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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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1Metoda Penghilangan Zat Besi Dan Mangan Di Dalam Penyediaan Air Minum DomestikSmall amounts of iron and manganese are quite common in domestic water supply because of the presence of iron and manganese in the soil and rock formations through which the water passes in reaching the point of use. Iron and manganese is characterized by red-brown staining of bathroom fixtures and laundry, and cause taste and odor problems. Iron and manganese are brought into solution by biological reactions under anaerobic reducing conditions. When the water is exposed to air or oxygen, oxidation of iron and manganese occurs slowly, forming objectionable colloidal precipitates. The deposition of these precipitates will stain plumbing fixtures, interfere with laundering, and cause difficulties in water distribution systems by supporting growth of microorganisms such as clonotrix and crenotrix that can clog pipelines and cause taste and odor problems. Processes in which oxidation is followed by removal of suspended solids can effectively remove soluble iron and manganese from water. Three common processes for removing iron and manganese are: aeration-filtration, chlorination filtration, and potassium permanganate-manganese greensand filtration. This article describes these processes and present result from pilot?s studies of iron and manganese removal from waterzat besi, mangan, aerasi, kkhlorinasi, filtrasi, mangan zeolitNusa Idaman Said
2Proses Menghilangkan Zat Besi dan Mangan Dalam Air.Zat besi dan mangan dalam air umumnya berada dalam bentuk senyawa ferro atau mangano yang larut dalam air ( Fe ++ atau Mn++). Apabila air tersebut berhubungan dengan oksigen atau udara, maka senyawa besi atau mangan tersebut akan teroksidasi menjadi senyawa ferri ( Fe+++) atau mangandioksida (Mn++++) yang tak larut dalam air. Senyawa-senyawa ini berwarna kuning coklat dan dapat menimbulkan bau dan rasa yang kurang sedap. Banyak cara untuk menghilanglan zat besi dan mangan dalam air tersebut. Salah satu cara yang sederhaha dan efektif yakni dengan cara kombinasi proses aerasi dan penyaringan dengan media pasir silika dan karbon aktif. Dengan cara ini, konsentrasi zat besi dan mangan dalam air dapat diturunkan sampai masing-masing 0.12 mg/l dan 0.08 mg/l.Zat Besi, Mangan Zeolit, Air Kuning Coklat, Senyawa Ferro, ManganoIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
3Produksi Xilanase Menggunakan Media Limbah Pertanian Dan PerkebunanWaste Agriculture of paddy like hay, bran, chaff and frond of banana and also waste plantation of coconut root and cangkang of sawit pregnant [of] lignoselulosa (cellulose, lignine and hemiselulosa). In order to searching alternative materials for the production of xylanase hence done by research of xylanase production of agriculture waste and plantation waste like the above. Xylanase produced from Bacillus stearothermopillus DSM 22, using hay, bran, chaff and frond of banana and also coconut root and cangkang of sawit as source of carbon while as source of nitrogen and nutrisi by molasses and urea. Fermentation done in the erlenmeyer use incubator shaker with condition of temperature 550C, pH early 8, and agitation 250 rpm. From result of research obtained activity of xylanase highest 0.523 Unit / ml.menit and 0.429 Unit / ml.menit at to 30 hours with bran media of oven ( DO) and natural hay ( JA) respectively with natural bran medium (DA) activity of xylanase highest 0.514 Unit / ml.menit at 24 hours fermentation. Fermentation using fermentor with natural hay and condition of temperature 550C, pH 8, and agitation 250 rpm result activity of xylanase highest 2.47 Unit / ml.menit at to 32 hours.Xylanase, B. stearothermophillus DSM 22, enzyme activityTrismilah dan Deden Rosid Waltam
4MyXlib, Membuat Sendiri Program Library Dengan Penyederhanaan Fungsi X Window System LibrarySistem Window X merupakan satu-satunya sistem window jaringan (Network Window System) dan satu-satunya aplikasi GUI yang handal bekerja pada UNIX sebagai sistem operasi jaringan (Network Operating System) Intranet dan Internet. Sistem Window ini juga merupakan freeware sehingga semua penggemar komputer dapat memilikinya dengan gratis tanpa merasa dituduh sebagai pelanggar hak cipta. Dengan adanya sistem window X, UNIX menjadi lebih bersifat user friendly sehingga user dapat lebih mudah dalam mengoperasikan sistem operasi ini dan dalam mengembangkan program aplikasinya. Buku ini menerangkan bagaimana membuat aplikasi berbasiskan GUI/CGI yang bekerja pada sistem window X dengan menyederhanakan fungsi-fungsi dalam standar library Xlib yang pada umumnya memiliki syntax atau format penulisan yang sangat rumit. Dengan membuat library sendiri, anda dapat mengelompokkan sendiri fungsi-fungsi yang sering digunakan dalam membuat program aplikasi GUI pada sistem window X, sehingga dapat mempersingkat proses pemrograman dan pemanggilan fungsi tersebut dalam program.X Window System, X11R6, Unix, GUI, ProgramHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
5Pendugaan Potensi Air Tanah Wilayah Pesisir Kabupaten Pasir Kalimantan TimurCoastal aquifers are an important ground-water resource for urban, fisheries, and agriculture areas. Coastal aquifer system at coast of Tanah Grogot Regency, at East Kalimantan Province, is important to community, but existing aquifers are not productive as ground water resources and therefore to meet community needs of water, a geoelectricity survey need to be conducted to find aquifers and this information will be used for development of water resources planning and method to be used for geoelectricity survey is rock layer resistivity. Result of this survey will identify aquifer layers as source of water.Wilayah pesisir, geolistrik, metoda schlumberger, satu dimensi, akuifer, air tanah, kualitas airHaryoto Indriatmoko
6Pendugaan Potensi Air Tanah Dengan Metoda Resistivitas Dua Dimensi Di Wilayah PesisirPasir Regency (Tanah Grogot) has coastal areas which is potential economically. To support the development of the area the local government is planning the development of proper and efficient plan to overcome the water problem of a coastal area. The plan could be implemented by conducting geophysical research and analysis of water quality of existing water resources. Based on this research hopefully an economically proper and efficient plan to develop the potency of existing water resources will be implementedWilayah Pesisir, Dua Dimensi, Geofisik, Akuifer, Air Tanah, Kualitas Air, Kabupaten PasirR. Haryoto Indriatmoko dan Arie Herlambang
7Status Makro Invertebrata Pada Perairan Das Citarum Hulu Yang TercemarMacro invertebrate study in Upper Citarum Watershed conducted for a few target, such as understanding some organisms indices and the function in aquatic ecosystem.In this study, besides identified macro invertebrate type also measured some water quality parameter that influence to the exchange of its habitat quality. Water quality laboratory analysis indicates that pressure to macro invertebrate life happened due to the change in environmental quality Upper Citarum Watershed, either by physical impact (erosion) and also chemical impact (domestic, industries and agriculture). To overcome the problem mentioned, environmental monitoring enhancement to be needed, so that calamity of aquatic organism losses can be avoided.waters quality, aquatic organisms, macro invertebrateWage Komarawidjaja
8Pemetaan Geohidrologi Daerah Donorojo Kabupaten PacitanWater is a component in the earth that is very important for human life. The availability of water is always wanted to meet a demand of water supply, such as for drinking water, washing, taking a bath, and etc. Along with population growth, so the need of water will be still increasing, including Tanah Datar. In this paper will be described concerning to characteristics, and condition of water in Pacitan Area, East Java Province, especially Donorojo district. This location occupies geographically between the latitude of 00o17? and 00o39? south and the longitude of 100o19? and 100o51? east. Based on survey in field, condition of aquifer in Telaga Banta is located in 20 ? 60 meter depth, and the result of laboratory points to that the quality of water in this area meets the requirement for drinking water. The main uses of ground water include irrigation uses, drinking-water and other public uses, and for supplying domestic water to people who do not receive publicsupply water. The majority of water used for self-supplied domestic and livestock purposes came from ground-water sources.water, characteristic, explorationTeguh Prayogo
9Aplikasi Teknologi Sarpalam 100uf Untuk Penyediaan Air Bersih Di Dusun Dantar, Padang Cermin,LampungDantar Village can be reached from Bandar Lampung in one hour. There are 250 families or around 1250 people dwell there. In Dantar, groundwater is difficult to tap, especially during dry seasons, and the water is usually turbid and salty due to hydrothermal activities at several places. Sarpalam 100 UF is the accronym of Saringan Pasir Lambat (Slow Sand Filter), which has capacity of 100 m3/day with an up flow system. Standard design for the first filtration is 6 m3/m2/day, and 4 m3/m2/day for second one, with media 1 m thickness. Sarpalam 100 UF utilizes double system is intended to keep the running even though the whole unit is being cleaned. The unit is also equippped with top and bottom flushing systems to ease maintenance. The water processed comes from Way Sanggi Rivers situated 300 m from the location of the equipment, with an elevation difference of 4,5 m. Its water catchment uses branching porous pipe, submerged in the ground, so a constant water supply can be maintained although a flood is coming. The Sarpalam 100UF has operated for 2 months and its distribution network development is underway.Water Treatment, Slow Sand Filter, Sarpalam 100 Uf, Lampung,Arie Herlambang
10Disain Sistem Scada Di Instalasi Pengolahan Air Bersih Untuk Kebutuhan Domestik?
Industrial area represents location where some industries operate in one same area region. Usually an industrial area besides there are factory also there are office and housing. To fulfill domestic clean water required by housing and office, usually the organizer of industrial area have developed a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) with source of raw water which come from a river emitting a stream of around area. The increasing of domestic clean water needs has pushed management to increase the production of clean water by the existing WTP. Besides that, to increase the quality of clean water service to the domestic exist in industrial area, hence felt important to develop a system of SCADA to manage existing process in the WTP. As step early is to identify and plan the design system of SCADA for domestic WTP. From the result of development planning, the SCADA can be developed step by step according to the project plan and existing budget.
Water Treatment Plant (WTP), Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA), Kebutuhan Air Bersih Domestik PerumahanHeru Dwi Wahjono
11Perencanaan Disain Sistem Scada Water Treatmennt Plant (Wtp) untuk Kebutuhan IndustriKawasan industri seperti Pulogadung, Cikarang, Jababeka dan MM2100 merupakan kawasan industri besar yang ada di Jawa Barat. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih bagi industri, pengelola kawasan industri biasanya membangun beberapa instalasi pengolahan air dengan sumber air baku yang berasal dari sungai yang mengalir di kawasan tersebut. Meningkatnya jumlah kebutuhan air bersih di kawasan industri telah mendorong pihak manajemen untuk meningkatan jumlah produksi air bersih yang dapat dihasilkan oleh WTP yang ada. Selain itu untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan air bersih bagi industri yang ada di kawasan ini, maka dirasa perlu untuk membangun suatu sistem SCADA untuk mengelola proses yang ada di WTP industri. Sebagai langkah awal adalah melakukan identifikasi dan perencanaan disain sistem SCADA untuk WTP industri. Dari hasil perencanaan yang ada diharapkan dapat dilakukan pengembangan sistem SCADA secara bertahap sesuai dengan tahapan yang direncanakan. Tulisan ini menggunakan data dengan studi kasus di kawasan industri Jababeka Infrastuktur.Water Treatment Plant (WTP), Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA), Kawasan Industri JababekaHeru Dwi Wahjono
12Identifikasi Hypoxia Di Teluk Hurun LampungThis study was carried out to describe the characteristics of hypoxia in the tropical coastal sea. The general oceanographic surveys were conducted two times in Hurun Bay, 5-7 February and 17-19 February, 2003. And also, a day-night survey (25 hours survey) and the continuous monitoring of water temperature, current and meteorology were carried out. The monitoring data of water temperature indicated that the seasonal variation and the spatial in temperature in Hurun Bay were small. The difference in temperature between the surface and bottom water was less than 1.3 oC. The water temperature increased from February and the highest in April. It gradually decreased to late June and a sudden decrease occurred in the early July. The lowest temperature was observed in September and then it increased again. The seasonal variation in the thermal stratification was not happened. Instead of the weak thermal stratification, a sharp picnocline was formed around 20m in the dry season. The water below the picnoline was colder and more saline and contained less DO than the overlaying water. The cold water mass which has high salinity and lower DO was situated along bottom deeper than 20m on 17-19 July. The lowest DO in this water mass was 0.4 mg/l. Such a cold water mass appeared in early July and it propagated from offshore to the coast. The oxygen consumption rate of the water column was about 0.1 mgO2/L/hour in Hurun Bay. Comparing these oxygen consumption rates and the DO of water, if the oxygen supply was restricted, the water in Hurun Bay could become hypoxic easily.Water temperature, Hypoxia, Dissolved oxygenArif Dwi Santoso, M.Eng dan Yuichi Hayami, PhD
13Potensi Ketersediaan Air Tanah di Desa Limo Kecamatan SalimpuangGround water potential map showed that the Salimpaung in Tanah Datar District has very low water resources potential. Deep and shallow water resources were found in some places and in a limited area.
Interpretation of imaging resistivity showed that water resources potential lies in P1 and P2 layers. This layers were found in 90 to 150 meters to the south of the mosque. The potential layer was found between 10 to 30 meter depth and thickness between 5 to 25 meter and lies in observation point between 50 ? 125 meter.

Water resources at layer P1, P2, P3 and P4 has medium to low potential and the water layers was interpreted as water trap above the rock layer.

The other water resources potential were found at P5, P6 and P7, at 90 ? 150 meter to the north of the mosque. The potensial aquifer lies beneath hard rock at depth 40 to 60 meter.
Water resources, imaging resistivy, potensial locationWahyu Garinas
14Penelitian Air Tanah Di Waduk Puntuk Suruh Kecamatan Pengadegan Kabupaten Purbalingga ? Jawa TengahBased on groundwater indication map, the area of Pengadegan district, Purbalingga Regency, has low groundwater resources potential for both deep and shallow groundwater. Investigation using resistivity showed that the potential water layers were found in the eastern part of the Dam at B and C layers. The groundwater is shallow and the thickness of the aquifer is about 20 meter and extent horizontally up to 30 meter. Layer A and B in the western part of the Dam are possibly act as a water trap as they lies above a compact layer E. To know the potential groundwater area it is suggested that further research and survey be done in the eastern part of the Dam.water resources, imaging resistivity, potentialWahyu Garinas
15Pengembangan Sistem Database Sumber Daya Air Kota SamarindaIn order to manage region water resources, Samarinda City has been collecting and managing all data of water resources. Good data management for water resources is needed to maintain water potential and suplay for this city and to control water quality from environmental pollution. The management of the existing water resources is needed by developing computer base structural database management system. The design of database system is used for development of software for water resources database management. The developed software can be used as Decision Support System to help city management and useful for information system to find out the potential of all water resources in Samarina. The output of this activity is software for managing water resources in Samarinda City.water resources database, water resources potential, structural data management.Heru Dwi Wahjono
16Upaya Meningkatan Daya Dukung Sumberdaya Air Pulau Jawa
Water resource capacity in Java is significantly decreased. This has been noticed by the more frequent floods and over-dried seasons happened in several locations in Java. On the other side, the water demand in Java is raised as the result of increasing population and quality of live. Reducing of water resourcing capacity related with forest degradation, change of land usage and river pollution. Interpretation of the satellite imaging in 2005 showed that the vegetated land areas is left abaut 2,4 acre or 21% of the wholw area of Java island. This is lower than the regulated requirement, i.e. about 30%. Efforts might be needed to solve this problems, cover (1) Regulation of the number and distribution of population; (2) Forest and land rehabilitation; (3) Coasts degradation control; (4) Increasing efficiency of water usage and control of river pollution; (5) Management of land usage by implementing the required 30% area as opened green areas; and (6) Deregulation of the water management institution.
water resources capacity, forest degradation, populationIkhwanuddin Marwadi
17Identifikasi Masalah Penyediaan Air Bersih Di Ibukota Kabupaten Kutai Barat & Alternatif PemecahanAs the capital city of West Kutai Regency, Sendawar still has a lot of problems relating to clean water supply for its residence. Those problems are caused by the very limited capability of local water authority (PDAM), the worse of environment management and water pollutions. Water pollutions occur because of improper mining activities (gold, silver and coal), domestic wastewater and sediment particles affected by increasing run off coefficient and erosion. Therefore the quality of surface water (River Mahakam) becomes worse and worse. PDAM Problems are not only being able to serve clean water need just for 19% residence in Sendawar, but also the low capability of human resources. There are three ways to solve those problems. Firstly, it is very important to apply a concept ?One River One Management? in the Mahakam Catchment Area. Secondly, Application of wastewater treatment technology must be carried out to reduce the pollutants produced from mining industries and municipal area. The third is by improving the human resource quality, especially in the field of environment and sustainable development.Water resource, Water authority, Pollution control, human resourceP. Nugro Rahardjo
18Condition Of Water Resource In Indonesia And Its Environmental Technology
Water resource is one of the most important resources for life and development. In Indonesia, the increasing population and development results the increased demand of water. On the other hand, water resource availability has become limited and has been at critical level for several locations. Around 65% Indonesian population (~ 125 Million people) live in Java island which is only 7% of total Indonesia continental area. The decrease of water resource is caused by some factors, namely pollution, deforestation, heavy agricultural activities, and the change of the function of catchment area. This paper will give some brief description how water resource in Indonesia distributes and what the appropriate technologies have been used for the treatment of low quality of water in order to fulfill the human life needs.
water resource, pollution, climate change, health impactKardono
19Analisis Kebutuhan Air Tanaman Padi Dan Palawija Di Desa Batu Betumpang,Kabupaten Bangka SelatanWater is natural resources required absolutely by living creature, role of water for the plant is bringing nutrient element from inside the ground to leaf for photosynthesis process and distributing the photosynthesis outcome to all body tissue. Determination of the amount of crop water requirement can be observed with measuring empirical equation. From calculation outcome of water requirement for rice and second crop (planted after race) and an available water overdraught, the paddy planting patten (rain season) and being by second crop (beginning dry season) is preferable planting pattern.At planting period of rainy season can be planted rice as wide as 2.797 hectar and in the second planting season (tuming) was planted second crop as wide as 1.762 hectare.water requirement, rice, scond cropSudaryono dan Ikhwanuddin Mawardi
20Status Kualitas Air Waduk Cirata Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan BudidayaWaduk Cirata is multipurpose cascade dam that lay in the middle of Citarum watershed. Based on some reports, the water quality of this dam significantly decreased to bad condition. This condition may be harmful to some equipments generating electricity power and also aquaculture product utilizing cages (KJA).The result of intensive observation during carps (Cyprinus carpio) culture period concluded that its aquaculture water changed into polluted called Eutrophic environment. There is correlation between eutrophication and lack growth of fishes in some cages. It is indicated by dominant increase of fish length than the increase of the weight of fish which is called as a negative allometric of fish growth.Water quality, eutrophication, aquaculture, growth rate, Cyprinus carpioWage Komarawidjaja, Sutrisno Sukimin dan Entang Arman