Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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1Zeolit Untuk Mengurangi Kesadahan AirDalam penggunaannya, air mempunyai persyaratan tertentu, baik untuk air rumah tangga maupun air industri. Salah satu syarat yang harus dipenuhi adalah angka kesadahan air, yaitu angka yang berhubungan dengan jumlah kandungan calsium dan magnesium. Kedua unsur ini khususnya pada air minum diperlukan, namun hanya sampai dengan batas tertentu, karena kelebihan unsur ini dapat berakibat pada kesehatan. Pada penggunaan air untuk cuci dan mandi kelebihan unsur calsium dan magnesium akan mengurangi efektifitas sabun/detergen, bahkan untuk air industri kandungan unsur-unsur tersebut sebaiknya nol, karena adanya kedua unsur ini dapat merusak peralatan pemanas pada industri. Untuk membantu masyarakat, terutama pelaku industri kecil dan industri rumah tangga, telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai cara penghilangan kandungan unsur calsium dan magnesium dari dalam air . Dalam tulisan ini diinformasikan beberapa cara penghilangan kesadahan air atau biasa disebut dengan pelunakan air, namun percobaan yang dilakukan hanya terbatas pada cara pelunakan air sadah dengan metoda penukar ion. Bahan penukar ion yang digunakan adalah zeolit alam, karena zeolit alam mudah diperoleh dan harganya relatif murah. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan adanya penurunan kadar kesadahan, namun zeolit alam ini cepat sekali mencapai jenuh, sehingga harus sering dilakukan proses regenerasi.Kesadahan, Zeolit, Alumino SilikatRuliasih Marsidi
2X Windows System - Satu-satunya Networking Windows System di InternetX Window System adalah sistem window yang dikembangkan dalam proyek Athena (Athena Project) oleh sekelompok mahasiswa pada Institut Teknologi Massacusett (MIT), yang saat ini proyek tersebut sudah selesai. Proyek Athena sendiri adalah sebuah proyek yang membangun sebuah sistem dimana beberapa komputer dan printer yang tersambung dalam sebuah jaringan komputer dapat saling berkomunikasi, berkiriman surat elektronik, membaca papan pengumuman elektronik serta dapat mencetak jarak jauh. Proyek ini dikerjakan oleh beberapa mahasiswa yang dibantu oleh beberapa dosen pada universitas Massacusett.Unix, X Windows, Internet, Jaringan, Window ManagerHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
3Vegetasi Dan Distribusi Pohon Di Hutan Dataran Rendah, Desa Munse, Pulau Wawonii, Sulawesi TenggaraKeanekaragaman hayati, Pulau Wawonii, Index Morishita, Faktor LingkunganTeknologi
4Vegetasi Bawah Di Tegakan Tua Cocos Nucifera L (Arecaceae) Di Pulau Pari, Teluk Jakart?Vegetasi bawah, pohon kelapa, kenanekaragaman jenis, mitigasi, pengelolaan terpadu pesisirTeknologi
5Valuasi Komoditas Lingkungan Berdasarkan Contingent Valuation MethodValuasi lingkungan merupakan bagian dari ekonomi lingkungan, yang bertujuan untuk melakukan valuasi terhadap sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan. Valuasi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penilaian moneter terhadap sumberdaya lingkungan. Terdapat beberapa metode Valuasi komoditas lingkungan, misalnya Travel cost method, preference method, contingent valuation method, dll. Namun yang memiliki penerapan lebih luas adalah contingent valuation method. Metode valuasi lingkungan ini merupakan metode penelitian terhadap komoditas lingkungan yang akan memberikan masukan-masukan kepada pembuat kebijakan dalam mengelola lingkungan berdasarkan partisipasi masyarakat, berupa pajak yang mereka bayar, karena eksternalitas negatip yang mereka lakukan. Walaupun demikian ternyata metode ini dapat menimbulkan berbagai bias, dalam penelitiannya. Bias ini dapat timbul dari desain kuesioner, elisitasi yang dilakukan, proses penyampaian kuesioner, agregasi respon kuesioner, dan sebagainya. Artikel ini merupakan pengantar yang menjelaskan dasar-dasar dan berbagai kesalahan yang dapat timbul dalam metode valuasi lingkungan ini. Hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi bias yang timbul dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan eksperimental desain terhadap sampel populasi yang akan diambil responnya.contingent valuation method, probit, logit, komoditas lingkungan, willingness to payHidir Tresnadi
6Upaya Pencegahan Dan Penanggulangan Dampak Pemanasan GlobalGlobal warming can be influented by natural and human activities. Effect and impact of it should be consider for all countries of the world . To reduce the global warming effects some activities will be shown in this paper. They will be divided into prevention and tackling activities.Global warmingNawa Suwedi
7Upaya Penanganan Pasir Laut Dari Sisi KebijakanSea sand export from Indonesia to Singapore, which is carried out to meet the demand of its coast reclamation, has been predicted to reach 1.8 billion m 3 for the next ten years. Until 2002, reclamation project in Singapore has succeded to finish an increase of its coast with the area of 100 km 2 and the project still needs the sea sand to cover its coast with the area of 160 km 2 . It is predicted that adding the coast surface with the area of 260 km 2 needs 1.8 billion m 3 sea sand. Because Singapore needs the high demand of sea sand, exploitation of the Indonesian sea sand is done execessively which gives adverse impacts to Indonesian coast ecosystem environment. Relating to this, this paper tries to give some recommendations to handle the Indonesian problem of sea sand from the view point of policyPasir laut, kebijakanErry Ricardo Nurzal
8Upaya Mitigasi Pencemaran Laut dengan Artificial wetlandsIndonesia is an archipelago country which has coastline up to 81 000 km with rich and bountiful wetlands, especially coastal wetlands. Wetland areas estimated is more than 40.5 millions hectare, including mangrove forest around 6.3 millions hectare. As world environmental condition is degraded, Indonesia marine and coastal environments have been experienced degradation, especially mass fish killed incident quite often occurred in water environments due to eutrophiocation. This incidence has lead to productive coastal and marine environments to become hypoxia, means that this is a process of declining oxygen content in the water column due to organic matter or organic chemicals in water environment were accumulated in coastal and merine environments. Most scientist precited that this conditions was occurred because of mangrove forest was degraded and already convert to other uses, especially for shrimp pond produvtion and industrial development. World scientist has praised that mangrove forest is the place to be traditional shrimp pond location in years. Scientifically this traditional shrimp pond has praticed and applied ecotechnological approach for increasing stable shrimp production in Indonesia. However, this method has been changed lately for booming Indonesian shrimp export due to Indonesia economic development. Therefore, this paper proposed and elaborated the important and function of wetlands for not only economic development but also conserve and mitigate artificial wetlands ecosystem as a whole ecosystem for social, environmental and economic development in the future. This paper is also clarify the important of artificial wetlands in coastal and marine landscape.coastal wetlands, conserve and mitigate, Artificial-wetlandsSabaruddin Wagiman Tjokrokusumo
9Upaya Menuju Kemandirian Bahan Semai Flare Dalam Mendukung Tmc Di IndonesiaGlobal warming and climate change has been continuous issue for more than two decades.Rainfall deficits and droughst are projected to become more extreme due to climate change particularly in the tropics. Weather Modification or cloud seeding is one alternative of adaptations the climate changes in Indonesia. Work Packet Teknologi Pengembangan Bahan Semai in FY 2008 has made a small scale hygroscopic cloud seeding flare production equipment (ball mill, hydraulic press and oven). The hygroscopic flare prototype has 60% KCl, 20% MgCl, and 6.2% NaCl, while th e burning flare particle size was 0.3 warming, weather modification, cloud seeding, hygroscopic flareErwin Mulyana, Untung Haryanto, Ham Hilala, R Djoko Gunawan, Pitoyo S Sarwono, ?
10Upaya Meningkatan Daya Dukung Sumberdaya Air Pulau Jawa
Water resource capacity in Java is significantly decreased. This has been noticed by the more frequent floods and over-dried seasons happened in several locations in Java. On the other side, the water demand in Java is raised as the result of increasing population and quality of live. Reducing of water resourcing capacity related with forest degradation, change of land usage and river pollution. Interpretation of the satellite imaging in 2005 showed that the vegetated land areas is left abaut 2,4 acre or 21% of the wholw area of Java island. This is lower than the regulated requirement, i.e. about 30%. Efforts might be needed to solve this problems, cover (1) Regulation of the number and distribution of population; (2) Forest and land rehabilitation; (3) Coasts degradation control; (4) Increasing efficiency of water usage and control of river pollution; (5) Management of land usage by implementing the required 30% area as opened green areas; and (6) Deregulation of the water management institution.
water resources capacity, forest degradation, populationIkhwanuddin Marwadi
11Untuk Kerja Reaktor Anaerob Lekat Diam Terendam dengan Media Penyangga Potongan BambuFixed Bed Anaerobic reactor that use support material from bamboo ings can be used as waste water biological treatment without oxygen inside reactor. On the experiment that use soybean sauce waste waterwith high organic content. According to the experiment, the optimum performance result was 3.5 days with loading rate 0.71 kg COD/ and bamboo rengs can be used as support material.Anaerob, media penyangga.Indriyati
12Unjuk Kerja Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tahu Secara Biologianarobic, Fixed Bed.Teknologi Pengolahan Air
13Unix Network File System (NFS)Sebagai sistem operasi jaringan yang banyak digunakan untuk mengelola jaringan lokal intranet dan jaringan global Internet, Unix memiliki bermacam-macam sistem file yang dapat mendukung kinerja sistem operasi ini. Sistem file dalam sebuah OS berfungsi sebagai format/ketentuan yang digunakan oleh komputer untuk melakukan proses penulisan dan pembacaan sebuah dokumen file terhadap media penyimpan. Dalam sistem operasi DOS dikenal FAT (File Allocation Table) yang digunakan sebagai sistem file berbasis 16 bit data untuk menyimpan dokumen file ke dalam disk. Sistem file FAT atau FAT16 ini kemudian berkembang menjadi FAT32 yang sudah diterapkan oleh MS Windows 98 sebagai sistem filenya. Selain FAT16 dan FAT32 Microsoft juga mengembangkan NTFS sebagai sistem file yang dapat mendefinisikan atribut dokumen filenya untuk user yang berbeda-bedaFile System, NFS, FS, Sistem File, Unix, FAT, NTFS, MFS, Server, ClientHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
14Unit-unit Pemproses Pengolahan Limbah Cair Domestik Skala Rumah Tangga
In the last ten years water pollution problem in Jakarta has been becoming more serious. The highly increasing population causes the rising amount of domestic wastewater. Rivers in Jakarta have already been polluted by various wastewaters, such as from industries, domestic and many institutionals (offices, hospitals, markets/shop areas, etc.). It has been well known that the domestic wastewater contributes 70% in causing the river pollution, especially in Jakarta. Therefore it is very important to apply the proper domestic wastewater treatment system which is able to reduce the contaminants until an environmentally required standard. Some types of domestic wastewater treatment have already been used, but the results do not fulfil the environmental required standard. At least a unit of domestic wastewater treatment should have a control tank as the beginning filter, anaerobic part, aerobic part and a sedimentation tank as the final part of the whole system. An advanced technology using a biofilter media has been proposed and based on the experiment, the result has proven that it can reduce BOD from more than 1,000 ppm to less than 30 ppm. The retention time is about 3 days. The conclusion shows that this new wastewater treatment system is properly suitable alternative to be applied in domestic area, especially in a densely populated region. By applying the system we can also cope with the water pollution problem caused by domestic wastewater.
Domestic Wastewater technologyPetrus Nugro Rahardjo
15Uji Tosisitas Air Limbah Penyamakan kulit Menggunakan Metode Penghambatan Pertumbuhan Lemna spVarious organisms, including Lemna sp., have been employed in the toxicity test of waste, soil, and water. In this experiment Lemna sp. were exposed to waste water collected from tanneries in Garut, West Java. The experiment system includes liquid medium (macro and micro salts of Murashige and Skoog), to which a series of concentrations of the pre-filter-sterilized tannery waste water were added aseptically. Aseptic grown Lemna sp. were placed on the medium in a density of 10 fronds per medium container. The system was then incubated for 7 days under continuous daylight fluorescent lamps and the number of fronds, fresh weight and chlorophyll content of the plants were determined. The results show that EC50 of the tannery waste water is 0.66% of waste water. The LOEC value is 0.1% and the NOEC value could not be determined but should below 0.1%. This experiment suggests that tannery waste water is dangerous to aquatic plants if it was discharged to public water body without appropriate pre-treatment.Lemna, waste water, tannery, EC50Budhi Priyanto
16Uji Toksisitas 2 Jenis Surfaktan dan Deterjen Komersial Menggunakan Metode Penghambatan PertumbuhanIn this experiment, Lemna sp. was exposed to surfactants LAS and ABS and a commercial detergent following method described by OECD. In the test, 10 fronds of Lemna sp. were grown in a modified MS medium containing the surfactants and detergent in the concentration of 0 ppm to 79 ppm and incubated for 7 days under continuous fluorescence lamps. The EC50 values of the detergent and surfactants vary depending on the compounds and the testing parameter. For LAS and ABS, the value of EC50 from number of fronds is higher than EC50 from the total chlorophyll content, i.e. 14.83 and 14.36 mg/l for LAS and 11.75 and 7.56 mg/l for ABS, respectively. However, the total chlorophyll content is not sensitive for commercial detergent ?A? and results in a higher EC50 value of 31.53 mg/l. LOEC values for LAS and ABS is 5 mg/l respectively, and is 25 mg/ for detergent ?A?.Lemna, detergent, surfactants, EC50Budhi Priyanto
17Uji Tanaman Talas (Colocasia Esculenta) Sebagai Agen Fitoremediasi Air Sungai CikapundungColocasia esculenta, limbah domestik, fitoremediasi.Teknologi Pengolahan Air,
18Uji Performance Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Sakit Dengan Proses Biofilter TercelupPengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Sakit, Biofilter TercelupTeknologi Pengolahan Air
19Uji Performance Biofilter Anaerobik Unggun Tetap Menggunakan Media Biofilter Sarang TawonAn experiment of anaerobic biofilter using honeycomb plastic media was conducted in semi-pilot scale. This paper describes the pilot plan study of chicken?s slaughterhouse wastewater treatment using anaerobic and aerobic submerged biofilter using honeycomb plastic media. The main research was conducting by continuous operation under condition 4 days, 2 days and 1 day retention time. The result of experiment shows that within the anaerobic process under conditions 1- 4 days retention time, the removal efficiency of COD were 78 ? 87 %, BOD were 78 ? 89 %, 73 ? 83 % , and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) were 83 ? 96 % respectively.Using combined anaerobic and aerobic process under same conditions 1 - 4 days retention time shows increasing of removal efficiency. The removal efficiency of COD were 86 ? 90 %, BOD were 85 ? 90 %, Organics (KMnO4) were 81 ? 88 % and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) were 94 ? 96 % respectively. The longer retention time has resulted in higher removal efficiency.Biofilter anaerobik, media sarang tawon, air limbah, rumah potong ayamNusa Idaman Said dan Firly
20Uji Penyisihan Kadmium (Cd) dari Pasir TerkontaminThe experiment is trying to apply an alternatif method in remediation electrokinetic by inserting conductive solution between cathode and treated soil. This is purposed in keeping the pH in low condition and preventing the precipitation of heavy metals in the soil adjacent to the cathode that often happen in the previous electrokinetic methods. Concentration of Cd (C0), period (t), concentration of conductive solution were selected as parameters, with artificially contaminated sand. The experiment with sand/ soil C0 = 100 ppm gave lower efficiency at 15,98% when it compares with C0 = 400ppm in the same condition and 24 hours period at 44,18%. Concentration of KCl also influenced the performance of system which was shown by the increasing in removal efficiency as refer to the previous experiment. Teoritically as pH of soil decreases the mobility of Cd is increases. This is due to Cd desorption is higher in the low pH. The alternatif method here have to deep in search if would application in the natural soil.Contaminated soil, Cadmium (Cd), ElectromigrationWahyu Purwanta