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No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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41Pengaruh Pemberian Lapisan Lempung Terhadap Peningkatan Lengas Tanah Pada Lahan Marginal BerpasirVarious methods for water or soil humidity conservation include the use of chemicals (synthetic matter) and plastic or asphalt layer at certain depth under soil profile to hold irrigation or rain water entering into the soil to prevent rapid disappearance from root zone. The present study observed the role of fine texture soil (clay fraction) in increasing water capacity, and releasing power of water for the need of plantation in marginal soil with sand easily pressed structure, and sensitive to water and wind erosion. The study was carried out in Glagah Coast, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. The results conclude that the addition of 10 cm of clay layer at the depth of 20-30 cm may optimally increase the humidity of sandy soil.Clay fraction, water capacity, marginal soilSudaryono
42Valuasi Komoditas Lingkungan Berdasarkan Contingent Valuation MethodValuasi lingkungan merupakan bagian dari ekonomi lingkungan, yang bertujuan untuk melakukan valuasi terhadap sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan. Valuasi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penilaian moneter terhadap sumberdaya lingkungan. Terdapat beberapa metode Valuasi komoditas lingkungan, misalnya Travel cost method, preference method, contingent valuation method, dll. Namun yang memiliki penerapan lebih luas adalah contingent valuation method. Metode valuasi lingkungan ini merupakan metode penelitian terhadap komoditas lingkungan yang akan memberikan masukan-masukan kepada pembuat kebijakan dalam mengelola lingkungan berdasarkan partisipasi masyarakat, berupa pajak yang mereka bayar, karena eksternalitas negatip yang mereka lakukan. Walaupun demikian ternyata metode ini dapat menimbulkan berbagai bias, dalam penelitiannya. Bias ini dapat timbul dari desain kuesioner, elisitasi yang dilakukan, proses penyampaian kuesioner, agregasi respon kuesioner, dan sebagainya. Artikel ini merupakan pengantar yang menjelaskan dasar-dasar dan berbagai kesalahan yang dapat timbul dalam metode valuasi lingkungan ini. Hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi bias yang timbul dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan eksperimental desain terhadap sampel populasi yang akan diambil responnya.contingent valuation method, probit, logit, komoditas lingkungan, willingness to payHidir Tresnadi
43Pengaruh Bahan Pengkondisi Tanah Terhadap Iklim Mikro Pada Lahan BerpasirUsahatani pada lahan berpasir akan dijumpai banyak kendala yang berhubungan dengan kondisi fisik tanah, hidrologi tanah dan iklim, lebih khusus lagi kondisi iklim mikro yang kadang kurang kondusif untuk pertumbuhan tanaman. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya terobosan guna melakukan rekayasa lingkungan, agar supaya keadaan yang kurang menguntungan tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal oleh petani, yaitu melalui masukan teknologi alternatif berupa penambahan bahan pengkondisi tanah (pupuk kompos, pupuk kandang, biomikro), pembuatan jaringan irigasi dan pembuatan pelindung/naungan yang pada hakekatnya berfungsi untuk mengurangi fluktuasi suhu harian pada tanah (intensitas matahari), penurunan penguapan dan kehilangan air (evaporasi).Bahan Pengkondisi Tanah, Iklim Mikro, Intensitas MatahariSudaryono
44Evaluasi Kemampuan Alami Wilayah Dalam Konservasi Air Dan Pengendalian BanjirUrban green space plays several roles in balancing the urban ecosystem and maintaining the environment sustainability. Firstly, the urban green space plays a valuable role in prevention of flooding. Trees restrain the movement of sediment and run off. Secondly, the urban green space plays an important role in water conservation, since the tree?s roots absorb some excess water from the soil, making the soil drier, and are able to store more rainwaters. Therefore, the analysis of natural capability of a region in water conservation and flood prevention should become the basis to produce sustainable spatial planning. A study of the importance of green space in maintaining environmental balance in Batam, Malang and Muaro Jambi were conducted by P4W-IPB and P3TL-BPPT by applying the Kato model with some slightly modifications, to map and evaluate the natural capability of those areas on water conservation and flood prevention. The model is based on validated land evaluation models and ecological value, and mapping the differences between the land covered by green space and that by abandoned areas. Evaluation of the ecological functions of urban green space, in combination with other parameters, has been done under GIS and Remote Sensing. The spatial analysis of the ecological function within three areas showed different figures, in which the that 38.12 % of Muaro Jambi, 35.22 % of Malang and 13.36 % of Batam, were functioning properly for water conservation, while 57.71 % of Muaro Jambi, 37.01 % of Malang and 23.75 % of Batam were functioning properly for flooding preventionAnalisis spasial, pertimbangan ekologis, Sistem Informasi GeografisAlinda Medrial Zain, Mukaryanti, Diar Shiddig
45Model Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Dan Faktor-Faktor Yang MempengaruhinyaUrban and regional development needs space and land which then replaces the existence of natural space. The loss of natural space does not give negative impacts as long as it does not exceed ecological carrying capacity. Unfortunately, urban and regional development in Indonesia is dominated by economy motivation than ecology consideration. As a result, several natural disasters occurred such as flood, ground water depletion, land slides etc. Our research objective is to analyze land cover change from natural space to human activity space and several factors which cause it at 4 different regions: Malang Municipal, Batam Municipal, Pemalang Regency and Muaro Jambi Regency. Research result could be used as basic information for local government to arrange planning, use and control spatial change in each area. This research was conducted by using two different time data images with interval 10 years to get land cover change on each region and social economy data from National Statistic Bureau. The model was formulated by using forward stepwise multiple regressions and the result showed that each region has different factors which increase land cover change of natural space such as: (1) Malang Municipal was dominantly influenced by urban sprawl phenomenon, (2) Batam Municipal was dominantly influenced by government policy to develop industry, (3) Pemalang Regency was dominantly influenced by appearance of several new growth poles, and (4) Muaro Jambi Regency was dominantly influenced by land necessity for agriculture activitiesubahan tutupan lahan, faktor pendorong, model regresi bergandaDidit Okta Pribadi, Diar Shiddiq, Mia Ermyanila
46Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Terpadu, Konsep Pembangunan Berkelanjutan.Upaya pengelolaan DAS terpadu di Indonesia telah lama diterapkan dengan memperkenalkan berbagai kegiatan yang bercirikan lintas sektoral dan multidisipliner, sebagai contoh adalah pelaksanaan pengelolaan DAS secara terpadu di DAS Brantas, Jratunseluna, dan yang kemudian direncanakan untuk diimplementasikan pada DAS-DAS lain di seluruh Indonesia. Namun karena kompleksnya permasalahan yang harus dihadapi dan banyaknya DAS yang harus ditangani, serta menyangkut kendala teknis dan non-teknis lainnya yang harus disempurnakan, maka banyak DAS yang belum dapat tertanggani dengan baik, bahkan yang terjadi adalah kerusakan DAS semakin meluas dan semakin parah. Oleh karena itu dalam pengelolaan DAS secara terpadu harus berazaskan : (1) pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam (hutan, tanah dan air) dengan memperhatikan terhadap perlindungan lingkungan; (2) pengelolaan DAS bersifat multidisiplin dan lintas sekoral; (3) peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat; (4) keterpaduan dimulai sejak dalam perencanaan pengelola DAS terpadu.Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS), Ekosistem, Pengelolaan DASSudaryono
47Oven Destilator Pengolah Sampah Plastik Ramah Lingkungan?Up to now, the majority of people treat plastic waste by burning and disposing it directly to the surrounding environment. The burning of the waste causes air pollution due to toxic compound called dioxin which is harmful for human health. Meanwhile, the dumping of plastic waste into water bodies can causing some negative effects such as the clogging of water duct or river which may lead to flooding. Annually, the number of plastic bag used can reach 500 million ? 1 billion, which is equal to 10 fold wrapping of earth surface (Nitizen, 2008). The best handling of plastic waste are using reuse or recycle methods which are environmentally friendly and at the same time can gain economical value1). The study is aimed to: 1) understand the capability of oven distillator in processing plastic waste into plastic grain and liquid smoke, 2) understand the influence of liquid smoke towards wood durability, 3) understand the price of the oven distillator and the corresponding break even point (BEP).The study was an experimental one and employed pre test and post test with control group design, and simultaneously assessing equipment?s production capacity. The data was analyzed descriptively and analytically with Anova test and t-test at 95% level of significance. The results show that oven distillator capable for processing 97,3% of plastic waste into plastic grain, while the rest was converted into liquid smoke. The liquid smoke was proved affect wood preservation (anova test, p<0.001), and have similar quality compared with varnish use (t-test, p=0,764). The cost analysis shows that the distillatory raise economical value of the waste by 217,66%, and The BEP would be reached in 68 days if 12 kg plastic is processed daily. It is advised that he oven can be used by general community or home industries for applying green and high economically value of plastic waste processing.Destilator, Pengolah SampahSri Puji Ganefati, Lilik Hendrarini, dan Sarjito Eko Windarso
48Kandungan Beberapa Logam Berat Di Perairan Pesisir Timur Pulau BatamUntuk mengetahui dan mengantisipati pungaruh peningkatan berbagai kegiatan di pulau Batam terhadap kandungan logam berat di perairan pesisir timur pulau Batam yang sebagiannya diperuntukan bagi pengembangan pariwisata dan rekreasi maka penelitian ini dilakukan. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa berdasarkan beberapa paramater logam berat yang dikandungnya seperti Cr, Pb dan Cd, perairan pantai pesisir timur pulau Batam secara umum tidak memenuhi persyaratan untuk pengembangan pariwisata dan rekreasi,Logam Berat, Industri, Pesisir Timur, BatamYudhi Soetrisno Garno, PhD
49Pilot Plant Pengolahan Air Minum Dengan Proses
Biofiltrasi Dan Ultrafiltrasi
Until now, the drinking water companies in Indonesia still use chlorine for disinfection processes. In addition, the chlorine also uses for removal Fe, Mn and ammonia. If the raw water contains high concentration of ammonia, chlorine will react with ammonia form chloramines which have lower strength of disinfection power. The higher concentration of ammonia in raw water caused the higher consumption of chlorine. The reaction of chlorine with certain organic compounds as humic substances will to produce chloro-organo compounds like chlorophenols which become serious problems to day because trihalomethane and also chlorophenols compounds are carcinogenic substances. To overcome the problems one of alternative is using the combination of biofiltration and ultrafiltration to process the drinking water. Biofltrations process is treatment of raw water biologically using fixed bed biofilter reactor witch filled with honeycomb plastic supporting media for removal Fe, Mn, ammonia detergent, and also organic substances. Ultrafiltration (UF) is filtration process using hollow fiber membranes that have effective pore sizes of 0.1 ? 0.01 ?m. The ultrafiltration units are capable of separating some large molecular weight dissolved organics, colloids, macromolecules and suspended solids from raw water. The ultrafiltration process is designed to remove colloidalized particles in the range from 0.1-0.01?m. By combining the biofiltration and ultrafiltration processes, hence will be got technological alternative of drinking water process which capable to degrade an organic matter, ammonia, detergent and can remove the colloidal or suspended matter effectively without chemicals instead of conventional process.Pengolahan Air Minum, Biofiltrasi, Membran, Ultrafiltrasi, Pilot PlantNusa Idaman Said dan Wahyu Widayat
50Penyakit Kanker Dapat Disebabkan Oleh Air Minum Anda.Trihalomethane (THMs) adalah senyawa yang dapat menyebabkan kanker (carcinogen). Senyawa THMs ini dapat terbentuk sebagai hasil samping proses khlorinasi. Beberapa cara untuk menghindari atau mengurangi terbentuknya THMs dalam air minum yakni dengan menghilangkan precursor THMs dengan menggunakan oroses adsorpsi dengan karbon aktif, oksidasi dengan ozon atau oksidator lainnya sebelum dilakukan proses pembubuhan khlor, menghilangkan senyawa THMs yang terbentuk dengan cara aerasi atau proses adsorpsi dengan karbon aktif, menggunakan disinfektant lainnya miaslnya hidrogen peroksida, khloramine atau khlordioksida dan menghilangkan senyawa-senyawa yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung dapat menimbulkan terbentuknya THMs.Trihalomethane, THM, Khlorinasi, Adsopsi Karbon Aktif, KhloramineIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
51Retrofit Alat Penyulingan Akar Wangi Tradisional Menggunakan Boiler Berbahan Bakar Limbah Ramah LingTraditional distillation of akar wangi (Vetiveria zizanioides) using kerosene as a fuel has been used in small industries. The solid waste is burned in open air will emit strong odor which harmful to the environment. In fact, the waste has a caloric value of 3.800 kkal/kg, and by the proper handling, the waste can substitute part of the distillation process energy potentially and can reduce the environment impact caused by incomplete combustion or by the ingredient it self i.e. sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide. To treat those waste, it is necessary to separate between distillation vessel with the steam generation systemDistillation, akar wangi, solid waste, pollution, proper handlingAhsonul Anam dan Heru Kuncoro
52Fungsi Ruang Hijau Kota Ditinjau Dari Aspek Keindahan, Kenyamanan, Kesehatan Dan Penghematan EnergiTown?s area needs both open and green spaces. This is not only for the sake of aesthetical requirement in shaping the town, but also to fulfill the needs of fresher and cooler air for its inhabitants. Green area is required to accommodate people social activities, and also to reduce air pollution ? particularly in the form of carbon dioxide comes from vehicles. Besides reducing air temperature, green area also benefit people by producing oxygen and absorbing dust. Green area must be provided adequately in the town, and be controlled firmly by legislation. By the provision of sufficient and well-distributed green spaces in the town, people will be guaranteed to have such lower air temperatures, fresher air and better living environment. This may be resulting, whether direct or indirectly, in reducing the consumption of energy in many sectors in the town. This article discusses the way green space and vegetation are giving benefit to the inhabitants through several aspects as mentioned above.air pollution, air temperature, energy savings, green spacesTri Harso Karyono
53Aplikasi Proses Biofiltrasi Dan Ultrafiltrasi Untuk Pengolahan Air MinumTo reduce the organic substance and ammonia in raw water hence raw water from river have to be processed by pretreatment prior to main processing unit. One of the alternatives is biological treatment using submerged biofilter which filled with honeycomb plastic supporting media. Research conducted by operating continuous flow biofilter reactor wich filled with honeycomb plastic supporting media. The size of biofilter reactor is 59 cm x 30 cm x 210 cm, with total volume 371.7 litres. The research was conducting by continuous operation under condition 4 hours, 3 hours, 2 hours and 1 hour retention time. The result of experiment shows that within the biofilter process under conditions 4 hours, 3 hours, 2 hours and one hour retention time, the removal efficiency of organic substance were 67.27 %, 53,89 5,45.70 % and 30.92 % respectively. And the removal efficiency of ammonia under conditions 3 hours, 2 hours and one hour retention time were 73.59 %, 67.98 %, and 48.74 % respectively. The longer retention time has resulted in higher removal efficiency. By combining biofiltration process with ultra fltration (UF) membrane technology, hence will be got technological alternative of drinking water process which able to degrade an organic matter and ammonia without chemicals instead of convensional process.biofiltasi, membran, ultra filtrasi, air minumNusa Idaman Said
54Evaluasi Hasil Pembangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik tipe Komunikasi di Jakarta PusatTo overcome the problem of the high pollution caused by domestic wastewater in the region of Center Jakarta, the Local Government, DKI Jakarta, has acted as a pioneer in the program of water and wastewater sanitation for villages with applying 37 units of wastewater treatment installation. The location of them are spread out in several Kelurahan, in Kotamadya Center Jakarta. These installations were built in 2000, but not all of those might not be operated properly.
Furthermore some of them are not seriously managed and the conditions are so bad that can not be operated well. Because of that, it is time to evaluate them totally. The evaluation is not only for the technical problem, but also for the feasibility factor in a certain social community. All of these have to be done in order to get the alternatives for solving this problem, especially in developing and constructing the communally domestical wastewater treatment.
domestic wastewater treatment, evaluation of developing and system technologySatmoko Yudo dan R. Haryoto Indriatmoko
55Pengkajian Kemampuan Teknologi Pengolahan Air Minum Skala KecilTo fulfill the people?s primary need, the government is duty bound to stock remote regions with a steady supply of fresh water. That duty necessitates assasing and applying of appropriate water treatment system in these remote regions or villages. In fact the number of people needing the service is few, and the education level of the people is generally low. Having a small scale and simple water treatment technology would fit this standard. There are many water treatment technology, but only a few should be applied for a minimal capacity production. The applied technology should benefit the local people and, in accordance with local?s conditions, long-lasting. This paper will discuss various water treatment technology suitable for a small-scale production. The technologies are selected based on its ability to purify the water and the cost of each system. The calculations were derived from other written sources along with field data gathered by BPPT. These technology include the coagulation-filtration technology, slow-sand filtration technology, ion-exchange technology, reverse-osmosis technology and the active-carbon technology.Teknologi pengolahan air minum, koagulasi, filtrasi, reverse osmosisRuliasih Marsidi
56Pemanfaatan Potensi tenaga Air di Saluran Irigasi Banjarcahyana
This study was conducted by collaboration between BPPT, Chugoku Electric Power, and PT Indonesia Power and funded by GEC (Japan-Geo Environment Center). The study was started on August 2005, and finished on September 2006. The purpose of the study was to explore the unutilized potentials micro hydro power plants (MHPP) in Banjarcahyana irrigation channel. These sites are located at south eastern of Banjarnegara city. Development of these MHPP will be planned put into Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), therefore operation of these power generation would be calculated to reduce global warming effects. According to the study result, it was found eight locations having potential to build as MHPP. The development of the project economically feasible estimated could reduce 17,252 t-CO2 of Green House Gas Effect annually. This study also provides new emission coefficient factor for electricity grid system of Jawa Bali Madura (JAMALI).irrigation channel, hydro power generation, Clean Development Mechanism, Green Houses Gasses,Irhan Febijanto
57Identifikasi Hypoxia Di Teluk Hurun LampungThis study was carried out to describe the characteristics of hypoxia in the tropical coastal sea. The general oceanographic surveys were conducted two times in Hurun Bay, 5-7 February and 17-19 February, 2003. And also, a day-night survey (25 hours survey) and the continuous monitoring of water temperature, current and meteorology were carried out. The monitoring data of water temperature indicated that the seasonal variation and the spatial in temperature in Hurun Bay were small. The difference in temperature between the surface and bottom water was less than 1.3 oC. The water temperature increased from February and the highest in April. It gradually decreased to late June and a sudden decrease occurred in the early July. The lowest temperature was observed in September and then it increased again. The seasonal variation in the thermal stratification was not happened. Instead of the weak thermal stratification, a sharp picnocline was formed around 20m in the dry season. The water below the picnoline was colder and more saline and contained less DO than the overlaying water. The cold water mass which has high salinity and lower DO was situated along bottom deeper than 20m on 17-19 July. The lowest DO in this water mass was 0.4 mg/l. Such a cold water mass appeared in early July and it propagated from offshore to the coast. The oxygen consumption rate of the water column was about 0.1 mgO2/L/hour in Hurun Bay. Comparing these oxygen consumption rates and the DO of water, if the oxygen supply was restricted, the water in Hurun Bay could become hypoxic easily.Water temperature, Hypoxia, Dissolved oxygenArif Dwi Santoso, M.Eng dan Yuichi Hayami, PhD
58Penyisihan Timbal (Pb) Dari Tanah Terkontaminasi Dengan Proses ElektromigrasiThis study is trying to apply a new method in remediation electrokinetic by inserting conductive solution between cathode and soil to be treated. This is purposed in keeping the pH in low condition and preventing the precipitation of heavy metals in the soil adjacent to the cathode that often happen in the previous electrokinetic methods. Concentration of Pb (C0), period (t), concentration of conductive solution were selected as parameters, both with artificially contaminated sand and naturally contaminated soil experiments. The experiment with natural soil C0 = 975 ppm gave lower efficiency at 32,84% when it compares with sand as the medium, with the experiment in the same condition at 87,68%. Concentration of KCl also influenced the performance of system which was shown by the increasing in removal efficiency. The double increase of conductive solution concentration does not proportionally increase the flux of Pb. Although desorption in the natural soil take time longer than in the sand the removal efficiency relatively low. This is caused by the immobile state of Pb in the natural soil and the complexity of chemical reaction between heavy metals with surface of soil particle.electrokinetic, lead (Pb), electromigrationWahyu Purwanta
59Dimensi Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan Yang Dominan
Terhadap Upaya Produksi Bersih Perusahaan
This study is designed to identify dimension of environmental management system that influence of cleaner production?s strategy accept and implementation at natural rubber industry, especially in crumb rubber industry. Factor Analysis technic with Principal Component is aplicated to extract that dimension, while correlation analysis is using to inference the influence that dimension with cleaner production performance. Based of existing condition, deviation of cleaner production performance from the crumb rubber corporate?s enough big. Percentage of waste solid range 3 ? 11 %, the corporate don?t treatment that waste because almost of waste solid use for landfill. Treatment of unpleasant odour from crumb rubber industry, i.e.: with scrubber at the smokestack after drying process, reengineering of pre-drying process, spray of volatile oil, and soak bokar with liquid smoke. Alternatives for waste water treatment i.e.: activated sludge system, chemical system, and aeration system.Principal Component analysis results 13 dimension, namely: internal communication, evaluation tools, environmental benefit, employee ability, professional team, incentive system, cleaner production centre, community consultation, regulation, operational policy, environmental investment, green consumer, and environment requisite. The correlation of that dimension with cleaner production performance at natural rubber industry is not good (rs < 0,5). The dimension has significant correlation are professional team, environment requisite, internal communication, evaluation tools, regulation, incentive system, and employee ability; while the others is not significant.Environmental Management System, Cleaner Production, and Crumb Rubber IndustrySawarni Hasibuan
60Penerapan Teknologi Fotobioreaktor Mikroalga Jenis Air-Lift Untuk Menyerap Emisi Gas Co2This study investigated the ability of microalgae to reduce the emission of CO2 from the atmosphere. Airlift photobioreactor used in this investigation in order to cultivate Chaetoceros gracilis in batch and close system. The experiments were conducted by two different initial cell numbers, 10,000 and 40,000 cells / mL respectively..Carbon dioxide with concentration of 12% and flow rate 0.5 mL/minute were injected into the reactor and monitored its reduction. It can be found that the trend of growth rate shown similar results with Wu and Merchuk(1), but its value was smaller than that obtained by Sutomo(2). As increasing of initial cell number from 10.000 and 40.000 cells / mL, carbon dioxide reduction increased slightly. Generally, both experiments shown that at the first day injection, the concentration of CO2 in the gas holder reduced significantly by 4% (from 12% to 8%), indicating that high gas holdup was occurred in the riser. This concentration decrease gradually by 50% after 5 days and 75% after 8-9 days due to utilization of CO2 in photosynthesis.microalgae, airlift photobioreactor, Chaetoceros gracilis, carbon dioxide,
Agus Setiawan, Rahmania A. Darmawan, Arif D. Santoso, Abdil H. Stani, dan Kardono