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No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 201-220 dari 814 item.
201Kondisi Lahan Pasang Surut Kawasan Rawa Pening dan Potensi Pemanfaatan
The tidal land in Rawa Pening?s region is land that has been formed as caused of up and down water level process of Rawa Pening?s lake. The wide of tidal land that can be used are fluctuated beetwen dry and rainy seasons. The main used of tidal land is for rice field. The wide of tidal land that can be used for rice field beetwen elevation + 462,30 m and +463,30 m are 812 Ha, between elevation + 462,05 m and +462,30 are 218,51 Ha. There are some species of paddy that has been cultivated in that area, are IR-64, GH barito, ciliwung, cisadane, membramo and mentik. Mean of paddy yield is about 2,5 ? 5 ton/ Halahan pasang surut, elevasi, fluktuasiEuthalia Hanggari Sittadewi
202Pengolahan Bahan Organik Enceng Gondok menjadi Media Tumbuh Untuk Mendukung Pertanian Organik
Eceng gondok (Eichornia crassipes (Mart)(Solms) is a floating plants that creates problems on the maximum of waters utilization. On the other side, eceng gondok is a potential organic matter that can be used for a growing media. The utilization of the organic matter for growing media will support of organic farming and minimize the use of chemical materials.
Process of eceng gondok decomposition can produce a growing media with high nutrients contain for plants growth. The experiments of growing media from eceng gondok for sawi hibrid plants show positive respons in which the plant has freshly growth and free of diseases.
Eceng gondok, bahan organik, dekomposisi, pertanian organikEuthalia Hanggari Sittadewi
203Dampak Lingkungan Kegiatan Hujan Buatan Dengan Bahan Semai Calsium Oxyde (Ca O)?Technalogy of weather modification is one of human interventions to manage atmosphecric resources. Other than to increase rainfall, the UPT Hujan Buatan is rainfall as inspired by the community. This activity has been applied on two locations: Jratun Seluna Watershed in Central Java and SangulingWater shed in west java.On assessment of technology for lowering the intensity of rainfall ,Calcim Oxide (Ca O) was used as a seed material. To analyze wheter thuis material affect negatively to the quality of rain falland resevior , a monitoring activity was intended to have an early diagnosis of any changes to qualities of rain falll or thee reservoir water that might occur.
The method used in thois analyzis was the comparative method that compares the result analysis oof rain fall and reservoir water qualities with a maximum content valkvalue according to the PP No.20 of 1990 for standart water quality type A.The analysis showed that the use of Ca O durng modificatiaon activity gave noi effect on limt of standart quality type A. before, during and after the modification activity . In general, rainwater and reservoir water qualities, notably the pH parameter.for areas of Cemara and Banjaran during the activity were still below the maximum limit of standart water quality. This fact may be due to the existence of various industries in the are.
Modifikasi Cuaca, Intensitas Curah Hujan, Calsium Oxyde, Kualitas Air Dampak LingkunganF. Heru Widodo
204Global Dimming Dan Masa Depan Perubahan Iklim Di IndonesiaA-14-year (1979-1993) image satellites of Solar Radiation, NOAA and Sea Surface Height Anomaly of TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS-2 have been used to study a reducing solar radiation received by the Earth (global dimming) and to predict local weather anomaly for the future climate prediction in the Indonesian region. The result shows that a dimming of solar radiation is of 16.6% during 14-year observation. It is higher than the mean increasing of global dimming of 2 - 3% for every decade. This explicitly indicates that the air pollution in the form of aerosols from industrial sectors has large contributions to this this dimming process. At the other side, there is a trend of dominant warm water in the southern Jawa-Bali that affect on the increasing of rainfall intensity in the Indonesian region. We predict that flood and a longer dark during the day time, and more variative local weather change will be more frequently happen in the Indonesian region in the dimming, global warming, radiasi sinar matahari, anomali tinggi permukaan lautFadli Syamsudin
205Konservasi Lahan Marginal Berpasir Melalui Penanaman Buah Naga (Hylocereus Polyrhizus)An effort to do conservation of sandy marginal land through cultivation of dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) was carried out. As cactus plants, dragon fruit plants (Hylocereus polyrhizus) have good adaptation to sandy soil. To prove that dragot fruit plants coud be productive in sandy soil, the experiments with different types of media were carried out. Explants were obtained from tissue cultured experiments. The experiment was done using Completely Randomized Design with 6 treatments and 5 replications. The medium treatments were: soil, sand, soil+sand, soil+organic fertilizer, sand+organic fertilizer, and soil+sand+organic fertilizer. The results of statistical analysis after 3 month planting showed that there was no distinct difference among treatments for additional shoot. The highest additional fresh weight and the highest root fresh weight were obtained from the treatment of soil+organic fertilizer. However, no distinct difference between soil+organic fertilizer and sand+organic fertilizer for additional fresh weight. There was different between treatment of sand and treatment of sand+organic fertilizer. In the case of root fresh weight, There was no difference among treatments,except with treatment of soil.Sandy marginal land, Hylocereus polyrizus, dragon fruit.Fadliah Salim,Tuti Suryati, dan Titiresmi
206Pengaruh Jenis Sedimen Wetland Dalam Reduksi Sulfat Pada Limbah Air Asam Tambang (Aat)Increasing mining activities in several regions in Indonesia, began to face problems, namely of environmental pollution. One of the mining waste that is liquid sulfur, or acid mine water, which can lower the pH of the water and dissolves heavy metals. Countermeasures for the chemical method is to use lime, but this is less effective. The method is good and is environmentally friendly way by using biological bacteria sulphate reduction bacteria (SRB) that naturally there are many in the sediment wetland. Goal of this research is to find the type of sediment wetland most effectively increase the pH and decrease the concentration of sulphate in acid mine water. The sediment wetland is used mangroves, swamp, rice fields, and beaches Treatment bioreaktor made on the filled with sediment underneath the compost is given further incubation for 50 days. The observation of pH and content of sulphate based on the value of OD spektrofotometer and known pH increased to the highest in the pH of 7.3 is in the swamp sediment treatment, while the only other treatment until the pH 6-6,7. Increasing the pH in accordance with the decrease in the rate of SO4 is most sharply in the swamp sediment treatment as well as the most effective treatmentacid mine water, wetland, SRBFahruddin
207Penampilan Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Pada Azadirachta Indica A. Juss Dari Taman Nasional?Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Apocynaceae) is a large tree of the lowland tropical rain forest of Southeast Asia that occurs in Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, on the island of Java (East Java) and Lesser Sunda Islands. Its economic value was in its wood (timber), and as medicinal plant. The information on genetic diversity of the species is very limited. Hence studies were initiated and genetic diversity estimated using RAPD markers in 27 accessions of A.indica procured from three geographical regions of TN Baluran and Balai Litbang Kehutanan. Seven selected Operon primers (10 mer) generated a total of 133 consistent amplification products ranging from 132 bp to 5.6 Kb. The cluster analysis separated the 27 individuals into 2 clusters. The range of genetic dissimilarity value among samples was from 0.07 to 0.33, while genetic distance among populations was from 0.04 to 0.10. These values showed that A. indica from TN Baluran was not genetically diverse population.Azadirachta indica, genetic diversity, RAPDFajarudin Ahmad dan Yuyu S. Poerba
208Serapan Sianida (Cn) Pada Mikania Cordata (Burm.F) B.L. Robinson, Centrosema Pubescens Bth ?Some plant species growing in the contaminated areas, indicated high tolerancen and potentially affective in accumulating pollutants in their roots and above ground portions. These plants can be utilized as hyperaccumulators for cleaning up the contaminated sites. Study on heavy metal and CN contamination and potential plant species for accumulator is urgently needed in order to understand the problems and to obtain suitable technology for the solution. This research aims to examine CN accumulator plants growing in CN contaminated tailing to find a possible solution of cleaning up by using green technology of phytoremediation. Phytoremediation is defined as clean up of pollutants primarily mediated by photosynthetic plants. This study aims to characterized plants that grow under extreme contaminated media of gold mined tailing and to analyse their potencies as hyperaccumulators. Mikania cordata (Burm.f) B.L.Robinson,Centrosema pubescens Bth and Leersia hexandra Swartz which proven tolerant and dominant in the contaminated site were examined in this research. The plants were grown in tailing waste media added by 0 ppm CN, 2.5 ppm CN, 5 ppm CN dan 7.5 ppm CN using complete randomized design with 5 replicates. The results showed that the plants were capable of growing under the highest level of CN. Among three species, Mikania cordata showed the highest biomass production followed by Centrosema pubescens and Leersia hexandra. Total CN accumulation varied between species, the highest was reached in 2.5 ppm CN treatment i.e. 22.48 mg/kg in Leersia hexandra, followed by Centrosema pubescens (18.92 mg/kg) and Mikania cordata (12.03 mg/kg). The highest CN content was 0.085 mg in Mikania cordata treated with 7.5 ppm CN. High ratio of shoot to root CN (>1) was expected in hyperaccumulator plants to indicate that CN was more distributed in the above ground portions than in the roots. In this study the highest shoo to root CN ratio was showed in Mikania cordata i.e.11.75.Phytoremediation, contaminants, cyanide, Mikania cordata, ...
pubescens, Leersia hexandra
Fauzia Syarif
209Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah Plastik Di IndonesiaPlastic recycling activities has been done by nonformal institutions since along time ago especilaly in some big cities in Indonesia. The amount of plastic waste is about 10% to 15% of municipal soild waste. Plastic recycling activities has two advantages: (1) reducing the potential damage of environment caused by pollution, and (2) creating the job opportunity for people.sampah, plastik, pemulung, lapakFirman L Sahwan, Djoko Heru Martono, Sri Wahyono dan Lies A Wisoyodharmo
210Strategi Pengelolaan Sampah Di Kawasan Kepulauan SeribuThe district of Kepulauan Seribu consists of 110 islands which cover 6.997 km2 area in Teluk Jakarta. The local government relises that for supporting their sustainable development need a good environmental management such as solid waste management and treatment. The clean beach and settlement are very important for developing tourism and mariculture. Kepulauan Seribu has to set up the profesional integrated solid waste management that carried out by all the stakeholders. The clean island is investment for Kepulauan Seribu for attracting investor, economic actor and tourists.sampah, daur ulangFirman L. Sahwan
211Efektivitas Pengkomposan Sampah Kota Dengan Menggunakan ?Komposter? Skala Rumah TanggaComposting as one of efforts to overcome municipal solid waste problem has enough potency because 70-80 % of municipal solid waste is organic material, mostly can be processed to compost. Composting in source of waste (household) will be more effective because is easier (small scale) and cheaps (transport is not necessary). Composting can be done by using composter. Research result showing that composter is easy to be made, easy to be applied in our society and effective enough to use in producing municipal waste compost. The compost processing time is 49 days and producing the good quality of compost.sampah kota, pengkomposan, komposter, komposFirman L. Sahwan, Rosdiana Irawati dan Feddy Suryanto
212Pengelolaan Sampah Permukiman Berbasis Masyarakat.Kampung Banjarsari is a model of community based waste management in the Jakarta metropolitan area. It is becoming an example of an environmentally friendly kampung for other communities from different part of the country. What the Banjarsari reached is the results of very tight cooperation between Banjarsari community, UNESCO and Yayasan Kirai and BPPT since 1996. The main activities in Banjarsari are focused on (1) establishment of an environmental committee at the community level, (2) improvement of the waste collection system (sorting of waste), (3) capitalization on waste trough alternative livelihood activities (paper recycling, composting, growing of plants using locally produced compost as fertiliser), (4) greening programmes, and (5) public awareness.Sampah, Daur Ulang, Masyarakat LokalFirman L., Sahwan dan Sri Wahyono
213Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Lokal Melalui Kegiatan Komposting Skala RT / Rumah Tangga Di Timika, Papuapemberdayaan masyarakat, komposting skala rumah tangga, komposter, produksi komposTeknologi
214Kualitas Kompos Sampah Rumah Tangga Yang Dibuat Dengan Menggunakan ?Komposter? Aerobiklimbah padat, komposter, pengomposan, skala rumah tangga, kualitas komposTeknologi
215Kualitas Produk Kompos Dan Karakteristik Proses Pengomposan Sampah Kota Tanpa Pemilahan AwalCompost, composing,municipal solid waste, sortingTeknologi
216Pengaruh Penambahan Starter Terhadap Karakteristik Proses Pengomposan Dan Kualitas Kompos?compost, ?agar-agar? factory waste, chiken manure starter.Teknologi
217Potensi Limbah Dan Karakteristik Proses Pengomposan Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Yang Ditambahkan?crude palm oil, empty fruit bunches, sludge, composting.Teknologi
218Evaluasi Proses Produksi Pupuk Organik Granul (Pog) Yang Diperkaya Dengan Mikroba FungsionalGranule organic fertilizer, microbe, organic material, composting, physical processTeknologi
219Evaluasi Populasi Mikroba Fungsional Pada Pupuk Organik Kompos (Pok) Murni?organic fertilizer, compost organic fertilizer, granule organic fertilizer, bio fertilizer?Teknologi
220Potensi Sampah Kota Sebagai Bahan Baku Kompos Untuk Mendukung Kebutuhan Pupuk?Sumberdaya lahan pertanian, pupuk organik, sampah kota, kompos, kemandirian pangan.Teknologi