Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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161Potensi Limbah Dan Karakteristik Proses Pengomposan Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Yang Ditambahkan?crude palm oil, empty fruit bunches, sludge, composting.Teknologi
162Potensi Limbah Bahan Berbahaya Dan Beracun (B3) Di Wilayah Dki Jakarta Dan Strategi PengelolaannyaLimbah B3 dapat menimbulkan dampak negative yang sangat besar dan bersifat akumulatif, sehingga kadarnya makin lama akan makin meningkat. Wilayah DKI Jakarta yang padat dengan berbagai kegiatan menghasilkan berbagai jenis limbah yang sebagian bersifat berbahaya dan beracun, yang biasa disebut dengan limbah B3.Banyak pihak yang tidak menyadari bahwa limbah yang dihasilkannya sebagian merupakan limbah B3 sehingga penanganan limbah B3 hanya dipusatkan pada sektor industri dan rumah sakit saja. Hal ini menyebabkan limbah B3 dari sektor domestik (terutama rumah tangga) terlupakan. Mengingat besarnya resiko yang dapat ditimbulkan dan kondisi yang demikian maka perlu disusun suatu strategi dan prioritas dalam pengelolaan limbah B3 dari semua sumber yang ada.Hazardous wasteSetiyono
163Potensi Komposting Sampah Skala Rumah Tangga Untuk Mereduksi Timbulan Sampah?Komposting, sampah rumah tangga, komposter dan reduksi timbulan sampahTeknologi
164Potensi Ketersediaan Air Tanah di Desa Limo Kecamatan SalimpuangGround water potential map showed that the Salimpaung in Tanah Datar District has very low water resources potential. Deep and shallow water resources were found in some places and in a limited area.
Interpretation of imaging resistivity showed that water resources potential lies in P1 and P2 layers. This layers were found in 90 to 150 meters to the south of the mosque. The potential layer was found between 10 to 30 meter depth and thickness between 5 to 25 meter and lies in observation point between 50 ? 125 meter.

Water resources at layer P1, P2, P3 and P4 has medium to low potential and the water layers was interpreted as water trap above the rock layer.

The other water resources potential were found at P5, P6 and P7, at 90 ? 150 meter to the north of the mosque. The potensial aquifer lies beneath hard rock at depth 40 to 60 meter.
Water resources, imaging resistivy, potensial locationWahyu Garinas
165Potensi Bakteri Denitrifikasi Dalam Biodegradasi Carbaryl Pada Kondisi Anaerobikaktivitas denitrifikasi, aklimatisasi, Carbaryl, 1-NaphtholTeknologi
166Potensi Air Tanah Di Daerah Cikarang Dan Sekitarnya, Kabupaten Bekasi Berdasarkan?
Groundwater is one of the most important for human activities. The effects of land use and population changes in Bekasi area cause the degradation of groundwater quantity and quality. The aquifers potential in Cikarang and its surrounding as a study area are studied using geoelectric method. Geoelectric analysis can be measured the geometry of subsurface aquifer (thickness, depth, distribution, and structural geology). The aquifers in the study area are included of Bekasi Groundwater Basin System. The aquifers contain confined aquifer and unconfined aquifer. The thickness of unconfined aquifers less than 30 m, as lenses and bottom depth less than 40 m below of land surface. The thickness of confined aquifers is variation with maximum 80 m and the bottom depth 20-160 m below of land surface. The degradation of groundwater in Cikarang and its surrounding needs better groundwater management for sustainable development
potensi airtanah, akuifer, geolistrik, CikarangHeru Sri Naryanto
167Pompa HidranAir merupakan sarana yang penting dalam kehidupan manusia dan hewan maupun tumbuh-tumbuhan. Di samping itu juga merupakan sumber tenaga yang disediakan oleh alam sebagai pembangkit tenaga mekanis. Kenyataan telah menunjukkan bahwa ada banyak daerah di pedesaan yang mengalami kesulitan penyediaan air, baik untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga maupun untuk kegiatan pertanian. Sebenarnya untuk mengatasi keadaan tersebut, pemakaian pompa air, baik yang digerakkan oleh tenaga listrik maupun oleh tenaga diesel telah lama dikenal oleh masyarakat desa, tetapi pada kenyataannya masih banyak masyarakat pedesaan yang belum memilikinya. Hal ini disebabkan karena kemampuan daya beli masyarakat desa masih terbatas, dan pada penggunaan suatu unit pompa pompa bermesin dibutuhkan tenaga operator yang terampil. Di samping itu, alat tersebut harus mempunyai kualitas yang baik dan tersedianya suku cadang yang mudah diperoleh di pasaran bebas.Pompa Hidran, Air Bersih, Hidraulik Ram Automatik, HDP (High Densitiy Polythylene)Ir. Ruliasih Marsidi
168Ping dan Traceroute untuk Memeriksa Remote KomputerSelain superuser, perintah standar unix ping dan traceroute dapat digunakan juga oleh user biasa untuk mengamati jalanya sebuah jaringan, memeriksa apakah remote komputer sedang aktif atau tidak dan menelusuri rute perjalanan signal data. Sehingga user biasa dapat melaporkan kepada administrator jaringan apabila dalam pemeriksaanya terdapat temuan-temuan mengenai jaringan, traceroute, IP Address, RTT, Round Trip Time, ICMPHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
169Pilot Plant Pengolahan Air Minum Dengan Proses
Biofiltrasi Dan Ultrafiltrasi
Until now, the drinking water companies in Indonesia still use chlorine for disinfection processes. In addition, the chlorine also uses for removal Fe, Mn and ammonia. If the raw water contains high concentration of ammonia, chlorine will react with ammonia form chloramines which have lower strength of disinfection power. The higher concentration of ammonia in raw water caused the higher consumption of chlorine. The reaction of chlorine with certain organic compounds as humic substances will to produce chloro-organo compounds like chlorophenols which become serious problems to day because trihalomethane and also chlorophenols compounds are carcinogenic substances. To overcome the problems one of alternative is using the combination of biofiltration and ultrafiltration to process the drinking water. Biofltrations process is treatment of raw water biologically using fixed bed biofilter reactor witch filled with honeycomb plastic supporting media for removal Fe, Mn, ammonia detergent, and also organic substances. Ultrafiltration (UF) is filtration process using hollow fiber membranes that have effective pore sizes of 0.1 ? 0.01 ?m. The ultrafiltration units are capable of separating some large molecular weight dissolved organics, colloids, macromolecules and suspended solids from raw water. The ultrafiltration process is designed to remove colloidalized particles in the range from 0.1-0.01?m. By combining the biofiltration and ultrafiltration processes, hence will be got technological alternative of drinking water process which capable to degrade an organic matter, ammonia, detergent and can remove the colloidal or suspended matter effectively without chemicals instead of conventional process.Pengolahan Air Minum, Biofiltrasi, Membran, Ultrafiltrasi, Pilot PlantNusa Idaman Said dan Wahyu Widayat
170Phenomena Intrusi Dasar Di Teluk Hurun LampungResearch aimed to learn and know the bottom intrusion mechanism in Hurun Bay Lampung. Three kinds surveys were conducted consist of mooring survey, synoptic oceanographic survey and 25 hour survey. The monitoring data of water temperature indicated that at Hurun Bay occurred bottom intrusion from middle February until early July. The mass water was colder, more saline and contained less DO than the overlaying water. These phenomena may be caused by eastern monsoon from Java Sea to Lampung Bay and Hurun Bay. Vertical profile distribution showed that there are significant different in temperature, salinity and DO between surface and bottom layer. Along bottom deeper than 22m were identified as a termocline layer which was colder and more saline and contained less DO. Result of 25 hour survey resumed that the lowest DO in this water mass appeared in early July and it propagated from offshore to the coast with velocity 0.07 m/s. This condition will be a treatment for marine cultivation stakeholder in this areaBottom Intrusion, HypoxiaArif Dwi Santoso
171Pestisida Organoklorin Di Perairan Teluk Klabat Pulau bangkaSenyawa pestisida organoklorin merupakan senyawa organik sangat sukar terurai dan di alam racunnya bersifat akumulatif. Penelitian tentang kontaminan pestisida organoklorin di perairan Teluk Klabat telah dilakukan pada bulan Maret dan Juni 2007. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui konsentrasi senyawa pestisida organoklorin dalam air laut dan sedimen, serta hubungannya dengan kualitas air dan biota yang hidup di dalamnya. Pengukuran konsentrasi pestisida organoklorin dilakukan dengan alat kromatografi gas HP 5880 series II, yang dilengkapi dengan detektor penangkap elektron (ECD). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi pestisida dalam air laut antara 0,329 - 28,513 ppt, dan dalam sedimen berkisar antara 0,096 ? 50,002 ppb. Konsentrasi pestisida dalam air dan sedimen meningkat pada bulan Juni dibandingkan dengan bulan Maret, bahkan dalam air di beberapa stasiun konsentrasi pestisida telah melampaui ambang batas normal untuk kehidupan biota laut. Sebaliknya konsentrasi pestisida total dalam biota lebih tinggi di bulan Maret. Hal ini diduga disebabkan oleh pengaruh musim.Pestisida organoklorin, Teluk Klabat- Pulau Bangka, kualitas airKhozanah Munawir
172Perubahan Watak Hidrologi Sungai-Sungai Bagian Hulu Di JawaThe hydrological character of the rivers in Java has changed. The trend flow of upstream rivers in Java declined. Significance level of the trend decline in the upstream was large enough. This indicates that the basic flow (base flow) from these rivers has been reduced. The cause of the trend decline in river flow is strongly influenced by a combination of the effects of global climate change and the influence of anthropogenic. The influence of climate change is marked by decreasing annual rainfall. While anthropogenic influences include changes in land use, reduced water catchment area, increasing population pressures and settlements. To identify which factors are most influential between the two factors are very difficult to do because of limited data on land use change.discharge, trend, climate change, landuse, anthropogenicSutopo Purwo Nugroho
173Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Dan Lingkungan: Akunting Sumberdaya Alam Propinsi Kalimantan Selatannatural resources and environment, regional developmentTeknologi
174Perubahan Tipe Batu Tahan Api Pada Klin Semen untuk Menambah Efesiensi ProduksiCement is produced in kiln reactor which has been installed with refractory, in order to protect the kiln shell of high temperature during the process, of chemicals and mechanical abrasion. Fire bricks are the most material for refractory, hence it is necessary to carefully select and properly installed. In this way it will contribute to save heat. Various types of fire bricks will have its characteristic to deal with. Appropriate placement of fire brick is aimed at avoiding unfastened and increasing its life time. Referring to the observations in one of cement factory, it showed us that kiln shut down occurred for 3-4 times in a year due to refractory problem. This shut down will reduce energy efficiency, rising operational cost as of starting up kiln using IDO, loosing production time including additional hours for maintenance staff to fix it.Kiln, refractory, fire brick, cleaner production, cementWiharja
175Pertumbuhan Scirpus Grossus Serta Paspalum Notatum Dan Degradasi Minyak?pencemaran minyak, fitoremediasi, rumput, Paspalum notatum, Scirpus grossusTeknologi
176Pertimbangan Hidrolik Untuk Liners Landfill Dan Karakteristik Campuran Tanah-Bentonithidrolika, lempung, liner, landfill, campuran tanah-bentoniteTeknologi
177Persyaratan Laboratorium Lingkungan dan Kondisinya di IIndonesia
The level of environmental quality is indicated by how much the pollutants enter into and stay in it, that is whether they are still below or already above the regulated pollutants standard. In knowing pollutant concentration in the environment, pollutant measurement must be done by employing appropriate instrument and using qualified/ certified operator. Therefore, the role of environmental laboratory is crucial in preparing instrumentation, operator, as well as standard operating procedure (SOP) in order for sampling and analysis of pollutants to work properly and result qualified data. This type of laboratory is strongly determined by how the laboratory is operated with the standard mechanism, called good laboratory practice (GLP). GLP will be met by the laboratory that owns the current state of the art instrumentation, capability and experience of the operator/analyst in conducting sampling and analysis, availability of SOP, capability to control the quality (Quality Control) and to assure the quality (Quality Assurance) of its work and the results. Some of laboratory in Indonesia has received certification from National Committee on Acreditation (KAN). However, the granted certification from the KAN must be first checked whether it is for all or part of the laboratory capabilities. Second, whether during the analysis it is already checked the accuracy and preciseness of the instrument employed. Unlike in developed countries, this type of such check has not so far been done in Indonesia. In term of Quality Assurance, the institution that grants the laboratory certification, for example KAN in Indonesia, will send blind samples to targeted laboratory to analyze how much the concentration of certain pollutants detected by this laboratory. Third, whether the operators have strongly followed the existing SOP. Thus, in order to operate laboratory in a right procedure and accuracy, a lot of work must be done carefully in order to result a qualified data. This paper is going to describe and to evaluate how the environmental laboratory is operated and how their condition in Indonesiagood laboratory practice (GLP), pengontrolan mutu (Quality Control), pengendalian mutuKardono
178Persistent Toxic Substances in the Environment of IndonesiaAlthough Indonesia has been using vast amounts of chemicals for
accelerating its economic development as well as for combating various
vector borne diseases, the state of knowledge on toxic pollutants
in the country is not much understood, due to lack of information,
limited ?nancial resources etc. Regional and nationwide monitoring
studies indicate that the levels of most studied compounds, including
classical organochlorines and butyltins in the environment of
Indonesia are generally low when compared to global contamination
levels and guideline standards. However, there is also a concern on
wildlife and human health due to elevated levels of DDTs (the major
contaminants) and tributyltin, particularly in the locations which are
close to human activities such as ports and harbors, urban centers and
areas of intensive agriculture. There is limited information on
temporal trends for most contaminants, however, it was found that
DDTs and PCBs exhibited declining levels in Indonesian environment
with time. New environmental challenges are also emerging in
Indonesia, such as contamination of coastal and terrestrial ecosystems
by brominated ?ame retardants (BFRs). Recent investigations
on BFRs revealed that PDBEs and HBCDs are widespread in the
environment and concentrations may increase in future. Overall,
this chapter provides an overview of the levels, occurrences and
distributions of PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, BFRs and organotins,
and their possible impacts on the environment of Indonesia.
Persistent Organic Pollutans, POPsAgus Sudaryanto, Shin Takahashi and Shinsuke Tanabe
179Persepsi Dan Sikap Masyarakat Terhadap Manfaat Bantuan PSD-PUDirjen Cipta Karya telah memberikan bantuan PSD-PU kepada Pengembang dan Koperasi yang membangun RS dan RSS. Selama ini besarnya manfaat dari bantuan tersebut kepada masyarakat dan Pemda belum pernah diukur. Dengan berdasar kepada persepsi dan sikap masyarakat dilakukan kajian dengan menggunakan skala Likert yang diinterpretasikan ke dalam skala derajat manfaat. Dari kajian tersebut diketahui bahwa derajat manfaat yang diperoleh masyarakat atas bantuan prasarana jalan mendapat nilai rata-rata 67% yang berarti dalam derajat lebih bermanfaat. Demikian pula untuk bantuan saluran air dan gorong-gorong mendapat nilai rata-rata 79% yang masih dalam kategori lebih bermanfaat. Manfaat yang diperoleh antara lain : meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, dapat menyerap tenaga kerja setempat, dapat menunjang perekonomian masyarakat sekitar, dan dapat meningkatkan nilai jual tanah. Sedangkan dari sudut pandang Pemda nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh 60% yang berarti dalam kategori bermanfaat. Adapun manfaat yang diperoleh antara lain dapat mendorong masyarakat membayar pajak.Rumah Sederhana, Rumah Sangat Sederhana, KimpraswilM. Ansorudin Sidik
180Permudaan Alami Dalam Hutan Bekas Tebangan Di Sekundur, Sumatra UtaraA phytososiological analysis of saplings was made using quadrate method in the six years old logged-over forest at Sekundur, North Sumatra. The results showed that within 0.2 hectare plot, 123 species belonging to 79 genera and 36 families were recorded. Three community types were recognized, i.e. Agrostistachys longifolia ? Teijsmanniodendron sarawakanum, Macaranga hypoleuca - Macaranga pruinosa and Endospermum malaccensis - Macaranga javanica communities. The structure and floristic composition of each community varies and they were related primarily with the forest distur?bance. There were found that the number of both species and individuals of sapling decreased with increasing of the forest disturbance.Phytososiological, sapling, community, floristic composition, disturbanceEdi Mirmanto