Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 261-280 dari 814 item.
261Kapasitas Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah KotaPrincipally, solid waste management is all activities of solid waste handling, from the point sources until the final disposal. Up to know solid waste management in urban area is still a complex problem, either from social, management, and technology aspects. The other problem of solid waste management is due to the people behaviour, which is mostly still unaware. Social capacity is another word social capital means a social condition that a lot of citizens participate the process of decision making or policy making and cooperation with government. The role of community in this system is only in paying the monthly fee. So that people still fully gave the solid waste management system in to the government. There is no indication of solid waste sparation by the people them selves.Community capacity, solid waste managementLestario Widodo dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
262Alternatif Teknologi Pengolahan Air Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Air Bersih Di Daerah Pemukiman NelayanPrimary water source of people in fisherman area in Kabupaten Pasir, Kalimantan Timur for daily water need generally is from surface water or deep well. Surface water is affected by water tide of sea water, so that almost all the time in a year the water quality is salty or brakish. Beside high salt concentration, deep well quality is also worst. This is caused by poor environmental sanitation of fisherman community. Rainy water use as water source alternative in problem solving for limited water drinking only provide in rainy season. Other alternative, people must find from other area where is far from their house or buy water with expensive price. To solve this critical problem is required the application of suitable water treatment technology. This water treatment technology must produce drinking water that meet technical standard and? the technology is applicable, easy and cheap in operation and maintenance because it is hoped that community in that area can manage, operate and maintenance.Penduduk nelayan, penyediaan air bersih, teknologi pengolahan air bersih.Taty Hernaningsih dan Satmoko Yudo
263Mewujudkan Pertanian Berwawasan LingkunganPresently the world is moving away from inorganic fertilizer, weed and pest control. As we know in many countries rice paddies are fertilized with inorganic fertilizer and sprayed with pesticides as a way to control weeds and other pests. This process, however, is harmful to the people, animal and plant life in the surrounding area. The use of Azolla pinata as green manure and source of nitrogen may can be used to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizer.Revolusi hijau, kerusakan lingkunganMaryadi
264Konsorsia Bakteri Pengurai Sianida Yang Di Isolasi Dari Buangan Industri Pengolahan Emaspotassium cyanide, nitrogen source, bacterial consortium LP3, degradationTeknologi
265Analisis Populasi Nepenthes Spp Di Hutan Rawa Gambut, Kalampangan, Kalimantan TengahPopulation analysis, Nepenthes, peat swamp forest, Kalampangan,Teknologi
266Pengujian Toleransi Mangrove Muda Terhadap Cemaran Minyak Bumipolusi minyak , fitoremediasi , bakau , Rhizophora mucronata , Bruguiera sp , Sonneratia
267Penurunan Kadar Cod Air Limbah Industri Permen Dengan Menggunakan ReaktorPollution in the rivers is generally caused by domestic and industrial waste. Some treatments to solve it can be done individually or collectively. The effort can be physical, chemical, or biological treatments chosen by its form, character, kind, quality, quantity. PT Van Melle Indonesia is a candy company which produces a high biological waste with COD concentration 10000-30000 mg/litre. This paper reports activated sludge reactor performance to decrease the waste?s organic content. The reactor is a biological waste water treatment, as a sequence of earlier anaerob process which still has a high COD (700-4000 mg/litre). A continued reactor operation done with retention time variation 24 hours, 18 hours, 12 hours, and 6 hours show reduced COD varied 80-90%. The highest efficiency was 97.59% from the 24 hours retention time, and the lowest efficiency was 89.5% from the 6 hours retention time.activated sludge reactor, candy industry wastewaterTitiresmi
268Purifikasi Senyawa Polifenol Glukosida Hasil Reaksi Transglikosilasi Enzimatik Dari Biakan?polifenol-glukosida, CGT-ase, Nocardia sp., Bacillus subtilis dan Escherichia coliTeknologi
269Seleksi Jamur Tanah Pendegradasi Selulosa Dan Pestisida Deltamethrin Dari Beberapa?polifenol-glukosida, CGT-ase, Nocardia sp., Bacillus subtilis dan Escherichia coliTeknologi
270Evaluasi Kebijakan Efisiensi Energi Untuk Mengurangi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Nasionalpolicy evaluation, energy efficiency, office buildings, greenhouse gas emissions.Teknologi
271Penelitian Penerapan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Dan Dampaknya Terhadap LingkunganPLTS, data-logger, alat pengontrol bateraiTeknologi
272Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah Plastik Di IndonesiaPlastic recycling activities has been done by nonformal institutions since along time ago especilaly in some big cities in Indonesia. The amount of plastic waste is about 10% to 15% of municipal soild waste. Plastic recycling activities has two advantages: (1) reducing the potential damage of environment caused by pollution, and (2) creating the job opportunity for people.sampah, plastik, pemulung, lapakFirman L Sahwan, Djoko Heru Martono, Sri Wahyono dan Lies A Wisoyodharmo
273Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Dan Potensinya Di Cagar Alam Tangale, GorontaloPlant inventory has been carried out in Tangale Nature Reserves in Gorontalo Province, North Sulawesi (2002). This area covers about 113 ha. About 250 species have been listed from this area, and 72 species of them utilized by the local people who leave in its surrounding area as stuff food, fruit and vegetable sources, medicinal purpose, ornamental plant and for house building as well. From this activity, one new species of Oxalidaceae (Averrhoa leucopetala Rugayah & Sunarti) described, and two species of Euphorbiaceae (Mallotus griffi thianus and M. macrostachys) informed as a new record for SulawesiPlant inventory, Tangale Nature Reserves, GorontaloRugayah, Siti Sunarti dan Tutie Djarwaningsih
274Keterkaitan Tugas dan Fungsi BPP Teknologi dengan KearsipanPJP II ditandai kemajuan iptek yang memunculkan revolusi 3T (telekomunikasi, transportasi, dan tourism). Perkembangan 3T yang pesat mengakibatkan dunia terasa semakin sempit dan informasi dapat dengan cepat keluar/masuk tanpa mengenal batas negara serta mencakup semua aspek kehidupan manusia. Pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi BPP Teknologi terkait erat dengan 3T, meliputi berbagai kegiatan sistem informasi, dan pada akhirnya terkait erat dengan kearsipan. Sistem informasi yang mantap, andal, dan terpadu, akan dapat menangkal dampak negatif dari kemajuan teknologi sehingga makin memperlancar pelaksanaan pembangunan nasional. Makalah ini akan mengupas keterkaitan tugas dan fungsi BPP Teknologi, khususnya yang menyangkut sistem informasi, dengan kegiatan kearsipan. Masih dalam kaitannya dengan uraian tersebut, dibahas pula Sismennas, Simnas, dan berbagai Sistem Informasi Instansi yang telah atau sedang dibangun. Pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah kesisteman dan asta gatra.3T (telekomunikasi, transportasi, dan tourism),Sismennas, SimnasDrs. Komarudin, MA dan Heru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
275Perbanyakan Vegetatif Secara Cangkok Piper Miniatum Bl.Piper miniatum, Air layering.Teknologi
276Kajian Adaptasi Kijing Pilsbryoconcha Exilis Sebagai Langkah Awal Pemanfaatannya Dalam BiofiltrasiPilsbryoconcha exilis is freshwater mussel that derive its feed through filtering water. The mussels could filter such as phytoplankton and suspended material to get their feed. Its ability may be used in water remediation which is polluted by organic contaminant, such as at Cirata reservoir in West JavaTo undesrtand that freshwater mussels have ability to adapt in Cirata reservoir, a group of mussels kept in certain water column at some station observation. Then mussels growth rate was measured. Research result indicated that freshwater mussel could be adapted and grown in different water column as well as in their habitat (bottom sediment with muddy substrate). The mussels planted in Cirata reservoir have relation length and weight pattern which categorize as negative allo-metric (increasing of length is more dominant than weight). Observation result of mussels grow at Jangari Station was remarked by coefficient of growth (k=0.47) and infinity of length (L?=9.41); at Pasir Empul k=0.64 and L?=9.62; at Jati Nenggang k=0.47 and L?=9.41; also at mussels stock cages k=0.65 dan L?=9.62. The result of this study concluded that mussels could be grown in Cirata reservoir of West JavaFreshwater Mussel (Pilsbryoconcha exilis),, infinity of lengthWage Komarawidjaja
277Pengkajian Kapasitas Daya Dukung Tanah Gambut Didaerah Pengembangan Irigasi Di Kalimantan TengahPiles and pile foundations have been in use since prehistoric time. The commonest function of piles is to transfer a load that cannot be adequately supported at shallow depths to a depth where adequate support becomes available. When a pile passes through poor material and its tip penetrates a small distance into a stratum of good bearing capacity it is called a bearing pile. When piles are installed in a deep stratum of limited supporting ability and these piles developed their carrying capacity by friction on the sides of the pile, they are called friction piles. Many times the load carrying of piles results from a combination of point resistance and skin friction. The load taken by a single pile can be determined by static load test. The allowable load is obtained by applying a factor of safety to the failure load. Although it is expensive, a static load test is the only reliable means of determining allowable load on a friction pile. In this case,?Cerucuk? are widely used in foundation engineering to increase bearing capacity of the foundation andreduce the settlement.Pile foundation, bearing capacity, skin frictionDiah Affandi
278Efek Penggunaan Pupuk Organik Dan Inokulan Mikrobaterhadap Pertumbuhan Jati Super ?Phytoremediation, Cyanide, Tectona grandis L.f.Teknologi
279Rumput Laut Gracilaria Sp. Sebagai Fitoremedian Bahan Organik Perairan Tambak BudidayaPhytoremediation is the utilization of green plants to remove pollutants from the environment. A central component of this technology is the use of plants as living technologies that provide services in addressing environmental issues. Therefore, based on the hydrological understanding, phytoremediation technology can be used to manage nutrient and water dynamics; It can lead significant improvement in water quality as well as remediation of degraded ecosystem.Laboratory experiment result indicated, seagrass called Gracilaria sp. have the ability in reducing organic substance as total Nitrogen (N-Total) from 1,2 mg / L into 0.4 mg / L in less than 10 hour. The integration of seagrass into pond ecosystem as organic substances phytoremedian of exceeding fish-feed accumulation expected to become an alternative technology for water quality recovery enhancement.seagrass Gracilaria sp., phytoremediation, brackish water aquacultureWage Komarawidjaja
280Potensi Salvinia Molesta D.S. Mitchell, Limnocharis Flava (L.) Buchenau Dan Monochoria Vaginalis?Phytoextraction, Hg, Salvinia molesta, Limnocharis flava, Monochoria vaginalisTeknologi