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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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281Penggunan Index of Biotic Intergrity (IBI) Untuk Menilai Kualitas Lingkungan PerairanHistorically, the health of aquatic systems was monitored primarily trough chemical means.However, chemical monitoring provides ony a"snapshot"of condition at the time of sampling and may fail to detect acute pollution events(e.g. runoff from heavy rain, spills), non-chemical pollution(e.g. habitat alteration) and non-point source pollution. In order to address the shortcomings of chemical monitoring, the biological monitoring could be used and more accurarately reflect the health of ecosystem. Biological monitoring is based on the premise that biological communities are shaped by the long-term conditions of their enviornment and more accurately reflect the health ofan ecosystem.Monitoring, aquatic, pollution, and health ecosystemSutrisno Sukimin
282Penggunaan Model Dinamik Dalam Penentuan Prioritas Konservasi Air Tanah?model dinamik, konservasi air tanah, Kabupaten BantulTeknologi Pengolahan Air
283Penggunaan Media Serat Plastik Pd Proses Biofilter Tercelup Utk Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah TanggaWater pollution in the big cities in Indonesia, especially in DKI Jakarta has shown serious problems. One of the potential sources of water pollution is domestic wastewater that is wastewater from kitchens, laundry, bathing and toilets. These problems have become more serious since the spreads of sewerage systems are still low, so that domestic, institutional and commercial wastewater causes severe water pollution in many rivers or shallow ground water. Based on the fact that the progress of development of sewerage system is still low, it is important to develop low cost technology for individual house hold or semi communal wastewater treatment such as using anaerobic and aerobic submerged biofilter. This paper describes the pilot plan study of individual household wastewater treatment using anaerobic and aerobic submerged biofilter using plastic fiber media. The raw wastewater in this experiment was from household wastewater. Results of experiment shows that under operating condition 12-24 hours hydraulic retention time, the treated water was physically very clear, and according on chemical analysis the removal efficiency of BOD is 73.24 ? 94.92 %, COD 65.80 ? 90.76 %, total suspended solids (TSS) 95.60 ? 97.69 %, and detergent (MBAS) 56.80 ? 88.51 %, respectively. Compared to attempt by using charcoal media, the quality of treated water did not show difference significantlyLimbah domestik non toilet, biofilter anaerob-aerob, media serat palstikNusa Idaman Said
284Pengetahuan Lokal Tumbuhan Obat Masyarakat Desa Dompo-Dompo Jaya, Pulau Wawonii - Sulawesi TenggaraIndigenous knowledge, medicinal plants, Wawonii ethnic, Southeast SulawesiTeknologi,
285Pengetahuan Lokal Tentang Lingkungan: Studi Kasus Etnis Wawonii ?Wawonii ethnic represent the majority groups and ethnic origin dwelling Wawonii island, Southeast Sulawesi. In their traditional life, this ethnic has own manners and customs for managing natural resources. Local knowledge research?s about environment ecosystem of owned Wawonii ethnic have been carried out since 2003 to 2006. Several countryside of Wawolaa, Lansilowo, Lampeapi, Bobolio and Dompo-dompo Jaya have been visited during this study. At least 6 kinds environment sets have been identifi ed, manely ?kura eya? primary forest, ?lali bata? secondary forest, ?anantalu? brushes, ?laro wita? fi eld, ?laro le? grassland and ?kapo? village. Although there local knowledge have a lot of change, however it still remain their wisdom and become the guidance in their daily activities.Local knowledge, Wawonii ethnic, Southeast Sulawesi.Mulyati Rahayu, Mohammad Fathi Royyani dan Rugayah
286Pengetahan Dan Pemanfaatan Tumbuahan Obat di Sabang-Pulau Weh,Nangroe Aceh DarussalamThe understanding on medicinal herbs and its usefulness by local people are very common in Indonesia. Most of the ethnics utilize it, without exception in Sabang - Weh Island, Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) province. To explore what kinds of plant which use as medicinal herbs, research was conducted in Iboih, Sabang, NAD. As a result at least 113 plant species, belong to 85 genera and 55 families were recorded as medicinal herbs. It was found that medicinal herbs in research site was employed either as a single or as compound, which contains some materials. It is recognized as 44 medicinal compound (ramuan obat 44), eventhough it does not always consist of 44 plants. Occasionally, this 44 medicinal compound is well known as ramuan daun segala daun. Medicinal herbs which are used by Iboih people are terrestrial orchids, gerangsang rimaung (Anoectochylus setaceus) and abeung - abeung (Oroxylum indicum). The later belong to Bignoniaceae and it is one of the endangered plants.Medicinal herbs, Sabang - Weh Island, Nangroe Aceh DarussalamSiti Susiarti
287Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan dengan Penerapan Teknologi Proses Terbaik"Best Avaiable T?...Best Avaiable techniques (BAT) is developed especiall in the European Community, responding enviromental issue by desinging the process that the polluted chemicals released during the plant operation are still under the environmental tolerances. Besides environmentally friendly, the tecknology is also efficient and consumes less energy.Proses, Amoniak, pencemaran, Lingkungan.Djoko Wiwoho
288Pengembangan Teknologi Lingkungan Dalam Pengelolaan DAS Yang Berkelanjutan.DAS merupakan bagian dari suatu proses hidrologi ? yang dikenal sebagai siklus air ? berfungsi sebagai penampung air hujan, daerah penyimpanan air, penangkap hujan dan pengaliran air. Air merupakan sumberdaya alam yang sangat vital dan merupakan faktor pembatas dan menentukan kualitas hidup manusia serta mahkluk hidup lainnya. Dari berbagai literatur diketahui bahwa telah terjadi penurunan kualitas dan kuantitas air sebagai akibat dari pendekatan pembangunan di sepanjang DAS yang semata-mata mengejar pertumbuhan ekonomi tanpa memperhatikan keberlanjutan fungsi-fungsi lingkungan sejak kawasan hulu sampai dengan kawasan hilir. Belum lagi pendekatan pelaksanaan pembangunan yang terkotak-kotak dan dibatasi oleh wilayah administratif padahal suatu DAS biasanya melalui beberapa wilayah administratif sekaligus. Oleh karena itu, pendekatan baru pengelolaan DAS adalah pendekatan terpadu yang dikenal sebagai ?One River, One Plan, One Management?. Makalah ini mencoba mengetengahkan peran teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan sebagai salah satu cara pemecahan permasalahan lingkungan yang telah terjadi maupun pencegahannya, jenis-jenis teknologi apa saja yang perlu dikembangkan serta beberapa hasil kajian di bidang teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan yang telah siap terap maupun yang sedang dan akan dilakukan yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam suatu pengelolaan DAS terpadu.DAS, Pengelolaan Lingkungan, Teknologi Pengelolaan DASTusy Augustine Adibroto
289Pengembangan Tanaman Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus L.) Sebagai Bahan Baku Papan Komposit Hasil?komposit, lubang baskom, kenaf, sifat phisycal dan mekanik, lapisan resinTeknologi
290Pengembangan Sistem Pengelolaan Data Kualitas Air Limbah Domestik PerkotaanOne of the activities undertaken within the framework of environmental sanitation management by the government is to publish a variety of regulations governing the wastewater disposal problem. Sources of pollution of the most dominant in urban areas are domestic wastewater. Government institutions through BPLHD have conducted regular monitoring of river water quality in Jakarta. Management of water quality data from domestic waste sources is needed to control river water pollution. This requires data management system of urban domestic waste water quality. In this article will be discussed the development of data management systems for domestic waste water quality with reference to the current applicable regulations.quality water database, domestic waste water qualityHeru Dwi Wahjono
291Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Teknologi Pengolahan Air (SITPA)Clean water needs and wastewater treatment will be a serious problem for industry especially for food industries. The packet information of applicable technology for water treatment and industrial waste handling that can support any development sector nowadays is needed by any kind of society especially for small and medium enterprise players. To face on globalisation, the computer and information technology will be used as an important tools for distributing the packet of technology from R&D community to any kind of society through global network. By using the existing network infrastructure in the country, the packet information of technology will be distributed electronically specially to help group of small and medium industry. As pilot project, this activity chooses the tahu/tempe industry located in Semanan, Jakarta Barat for the industrial centre. By surveying the need of technology, we try to help craftsman to resolve their problem on clean water supply and industrial waste, so they can increase their product quality.air bersih, limbah cair, sistem informasi, internet, hypertext, multimediaHeru Dwi Wahjono
292Pengembangan Sistem Database Sumber Daya Air Kota SamarindaIn order to manage region water resources, Samarinda City has been collecting and managing all data of water resources. Good data management for water resources is needed to maintain water potential and suplay for this city and to control water quality from environmental pollution. The management of the existing water resources is needed by developing computer base structural database management system. The design of database system is used for development of software for water resources database management. The developed software can be used as Decision Support System to help city management and useful for information system to find out the potential of all water resources in Samarina. The output of this activity is software for managing water resources in Samarinda City.water resources database, water resources potential, structural data management.Heru Dwi Wahjono
293Pengembangan Sistem Database Online Monitoring (Onlimo) Kualitas AirRecent water quality decrease has caused difficult in finding clean water source for people and their daily life. Monitoring on water quality had been carried out many times, from up stream to down stream. It?s necessary to do Online Monitoring on ground and underground water quality continuously, so that the effect of water quality decrease could be detected earlier and handle directly. The output of water quality data needs to be processed so that the society and the decision makers could see the information publicly. So, we need a design of structured database of online and real-time water quality data processing. Water quality data management using structured data base system could make water source data retracing easierdatabase struktur, online monitoring, real time monitoringHeru Dwi Wahjono
294Pengembangan Pertanian Budidaya Lorong (Alley Cropping) Untuk Konservasi Lahan Kritis?agricultural, alley cropping, land conservation, watershedTeknologi
295Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Database Monitoring Kinerja TpaThe increasing number of resident in an area impact to the increasing number of domestic waste produced by that area.The amount of existing landfill waste is not enough to accommodate all waste.This is the reason why the researchers need to develop a landfill waste with good performance. Good performance landfill can treat waste quickly and does not contaminate the environment. Methan gas produced by the landfill waste can be used as alternatif energy resources. To improve the performance of landfill waste, the waste management in landfill waste need to be monitored. The landfill waste monitoring carried out on quality of leacate, volume and concentration of gas, and some other parameters. To facilitate the monitoring process should be developed database software for landfill waste performance monitoring. With this software the data is managed in such a way so that it can be called back quickly and easily and can be displayed in various forms of landfill performance analysis reports.Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah, Pengelolaan Sampah, Database
Monitoring Kinerja TPA
Heru Dwi Wahyono
296Pengembangan Pemanenan Air Hujan Dan Sumur Resapan Di Daerah Depok, Jawa Baratperesapan buatan, pemanenan air hujan, air tanah, genanganlokal, banjirTeknologi
297Pengembangan Ekowisata Sebagai Strategi Pelestarian Hutan Mangrove, Kasus: Hutan Mangrove di PanturaMangrove forest area in coastal Indramayu district province of West Java as potential building and able to be developed as econatural tourisms and educational tourism with using of services from mangrove forest area. To built and develop of ecotourism area need a good planing which involving the investor as stakeholders. Econatural tourism need to be empowered as well as centre of educational and traing which related with mangrove forest area protectionMangrove, Ekowisata, EkosistemIkhwanuddin Mawardi
298Pengembangan Ekowisata Sebagai Pendekatan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir BerkelanjutanEcotourism has been chosen as an approach to integrate conservation and economic development in Blendung Village, one of coastal villages in the north coast of Pemalang District. Most of its community depend their livelihood on fish ponds and jasmine plantation. The combination of fish ponds, jasmine plantation and mangrove conservation is expected to be tourist attraction, which ables to enhance the prosperity of local community as well as to recover the function of mangrove as a means for coastal protection that has been lost recently. In order to prepare Blendung Village as a tourist destination, an environmentally- sound tourism area plan was created, and the skill of local community to manage the acitities was developed. The main challenge in the development of ecotourism in Blendung Village is how to empower local community as well as local government, thereby all of those local potentials could be developed, which in turn a sustainable coastal zone could be achieved.ecotourism, coastal resources managementIr. Mukaryanti, MPSt, Adinda Saraswati, Ssi
299Pengembangan Dan Pemberlanjutan Teknologi Pemantauan Lingkungan Perairan Laut.Sebagai sebuah infrastruktur yang bernilai investasi tidak sedikit, upaya menjaga kesinambungan sistem Seawatch sangatlah penting.Secara umum permasalahan yang muncul dalam pengoperasian dan pengembangan sistem ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai masalah teknis dan non-teknis. Secara teknis masalah yang terjadi pada sistem buoy sebagian besar disebabkan oleh faktor ketidak-akraban lingkungan laut bagi sistem elektronik. Sementara pada aspek teknis pada pusat kendali lebih kepada aspek keandalan (reliability) sistem dan masalah penyebaran termasuk pengaturan aksesnya. Adapun faktor non-teknis utama adalah aspek yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi dalam arti apakah nilai tambah yang dihasilkan sistem Seawatch sebanding dengan biaya pengadaan, pengembangan, dan operasionalnya. Dalam menjaga kesinambungan ke depan suatu upaya bagaimana menekan biaya operasional dan meningkatkan manfaat dan kemanfaatan data dan atau informasi yang dihasilkan menjadi penting. Peningkatan kemampuan pada aspek teknik-praktis-operasional dan peningkatan pemahaman (meaning atau know-how) pada sistem pemantauan diperlukan agar diperoleh pilihan-pilihan pengukuran dan koleksi data yang lebih ekonomis. Sementara penyebaran data dan informasi yang ada perlu segera dilakukan dalam kaitan memberi manfaat dalam jangka panjang khususnya dalam pembangkitan arti pentingnya data dan informasi kelautan.Efisiensi, Manfaat, Sistem Seawatch, BerkesinambunganWahyu Purwanta
300Pengembangan Budidaya Udang Dan Potensi Pencemarannya Pada Perairan PesisirBecouse of the shrimp price in international market was high, Indonesia which have a big potential swamp for develop shrimp pond (tambak) plan to increase the shrimp production. Lately, intensive shrimp culture always failed due to decomposition of organic waste in the bottom created oxygen depletion and produced gases (NH3 and H2S) which dangerous to water organisms.To avoid the fenomema farmer threw out the organic waste to coastal water which can develop euthrofication, blooming and water quality degradation. This paper conclude that increasing of the shrimp production using intensive culture will create many problem, due to the existing technology was not completed by technology which can eliminate the organic waste in the pond. This paper suggest that before the intensive technology was completed with ?waste water treatment? or ?biomanipulation technology? which can eliminate the organic waste in the pond, the increasing of shrimp production will better using extensive program with conventional or semiintensive technology. Without all it the negative impact of organic waste in coastal waters will bigger than positive impact of increasing the shrimp production.shrimp production, organic waste, coastal waters, euthroficationYudhi Soetrisno Garno