisida organoklorin di perairan Sungai Mamberamo dalam air maupun sedimen masih rendah, jauh di bawah baku mutu yang diperbolehkan dalam perairan untuk biota laut yang telah ditetapkan oleh Menteri Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup. Pestisida, Organoklorin, Sedimen, Estuarin Mamberamo, Irian JayaKhozanah Munawir
209Kadar Pestisida Organoklorin Dalam Air Dan Sedimen Di Perairan Muara Sungai Digul Dan Arafura, Irian JayaPenelitian kadar pestisida organoklorin di perairan muara Sungai Digul dan Arafura, Irian Jaya yang telah dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2001 menggunakan kapal penelitian Baruna Jaya VIII, yang berbobot 1300 DWT. Contoh air diambil pada 9 stasiun dan contoh sedimen 18 stasiun. Kadar pestisida diukur menggunakan alat Kromatografi Gas dengan detektor penangkap elektron dan kolom kapiler WCOT Cp SIL 8 CB. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa kadar pestisida pada kolom air berkisar antara 0,046 - 0,156 ppt, sedang kadar pada sedimen berkisar antara
0,011 - 0,288 ppb (11 - 288 ppt). Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa kadar total pestisida
organoklorin di perairan muara Sungai Digul dan Arafura dalam air maupun sedimen masih rendah, jauh di bawah baku mutu yang diperbolehkan dalam perairan untuk biota laut yang telah ditetapkan oleh (Anonimous, 1988).
Pestisida, Organoklorin,Air, Sedimen, Muara Sungai Digul, Arafura, irian JayaKhozanah Munawir
210Kadar Pestisida Organoklorin Dalam Air dan Sedimen Di Perairan Sulawesi UtaraPenelitian kadar pestisida organokiorin di perairan Sulawesi Utara dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2000 dengan menggunakan kapal penelitian Baruna Jaya VIII. Contoh air diambil pada 12 stasiun dan contoh sedimen pada 11 stasiun, Kadar pestisida diukur rnenggunakan alat Krornatografi Gas dengan detektor penangkap elektron dan kolorn kapiler\VCOT Cp SIL 8 CR Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa kadar pestisida pada kolom air berkisar antara 1.315 - 4.935 ppt, sedangkan kadar pada sedimen berkisar antara 3.170 - 50,761 ppb (3170 - 50761 ppl). Hasil tersebut memberi gambaran bahwa kadar total pestisida organoklorin di perairan Sulawesi Utara dalam air masih rendah jauh di bawah baku mutu yang diperbolehkan dalam perairan untuk biota laut yang telah ditetapkan oleh, namun kadar pada sedimen sudah relatif cukup tinggi.
Pestisida, Organoklorin, Sedimen, Air, Sulawesi UtaraKhozanah Munawir
211Kadar Pestisida Organoklorin Di Perairan Muara Sungai Asahan Tanjung Balai, Sumatera UtaraPengamatan kadar pestisida organoklorin di perairan muara sungai Asahan Tanjung Balai, Sumatera Utara telah dilakukan tiga kali yaitu bulan Juni, September dan oktober 1999. Contoh air diambil dari 2 stasiun (1 stasiun di sungai, 1 stasiun di muara) pada saat surut terendah dan pasang tertinggi. Contoh sedimen diambil dari 1 stasiun di sungai dan 7 stasiun di muara. Pengambilan contoh air dan sedimen dilakukan 3 kali, yaitu pada bulan Juni, September dan Oktober 1999. Kadar pestisida organoklorin dalam air dan sedimen diukur dengan GC-ECD. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa kadar pestisida dalam air saat pasang berkisar antara 1,365 - 12,240 ppt dan saat surut berkisar antara 0,143 - 13,252 ppt. Sedang pada sedimen berkisar antara 17 - 130694 ppt. Kadar total pestisida dalam Sungai Asahan pada bulan Oktober (11,771-13,252 ppt) jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pada bulan Juni (3,110-4,567) dan bulan September (1,365-4,569 ppt). Dari hasil tersebut terlihat bahwa kadar total pestisida organoklorin di perairan muara Sungai Asahan Tanjung Balai, Sumatera Utara dalam air masih rendah di bawah Baku Mutu yang diperbolehkan dalam perairan untuk Biota laut yaitu 20 pptPestisida, Organoklorin, Muara Sungai Asahan, Tanjung Balai, Sumatera UtaraKhozanah Munawir
212Kadar Pestisida Organoklorin Di Perairan Muara Sungai Musi PalembangPengamatan kadar pestisida telah dilakukan di perairan muara sungai Musi Palembang pada bulan Juni dan November 1997. Sampel air di ambil di tiga stasiun sedangkan sampel sedimen pada lima stasiun Pengukuran dilakukan dengan alat Kromatografi Gas dengan detektor penangkap elektron. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pada kolom air di S.Musi Palembang pada bulan Juni berkisar antara 0,081 - 0,348 ppt dan pada bulan November berkisar 0,341 - 8,792 ppt. Didalam sedimen kadarnya juga diamati. Hasil yang diperoleh memperlihatkan bahwa kadar total pestisida organoklorin didalam air masih jauh lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan kadar yang diperbolehkan dalam perairan untuk biota laut seperti yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri Negara Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Laut yaitu sebesar 20 ppbPestisida, Organoklorin, Muara Sungai, Musi PalembangKhozanah Munawir
213Kajian Adaptasi Kijing Pilsbryoconcha Exilis Sebagai Langkah Awal Pemanfaatannya Dalam BiofiltrasiPilsbryoconcha exilis is freshwater mussel that derive its feed through filtering water. The mussels could filter such as phytoplankton and suspended material to get their feed. Its ability may be used in water remediation which is polluted by organic contaminant, such as at Cirata reservoir in West JavaTo undesrtand that freshwater mussels have ability to adapt in Cirata reservoir, a group of mussels kept in certain water column at some station observation. Then mussels growth rate was measured. Research result indicated that freshwater mussel could be adapted and grown in different water column as well as in their habitat (bottom sediment with muddy substrate). The mussels planted in Cirata reservoir have relation length and weight pattern which categorize as negative allo-metric (increasing of length is more dominant than weight). Observation result of mussels grow at Jangari Station was remarked by coefficient of growth (k=0.47) and infinity of length (L?=9.41); at Pasir Empul k=0.64 and L?=9.62; at Jati Nenggang k=0.47 and L?=9.41; also at mussels stock cages k=0.65 dan L?=9.62. The result of this study concluded that mussels could be grown in Cirata reservoir of West JavaFreshwater Mussel (Pilsbryoconcha exilis),, infinity of lengthWage Komarawidjaja
214Kajian Aspek Kebijakan Dan Regulasi Dalam Masalah Pengelolahan Limbah Cair Industri Rumah TanggaWater pollution because of the domestic wastewater produced by the local community and their home industries in a big city, such as Jakarta, has already been inviting many environmental problems since the last ten years. Based on the research done by Directorat General Cipta Karya, Public Works Department RI, domestic wastewater in Jakarta delivers 75% of all pollutants in surface water pollution. Therefore many things should be done to solve those water pollution problems. A lot of environmentally related rules have established in Indonesia, but they are not able to be optimally implemented because of some weaknesses of the environmental rule contents. One of the solving options is to create a perfect regulation system for wastewater management. The laws for home industry wastewater management, especially in big cities, have to be perfectly completed, mainly in the field of standard, operation and procedure, the wastewater quality standard, the adequate and qualified technology, the landscape and building planning and the institutional coordination. If the all environmental regulations are well synchronized, the law enforcement will be simply implemented. By applying them consistently, the water pollution control will be handled well.Environmental Regulation, Home Industry Waste Water, Institutional CoordinationP. Nugro Rahardjo
215Kajian Atas Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Kawasan Konservasi Daerah Resapan Air Di Cekungan BandungDevelopment of city and population in Bandung Basin cause the need of clean water is increasing too. The increasement of groundwater abstraction and the decreasement of recharge area will disturb the natural water balance in the Bandung Basin. Therefore, recharge area of the Bandung Basin must be protected and conserved. The efforts to protected this area is done with make some regulation and policy to protect and conserved the recharge area and mapping (delineation) recharge area. Generally the regulation is good enough, but this isn?t detail; and monitoring and inforcement in field is still very weak. From the results of the research that were done, the recharge area in Bandung basin is in the northen and southern part of Bandung Basin with elevation more than 750 m. Detil mapping and delineation of recharge area with scale 1 : 100.000 or 1 : 5.000 must be done as soon as possible.consenservation area, water basin delineationMardi Wibowo
216Kajian Kelayakan Ekonomi Rencanapembangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Airlimbah?air limbah rumah tangga , anaerobik selimut lumpur, studi sosial ekonomTeknologi Pengolahan Air
217Kajian Konservasi Buah Merah Melalui Kultur Jaringan Tanaman; Ekstrasi,Fransinasi BuahBuah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) Pandanaceae has several local name in Kelila, Wamena ? Papua based on its size, fruit colo, leaf color and taste. It has wide distribution and can be found low land to high land. Buah merah contains valuable nutrients and bioactive compounds in abundant/high concentration, such as: ?-caroten, tocopherol, fatty acids (oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and decanoic acid). Its cultivation had been done ocal people but not extensively. The easiest way of buah merah propagation was by separating buah merah seedling and stem cutting or by planting its.The aim of the study were to compile the data that support plant identification of buah merah from Kelila, Wamena-Papua, to study is potency for antioxidant and antidiabetic properties and determine the best media in tissue culture for producing buah merah planlet. The result showed that shoot bud from stem explant cultured in media combination of MS + IBA (2 mg/l) + BA(5 mg/l) produce 10 plantlets, while callus came from leaf tip explant cultured in media combination of MS + BA (5mg/l) +TDZ (0.02 mg/l) The antioxidant test showed that ethyl acetate fraction had good antioxidant activity LC 50 (0.253) while petroleum ether fraction showed good antidiabetic properties with 0.5 % (0.560), 0.25 % (0.593) and control is 0.633( Conservation by plant tissue culture, phytochemistry and biological test )Sumarnie-H.Priyono
218Kajian Konservasi Buah Merah Melalui Kultur Jaringan;Ekstrasi Fraksinasi Buah
Landslide is the main natural disaster in the study area of North Sumedang and South Sumedang sub-districts. The spatial distribution of landslide hazard and risk are not available yet that important for decision making. The aim of research is to provide geographic information system technology for developing a model for landslide hazard mitigation. The results show that a part of the area in the North Sumedang and South Sumedang subdistrict has moderate class covering 8.460,41 Ha (65,5%) and high landslide hazard is covering 2.798,44 Ha (21,67%), low landslide hazard zone 1.570,25 Ha (12,16%) and very low landslide hazard 85,69 Ha (0,66%). By combining landslide hazard and property value, a prediction of landslide risk was produced. Despite the majority of the area has low risk class (9.564,16 Ha/74,07%), but the high risk area occurred in minimal places (86,44 Ha/0,67%). This phenomena showed that area with high potential level of landslide hazard is not always having a high value of risk. Since the risk calculation is determined by properties value such as: infrastructure, road network and land use. While the landslide hazardous level is determined by natural factors such as : slope, soil type, geology and land use.GIS, landslide hazard, landslide risk, disaster mitigationMubekti, dan Fauziah Alhasanah
219Kajian Kualitas Perairan Laut Kota Semarang Dan Kelayakannya Untuk Budidaya LautMarine culture develoment at Semarang Central java coast is not increased. Based on water quality, a good water quality conditions at line 3, beside far for human activities, the dissolved oxygen and nturbidity level still suitable for marine culture activities. The dissolved oxygen value from 4.8 ? 5 mg/l. Comparing with the second station (line l and 2) dissolved oxygen (DO) is rather low and turbidity level is very hight, turbidity value until 4 FTU. The method using digital device Chlorotech type AAQ 1183, Alecs Electronics for describing the characteristicsof tropical coastal hydrography and water qualityQuality waters and fissh cultureAgung Riyadi, Lestario Widodo dan Kusno Wibowo
220Kajian Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat Industri Pengolahan Rumput Laut Sebagai Media?mikroalga, nutrient, media tumbuh, limbah organik, rumput lautTeknologi