Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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81Karakteristik dan keragaman Mikroba Unit Pengolah Limbah Cair TekstilOne of major pollutants in textile wastewaters is organic substance that could be degraded and utilized by microbe as nutrient and energy source in activated sludge compartment at textile waste water treatment unit. Therefore, microbe is the concern in this observation. Based on the characterization result, such as colony type, Gram stain and microbial shape, there are 13 type of microbe grow in activated sludge. From 13 microbial type, 5 isolates is possibly as Bacillus spp., 4 isolates is to be Flavobacterium spp. and the rest as Pseudomonadaceaemicrobes, activated sludge, textile wastewaterWage Komarawidjaja
82Peran Mikroba Aerob dalam Pengolahan Limbah Cair TekstilThe objective of this study is to understand the performance of microbial degradation activities in textile wastewater treatment unit. Result of BOD, COD, DO and microbial measurement indicated that DO concentration in activated sludge wastewater treatment unit was < 0.5 mg/L, ratio of BOD and COD was >1.99 and microbial density was around 1 x 107 ind/mL.
Based on parameter measured, firstly, the DO concentration is not enough for biodegradation process but this condition still work for biofloculation process; secondly, The BOD and COD ratio is indicating that wastewater compound could not fully degrade, eventhough the microbial density in the wastewater unit is in normal number.
microbes, activated sludge, biodegradation, biofloculation,
microbes, activated sludge,
Wage Komarawidjaja
83Kontribusi Limbah Deterjen Terhadap Status Kehidupan Perairan Di Das Citarum HuluSoap is defined as compound of fats, fatty acids and caustics soda. These compounds work to reduce surface tension and increase its cleansing ability. The term ?detergent? usually refer to synthetics compounds, but has broader ability, not only reducing surface tension and increasing its cleansing ability but also has softening and emulsifying ability.Unfortunately, detergent in certain concentration can harm to aquatic organism such as plankton, mussel, mollusk and fish. In bioassays test, high detergent concentrations induced mortality in gill cells and reduced filtration rate of the mussel. In some report cited said that concentrations above 0.2 mg/L of anionic detergent already elicited detrimental, and sub-lethal effects in all test organisms.Therefore, in upper Citarum Catchments Area which has detergent concentration significantly above 0.2 mg/L could harm to sessile invertebrate organisms. And in the long period it may influence the diver and abundance of aquatic organisms.Water quality, aquatic organism, detergent.Wage Komarawidjaja
84Prospek Teknologi Remediasi Lahan Kritis Dengan Asam Humat (Humic Acid)Humic-acide, remediation, agricultural field.Teknologi
85Produksi dan Formulasi Bioinsektida dan Propagul Aktif Jamur Beauveriabassiana Tondano is a natural and biggest lake in North Sulawesi which some strategic functions i.e for irrigation, source of drinking water, hydropower, freshwater culture, tourisms, overflow control. Wide of Tondano Lake is about 46 ? 51 km2. There are 35 streams as inlet and one outlet only is Tondano Stream. Tondano Lake has some problems caused by many activities both in downstream area or around of the lake. People?s activities such as land clearing for plantation in downstream area, freshwater culture and daily people?s activities around of the lake had been organic material contribution in the lake waters. It has caused of water hyacinth booming (Eichornia crassipes (Malt) (Soms), erosion and sedimentation. Nowadays water hyacinth has been covered about 20% of Tondano Lake?s wide. Besides reduce of waters quality, water hyacinth booming has been made problems for hydropower and traffic in lake waters to the outlet. Because of that problems, Tondano Lake needs concern for intensif management.Beauveria bassiana, bionsecticide, production technology, formulationUntung Suwahyono dan Priyo Wahyudi
86Biokonversi Karbondioksida Untuk Bahan Baku IndustriFrom the stand point of carbon dioxide cycle on global warming, the conversion of CO2 into various useful carbonic material compound is one solution. Using natural energy sources such as LNG and cole may contribute to CO2 removal in the atmosphere. As one of feasible measure though CO2 is final oxidized product of carbon containing reaction have been proposed and investigate. Biological proces have to developed, CO2 was efectivly converted to methan, acetat, and raw material for plastic degradable.corabondoixide, biokonversion, indusrtial raw materialUntung Suwahyono
87Mempelajari Karakter Flow Di Atas Sistem Orografik Jakarta, Bogor, Puncak Untuk Transport ?Simulating transport seeding agent using AgI tracer from GBG-Tower at Citeko (Bogor area) is presented during period of 17 ? 26 December 2008. Character flow over low mountain ranges from Jakarta (0-50 m) to Puncak (1000 ? 1500m) has been analyses using Froude number. Increasing elevation from Jakarta to Puncak build orographic system and caused flow lifted by topographic contour and building some orographic cloud there. Result of analyses found that flow over system orographic Jakarta,Bogor,Puncak have character low kinetic energy and flow can not reach the highest barrier. With typical flow velocity ranges from 4.6 to 11.4 m/s, flows only reached 700m elevation of barrier. Flow can be reaches the highest elevation if have velocity 25 m/s, the uncommon velocity in this region. During day time (morning to afternoon), typical flow velocity is 6.1 to 11.4 m/s and its reduce during nght day with typical velocity 4.6 ? 9.9 m/s. Cloud over Citeko have base with various heght, generally between 100 and 600 m. The Silver in rain water content is not unique disperse to high altitude after releasing from top of GBG-tower due to no different concentration in rainwater during its releasing day and background ie 0.09 mg/l. Flow character over sistem orographic Jakarta,Bogor,Puncak can not support as transport media for rising seeding agent to reach the higest barir due to low kinetic energy of flow.Froude number, system orographic,kinetic energy, barrierUntung Haryanto
88Effects Of Substrate Types On Biosolvent Ratio Directly Produced By Clostridium?biosolven; bio-aseton; bio-butanol; bio-etanol; efek substrat; rasio ABETeknologi;
89Species Diversity Of Euphorbiaceae In Karimunjawa Islands And New Record For JavaEuphorbiaceae, Kepulauan Karimunjawa, rekaman baru, keragaman jenisTeknologi
90Pemanasan Global dan Konservasi keanekaragaman HayatiGlobal warming will have a negative impact on biodiversity. In contrast, the increase of population in the world has an effect to the need of biological resources for food, industry, medicine, etc. Human activities in several sectors, such as energy, forestry, agriculture, husbandry, and waste create a greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effects are due to a rise of greenhouse gases, such as CO2 (carbon dioxide), CH4 (methane), N2O (nitrogen dioxide), PFCS (perfluorocarbon), HFCS (hydrofluoro-carbon), SF6 (sulfurhexafluoride), and H2O (water vapor). Studies suggest that climate change may also cause the melting of polar ice- caps, rising sea levels, and a shift of season. Global climate change wiil also have a wide range of effects on human health, including a risk of infectious disease epidemics. Therefore, climate change is a seriously threat for the world and it is necessary to have a global agreement to combat the threat. In 2005, Kyoto Protocol was agreed and The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a the Kyoto Protocol?s mechanism aimed at helping industrialized countries meet their greenhouse gas reduction targets. The CDM is also meant to help developing countries achieve sustainable development, including facilitating the transfer and/or development of low-emission technologies. Long term collective efforts are needed to combat and adapt with adverse effects of global warming, especially for the extinction of biological diversity. global warming, biodiversity, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, Kyoto protocolTuti Suryati, Fadilah Salim, dan Titiresmi
91Eliminasi Logam Berat Kadmium Dalam Air Limbah Menggunakan Tanaman AirAquatic plants (Eichornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes and Salvinia cucullata) were grown in a nutrient solution in the presence of Cd ion (0,2 mg/L). Analysis were performed to established whether there was a removal of Cd in solution and there was accumulation of Cd in the roots and shoots of the plants. Analysis of Cd concentrations in water was performed everyday and at the end of the experiment the shoot and root of the plants was harvested. The results showed that Cd concentrations in all solutions declined until tenth day. Eichornia crassipes could remove Cd in solution completely by six days. While Pistia stratiotes and Salvinia cucullata of Cd removal rate were 93,5 % and 77,4 %, respectively. Root to shoot concentration ratio of Cd was 36 for Eichornia crassipes and 10 for Pistia stratiotes.Eichornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, Salvinia cucullata, logam berat, kadmium.Tuti Suryati dan Budhi Priyanto
92Pengembangan Teknologi Lingkungan Dalam Pengelolaan DAS Yang Berkelanjutan.DAS merupakan bagian dari suatu proses hidrologi ? yang dikenal sebagai siklus air ? berfungsi sebagai penampung air hujan, daerah penyimpanan air, penangkap hujan dan pengaliran air. Air merupakan sumberdaya alam yang sangat vital dan merupakan faktor pembatas dan menentukan kualitas hidup manusia serta mahkluk hidup lainnya. Dari berbagai literatur diketahui bahwa telah terjadi penurunan kualitas dan kuantitas air sebagai akibat dari pendekatan pembangunan di sepanjang DAS yang semata-mata mengejar pertumbuhan ekonomi tanpa memperhatikan keberlanjutan fungsi-fungsi lingkungan sejak kawasan hulu sampai dengan kawasan hilir. Belum lagi pendekatan pelaksanaan pembangunan yang terkotak-kotak dan dibatasi oleh wilayah administratif padahal suatu DAS biasanya melalui beberapa wilayah administratif sekaligus. Oleh karena itu, pendekatan baru pengelolaan DAS adalah pendekatan terpadu yang dikenal sebagai ?One River, One Plan, One Management?. Makalah ini mencoba mengetengahkan peran teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan sebagai salah satu cara pemecahan permasalahan lingkungan yang telah terjadi maupun pencegahannya, jenis-jenis teknologi apa saja yang perlu dikembangkan serta beberapa hasil kajian di bidang teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan yang telah siap terap maupun yang sedang dan akan dilakukan yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam suatu pengelolaan DAS terpadu.DAS, Pengelolaan Lingkungan, Teknologi Pengelolaan DASTusy Augustine Adibroto
93Prospek dan Permasalahan Dalam Transfer Teknologi Lingkungan di IndonesiaTeknologi sebagai salah satu alat dalam melaksanakan pembangunan ternyata menjadi salah satu penyebab utama dari kerusakan lingkungan. Konsep Pembangunan Berkelanjutan yang Berwawasan Lingkungan, Teknologi juga merubah orientasinya yang semula untuk kepentingan ekonomi semata menjadi berorientasi pada kelestarian fungsi dan kemampuan lingkungan. Untuk itu dikembangkan teknologi produksi bersih yang pada dasarnya merupakan upaya pengurangan dampak pada seluruh daur suatu produk teknologi, sejak pemilihan bahan baku produksi sampai dengan pembuangan limbah. Agenda 21 mengamanatkan agar negara-negara maju dapat membantu negara-negara berkembang dalam meningkatkan kualitas produk industrinya melalui transfer teknologi termasuk kemudahan akses informasi dan promosi teknologi tradisional serta peningkatan kapasitas endogenousnya. Pada kenyataannya, proses transfer teknologi tersebut dirasakan lebih banyak menguntungkan kepentingan negara maju bahkan cenderung dirasakan ketidakadilan atas kepemilikan sumberdaya, pengetahuan dan teknologi setempat. Dilain pihak, adanya kemampuan negara berkembang dalam mengembangkan teknologi ramah lingkungan yang lebih sesuai dengan kondisi, potensi dan kebutuhannya perlu mendapat perhatian, utamanya di dalam aspek pendanaan untuk diseminasi teknologi di dalam negara berkembang itu sendiri. Pada dasarnya diseminasi teknologi tersebut juga merupakan suatu bentuk transfer teknologi. Untuk iru, perlu kiranya dikoreksi praktek-praktek transfer teknologi yang selama ini terjadi dengan mencari sistem, mekanisme serta kelembagaan yang lebih baik yang dapat mendukung terciptanya kegiatan transfer teknologi ramah lingkungan yang menguntungkan semua pihak.Teknologi Lingkungan, Transfer Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan, Desiminasi TeknologiTusy Augustine Adibroto
94Produksi Xilanase Menggunakan Media Limbah Pertanian Dan PerkebunanWaste Agriculture of paddy like hay, bran, chaff and frond of banana and also waste plantation of coconut root and cangkang of sawit pregnant [of] lignoselulosa (cellulose, lignine and hemiselulosa). In order to searching alternative materials for the production of xylanase hence done by research of xylanase production of agriculture waste and plantation waste like the above. Xylanase produced from Bacillus stearothermopillus DSM 22, using hay, bran, chaff and frond of banana and also coconut root and cangkang of sawit as source of carbon while as source of nitrogen and nutrisi by molasses and urea. Fermentation done in the erlenmeyer use incubator shaker with condition of temperature 550C, pH early 8, and agitation 250 rpm. From result of research obtained activity of xylanase highest 0.523 Unit / ml.menit and 0.429 Unit / ml.menit at to 30 hours with bran media of oven ( DO) and natural hay ( JA) respectively with natural bran medium (DA) activity of xylanase highest 0.514 Unit / ml.menit at 24 hours fermentation. Fermentation using fermentor with natural hay and condition of temperature 550C, pH 8, and agitation 250 rpm result activity of xylanase highest 2.47 Unit / ml.menit at to 32 hours.Xylanase, B. stearothermophillus DSM 22, enzyme activityTrismilah dan Deden Rosid Waltam
95Pengelolaan Dan Pemanfaatan Sampah Menggunakan Teknologi Incenerator.Sampah merupakan material pencemar lingkungan yang selalu ada setiap waktu. Untuk mengendalikan pencemaran, maka dilakukan upaya untuk membakar sampah tersebut menggunakan incenerator. Incenerator berfungsi sebagai pembakar sampah dan sebagai pembangkit uap dengan mengkonversikan panas pembakaran. Keuntungan penggunaan incenerator adalah kemampuannya untuk mereduksi sebagian besar timbunan sampah dan mampu menurunkan polusi lingkungan akibat penimbunan sampah. Sedangkan kerugian penggunaannya antara lain, gas buang membawa karbon dioksida (CO2)sejumlah besar yang akan terlepas ke udara serta pembawa unsur beracun dalam gas. Untuk mengendalikannya diperlukan peralatan tambahan sebelum gas dilepas ke udara , hal ini berarti tambahan biaya dalam konstruksi incenerator.Sampah, InceneratorTrisaksono Bagus P.
96Fungsi Ruang Hijau Kota Ditinjau Dari Aspek Keindahan, Kenyamanan, Kesehatan Dan Penghematan EnergiTown?s area needs both open and green spaces. This is not only for the sake of aesthetical requirement in shaping the town, but also to fulfill the needs of fresher and cooler air for its inhabitants. Green area is required to accommodate people social activities, and also to reduce air pollution ? particularly in the form of carbon dioxide comes from vehicles. Besides reducing air temperature, green area also benefit people by producing oxygen and absorbing dust. Green area must be provided adequately in the town, and be controlled firmly by legislation. By the provision of sufficient and well-distributed green spaces in the town, people will be guaranteed to have such lower air temperatures, fresher air and better living environment. This may be resulting, whether direct or indirectly, in reducing the consumption of energy in many sectors in the town. This article discusses the way green space and vegetation are giving benefit to the inhabitants through several aspects as mentioned above.air pollution, air temperature, energy savings, green spacesTri Harso Karyono
97Kota Tropis Hemat Energi: Menuju Kota Yang Berkelanjutan Di IndonesiaModern life and modern technology require vast use of energy. The use of energy in the cities has been dramatically escalated within the last decades. Since most of energy consumed by people live in urban areas is from the non-renewable resources like fossil fuels, we will certainly face problems of energy crisis and global warming to sustain our cities livable in the future. Due to the moderate prevailing climate conditions, which are close to the comfort temperature, less energy will be required to modify indoor temperature suitable for human indoor activities. Since the dependency to the energy is small, people in the humid tropic may have better chances to sustain their cities livable in the future. However, most of Indonesian cities are designed in such away with little consideration to some important design factors as climate, environment, energy, green transportation and an adequate infra structure, like urban drainage. In return, many cities are not healthy and convinience to be lived for and are not in line with the sustainable design approach. This article provides some discussion on how tropical cities in Indonesia must be planned and designed toward sustainable built environment. Energy as the main role in sustaining our built environment is taken as a priority here to be considered in designing our humid tropical cities of Indonesia. This is in order to achieve sustainable living environment for our future generation and uslingkungan binaan, konservasi energi, iklim tropis basah, kota berkelanjutanTri Harso Karyono
98Peluang Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca Untuk Antisipasi Banjir Di JakartaFlood anticipation technology for Jakarta which is possible to be applied in other regions of Indonesia has been sudied. This technology includes flood early warning system and weather modification technology for flood prevention. In this study, flood is defined as flood caused by high intensity and long duration rainfall. Early warning system is constructed by accurate climate prediction, firstly. Upon accurate climate prediction, accurate weather prediction must be produced. During predicted extreme weather, cloud development must be monitored continuously to be informed as early warning to citizens. Information should be distributed using television network to be visually understood. The next step is flood prevention using weather modification technology. Maritime clouds over Java sea and continent clouds exist over out of Jakarta catchment area (JCA) which move into JCA have to be seeded in order to be rainfall as soon as possible. Even, when continent cloud exist over JCA, as long as cloud tops is < 12 kf and are predicted that they will be still over JCA in the next 2 hours, they will be seeded in order to be rainfall before develop as deep convective clouds.flood, early warning system, jumping process.Tri Handoko Seto
99Asas Kota Berkelanjutan Dan Penerapannya Di IndonesiaCities percieved having strategic role for implementing global program on sustainable development as established through Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro by 1992. It is realized that cities are fundamental for economic opportunities and social interaction, as well as cultural and spiritual enrichment. However, cities also damage the natural environment and exploit natural resources in an unsustainable manner, which can jeopardize long-term prosperity and social wellbeing. This is of global concern, as more than half of the world?s population lives in cities and trends indicate that this will increase. Based on this understanding by 1994 European cities declared Aalborg principles and by 2002 several cities of the world declared Melbourne principles on sustainable cities. The principles are intended to guide thinking and provide a strategic framework for action and allow cities to develop sustainable solutions that are relevant to their particular circumstances. Despite there were Indonesian cities participate in Melbourne conference, sustainable cities is still aliens for most of city governance. Therefor there was initiative to formulate sustainable cities principles that assumed more relevance and appropriate to Indonesian situation.berkelanjutan, kota, asas, kota berkelanjutanTjuk Kuswartojo
100Agenda 21, GEF dan Alih Teknologi.Agenda 21 adalah program aksi dunia untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan yang disepakati oleh 178 Negara, termasuk Indonesia. Agenda 21 ini terdiri dari empat bagian, bagian pertama tentang program yang berkaitan dengan dimensi sosial ekonomi, bagian kedua tentang pengelolaan sumberdaya dan pencemaran, bagian ketiga tentang program untuk penguatan kelompok utama dan keempat program pengembangan sarana implementasi. Pada bagian keempat ini antara lain dicantumkan komitmen negara maju untuk memberikan 0,7% GNP nya bagi negara berkembang untuk pengelolaan lingkungan. Untuk mengimplementasikan komitmen negara maju itu antara lain dibangun organisasi Global Environmental Facilities (GEF), untuk melaksanakan pemikiran yang dikenal dengan semboyan berfikir global dan bertindak lokal ( think globally act locally). Ada tiga badan dunia yang melaksanakan GEF ini yaitu UNDP, UNEP dan Bank Dunia. UNDP menyelanggarakan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan manusia dan kelembagaan agar pemerintah dan non pemerintah mampu melindungi lingkungan global. UNEP menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan bantuan serta prakarsa global dan pada Science and Technology Advisory Panel (STAP) yaitu kelompok yang memberikan masukan bagi kebijakan GEF dan membahas berbagai proyek yang didanai melalui GEF. Sedangkan Bank Dunia meneyelenggarakan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan investasi. Dalam kaitannya dengan alih teknologi, Agenda 21 lebih menekankan pada pengembangan sarana untuk terjadinya alih teknologi, tetapi tidak secara eksplisit memprogramkan alih teknologi itu sendiri. Untuk itu negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia harus menyusun siasatnya sendiri yaitu dengan merubah faktor-faktor kontekstual yang dapat diubah, seperti misalnya kepranataannya, mempengaruhi pihak pasokan atau mempengaruhi pihak permintaan. Jelas bahwa alih teknologi tidak akan dengan sendirinya terjadi, juga tidak dapat dilakukan hanya dengan mendatangkan artifak saja.Agenda 21, Global Environmental Facilities, Alih TeknologiTjuk Kuswartojo