Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 261-280 dari 814 item.
261Upaya Pencegahan Dan Penanggulangan Dampak Pemanasan GlobalGlobal warming can be influented by natural and human activities. Effect and impact of it should be consider for all countries of the world . To reduce the global warming effects some activities will be shown in this paper. They will be divided into prevention and tackling activities.Global warmingNawa Suwedi
262Kenaikan Muka Laut Akibat Pemanasan Global Dan Aspek Penataan Ruang Wilayah Kota MakassarClimate and regional temperature changes due to anthropogenic activities have the impact on physical and biological aspects in the coastal zone. The increase of sea level changes is one important impact that adversing the coastal ecosystem. In 40 years (1961 ? 2003) sea level has increase in the average rate of 1,8 mm/year with the total increase of 17 cm in the early 20th century. Makassar city, the largest city in the eastern part of Indonesia is vulnerable to the increase of sea level. In this city, several coastal tipology in terms of land use can be observed. Human settlement, city tourism, sea port, fish pond as well as area with no human activities can be found. Large potential of economic loss can be occured if is not anticipated. Coastal zone spatial planning need to include coastal hazard of sea level changes due to global warming, increase of sea level changes, coastal tipologyIwan G. Tejakusuma dan Hermawan P
263Penghitungan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (Grk) Dari Sektor Sampah Perkotaan Di IndonesiaIndonesia produced 48.8 Mt/year of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) with population number of 218.8 million and rate of waste generation 0.61 kg/cap/day. Most of MSW (40%) are transported to the Solid Waste Disposal Site (TPA) in urban area. The landfill site which is unmanaged will become a source of the GHGs emission, mainly the methane emission. Based on the Indonesian population, using FOD IPCC Tier-2 method, CH4 generated from MSW sector (landfill only) in 2006 is 109.96 Gg CH4 and will be increased up to 259 Gg in 2010, 504 Gg in 2015 and 1,065 Gg in 2025. The increase number of this CH4 emission is caused by the increase of population number that will increase the waste production and also increase the volume waste that is collected in the disposal area. The future scenario by referring to the national strategic plan which is developed by the Public Work Department is that the waste should be reduced from the source, so the total volume will be reduced by 20% in 2010. In 2015, refers to the MDGs target, 80% of the MSW in urban area and 50% of the MSW in rural area should be transported to the final disposal site. As stated in Solid Waste Management Act No 18/2008 and in accordance with the raw water protection, improvement of landfill quality from open dumping to sanitary landfill or controlled landfill and development of regional landfill are the priority programs with national financial support as an initial investment.Global Warming, Municipal Solid Waste, GHGs Emission InventoryWahyu Purwanta
264Upaya Menuju Kemandirian Bahan Semai Flare Dalam Mendukung Tmc Di IndonesiaGlobal warming and climate change has been continuous issue for more than two decades.Rainfall deficits and droughst are projected to become more extreme due to climate change particularly in the tropics. Weather Modification or cloud seeding is one alternative of adaptations the climate changes in Indonesia. Work Packet Teknologi Pengembangan Bahan Semai in FY 2008 has made a small scale hygroscopic cloud seeding flare production equipment (ball mill, hydraulic press and oven). The hygroscopic flare prototype has 60% KCl, 20% MgCl, and 6.2% NaCl, while th e burning flare particle size was 0.3 warming, weather modification, cloud seeding, hygroscopic flareErwin Mulyana, Untung Haryanto, Ham Hilala, R Djoko Gunawan, Pitoyo S Sarwono, ?
265Persyaratan Laboratorium Lingkungan dan Kondisinya di IIndonesia
The level of environmental quality is indicated by how much the pollutants enter into and stay in it, that is whether they are still below or already above the regulated pollutants standard. In knowing pollutant concentration in the environment, pollutant measurement must be done by employing appropriate instrument and using qualified/ certified operator. Therefore, the role of environmental laboratory is crucial in preparing instrumentation, operator, as well as standard operating procedure (SOP) in order for sampling and analysis of pollutants to work properly and result qualified data. This type of laboratory is strongly determined by how the laboratory is operated with the standard mechanism, called good laboratory practice (GLP). GLP will be met by the laboratory that owns the current state of the art instrumentation, capability and experience of the operator/analyst in conducting sampling and analysis, availability of SOP, capability to control the quality (Quality Control) and to assure the quality (Quality Assurance) of its work and the results. Some of laboratory in Indonesia has received certification from National Committee on Acreditation (KAN). However, the granted certification from the KAN must be first checked whether it is for all or part of the laboratory capabilities. Second, whether during the analysis it is already checked the accuracy and preciseness of the instrument employed. Unlike in developed countries, this type of such check has not so far been done in Indonesia. In term of Quality Assurance, the institution that grants the laboratory certification, for example KAN in Indonesia, will send blind samples to targeted laboratory to analyze how much the concentration of certain pollutants detected by this laboratory. Third, whether the operators have strongly followed the existing SOP. Thus, in order to operate laboratory in a right procedure and accuracy, a lot of work must be done carefully in order to result a qualified data. This paper is going to describe and to evaluate how the environmental laboratory is operated and how their condition in Indonesiagood laboratory practice (GLP), pengontrolan mutu (Quality Control), pengendalian mutuKardono
266Tingkat Filtrasi Rumput Laut (Gracilaria Sp)
RUMPUT LAUT (Gracilaria sp)
The Concern of this study is to understand Gracilaria sp. function in biofiltration process as a way in removing exceeding nutrient.
Laboratory analysis indicated that Gracilaria sp has the ability to reduce organic substance as orthophosphate in see water up to range 0.0082 -00.0149 ppm/days. Application of Gracilaria in waste water filtrattion is expected to be an alternative approach in shrimp pond waste water treatment.
Gracilaria sp., biofiltration, orthophosphate.Wage Komarawidjaja dan Dian Ary Kurniawan
267Keberadaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau dalam Pembangunan Kawasan IndustriSome functions that involves in Green Open Area ( the function of ecology, social, economic and architecture) and the estetic value of Green Open Area (object and environment) it is not only able to increase the ecological quality, but it is to be an indicator of the sustainability of ecological development. In getting Green Open Area with has function and esthetic, therefore minimal large, patern, structure and form and its distribution that must to be considered in build and develop the area. The ecological, condition, the wish of user, direction and the aim of development of area is to be a main part to fix the Green Open Area functional.Green Open AreaAdinda Arimbi Saraswati
268Penerapan Teknologi untuk Mengurangi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca
Being located in the equator and also has bondaries with two tectonic plates, Indopnesia has various of energy resources, such as oil, coal, natural gas, as well as, renewable energy resources such as geothermal, solar, hydro, wind etc.
In relation to the above mentioned conditions, Indonesia has a lot of potential to reduce greenhouse gas emmission through increasing the energy efficiency, fuel swiching, as well as utilization of CCS (carbon dioxide capture and storage) in the oil, gas and coal mining.
Although Indonesia is not included in Kyoto Protocol?s country list, Annex I or Annex II, Indonesia is inclkuded among countries that had ratified the Earth Summit and the Kyoto Protocol. Therefore, it has a responsibility to help the developed country reduce their greenhouse gas emmission through application of environmental friendly technologies in the framework of Clean Development Mechanism.
Greenhouse Gas, CDM, Application technologiesMohammad Sidik Boedoyo
269Akuisisi Data Sumberdaya Air Tanah Di Daerah Sukodono Kabupaten PacitanThe need of water for human life is very high, especially to meet a demand of water supply, such as for drinking water, washing, taking a bath, and etc. Unfortunately, the availability of surface water at an area is sometimes not enough to comply with a request of pure water, as happened in the Sukodono area. Hence, to avoid the problem, we focus at the ground water sources as alternative water supply. In this paper will be discussed exploration of ground water that is accomplished with imaging resistivity technology to find out characteristic and condition of ground water in Sukodono, Pacitan district, East Java Province. Based on the result of survey in field and interpretation, the existence of aquifer in Sukodono area is occupied between 5 ? 40 meter depth.ground water, imaging resistivity, desa SukodonoTeguh Prayogo

Teguh Prayogo

Teguh Prayogo
270Pemanfaatan Air Tanah JakartaThe Jakarta groundwater is one of the water resources in which people rely on it in great deal. With the limitation of the Water Supply Company to serve its user, groundwater becomes very valuable and dependable resource. The magnitude of extraction reaches out above it?s save yield. In the year of 2002 about 1230 to 1590 millions cubic meters water were accumulated from precipitation. Approximately of 1027 million cubic meters each year about to be consumed by the people of Jakarta. The groundwater consumption tend to increase while the land capability to absorb groundwater decreasing as the land development expanding. Hidrologically the hydraulic conductivity of the Jakarta groundwater aquifer system is very low, so that the groundwater flowrate from the south region of Jakarta basin is also low. With the magnitude of extraction?s very havily, the cone of depression incident has been occurring in the north Jakarta region. Along with this incident, a land subsidence was also occurring in the neighboring area. To overcome these problems, the assessment of the artificial recharge to the Jakarta aquifer particularly at the critical locations has been done. Schemes of the artificial recharges were simulated. Locations and magnitudes of these schemes were recommended to prevent further depression and saltwater intrusions.groundwater, aquifer, basin Jakarta, simulation, artificial recharge.Samsuhadi
271Aplikasi Teknologi Eksplorasi Untuk Memahami Kondisi Air Tanah Di Daerah Padang ?Groundwater is water that comes from the ground. Groundwater comes from rain, snow, sleet, and hail that soaks into the ground. The water moves down into the ground because of gravity, passing between particles of soil, sand, gravel, or rock until it reaches a depth where the ground is filled, or saturated, with water. Groundwater is stored in the ground in materials like gravel or sand. Water can also move through rock formations like sandstone or through cracks in rocks. Groundwater is one of solution to overcome a problem of the need of drinking water in the Padang Luas Area, because the availability of surface water is not enough. The objective of research is finding out characteristic and condition of ground water in Padang Luas, Tanah Laut district. To meet the objective, it was applied method of geophysical technology, namely electrical resistivity method by injecting current into the ground through current electrodes that are grounded at the earth's surface and measuring the difference of the electrical potential between the potential electrodes. Based on data processing, modeling and interpretation, it was gained result concerning the existence of aquifer in Padang Luas area that is predicted to occupy between 30 ? 60 meter and 70 ? 120 meter depth.Groundwater, Electrical ResistivityTeguh Prayogo
272Karaktersistik Air Tanah di Kecamatan Tamansari, Kota TasikmalayaPumping test are carried out to determine how much groundwater taken from a well and what effects pumping will have on the aquifer. Theis recovery method aims to find out the aquifer characteristics such as transmisibility and permeability values. This method in principle observes the recovery of ground water surface until stable. This research location at Tamansari distric Tasikmalaya West Java. The value of transmisibilitas and permeabilitas in Tamansari district indicated the groundwater potency is not good for industry ot comercial water. Higher value at Sukahurip and lowest value at Bantarhuni with a permeability coeficient only 1.32 m2/day. Ground water flow (m3/day) between 410 ? 4868 m3/day at Mugarsari. Ground water resources is limited potency, especially at dry season, local goverment need to conserv with a build pond or fishpond for reserve water.Groundwater, pumping test and potencyAgung Riyadi dan Kusno Wibowo
273Identifikasi Potensi Air Tanah Di Kecamatan Mangkubumi Tasikmalaya Dengan Metode Uji PompaPumping tests are carried out to determine how much groundwater taken from a well and what effects pumping will have on the aquifer. Theis recovery method aims to find out the aquifer characteristics such as transmisibility and permeability values. This method in principle observes the recovery of ground water surface.This reasearch location at Mangkubumi distric Tasiklamaya West Java. The value of transmisibilitas and permeabilitas in Mangkubumi district indicated the groundwater potential is good. Ground water flow (m3/day) between 684,02 at Cipawitra until 4.617,19 at Cipari Tasikmalaya. Hidrolik Conductivity between 0.39 ? 2.63 (m2/day).groundwater, pumping test, permeabilityAgung Riyadi, Kusno Wibowo, Mardi Wibowo, Sabaruddin WTj
274Gumuk Pasir Parangtritis Konversi Versus Konservasi Tulisan ini mencoba mengulas tentang adanya fenomena alam yang sangat langka dan unik berupa gumuk pasir tipe "barchan", yang terbentuk sebagai akibat adanya ekosistem Parangtritis yang khas. Pantai Parangtritis khususnya dan pantai selatan Yogyakarta umumnya saat ini telah berkembang sangat cepat di dalam pemanfaatan potensi sumber daya alam di lahan pesisir sehingga banyak pihak berkeinginan untuk memanfaatkan lahan pantai berbagai keperluan, sehingga mengancam keberadaan gumuk pasir. Dengan segala keunikan, karakteristik dan potensi pantai yang khas tersebut, maka potensi terjadinya konflik kepentingan antar sektor akan semakin besar. Gambaran konflik dan akibat yang akan ditimbulkan apabila terus dibiarkan dapat mengancam kelestarian gumuk pasir di Parangtritis tersebut. Dengan model sistem dinamik maka upaya untuk melestarikan keberadaan gumuk pasir dapat dimungkinkan melalui skenario pembangunan berkelanjutan yaitu menyeimbangkan atau mengendalikan laju pengurangan lahan dengan laju penambahan wilayah gumuk.Gumuk pasir, konservasi, model dinamikLestario Widodo
275Eksplorasi Sumberdaya Air Tanah di Daerah Handil Babirik Kabupaten Tanah LautGround water is water located beneath the ground surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of lithologic formations. A unit of rock or an unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it can yield a usable quantity of water. Ground water is alternative water to meet a demand of water supply, because the availability of surface water at an area is sometimes not enough to fulfill the need of drinking water, like occured in the Handil Babirik area. In this paper will be discribed concerning application of imaging resistivity technology for understanding characteristic and condition of ground water in Handil Babirik, Tanah Laut district, South Kalimantan Province. The result of survey in field, data processing, modelling and interpretation indicated that the existence of aquifer in Handil Babirik area is occupied between 30 ? 40 meter depth and having a form of lensHandil Babirik, ground water, imaging resistivityTeguh Prayogo
276Potensi Limbah Bahan Berbahaya Dan Beracun (B3) Di Wilayah Dki Jakarta Dan Strategi PengelolaannyaLimbah B3 dapat menimbulkan dampak negative yang sangat besar dan bersifat akumulatif, sehingga kadarnya makin lama akan makin meningkat. Wilayah DKI Jakarta yang padat dengan berbagai kegiatan menghasilkan berbagai jenis limbah yang sebagian bersifat berbahaya dan beracun, yang biasa disebut dengan limbah B3.Banyak pihak yang tidak menyadari bahwa limbah yang dihasilkannya sebagian merupakan limbah B3 sehingga penanganan limbah B3 hanya dipusatkan pada sektor industri dan rumah sakit saja. Hal ini menyebabkan limbah B3 dari sektor domestik (terutama rumah tangga) terlupakan. Mengingat besarnya resiko yang dapat ditimbulkan dan kondisi yang demikian maka perlu disusun suatu strategi dan prioritas dalam pengelolaan limbah B3 dari semua sumber yang ada.Hazardous wasteSetiyono
277Pengaruh Pupuk Kandang terhadap Serapan Pada Tanaman Kacang TanahNaturally, the farm damage cure effect of heavy metal waste dismissal will need very long time, but with growing of knowledge and technology hence the damage cure acceleratable by passing input bacterium or bioremidasi into impure land. Organic materials in compost or cage manure have role of vital importance in influecing heavy metal availability in land.Organic manure usage can degrade heavy metal concent to of chromium at impure land until 67 - 68 %.The degredation of heavy metal concent in land have correlation to level of chromium concent to quiality of agro product and crop.Standard gyration quality of chromium concent range from 0,5 ppm - 1,0 ppm, while chromium concent in peanut crop > 0,5 ppm, so that is not peaceful if exploited for livestock food, but chromium concent at seed reside in below standard quality of competent so that to be consumed, however for certainty have to be seen other heavy metal concent (cadmium)heavy metal, organic meter, the farm quality productSudaryono
278Keanekaragaman Tanaman Pekarangan & Pemanfaatannya Di Ds. Lampeapi, Pulau Wawoni ? Sulawesi TenggaraIn Indonesia, home garden have not aequire any much awareness yet. Although this home garden can be a valuable incomes for family if manage in good way. Research and inventory on plant diversity of home garden in Lampeapi village, Wawonii Dictrict, Southwest Of Celebes resulted of 40 species.Those plants are used daily needs and can be used for raising family income such as ?onii? Cocos nucifera, ?marisa? Piper nigrum, ?dambo? Anacardium occidentale, ?punti? Musa spp. and coklat Theobroma cacao. Diversity of plants species, as proportion and indigenous knowledge of local people is very interesting to study in order to conserve their germ plasma.Home garden, Lampeapi village, Wawonii island, Southwest of Celebes.Mulyati Rahayu dan Suhardjono Prawiroatmodjo
279Kamus Mini HTML - Kamus yang dapat membantu proyek Anda dalam membangun halaman web dengan HTMLHTML merupakan bahasa pemrograman yang mutlak diperlukan oleh seorang web developer dalam mengembangkan sebuah situs web. Walaupun saat ini sudah banyak pula dikembangkan editor untuk membuat sebuah halaman web, pemahaman terhadap kode pemrograman dengan HTML sangat diperlukan oleh developer untuk meningkatkan efektifitas dan kecepatan browsing sebuah halaman web. Kamus mini HTML ini dapat membantu para web developer dalam mengingatkan teknik penulisan syntax pemrograman dengan bahasa markup, khususnya untuk ia yang bekerja dengan resource yang seminimal mungkin. Kamus ini memuat bermacam-macam tag dan atributnya berikut penjelasan dan contoh pemakaiannya. Selain itu juga memuat kode-kode RGB untuk menampilkan warna dan kode-kode ASCII untuk menampilkan karakter khusus ke dalam dokumen hypertext dan memuat informasi lainnya.Homepage, web page, HTML, Internet, Markup, Tag, Java, Hypertext, MultimediaHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
280Disain Perencanaan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (Ipal) Dan Re-Use Air Di Lingkungan PerhotelanDenpasar is one of the number one tourist destination in the world. This city needs a lot of water resources with high quality to meet the needs of the hotel. While the Bali island with a relatively small area can not save the water resources in large numbers, the good management of water resources and efficiency use of water is realy needed. Hotel is one of the largest water users in the city of Denpasar. The water source is from deep ground water and PDAM with the same quality. If someday deficit water and sea water intrusion in Denpasar happened, the hotel will be accused as one major cause of this problem. To overcome these problems, environmentally friendly hotel management will be needed to achieve "GREEN HOTEL & RESORT" programs in Bali, such as water usage efficiency, water recycle and protect environment from wastewater polution. To achieve this without reducing the amount of water consumption, can be done by using the technology of wastewater reuse, with technology Waste Water Treatment Installation (WWTP) and continued with the water quality improvement technology using multi media filters, ultra-filtration or reverse osmosis.Hotel ramah lingkungan, re-use air limbahSetiyono