Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 361-380 dari 814 item.
361Natrium Silikat Sebagai Bahan Penghambat Api Aman LingkunganThis research aims at investigating the effectiveness of fire retardant siliceous based materials which is made of natrium silicate (Na2SiO3.2H2O). Factors related to selection of mixed composition with respect to fire such as the easiness in processing or coating as well as the optimum weight of coating per m2 are investigated. Experimental method is used in this research with equipment used in this experiment include Fire Propagation Test Apparatus (based on JIS A 1321, 1994, # 605). Experiment is done on Borneo and Red Meranti Wood and comparison is done on the result of test undertaken on these types of wood which are treated with siliceous based fire retardant materials. Investigation also reveals that the more natrium silicate absorbed by the wood will increase the temperature rise (td ?) and smoke developed index. Experiment on mixture composition of 1 : 1 on both woods has proven it. The best mixture of siliceous based fire retardant against fire while ensuring ease workmanship is under the ratio 7 : 1 up to 10 : 1, with the layer optimum weight per m2 is approximately 0.7 kg. Using this type of fire retardant has proven the increase in the quality of Borneo wood and Red Meranti wood from quality class 4 (Semi fire retardant) to become quality class 2 (Semi non combustible).fire reterdant materials, natrium silicate, borneo wood, red meranti wood, temperature rise,Achmad Hidajat Effendi
362Network Information ServiceSejak lahirnya sistem operasi Unix, komputer tidak lagi digunakan sebagai mesin yang hanya dapat membantu pekerjaan-pekerjaan pribadi seorang pemakai. Pekerjaan yang bersifat personal yang dilakukan secara stand alone ini dirasakan sudah tidak optimal jika terdapat banyak personal komputer dalam sebuah jaringan kelompok kerja (workgroup). Oleh karena itu dengan kemajuan teknologi sistem informasi, khususnya di bidang teknologi jaringan komputer, telah dapat menempatkan komputer sebagai mesin terminal yang dapat melakukan tukar menukar data (data sharing) secara optimal Buku ini menerangkan teknik mengoptimalkan kerja jaringan komputer lokal intranet yang menggunakan Unix sebagi sistem operasi dan TCP/IP sebagai protocl. Selain itu dengan memanfaatkan salah satu teknologi sistem informasi NIS (Yellow Page) ini, pekerjaan seorang superuser (root) dapat dipermudah sehingga waktu dan tenaga yang diperlukan dapat lebih dihemat.NFS, NIS, NOS, LAN, WAN, YP, Daemon, Server, Client, Slave, Network File System, Yellow PageHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
363NIS - Network Information Service, Sebuah Solusi Untuk Mengoptimalkan Jaringan Komputer LokalSejak lahirnya sistem operasi Unix, komputer tidak lagi digunakan sebagai mesin yang hanya dapat membantu pekerjaan-pekerjaan pribadi seorang pemakai. Pekerjaan yang bersifat personal yang dilakukan secara stand alone ini dirasakan sudah tidak optimal jika terdapat banyak personal komputer dalam sebuah jaringan kelompok kerja (workgroup). Oleh karena itu dengan kemajuan teknologi sistem informasi, khususnya di bidang teknologi jaringan komputer, telah dapat menempatkan komputer sebagai mesin terminal yang dapat melakukan tukar menukar data (data sharing) secara optimal Buku ini menerangkan teknik mengoptimalkan kerja jaringan komputer lokal intranet yang menggunakan Unix sebagi sistem operasi dan TCP/IP sebagai protocol. Selain itu dengan memanfaatkan salah satu teknologi sistem informasi NIS (Yellow Page) ini, pekerjaan seorang superuser (root) dapat dipermudah sehingga waktu dan tenaga yang diperlukan dapat lebih dihemat.Unix, File System, Server, NFS, Client, Intranet, TCP/IP, ProtocolHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
364Observasi Awan Dengan Radar Mobil Di Lokasi Ground Based Generator Gunung Gede Pangrangoglobal warming, weather modification, cloud seeding,cloud life cycleTeknologi
365Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air TanahDissolved oxygen (DO), advection, dispersion, air permukaan, air tanah, keseimbangan airTeknologi
366Oven Destilator Pengolah Sampah Plastik Ramah Lingkungan?Up to now, the majority of people treat plastic waste by burning and disposing it directly to the surrounding environment. The burning of the waste causes air pollution due to toxic compound called dioxin which is harmful for human health. Meanwhile, the dumping of plastic waste into water bodies can causing some negative effects such as the clogging of water duct or river which may lead to flooding. Annually, the number of plastic bag used can reach 500 million ? 1 billion, which is equal to 10 fold wrapping of earth surface (Nitizen, 2008). The best handling of plastic waste are using reuse or recycle methods which are environmentally friendly and at the same time can gain economical value1). The study is aimed to: 1) understand the capability of oven distillator in processing plastic waste into plastic grain and liquid smoke, 2) understand the influence of liquid smoke towards wood durability, 3) understand the price of the oven distillator and the corresponding break even point (BEP).The study was an experimental one and employed pre test and post test with control group design, and simultaneously assessing equipment?s production capacity. The data was analyzed descriptively and analytically with Anova test and t-test at 95% level of significance. The results show that oven distillator capable for processing 97,3% of plastic waste into plastic grain, while the rest was converted into liquid smoke. The liquid smoke was proved affect wood preservation (anova test, p<0.001), and have similar quality compared with varnish use (t-test, p=0,764). The cost analysis shows that the distillatory raise economical value of the waste by 217,66%, and The BEP would be reached in 68 days if 12 kg plastic is processed daily. It is advised that he oven can be used by general community or home industries for applying green and high economically value of plastic waste processing.Destilator, Pengolah SampahSri Puji Ganefati, Lilik Hendrarini, dan Sarjito Eko Windarso
367Paket Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Sakit Yang Murah Dan EfisienWastewater coming from hospital represents one of the very potential sources of water contamination. This matter is caused by hospital wastewater contanined a lot of organic compound, and of other chemical compounds, and also patogen microorganism which able to cause disease to society. Because of potential impact of hospital waste to health of society is very big, hence hospital wastewater have to process until fulfill conditions according to effluent standard. One of the alternatives to overcome the problem is by using technology processing of wastewater with process of biofilter anerob-aerob. The anaerob-aerob biofilter process have some excellence for example its simple operation, yielded a few or little of mud, can be used for the processing of waste water with low concentration and also high concentration, hold up to fluctuation of debit or concentration, and also its cheap operating expenses.Air limbah, rumah sakit, teknologi pengolahan, biofilter, anaerob-aerobNusa Idaman Said
368Partisipasi Perempuan Dalam Pemanfaatan Energi Terbaharukan Di PedesaanThe renewable energy generally can support or trigger the economic growth in household utilization, and give rise to the opportunity for people (men or women) in rural areas to run small scale home industry. The introduction of renewable energy in rural areas will significantly transform the social, cultural and economic structure from traditional style to modern (western) one.
The structural transformation will force all people to be drawn in. Many benefits can be gained if women participate in the transformation. This paper describes the impacts which will take place during the structural transformation in rural areas, in general, and women participation in particular. This will greatly determine the accomplishment in the policy and implementation of technology adaptation in renewable energy field.
Renewable energy, electricity, women participation, rural areasAbubakar Lubis
369Pedoman Teknis Pengelolaan Limbah Cair Industri KecilPengelolaan Limbah Cair, Air Limbah, Industri KecilTeknologi Pengolahan Air
370Pelaksanaan Amdal, UKL Dan UPL Serta IPLC Di DKI JakartaPelaksanan tentang analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan secara nasional di atur berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27 Th 1999 tentang Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Hidup (AMDAL). Sejak diberlakukannya Peraturan Pemerintan Nomor 27 tahun 1999 ini dan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Otonomi daerah, sebagian besar penilaian AMDAL dilaksanakan oleh Komisi Penilai Amdal Daerah, sedangkan kegiatan yang bersifat strategis, Lintas Negara dan Propinsi dinilai oieh Komisi Penilai Amdal Pusat (Meneg LH). Dalam rangka pelaksanaan AMDAL di Propinsi DKI Jakarta, Gubernur telah mengeluarkan Keputusan Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta No. 2863 tentang Jenis Rencana Usaha dan/atau Kegiatan Yang Wajib Dilengkapi Dengan AMDAL. Keputusan Gubernur Nomor 2863 Tahun 2001 tersebut mengatur 12 sektor atau bidang yang meliputi :Bidang pertahanan dan Keamanan; Bidang Pertanian; Bidang Perikanan; Bidang Kesehatan; Bidang Perhubungan Darat,Laut,Udara, teleko-munikasi; Bidang Perindustrian; Bidang Prasarana Wilayah; Bidang Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral yaitu Pertambangan Umum/ Ketenaga Listrikan/Minyak dan Gas Bumi/Geologi Tata lingkungan; Bidang Pariwisata; Bidang Pengembangan Nuklir; Bidang Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3); serta Bidang Rekayasa Genetika. Makalah ini membahas masalah mekanisme pelakasanaan AMDAL, UKL, UPL serta ijin pembuangan limbah cair (IPLC) di Propinsi DKI Jakarta.AMDAL, UKL, UPL, IPLC, DKI JakartaNusa Idaman Said
371Pelarutan Batuan Fosfat Oleh Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat Dan Kemampuannya Dalam Meningkatkan?Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat, Batuan fosfat, Enterolobium cyclocarpum.Teknologi LingkunganLishadari
372Pelayanan Informasi Elektronik Untuk Paket Teknologi Pengolahan AirPermasalah penyediaan air bersih yang memenuhi syarat kesehatan tidak hanya dialami oleh masyarakat umum saja, akan tetapi juga dialami oleh masyarakat industri, baik industri kecil, menengah maupun besar yang bergerak dalam bidang industri proses, khususnya proses pengolahan bahan makanan dan minuman serta proses yang berhubungan dengan senyawa kimia. Masalah air bersih yang kurang memenuhi syarat tersebut akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kualitas produk makanan dan minuman yang akan dihasilkan oleh industri yang bersangkutan. Selain permasalahan penyediaan air bersih, permasalah air limbah juga menjadi hal yang cukup serius dikalangan industri makanan dan minuman. Untuk industri besar permasalahan limbah cair mungkin dapat diatasi oleh pihak industri itu sendiri karena mempunyai modal yang cukup, akan tetapi bagi industri kecil dan menengah yang jumlahnya cukup banyak, masalah tersebut belum tersentuh sama sekali. Sehingga limbah cair terbuang yang tidak melalui proses pengolahan terlebih dahulu dapat menyebabkan masalah pencemaran lingkungan yang mungkin dapat mengganggu penyediaan sumber air bersih. Sebagai salah satu bentuk penyebaran informasi paket-paket teknologi yang telah dikaji dan diterapkan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia, buku ini memuat sepuluh paket teknologi pengelolaan air bersih dan pengolahan limbah cair. Buku ini dibuat untuk membantu masyarakat, UKM dan industri besar dalam memecahkan masalah-masalah yang berkaitan dengan penyediaan air bersih dan pengolahan limbah cair.Teknologi Informasi, Internet, Homepage, Teknologi Pengolahan AirHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
373Pelestarian Cendana Melalui Pola
Sandalwood (Santalum album L) is one of tropical plant in Indonesia that possess high economic value. Natural distribution of sandalwood centered in arid area of Nusa Tenggara Timur province and now a days this plant was groupped as rare plant. Many activities of in situ conservation for sandalwood have been carried out at some locations but did not give satisfaction in result yet. Ex situ conservation with utilize conservation on farm system is new model of plant conservation that involved local people. System of conservation on farm for sandalwood plant be defined as cultivation of sandalwood in the field/garden and home garden with involved farmers or local people. This system is known 2 models are ABC model (Model Agroforestri Berbasis Cendana) and Home garden as model of conservation area. Both models that mention had been applied in Belu regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur province.
This research proposed to study the growth of sandalwood in ABC Model in the field/garden and in home garden as model of conservation area and to know the system of conservation on farm for sandalwood in Belu regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur province. ABC model was applied in 2 locations at Dirun Village (altitude at 1000 m above sea level) and Teun Village (altitude at 500 m above sea level), while home garden as model of conservation area was applied at Teun village only.
The Result shown that the rate of sandalwood growth in ABC model at Dirun village from first to third year between 60-70 cm in height per year, while sandalwood growth from third to fourth year has happened decreasing about 25 cm. The rate of sandalwood growth in ABC model at Teun Village from first to second year about 70-77 cm in height. The rate of sandalwood growth in home garden during 6 month after planting time about 4 -5 cm in height. Number of seedling still alife during 2 years after planting time in ABC model at Teun Village about 72%, during 4 yaers after planting time in ABC model at Dirun Village about 79%. While sandalwood seedling still alife during 6 months in home garden as model of conservation area about 75%. High persentation of seedling still alife with optimum rate of sandalwood growth have been found in this research because presence involvement of local people.
Conservation on farm, ABC Model, homegarden as conservation areaAlbertus Husein Wawo
374Pelestarian Hutan Mangrove melalui Pendekatan Mina Hutan (Silvofishery)Indonesia contains about one-third of the world?s total mangroves areas, but experts say more than half of the country?s mangrove forest have been destroyed since the 1940s. The main sustainable alternatives to coastal aquaculture pond development within or associated with mangrove are silvofisheries and mariculture. Silvofishery is a form of integrated mangrove tree culture with brackish water aquaculture. This integrated approach to conservation and utilization of the mangrove resource allows for maintaining a relatively high level of integrity in the mangrove area while capitalizing on the economic benefits of brackish water aquaculture. Traditional models of silvofishery is the Empang Parit model, which is sometimes reffered to as Tambak Tumpangsari, was developed in Indonesia, tracing its roots back perhaps over a thousand years. The modern version of Empang Parit is today being promoted by the Indonesian Ministry of Foretry and the Directorate General of Fisheries. Silvofisheries have been successfully developed in Indonesia such as in Sinjai (Sulawesi), Cikeong (West Java), Pemalang (Central Java), and Bali.Mangrove, tsunami, silvofishery, IndonesiaKusno Wibowo dan Titin Handayani
375Pelestarian Tanaman Pangan Dengan Teknik Kultur In VitroSaving the world genetic germplasm has been world community?s concern. It is a must to find a way to preserve Indonesian?s food plant biodiversity. In vitro technique culture is a proper alternative conservation of food plants. The technique is suitable for short viable seeds and vegetative multiplicating plants. Based on storage length, in vitro technique can be divided into two catagories. First short or medium term storage which intends to suppress the growth of the seed temporarily and secondly long term storage proposes to halt metabolic activity, however, the
cells are still viable. There are some advantages of in vitro preservation such as saving distinctive plants, foliage, plant without seeds, free pathogens, free disruption of environments. It is preserved free pathogen, and working on relative small room enoug.
Genetic Diversity, Germplasm, Food Plant, In VitroNetty Widyastuti
376Peluang Pemanfaatan Rumput Laut Sebagai Agen BiofiltrasiSome observation result said that the worst of enviromental uality happened is primarily caused by mislead in the aim of develoment nature resources thatonly concern to economic growth. Therefore, the develoment of brakisth water ecosystem as an economic growth region should be relatedto the goal of enviromental waters uality management. To enhance this goal, the people utilizing brakish water ecosystem as aquaculture site may reduce organic pollution that is producedby their activities. Integrationof Gracilaria sp as a biofilter agent in aquaculture pond or in the wastewater treatment system is an alterantivetechnology for waters quality recovery enhancement.The initial success of this method in some countries has been reported. Therefore, if the biofiltration process in reducing organic pollution run properly, waters pollution in certain brakish ecosystemmaybe reduced.Rumput laut, Gracilaria sp, biofiltrasi, kualitas air, tambak air payau.Wage Komarawidjaja
377Peluang Penerapan Produksi Bersih Pada Kawasan Industri Perikanan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi?Cleaner production, fisherys industryTeknologi
378Peluang Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca Untuk Antisipasi Banjir Di JakartaFlood anticipation technology for Jakarta which is possible to be applied in other regions of Indonesia has been sudied. This technology includes flood early warning system and weather modification technology for flood prevention. In this study, flood is defined as flood caused by high intensity and long duration rainfall. Early warning system is constructed by accurate climate prediction, firstly. Upon accurate climate prediction, accurate weather prediction must be produced. During predicted extreme weather, cloud development must be monitored continuously to be informed as early warning to citizens. Information should be distributed using television network to be visually understood. The next step is flood prevention using weather modification technology. Maritime clouds over Java sea and continent clouds exist over out of Jakarta catchment area (JCA) which move into JCA have to be seeded in order to be rainfall as soon as possible. Even, when continent cloud exist over JCA, as long as cloud tops is < 12 kf and are predicted that they will be still over JCA in the next 2 hours, they will be seeded in order to be rainfall before develop as deep convective clouds.flood, early warning system, jumping process.Tri Handoko Seto
379Pemanasan Global dan Konservasi keanekaragaman HayatiGlobal warming will have a negative impact on biodiversity. In contrast, the increase of population in the world has an effect to the need of biological resources for food, industry, medicine, etc. Human activities in several sectors, such as energy, forestry, agriculture, husbandry, and waste create a greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effects are due to a rise of greenhouse gases, such as CO2 (carbon dioxide), CH4 (methane), N2O (nitrogen dioxide), PFCS (perfluorocarbon), HFCS (hydrofluoro-carbon), SF6 (sulfurhexafluoride), and H2O (water vapor). Studies suggest that climate change may also cause the melting of polar ice- caps, rising sea levels, and a shift of season. Global climate change wiil also have a wide range of effects on human health, including a risk of infectious disease epidemics. Therefore, climate change is a seriously threat for the world and it is necessary to have a global agreement to combat the threat. In 2005, Kyoto Protocol was agreed and The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a the Kyoto Protocol?s mechanism aimed at helping industrialized countries meet their greenhouse gas reduction targets. The CDM is also meant to help developing countries achieve sustainable development, including facilitating the transfer and/or development of low-emission technologies. Long term collective efforts are needed to combat and adapt with adverse effects of global warming, especially for the extinction of biological diversity. global warming, biodiversity, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, Kyoto protocolTuti Suryati, Fadilah Salim, dan Titiresmi
380Pemanasan Global.Pada abad 18 telah dimulai revolusi industri antara lain dengan dibuatnya pabrik-pabrik, pembangkit listrik, kendaraan transportasi dan pertanian. Dua ratus tahun kemudian, negara-negara industri baru bermunculan baik di Eropa, Amerika bahkan di Asia. Industri memang membuat wajah dunia tampak semakin maju, misalnya kendaraan bermotor sebagai salah satu produk industri. Namun di sisi lain berdampak negatif terhadap lingkungan hidup manusia. Mesin-mesin kendaraan itu menggunakan bahan bakar dari bumi. Hasil pembakaran bahan bakar tersebut menghasilkan unsur CO dan CO2 yang menumpuk di udara dan akan menghasilkan efek seperti rumah kaca terhadap cahaya matahari yang akan masuk ke bumi. Bumi seolah-olah dilapisi oleh kedua gas tadi. Akibatnya, bumi terasa lebih panas dari biasanya. Hal ini disebut sebagai pemanasan global (Global Warming)Rumah Kaca, Pemanasan Global, Global WarmingMohammad Ramlan