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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 241-260 dari 814 item.
241Pengujian Toleransi Mangrove Muda Terhadap Cemaran Minyak Bumipolusi minyak , fitoremediasi , bakau , Rhizophora mucronata , Bruguiera sp , Sonneratia
242Pengolahan Sludge Dengan Proses Biologi AnaerobikMixed sludge generated from wastewater treatment plant increases annually. Organic content as COD of the mixed sludge is about 20.000mg/l, which is considered to be high-strength wastewater. Due to the sludge have high water content, it cannot self-burn. In addition, in many industries, there is not enough land for landfill. For this reason, an experiment of anaerobic treatment was conducted to investigate the degradation of organic materials in the mixed sludge. The result shows that high degradation efficiency of organic sludge of 90, 70 and 50% was achieved at organic loading rate of 0,7; 1,4 and 2,1 g/l/d respectively. The degradation efficiency decreased drastically when the organic loading rate increased up to 2.8 g/l/d. During the experiment, gas evolution rate was low due to low organic content of the sludgeMixed sludge, anaerobic treatment, organic sludge degradation, biogasIkbal dan Rudi Nugroho
243Pengolahan Sampah Organik Dan Aspek SanitasiOrganic waste is one of major problems that potentially degrade environmental quality and public health so that it have to be treated proposionally. In the recent time, there are organic treatment technologies such as composting, incinerating, landfilling, etc. In this article, the author talks about organic waste treatment and sanitation aspect of wastes.Sampah organik, sanitasi, kompos, sanitary landfill, incineratorSri Wahyono, S.Si, M.Sc
244Pengolahan Raw Data Parameter Perairan Laut Menjadi Usable Data Dalam Upaya Diseminasi Data KelautanAntara tahun 1996 sampai dengan 2000, sistem Seawatch Indonesia telah berhasil mengukur berbagai parameter kelautan baik fisik oceanografi maupun kimia biologis khususnya dibeberapa perairan terpilih di Indonesia. Data-data ini terkumpul melalui perangkat pengukuran yang near real time dengan buoy dan sensor sebagai ujung tombak kolektor data. Keseluruhan data yang terkumpul harus diolah agar dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai kepentingan baik sektor kelutan, lingkungan hidup maupun iptek kelautan itu sendiri. Tulisan ini memaparkan aspek latar belakang sistem Seawatch sekaligus langkah-langkah pengolahan data menjadi data yang siap didiseminasi dengan menggunakan MATLAB dan ORIGIN.Taw data, pengolahan, diseminasi dataWahyu Purwanta
245Pengolahan Lindi (Leachate) dengan Model Coagulation-Biofer UnaerobicLeachate, especially from the landfill, is a pollutant that can harm human health and pollute the environment including aquatic biota, because the leachate contains various chemicals both organic and inorganic substances and also pathogen bacteria. Laboratory test by Department of Health ? Yogyakarta (2001) showed that leachate from landfill had Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of 1032 mg/liter in which this was much higher than the limit allowed (BOD = 150 mg/liter. In order to reduce BOD in leachate, a treatment is needed. In this experiment a treatment to reduce BOD in leachate was carried out by applying coagulation and anaerobic bio-filtration with the time of 1, 2, and 3 hours. Evaluation of the tests was conducted using pre-test and post-test with control design which analysis was made descriptive and analytically using T-test with the error of about 5% (? = 0,05).
Results of the experiment indicated that there was a tendency of BOD reduction of about 0.9% - 1.1% for the control samples, whereas the BOD reduction for leachate attained 82.3% -90.5%.
Based on the T-Test, the probability result was 0.000 (p< ? =0.05). This means that there is a significant difference in BOD reduction between control samples and leachate. In other words leachate treatment using coagulation ? anaerobic bio-filtration can be taken as an alternative process to reduce BOD
leachate, coagulation, anaerobic bio-filtrationSri Puji Ganefati, dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
Markus Sumarsono
246Pengolahan Lindi (Leachate ) Dari Tpa Dengan Sistem Koagulasi - Biofilter AnaerobicLeachate is the pollutant which contains various kinds of both organic such as some harmful photogenic bacteria?s and parasitic microbes like Sarcoptes sp and inorganic compounds such as ammonia. The leachate can be caused prurity to human skin. Base on data from Piyungan Community Health Centre, Microbes caused the incidence of dermatitis take number 4 from 10-disease rank within 75%. Piyungan Disposal Site has a possiblity to pollute to Opak River. the leachate need to be processed to decrease the MPN, COD, BOD, TSS and Ammonia parameters before it will be polluted of Opak River. The research had been done to process the leachate to decrease the MPN, COD, BOD, TSS and Ammonia parameters with use coagulation - biofilter anaerobic system. Equipment used was consisted of leachate equalisation (catcher) tank; alum and lime solution container; leachate coagulation tank and biofilter anaerobic tank.The research show that there were influence of leachate processing with coagulation and anaerobic biofilter toward the decreasing of MPN, COD, BOD, TSS and Ammonia parameters with 1, 2, and 3 hours detention time.Leachate, Coagulation, Anaerobic BiofilterJoko Prayitno Susanto, Sri Puji Ganefati, Sri Muryani, dan Siti Hani Istiqomah
247Pengolahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit dengan bioreaktor Anaerobik Biakan MelekatNowadays as CPO producer Indonesia has become the secondly biggest country in the world. Enormous CPO factories are spread out in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and Sulawesi, but the amount of the wastewater produced become a very difficult problem. In coping with this case, a research on anaerobic treatment process by using biofilter attached culture was done in laboratorium scale. Acidity of the process was maintained on pH 6.8 to 7.4. The detention time was varried from 4 to 6 days. The results show that BOD can be reduced until 83.5%, COD 86.83% and TSS 9.35% for 6 day-detention time. Many experiments have been done by the more institutions in Indonesia, but the conclusion says that the complete treatment system suitable for handling the wastewater produced by CPO factories should use a combination of anaerobic and aerobic process.Anaerobic wastewater treatment, Crude Palm Oil FactoryPetrus Nugro Raharjo
248Pengolahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kecap Secara Koagulasi Dan FlokulasiSoya bean sauce waste water is a high organic wastewater and has dark color, therefore it is difficult to degrade it biologically and also in getting clear color. Base on as mentioned above, it is tried to process it with coagulation and flocculation use Aluminum sulfate and PAC which is added to wastewater with several doses variation of Alumunium sulfate: (100, 200, 300. 250) ppm and PAC with doses (50, 100, 150, 200) ppm. Experiment result shows that the experiment which use Aluminum sulfate and PAC as coagulant could give a good quality of processing and suitable with the threshold of wastewater. The application of floculant Aquaklir 240 could help the performance of coagulant that can be seen from the turbidity, suspended solid and flock size form.flocculation, coagulation.Indriyati dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
249Pengolahan Limbah Cair Organik Secara Biologi Menggunakan Reaktor Anaerobik Lekat DiamOrganic waste water can be treated biolocally by using anaerobic fixed bed reactor. Fixed bed reactor is bioreactor which is compleeted with support material inside reactor for bacteria fixation in the surface area of support material. The benefit of using this kind of technology are it needs low energy, low nutrien, low sludge production and could treat high organic concentraion waste water.The support material has important role in the Fixed Bed reactor performance, therefore it must be mentioned in several factors those are : size & shape of suport material, ratio of surface area and volume which influences the attach of microorganism, porousity is a waste water volume compare to the total volume and material of support material must inert. According to the benefit and the principle of Fixed Bed reactor, this kind of technology can be used to treat the organic high concentration to reduce the organic pollutant.anarobic, Fixed BedIndriyati
250Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri PermenKonsentrasi bahan organik limbah cair industri permen mengandung bahan organik yang cukup tinggi. Oleh karena itu, salah satu alternative teknologi pengolahannya menggunakan sistem anerobic : menggunakan reaktor tipe Fixed bed.. Pada pengamatan ini dapat dilihat bahwa sistem ini dapat digunakan untuk mendegradasi bahan organik yang terkandung dengan melihat parameter proses pengoperasian antara lain pH, produksi biogas, kadar CH4 dan jumlah metan yang dihasilkan serta efisiensi reaktor.. Parameter ? parameter tersebut menunjukkan kestabilan jalannya reaktor dengan waktu tinggal 11, 7, 5, 3 hari. Berdasarkan kriteria parameter tersebut diatas, efisiensi COD terlarut yang dapat dicapai oleh sistem ini adalah sekitar 61,22 %, produksi biogas 5,33 Liter/hari, kandungan kadar metan 63 %, produksi CH4 3,36 Liter/hari..limbah cair, permenIndriyati dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
251Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Percetakan Uang Kertas (Utas) Menggunakan Proses Biologis AnaerobA research of wastewater treatment technology come from money producing industry was conducted in laboratory scale using 10 lt of Anaerobic Fixed Bed Reactor. The money producing wastewater was treated by mixing with domestic wastewater with various compositions. The wastewater was fed into the bioreactor by draw and fill daily.The results show that the optimum of COD removal is 52,5%, optimum loading is 0, 95 g-COD/l/day and optimum flowrate is 0,5 l/day. The optimum compossition of money producing wastewater towards domestic wastewater is 30%. These optimum conditions can be used as a designed criteria for full scale of anaerobic bioreactor in the money producing industry.Wastewater, Anaerobic, Fixed Bed Reactor Rudi Nugroho*, Ikbal *dan Nurtya Sulasmi**
252Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Minuman RinganThe concentration of soft drink contains organic waste water not so high. There fore one of the alternative of processing technology is used aerobic system: Oxydation ditch. On this observation can be seen that the system is able to degrade the organic matter by observe the operation parameters process to operate the system and the parameters are BOD, COD, TSS, Oil & grease, TDS, Total N and pH. All parameters show stability process during 3 (three) months operation. Base on the criteria as mentioned above, the efficiency that can be reached by this system are around 96,875 % for BOD efficiency, COD 96 % for COD efficiency , TSS 80 %, Oil & grease 75 %, Total N 76,92 % and pH 41 %.limbah cair, minuman ringanIndriyati dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
253Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri MinumanThe organic concentration of soft drink factory waste water has not high organic concentration, therefore one of the alternatives of the treatment technology is using aerobic system : activated sludge. On this observation can be seen that the system can be used as waste water treatment for soft drink that is not so high in COD contain and the criteria parameters design can be fulfilled by process parameters during operation the system. The parameters that are not fulfill the design parameters is caused by the shock loading of toxic material or by the high loading rate of substrate of waste water. Based on parameter criteria as mention above, the efficiency that can be reached of this process is about 61,22%Activated sludge, softdrinkIndriyanti
254Pengolahan Leacheate Tercemar Pb Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Pencemaran Lingkungan TPAWaste as one of human activity products should be managed in order to minimize its negative impacts to the environment and human health. Environmental pollution will also take place due to waste which contains hazardous substances, such as used battery, accu and broken TL bulbs. Production of those goods uses plublum (Pb) in its process, so that the Pb will be carried later by the leachate flow to the environment.
This work was an experiment with pre and post tests design which also used reference group as a control towards Pb parameter. Statistical analyzes was carried out using Anova and T tests with the degree of confidence of 95%. Result of the anova test of reference group with a variation of detention time was probability of about 0.293, whereas the experimental group resulted a probability of 0.005. The T-test for both reference and experimental groups with a variation of detention time gave different values of Pb parameter where the different with the probability of 0.000.
The result showed that concentration of Pb in leachate decreased after it was treated using alum and lime. the significant reduction is at leaving time of 3 hours, i.e. 798.3 mg/L (75.7%). Therefore, it ca be concluded that treatment using alum and lime can be applied to reduce concentration of Pb in a lechate
Leachate, Lum, Lime, PlumbumSri Puji Ganefati, Joko Prayitni, dan Agus Suwarni
255Pengolahan Gas Limbah Proyek Gas NatunaProyek Gas Natuna yang akan mengembangkan cadangan gas sebesar 46 TCF dapat menghasilkan 2400 MSCFD hidrokarbon selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Dengan potensi tersebut akan mampu memasok kebutuhan gas dalam jumlah besar dan jangka panjang serta menghasilkan nilai ekonomi yang besar. Namun Proyek Gas Natuna juga menghadapi tantangan harus dapat mengolah gas limbah yang terdiri atas 71 % CO2 dan 0,6 % H2S. Untuk memisahkan CO2 diterapkan teknologi Cryogenic, sedangkan untuk memisahkan H2S diterapkan teknologi Flexsorb SE. Teknologi Cryogenic mampu menurunkan kandungan CO2 dari 71 % menjadi 18 %, sedangkan teknologi Flexsorb SE mampu menurunkan kandungan H2S dari 930 ppmv menjadi 20 ppmv. Pembuangan dan penyimpanan CO2 dan H2S secara permanen dilakukan dengan menginjeksikannya kedalam aquifer melalui anjungan injeksi. Kombinasi teknologi Cryogenic dan Flexsorb SE mampu menghasilkan gas Natuna yang memenuhi persyaratan lingkungan dan kompetitif.Gas Natuna, Cryogenic, Flexsorb SE, CO2, H2S, injeksi, aquiferSumartono
256Pengolahan Efluen Reaktor Fixed Bed Secara Koagulasikoagulasi, almunium sulfatTeknologi
257Pengolahan Bahan Organik Enceng Gondok menjadi Media Tumbuh Untuk Mendukung Pertanian Organik
Eceng gondok (Eichornia crassipes (Mart)(Solms) is a floating plants that creates problems on the maximum of waters utilization. On the other side, eceng gondok is a potential organic matter that can be used for a growing media. The utilization of the organic matter for growing media will support of organic farming and minimize the use of chemical materials.
Process of eceng gondok decomposition can produce a growing media with high nutrients contain for plants growth. The experiments of growing media from eceng gondok for sawi hibrid plants show positive respons in which the plant has freshly growth and free of diseases.
Eceng gondok, bahan organik, dekomposisi, pertanian organikEuthalia Hanggari Sittadewi
258Pengolahan Air Sungai / Gambut SederhanaDalam rangka penyediaan air bersih pedesaan, sering terdapat kendala misalnya, lokasi pemukiman yang berjauhan, sehingga jika dibangun sistem pengolahan yang terpadu dengan sistem perpipaan membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar. Untuk mengatasai hal tersebut, dapat dilakukan dengan cara pengolahan sederhana untuk skala rumah tangga. Tulisan ini membahas tentang cara pengolahan air sederhana, khususnya untuk mengolah air gambut. Cara ini merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih di pedesaan dengan cara yang murah dan sederhana.Gambut, Netralisasi, Aerasi, KoagulasiKelompok Pengkajian Sistem Pengolahan Air
259Pengolahan Air Payau Menggunakan Teknologi Osmosa Balik Dalam Rangka Penyediaan Air Minum ?Tanjung Aru is a village located in cape of Tanjung Aru, East Kalimantan. The community living in Tanjung Aru use surface water from wells as the main clean water resource. The surface water is so influenced by the tide of sea water. The surface taste is very salty (DHL>1500 mMhos/cm). The water is not only salty but also the turbidity is much more than water quality standart. The use of rain water as the second alternative is very limited, it is only in rainy season. To deal with the chronic problem, such as the lack of clean water supply, it needs an appropriate water treatment technology. The suitable water treatment system is a combination of conventional and advanced technology. Desalination, such as Reverse Osmosis must be involved to reduce salinity of the raw water. A complete process includes the pretreatment and advance treatment. The pretreatment are oxidation and some common filtrations. The advance treatment is a molecular filtration using a membran which the principal is reverse osmosis pressure. If the pilot water treatment plant is avalaible in Tanjung Aru, the clean water supply will not be a serious problem. Generally, it can also play an important role to increase the social level of community in East Kalimantan.Osmosa Balik, Reverse Osmosis, Pengolahan Air Asin / Payau, Air Siap MinumWahyu Widayat dan Satmoko Yudo
260Pengolahan Air Payau Menggunakan Teknologi Membran Sistem Osmosa Balik Sebagai Alternatif Kepulauan seribu (Seribu Archipelago) is one of region of north jakarta, the province of DKI Jakarta Raya which is populated by around 18.000 inhabitants. It consists of 111 small islands. Among them, there are about 11 (eleven) islands are stated as the residential: P. Untung Jawa, P. Tidung Besar, P. Lancang Besar, P. Panggang, P. Pramuka, P. Kelapa I, P. Kelapa II, P. Harapan, P. Sebira. P. Payung dan P. Pari. P. Panggang and P. Kelapa I are the most populated.In relation to the clean water supply, specifically for drinking water/freshwater, mostly is got from the narrow well, rainfall and some water treatment installations that heve been owned by some islands. However, problem arises when the prolong dry season comes as the quality of water in the narrow well decreases significantly, the well water became brackish. In order to cope this problem, the avaibility of sufficient water treatment installations to process brackish water into freshwater is very important. The water treatment installation with reverse osmosis system is one of the most effective alternative in order to provide the freshwater for the people in the islands. The system has also been aplied sufficiently in several islands, such as P. Kelapa I, P. Tidung, P. Pramuka, P. Untung Jawa, P. Panggang dan P. HarapanPengolahan Air payau, Osmosa balik, Air minumWahyu Widayat