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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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281Pembangunan Pltmh Ranteballa Di Kabupaten Luwuk, Sulawesi Selatan Sebagai Proyek Pengurangan Emisi?green house gasses, global warming, hydro power, emission factor, emission reduction, electricityTeknologi
282Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Pada Industri Semen, Baja, Pulp, Kertas Dan Tekstil Di IndonesiaGreenhouse Gas (GHG) emission is contributing to global warming. One of the significant greenhouse gas emissions is industry sector, especially from energy intensive industries. This sector produce greenhouse gas emission from fuel consumption, electricity consumption, energy consumption as raw material and emission come from the production processes. This study has the objective to calculate the CO2 emission balance in industry sector and the potency to reduce emission.CO2 emission, Pulp and paper, cement, Iron and steel, TextileWidiatmini Sih Winanti, Prasetiyadi, Wiharja, Teguh Prayudi, Indriyati, dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
283Eksplorasi Sumberdaya Air Tanah di Daerah Handil Babirik Kabupaten Tanah LautGround water is water located beneath the ground surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of lithologic formations. A unit of rock or an unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it can yield a usable quantity of water. Ground water is alternative water to meet a demand of water supply, because the availability of surface water at an area is sometimes not enough to fulfill the need of drinking water, like occured in the Handil Babirik area. In this paper will be discribed concerning application of imaging resistivity technology for understanding characteristic and condition of ground water in Handil Babirik, Tanah Laut district, South Kalimantan Province. The result of survey in field, data processing, modelling and interpretation indicated that the existence of aquifer in Handil Babirik area is occupied between 30 ? 40 meter depth and having a form of lensHandil Babirik, ground water, imaging resistivityTeguh Prayogo
284Potensi Ketersediaan Air Tanah di Desa Limo Kecamatan SalimpuangGround water potential map showed that the Salimpaung in Tanah Datar District has very low water resources potential. Deep and shallow water resources were found in some places and in a limited area.
Interpretation of imaging resistivity showed that water resources potential lies in P1 and P2 layers. This layers were found in 90 to 150 meters to the south of the mosque. The potential layer was found between 10 to 30 meter depth and thickness between 5 to 25 meter and lies in observation point between 50 ? 125 meter.

Water resources at layer P1, P2, P3 and P4 has medium to low potential and the water layers was interpreted as water trap above the rock layer.

The other water resources potential were found at P5, P6 and P7, at 90 ? 150 meter to the north of the mosque. The potensial aquifer lies beneath hard rock at depth 40 to 60 meter.
Water resources, imaging resistivy, potensial locationWahyu Garinas
285Aplikasi Teknologi Eksplorasi Untuk Memahami Kondisi Air Tanah Di Daerah Padang ?Groundwater is water that comes from the ground. Groundwater comes from rain, snow, sleet, and hail that soaks into the ground. The water moves down into the ground because of gravity, passing between particles of soil, sand, gravel, or rock until it reaches a depth where the ground is filled, or saturated, with water. Groundwater is stored in the ground in materials like gravel or sand. Water can also move through rock formations like sandstone or through cracks in rocks. Groundwater is one of solution to overcome a problem of the need of drinking water in the Padang Luas Area, because the availability of surface water is not enough. The objective of research is finding out characteristic and condition of ground water in Padang Luas, Tanah Laut district. To meet the objective, it was applied method of geophysical technology, namely electrical resistivity method by injecting current into the ground through current electrodes that are grounded at the earth's surface and measuring the difference of the electrical potential between the potential electrodes. Based on data processing, modeling and interpretation, it was gained result concerning the existence of aquifer in Padang Luas area that is predicted to occupy between 30 ? 60 meter and 70 ? 120 meter depth.Groundwater, Electrical ResistivityTeguh Prayogo
286Pemodelan Vulnerabilitas Air Tanah Dangkal di Pantai Selatan Kabupaten Bantul ?YogyakartaGroundwater quality, espicially shallow groundwater is very vulnerable to pollution from residence, urban, agriculture, and industrial activity. All of the activity, to result waste and pollutant potentially, that can degrade groundwater quality, like as in southern coast of Bantul Resisence-Yogyakarta. So, it?s need modeling of vulnerability of shallow groundwater in unconfined aquifer. Based on natural condition of southern coast of Bantul Residence, parameters are used in development this model are depth of groundwater level, surface geological condition, soil condition, and aquifer media.Based on this model, vulnerability of southern coast in Bantul Residence, is: abaut 27,86 km2 (47,52%) is classified in vulnerable class, 16,23 km2 (27,69%) is very vulnerable, 5,49 km2 (9,37% is, poor vulnerable and 9,04 km2 (15,42%) is not vulnerable. Generally, groundwater vulnerability is degrade toward land.Modelling vulnerability, shallow groundwaterMardi Wibowo
287Analisis Vegetasi Hutan Di Desa Salua Dan Kaduwaa Taman Nasional Lore Lindu, Sulawesi TengahGuna mengetahui struktur dan komposisi vegetasi hutan di Taman Nasional Lore Lindu Sulawesi Tengah telah di laksanakan pada bulan Mei 2002. Studi dilakukan di 2 lokasi yakni desa Salua (0,5 ha pada 550-640 m dpl.), kabupaten Donggala, and desa Kaduwaa (0,5 ha pada 1100-1150 m dpl), kabupaten Poso. Penelitian dengan ?Quadrate-methode? ini mengungkapkan bahwa vegetasi hutan di Salua memiliki jumlah pohon, spesies, jenis dan famili lebih besar daripada di Kaduwaa; namun demikian kepadatan di Salua lebih rendah daripada di Kaduwaa. Vegetasi tersebut di Salua didominasi oleh Palaquium obtusifolium, Toona sureni, Pterospermum celebicum, dan Canarium hirsutum; sedangkan di Kaduwaa oleh Santiria laevigata, Ficus sp., Cryptocarya tomentosa, Semecarpus longifolia, dan Syzygium operculata. Selanjutnya penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa komposisi vegetasi pohon di Salua dan Kaduwaa adalah berbeda, tetapi memiliki struktur yang relative sama. Dan akhirnya diungkapkan bahwa komunitas tumbuhan di dua lokasi penelitian adalah berbeda (Indeks kesamaan Sorensen 19).Struktur, komposisi, vegetasi hutan, taman nasional lore linduMuhammad Mansur
288Pertimbangan Hidrolik Untuk Liners Landfill Dan Karakteristik Campuran Tanah-Bentonithidrolika, lempung, liner, landfill, campuran tanah-bentoniteTeknologi
289Potensi Mikroba Penitrifikasi Kawasan Pertambakan Udang Tanjung Pasir, TangerangHigh concentration of ammonia in shrimps pond sediment due to the accumulation of feed excessive will become negative impact to the shrimp culture. Therefore, Increasing the indigenous microbial abilities in minimizing toxicity effect of ammonia through biotransformation of ammonia into nitrite and nitrate is very important for shrimp growth and health. Isolation and identification of nitrifying microbes has been done. The number of microbes isolated form shrimps pond are six namely 2p, 2k, 3p, 1p, 3k, and 2. The number of isolated microbes in aquaculturing pond (T-bd) is five and in post harvest pond (T-pp) is three. In T-bd samples, autotroph nitrifying microbes are 2(k), 2(p) and 3(p), but 1(p) and 3(k) as heterotroph nitrifying microbes. And in T-pp samples, autotroph nitrifying microbe is 3(p), except 2 and 3(k) as heterotroph nitrifying microbes. The rank of effectivness In nitrifying activity is 2k, 3p and 2p respectivelyBioremediasi, Kualitas Air, Nitrifikasi, Tambak UdangWage Komarawidjaja dan Hanies Ambarsari
290Mekanisme Fisiologis Tumbuhan Hiperakumulator Logam Berathiperakumulator, phytoextraction, fitoremediasi, logam beratTeknologi
291Penggunan Index of Biotic Intergrity (IBI) Untuk Menilai Kualitas Lingkungan PerairanHistorically, the health of aquatic systems was monitored primarily trough chemical means.However, chemical monitoring provides ony a"snapshot"of condition at the time of sampling and may fail to detect acute pollution events(e.g. runoff from heavy rain, spills), non-chemical pollution(e.g. habitat alteration) and non-point source pollution. In order to address the shortcomings of chemical monitoring, the biological monitoring could be used and more accurarately reflect the health of ecosystem. Biological monitoring is based on the premise that biological communities are shaped by the long-term conditions of their enviornment and more accurately reflect the health ofan ecosystem.Monitoring, aquatic, pollution, and health ecosystemSutrisno Sukimin
292Kamus Mini HTML - Kamus yang dapat membantu proyek Anda dalam membangun halaman web dengan HTMLHTML merupakan bahasa pemrograman yang mutlak diperlukan oleh seorang web developer dalam mengembangkan sebuah situs web. Walaupun saat ini sudah banyak pula dikembangkan editor untuk membuat sebuah halaman web, pemahaman terhadap kode pemrograman dengan HTML sangat diperlukan oleh developer untuk meningkatkan efektifitas dan kecepatan browsing sebuah halaman web. Kamus mini HTML ini dapat membantu para web developer dalam mengingatkan teknik penulisan syntax pemrograman dengan bahasa markup, khususnya untuk ia yang bekerja dengan resource yang seminimal mungkin. Kamus ini memuat bermacam-macam tag dan atributnya berikut penjelasan dan contoh pemakaiannya. Selain itu juga memuat kode-kode RGB untuk menampilkan warna dan kode-kode ASCII untuk menampilkan karakter khusus ke dalam dokumen hypertext dan memuat informasi lainnya.Homepage, web page, HTML, Internet, Markup, Tag, Java, Hypertext, MultimediaHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
293Prospek Penggunaan Teknologi Bersih Untuk Pembangkit Listrik Dengan Bahan Bakar Batubara Di IndonesiHubungan yang erat antara penggunaan teknologi dan kerusakan lingkungan telah menyadarkan masyarakat untuk melakukan modifikasi dan inovasi dari teknologi yang ada saat ini. Penggunaan bahan bakar fosil, seperti batubara untuk pembangkit listrik akan dapat meningkatkan emisi partikel, SO2, NOx, dan CO2. Adanya peraturan pemerintah tentang standar emisi untuk pembangkit listrik di Indonesia, mendorong upaya untuk selalu mengurangi emisi tersebut. Batubara diperkirakan paling dominan digunakan sebagai bahan bakar untuk pembangkit listrik di masa datang. Penggunaan batubara dalam jumlah yang besar akan meningkatkan emisi gas buang di udara. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi emisi adalah dengan menggunakan teknologi bersih. Ada dua cara dalam menerapkan teknologi tersebut, yaitu pertama diterapkan pada tahapan setelah pembakaran dan kedua diterapkan sebelum pembakaran batubara. Pada tahap pertama dapat digunakan teknologi denitrifikasi, desulfurisasi dan penggunaan electrostatic precipitator. Pada tahap kedua menggunakan teknologi fluidized bed combustion, gasifikasi batubara, dan magneto hydrodynamic.pembangkit listrik, batubara, teknologi bersihAgus Sugiyono
294Prospek Teknologi Remediasi Lahan Kritis Dengan Asam Humat (Humic Acid)Humic-acide, remediation, agricultural field.Teknologi
295Analisa Kebijakan Penataan Ruang Untuk Kawasan Rawan Tsunami Di Wilayah Pesisirhutan mangrove, perencanaan tata ruang, mitigasi bencana, tsunamiTeknologi
296Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Hutan Sekunder Pada Berbagai Tingkatan Umur Di Kuala Ran?Hutan sekunder, keanekaragaman jenis, bentuk hidup, Kuala Ran, KaltimTeknologi
297Prediksi Parameter -Parameter Biofisik Tanaman Padi Dari Data Gro Undspectro Meter?Hyperspectral, NDSI , spectral indices, PLSR, ground-based spectroradiometerTeknologi
298Status Kualitas Perairan Waduk JuandaIn attempt to know the trophic status and phytoplankton community in Juanda reservoir this research was conducted. This research revealed that based on secchi disk and concentration of Chlorophyll-a the Juanda reservoir have become eutrophic, with phytoplankton density was about 27,779-43,439 x 10-3 cell/l. The phytoplankton community was dominated by Synedra sp. (22.4-33.8%) and Microcystis sp. (10.2 ?31.4 %;). However this result was about 1000 x bigger than previous publication which reported the phytoplankton density in Juanda reservoir was only about 621- 35,514 cell/l, and the phytoplankton community was dominated by Microcystis sp. which always > 85%. These differences were suggested due to using net-plankton in the sampling of phytoplankton.Secchi disk, Chlorophyll-a, Waduk Juanda, eutrophic.Yudhi Soetrisno Garno
299Karakteristik Air Asam Karakteristik Air Asam Tambang di Lingkungan Tambang Pit 1 Bangko Baratin Coal Mine Pit 1, Bangko Barat, Tanjung Enim, South Sumatera mine activity lowered the water pH in the effluent water of the mine. So the Mine Environmet Managemet of PTBA try to raise the pH to meet Kep Men Neg LH No 113 Tahun 2003. This study attempt to characterize the performance of the water treatment, which managed by acid-mine dranage management of the PTBA. Some water samles was taken in the study area, such as the passive treatment in Pit 1 Bangko Barat, rainwater pond near by, lake, mine sump, settling pond, the water treatment of acid mine drainage in the coal stockpile in Bangko Barat, the mine sump of Air Laya Mine and Air Laya Channel. The result of the study showed that in the coal stockpile the pH is around 5, closed to the pH di rainwater pond and Air Laya putih Channel (around 6), output of water treatment in Tambang Air Laya. Meanwhile the pH in the passive treatment, settling pond, mine sump Banko Barat and in Air laya Mine drainage system is 2 - 3. The source of Acid Mine Rocks is coal seam rock interval and overburden of the coal. Meanwhile the performance of water treatment in the lake, Air Laya Putih channel and coal stockpile better than in the passive treatment, settling pond, mine sump of Air Laya MIne and pit 1 Banko barat. So PTBA Environment division should improve the process capacity of water treatment in the pit of Bangko Baratacid mine drainage, passive treatment, pHHidir Tresnadi
300Aplikasi Teknologi Pengadaan Air Bersih Di Empat Desa Tertinggal Di Bengkulu SelatanIn County South Bengkulu there are 4 villages classified into poor villages. Those villages do not have some principal facilities yet, such as clean water supply system and electricity. To fulfill clean water need, the people use shallow groundwater which has very bad quality. The groundwater contains Fe (1.7 ppm) and Mn (0.7 ppm). The contents are much more than the standard quality allowed by WHO. The groundwater colour is also a little bit brown. To deal with those problems, BPPT (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology) has tried to apply a water treatment system which is supported by a solar cell system producing the electricity. The electric energy is used for pumping the groundwater. The water treatment has a mainly important process which is accommodated in a multy media filter. The media include coarse coral, find coral, sand silica, manganese zeolite and activated carbon. The media filter can reduce the contaminants (Fe & Mn) and remove the odour effectively. The complete water treatment system has been applied successfully in the 4 villages (one for each village).Clean Water Supply TechnologyP. Nugro Rahardjo