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No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 261-280 dari 814 item.
261Pemanfaatan Mikroba Autotroph Dalam Pengolahan Limbah Konsentrasi TinggiThe treatment of wastewater containing high concentration of nitrate and low concentration of BOD using autotrophic bacteria were conducted in batch suspension experiment to investigate nitrate concentration level which can be treated by the bacteria. The autotrophic bacteria were enriched by acclimating activated sludge with inorganic substrates. The experimental result shows that denitrification reaction with initial nitrate concentration in synthetic wastewater from 200 to 850 mg/l proceeded according to the one-order reaction. The denitrification rate increased with increasing the initial nitrate concentration. Sulfate was detected as the by product of the denitrification reaction. The sulfate produced for 1 mmol of nitrate decreased was 1.09 mmol.Denitrifikasi, nitrat, autotropik bakteri, elemen sulfur.Rudi Nugroho
262Keanekaragaman Dan Komposisi Jenis Pohon Di Hutan Pameumpeuk ? Taman Nasional?komposisi, keanekaragaman, hutan, gunung Salak, jenis pohonTeknologi
263Pengaruh Sedimentasi terhadap Dayadukung Waduk Duriangkang di Pulau BatamDuriangkang Reservoir including the estuary resevoir is built by making resevoir at the estuary of Duriangkang River. The main function of Duriangkang Reservoir is the raw water resources to support 78 % of drinking wate supply needs on Batam Island. One of several problem of Duriangkang eservoir is erosion as a result of land clearing and building of land at Duriangkang Catchment area. Based on the research, sedimentation rate at Duriangkang Catchment area system is as the mayor sources that potentially influence the carrying capacity of Duriangkang Reservoir.In this study, an influence to carrying capacity of Duriangkang Reservoir is conducted toward sedimentation rate at Duriangkang Reservoir by measuring the water column depth of Duriangkang Reservoir.Duriangkang; land clearing, carrying capacityRosyid Hariyadi dan Ikhwanuddin Mawardi
264Pengaruh Pencemaran Limbah Industri dan Domestik terhadap Kualitas Air Waduk DuriangkangDuriangkang resevoir (62.000.000 m3) physically located in Duriangkang Catchement Area of Batam island. The main function of Duriangkang resevoir is the water resources to support 78 % of drinking water supply needs of Batam Island with the processing capacity amounting to 3000 liter/second. The main problem of Duriangkang Reservoir are : (1) industrial waste water from Batamindo Industrial Zone has been extremely polluted with COD conten (134,61 mg/liter) exceeding the Waste Water Quality Standard Group II (80 mg/liter), (2) domestically waste water from domestic activity in Duriangkang Catchment Area has also been extremely polluted with BOD5 conten (58,22 mg/liter) exceeding the Waste Water Quality Standard Group II (50 mg/liter). This research to study influent of industrial waste water and domestically waste water to carrying capacity of Duriangkang Reservoir.Duriangkang resevoir; drinking water supply; pollutedRosyid Hariyadi
265Akunting Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan Kabupaten SolokThe natural resources and environmental accounting is an important tool to account the stock and the sustainable flow of natural resources as well as the depletion occured in the utilization of natural resources. The natural resources stock and flow accounting is important for supporting the policy of natural resources utilization for development. The natural resource depletion accounting is to record the depreciation of natural resource capital. For Kabupaten solok it is recorded that in the year of 2005, its natural resources has the total economic rent of Rp. 765.530.561.000,-. With the natural resource depreciation of Rp.141.479.680.000,- and correcting its economic growth by 0,6 % of its GRDP in 2005.Natural resources and environmental accounting, valuationRony M. Bishry
266Penyediaan Air Siap Minum Pada Situasi Tanggap Darurat Bencana AlamA response in an emergency condition is the most critical thing in natural disaster. In this situation, every thing is in a panic. Any decision must be taken tactically, quickly and property to minimize the number victims and severity as the impact of disaster. One of the response in an emergency is to provide facility of drinking water treatment unit which has to be located at the respective disaster area. This unit is designed compacly with high mobility, flexible and easily operated to fullfil the potable water need for the victims. The treatment processes use are filtration, adsorbtion and sterilization. The capacity is 1 M3/hour.Tanggap darurat, air minum, ultra filtrasi, bencana alam, mobilitas tinggi, tepat sasaranRobertus Haryoto Indriatmoko dan Wahyu Widayat
267Evaluasi Kandungan Klorida (Cl-) & Daya Hantar Listrik (Dhl) Air Tanah Pada Sistem AkuiferEvaluation of chloride (Cl-) content and electric conductivity (EC) of ground water in aquifer system is one method to identify salt water movement in aquifer system, which occurred as a result of changes in hydraulic equilibrium which cause by temporary variation of natural recharges and pumping of ground water at many layered aquifers.Salt water movement in Jakarta aquifer system is evaluated based on mapping of chloride content at 500 mg/L and EC at 1500 m mhos/cm in many bored well during period of 1990 ? 2000. In the beginning chloride content and EC is in value only and with the addition of attribute data, namely coordinate, it could be used as input data. By using software namely SURF, the above input data is simulate to have a contour map of chloride and EC. Overlapping of the contour map to Jakarta base map will result in thematic map of chloride and EC distribution which represent salt water movement at Jakarta aquifer system.Aquifers, Aquifer system, Chloride (Cl-) , Electric Conductivity (EC), Map, Hydraulic EquilibriumRobertus Haryoto Indriatmoko dan E. Myra. J
268Evaluasi Kinerja Incineraktor skala Kecil Studi Kasus Incineraktor DKI JakartaSmall incinerator is one of means of municipal solid waste treatment which is used by local government of DKI Jakarta. To know the performance of the small incinerator, researchers conducted study on four incinerators in Ciracas, Srengseng, Sunter and Untung Java Island. Results of study shows that performances of the mentioned incinerators were quite low, i.e. particulate was greater than threshold limit, low burning capacity, producing waste water and poison gas was greater than treshold limit, the equipment wasn?t taken care according to standard, and the supporting facilities were not fulfilled the requirement.ambang batas, efisiensi pembakaran, emisi cerobong, limbah cair
ambang batas dan efisensi
Rizqon Fajar, Hendro Wicaksono, Firman LS
269Karakteristik Emisi Gas Buang Insinerator Medis Dirumah Sakit Jiwa Dadi Makassar Sulawesi SelatanThe disposal of hospital waste needs special treatment. To assist the hospital waste treatment of Makassar city, UPT-LSDE, BPPT has been designed and developed a medical incinerator with the capacity of 50 kg/jam at Rumah Sakit Jiwa Dadi Makassar in the year 2002. After one year operation, the system was provided by recuperator and tested to measure the emission characteristics into operation modes. The first mode, incinerator was run without operating recuperator and the second by operating recuperator. Characteristics of exhaust gas emissions were monitor continuously during test by using a poprtable gas analyzer, while particulate sampling was done as standard sampling Method 5 EPA. The test results show that pollution gas emissions, except CO, are under the regulation standard limits of Environmental Control Agency Head Decree No.Kep-03/BAPEDAL/09/1995. While particulate concentration in exhaust gas is under the standard limit of Environmental State Minister Decree No.13/1995 However, waste feeding and air combustion distributor of the tested incinerator need to be modified to achieve optimum combustion. This paper presents the exhaust gas characteristics of the tested unit that was performed on 19 September 2003Limbah rumah sakit, incinerator, karakteristik emisi gas buangRiyanto Marosin dan Ahsonul Anam
270Studi Isotop Oksigen-18 Dan Deuterium Pada Air Laut Di Teluk BantenOxygen-18, deuterium, isotope, sea waterTeknologi,,
271Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Hutan Sekunder Pada Berbagai Tingkatan Umur Di Kuala Ran?Hutan sekunder, keanekaragaman jenis, bentuk hidup, Kuala Ran, KaltimTeknologi
272Keragaan Model Budidaya Perikanan Terintegrasi Multi Tropik Di Pantai Utara Karawang, Jawa Barat.Keragaan Model Budidaya Perikanan Terintegrasi Multitropik, Pantai Utara KarawangTeknologi
273Pengaruh Alat"Asap Filter" Terhadap Kadar Kepekatan Asap Kendaraan Bermesin Diesel.An investigation of influence of smoke reduction in diesel engenis was carried out. Asmoke filter "ASAP" has been installed between carboretors and injection pump of the tested vehicles, namely: Isuzu Panther, Minibus Toyota, and Truck Mitsubisih Fe 199. The testing procedures follow the santdard of STALDAD 2.03-90 issued by the enginess were accelerated from low to maximum speed by changing the gear from neutral to highest gear transmission. The result of the shows that there was reducation in percentage of smoke in the vechiles, I.e. decrease of 35.73 % for neutral tranmission, and reducation of smoke for the Diesel engines on neutral trnsmiission is more significant than in gear tranmission.Alat Sistem Anti Polusi, Kepekatan kadar Asap, Kendaraan bermesin Diesel.Ramly Usman
274Laju Degradasi Surfaktan Linear Alkil Benzena Sulfonat pada Limbah Deterjen secara Anaerob ?Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) represents one of active substance of surfactants in detergents of which in high concentrations may cause environmental pollutions. The aim of the research was to know the efficiency of exclusion of LAS and the rate of LAS degradation in detergent wastes by the anaerobic process at fixed bed reactor equipped with cross flow material. This research was done in Process Laboratory of Balai Teknologi Lingkungan BPPT PUSPIPTEK Serpong. Reactor operation was done through continuous process with close circulation, up flow and 5 hours Rate Time Hour (RTH). Exclusion of LAS of detergent waste was recorded for 17 days. The degree of acidity after the process without inoculum (P1.0) was to 8.45, and for an anaerob condition with added inoculum (P1.1) was 7.88. The efficiency of the highest exclusion of CO soluble was equal to 80.96% (P1.1) with effluent 476 mg/L, and 76.81 % (P1.0) with effluent 531 mg/L. The exclusion of LAS of detergent wastes was 99.19% (P1.1) with LAS effluent equal to 17.51 mg/L and 98.3% (P1.0) with LAS effluent equal to 27.84 mg/L. The maximum rate of LAS surfactant degradationunt 0.95 ppm/day (P1.1) and 0.44 ppm/day (P1.0).detergent, LAS, fixed bed reactor, anaerobic, degradation, exclusion efficiencyR. Nida Sopiah dan Chaerunisah
275Evaluasi Lingkungan Air Tanah Di Das Citarum HuluThe catchment area ?Citarum? has been being in a very critical condition relating to extremely environmental problems. River water pollution in this catchment is obviously caused by industrial and domestic waste water. Nowadays the pollution load is already too high and the BOD, COD contents exceed the WHO standard. The activity evaluating groundwater environment in the up steam of the catchment area has the objective wich is to monitor the effect of groundwater pollution brought about by decreasing of surface water quality in upstream Citarum. The observed locations are village Suleman, Mekarrahayu, Margarahayu and Nanjung. They are all in Bandung regency. The four observed locations can be as representative for the three parts of upstream Citarum, ie. Upper, middle and lower part. Results of the evaluation are able to described groundwater quality condition, especially in the upstream Citarum cathment area.Upstream Citarum, groundwater, evaluation, water pollutionR. Haryoto Indriatmoko, Heru Dwi Wahjono, Satmoko Yudo dan P. Nugro Rahardjo
276Pengelolaan Data Sistem Aliran Drainase Kota, Studi Kasus : Jakarta Selatan Dan Jakarta TimurFast growing development at big cities such as Jakarta usually cause surface hydrology problems, which is indicated by many surface detention and local floods during rainy season. These problems were raised because of the increasing of runoff coefficient of sub catchment areas and limited capacity of existing drainages. Analysis have made on drainage capacity of sub catchment areas connected to peak flow cause by rain on certain recurrence period and result in data to evaluate drainage capacity to solve these water detention and local floods problemsGenangan, Banjir, Drainase, DAS, DatabaseR. Haryoto Indriatmoko, Heru Dwi Wahjono, Satmoko Yudho
277Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografiuntuk Penghitungan Koefisien Aliran Daerah Aliran Sngai (Das)?According to Cook, drainage basin characteristics factor yielding high surface stream are 1. Relief 2. Infiltration 3. Landuse, and 4. Drainage density. These physical parameter is use to determine runoff coefficient of catchment area, with application of Geographical Information System (GIS) application on Ciliwung catcment area above Depok. Steps to analyse of runoff coefficient are scoring of each classification of relief, infiltration, landuse and drainage density, and then all of the four maps which have score are overlay to become a map of unit land. Runoff coefficient hereinafter is calculated and found out that runoff coefficient of Ciliwung catchment area is 0, 58.GIS, SIG, metode Cook, metode Bridge Branch, runoff coeffisient, Cathment area, DAS, CiliwungR. Haryoto Indriatmoko dan V. Ery Wibowo
278Pendugaan Potensi Air Tanah Dengan Metoda Resistivitas Dua Dimensi Di Wilayah PesisirPasir Regency (Tanah Grogot) has coastal areas which is potential economically. To support the development of the area the local government is planning the development of proper and efficient plan to overcome the water problem of a coastal area. The plan could be implemented by conducting geophysical research and analysis of water quality of existing water resources. Based on this research hopefully an economically proper and efficient plan to develop the potency of existing water resources will be implementedWilayah Pesisir, Dua Dimensi, Geofisik, Akuifer, Air Tanah, Kualitas Air, Kabupaten PasirR. Haryoto Indriatmoko dan Arie Herlambang
279Membangun ?Sistem Dinamis Untuk Menghitung Debit Puncak? (Sddp) Dengan Menggunakan ?Peak Discharge Dinamyc System (SDDP) is a program which apply to calculate peak of discharge a catchment area with area and rain fall intensity as parameters, with limited to maximal 50 km2 area and 100 mm/hour rain fall intensity. This program is develop by using System Dinamyc Stella version 9.0.2. Steps taken are, first by calculate runoff cooeficient use Bridge-Branch method and then calculate peak discharge with rational method. This program is tested on sub-catcment Makassar, East Jakarta and compare the result of the program with manual calculation, and concluded that no deviation between those 2 methods, and even more the SDDP program provide prediction of peak discharge with variable C value and data of calculation peak discharge with SDDP program presented in graphic and tabulation as well.Model, Sistem Dinamis, Stella, Banjir, Debit Puncak, Koefisien Aliran, Prediksi, Jakarta TimurR. Haryoto Indriatmoko
280Penanggulangan Banjir Dengan Jaring Pengaman Sosial Sumur Resapan Di Jakarta Dan SekitarnyaBanjir tanggal 11 Februari 2002 mengejutkan banyak pihak karena datangnya tiba-tiba dan tidak terduga besarnya, sehingga hampir 30% wilayah Jakarta tergenang air , transportasi lumpuh , dan memakan korban jiwa akibat tanah lingsor, tenggelam, hanyut dan tersengat aliran listrik. Total aliran air permukaan diperkirakan mencapai 70 juta meter kubik, dimana jumlah tersebut tidak dapat tertampung oleh badan-badan sungai yang ada dan meluap menggenangi daerah dataran banjir sungai (floodplain area) yang saat ini banyak ditempati oleh pemukiman penduduk. Berdasarkan hasil studi yang dilakukan oleh Kelompok Pengkajian Sitem Pengelolaan Air (BPPT) dalam Studi Studi Model Optimisasi Pengelolaan Air Tanah Jakarta, maka besarnya imbuhan buatan yang harus dimasukkan kembali kedalam akuifer dangkal untuk daerah seluas 25 km2 berkisar antara 1.082.419- 54.120.960 m3/tahun atau antara 1,08 - 54,12 m3/tahun/m2. Lokasi imbuhan buatan dapat dilihat pada Peta Lokasi Imbuhan Buatan Berdasarkan Hasil Optimisasi Pengelolaan Air Tanah. Jika diasumsikan 1 (satu) sumur resapan dengan diameter 0,8 meter, lebar bidang resapan 1 meter pada tanah dengan permeabilitas rendah (0,00105 m/hari), maka kapasitas sumur resapan adalah 0,592 m3/tahun/unit. Dengan demikian untuk daerah Jakarta dan sekitarnya dibutuhkan kurang lebih 2 juta sumur resapan. Pelestarian lingkungan merupakan tanggung jawab pemerintah dan masyarakat. Walaupun sudah ada Surat Keputusan Gubernur DKI yang mengatur tentang sumur resapan, pelaksanaan dilapangan masih sulit pengawasannya. Dalam kondisi krismon ini perlu langkah terobosan untuk membuat sumur resapan dengan program jaring pengaman sosial, dengan demikian pemerintah membuka lapangan pekerjaan bersamaan dengan perbaikan lingkungan.Banjir, air tanah, sumur resapanR. Haryoto Indriatmoko
Arie Herlambang R. Haryoto Indriatmoko
R. Haryoto Indriatmoko