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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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41Uji Eliminasi Gas Metana (Ch4) Dengan Biofiltrasi Pada Unggun Kompos Dan Tanah Penutup LandfillGasbio; Biofiltrasi; Eliminasi CH4Teknologi
42Penghitungan Emisi Gas Metana (Ch4) Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah Pada Tipologi?Small-Medium Landfills, Methane emission, IPCC MethodTeknologi
43Konservasi Flora,Tanah dan Sumberdaya air Embung-Embung di Timor Barat Prov NTTConservation of flora, soil and water resources are very important to manage ?embung? ecosystem, in West Timor Island. Generally, ?embung? watersheds in this area are degraded, and consequently resulted high runoff and erosion rate; and at the same time, ?embung? water has not been used efficiently yet. To conserve ?embung? ecosystem, three methods can be applied, i.e.: 1). Flora conservation by using priority of local species; 2). Soil conservation by using vegetative methods; and 3). Water resources conservation in watershed area by combining flora and soil conservation; and increasing water used efficiency by using intermediate technology.Konservasi, flora, tanah, air, embung, TimorWahyu Widiyono
Netty Widyastuti
44Pengolahan Air Payau Menggunakan Teknologi Osmosa Balik Dalam Rangka Penyediaan Air Minum ?Tanjung Aru is a village located in cape of Tanjung Aru, East Kalimantan. The community living in Tanjung Aru use surface water from wells as the main clean water resource. The surface water is so influenced by the tide of sea water. The surface taste is very salty (DHL>1500 mMhos/cm). The water is not only salty but also the turbidity is much more than water quality standart. The use of rain water as the second alternative is very limited, it is only in rainy season. To deal with the chronic problem, such as the lack of clean water supply, it needs an appropriate water treatment technology. The suitable water treatment system is a combination of conventional and advanced technology. Desalination, such as Reverse Osmosis must be involved to reduce salinity of the raw water. A complete process includes the pretreatment and advance treatment. The pretreatment are oxidation and some common filtrations. The advance treatment is a molecular filtration using a membran which the principal is reverse osmosis pressure. If the pilot water treatment plant is avalaible in Tanjung Aru, the clean water supply will not be a serious problem. Generally, it can also play an important role to increase the social level of community in East Kalimantan.Osmosa Balik, Reverse Osmosis, Pengolahan Air Asin / Payau, Air Siap MinumWahyu Widayat dan Satmoko Yudo
45Rancang Bangun Paket Ipal Rumah Sakit Dgn Proses Biofilter Anaerob-Aerob, Kapasitas 20-30 M3/HariIt is obvious that hospital waste water is one of the most potential pollutant to the evironment. Thus the waste must be treated properly before it is disposed of to the public sewage facilities. However, limited fund usually become an obstacle when hospitals will construct waste treatment facilities, especially for midle and small typed hospitals.Considering the problem, development of proper waste treatment facilities which is cheap in terms of technology and price and easy operated is very important.This paper describes scheme of biological waste water treatment unit for hospitals which is suitable for Anaerob-aerob Biofilter waste water treatment process. By applying this sistemAnaerob-aerob Biofilter, concentration of COD, BOD and suspended solid material can be reduced significantly as well as detergen and ammonia.rancang bangun, air limbah, biofilter, anaerob-aerobWahyu Widayat dan Nusa Idaman Said
46Pengolahan Air Gambut Secara KontinyuAir tanah di daerah bergambut atau daerah rawa umumnya dangkal berwarna coklat, berkadar asam humus, zat organik dan besi yang tinggi, sedangkan didaerah daratan agak dalam dengan air berwarna jernih tetapi kadar besi dan mangan masih tinggi. Untuk mengatasi masalah air bersih di daerah bergambut perlu adanya alat pengolahan air gambut yang dapat dipakai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih masyarakat setempat Alat Pengolahan air gambut secara kontinyu ini merupakan rangkaian proses yabg lengkap namun dikemas dalam bentuk yang sederhana, dirancang sesuai dengan kondisi dan tingkat pendidikan masyarakat pedesaan. Dengan demikian alat pengolah air gambut secara kontinyu ini harus murah, mudah pengerjaan dan pengoperasiannya serta hasil olahan yang memenuhi baku mutu air minum.Gambut, Sistem Kontinyu, Koagulan, Netralisasi,Wahyu Widayat dan Nusa Idaman Said
47Teknologi Pengolahan Air Siap Minum Untuk Daerah Padat PendudukOne of common problem on dense settlement area in Indonesia is the need for clean water and especially at rural and isolated areas this problem have not been properly solved yet. The ground and river water which consume by the community do not meet the requirement for drinking water, even at several places the water is not suitable to drink. The standard requirement for drinking water have to comply with the physical, chemical and biological requirements and if one parameter do not comply with the requirement then the water is not proper to drink.Most of residential area in Indonesia have poor water quality and have not got clean water services from local PAM, therefore in order to fulfill the need for drinking water, the community buy bottled drinking water which is very expensive.To overcome the above problem, a pilot unit package of technology have been developed, to treat well water or clean water from PAM to be direct to drink water ( no need to boiled it ). The unit consists of water pump, sand filter, mangan zeolit filter, activated carbon filter, cartridge filter, ultra violet sterilisator and ozon generatorAir tanah, air PAM, pengolahan air, air siap minumWahyu Widayat
48Pengolahan Air Payau Menggunakan Teknologi Membran Sistem Osmosa Balik Sebagai Alternatif Kepulauan seribu (Seribu Archipelago) is one of region of north jakarta, the province of DKI Jakarta Raya which is populated by around 18.000 inhabitants. It consists of 111 small islands. Among them, there are about 11 (eleven) islands are stated as the residential: P. Untung Jawa, P. Tidung Besar, P. Lancang Besar, P. Panggang, P. Pramuka, P. Kelapa I, P. Kelapa II, P. Harapan, P. Sebira. P. Payung dan P. Pari. P. Panggang and P. Kelapa I are the most populated.In relation to the clean water supply, specifically for drinking water/freshwater, mostly is got from the narrow well, rainfall and some water treatment installations that heve been owned by some islands. However, problem arises when the prolong dry season comes as the quality of water in the narrow well decreases significantly, the well water became brackish. In order to cope this problem, the avaibility of sufficient water treatment installations to process brackish water into freshwater is very important. The water treatment installation with reverse osmosis system is one of the most effective alternative in order to provide the freshwater for the people in the islands. The system has also been aplied sufficiently in several islands, such as P. Kelapa I, P. Tidung, P. Pramuka, P. Untung Jawa, P. Panggang dan P. HarapanPengolahan Air payau, Osmosa balik, Air minumWahyu Widayat
49Aplikasi Teknologi Pengolahan Air Asin...
Desa Tarupa Kecamatan Taka Bonerate Kabupaten Selayar
Takabonerate is one of the 23 regencies in South Sulawesi where it is locates at the southern parth of South Sulawesi Province and it is surrounded by flores sea. As maritime regency, its mainland is 1,188.28 km2 (5.23%) and the sea is approximately 21,138.41 km2 (94.68%). It has 126 islands wich consist of small and big islands. Tarupa village?s a subdistrict located in a tidy and peat area. The community living in tarupa use surface water of river as the main clean water resource. The surface water is influenced by the tide of sea water. The surface water taste is very salty (TDS>12000ppm). The use of rain water as the second alternative is very limited, i.e it is only in rainy season. To deal with the chronic problem, such as the lack of clean water supply, it needs an appropriate water treatment technology. The suitable water treatment system is a combination of conventional and advanced technology. Desalination, such as Reverse Osmosis must be involved to reduce salinity of the raw water. A complete process includes the pretreatment and advance treatment. The pretreatment are oxidation and some common filtrations. The advance treatment is a molecular filtration using a membran which the principal is reverse osmosis pressure. If the pilot water treatment plant is avalaible in Tarupa in Takabonerate, the clean water supply will not be a serious problem. Generally, it can also play an important role to increase the social level of community in South Sulawesi..Teknologi, pengolahan, air asin, reverse osmosis, air minum.Wahyu Widayat
50Teknologi Pengolahan Air Minum Dari Air Baku
Yang Mengandung Kesadahan Tinggi

Water is very important need for our live. The lack of water, in term of quqnttity quality would triger serious social & health problems. The requirements for qualified water including element of phisical, chemical & bacteriological. One of chemical parameter in wateris the amount of Ca+2 & Mg+2, namely of hardnes. Since it is harmfull for human health hardness both in industrial and household consumption should be avoided. To cope the problem, there is an exact solution by processing the water with ion exchange filtration. The instalation could be used to process the water from deep well & ordinary well on the lime mountains which generally has a high hardness into qualified drinkable water.
Air minum, Kapur, Kesadahan, Pengolahan, Penukar ion.Wahyu Widayat
51Daur Ulang Air Limbah Domestik Kapasitas 0,9 M3 Per Jam Menggunakan Kombinasi Reaktor Biofilter ?Water pollution in the big cities in Indonesia, especially in DKI Jakarta has shown serious problems. One of the potential sources of water pollution is domestic wastewater that is wastewater from kitchens, laundry, bathing and toilets. These problems have become more serious since the spreads of sewerage systems are still low, so that domestic, institutional and commercial wastewater cause severe water pollution in many rivers or shallow ground water. There are a number of ways to converse water resources, one of them is to treat domestic waste water by communal system and then it is continued by advance process for recycling of wastewater. In this paper, it will be discussed recycling of domestic wastewater by communal system that combine the biological system using anaerobic-aerobic biofilter reactor for removing organic pollutant in wastewater and the advance process consisting of oxidation process, filtration by manganese zeolite filter, filtration by rapid sand filter, filtration by carbon filter and desinfection by ultraviolet sterilisator. The sterilisator is improve quality of tread wastewater being clear water as an alternative for water use save. Limbah, domestik, daur ulang, biofilter, pengolahan lanjutanWahyu Widayat
52Teknologi Pengolahan Air Sadah.Air merupakan merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat vital bagi kehidupan. Jika kebutuhanakan air belum terpenuhi baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas, maka akan menimbulkan dampak yang besar terhadapkerawanan kesehatan maupun sosial. Kualitas air meliputi persyaratan fisik, kimia dan bakteriologis yang merupakan suatu kesatuan, sehingga apabila ada satu parameter yang tidak memenuhi syarat, maka air tersebut tidak layak untuk digunakan. Salah satu parameter kimia dalam persyaratan kualitas air adalah jumlah kandungan unsur Ca2+ dan Mg2+ dalam air yang keberadaannya biasa disebut kesadahan air. Kesadahan dalam air sangat tidak dikehendaki baik untuk penggunaan rumah tangga maupun untuk penggunaan industri. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, salah satu alternatif adalah mengolah air tanah atau air sumur setempat sehingga didapatkan air siap minum yang dengan kualitas yang memenuhi persyaratan.Air Tanah, Air Sumur, Air MinumWahyu Widayat
53Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (Grk) Sektor Sampah Dan Limbah Cair Perkotaan Di IndonesiaLandfills are very important issue on the solid waste management (SWM), because recently, there is no landfill site in Indonesia that is managed properly. The landfill site which is unmanaged will become a source of the GHGs emission, mainly the methane emission. According to this study, Indonesia?s landfill site receives nearly 49 million tons of waste/year. Based on the Indonesian population, using FOD IPCC Tier-2 method, CH4 generated from MSW sector (landfill only) in 2000 is 574.65 Gg CH4 and increase up to 584 Gg in 2005, and 586 Gg in 2008. The increase number of this CH4 emission is caused by the increase of population number that will increase the waste production and also increase the volume waste that is collected in the disposal area. The quantity of the domestic wastewater will increase corresponding to the increase of population. The GHGs emission potential from domestic wastewater sector in Indonesia can be estimated from the amount of population and BOD weight per capita per day. For calculating the amount of CH4 generation from domestic wastewater, the population increasing number used as assumption is 1.3% per year and a BOD weight number is 40 g/cap/day with the methane generation potential is 0.6 kg CH4 per kg of BOD wastewater For the domestic wastewater, using the year 2000 data, the calculated methane emission is 470.12 Gg/ year. With business as usual (BAU) and the population rate of 1.3% per year, the methane emission in 2004 is 499.27 Gg and increase to 520.52 Gg in 2007.Municipal Solid Waste, Domestic Wastewater, GHGs emissionWahyu Purwanta, dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
54Pengaruh Aplikasi Mikroba Probiotik Pada Kualitas Kimiawi Perairan Tambak Udang.Kegagalan utama produksi udang dari budidaya tambak umumnya disebabkan oleh serangan penyakit dan kualitas air yang buruk akibat pencemaran. Suatu tindakan penyiapan lahan yang benar serta upaya menjaga mutu air pasokan akan sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan kembali produktivitas tambak. Suatu ujicoba aplikasi mikroba probiotik hasil isolasi dari wilayah pantura Jawa dikombinasi dengan sistem aerasi serta biofiltrasi dalan air tandon dilakukan pada tambak udang di Desa Limbangan, Kabupaten Pemalang, Jawa Tengah. Hasil yang didapat memperlihatkan terjadinya penurunan paramater-parameter kunci seperti Nitrat (NO3), Nitrit (NO2), Sulfat (SO4), Sulfida (H2S), Amonia (NH3) dan Phospat (PO4) secara signifikan. Selain itu pH dan DO air juga cenderung stabil.Mikroba Probiotik, Kualitas Air, Tambak UdangWahyu Purwanta dan Mayrina Firdayati
55Penyisihan Timbal (Pb) Dari Tanah Terkontaminasi Dengan Proses ElektromigrasiThis study is trying to apply a new method in remediation electrokinetic by inserting conductive solution between cathode and soil to be treated. This is purposed in keeping the pH in low condition and preventing the precipitation of heavy metals in the soil adjacent to the cathode that often happen in the previous electrokinetic methods. Concentration of Pb (C0), period (t), concentration of conductive solution were selected as parameters, both with artificially contaminated sand and naturally contaminated soil experiments. The experiment with natural soil C0 = 975 ppm gave lower efficiency at 32,84% when it compares with sand as the medium, with the experiment in the same condition at 87,68%. Concentration of KCl also influenced the performance of system which was shown by the increasing in removal efficiency. The double increase of conductive solution concentration does not proportionally increase the flux of Pb. Although desorption in the natural soil take time longer than in the sand the removal efficiency relatively low. This is caused by the immobile state of Pb in the natural soil and the complexity of chemical reaction between heavy metals with surface of soil particle.electrokinetic, lead (Pb), electromigrationWahyu Purwanta
56Penghitungan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (Grk) Dari Sektor Sampah Perkotaan Di IndonesiaIndonesia produced 48.8 Mt/year of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) with population number of 218.8 million and rate of waste generation 0.61 kg/cap/day. Most of MSW (40%) are transported to the Solid Waste Disposal Site (TPA) in urban area. The landfill site which is unmanaged will become a source of the GHGs emission, mainly the methane emission. Based on the Indonesian population, using FOD IPCC Tier-2 method, CH4 generated from MSW sector (landfill only) in 2006 is 109.96 Gg CH4 and will be increased up to 259 Gg in 2010, 504 Gg in 2015 and 1,065 Gg in 2025. The increase number of this CH4 emission is caused by the increase of population number that will increase the waste production and also increase the volume waste that is collected in the disposal area. The future scenario by referring to the national strategic plan which is developed by the Public Work Department is that the waste should be reduced from the source, so the total volume will be reduced by 20% in 2010. In 2015, refers to the MDGs target, 80% of the MSW in urban area and 50% of the MSW in rural area should be transported to the final disposal site. As stated in Solid Waste Management Act No 18/2008 and in accordance with the raw water protection, improvement of landfill quality from open dumping to sanitary landfill or controlled landfill and development of regional landfill are the priority programs with national financial support as an initial investment.Global Warming, Municipal Solid Waste, GHGs Emission InventoryWahyu Purwanta
57Uji Penyisihan Kadmium (Cd) dari Pasir TerkontaminThe experiment is trying to apply an alternatif method in remediation electrokinetic by inserting conductive solution between cathode and treated soil. This is purposed in keeping the pH in low condition and preventing the precipitation of heavy metals in the soil adjacent to the cathode that often happen in the previous electrokinetic methods. Concentration of Cd (C0), period (t), concentration of conductive solution were selected as parameters, with artificially contaminated sand. The experiment with sand/ soil C0 = 100 ppm gave lower efficiency at 15,98% when it compares with C0 = 400ppm in the same condition and 24 hours period at 44,18%. Concentration of KCl also influenced the performance of system which was shown by the increasing in removal efficiency as refer to the previous experiment. Teoritically as pH of soil decreases the mobility of Cd is increases. This is due to Cd desorption is higher in the low pH. The alternatif method here have to deep in search if would application in the natural soil.Contaminated soil, Cadmium (Cd), ElectromigrationWahyu Purwanta
58Tinjauan Teknologi Pengolahan Leachate Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (Tpa) Sampah PerkotaanLeachate is defined as a liquid, which flows through waste and extracts suspended material or their suspension. In most landfill, leachate is consist of liquids that go into the landfill, which originated from outside the landfill, such as surface drainage, rain water, ground water, water from spring water and other liquids which produced from waste decomposition. The existence of pollutant material or minerals in water body that is originated from leachate will propose the growth of microorganisms, which are harmful for human health and reduce the aesthetic. Leachate handling could be done with several methods, such as: utilization of hydrolic characteristics by ground water adjustment, thus the leachate flows would not go into the direction of ground water. Another way of leachate handling are: landfill isolation, in order to prevent the inflow of external water and the outflow of leachate water; site selection of an area, which has a good capability of pollutant neutralization; leachate recirculation to be redirected to the solid waste pile; flowing the leachate to domestic waste treatment system and leachate processing with a certain system. Some processing techniques that are often to be used are: physical-chemical processing, such as coagulation-flocculation-settling; aerobic processing (activated sludge, stabilization pond or aeration pond); anaerobic processing, such as stabilization pond and utilization of sorption characteristics, such as active carbon. The aerobic stabilization pond system is suitable for Indonesian condition due to the availability of sunlight, simple, relatively cheap and their capability of BOD reduction above of 90% and COD reduction of above 80%.Leachate, TPA sampah, teknologi pengolahan.Wahyu Purwanta
59Pengembangan Dan Pemberlanjutan Teknologi Pemantauan Lingkungan Perairan Laut.Sebagai sebuah infrastruktur yang bernilai investasi tidak sedikit, upaya menjaga kesinambungan sistem Seawatch sangatlah penting.Secara umum permasalahan yang muncul dalam pengoperasian dan pengembangan sistem ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai masalah teknis dan non-teknis. Secara teknis masalah yang terjadi pada sistem buoy sebagian besar disebabkan oleh faktor ketidak-akraban lingkungan laut bagi sistem elektronik. Sementara pada aspek teknis pada pusat kendali lebih kepada aspek keandalan (reliability) sistem dan masalah penyebaran termasuk pengaturan aksesnya. Adapun faktor non-teknis utama adalah aspek yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi dalam arti apakah nilai tambah yang dihasilkan sistem Seawatch sebanding dengan biaya pengadaan, pengembangan, dan operasionalnya. Dalam menjaga kesinambungan ke depan suatu upaya bagaimana menekan biaya operasional dan meningkatkan manfaat dan kemanfaatan data dan atau informasi yang dihasilkan menjadi penting. Peningkatan kemampuan pada aspek teknik-praktis-operasional dan peningkatan pemahaman (meaning atau know-how) pada sistem pemantauan diperlukan agar diperoleh pilihan-pilihan pengukuran dan koleksi data yang lebih ekonomis. Sementara penyebaran data dan informasi yang ada perlu segera dilakukan dalam kaitan memberi manfaat dalam jangka panjang khususnya dalam pembangkitan arti pentingnya data dan informasi kelautan.Efisiensi, Manfaat, Sistem Seawatch, BerkesinambunganWahyu Purwanta
60Pengolahan Raw Data Parameter Perairan Laut Menjadi Usable Data Dalam Upaya Diseminasi Data KelautanAntara tahun 1996 sampai dengan 2000, sistem Seawatch Indonesia telah berhasil mengukur berbagai parameter kelautan baik fisik oceanografi maupun kimia biologis khususnya dibeberapa perairan terpilih di Indonesia. Data-data ini terkumpul melalui perangkat pengukuran yang near real time dengan buoy dan sensor sebagai ujung tombak kolektor data. Keseluruhan data yang terkumpul harus diolah agar dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai kepentingan baik sektor kelutan, lingkungan hidup maupun iptek kelautan itu sendiri. Tulisan ini memaparkan aspek latar belakang sistem Seawatch sekaligus langkah-langkah pengolahan data menjadi data yang siap didiseminasi dengan menggunakan MATLAB dan ORIGIN.Taw data, pengolahan, diseminasi dataWahyu Purwanta