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No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 61-80 dari 814 item.
61Teknologi Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Limbah AmmoniaAmmonia compound is chemical compounds abundance in nature. Ammonia wastes discharge into water body will have a negative impact and cause ecological and healthy problems. High concentration of ammonium will give eutrofication problem in water body therefore dissolve oxygen demand will be decreased as well as self purification of water ecosystem. This negative impact will influenced for aquatic organism which died gradually. The efforts decrease of ammonia concentration is by biological waste water treatment utilizing microbes for changing ammonia to nitrite and nitrate. One of the technologies could be carried out is nitrification process technology using biofilter with 80% efficiency. For decreasing ammonia concentration can be used biological treatment by using microbe which can change it ti nitrite and nitrateammonia, biofilter technology, nitrificationTitiresmi dan Nida Sopiah
62Penghilangan Amoniak Di Dalam Air Baku Air Minum Dengan Proses Biofilter Tercelup Menggunakan MediaMasalah air baku air minum di kota-kota besar misalnya Jakarta, Surabaya, dan kota besar lainnya semakin hari kualitasnya semakin menurun. Hal ini mengakibatkan semakin mahalnya biaya produksi air baku dan pada kondisi tertentu dapat menyebabkan PAM tidak dapat menghasilkan air yang baik.Dari hasil pemantauan yang dilakukan oleh PAM pada bulan September 2000 terhadap air baku (intake water) di instalasi PAM Cilandak menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi amoniak bervariasi hingga mencapai sekitar 2,0 mg/l, dimana nilai konsentrasi tersebut telah melampaui ambang batas peruntukkan air baku air minum yakni sebesar 1 mg/l menurut Kep. Gub. KDKI Jakarta No. 582 th 1995. PAM di Indonsia khususnya PAM di DKI Jakarta menggunakan senyawa khlor (gas khlor atau kalsium hipoklorit) yang selain untuk proses desinfeksi juga digunakan untuk menghilangkan senyawa logam Fe, Mn, serta amoniak. Dengan semakin besarnya konsentrasi senyawa amoniak dalam air baku, maka amoniak akan dapat bereaksi dengan khlor menjadi khloramine yang daya desinfeksinya lebih lemah. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan konsumsi khlor akan menjadi lebih besar sehingga biaya operasi menjadi lebih tinggi. Selain itu dengan semakin besarnya konsentrasi senyawa khlor yang digunakan, maka hasil samping yang dihasilkan seperti terbentuknya senyawa trihalometan dan khlorophenol juga semakin besar. Senyawa-senyawa tersebut dapat mengakibatkan penyakit kanker (carcinogen). Oleh karena itu zat pencemar amoniak harus dihilangkan.Untuk mengurangi kadar amoniak di dalam air baku air minum maka air sungai harus diolah terlebih dahulu melalui suatu pengolahan pendahuluan sebelum masuk ke unit pengolahan. Salah satu alternatif yakni menggunakan proses biologis dengan sistem biofilter tercelup yang diisi dengan media penyangga dari bahan plastik tipe sarang tawon. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengoperasikan secara kontinyu satu reaktor biofilter tercelup menggunakan media palstik tipe sarang tawon dengan, ukuran 210 cm x 30 cm x 59 cm, volume total 371,7 liter.Efisiensi penurunan amoniak berdasarkan variasi waktu tinggal hidrolis 1-3 jam berkisar antara 48,74 % - 73.59 %. Pada pengolahan dengan pengkondisian waktu tinggal hidrolis 1 jam efisiensi penurunan sebesar 48.74%, untuk waktu tinggal 2 jam menunjukkan efisiensi sebesar 67.98 %, untuk waktu tinggal 3 jam efisiensi sebesar 73,59 %. Dari hasil percobaan di dapatkan persaman hubungan antara beban amoniak dengan efisiensi penghilangan amoniak yang ditunjukkan dengan persamaan :Y= -57,896 X + 79,859 di mana Y adalah efisiensi penghilangan amoniak (%), dan X adalah beban amoniak yang dinyatakan dalam gram amoniak/m2 media per hari, dengan nilai R (regresi) dengan harga R2 = 0,7486. Dari hasil tersebut terlihat bahwa dengan beban amoniak sebesar 0,1?0,7 gr/m2.hari di dapatkan efisiensi penghilangan amoniak antara 40 ? 75 %.Amoniak, Air Baku, Biofilter Tercelup, PAMNusa Idaman Said dan Rina Tresnawaty
63Proses Nitrifikasi Dengan Sistem Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Air Limbah Yang Mengandung Amoniak ?Limbah cair yang mengandung amoniak pada masa industrialisasi saat ini semakin banyak jumlahnya, karena semakin berkembangnya pabrik-pabrik yang memproduksi produk yang mengandung unsur nitrogen. Berdasarkan hal ini telah dilakukan penelitian dalam upaya untuk memperoleh suatu sistem pengolahan yang cukup sederhana yang dapat diterapkan di industri-industri kecil. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan melakukan pengolahan limbah yang mengandung amoniak konsentrasi tinggi dengan menerapakan sistem nitrifikasi biologis yang menggunakan reaktor biofilter tercelup. Dari hasil Penelitian diharapkan dapat diperoleh karakteristik proses nitrifikasi yang selanjutnya dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pembuatan alat pengolahan limbah amoniak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian awal, karena hanya melakukan proses nitrifikasi yaitu suatu proses penurunan/penghilangan zat amoniak, yang kemudian hasil dari proses ini masih menghasilkan zat polutan nitrit dan nitrat, karena proses nitrifikasi adalah proses perubahan zat amoniak menjadi nitrit dan nitrat. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini disebut tahap awal karena untuk menghasilkan hasil olahan yang memenuhi standar baku air limbah, perlu dilakukan proses selanjutnya untuk menghilangkan nitrit dan nitrat yaitu melalui proses denitrifikasi. Hasil percobaan proses nitrifikasi yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan penurunan rata-rata amoniak sebesar 97,98 %, dengan volume reaktor (15x20x150)cm atau 45 liter, kapasitas maximum 4,8 l /jam dan waktu tinggal 24 jam.Amoniak, Nitrit, Nitrat, Biofilter TercelupRuliasih Marsidi dan Arie Herlambang
64Induksi Mutasi Kultur In Vitro Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume Dengan Irradiasi GammaAmorphophallus muelleri Blume (Araceae) is valued for its glucoman content for use in food industry (heathy diet food), paper industry, pharmacy and cosmetics. The cultivation of A. muelleri is hampered by limited genetic quality of seed. The species is triploid (2n=3x=39), the seed is developed apomictically, and pollen production is low. The species is only propagated vegetatively. This may explain that the species is difficult to breed conventionally and genetic variability in the existing landraces cultivars is rather limited. Conservation of this species, therefore, is important for availability of the species in the future use of this plant. The objective of present research is to increase genetic variation by induce mutation using gamma-rays irradiation of shoot cultures of A. muelleri and to identify DNA polymorphism induced by gamma irradiation using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), so the mutants produced can be used for breeding purposes and for conservation program. Results of the experiment showed that gamma irradiation less than 5 gray was effective to induce mutation of A. muelleri. Four RAPD primers generated 35 scorable bands with 100% polymorphic bands. Size of the bands varied from 350bp to 2.0kbp. Clustering analysis was performed based on RAPD profiles using the UPGMA method. The range of genetic distance among individual
genotypes was from from 0.00 to 0.72, while genetic variance of the population was 0.21 + 0.13. The eighteen genotypes were proof to be mutants. The mutants produced in this experiment could be used as new germplasms for breeding purposes as well as for use in conservation strategy
Amorphophallus muelleri, induced mutation, gamma-rays irradiation,
Yuyu S. Poerba, Maria Imelda, Aida Wulansari dan Diyah Martanti
65Proses Pembenihan (Seeding) Dan Aklimatisasi Pada Reaktor Tipe Fixed BedProses pembenihan (seeding) dan aklimatisasi menggunakan reactor lekat diam terendam menggunakan media cincin keramik yang menggunakan substrat limbah cair pabrik permen, memperlihatkan aktivitas bekteri semakin stabil pada hari ke 91 sampai hari ke 99. hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari penyisihan COD sebesar 82 ? 86 % konsentrasi gas metan berkisar antara 62 ? 69 %, rentang pH 6,8 ? 7,23 dan bakteri sudah melekat.Anaerob, Fixed bed, Seeding dan aklimatisasi.Indriyati
66Untuk Kerja Reaktor Anaerob Lekat Diam Terendam dengan Media Penyangga Potongan BambuFixed Bed Anaerobic reactor that use support material from bamboo ings can be used as waste water biological treatment without oxygen inside reactor. On the experiment that use soybean sauce waste waterwith high organic content. According to the experiment, the optimum performance result was 3.5 days with loading rate 0.71 kg COD/ and bamboo rengs can be used as support material.Anaerob, media penyangga.Indriyati
67Aplikasi Proses Biologi Anaerobik Pada Pengolahan Air Limbah Organik Berkonsentrasi Garam TinggiAnaerobic treatment of wastewater with high organic and salt content but low pH (TOC, 14 g/l; salt, 150 g/l; pH,2.7) generated during an ?ume boshi? manufacturing process was investigated. Five-fold-diluted ?ume boshi? effluent was treated by a draw-and-fill method at a volumetric TOC (total organic carbon) loading rate of 3.0 g/l/d with a TOC removal efficiency of 75%. Five-fold-diluted ?ome boshi? effluent was also treated in an anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR) at a maximum volumetric TOC loading rate of 3.0 g/l/d, which gave almost the same results as the draw-and-fill method. However, ten-fold-diluted ?ome boshi? effluent could be treated in the AFBR at a maximum volumetric TOC loading rate of 11 g/l/d with a TOC removal efficiency of 85%. The methane content in the evolved gas was high, being 70%. The red pigment in the ?ome boshi? effluent was completely decolorized by the anaerobic treatmentAnaerobic fluidized-bed reactor, ?Ume boshi?Co2+ and Ni2+ ions, decolorizationIkbal
68Pengolahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit dengan bioreaktor Anaerobik Biakan MelekatNowadays as CPO producer Indonesia has become the secondly biggest country in the world. Enormous CPO factories are spread out in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and Sulawesi, but the amount of the wastewater produced become a very difficult problem. In coping with this case, a research on anaerobic treatment process by using biofilter attached culture was done in laboratorium scale. Acidity of the process was maintained on pH 6.8 to 7.4. The detention time was varried from 4 to 6 days. The results show that BOD can be reduced until 83.5%, COD 86.83% and TSS 9.35% for 6 day-detention time. Many experiments have been done by the more institutions in Indonesia, but the conclusion says that the complete treatment system suitable for handling the wastewater produced by CPO factories should use a combination of anaerobic and aerobic process.Anaerobic wastewater treatment, Crude Palm Oil FactoryPetrus Nugro Raharjo
69Pemanfaatan Metode Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) Untuk Analisa Phosphate ?Dalam paper ini akan dilaporkan tentang hasil penelitian analisa ion phosphat pada konsentrasi rendah (ultra-trace concentration) yang terkandung dalam sampel air dengan metoda FIA - spektrophotometer. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada reaksi pembentukan ion associate (ion gabungan) berwarna antara molybdophosphate and Malachite Green (MG) serta proses filtrasi ion associate pada mikro membran filter (membran filter cellulose nitrate, ukuran pori-pori 1.0 mm; ukuran membran 9 mm) yang dilanjutkan dengan proses pelarutan membran filter pada sedikit (1 ml atau kurang) Methyl Cellosolve untuk dianalisa dengan menggunakan sistem FIA-Spektrophotometer. Hasil analisa menggunakan metode ini menunjukkan bahwa absorbance, standard deviation (SD) dan relative standard deviation (RSD) dari larutan blanko, masing-masing adalah 0.027, 0.0005 and 1.8%. Grafik kalibrasi yang diperoleh menunjukkan linier pada konsentrasi phosphat antara 0.018 to 1.0 ppb, dengan LOD (Limit of detection) hingga 3 ppb.Analisa Ultra-Trace Phosphate, Membran Filter. Malachite Green, Heteropolyacid, Ion AssociateJoko Prayitno Susanto
70Evaluasi Kemampuan Alami Wilayah Dalam Konservasi Air Dan Pengendalian BanjirUrban green space plays several roles in balancing the urban ecosystem and maintaining the environment sustainability. Firstly, the urban green space plays a valuable role in prevention of flooding. Trees restrain the movement of sediment and run off. Secondly, the urban green space plays an important role in water conservation, since the tree?s roots absorb some excess water from the soil, making the soil drier, and are able to store more rainwaters. Therefore, the analysis of natural capability of a region in water conservation and flood prevention should become the basis to produce sustainable spatial planning. A study of the importance of green space in maintaining environmental balance in Batam, Malang and Muaro Jambi were conducted by P4W-IPB and P3TL-BPPT by applying the Kato model with some slightly modifications, to map and evaluate the natural capability of those areas on water conservation and flood prevention. The model is based on validated land evaluation models and ecological value, and mapping the differences between the land covered by green space and that by abandoned areas. Evaluation of the ecological functions of urban green space, in combination with other parameters, has been done under GIS and Remote Sensing. The spatial analysis of the ecological function within three areas showed different figures, in which the that 38.12 % of Muaro Jambi, 35.22 % of Malang and 13.36 % of Batam, were functioning properly for water conservation, while 57.71 % of Muaro Jambi, 37.01 % of Malang and 23.75 % of Batam were functioning properly for flooding preventionAnalisis spasial, pertimbangan ekologis, Sistem Informasi GeografisAlinda Medrial Zain, Mukaryanti, Diar Shiddig
71Analisis Spasial Indeks Kekeringan Daerah Pantai Utara (Pantura) Jawa BaratSpatial analysis for water deficit in Pantura was done for 16 rainfall stations average 13 year observations. Water balance computation was calculated with Thornthwaite-Matter method. Spatial analisys was done by Geographys Information System (GIS) with ArcInfo 3.5 and displayed by ArcView 3.3. Water balance analysis shown that water deficit was on June for most of all stations and reached maximum deficit on August. Water deficit was concentred around of Batujaya (bekasi District), Peundeuy (Karawang district), and around of Leuweungsemut (Indramayu district). These result of the analysis recommended to plan the optimum water management for maximize purpose of Jatiluhur LakeAnalisis spasial, Thornthwaite-Matter neraca air, indeks kekeringanCh. Nasution dan Djazim Syaifullah
72Pengolahan Limbah Cair Organik Secara Biologi Menggunakan Reaktor Anaerobik Lekat DiamOrganic waste water can be treated biolocally by using anaerobic fixed bed reactor. Fixed bed reactor is bioreactor which is compleeted with support material inside reactor for bacteria fixation in the surface area of support material. The benefit of using this kind of technology are it needs low energy, low nutrien, low sludge production and could treat high organic concentraion waste water.The support material has important role in the Fixed Bed reactor performance, therefore it must be mentioned in several factors those are : size & shape of suport material, ratio of surface area and volume which influences the attach of microorganism, porousity is a waste water volume compare to the total volume and material of support material must inert. According to the benefit and the principle of Fixed Bed reactor, this kind of technology can be used to treat the organic high concentration to reduce the organic pollutant.anarobic, Fixed BedIndriyati
73Kinetika Proses Aops Untuk Penghilangan Warna Air Limbah Produksi BatikAn experiment of Advanced Oxydation Processes (AOPs) was conducted in semi-pilot scale using ozon and hydrogen peroxide. The reaction of ozon and hydrogen peroxide produce an active hydroxil which can crack a long-chain organic compounds such as azo dyes. A wastewater contains colour substances coming from batik industries in Jababeka was treated by AOPs. The reaction rate was affected by ozon concentration supplied to the wastewater. The more ozon concentration, the colour removal became faster.The colour removal using AOPs could be illustrated by first-order chemical reaction equation.The constant of reaction was calculated from experiment as high as 0,38 per hour.The cost for treating the wastewater using AOPs was Rp.3.656,- for one cubic meter of wastewater.AOPs, Colour Removal, Hydrogen Peroxide, OzonRudi Nugroho dan Ikbal
74Potensi Sumberdaya Air di Selatan Gunung Tampomas Selatan Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa BaratTampomas mountain areas can be divided 2 types of aquifer : volcano sediment aquifer and sediment aquifer. Volcano sediment aquifer is a free aquifer sedimentation, because there was not impermeable rock existing under or bellow it, this aquifer also known as shallow or surface aquifer. Sediment aquifer is a depressed aquifer where the water flow along the sandstone layer which covered by claystone and water flow through the pore. This sediment aquifer are deep aquifer. Ground water at sumedang area can be divide as : ground water on volcanic quarter sedimentation and ground water on consolidate rock.
The type of water source at the reaserch area can be devide into 3 ways : Depressed water resources formed by land surface which is cutting the watter table, Shear water source which formed by the crack / shear structure or sesar path, and contact water source which shown at the tertiery rock (impermeable) and quartery rock (permeable).
This reaserch using geofisical methode Imaging Resistivity to result interpretation that on the south Tampomas Mountain predicted had 4 aquifer potention resource (A,B,C,D), whith aquifer thickness vaariated from (5-15)m, (30-50)m and more than 50 m. Several water source surface cases found in this reaserch area at 20-30 m depth which predict as the water table. This indicated there are very large aquifer at 500 m level and assume this level as a potential places for ground water exist at the south Tampomas mountain
aquifer, imaging resistivity, water resources.Wahyu Garinas dan Wahyu Hidayat
75Evaluasi Kandungan Klorida (Cl-) & Daya Hantar Listrik (Dhl) Air Tanah Pada Sistem AkuiferEvaluation of chloride (Cl-) content and electric conductivity (EC) of ground water in aquifer system is one method to identify salt water movement in aquifer system, which occurred as a result of changes in hydraulic equilibrium which cause by temporary variation of natural recharges and pumping of ground water at many layered aquifers.Salt water movement in Jakarta aquifer system is evaluated based on mapping of chloride content at 500 mg/L and EC at 1500 m mhos/cm in many bored well during period of 1990 ? 2000. In the beginning chloride content and EC is in value only and with the addition of attribute data, namely coordinate, it could be used as input data. By using software namely SURF, the above input data is simulate to have a contour map of chloride and EC. Overlapping of the contour map to Jakarta base map will result in thematic map of chloride and EC distribution which represent salt water movement at Jakarta aquifer system.Aquifers, Aquifer system, Chloride (Cl-) , Electric Conductivity (EC), Map, Hydraulic EquilibriumRobertus Haryoto Indriatmoko dan E. Myra. J
76Pemasyarakatan Unit Pengolahan Air Siap Minum Skala Industri KecilBerdasarkan data ststistik 1995, prosentasi banyaknya rumah tangga dan sumber air minum yang digunakan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia sangat bervariasi tergantung dari kondisi geografisnya. Secara nasional yakni sebagai berikut : Yang menggunakan air leding 16,08 %, air tanah dengan memakai pompa 11,61 %, air sumur (perigi) 49,92 %, mata air (air sumber) 13,92 %, air sungai 4,91 %, air hujan 2,62 % dan lainnya 0,80 %. Permasalahan yang timbul yakni sering dijumpai bahwa kulaitas air tanah maupun air sungai yang digunakan masyarakat kurang memenuhi syarat sebagai air minum yang sehat bahkan di beberapa tempat bahkan tidak layak untuk diminum. Air yang layak diminum, mempunyai standar persyaratan tertentu yakni persyaratan fisis, kimiawi dan bakteriologis, dan syarat tersebut merupakan satu kesatuan. Jadi jika ada satu saja parameter yang tidak memenuhi syarat maka air tesebut tidak layak untuk diminum. Untuk daerah kawasan pemukiman yang telah dibangun di daerah yang kualitas air tanahnya buruk, serta belum mendapatkan pelayanan air bersih dari PAM setempat maka masyarakat terpaksa memenuhi kebutuhan air minum mereka dengan cara membeli air minum kemasan dengan harga yang mahal. Untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut, salah satu alternatif yakni dengan cara mengolah air tanah atau air sumur sehingga didapatkan air siap minum dengan kualitas yang memenuhi syarat kesehatan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut di atas, yakni dengan cara mengembangkan dan memasyarakatkan paket teknologi untuk mengolah air sumur atau air PAM menjadi air yang dapat langsung diminum tanpa dimasak
terlebih dahulu. Unit alat tersebut terdiri dari antara lain : pompa air baku, filter bertekanan, filter mangan zeolit, filter karbon aktif, cartridge filter, sterilisator ultra violet dan ozon generator. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memasyarakatkan teknologi pengolahan air siap minum yakni air yang dapat langsung diminum tanpa dimasak untuk skala industri kecil (kapasitas 10.000 - 20.000 liter per hari air siap minum) yang hasilnya dapat dijual kepada masyarakat dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah dibandingkan dengan apabila membeli air minum kemasan. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah membagun satu percontohan unit pengolahan air siap minum di dalam suatu kawasan pemukimnan yang rawan air bersih yang dapat dikelola oleh koperasi atau unit usaha setempat dan hasilnya dapat dijual kepada masyarakat setempat dengan harga yang lebih murah. Diharapkan hasil penjualan dari air tersebut dapat memberikan peluang usaha dan dapat digulirkan ke tempat lain
Arsinum, Air Siap Minum, AkuaIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Eng. dan Ir. Wahyu Widayat
77Penerapan Teknologi Penangkapan Karbon Dioksida Dari Udara Bebas Menggunakan ?Increasing of Green House Gases (GHG), especially carbon dioxide gas (CO2) as a result from human activities, has been urge several countries for doing an activity regarding the minimization of CO2 in the atmosphere. This activity includes capturing of CO2 from atmospheric air utilizing sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) and it is called artificial tree. This experiment utilize technical grade NaOH with the purity of 98% produced in Indonesia. Capturing of CO2 is performed in a cyclonic spray reactor which is equipped with sprayers. This paper describes the performance of system to capture CO2 from atmospheric air in process laboratory, Institute for Environmental Technology (Balai Teknologi Lingkungan) BPPT. The concentration of CO2 in the laboratory was 445 ppm. To obtain the wide surface area, solution of NaOH is sprayed into the reactor, whereas, the air is blown into the reactor with a cyclonic flowing. In that way, reaction between NaOH solution and CO2 will be effective. By using a blower, atmospheric air enters the reactor. The blower has a capacity of 15 liter/second. The solution of NaOH to be pumped into the reactor has concentration of 1% and 2% respectively. In this experiment, the flow of atmospheric air into the reactor is constant. Whereas, solution of NaOH enter the reactor is vary.artificial tree, cyclonic spray, sodium hydroxide, carbon dioxide, atmospheric airAdi Mulyanto, Dwindrata B. Aviantara, Nida Sopiah, Budhi Priyanto, Hendra Tjahjono, Heru Subagio
78Effect Of Nitrite On Denitrification Of Wastewater By Autotrophic BacteriaEffect of nitrite on denitrification of synthetic wastewater using autotrophic bacteria was evaluated in both batch suspension and continuous packed column runs. Emphasis was placed to clarify the minimum concentrations of nitrite and nitrous acid that inhibit the denitrification rates. Batch suspension runs were conducted by mixing acclimatized denitrification sludge and synthetic wastewater in an Erlenmeyer flask. In continuous runs, denitrification sludge was loaded to a column packed with sulfur and limestone. The nitrite inhibition could be explained satisfactorily by substrate non-competitive inhibition model. The minimum concentration of nitrite which inhibits the nitrate and nitrite removal rate lowered with decreasing pH. In suspension runs, the minimum concentration of nitrous acid which inhibited the nitrite removal rate was 0.043 g-N/m3, while the nitrate removal rates was inhibited below 0.012 g-N/m3. Both in suspension and continuous packed column runs, nitrate removal was more sensitive against nitrite increase compared with nitrite removal. The minimum concentration of nitrite which inhibited nitrate removal rate in continuous packed column runs was lower than that in suspension runsAutotrophic bacteria, denitrification, inhibition, nitrite, sulfurRudi Nugroho
79Penampilan Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Pada Azadirachta Indica A. Juss Dari Taman Nasional?Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Apocynaceae) is a large tree of the lowland tropical rain forest of Southeast Asia that occurs in Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, on the island of Java (East Java) and Lesser Sunda Islands. Its economic value was in its wood (timber), and as medicinal plant. The information on genetic diversity of the species is very limited. Hence studies were initiated and genetic diversity estimated using RAPD markers in 27 accessions of A.indica procured from three geographical regions of TN Baluran and Balai Litbang Kehutanan. Seven selected Operon primers (10 mer) generated a total of 133 consistent amplification products ranging from 132 bp to 5.6 Kb. The cluster analysis separated the 27 individuals into 2 clusters. The range of genetic dissimilarity value among samples was from 0.07 to 0.33, while genetic distance among populations was from 0.04 to 0.10. These values showed that A. indica from TN Baluran was not genetically diverse population.Azadirachta indica, genetic diversity, RAPDFajarudin Ahmad dan Yuyu S. Poerba
80Pengaruh Konsentrasi Media Soybean Dan 20 Jenis L- Asam Amino Pada Produksi Anti Jamur, Iturin AInfl uence of soybean meal concentration and 20 kinds of L-amino acids in iturin A production. The use of chemical pesticides has caused serious environmental problems and thus the demand for safer pesticides is increasing. One alternative is microbial pesticides that suppress fungal and bacterial of plant pathogens. Bacillus subtilis has been known as producer of lipopeptide antibiotics, like iturin A, plipastatin and surfactin. In this study, iturin A as an antifungal of plan pathogens was produced on varieties of soybean meal concentration; i.e. 8%, 10%, 12%, and 15% using B.subtilis RB14-CS. The result indicates that 8% soybean meal concentration produced the highest of iturin A production ( 2469 mg L-1) compared to the others. Beside the effect of nitrogen source ( soybean), the infl uence of 20 kinds of L-amino acids on an enhancement of iturin A productivity were observed. The examined L-amino acids were L-ala, L-arg, L-asn, L-asp, L-cys, L-glu, L-gln, L-gly, L-his, L-ile, L-leu, L-lys, L-met, L-pro, L-phe, L-ser, L-thr, L tyr, L-trp and L-val. The results show that no one of them could improve the iturin A productivity on soybean meal medium.B.subtilis RB14-CS, 20 kinds of L-amino acids, soybean mealYuliar