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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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261Pengolahan Air Minum Sumur Gali Untuk Rumah Tangga Secara Aerasi, Filtrasi Dan DesinfeksiWater is the main needed for human being. The increasing effort of general health and healthy life-environment is influenced by quality and quantity of water. Therefore, we need to process water with some methods. In fact, the ADKL (Analisis dampak kesehatan lingkungan / environmental health impact analysis) study held in 2001, indicate that water quality from dig-well in Moyudan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, was below the standard of pure-water quality. It is important to complete the pure-water needed from dig-well with simple model processing from local resources by apropriate technologies in order to increase the water quality in household. Structure of the process, consist of : aeration that principally give chemical oxidation, filtration for filtering dirty material and disinfection for killing the microbes.The aim for this research was to understand the increasing of water quality from dig-well in Sumbersari, moyudan, sleman, yogyakarta on parameter of E. coli, nitrite, nitrate and sulphate, after processed by aeration, filteration and disinfection model with variation of debit : 1, 2 and 3 liter/minute.The research was experimental type with pre-test and post-test group design. Location of the research was in Sumbersari village, moyudan, sleman, yogyakarta. The independent variable was dig-well processing using aeration, filtration and disinfection model with variation of debit, while, the dependent variable were the decreasing/increasing of E coli, Nitrite, nitrate and sulphate.The result showed that after processed, E coli and nitrite was decreased, while Nitrate and sulphate was increased. Value of the parameter was below the standard. We suggest that, people of sumbersari vilage, Moyudan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, use the simple dig-well processing to improve the water quality of their dig-wellAeration, Filtration, desinfection, model water treatementSri Puji Ganefati, Siti Hani Istiqomah dan Purwanto
262Pengolahan Air Minum Sederhana Serbaguna.Cara mengolah air minum sederhana, mudah dan murah perlu dimasyarakatkan dengan tujuan untuk membantu meningkatkan mutu air sehingga layak diminum. Makalah ini membahas masalah cara pengolahan air sederhana untuk mengolah air gambut atau air rawa yang berwarna coklat, air sungai yang keruh, dan air yang mengandung banyak zat besi. Prinsip pengolahannya yakni netralisasi, aerasi, koagulasi-flokulasi, pengendapan dan penyaringan. Alat yang digunakan terdiri dari Tong (tangki), pengaduk, pompa tangan, slang aerator dari plastik dan saringan pasir. Cara ini sangat mudah dengan hasil yang baik.Air Rawa, Air Coklat, Netraliasi, Koagulasi, AerasiIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
263Pengolahan Air Minum Dengan Karbon Aktif BubukActivated carbon is substance or material which is often used in processing of drinking water to eliminate such's pollutant for example : organic matter, odors, ammonia, detergent, phenol compound, organic compound of methane derivates, and others substances, which cannot be eliminated by usual processing like coagulation, flocculation, precipitation and filtration. The processing of drinking water using Powder Activated Carbon (PAC), influenced by water flow rate, concentration of pollutant to be eliminated, injection rate of activated carbon, contact time as well as influenced by type of process for example single stage operation or multi stage operation either through cross current operation or with countercurrent operation. Despitefully is also influenced by nature of activated carbon it's self. Processing of drinking water using powder activated carbon very compatible and economic for processing in a state of emergency for example at the time of dry season where quality of water become worse, because its can be conducted as according to existing equipments without making special equipments.Pengolahan, air minum, karbon aktif bubuk.Nusa Idaman Said
264Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Sakit Dengan Proses Biologis Biakan Melekat Menggunakan Media PalstikMasalah yang sering muncul dalam hal pengelolaan limbah rumah sakit khususnya untuk rumah sakit tipe kecil dan menengah adalah terbatasnya dana yang ada untuk membangun fasilitas pengolahan limbah serta biaya operasionalnya. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka perlu dikembangkan teknologi pengolahan air limbah rumah sakit yang murah, operasionalnya mudah serta hemat energi. Salah satu cara pengolahan air limbah rumah sakit yang murah, sederhana dan hemat energi adalah proses pengolahan dengan proses biofilter anaerob-aerob tercelup menggunakan media sarang tawon. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan uji performance pengolahan air limbah rumah sakit dengan proses kombinasi biofilter tercelup anaerob dan aerob menggunakan media plastik tipe sarang tawon.Pengolahan limbah rumah sakit dengan proses biofilter tercelup menggunakan media sarang tawon cukup tahan terhadap fluktuasi debit dan konsentrasi, terlihat dari tetap tingginya angka penyisihan COD, BOD, TSS, ammonia, dan deterjen. Total efisiensi penghilangan beberapa parameter polutan selama percobaan yakni untuk COD 87,0 ? 98,6 %; BOD5 93,4 ? 99,3 %; Total padatan tersuspensi (TSS) 80,0 ? 97,8 %; Ammonia 93,75 ? 98,2 % ; dan Deterjen (MBAS) 95,8 ? 99,7%.Limbah Rumah Sakit, Proses Biologis, Biakan Melekat, Biofilter Anaerob-Aerob, Media Palstik Sarang..Nusa Idaman Said
265Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri Kecil Tekstil Dengan Proses Biofilter Anaerob-Aerob Tercelup Meng?.Masalah pencemaran air di kota besar khususnya di DKI Jakarta telah menunjukkan gejala yang cukup serius. Sumber pencemaran tersebut berasal dari air domestik yakni rumah tangga, perkatoran dan daerah komersial, serta air limbah yang berasal dari industri. Satu contoh kasus pencemaran lingkungan yang cukup serius adalah pencemaran yang terjadi di Kelurahan Sukabumi Selatan, Kecamatan Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat yang diakibatkan oleh air limbah industri pencucian dan pecelupan tekstil. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji teknologi pengolahan air limbah tekstil dengan proses biofilter anaerob-aerob tercelup menggunakan media plastik sarang tawon. Dengan sistem ini polutan organik (BOD, COD), zat padat tersuspensi (SS), serta warna dalam air limbah dapat dihilangkan. Dengan kondisi waktu tinggal 1-3 hari efisensi penghilangan BOD, COD, SS dan Warna masing-masik yakni : BOD 77.84 ? 94.88 %, COD 73.91 ? 94.23 %, zat padat tersuspensi (SS) 93.44 ? 99.84 %, dan Warna 76.36 ? 88.96 Pt-Co.Limbah Industri Kecil Tekstil, Biofilter Anaerob-Aerob, Media Plastik sarang TawonIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Eng
266Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri Kecil Pelapisan LogamWater pollution in Jakarta area, especially river and shallow groundwater, had become a very serious problem. Pollution problem caused by small industrial activities had not been got attetion. Some activities, which often cause water pollution problem, were wastewater from electroplating small industry. This wastewater was one of the most potential pollutant sources, because it contains high concentration of heavy metal pollutant such as Fe, Ni, Zn, Cr, ect. To anticipate its negative effect to the environment and social life, it needs to provide a technical standard plan to manage wastewater treatment plant, especially of electroplating small industries. The purpose of these activities is to do the assessment and application of wastewater treatment technology of electroplating small industry. The target is to get design engineering and pilot plant of wastewater treatment technology for electroplating small industry.Pencemaran logam berat, Pengolahan limbah cair industri kecil pelapisan logamSatmoko Yudho dan Nusa Idaman Said
267Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik Dengan Proses Lumpur Aktif Yang Diisi Dengan Media BioballRecently, the treatment process of waste water contains organic pollutant which used in Indonesia especially in Jakarta is activated sludge process. The problem is its treated water quality which frequently does not yet fulfilled to effluent standard of wastewater. Some affecting factors are hydraulic retention time (HRT) too short, the fluctuation of wastewater flow rate, unfavorable function of aeration process and also which do not less important is operational mistake caused by insufficient knowledge of operator. To overcome the mentioned problems it is needed technological innovation to increase efficiency of wastewater treatment process especially activated sludge process.
This paper describes the study of domestic waste water treatment using activated sludge process which is filled with bioball plastic media for attaching microorganism to increase efficiency and keep stability of process. Result of the study shows that within 6 hours hydraulic retention time (HRT), the removal efficiency of COD, BOD, Ammonia and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) were 78.42%, 79.41%, 61.41%, and 82.06% respectively. The most effective of sludge circulation ratio is R=0,5Q. In sludge circulation ratio R= 0,5Q, the removal efficiency of COD, BOD, organic loading coming into bioreactor, the lower removal efficiency. In organic loading (BOD loading) 0.3 - 1.0 kgBOD/, the removal efficiency of BOD was 80 - 85 %.
Air limbah domestik, lumpur aktif, bioball, aerob.Nusa Idaman Said dan Kristianti Utomo
268Pengolahan Air Limbah Dgn Sistem Reaktor Biologis Putar (Rotating Biological Contactor)A rotating biological contactor (or RBC) is a type of fixed media filter which removes both organic matter and ammonia from water. It can be added to a packaged plant for more efficient ammonia removal, replacing the aerator in both location and function.The RBC consists of a series of rotating discs. These discs are coated with a biological slime like the slime on rocks in a healthy stream. This slime is rotated through the air and and then through the wastewater so that it picks up oxygen in the air and breaks down B.O.D. in the wastewater. Since the discs rotate through the air, there is no need to pump air into the wastewater. And since the slime stays on the discs, there is no need to recycle sludge. The present study describes basic consideration of rotating biological contactor (RBC) system for wastewater treatment. The design of an RBC system must include the following consideration sach as organics and surface loading criteria, staging of RBC units, peripheral velocity, temperature, effluent characteritics and secondary clarifier. The RBC system have some advantages : smaller basin, less upset, high loading rate, nitrification/de-nitrification, high tolerance, low O&M Cost, durable constructions, odorless, no noise, and stable sludge characteristicsReaktor bioloigis putar, air limbah, parameter disainNusa Idaman Said
269Pengolahan Air Limbah Berwarna Industri Tekstil Dengan Proses AopsAn experiment of advanced oxydation processes (AOPs) was applicated in textile wastewater treatment for color removal. The experiment was conducted in laboratory scale using ozon and hydrogen peroxide as oxidizing agents. The textile wastewater contains any organic and inorganic dyes that could not be effective treated by coagullation and and sedimentation as well as by conventional aerobic treatments. Result of the experiments concluded that the AOPs technologies could be applied effectively for removal of color. Addition of hydrogen peroxide with volume of 0.25 ml for 1 liter of wastewater exhibits the reaction. The reaction of AOPs for color removal was optimum at temperatur of 70oC. As higher as pH, the reaction become faster and the efficiency of color removal become higheradvanced oxidation processes, color removal, hydrogen peroxide, ozonRudi Nugroho dan Ikbal
270Pengolahan Air Gambut Secara KontinyuAir tanah di daerah bergambut atau daerah rawa umumnya dangkal berwarna coklat, berkadar asam humus, zat organik dan besi yang tinggi, sedangkan didaerah daratan agak dalam dengan air berwarna jernih tetapi kadar besi dan mangan masih tinggi. Untuk mengatasi masalah air bersih di daerah bergambut perlu adanya alat pengolahan air gambut yang dapat dipakai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih masyarakat setempat Alat Pengolahan air gambut secara kontinyu ini merupakan rangkaian proses yabg lengkap namun dikemas dalam bentuk yang sederhana, dirancang sesuai dengan kondisi dan tingkat pendidikan masyarakat pedesaan. Dengan demikian alat pengolah air gambut secara kontinyu ini harus murah, mudah pengerjaan dan pengoperasiannya serta hasil olahan yang memenuhi baku mutu air minum.Gambut, Sistem Kontinyu, Koagulan, Netralisasi,Wahyu Widayat dan Nusa Idaman Said
271Pengolahan Air Asin Atau Air Payau Dengan Sistem Osmosis BalikProses mengolah air asin/payau menjadi air tawar atau sering dikenal dengan istilah desalinasi dapat dikelompokkan menjadi 3 (tiga) macam yaitu 1. Proses destilasi (suling). 2. Proses penukar ion dan 3. Proses filtrasi. Proses destilasi memanfaatkan energi panas untuk menguapkan air asin. Uap air tersebut selanjutnya didinginkan menjadi titik-titik air dan hasil ditampung sebagai air bersih yang tawar. Proses desalinasi menggunakan teknik penukar ion memanfaatkan proses kimiawi untuk memisahkan garam dalam air. Pada proses ini ion garam (Na Cl) ditukar dengan ion seperti Ca+2 dan SO4-2 . Materi penukar ion berasal dari bahan alam atau sintetis. Materi penukar ion alam misalnya zeolit sedangkan yang sintetis resin (resin kation dan resin anion). Proses desalinasi yang ke tiga menggunakan filter semipermeabel untuk memisahkan molekul garam dalam air. Proses ketiga ini lebih dikenal dengan sistem osmose balik (Reverse Osmosis). Keistimewaan dari proses ini adalah mampu nyaring molekul yang lebih besar dari molekul air. Model pengolahan air asin/payau yang diuraikan pada tulisan ini adalah hasil rancangan tim Kelompok Air Bersih dengan kapasitas 7,5 - 10 m3/hari. Unit ini sudah dipasang di Kepulauan Seribu Jakarta Utara (Pulau Tidung, Pramuka dan Kelapa), di Palembang (Unit RO bergerak) dan di Cilacap Jawa Tengah.Reverse Osmosis, Destilasi, Filtrasi, Mobile ROKelompok Pengkajian Sistem Pengolahan Air
272Pengkajian Kapasitas Daya Dukung Tanah Gambut Didaerah Pengembangan Irigasi Di Kalimantan TengahPiles and pile foundations have been in use since prehistoric time. The commonest function of piles is to transfer a load that cannot be adequately supported at shallow depths to a depth where adequate support becomes available. When a pile passes through poor material and its tip penetrates a small distance into a stratum of good bearing capacity it is called a bearing pile. When piles are installed in a deep stratum of limited supporting ability and these piles developed their carrying capacity by friction on the sides of the pile, they are called friction piles. Many times the load carrying of piles results from a combination of point resistance and skin friction. The load taken by a single pile can be determined by static load test. The allowable load is obtained by applying a factor of safety to the failure load. Although it is expensive, a static load test is the only reliable means of determining allowable load on a friction pile. In this case,?Cerucuk? are widely used in foundation engineering to increase bearing capacity of the foundation andreduce the settlement.Pile foundation, bearing capacity, skin frictionDiah Affandi
273Pengkajian Kemampuan Teknologi Pengolahan Air Minum Skala KecilTo fulfill the people?s primary need, the government is duty bound to stock remote regions with a steady supply of fresh water. That duty necessitates assasing and applying of appropriate water treatment system in these remote regions or villages. In fact the number of people needing the service is few, and the education level of the people is generally low. Having a small scale and simple water treatment technology would fit this standard. There are many water treatment technology, but only a few should be applied for a minimal capacity production. The applied technology should benefit the local people and, in accordance with local?s conditions, long-lasting. This paper will discuss various water treatment technology suitable for a small-scale production. The technologies are selected based on its ability to purify the water and the cost of each system. The calculations were derived from other written sources along with field data gathered by BPPT. These technology include the coagulation-filtration technology, slow-sand filtration technology, ion-exchange technology, reverse-osmosis technology and the active-carbon technology.Teknologi pengolahan air minum, koagulasi, filtrasi, reverse osmosisRuliasih Marsidi
274Penghitungan Emisi Karbon Dari Lima Sektor Pembangunan Berdasar Metode Ipcc Dengan Verifikasi?GHGs Emissions, Local Values, Sector ContributionTeknologi
275Penghitungan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (Grk) Dari Sektor Sampah Perkotaan Di IndonesiaIndonesia produced 48.8 Mt/year of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) with population number of 218.8 million and rate of waste generation 0.61 kg/cap/day. Most of MSW (40%) are transported to the Solid Waste Disposal Site (TPA) in urban area. The landfill site which is unmanaged will become a source of the GHGs emission, mainly the methane emission. Based on the Indonesian population, using FOD IPCC Tier-2 method, CH4 generated from MSW sector (landfill only) in 2006 is 109.96 Gg CH4 and will be increased up to 259 Gg in 2010, 504 Gg in 2015 and 1,065 Gg in 2025. The increase number of this CH4 emission is caused by the increase of population number that will increase the waste production and also increase the volume waste that is collected in the disposal area. The future scenario by referring to the national strategic plan which is developed by the Public Work Department is that the waste should be reduced from the source, so the total volume will be reduced by 20% in 2010. In 2015, refers to the MDGs target, 80% of the MSW in urban area and 50% of the MSW in rural area should be transported to the final disposal site. As stated in Solid Waste Management Act No 18/2008 and in accordance with the raw water protection, improvement of landfill quality from open dumping to sanitary landfill or controlled landfill and development of regional landfill are the priority programs with national financial support as an initial investment.Global Warming, Municipal Solid Waste, GHGs Emission InventoryWahyu Purwanta
276Penghitungan Emisi Gas Metana (Ch4) Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah Pada Tipologi?Small-Medium Landfills, Methane emission, IPCC MethodTeknologi
277Penghilangan Deterjen & Senyawa Organik Dlm Air Baku Air Minum Dgn Proses BiofilterAccording to PDAM survey in Jakarta, Surabaya and other cities, surface water resources didn?t meet standard quality anymore for raw drinking water. Synthetic detergents, mostly anionic detergents have been widely used in Indonesia over past three decades, similar to its use in other developing countries, and residuals from such use have entered the country's riverine and estuarine systems. Detergent and other organic substance problems have become more seriuos especially in urban areas where the spread of sewerage systems are still low. According to this reason, it is important to develop low-cost technology to solve this problem such as developing biological treatment for removing detergents and organics. The present study describes the removal detergents and organic matter in river water using submerged fixed bed biofilter with honeycomb tube plastic media. The experiments were operated by submerged fixed bed biofilter reactor using honeycomb plastic media continuously with size 21 cm x 30 cm x 59 cm, the total volume 372 litters. Results of experiments showed that using this method the removal efficiency of organic matter were affected by hydraulic retention time in reactor. The best conditions are achieved in aerobic tretment (Hydrolic retention time 4 hours) with the removal efficiency were 68,702% for organic materials,and 71,85% for detergent respectivelyPenghilangan deterjen, air baku, biofilter, unggun tetap, media sarang tawonNusa Idaman Said
278Penghilangan Bau Secara Biologi Dengan Biofilter SintetikBiofilter as one of method processing of waste have been introduced since early 20, but in its application have time to be left by effect of newer technological appearance like trickling filter, rotating biological contactor, activated sludge, and fluidized bed reactor. Biofilter very effective in deodorizing, especially dangerous aromas of organic volatile compound, and poisonous air from industry with efficiency 90 - 99,9%. Biofiltrasion become more economic compared to carbon adsorption or oxidation when its organic content under 3000 ppm. Most biofilter operate on organic concentration around 1000 ppm or lower. There are some matter to influence market of biofilter, for example : 1). the increasing of regulation about oxide nitrogen emission coming from hot process. Biofilter do not yield nitrogen oxide addition, 2). The increasing of sigh of society about contamination of aroma of facility processing of waste, processing of solid waste and others, 3). preventive methodologies implementation of pollution using condensation and air emission concentration, 4). Pressure to industry to use processes with discard as small as possible, 5). The increasing of attention to emission of hit and organic air materials, and also low cost water treatment technologyBau, Odour, Biofilter, Biofilm, Limbah tahu dan tempe, wastewater treatmentArie Herlambang
279Penghilangan Amoniak Di Dalam Air Baku Air Minum Dengan Proses Biofilter Tercelup Menggunakan MediaMasalah air baku air minum di kota-kota besar misalnya Jakarta, Surabaya, dan kota besar lainnya semakin hari kualitasnya semakin menurun. Hal ini mengakibatkan semakin mahalnya biaya produksi air baku dan pada kondisi tertentu dapat menyebabkan PAM tidak dapat menghasilkan air yang baik.Dari hasil pemantauan yang dilakukan oleh PAM pada bulan September 2000 terhadap air baku (intake water) di instalasi PAM Cilandak menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi amoniak bervariasi hingga mencapai sekitar 2,0 mg/l, dimana nilai konsentrasi tersebut telah melampaui ambang batas peruntukkan air baku air minum yakni sebesar 1 mg/l menurut Kep. Gub. KDKI Jakarta No. 582 th 1995. PAM di Indonsia khususnya PAM di DKI Jakarta menggunakan senyawa khlor (gas khlor atau kalsium hipoklorit) yang selain untuk proses desinfeksi juga digunakan untuk menghilangkan senyawa logam Fe, Mn, serta amoniak. Dengan semakin besarnya konsentrasi senyawa amoniak dalam air baku, maka amoniak akan dapat bereaksi dengan khlor menjadi khloramine yang daya desinfeksinya lebih lemah. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan konsumsi khlor akan menjadi lebih besar sehingga biaya operasi menjadi lebih tinggi. Selain itu dengan semakin besarnya konsentrasi senyawa khlor yang digunakan, maka hasil samping yang dihasilkan seperti terbentuknya senyawa trihalometan dan khlorophenol juga semakin besar. Senyawa-senyawa tersebut dapat mengakibatkan penyakit kanker (carcinogen). Oleh karena itu zat pencemar amoniak harus dihilangkan.Untuk mengurangi kadar amoniak di dalam air baku air minum maka air sungai harus diolah terlebih dahulu melalui suatu pengolahan pendahuluan sebelum masuk ke unit pengolahan. Salah satu alternatif yakni menggunakan proses biologis dengan sistem biofilter tercelup yang diisi dengan media penyangga dari bahan plastik tipe sarang tawon. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengoperasikan secara kontinyu satu reaktor biofilter tercelup menggunakan media palstik tipe sarang tawon dengan, ukuran 210 cm x 30 cm x 59 cm, volume total 371,7 liter.Efisiensi penurunan amoniak berdasarkan variasi waktu tinggal hidrolis 1-3 jam berkisar antara 48,74 % - 73.59 %. Pada pengolahan dengan pengkondisian waktu tinggal hidrolis 1 jam efisiensi penurunan sebesar 48.74%, untuk waktu tinggal 2 jam menunjukkan efisiensi sebesar 67.98 %, untuk waktu tinggal 3 jam efisiensi sebesar 73,59 %. Dari hasil percobaan di dapatkan persaman hubungan antara beban amoniak dengan efisiensi penghilangan amoniak yang ditunjukkan dengan persamaan :Y= -57,896 X + 79,859 di mana Y adalah efisiensi penghilangan amoniak (%), dan X adalah beban amoniak yang dinyatakan dalam gram amoniak/m2 media per hari, dengan nilai R (regresi) dengan harga R2 = 0,7486. Dari hasil tersebut terlihat bahwa dengan beban amoniak sebesar 0,1?0,7 gr/m2.hari di dapatkan efisiensi penghilangan amoniak antara 40 ? 75 %.Amoniak, Air Baku, Biofilter Tercelup, PAMNusa Idaman Said dan Rina Tresnawaty
280Penghematan Energi Pada Industri SemenIndustri semen merupakan salah satu industri yang digolongkan sebagai industri
yang boros mengkonsumsi energi, karena dalam proses produksi mengkonsumsi
energi cukup besar setara dengan 25 s/d 35 % dari biaya total produksi. Sejalan
dengan semakin berkurangnya cadangan bahan bakar fosil yang tidak dapat
diperbaharui (non-renewable energy), penghematan energi melalui efisiensi
penggunaan energi pada proses produksi menjadi suatu keharusan yang tidak dapat dihindari. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya[1], Penulis telah melakukan Feasibility Study terhadap pemasangan VSD di Fan, yang menunjukkan kemungkinan penghematan energi yang cukup besar. Dalam penelitian ini, unjuk kerja dilapangan secara nyata telah didapatkan bahwa pemasangan inverter atau VSD?S pada Fan yang digunakan didalam proses produksi Industri Semen, mampu menghemat penggunaan energi sebesar 499,0464 MWH pertahun, dan nilai ini setara dengan penurunan emisi gas CO2 sebesar 361.309,594 Ton CO2/Tahun.
Industri Semen, Fan, Damper, Variable Speed Drive (VSD), Inverter.Teguh Prayudi