Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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141Pengaruh Konsep Sistem Dan Lingkungan Dalam Modifikasi Cuaca Terhadap Peningkatan Curah Hujan Dan ..Weather modification technology was applied in Citarum Watershed ? West Java on 12 March ? 10 April 2001 for increase water resources in Saguling, Cirata and Jatiluhur Dams. The application was based indication of Citarum River inflow decreased at the end of 2001 that so three cascade dams had water storage deficits. Weather modification technology by employing system and environment concept has been increase the rainfall and inflow of Citarum Watershed. The average inflow of Citarum River was 326,81 m3/sec and nett volume storage in the dams were 559,06 million m3.Modifikasi Cuaca, Hujan, DAS CitarumSutopo Purwo Nugroho
142Evaluasi Keseimbangan Air Di Provinsi Jawa TengahWater supply for the domestics use of Central Java Province has been experiencing problems and challenging. With population of 35 million or 16% of Indonesia, it place the province as the third in national population. It have consequently, water need in the province is as such for use of domestics, irrigation/agriculture, industry, etc. Several counties within the province has experiencing water shortage. Particularly during dry season, defisits is inclining that results water use conflicts. Furthermore, conflicts occur not only in counties with water shortage but also in county with sufficient water supply. Conflict is generally triggered by weak management and allocation. This is a result of unlimited territorial sovereighnity of water resources and uncertainty of water rights. Unlimited territorial sovereighnity of water resource contain exclusive right to utilize tap water within the territorial right, in way that the territory hold the sole right to exploit the resource without compensation to neighbouring territory. Hence, water balance should be investigated better and comprehensively.keseimbangan air, konflik, sumber daya air, Jawa TengahSutopo Purwo Nugroho
143Analisis Curah Hujan Penyebab Banjir Besar Di Jakarta
Pada Awal Februari 2007
Flood that has occured in Jakarta in 27 January - 2 February 2002 was a result of heavy rain and impact of over discharge streams within its catchment area. Furthermore, occurence of low air pressure around northern Australia and Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) around Java Sea up to Banda Sea, has driven moists in the Asia into the area. Precipitation resulting flood is a return period about 1 to 1000. In Ciliwung watershed, mean rainfall of 142,5 mm/day and return period of about 100 years. This was bigger than mean rainfall during the period of 29 January 2002 about 110 mm/day that return period 200 years.: hujan, banjir, periode ulang.Sutopo Purwo Nugroho
144Evaluasi Pembangunan Wilayah Pengembangan Selatan DKI Jakarta Sebagai Kawasan Resapan AirSouthern Development Region DKI Jakarta is set as a water recharge area in the mean of decreasing the problem of water resources in DKI Jakarta. The fact, however, this rule does not run well, because there is not action plan and along with followed by development control and law enforcement. what that rule. Besides, the decree on Southern Develeopment Region as water recharging area is not optimal in either in groundwater stream point of view. That so, development in Southern Development Region must directed accomplishment with open space standard, park and playing field for city region, beginning of playlot, playground, playfield, and urban park. There is not only for old settlement, but new settlement development is necessary to put spatial arrangement in order.Evaluasi, Arahan, Resapan Air, Pembangunan.Sutopo Purwo Nugroho
145Pergeseran Kebijakan Dan Paradigma Baru Dalam Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai Di IndonesiaIntegrated watershed management, which aims at restoration of a sound hydrologic regime in the watershed considering water resources utilization, appropriate landuse, water quality control and environmental conservation, is becoming crucially important in Indonesia. Because, the land degradation of watershed in Indonesia more increases every time. There is a growing concern that many parts of the Indonesia watershed will continue to face problems of watershed degradation. The basic problem in most watershed area, especially in Java, is too many people being concentrated on too small land base. Besides that, the causes of watershed degradation are complex and interrelated, such as too much emphasis being placed on economic growth in the management of natural resources, and the continuing presence of poverty, population growth, infrastructural and industrial development. Thus, the exisiting environmental problems and their overall impacts are not only biophysical in nature, but also social. The integrated watershed approach stresses the interaction of all activities that take place throughout the watershed. The strategy of watershed management approach uses new paradigm with people of participation and using community development in operational, practices and bottom up approach.pengelolaan DAS, kebijakan, partisipatifSutopo Purwo Nugroho
146Pencemaran Lingkungan Perairan Sungai Salah Satu Faktor Penyebab Banjir Di JakartaFlood is a natural dissaster that causes a lot of people suffer severely in most places of Jakarta, flood occurs yearly. Many factors effect this devastating dissasters one of which is caused by environment pollution of rivers. Main pollution comes from industrial and domestic waste. The contents of the waste continously couse river shallow and discarasing its wide. River shallow often causes flooding become river capasity in storing and flowing precipitation to the sea is decreasing. This paper assess the background of social cultural Behavior people that dispose their waste in river. The concept of river as the place for their waste and dirts has been their habit and value system on the urban and city. The bad habit causes river loose its function.Pencemaran Sungai dan BanjirSusmarkanto
147Hybrid Solar Lighting Sebagai Alternatif Teknologi Penerangan Alami Bangunan Untuk Efisiensi ?Artifi cial (electric) and direct lighting technologies available today have the potential to greatly reduce the growth rate of electricity consumed through lighting worldwide. While electric lighting has been ineffi cient throughout much of its history, direct (natural) lighting is nearly free and often plentifully supplied by the sun. However, electric lighting systems are necessary when solar lighting is not adequate and these technologies are being greatly improved. One relatively new method of lighting a building?s interior combines both artifi cial and direct lighting to maximize effi ciency is accomplished through the use of a paraboloidal, mirrored dish which actively tracks the sun to concentrate sunlight into an array of fi ber lighting, fiber opticsSuryo Anggoro
148Eco-Disian dan Kontruksi Untuk Kawasan Eco-Industrial Park (Eip)Eco design and construction are a part of Eco industrial park and has Taylor made characteristic, it is made match with what is hended and specific site, it is matched with economic characteristic, environment and community culture and where as the industri estate will be developed. Application of eco design and construction in Eco industrial park is begun from planning step, erection until operational process of, sustainable architecture, sustainable landscape, sustainable designSuryo Anggoro
149Identifikasi Kerusakan tumbuhan di Kebun raya Bali oleh BenaluThe mistletoes of Dendrophthoe pentandra, Helixanthera cylindrica, Scurrula parasitica and Scurrula atropurpurea growing on several plants collection in Bali Botanical Gardens. The research was carried out in June 2007 found about 114 branches/twigs of 105 treee collections had been attacked by several mistletoes. The attacked trees consisted of 51 species belong to 24 genera. The tree collections of genus Syzygium, Familie Moraceae were the most frequent tree species being attacked by the mistletoes. Dendrophthoe pentandra was the most frequent mistletoe attacking the botanic gardens plant collections and caused the biggest damaging effect. The damaging effect of the parasitic mistletoes generally occurred on the distal part of infected branches or twigs of the host plants.Mistletoe, host plants, damage, Bali Botanical Gardens.Sunaryo, Erlin Rachman dan Tahan Uji
150Keanekaragaman Jenis Benalu Parasit Pada Tanaman Koleksi di Kebun Raya Purwodadi,Jawa TimurBenalu is one of the parasitic plant which have attacked many cultivation plants or wild plant species. There are approximately 124 species of benalu growing in Indonesia and they belong to 26 genera and 2 families (i.e. Loranthaceae and Viscaceae). The research on benalu diversity was done in Purwodadi Botanical Garden and 5 species of benalu could be succesfully collected, i.e. Dendrophthoe pentandra, Macrosolen tetragonus, Scurrula atropurpurea, Viscum articulatum and V. ovalifolium. Among these collected species, the highest population which grows in Purwodadi Botanical Garden is Dendrophthoe pentandra.diversity ? parasitic plant species - benalu ? Loranthaceae & Viscaceae ? PurwodadiSunaryo dan Erlin Rachman
151Teknologi Pemanfaatan Lahan Marginal Kawasan PesisirLahan pesisir sesuai dengan ciri-cirinya adalah sebagai tanah pasiran, dimana dapat dikategorikan tanah regosal seperti yang terdapat di sepanjang pantai selatan berupa bukit ? bukit pasir terbentuk dari pasir pantai berasal dari abu vulkanik.Disamping sistem tanah lahan kawasan pesisir yang mempunyai sifat marginal, sistem atmosfernya, juga mempunyai ciri kecepatan angin yang cukup tinggi sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan tenaganya untuk menaikkan air sumur melalui kincir angin. Usaha budidaya pertanian pada awalnya selalu memperhitungkan kesesuaian lahan agar proses produksi dapat berjalan dengan baik. Artinya secara potensi alam, proses interaksi hubungan komponen dalam ekosistem pertanian dapat berlanjut tanpa input bantuan material dari manusia. Namun makin hari lahan yang sesuai potensinya makin berkurang dan jarang. Hal ini mendorong manusia dalam usaha proses produksi biomasa pertanian memilih lahan alternatif yang mempunyai keterbatasan-keterbatasan, sehingga diperlukan input teknologi. Peluang pemanfaatan teknologi di lahan kawasan pesisir diantaranya berupa teknologi perbaikan sifat fisik, kimiawi dan organisme tanah agar interaksi tanah ? air ? tanaman dapat terwujud dengan baik. Wujud teknologi lain adalah interaksi antara tanaman dan atmosfir, karena di lahan kawasan pantai perlu mendapatkan perhatian adalah tersedianya cukup energi matahari, angin dan energi biomas.Lahan Marjinal Pesisir, PertanianSunarto Goenadi
152Pengolahan Gas Limbah Proyek Gas NatunaProyek Gas Natuna yang akan mengembangkan cadangan gas sebesar 46 TCF dapat menghasilkan 2400 MSCFD hidrokarbon selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Dengan potensi tersebut akan mampu memasok kebutuhan gas dalam jumlah besar dan jangka panjang serta menghasilkan nilai ekonomi yang besar. Namun Proyek Gas Natuna juga menghadapi tantangan harus dapat mengolah gas limbah yang terdiri atas 71 % CO2 dan 0,6 % H2S. Untuk memisahkan CO2 diterapkan teknologi Cryogenic, sedangkan untuk memisahkan H2S diterapkan teknologi Flexsorb SE. Teknologi Cryogenic mampu menurunkan kandungan CO2 dari 71 % menjadi 18 %, sedangkan teknologi Flexsorb SE mampu menurunkan kandungan H2S dari 930 ppmv menjadi 20 ppmv. Pembuangan dan penyimpanan CO2 dan H2S secara permanen dilakukan dengan menginjeksikannya kedalam aquifer melalui anjungan injeksi. Kombinasi teknologi Cryogenic dan Flexsorb SE mampu menghasilkan gas Natuna yang memenuhi persyaratan lingkungan dan kompetitif.Gas Natuna, Cryogenic, Flexsorb SE, CO2, H2S, injeksi, aquiferSumartono
153Identifikasi Senyawa Kimia Dan Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Piper Sp. Asal PapuaThe aim of this study was to identity the chemical compounds of the piper sp. Fruit originated from Papua, that has been used as ?sirih pinang?(chew betle) and to determine the antibacterial activity of hexane and chloroform extraxt of piper sp. to Gram + bacteria isolates(Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes dan Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram ? bacteria isolates(Salmonella typhimurium, Eschericia coli and Pseudomonas pseudomallei). The extract concentration were 50 % and 25 %, and every treatment consisted of 3 replications. The bacteriae growth media was Mueller Hinton Agar(MHA). The result of phytochemical screening of Piper sp.fruit(ether, alcohol,and water extracts)showed that it contained esential oil, lipid, emodol, tannin, reducing sugar, anthrasenoid, polyuronide, glucocide, steroid glycoside.Piper sp., phytochemical screening and in-vitro antibacterial testSumarnie-H.Priyono, dan Praptiwi
154Kajian Konservasi Buah Merah Melalui Kultur Jaringan Tanaman; Ekstrasi,Fransinasi BuahBuah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) Pandanaceae has several local name in Kelila, Wamena ? Papua based on its size, fruit colo, leaf color and taste. It has wide distribution and can be found low land to high land. Buah merah contains valuable nutrients and bioactive compounds in abundant/high concentration, such as: ?-caroten, tocopherol, fatty acids (oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and decanoic acid). Its cultivation had been done ocal people but not extensively. The easiest way of buah merah propagation was by separating buah merah seedling and stem cutting or by planting its.The aim of the study were to compile the data that support plant identification of buah merah from Kelila, Wamena-Papua, to study is potency for antioxidant and antidiabetic properties and determine the best media in tissue culture for producing buah merah planlet. The result showed that shoot bud from stem explant cultured in media combination of MS + IBA (2 mg/l) + BA(5 mg/l) produce 10 plantlets, while callus came from leaf tip explant cultured in media combination of MS + BA (5mg/l) +TDZ (0.02 mg/l) The antioxidant test showed that ethyl acetate fraction had good antioxidant activity LC 50 (0.253) while petroleum ether fraction showed good antidiabetic properties with 0.5 % (0.560), 0.25 % (0.593) and control is 0.633( Conservation by plant tissue culture, phytochemistry and biological test )Sumarnie-H.Priyono
155Konservasi Piper miniatum BI,dengan Perbnyakan Cara Perundukan; Ekstrasi dan Uji aktifitasThe aim of this study was to determine the potency of Piper miniatum as medicinal plant and its propagation method. Extraction and bioassays test (antioxidant activity by DPPH method and antidiabetes by ?- glucocidase test) were done. Propagation was done by bending the internodes at different maturity (R1, R2, R3) and growth medium (compost artificial, mixed husk, forest compost and soil as control treatment).The experimental design in this study was Complete Block Design, with 10 replication. The result showed that forest compost had positive respons to number of shoot, number of new internodes, and number of leaves on R1, R2 and R3. Old internode showed positive effect at mixed husk growth medium to number of shoots (19), emergence of new internodes (21). New seedling/plantlet were obtained 4 weeks earlier at bending treatment than that of stem cutting. Bioassays test showed that methanol extract of P. miniatum had no- free radical scavenger activity but very active on ?-glukocidase inhibition with LC50 for leaves and mixed of leaves and stem were 0.82 and10.75 respectively.P.miniatum, propagation by stem bending, DPPH, ?-glukocidaseSumarnie Hasto Priyono dan Yuliasri Jamal
156Evaluasi Kondisi Lingkungan Perairan Pantai Utara Karawang Untuk Mendukung Pengembangan?kondisi lingkungan, pantai utara Karawang, pengembangan budidaya perikananTeknologi
157Kondisi Pencemaran Lingkungan Perairan Di Teluk JakartaThe environment of the rivers surround Jakarta was polluted due to the increasing of the domestics and industrial waste as response to the rapid development of the anthropogenic activities within the city since the decades. As consequence, the carrying capacity of the water ecosystem was degraded including Jakarta Bay as the estuary of the passing rivers of the Jakarta City. This article briefly discusses the pollution problem within the Jakarta Bay that is supported by the data collected from various sources including the result from in-situ survey. The result has shown the fact of what the causing factors that stimulated the pollution problem within this area.Pencemaran Lingkungan Perairan. Teluk Jakarta, Pantai Utara Jakarta, Air Limbah DomestikSuhendar I. Sachoemar dan Heru Dwi Wahjono
158Status Kualitas Perairan Umum Dan Air Tanah Di Wilayah Jakarta
The environment and water quality status of the open waters of the rivers and lake including ground water surround DKI Jakarta was evaluated on the base of the data collected by local government of the environmental agency of DKI Jakarta (BPLHD) period of 2004. The result shows that water quality of those open waters has degraded due to the impact of the domestic and industrial waste that flowing through the rivers. The DO, total suspended solid (TSS), ammonia, organic matter, BOD and COD of the open waters in general have more than intemperate of the environmental standard of the water quality for drinking, fisheries, animal husbandry and industrial need. While the ground water has degraded due to the increasing of the Fe, Mn and detergent. To eliminate and minimize the degradation of the water quality of the open waters and ground water surround Jakarta, strict regulation should be established following the regular monitoring of the whole area of the open and ground waters.
Kualitas Perairan Umum, Sungai, Situ, Air Tanah, DKI JakartaSuhendar I. Sachoemar dan Heru Dwi Wahjono
159Analisis Model Sebaran Bahan Pencemar Dl Perairan Selat Nguan, BatamAnalysis of the pollutant transport model was conducted to understand the magtitude, their pattern and spreading speed of the pollutant at Nguan narrow channel of Batam. The RMA2 (Resource Management Associates) analysis was employed to solve those phenomena. The target analysis of the pollutant is suspended particulate matter (sediment), a rnost dominant pollutant matter within this area. The result shows that the spreading pollutant was strongly associated with the monsoonal system, current speed, tidal system and the pollutant source. The southward direction of sediment transport was inluenced by the northwest monsoon and the tidal flood. While the northward direction was affected by the southeast monsoon and the ebb tide. The current speed was identified as main factor causing the flushing out magnitude of the water mass at the channel, in which the flushing out in the northwest monsoon was faster than that in the southeast monsoon. As consequence, the water resident time was to be short, the pollutant was easily to be cleaned out and as the result, the water quality within the channel was to be excellent.Spreading pollution model, Nguan BatamSuhendar I Sachoemar dan Andri Purwandani
160Evaluasi Kondisi Lingkungan Perairan Estuaria Teluk Klabat, Bangka Pada Musim TimurThe environmental situation of the estuarial ecosystem Teluk Klabat that is located at the northwestern coastal area of Bangka was evaluated on the basis of the physical, chemical and biological data derived from direct in-situ field survey during the southeast monsoon (dry season). The objective of this study is to understand the environmental characteristics and water quality status of the Teluk Klabat to support fisheries development within this area. The result shows that the sedimentation process at theTeluk Klabat has been ocurred excessively and it caused decreasing of the bathymetry reached only 1 m that is found almost in a whole of the coast line area at the inner side of the Teluk Klabat and it extended up to more than 2.5 km from that coast line. More over, the terrestrial environment seem to have strong effect on the degradation of the water quality at the Teluk Klabat that is shown by high concentration of the nutrient (nitrate, phosphate, silicate) and heavy metal such as Pb and Cd. While chlorophyll-a concentration was also high. It indicates that the Teluk Klabat tend to be eutrophycation.The environmental status, estuarial ecosystem,Teluk KlabatSuhendar I Sachoemar dan Agus Kristijono