Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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281Teknologi Pengelolaan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Yang IdealThe number of crude palm oil factory (CPOF) in Indonesia has already increased rapidly in the last fifteen years. In the same period, expansion of the palm plantation has also been continuing and growing, but unfortunately the accelerated growth is not same as the development of the wastewater treatment technology and its proper applications. Many CPOF in Indonesia have not a good wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). In fact they cause terribly environmental problems, especially related to surface water pollution. BOD content in the effluent of most CPOF is between 35,000 to 46,000 ppm and in the effluent of their WWTP it is much more than 100 ppm. Therefore it needs to propose a treatment system which can guarantee to reduce all pollutants till a value matching with the environmental quality standard. Based on the research result assessed by BPPT, an ideal WWTP suitable for CPOF is promoted to be considered as one very good alternative which is better applied for all CPOF in Indonesia. The stages and processes are showed in the second figure.Ideal treatment, CPOF wastewaterP. Nugro Rahardjo
282Dampak Pencemaran Lingkungan Akibat Limbah Industri Pengolahan Ikan Di MuncarMuncar area is a regional fish producer. There, we can find big and small scale fish processing industries and even home industries. Those industry produce on the average 1,300 ton/day processed fish. Production activities caused environmental pollution, especially air, water and soil pollution. Source of this pollution are from transportation movement and developmnet of raw material, quality control activities to employee?s activities (domestic waste). Right now the process of waste management is so little and people?s understanding about wastewater treatment (IPAL) and waste management system is so limited. Almost all waste from this area is flowed away to the public canal. Flowing away waste directly without any process could increase environmental pollution around industrial location. This paper explains how big the potential waste water pollution, kind and charactestic of pollution from fish processing industries and doing waste management evaluation in fish processing indutries in Muncar. Italso shows sort of pollution effect as a result of disposing fish processing industry waste in Muncar.Industri Pengolahan Ikan, Dampak Pencemaran Limbah IndustriSetiyono dan Satmoko Yudo
283Penghematan Energi Pada Industri SemenIndustri semen merupakan salah satu industri yang digolongkan sebagai industri
yang boros mengkonsumsi energi, karena dalam proses produksi mengkonsumsi
energi cukup besar setara dengan 25 s/d 35 % dari biaya total produksi. Sejalan
dengan semakin berkurangnya cadangan bahan bakar fosil yang tidak dapat
diperbaharui (non-renewable energy), penghematan energi melalui efisiensi
penggunaan energi pada proses produksi menjadi suatu keharusan yang tidak dapat dihindari. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya[1], Penulis telah melakukan Feasibility Study terhadap pemasangan VSD di Fan, yang menunjukkan kemungkinan penghematan energi yang cukup besar. Dalam penelitian ini, unjuk kerja dilapangan secara nyata telah didapatkan bahwa pemasangan inverter atau VSD?S pada Fan yang digunakan didalam proses produksi Industri Semen, mampu menghemat penggunaan energi sebesar 499,0464 MWH pertahun, dan nilai ini setara dengan penurunan emisi gas CO2 sebesar 361.309,594 Ton CO2/Tahun.
Industri Semen, Fan, Damper, Variable Speed Drive (VSD), Inverter.Teguh Prayudi
284Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Tahu-Tempe Dengan Proses Biofilter Anaerob Dan AerobIndustri tahu dan tempe merupakan industri kecil yang banyak tersebar di kota-kota besar dan kecil. Tempe dan tahu merupakan makanan yang digemari oleh banyak orang. Akibat dari banyaknya industri tahu dan tempe, maka limbah hasil proses pengolahan banyak membawa dampak terhadap lingkungan. Limbah dari pengolahan tahu dan tempe mempunyai kadar BOD sekitar 5.000 - 10.000 mg/l, COD 7.000 - 12.000 mg/l. Besarnya beban pencemaran yang ditimbulkan menyebabkan gangguan yang cukup serius terutama untuk perairan disekitar industri tahu dan tempe. Teknologi pengolahan limbah tahu tempe yang ada saat ini pada umumnya berupa pengolahan limbah sistem anaerob. Dengan proses biologis anaerob, efisiensi pengolahan hanya sekitar 70-80 %, sehingga air lahannya masih mengandung kadar polutan organik cukup tinggi, serta bau yang ditimbulkan dari sistem anaerob dan tingginya kadar fosfat merupakan masalah yang belum dapat diatasi. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan cara kombinasi proses biologis anaerob-aerob yakni proses penguraian anaerob dan diikuti dengan proses pengolahan lanjut dengan sistem biofilter anaerob-aerob. Dengan kombinasi proses tersebut diharapkan konsentrasi COD dalan air olahan yang dihasilkan turun menjadi 60 ppm, sehingga jika dibuang tidaklagi mencemari lingkungan sekitarnyaIndustri Tahu Tempe, Pencemaran, Limbah Cair, Sistem Biofilter Anaerob-AerobIr. Nusa Idaman Said, MSc.
285Aplikasi Undang-Undang Tentang Informasi Dan Pelayanan Publik Dalam Kasus Sistem Informasi ?The Law of Information and Electronics Transaction, the Law of Public Information Transparency, the Law of Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Law of Public Services is a part of the legal system related to information and public services. These four laws should be scrutinized in terms of technology application. To create prime services in the management of clean water and waste water, it has been developed the technology information system of clean water and waste water processing (SITPABLC). SITPABLC is the information system to provide information and technology services due to supporting the implementation of these four laws.informasi, transaksi elektronik, informasi publik, keterbukaan informasi publik, pelayanan ?Komarudin dan Satmoko Yudo
286Peranan Tumbuhan Liar Dalam Konservasi Serangga Penyerbuk Ordo HymenopteraThe role of the wild plants in relation to the conservation of the Indonesian insect
pollinators was studied at several areas of Java. Three of direct observation
methods were applied: study of biodiversity and observation on the wild fl owers
and the insect pollinators as well, and the behaviour of the insects. The fl owers
of wild plants were relatively smaller and paler in colour, however they were more
attractive to insect pollinators than cultivated plants. Flowering time of the wild
plants was mostly during wet seasons, contrary to that of the cultivated plants
which was mostly during dry seasons. Our observation indicated that these wild
plants are the food resources of insect pollinators during wet seasons. Observation data support the importance of wild plants to supply food to insect pollinators during wet seasons. Management of wild and cultivated plant environments is necessary to conserve insect pollinators.
insect pollinators, wild plants, conservationErniwati dan Sih Kahono
287Model Pengelolaan Air Tanah Akuifer Pantai Untuk Mengontrol Intrusi Air AsinPemakaian air tanah di daerah dengan tipe akuifer pantai secara berlebihan yang dilaksanakan secara bertahun-tahun akan mengakibatkan dua macam kerugian suatu akuifer yaitu penurunan permukaan tanah dan masuknya air asin kedalam akuifer terutama pada daerah dengan akuifer pantai. Biasanya perubahan tinggi muka air tanah tersebut baru dapat diketahui beberapa puluh tahun kemudian setelah daerah tersebut berkembang sebagai daerah industri atau sebagai daerah pemukiman. Perubahan penurunan muka air tanah tersebut akan semakin dipercepat oleh peningkatan jumlah pemakaian air terutama yang diperoleh dari pengambilan air tanah dalam (pada lapisan akuifer tertekan). Perubahan tersebut akan dengan cepat dapat diketahui dengan mensimulasikan aliran air tanah dan air asin (air laut) sebagai akibat pemompaan kedalam komputer. Model persamaan beda hingga tiga dimensi yang disebut Model Komputer Sharp akan mensimulasikan aliran air tawar dan air asin yang dipisahkan oleh lapisan tegas dalam sistem akuifer pantai. Model menyesuaikan akufer jamak yang dipisahkan batas lapisan impermeabel/semipermeabel, dengan variabel keruangan media berpori. Akuifer bagian atas dapat sebagai akuifer tertekan, tidak tertekan atau semi tertekan dengan daerah imbuhan yang terdistribusi. Simulasi aliran air tanah tawar dan aliran air asin dalam suatu sistem akuifer pantai mempunyai tujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan respons pemompaan air tanah dan peresapan kembali air hujan kedalam sistem akuifer melalui simulasi komputer. Model ini dapat juga dipergunakan untuk meramal aliran, distribusi dan sifat-sifat air tanah dalam suatu sistem akuifer. Tujuan utama dari pemakaian model ini dalam pengelolaan air tanah adalah untuk melakukan optimalisasi pemakaian air tanahIntrusi Air Laut, Air Asin, Akuifer, Groundwater, Air Tanah, SHARP, FORTRANDrs. Robertus Haryoto Indriatmoko
288Pemanfaatan Potensi tenaga Air di Saluran Irigasi Banjarcahyana
This study was conducted by collaboration between BPPT, Chugoku Electric Power, and PT Indonesia Power and funded by GEC (Japan-Geo Environment Center). The study was started on August 2005, and finished on September 2006. The purpose of the study was to explore the unutilized potentials micro hydro power plants (MHPP) in Banjarcahyana irrigation channel. These sites are located at south eastern of Banjarnegara city. Development of these MHPP will be planned put into Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), therefore operation of these power generation would be calculated to reduce global warming effects. According to the study result, it was found eight locations having potential to build as MHPP. The development of the project economically feasible estimated could reduce 17,252 t-CO2 of Green House Gas Effect annually. This study also provides new emission coefficient factor for electricity grid system of Jawa Bali Madura (JAMALI).irrigation channel, hydro power generation, Clean Development Mechanism, Green Houses Gasses,Irhan Febijanto
289Kajian Status Kualitas Perairan Jangari Cirata Dan Kelayakannya Untuk Daerah Wisata AirJangari is an area in Cirata reservoir that was developed for tourism area. Lately, in this area have been developed many cages for fish culture that produce organic waste in huge number. This research was conducted to know the status and dynamics of water quality in Jangari that receive organic waste in huge number.The research revealed that Jangari water body could be cited as an eutrophic water body. This conclusion was due to (i)-the concentrations of phosphorus was always higher than 0,016 mg?l-1P and nitrogen total was always higher than 0,711 mg?l-1N; (ii)-the density of fitoplankton in 25 cm depth was between 36.590?103 and 40.710?103 ind?l?1; whereas in 150 cm depth was between 29.620?103 and 36.370?103 ind?l?1. This phytoplankton community was dominated by Cyanophyta (70,9%-78,2%), especially. Microcystis sp and Oscillatoria sp. (iii)-the vanishing point of secchi disc was always smaller than 71 cm. During the research zooplankton was dominated by copepoda, cladocera and rotifera with density fluctuate between 34-394 ind?l?1. The eutrophic status for Jangari, will threaten the sustainable potency for tourism area; and therefore it was suggested to built one management for Cirata reservoir which could be hoped to plan, do and evaluate the development of Cirata appropriate to the potencies and carryng capasity of reservoir.Jangari, organic waste, phytoplankton, euthrophic.Yudhi Soetrisno Garno
290Pengaruh Mikoriza, Media Tanam Dan Fase Transplant Terhadap Pertumbuhan ?Dyera costulata, usually called as jelutung is belonging into Apocynaceae family. This plant is a potential plant species that has good prospect, especially for timber and latex production. However the seedling grows slowly. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse, Treub Laboratory, Botani Division, Centre Research for Biology-LIPI, Bogor, using a Factorial Completely Randomized Design with tree main factors in fi ve replications. The fi rst factor is phase of transplant i.e. seedling with closed cotyledon, seedling with opened cotyledon, seedling with two first leaves. The second factor is growth medias i.e. soil, soil+compost (1:1), soil+husk of rice (1:1), soil+compost+ soil+husk of rice (1:1:1), compost+ soil+husk of rice (1:1). The third factor is mycorrhiza i.e. 0, 2, 4 and 6 g/pot The result showed that the transplant phase had signifi cant effect on the seedling growth. The best of transplant phase is seedling with two leaves which has 100% survival, seedling height 8.57 cm and number of leaves 5.07. Mycorrhiza treatment no signifi cant effect on the seedling growth until 5 months after planting. Growth medias had signifi cant effect at number of leaves. Therefore it is recommended the best media for seedling growth are are of soil+ soil+husk of rice (1:1) , or soil+compost + husk of rice = 1:1:1. There was no interaction effect of transplant phase, mycorrhiza and growth media.jelutung (Dyera costulata), mycorhiza, growth media, transplant phaseNing Wikan Utami dan E. A. Widjaja
291Pemodelan Statistik Hubungan Debit Dan Kandungan Sedimen SungaiKandungan sedimen menunjukkan konsentrasi zat padat yang tersuspensi dalam air. Untuk mengukur kandungan sedimen diperlukan peralatan khusus, relatif sulit, lama dan perlu biaya, sedangkan data debit sungai jauh lebih mudah diukur dan merupakan data yang selalu tersedia di tiap aliran sungai. Oleh karena itulah perlu dicari hubungan antara debit air sungai dengan kandungan sedimen dalam air sungai. Sehingga dengan adanya data pengukuran debit sungai tanpa ada pengukuran kandungan sedimen dapat diperkirakan kandungan sedimen dalam air sungai tersebut dengan cepat dan murah. Hubungan antara debit dengan kandungan sedimen untuk data DAS Citarum - Nanjung pada bulan Maret 1998 adalah : dengan analisis regresi eksponensial : Y = 0.7379 e0.0332 X dengan : koefisien korelasi (R) = 0.978 dan kesalahan baku perkiraan (SEY) = + 1.25 juta m3/hari; dengan analisis regresi berpangkat : Y = 6.7655.10-4 X2.2644 dengan : koefisien korelasi (R) = 0.985 dan kesalahan baku perkiraan (SEY) = + 1.20 juta m3/hari. Berdasarkan nilai koefisien korelasi dan nilai kesalahan baku perkiraan, maka analisis regresi berpangkat lebih sesuai dibandingkan dengan analisis regresi eksponensial untuk data kasus hubungan debit dan kandungan sedimen di DAS Citarum - Nanjung, Maret 1998.kandungan sedimen, regresi eksponensial, regresi berpangkatMardi Wibowo
292Karakteristik Lingkungan Perairan Kepulauan SeribuAn identification of the environment characteristics of the Seribu Islands was conducted by using the physical and chemical data obtained from various sources. The characteristics of the water quality at the Seribu Island was identified as a moderate level in the middle part and better in the northern part. While in the southern part was poor due to the effect of the degraded water quality at Jakarta Bay as indicated by low transparency and high heavy metal concentration of the Cd and Pb.Karakteristik lingkungan perairan, Kepulauan SeribuSuhendar I Sachoemar
293Perencanaan Sistem Pengolahan Air Minum dengan Karbon Aktif BubukKarbon aktif adalah bahan atau zat yang sering digunakan dalam pengolahan air minum untuk menghilangkan zat-zat polutan misalnya : bau, zat organik, deterjen, senyawa phenol, senyawa derivat methan dan zat-zat organik lainnya, yang tak dapat dihilangkan dengan cara pengolahan biasa seperti koagulasi, flokulasi, pengendapan dan penyaringan. Untuk pengolahan air minum dengan karbon aktif bubuk (powdered activated carbon), proses pengolahannya sangat dipengaruhi oleh laju air air baku, konsentrasi zat polutan yang akan dihilangkan, banyaknya karbon aktif yang ditambahkan, waktu kontak dan juga dipengaruhi oleh proses operasi yang digunakan misalnya: operasi satu tahap (single stage operation atau operasi tahap banyak (multi stage operation), baik secara aliran silang (cross current) atau dengan aliran berlawanan (counter current). Di samping itu juga dipengaruhi oleh sifat dari karbon aktifnya sendiri. Proses pengolahan air minum dengan karbon aktif bubuk sangat cocok dan ekonomis untuk pengolahandalam keadaan darurat, misalnya pada saat musim kemarau dimana kualitas air baku menjadi buruk.Karbon Aktif Bubuk, Powdered Activated Carbon, Polutan, Multi / Single Stage OperationIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
294Aplikasi Metoda Res-2d Untuk Eksplorasi Air Bawah Tanah Di Daerah KarsPeople have long been interested in kars, the typically topograhy in limestone area. There are many spectacular ornament in the caves caused by carbonates presipitates. Among the most common shapes which is be chief attraction for cave visitors is stalactites, stalagmites and columns. Beside of the excitements, kars also have hard problem for people who lived in that area. It is how to find out water for their living. Karst formation, both the surface (dolina, hill, etc) and underground forms (caverns, groundwater conduits, underground streams), appears as conductive zones relative to adjacent undisturbed limestone. Therefore resistivity methode will produce good results if applied to identify dolina, conduits , caverns and structure of geology in kars. The methode describes in this paper is Res-2D with configuration of pole-dipole with area for research are kars in Pacitan and Tulungagung region. Four principal layers can typically be differentiated in a vertical section : near surface (clayey) loam and soil in dolina, dry karstified limestone, conduit & cave and solid unkarstified limestone. They have contrast of resistivity. Conduits have resistivity value range from 10 to 20 ohmm, whereas resistivty of cave is > 1000 ohmm. Karstified limestone have resistivity value from 20 to 250 ohmm, whereas massive limestone have resistivity > 250 ohmm. This paper shows that Res-2D methode can give good contribution in exploration of groundwater in kars area.Kars, Res-2D, ConduitsAgus Kuswanto
295Pengelolaan Limbah Kawasan Industri Kecil Di Kota TegalTegal is a maritime town that mostly its resident has living as fisherman. Most existing industry in this town is fishery industry. Besides fishery industry, other small industrial also produce waste water which together with domestic waste water partake to contaminate Gung river, Sibelis river, Kemiri river and other channel which pass through Tegal town. Tegal town government trough the Office Operation of Environmental Impact (KEPADEL) have conducted various effort to reduce the impact of environmental contamination by giving counseling, training and other compilation of book containing information technology and technical guidance of waste water management to industrial activity exist in Tegal. With construction which continues to be conducted by KAPEDAL, we expected that the environmental quality in this town will change with progressively goodness.Kawasan Industri, Limbah Cair Industri, Pencemaran Lingkungan, Informasi Teknologi Pengolahan LimbahSetiyono dan Heru Dwi Wahjono
296Dampak dan Antisipasi Kebakaran HutanThe frequent accurrences of forest fire causes air pulltion. Concentration Sulfur Oxides, partuculate SO4 = and smoke endabgers the inhabitant's health, and also decrease amount of rainfall. The result of observation by BMG (institute of Meteorological andnad Geophisical in Indonesia ) of concentration pollutant smoke 313% molecular cation NH46++, Ca+,Mg++ and 540 % anion CL -, NO - and SO 4- and UPT - HB, BPPT to do rainmakoing for disperse the smoke.Kebakaran Hutan, Kabut asap san Debu, Polusi Udara inversi, Modifikasi cuaca.Srilestari
297Peran Teknologi Dalam Penentuan Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air NasionalIn the national water resource management, the data is the basis for the calculation of water reserves. In a large scale and wide, searching the data will require substantial funding, as well as with the updates. Data colecting becomes a problem and not useful if not managed with the system efficiently and effectively. Technology occupies an important role in accelerating the work, such as remote sensing technology using a satellite to determine the condition of forests and water, or a weather that can see the concentration of clouds and wind movement. Determination of catchment areas of water and protected areas, may of them using remote sensing technology. Water treatment technologies for drinking water and the development of efficient recycling technology of waste water, is very supportive in increasing water use efficiency. Technological developments also influence government policy and the implementation of water resource management. National Policy of Water Resource Management is influenced by economic factors, environmental sustainability and socio-cultural conditions. The role of technology are facilitate, accelerate and improve the efficiency of the process, so that the process can be more economical and environmental impact is reduced, and does not conflict with the socio-cultural conditions.Kebijakan nasional sumber daya air, potensi SDA, teknologi pengolahan airArie Herlambang
298Ivetigasi Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Tandan buah kosong sebagai bahan bakar boiler terhadap pembentukan?The gas prudced in soliud waste disposal sites, practiculry CH4 can be a local enviromenteal hazard if precaution are not take to prevent uncontrolled emissions or migration into surrounding land. Gas can migrate from solid waste disposal sites either odors at low concertration, while at cocentration of 5 - 15 per cent in air, the gas may be form expolsive mixture. Recently, a forest fire on the Indonesia islands of Sumatra and Kalimatan left not only In Indonesia but neihboaring countries as well covered under a thick cluod of haze. Semo palm plantations and palm oil refineries once disposed of palm palm oil wste (Empty Fruit Bruinches)by drying them in ovens and then burning them in field. This paper discusses some result of the experimental and theoretical investigations which conducted to exasmie effects of the utilization of palm oil wastes partcularly Empty Fruit Brunches as the fuel of boiler on greenhouse gas emission.Kelapa Sawit, TBK(Tanda Buah Kosong), batu baram, CFB Boiler (CirculaTING Fluized Bed Boiler)Amiral Aziz
299Kelas Kesesuaian Lahan Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan di DAS Citarum Hulu.Lahan tropika seperti halnya kebanyakan lahan di Indonesia harus dikelola secara bijaksana sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip konservasi tanah dan air agar swasembada pangan dapat lebih dimantapkan lagi. Klas Kemampuan Lahan merupakan pedoman yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip konservasi tanah dan air dan dapat diguankan sebagai pedoman untuk perencanaan pengembangan pertanian secara umum. Sedangkan pengembangan pertanian berskala usaha hendaknya harus berdasarkan pada kelas kesesuaian lahan suatu wilayah yang akan dikembangkan untuk suatu usaha pertanian agar tidak terjadi kerusakan lahan yang dapat m,enimbulkan kerugian jangka panjang baik secara ekonomi mauspun lingkungan. Pengetahuan tentang perencanaan pembangunan pertanian yang berasas pada Kelas Kemampuan Lahan dan Kelas Kesesuaian Lahan suatu wilayah dapat diterapkan pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) terutama wilayah DAS Citarum Bagian Hulu yang dalam kenyataannya telah mengalami kerusakan yang sangat berat dan akan berakibat pada kemampuan daya dukung wilayah dan menurunnya kualitas Danau multiguna seperti Saguling, Cirata dan Jatiluhur.Kelas Lahan, Konservasi, LingkunganSabaruddin Wagiman Tjokrokusumo
300Zeolit Untuk Mengurangi Kesadahan AirDalam penggunaannya, air mempunyai persyaratan tertentu, baik untuk air rumah tangga maupun air industri. Salah satu syarat yang harus dipenuhi adalah angka kesadahan air, yaitu angka yang berhubungan dengan jumlah kandungan calsium dan magnesium. Kedua unsur ini khususnya pada air minum diperlukan, namun hanya sampai dengan batas tertentu, karena kelebihan unsur ini dapat berakibat pada kesehatan. Pada penggunaan air untuk cuci dan mandi kelebihan unsur calsium dan magnesium akan mengurangi efektifitas sabun/detergen, bahkan untuk air industri kandungan unsur-unsur tersebut sebaiknya nol, karena adanya kedua unsur ini dapat merusak peralatan pemanas pada industri. Untuk membantu masyarakat, terutama pelaku industri kecil dan industri rumah tangga, telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai cara penghilangan kandungan unsur calsium dan magnesium dari dalam air . Dalam tulisan ini diinformasikan beberapa cara penghilangan kesadahan air atau biasa disebut dengan pelunakan air, namun percobaan yang dilakukan hanya terbatas pada cara pelunakan air sadah dengan metoda penukar ion. Bahan penukar ion yang digunakan adalah zeolit alam, karena zeolit alam mudah diperoleh dan harganya relatif murah. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan adanya penurunan kadar kesadahan, namun zeolit alam ini cepat sekali mencapai jenuh, sehingga harus sering dilakukan proses regenerasi.Kesadahan, Zeolit, Alumino SilikatRuliasih Marsidi