Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 341-360 dari 814 item.
341Karakteristik Dukungan Industri Terhadap Upaya Implementasi Produksi BersihSolusi pengolahan akhir pipa (end-of-pipe) disadari belum mampu memberikan jawaban yang memuaskan terhadap penanganan masalah pencemaran lingkungan. Saat ini sejumlah besar perusahaan di dunia sedang mengupayakan keuntungan melalui suatu pendekatan pencegahan lingkungan yang dikenal sebagai eko-efisiensi dan produksi bersih. Walaupun penerapan Produksi Bersih dapat dilakukan melalui cara-cara yang amat sederhana, namun pada kondisi tertentu kadang-kadang memerlukan perubahan yang radikal dan perlu keterlibatan manajemen perusahaan yang proaktif. Penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi karakteristik dukungan organisasi terhadap upaya penerapan Produksi Bersih perusahaan pada kasus Perusahaan BUMN Pulp dan Kertas. Hal lain yang coba diungkap adalah prasyarat keberhasilan implementasi Produksi Bersih berdasarkan persepsi anggota organisasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan Tingkat Penerimaan Konsep Produksi Bersih secara positif dipengaruhi oleh pemahaman manfaat ekonomi, kebijakan strategis, dan gaya kepemimpinan; sedang mekanisma evaluasi dan sistem insentif perusahaan masih menjadi faktor penghambat dalam penerimaan konsep Produksi Bersih saat ini. Secara umum, kalangan anggota perusahaan menempatkan faktor dukungan finansial sebagai faktor paling esensial bagi keberhasilan implementasi Produksi Bersih. Namun kenyataan dari analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa sistem insentif perusahaan justru menjadi faktor penghambat penerimaan konsep Produksi Bersih. Faktor lain yang juga dianggap esensial berturut-turut adalah keterlibatan pekerja, komitmen manajemen, kemampuan karyawan, dan kebijakan strategis. Walaupun kebijakan strategis perusahaan telah mengakomodasikan kepentingan lingkungan, namun hal ini tidak didukung hingga pada tahap pelaksanaan. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan kebijakan strategis perusahaan masih menjadi faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaan Produksi Bersih. Fenomena lain yang menarik adalah ternyata saat ini belum terbentuk budaya produksi bersih pada tatanan perusahaan, tim pengelola lingkungan yang profesional juga belum memberikan peran yang signifikan bagi penerimaan dan penerapan Produksi Bersih di perusahaan.Produksi Bersih, Industri, Pulp, KertasIr. Sawarni Hasibuan, M.T.
342Peningkatan Kualitas Air Sungai Untuk Irigasi Persawahan Padi Dengan Sistem "Kontrol Ph"Bengkalis district has a population of 690,366 people spread in the area of 11,481.77 Km2. Natural resources potencial in this area is quite large, so that local Government has a high commitment to meet the demand of local food, and even regional. To implement this goal, local government will build irrigation systems to irrigate 1,500 ha of rice field land which decrease of water in dry season. However, there are some constraints experienced are : the river for irrigation water source is located near the beach, so it is influenced by tidal sea water. Besides, the peat moss water contains a high organic matter and acid. To solve this problem, we need to treat the river water for irrigation, so that its quality meets the requirement for agriculture. While tidal conditions can be set with the pumping time. From the results of the research in the laboratory showed that the river water pH = 4 while the river water quality standard for the rice field is the appropriate 5 - 9 mg/l. Therefore, the required water treatment to raise pH to comply with the standard quality of water for agriculture. Research conducted in the village Langkat, district Siak Kecil. This activity includes laboratory research, design creation tool to increase pH river water irrigation, tools development, up to the trials and monitoring.Peningkatan Kualitas Air, Irigasi Persawahan, Kontrol pHIr. Setiyono, M.Si dan Ir. Sri Rahayu, M.T.
343Kotoran Manusia, Standar Pengolahan dan Aspek Metabolisis pada Bidang Resapan.There are two kinds of human wates product. The first one is solid material which is called faeces, and the second one is liquid material which is called urine. Both faeces and urine contain hazardous chemical and biological constituent element or substancec. Such substances which are found in human waste are various depending on biological digestion process in the stomach, varieties of food, social aspect, age, sex, and climate. Bad sanitation systems especially for settlement areas where houshold waste water treatment is not yet built in accordance with the standard design will produce effluent that causes environmental quality degradation. It can be seen from the different kinds of deseases that affect skin, mouth or respiration. Effluent flowing in the areas with enough space and deeper ground water can be treated through cross sectional absorbtion treatment systems.Kotoran Manusia, Aspek Metabolisis, Sanitasi Lingkungan, Air TanahIr. Tasmian dan Ir. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
344Merancang Sistem Buoy Dan Sensor Sebagai Perangkat Pemantauan Lingkungan Perairan ?.Dalam rangka alih teknologi khususnya dalam perancangan sistem pemantauan lingkungan perairan yang murah, handal dan mandiri, maka pada tahun 2000 dimulai perancangan buoy dan sensor yang ditujukan baik bagi pemantauan perairan darat (waduk dan sungai) maupun laut. Sistem ini pada dasarnya terdiri atas seperangkat buoy pengukur serta pusat pengolahan data yang saling terhubungkan dengan telemetri radio (VHF/HF). Beberapa parameter yang dapat diukur dengan sistem sensor antara lain parameter bawah air dan permukaan air seperti tekanan udara, kecepatan dan arah angin, konduktivitas, Kelarutan Oksigen, arah kecepatan arus, tinggi gelombang kekeruhan perairan. Rekayasa dan pengembangan diarahkan pada aspek fungsi dan kinerja dasar sistem buoy yang real time. Beberapa perangkat keras dari sistem buoy antara lain ; transducer, on-board computer, conditioning signal, converter, data acquitition controller, storage media dan instrument komunikasi data.Sistem Buoy, Pemantauan LingkunganIr. Wahyu Purwanta, MT
345Pemanfaatan Ladang Gas Marginal Untuk Suplai Sektor Tranportasi Di Wilayah PanturaAs the oil energy demand for the transportation sector in the northern of Java coastal area is high, that area has a high potential for oil substitution to gas. The substitution not only can reduce oil consumption but can also can reduce pollutant emissions from oil combustion. The substitution, gas besides can be supplied from the existing gas fields, but also can be supplied from marginal gas fields that are in the Java coastal areas.An analysis result showed that gas utilization from marginal gas fields needs to be reconsidered, because the gas reserve in the marginal gas field in that area in relatively small and it is not enough infrastructure to utilized that gas fields for that area.Gas fuel, Transportation, Clean energyIrawan Rahardjo
346Pemanfaatan Potensi tenaga Air di Saluran Irigasi Banjarcahyana
This study was conducted by collaboration between BPPT, Chugoku Electric Power, and PT Indonesia Power and funded by GEC (Japan-Geo Environment Center). The study was started on August 2005, and finished on September 2006. The purpose of the study was to explore the unutilized potentials micro hydro power plants (MHPP) in Banjarcahyana irrigation channel. These sites are located at south eastern of Banjarnegara city. Development of these MHPP will be planned put into Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), therefore operation of these power generation would be calculated to reduce global warming effects. According to the study result, it was found eight locations having potential to build as MHPP. The development of the project economically feasible estimated could reduce 17,252 t-CO2 of Green House Gas Effect annually. This study also provides new emission coefficient factor for electricity grid system of Jawa Bali Madura (JAMALI).irrigation channel, hydro power generation, Clean Development Mechanism, Green Houses Gasses,Irhan Febijanto
347Kemampuan Flavobacterium Sp Nub1 Dalam menggunakan Alifatik Nitril Untuk Pertumbuhannyaaliphatic nitrile, biodegradation, Flavobacterium sp. NUB1Teknologi Lingkunganistin_ar
348Kenaikan Muka Laut Akibat Pemanasan Global Dan Aspek Penataan Ruang Wilayah Kota MakassarClimate and regional temperature changes due to anthropogenic activities have the impact on physical and biological aspects in the coastal zone. The increase of sea level changes is one important impact that adversing the coastal ecosystem. In 40 years (1961 ? 2003) sea level has increase in the average rate of 1,8 mm/year with the total increase of 17 cm in the early 20th century. Makassar city, the largest city in the eastern part of Indonesia is vulnerable to the increase of sea level. In this city, several coastal tipology in terms of land use can be observed. Human settlement, city tourism, sea port, fish pond as well as area with no human activities can be found. Large potential of economic loss can be occured if is not anticipated. Coastal zone spatial planning need to include coastal hazard of sea level changes due to global warming, increase of sea level changes, coastal tipologyIwan G. Tejakusuma dan Hermawan P
349Sediment And Suspended Particulate Matter Of Jakarta Bay, IndonesiaJakarta Bay is a semi enclosed bay located in the northern coast of Jakarta Metropolitan City. Hydrologically 13 rivers flowing in the Jakarta region and there are three big rivers with significant discharge to the Jakarta Bay namely Citarum, Ciliwung, and Cisadane Rivers. Jakarta, as Indonesian capital city with population of 8.725.630 inhabitants, and another 15 million people live in the surrounded suburban of Jakarta, creates a significant anthropogenic impact to the environmental system. Limited infrastructures, such as no sewerage system and lack of industrial waste management, cause the rivers in this region have over their carrying capacity. Seventeen sampling stations were determined in the Jakarta Bay, consisting of 5 stations at the river mouths (estuaries) and other 12 stations in the bay spreading from the coastal to offshore areas. Water and sediment samples were taken during 2 monsoonal or seasonal variations, August 2006 for dry season and February 2007 for rainy season respectively. Additionally, samples were also taken in May 2007. Sediment distribution in the estuary consists mostly of black clay. The sediments clays were bad smell. In the coastal region and in the dry season, the sediments consists of black clay and at one sampling site (station S3) the sediment was bad smell. However, all sampling sites became bad smell in the rainy season. In the inner bay area, sediments were greyish green sandy clay with some shell fragments. In the outer bay, the sediments were dominated by greyish green clayey sand with some shell fragments. The black clay with bad smell is indicative of anthropogenic influence from Jakarta River Basin. C/N ratio of the sediments in the dry season ranged from 1 to about 4.2 where in the estuaries (at stations M1, M2 and M4) the ratio were higher compared to the inner and outer bays. The C/N ratio of suspended particulate matter ranged from the lowest ratio of 0.7 to the highest ratio of 17.7 at the bottom layer and lesser ranged of 0.7 to 9.8 at surface layer. POC concentrations ranged between 50-650 ?M and 50-900 ?M, in February and May, respectively. High concentrations of POC exists along the coastline or estuaries then decreasing toward the sea. POC is distributed widely in February than that in May due to higher discharge from the rivers. The average TOC concentrations in February is lower than that in May, but the TOC load in February was much higher than that in May due to the big differences of river discharge and because the samples were taken a week after the big flood in Jakarta area (February 4th - 6th, 2007). Total organic carbon fluxes from the river to the bay in February and May 2007 were 107.6 T /day C and 42.7 T /day C, respectively.sediment, anthropogenic influence, C/N Ratio, POC, TOC, fluxIwan G. Tejakusuma, Seno Adi, M.S. Nugrahadi, Rahmania D. and T. Yanagi
350Evaluasi Kebijakan Efisiensi Energi Untuk Mengurangi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Nasionalpolicy evaluation, energy efficiency, office buildings, greenhouse gas emissions.Teknologi
351Ethnobotany Study Of Seaweed Diversity And Its Utilization In Warambadi ?This paper reports the ethnobotany study of seaweed diversity in Warambadi ? Panguhalodo areas of East Sumba District, the island of Sumba. The study recorded 19 genera of 54 species of seaweed, which were utilized as food or edible seaweed. The group consisted of 17 species of green algae, 17 species of red algae, and 20 species of brown algae. The study also reported that 18 genera of 38 species were traditionally utilized for medicinal purposes as herbal medicine. The herbal species consisted of 7 species of green algae, 13 species of red algae, and 18 species of brown algae. Seaweed is traditionally consumed as food in various forms: raw as salad and vegetable, as pickle with sauce of allspice or with vinegar, as relish or sweetened jellies and also cooked for vegetable soup. As herbal medicine seaweed is usually used for traditional cosmetics, as antipyretic and antiseptic, as vermifuges, and treatments for cough and asthma, hemorrhoid, nosebleed and boils, goiter and scrofula, stomach ailments and urinary diseases. Indigenous knowledge on seaweed still exist and are continually employed by people living in particular areas such as the Sumba and Sabu ethnic groups. Yet, the knowledge is gradually decreasing due to localities, socio-economic change and cultural development.ethnobotany, seaweed diversity, edible, herbal medicine, indigenous
knowledge ?
Jana Tjahjana Anggadiredja
352Kualitas Udara Beberapa Kota Di Asia (Monitoring Kandungan So2 Udara Ambien Dengan Passive Sampler)Within this paper will be presented a result of passive sampler method to determine SO2 level of ambient air as the same method development to the previously determine NO2 level (1,2). The result of development had applied for analyzing and comparing the quality SO2 on ambient air at several cites in Asia such as Peking, Shanghai, Seoul, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, including several locations in surrounding Jakarta. This passive sampler method is simple and easy to be applied, therefore it make possible to monitor the air quality from urban till every border.The SO2 level result indicate air quality in Jakarta is still on the safety level as the others cites in Asia.Passive sampler, Analisa SO2, Udara ambienJoko Prayitno Susanto
353Analisis Diskripsi Pencemaran Air Sumur Pada Daerah Industri Pengecoran LogamThe objective of the study is to explain the ground water impact of foundry industry activities in Ceper, Klaten Regency, Central Java Province. The result of this study shows that the tendency of some metal parameters (Fe, Mn and Pb) increases at water taken from some location artesian well or traditional well. Slags do not manage yet very well supposition ally causing the pollutant so that?s created opportunity to bring about the process leaching by the rain toward the inside metal components.Recommendation : In the future, the anticipate to expantion this industry is the slag manage very well through utilization exact and friendly environment technology.Slags pollutant friendly environment technologyJoko Prayitno Susanto
354Pemanfaatan Metode Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) Untuk Analisa Phosphate ?Dalam paper ini akan dilaporkan tentang hasil penelitian analisa ion phosphat pada konsentrasi rendah (ultra-trace concentration) yang terkandung dalam sampel air dengan metoda FIA - spektrophotometer. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada reaksi pembentukan ion associate (ion gabungan) berwarna antara molybdophosphate and Malachite Green (MG) serta proses filtrasi ion associate pada mikro membran filter (membran filter cellulose nitrate, ukuran pori-pori 1.0 mm; ukuran membran 9 mm) yang dilanjutkan dengan proses pelarutan membran filter pada sedikit (1 ml atau kurang) Methyl Cellosolve untuk dianalisa dengan menggunakan sistem FIA-Spektrophotometer. Hasil analisa menggunakan metode ini menunjukkan bahwa absorbance, standard deviation (SD) dan relative standard deviation (RSD) dari larutan blanko, masing-masing adalah 0.027, 0.0005 and 1.8%. Grafik kalibrasi yang diperoleh menunjukkan linier pada konsentrasi phosphat antara 0.018 to 1.0 ppb, dengan LOD (Limit of detection) hingga 3 ppb.Analisa Ultra-Trace Phosphate, Membran Filter. Malachite Green, Heteropolyacid, Ion AssociateJoko Prayitno Susanto
355Analisa Cu(Ii) Pada Sampel Air Sungai Berdasarkan Pembentukan Senyawa Kompleks Cu-DdtcDalam penelitian ini, dikembangkan suatu metode analisa Cu dengan menggunakan peralatan pemekatan yang telah dikembangkan sebelumnya(1). Dengan ini dimungkinkan dapat dilakukan analisa Cu dengan konsentrasi yang sangat rendah. Ion Cu pada kadar rendah (trace concentration) dalam sampel cair direaksikan dengan Diethyldithio Carbamate (DDTC) untuk menghasilkan senyawa komplek Cu-DDTC. Larutan yang mengandung senyawa kompleks tersebut selanjutnya dipekatkan kedalam Micro Membrane Filter (MMF) menggunakan alat yang telah dikembangkan(1) dan MMF yang telah mengandung senyawa komplek tersebut kemudian secara langsung dimasukkan ke dalam Graphite Furnace Atomic Absortion Spectrophotometric (GF-AAS) untuk meanalisa konsentrasi Cu secara langsung. Dengan metode ini, sensitivitas (3 x s larutan blanko) Cu(II) adalah 0,03 ppb dan relative standard deviation (n=6) adalah 2,5 %. Metoda ini telah diterapkan untuk menganalisa kandungan ion Cu dalam sampel air sungai dengan hasil yang sangat memuaskan.Copper Determination, Micro-Membrane Filter, Direct Ashing Gf - aasJoko Prayitno Susanto
356Pemanfaatan Passive Sampler Untuk Monitoring Kualitas No2 Dalam Udara AmbienAnalysis methods by using passive sampler for the content of pollutant materials in the ambient air, such as the content of NO2, SO2, O3, etc, has been widely used and applied in several countries. The advantage of this method is easier to carry and more moveable, and taking samples among various locations with different weather, compares to others. In Indonesia this method is not much known yet.The writers through a collaboration of research with The University of Tokushima-Japan, is trying to apply one of passive sampler method in order to measure the concentration of NO2 in the air on several locations in Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung. Hence, The result of analyze in Indonesian was comparing with the result in the others country by used the same methods.The conclusion of this research is the quality of the air on Indonesian city worse than the Asia city, so in the future Indonesian government can give more attention to handle the air pollutant.Passive sampler, Analisa NO2, Udara ambienJoko Prayitno Susanto
357Pengaruh Logam Dan Konsentrasi Substrat Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Aktivitas Bakteri Proteolitik ?Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ion-ion logam di dalam media padat terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri protease, serta pengujian pengaruh konsentrasi substrat protein dalam media cair terhadap aktivitas proteolitik bakteri. Penambahan ion logam Mn, Co, Cu dan Zn ke dalam media padat telah mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan bakteri protease yang ditunjukkan melalui peningkatan jumlah produksi enzim ekstraseluler disekitar tempat tumbuh isolat. Diantara ion-ion logam yang digunakan, ion Mn memberikan hasil yang sangat baik dibanding dengan ion-ion lainnya. Penambahan konsentrasi substrat protein pada media cair sebanyak 24%~40% telah mampu meningkatkan aktivitas protease bakteri, sedangkan penambahan 8%~16% substrat ini justru menghambat aktivitas bakter. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar untuk mengoptimalkan proses pembuatan chitin dengan bahan baku limbah cangkang rajungan secara biologis, yang dipandang sebagai proses yang lebih ramah lingkungan dibandingkan dengan proses secara kimiawi.Bakteri protease, aktivitas proteolitik, isolat cangkang udang, ion logam, substrat proteinJoko Prayitno Susanto dan Nida Sopiah
358Penerapan Metode Passive Sampler Untuk Analisa No2 Udara Ambien Di Beberapa Lokasi di JakartaAnalisa polutan udara ambien seperti NO2, SO2, O3 dan lain-lain dengan menggunakan Metode Passive Sampler telah banyak digunakan di negara-negara maju seperti Jepang, Thailand, China, USA. Sedangkan di Indonesia, metode ini masih belum dikenal luas. Metode ini memiliki banyak kelebihan dibanding dengan metode lain, antara lain mudah dibawa dan mempunyai tingkat mobilitas yang tinggi, dapat digunakan untuk menganalisa udara pada kondisi cuaca yang berbeda dll. Dalam paper ini, penulis bekerja sama dengan Universitas Tokushima, Jepang telah mencoba menerapkan metode Passive Sampler yang dikembangkan oleh Yanagisawa (1) untuk menganalisa konsentrasi NO2 dalam udara ambien di beberapa lokasi di Jakarta dan sekitarnya dari bulan Januari 1997 sampai Agustus 1997 Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa kandungan NO2 udara ambien di wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya belum melebihi nilai ambang batas yang ditentukan.Passive Sampler, Analisa NO2 Udara AmbienJoko Prayitno Susanto dan Teguh Prayudi
359Pengolahan Lindi (Leachate ) Dari Tpa Dengan Sistem Koagulasi - Biofilter AnaerobicLeachate is the pollutant which contains various kinds of both organic such as some harmful photogenic bacteria?s and parasitic microbes like Sarcoptes sp and inorganic compounds such as ammonia. The leachate can be caused prurity to human skin. Base on data from Piyungan Community Health Centre, Microbes caused the incidence of dermatitis take number 4 from 10-disease rank within 75%. Piyungan Disposal Site has a possiblity to pollute to Opak River. the leachate need to be processed to decrease the MPN, COD, BOD, TSS and Ammonia parameters before it will be polluted of Opak River. The research had been done to process the leachate to decrease the MPN, COD, BOD, TSS and Ammonia parameters with use coagulation - biofilter anaerobic system. Equipment used was consisted of leachate equalisation (catcher) tank; alum and lime solution container; leachate coagulation tank and biofilter anaerobic tank.The research show that there were influence of leachate processing with coagulation and anaerobic biofilter toward the decreasing of MPN, COD, BOD, TSS and Ammonia parameters with 1, 2, and 3 hours detention time.Leachate, Coagulation, Anaerobic BiofilterJoko Prayitno Susanto, Sri Puji Ganefati, Sri Muryani, dan Siti Hani Istiqomah
360Pengaruh Konsorsium Dan Dosis Mikroba Dalam Mendegradasi Senyawa Hidrokarbon?oil bioremediation, microbe consortium, total heterotrophic bacteriaTeknologi