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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 61-80 dari 814 item.
61Prospek Industri Pengolahan Limbah Sabut KelapaThis article discusses the prospect of coco fibre industry in Indonesia as an effort of increasing added value of coconut product. Supported by the abundance and less utilization of raw materials (coco fibre) throughout the country and increasing price and demand for coco fibre products, domestically as well as internationally, Indonesia has a potential chance for promoting coco fibre based industries. The simple industry that produces coir fibre and coir dust is recommended to be built by using selected technology. Various characteristics of supporting technologies and the financial feasibility of coco fibre based industry have been the concluding remark of the discussion in this article. The industry that use the MTM1 and Bandung type machines in its process is found financially feasibleTeknologi pengolahan sabut, serat dan abu gabus, kelayakan industri pengolahan sabut kelapaSubiyanto
62Pengkajian Kemampuan Teknologi Pengolahan Air Minum Skala KecilTo fulfill the people?s primary need, the government is duty bound to stock remote regions with a steady supply of fresh water. That duty necessitates assasing and applying of appropriate water treatment system in these remote regions or villages. In fact the number of people needing the service is few, and the education level of the people is generally low. Having a small scale and simple water treatment technology would fit this standard. There are many water treatment technology, but only a few should be applied for a minimal capacity production. The applied technology should benefit the local people and, in accordance with local?s conditions, long-lasting. This paper will discuss various water treatment technology suitable for a small-scale production. The technologies are selected based on its ability to purify the water and the cost of each system. The calculations were derived from other written sources along with field data gathered by BPPT. These technology include the coagulation-filtration technology, slow-sand filtration technology, ion-exchange technology, reverse-osmosis technology and the active-carbon technology.Teknologi pengolahan air minum, koagulasi, filtrasi, reverse osmosisRuliasih Marsidi
63Kajian Pengendalian Pencemar Dari Limbah Cair Industri Dengan Chlorellaalgae, wastewater treatment, CO2 capturing. PhotosynthesaTeknologi Pengolahan Air
64Penelitian Pemanfaatan Limbah Pertanian Untuk Bata Cetak RinganLimbah, sekam padi, bata ringan, natrium silikatTeknologi Pengolahan Air,
65Mikroalga Untuk Penyerapan Emisi CO2 Dan Pengolahan Limbah Cair Di Lokasi IndustriFotobioreaktor, Chlorella sp., Emisi gas CO2, air limbahTeknologi Pengolahan Air
66Preliminary Study: Phytoremediation Of Carwash Wastewater By Using Vetiver Grasslimbah cair pencucian mobil, phitoremediasi, tanaman VetiverTeknologi Pengolahan Air;
67Penurunan Bahan Organik Air Limbah Industri Permen Dengan Menggunakan Reaktor Packed?mikrobiologi, pembibitan, aklimatisasi, bioreaktor packed bed, air limbahTeknologi Pengolahan Air
68Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik di DKI Jakarta "Tinjauan Permasalahan, Strategi dan ?"Pengolahan Air Limbah, Limbah DomestikTeknologi Pengolahan Air
69Pedoman Teknis Pengelolaan Limbah Cair Industri KecilPengelolaan Limbah Cair, Air Limbah, Industri KecilTeknologi Pengolahan Air
70Aplikasi Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri Kecil TekstilPengolahan Air Limbah, Biofilter, Industri TekstilTeknologi Pengolahan Air
71Uji Performance Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Sakit Dengan Proses Biofilter TercelupPengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Sakit, Biofilter TercelupTeknologi Pengolahan Air
72Kawasaki Motor Indonesia Green Industry (Studi Kasus Wastewater Treatment Plant PT. KMI - Cibitung)Industri Otomotif, Pengolahan Air Limbah IndustriTeknologi Pengolahan Air
73Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Cair IndustriPengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Pengolahan Limbah Cair IndustriTeknologi Pengolahan Air
74BUKU PANDUAN Pedoman Teknis Pengelolaan Limbah Cair Kota TegalPengelolaan Limbah, Pengolahan Air Limbah, Limbah IndustriTeknologi Pengolahan Air
75Pengelolaan Air Limbah Perkantoran (Studi Kasus IPAL Gedung BPPT)Air Limbah Domestik, Air Limbah PerkantoranTeknologi Pengolahan Air
76Prototipe Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri Pengolahan Ikan?fish processing industry waste water, environmetal pollution, waste water processing prototype.Teknologi Pengolahan Air,
77Biodegradasi Limbah Oli Bekas Oleh Lycinibacillus Sphaericus Tcp C 2.1biodegradation, used engine oil, Lycinibacillus sphaericus TCP C 2.1.Teknologi Pengolahan Air
78Pengaruh Lama Ensilase Terhadap Kualitas Fraksi Serat Kasar Silase Limbah Pucuk Tebu?lama ensilase, kualitas fraksi serat kasar, inokulasi, bakteri asam laktat.Teknologi Pengolahan Air
79Unjuk Kerja Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tahu Secara Biologianarobic, Fixed Bed.Teknologi Pengolahan Air
80Analisis Kimia Limbah B3 Untuk Menentukan Efisiensi Penghancuran Dalam Uji Bakar Di InsineratorLimbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3), Uji Bakar (TBT), Efisiensi Penghancuran (DRE)Teknologi Pengolahan Air