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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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121Removal Of Commercial Anionic Detergent In Water Using Continuous Process Of Biological Reactor ?Synthetic detergents, mostly anionic detergents have been widely used in Indonesia over past two decades, similar to its use in other developing countries, and residuals from such use have entered the country's riverine and estuarine systems. Detergent problems have become more serious especially in urban areas where the spread of sewerage systems are still low, even in drinking water treatment process. According to this reason, it is important to develop low-cost technology to solve this problem such as developing biological treatment for removing detergents. Effects OF continuous adding of powdeR activated carbon (PAC) on biological removal of anionic detergent in continuous reactor was assessed. Results of these experiments showed that introduction of PAC into biological treatment of anionic detergent (ABS or LAS), has indicated significant effect on removal efficiency. Conducting continuous feeding of PAC into bench scale of continuous process system for removal of detergent has resulted better stability of MBAS removal efficiency, even when MLSS concentration in aeration tank dropped or MBAS concentration in influent water rose rapidly. With continuous addition of PAC, the MBAS removal efficiency was relatively constant even when the water temperature dropped rapidly. In other words, continuous feeding of PAC can improve the stability for shock loads or temperatures changes. At lower temperatures, micro organisms that were used for detergent removal in bench scale of continuous process system, need longer adaptation or acclimation periods compared with higher temperatures.: Commercial anionic detergent, biodegradation, biological reactor, powdered activated carbon (PAC)Nusa Idaman Said
122Rekayasa Lingkungan Dgn Naungan Tertutup Utk Perbaikan Kualitas & Produktivitas Tembakau RakyatGeneral the effort in agriculture area has involved not only small failure risk of crop, the risk might be in the form of pest disturbance or crop disease, floods, dryness, and uncertain climate disturbance. To solve the tobacco crop in the climate problems (especially micro climate), was made experiment by engineering technology of physical environment (micro climate), with closed shade technology in order to obtain an optimal production.The field result experiment, in application of the closed shade technology, in reality has given positive impact to tobacco production. It is showed by the change of indicator of crop production, through season : growth acceleration of leaf, which is better than tobacco crop planted outside of the shadeteknologi naungan, produksi, kualitas, tembakauSudaryono
123Rehabilitasi dan Revitalisasi Eks Proyek Pengembangan Lahan Gambut di Kalimantan TangahOne million hectare peat land development project in Central Kalimantan Province has been conducted based on Presidential Instruction, Number 80, 1998 dated June 5, 1995 for Foot Sustainability and followed by Presidential Degree, Number 82, 1995 dated for Development Of Peat Land To Be Utilized As Horticulture Field. The main goal of the project is to convert peat wet land into rice field, in the Central Kalimantan Province. This is also aimed to keep the rice self-support up attained by Indonesia in 1984. This program is in line with the government policy in fulfilling the foot supply, i.e. by extensification of newly open lands, increasing growing intensity to improve food productivity.rehabilitation and revitalization of peat landIkhwanuddin Mawardi
124Reaktor Tipe Fixed Bed Dan Penerapannya Pada Industri Tahuenergi, biogasTeknologi
125Rancangbangun Sistem Database Kualitas Air Limbah
Rumah Sakit

Environmental pollution that happened around us in this time have resided in condition of concerning. The environmental quality recovering is not only becoming responsibility of government, but becoming responsibility of all society, especially who was causing the environmental pollution itself. Some metropolitans like Jakarta has domestic waste as dominant waste, which is not dominant hostpital waste also contributes environmental pollution in Jakarta.To decrease the pollution level of wastewater from hospital, the government of Jakarta has published the environmental regulation. The regulation contains how the hospitals in Jakarta should manage and process their wastewater. This article explain about the design and development of database system for managing the data of hospital wastewater quality, so the observation process of wastewater quality from the wastewater treatment plant for the hospital can be monitored easily and known immediately.
database kualitas air, kualitas air limbah rumah sakit, IPAL rumah sakitHeru Dwi Wahjono
126Rancangbangun Pompa Hidram Untuk Masyarakat PedesaanEnvironmental contamination and global climate change cause degradation of fresh water in the whole world. Increasing of oil price also insist the water treatment operational cost rise, especially for pumping and water lifting from the low land areas to up land. One of alternatif solution to reduce operational cost is using Hydraulic ram pumps (hydram pump). Hydram pump are water-lifting devices that are powered by filling water. Such pumps work by using the energy of water falling a small height to lift a small part of that amount of water to a much greater height. In this way, water from a spring or stream in a valley can be pumped to a village or irrigation scheme on the hillside. The main and unique advantage of hydram pumps is that with a continuous flow of water, a hydram pump operates automatically and continuously with no other external energy source - be it electricity or hydrocarbon fuel. It uses a renewable energy source (stream of water) mid hence ensures low running cost. Minimum up lifting vertical power of pump is twice than vertical distance of water down and maximum up lifting vertical power is twenty times than vertical distance of water down. If there are air captured in distribution pipe, it will need release valve. In this paper, different aspect of designing a hydraulic-rain pump system is discussed. Application and limitation of hydram pump is presented. It imparts absolutely no harm to the environment Hydraulic ram pumps are simple, reliable and require minimal maintenance. All these advantages make hydram pumps suitable to rural community water supply and mud backyard irrigation in developing countries.Air bersih pedesaan, pompa hidram, pengelolaan air bersihArie Herlambang dan Heru Dwi Wahjono
127Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengelolaan Pemukiman di Kawasan Pinggiran MetropolitanPeople who were seeking housing in relatively good environment in the fringe area of metropolitant have found themselves experiencing the negative impact of continuing suburban sprawl and housing growth, especially when basic infrastructures and urban services are insufficient. Together with the increasing environmental pressure caused by traffic jam and pollution, all of these condition have absolutely been lowering their amenities, then in turn their quality of life. The problems are whether is there any lack of specific steps in formulating the policy and if not, is there any gap beetween knowledge and action in implementing the policy? This research tries to reveal what exactly the needed processes and type of strategic planning are to produce to make a Sustainable Settlement Management System Modelling possible. The research intended to establish policy model through soft system methodology (SSM), which is considered the most suitable approach to this area, that is characterized by the interwoven of unstructured problems involving multisectors, multiactors, and multidisciplines. The findings of the research are the need of a better processes in public policy formulation upon the fringe areas of metropolitan, by involving knowledgable persons. Using this mechanism, the research come to the conclusion that a strong policy on developing infrastructure and transportation as well as the provision of social-public facilities within walking distance in an integrated way with the development of housing and settlement in order to maintain the level of amenities are needed. In addition to these findings, community-based organization, such as home-owner asssociation, has to be established in order to allow a bigger room for community participation in implementing the public policy.amenities, quality of life, sustainable settlement, soft system methodologyEko D. Heripoerwanto, Eriyatno, Ernan Rustiadi dan Yusuf Yuniarto
128Rancang Bangun Paket Ipal Rumah Sakit Dgn Proses Biofilter Anaerob-Aerob, Kapasitas 20-30 M3/HariIt is obvious that hospital waste water is one of the most potential pollutant to the evironment. Thus the waste must be treated properly before it is disposed of to the public sewage facilities. However, limited fund usually become an obstacle when hospitals will construct waste treatment facilities, especially for midle and small typed hospitals.Considering the problem, development of proper waste treatment facilities which is cheap in terms of technology and price and easy operated is very important.This paper describes scheme of biological waste water treatment unit for hospitals which is suitable for Anaerob-aerob Biofilter waste water treatment process. By applying this sistemAnaerob-aerob Biofilter, concentration of COD, BOD and suspended solid material can be reduced significantly as well as detergen and ammonia.rancang bangun, air limbah, biofilter, anaerob-aerobWahyu Widayat dan Nusa Idaman Said
129Rancang Bangun Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Potong Hewan (Rph) Ayam Dengan Proses BiofilterMore than 90 % of Jakarta livestock supply, especially poultry, originated from outside the area. Meanwhile temporary places and slaughterhouse are spread out in some locations in Jakarta area, even most of them located in residences area. Almost all wastewater are not processed but straightly discharged to the sewer or river around the house. These spread chickens slaughterhouse activities caused environmental pollution which is difficult to control. This paper discussed about the design of wastewater process installation of chickens slaughter by biofilter anaerob-aerob process and test of its process result. Based on the test the removal efficiency of COD, Permanganate, BOD and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) were 86.52 %, 82.85 %, 88.79 % and 94.1 % respectively.Design, process, wastewater, chicken slaughterhouse, biofilter.Nusa Idaman Said dan Satmoko Yudo
130Purifikasi Senyawa Polifenol Glukosida Hasil Reaksi Transglikosilasi Enzimatik Dari Biakan?polifenol-glukosida, CGT-ase, Nocardia sp., Bacillus subtilis dan Escherichia coliTeknologi
131Prototipe Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri Pengolahan Ikan?fish processing industry waste water, environmetal pollution, waste water processing prototype.Teknologi Pengolahan Air,
132Prospek Teknologi Remediasi Lahan Kritis Dengan Asam Humat (Humic Acid)Humic-acide, remediation, agricultural field.Teknologi
133Prospek Penggunaan Teknologi Bersih Untuk Pembangkit Listrik Dengan Bahan Bakar Batubara Di IndonesiHubungan yang erat antara penggunaan teknologi dan kerusakan lingkungan telah menyadarkan masyarakat untuk melakukan modifikasi dan inovasi dari teknologi yang ada saat ini. Penggunaan bahan bakar fosil, seperti batubara untuk pembangkit listrik akan dapat meningkatkan emisi partikel, SO2, NOx, dan CO2. Adanya peraturan pemerintah tentang standar emisi untuk pembangkit listrik di Indonesia, mendorong upaya untuk selalu mengurangi emisi tersebut. Batubara diperkirakan paling dominan digunakan sebagai bahan bakar untuk pembangkit listrik di masa datang. Penggunaan batubara dalam jumlah yang besar akan meningkatkan emisi gas buang di udara. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi emisi adalah dengan menggunakan teknologi bersih. Ada dua cara dalam menerapkan teknologi tersebut, yaitu pertama diterapkan pada tahapan setelah pembakaran dan kedua diterapkan sebelum pembakaran batubara. Pada tahap pertama dapat digunakan teknologi denitrifikasi, desulfurisasi dan penggunaan electrostatic precipitator. Pada tahap kedua menggunakan teknologi fluidized bed combustion, gasifikasi batubara, dan magneto hydrodynamic.pembangkit listrik, batubara, teknologi bersihAgus Sugiyono
134Prospek Industri Pengolahan Limbah Sabut KelapaThis article discusses the prospect of coco fibre industry in Indonesia as an effort of increasing added value of coconut product. Supported by the abundance and less utilization of raw materials (coco fibre) throughout the country and increasing price and demand for coco fibre products, domestically as well as internationally, Indonesia has a potential chance for promoting coco fibre based industries. The simple industry that produces coir fibre and coir dust is recommended to be built by using selected technology. Various characteristics of supporting technologies and the financial feasibility of coco fibre based industry have been the concluding remark of the discussion in this article. The industry that use the MTM1 and Bandung type machines in its process is found financially feasibleTeknologi pengolahan sabut, serat dan abu gabus, kelayakan industri pengolahan sabut kelapaSubiyanto
135Prospek dan Permasalahan Dalam Transfer Teknologi Lingkungan di IndonesiaTeknologi sebagai salah satu alat dalam melaksanakan pembangunan ternyata menjadi salah satu penyebab utama dari kerusakan lingkungan. Konsep Pembangunan Berkelanjutan yang Berwawasan Lingkungan, Teknologi juga merubah orientasinya yang semula untuk kepentingan ekonomi semata menjadi berorientasi pada kelestarian fungsi dan kemampuan lingkungan. Untuk itu dikembangkan teknologi produksi bersih yang pada dasarnya merupakan upaya pengurangan dampak pada seluruh daur suatu produk teknologi, sejak pemilihan bahan baku produksi sampai dengan pembuangan limbah. Agenda 21 mengamanatkan agar negara-negara maju dapat membantu negara-negara berkembang dalam meningkatkan kualitas produk industrinya melalui transfer teknologi termasuk kemudahan akses informasi dan promosi teknologi tradisional serta peningkatan kapasitas endogenousnya. Pada kenyataannya, proses transfer teknologi tersebut dirasakan lebih banyak menguntungkan kepentingan negara maju bahkan cenderung dirasakan ketidakadilan atas kepemilikan sumberdaya, pengetahuan dan teknologi setempat. Dilain pihak, adanya kemampuan negara berkembang dalam mengembangkan teknologi ramah lingkungan yang lebih sesuai dengan kondisi, potensi dan kebutuhannya perlu mendapat perhatian, utamanya di dalam aspek pendanaan untuk diseminasi teknologi di dalam negara berkembang itu sendiri. Pada dasarnya diseminasi teknologi tersebut juga merupakan suatu bentuk transfer teknologi. Untuk iru, perlu kiranya dikoreksi praktek-praktek transfer teknologi yang selama ini terjadi dengan mencari sistem, mekanisme serta kelembagaan yang lebih baik yang dapat mendukung terciptanya kegiatan transfer teknologi ramah lingkungan yang menguntungkan semua pihak.Teknologi Lingkungan, Transfer Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan, Desiminasi TeknologiTusy Augustine Adibroto
136Proses Pemurnian Magnesium Sebagai Unsur Pembuat FlareWeather modification in Indonesia was done by weather modification technical operating unit (UPT-HB) belong to BPPT, from the beginning for cloud seeding method they use salt powder (NaCl). The mechanism powder on the cloud act as Ultra Giant Nuclei (UGN) in collision coalescence process, rather than act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). The application of cloud seeding flare method since less than one decade in Indonesia had shown many advantages, the most significant feature for instance 1 kg of flare equal 1 ton of salt powder. This advantages had gave many impact for weather modification operation such more efficient, more economic, easier handling especially when stock in warehouse after flare were made. The aim of the research that had been funding by incentive research the ministry of research, was planed to support (UPT-HB) in term of making the supply material component needed for making flare from local sources. In the year 2007 UPT-HB has declared will change powder method to Cloud Seeding Flare method. The research activity had been planning for 3 years period of time , period 1(first year) activity is laboratory experiment for MgO extraction from dolomite - CaMg(CO3)2, period 2(second years) activity is laboratory experiment extraction Mg from MgO, and period 3 (third year) activity is up scaling the result of period 2 (home industry scale) to produce Mg and market study to fulfill local demand . Recently (in 2008) activity for period 1(first year) had been done, from laboratory experiment MgO with 97% purity had been separated from dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 . This research was application of technology process in order to get Mg metal from dolomite by decomposition treatment , hydrometallurgy process, carbonization reaction, settling the solution then MgO was got as hydromagnesite after the dryer via the green house.Dolomite, Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium , decomposition , Hydromagnesite,
Pitoyo Sudibyo Sarwono dan Untung Haryanto
137Proses Pembenihan (Seeding) Dan Aklimatisasi Pada Reaktor Tipe Fixed BedProses pembenihan (seeding) dan aklimatisasi menggunakan reactor lekat diam terendam menggunakan media cincin keramik yang menggunakan substrat limbah cair pabrik permen, memperlihatkan aktivitas bekteri semakin stabil pada hari ke 91 sampai hari ke 99. hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari penyisihan COD sebesar 82 ? 86 % konsentrasi gas metan berkisar antara 62 ? 69 %, rentang pH 6,8 ? 7,23 dan bakteri sudah melekat.Anaerob, Fixed bed, Seeding dan aklimatisasi.Indriyati
138Proses Nitrifikasi Dengan Sistem Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Air Limbah Yang Mengandung Amoniak ?Limbah cair yang mengandung amoniak pada masa industrialisasi saat ini semakin banyak jumlahnya, karena semakin berkembangnya pabrik-pabrik yang memproduksi produk yang mengandung unsur nitrogen. Berdasarkan hal ini telah dilakukan penelitian dalam upaya untuk memperoleh suatu sistem pengolahan yang cukup sederhana yang dapat diterapkan di industri-industri kecil. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan melakukan pengolahan limbah yang mengandung amoniak konsentrasi tinggi dengan menerapakan sistem nitrifikasi biologis yang menggunakan reaktor biofilter tercelup. Dari hasil Penelitian diharapkan dapat diperoleh karakteristik proses nitrifikasi yang selanjutnya dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pembuatan alat pengolahan limbah amoniak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian awal, karena hanya melakukan proses nitrifikasi yaitu suatu proses penurunan/penghilangan zat amoniak, yang kemudian hasil dari proses ini masih menghasilkan zat polutan nitrit dan nitrat, karena proses nitrifikasi adalah proses perubahan zat amoniak menjadi nitrit dan nitrat. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini disebut tahap awal karena untuk menghasilkan hasil olahan yang memenuhi standar baku air limbah, perlu dilakukan proses selanjutnya untuk menghilangkan nitrit dan nitrat yaitu melalui proses denitrifikasi. Hasil percobaan proses nitrifikasi yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan penurunan rata-rata amoniak sebesar 97,98 %, dengan volume reaktor (15x20x150)cm atau 45 liter, kapasitas maximum 4,8 l /jam dan waktu tinggal 24 jam.Amoniak, Nitrit, Nitrat, Biofilter TercelupRuliasih Marsidi dan Arie Herlambang
139Proses Menghilangkan Zat Besi dan Mangan Dalam Air.Zat besi dan mangan dalam air umumnya berada dalam bentuk senyawa ferro atau mangano yang larut dalam air ( Fe ++ atau Mn++). Apabila air tersebut berhubungan dengan oksigen atau udara, maka senyawa besi atau mangan tersebut akan teroksidasi menjadi senyawa ferri ( Fe+++) atau mangandioksida (Mn++++) yang tak larut dalam air. Senyawa-senyawa ini berwarna kuning coklat dan dapat menimbulkan bau dan rasa yang kurang sedap. Banyak cara untuk menghilanglan zat besi dan mangan dalam air tersebut. Salah satu cara yang sederhaha dan efektif yakni dengan cara kombinasi proses aerasi dan penyaringan dengan media pasir silika dan karbon aktif. Dengan cara ini, konsentrasi zat besi dan mangan dalam air dapat diturunkan sampai masing-masing 0.12 mg/l dan 0.08 mg/l.Zat Besi, Mangan Zeolit, Air Kuning Coklat, Senyawa Ferro, ManganoIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
140Proses Denitrifikasi Dengan Sistem Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Air Limbah Yang Mengandung NitratIndustri yang mengeluarkan limbah amoniak merupakan jenis industri yang cukup banyak keberadaannya di Indonesia, oleh sebab itu suatu penelitian dan pengkajian pengolahan limbah amoniak akan bermanfaat untuk memberi masukan pada pihak pemerintah maupun pihak industri dalam menjaga kelestarian liangkungan perairan. Penelitian dan pengkajian pengolahan limbah amoniak konsentrasi tinggi telah dilakukan dengan cara biologis menggunakan reaktor biofilter tercelup. Pemilihan sistem ini karena telah diketahui cara biologis adalah cara yang paling ekonomis dan reaktor biofilter tercelup merupakan sistem yang mudah dioperasikan dengan hasil yang cukup optimal. Pengolahan limbah amoniak dilaksanakan melalui dua proses yaitu proses nitrifikasi dan proses denitrifikasi. Pada percobaan terdahulu telah dilakukan percobaan penurunan amonia dengan proses nitrifikasi dan berhasil baik, dan percobaan kali ini prosesnya adalah denitrifikasi. Proses denitrifikasi bertujuan untuk menghilangkan senyawa nitrit dan nitrat, sehingga pada akhirnya hasil olahan air limbah yang keluar telah bebas dari senyawa nitrat dan selanjutnya dapat dibuang ke perairan umum. Hasil percobaan proses denitrifikasi menghasilkan penurunan rata-rata nitrit 100% dan nitrat 99%, dengan volume reaktor 45 liter, kapasitas maximum 4,8 liter/jam dan waktu tinggal 72 jam. Kemampuan optimal biofilter dalam menurunkan nitrat adalah 5351 mg/liter/m3 media biofilter, dengan waktu tinggal optimal 3 hari.Denitrifikasi, nitrat, biofilterArie Herlambang dan Ruliasih Marsidi