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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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101Purifikasi Senyawa Polifenol Glukosida Hasil Reaksi Transglikosilasi Enzimatik Dari Biakan?polifenol-glukosida, CGT-ase, Nocardia sp., Bacillus subtilis dan Escherichia coliTeknologi
102Pengembangan Tanaman Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus L.) Sebagai Bahan Baku Papan Komposit Hasil?komposit, lubang baskom, kenaf, sifat phisycal dan mekanik, lapisan resinTeknologi
103Analisis Emisi Karbon Di Lahan Gambutemission, gas CO2 dan CH4, over drainage, burning, deforestationTeknologi
104Analisis Emisi Co2 Sektor Energi Menurut WilayahProduction, Consumption, CO2 Im ?suhuTeknologi
105Analisis Serapan Dan Harga Karbon Hutan Tanaman Akasia (Acacia Crassicarpa)acacia biomass, additional carbon, carbon priceTeknologi
106BUKU PANDUAN Pedoman Teknis Pengelolaan Limbah Cair Kota TegalPengelolaan Limbah, Pengolahan Air Limbah, Limbah IndustriTeknologi Pengolahan Air
107Pelestarian Cendana Melalui Pola
Sandalwood (Santalum album L) is one of tropical plant in Indonesia that possess high economic value. Natural distribution of sandalwood centered in arid area of Nusa Tenggara Timur province and now a days this plant was groupped as rare plant. Many activities of in situ conservation for sandalwood have been carried out at some locations but did not give satisfaction in result yet. Ex situ conservation with utilize conservation on farm system is new model of plant conservation that involved local people. System of conservation on farm for sandalwood plant be defined as cultivation of sandalwood in the field/garden and home garden with involved farmers or local people. This system is known 2 models are ABC model (Model Agroforestri Berbasis Cendana) and Home garden as model of conservation area. Both models that mention had been applied in Belu regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur province.
This research proposed to study the growth of sandalwood in ABC Model in the field/garden and in home garden as model of conservation area and to know the system of conservation on farm for sandalwood in Belu regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur province. ABC model was applied in 2 locations at Dirun Village (altitude at 1000 m above sea level) and Teun Village (altitude at 500 m above sea level), while home garden as model of conservation area was applied at Teun village only.
The Result shown that the rate of sandalwood growth in ABC model at Dirun village from first to third year between 60-70 cm in height per year, while sandalwood growth from third to fourth year has happened decreasing about 25 cm. The rate of sandalwood growth in ABC model at Teun Village from first to second year about 70-77 cm in height. The rate of sandalwood growth in home garden during 6 month after planting time about 4 -5 cm in height. Number of seedling still alife during 2 years after planting time in ABC model at Teun Village about 72%, during 4 yaers after planting time in ABC model at Dirun Village about 79%. While sandalwood seedling still alife during 6 months in home garden as model of conservation area about 75%. High persentation of seedling still alife with optimum rate of sandalwood growth have been found in this research because presence involvement of local people.
Conservation on farm, ABC Model, homegarden as conservation areaAlbertus Husein Wawo
108Pengaruh Pohon Induk Cendana (Santalum Album L) Dan Pemangkasan Cabang Terhadap ?Sandalwood (Santalum album L) is one of the tropic plants that have high economic value. Sandalwood exploitation in East Nusa Tenggara province has very long history perhaps more than 1000 years therefore unforgetable. Now a days sandalwood was categorized as rare plant. One of the several ways to conquer the rare of sandalwood is to build the garden of sandalwood seeds in Kian Rai Ikun, Belu Regency. Some steps of these activities are, to inventory the mother seeds trees in Belu and Timur Tengah Utara Regency, seeds collecting, seed germination and furthermore sandalwood seedlings are planted in the garden of sandalwood seeds in Kian Rai Ikun, Belu regency. This garden is located about 450 m above sea level (asl). On inventory activity were found 5 mother seeds trees located in Biau (Bi) about 500 m asl, Alas (Al) 500 m asl, Haitimuk (Ha) 100 m asl, Oesena (Oe) 500 m asl and Tialai (Ti) 450 m asl. Planting of sandalwood seedling in this garden are coordinated to available planting plot. Every planting plot was grown about 200 ? 250 sandalwood seedlings from the same mother seeds tree. Some activities to maintain sandalwood seedling in the garden after planting time are, watering, weeding and pruning the branch. The aim of branch pruning on sandalwood trees is to protect the plant from wind disturbance in order not fall down. In our experience sandalwood seedling fall down easily if seedling has dense of branches and leaves. This research was purposed to study the effect of mother seeds trees and branch pruning on sandalwood growth in the fi eld. The result shown that branch pruning did not give signifi cantly different on sandalwood growth but the mother seeds trees gave signifi cantly different on sandalwood growth in the fi eld during 1 ? 10 months after pruning. The sandalwood plants from Haitimuk mother seeds tree possess the highest in height and branch growth than other plants, while the sandalwood plants from Oesena mother seeds tree possess the lowest in height and branch growth. The growth of sandalwood in fi eld followed the models of logistic growth with high determination coeffi cient about more than 0. 85.Sandalwood, mother seeds trees, pruning, models of logistic growth,
Belu, NTT.
Albertus Husein Wawo
109Evaluasi Kemampuan Alami Wilayah Dalam Konservasi Air Dan Pengendalian BanjirUrban green space plays several roles in balancing the urban ecosystem and maintaining the environment sustainability. Firstly, the urban green space plays a valuable role in prevention of flooding. Trees restrain the movement of sediment and run off. Secondly, the urban green space plays an important role in water conservation, since the tree?s roots absorb some excess water from the soil, making the soil drier, and are able to store more rainwaters. Therefore, the analysis of natural capability of a region in water conservation and flood prevention should become the basis to produce sustainable spatial planning. A study of the importance of green space in maintaining environmental balance in Batam, Malang and Muaro Jambi were conducted by P4W-IPB and P3TL-BPPT by applying the Kato model with some slightly modifications, to map and evaluate the natural capability of those areas on water conservation and flood prevention. The model is based on validated land evaluation models and ecological value, and mapping the differences between the land covered by green space and that by abandoned areas. Evaluation of the ecological functions of urban green space, in combination with other parameters, has been done under GIS and Remote Sensing. The spatial analysis of the ecological function within three areas showed different figures, in which the that 38.12 % of Muaro Jambi, 35.22 % of Malang and 13.36 % of Batam, were functioning properly for water conservation, while 57.71 % of Muaro Jambi, 37.01 % of Malang and 23.75 % of Batam were functioning properly for flooding preventionAnalisis spasial, pertimbangan ekologis, Sistem Informasi GeografisAlinda Medrial Zain, Mukaryanti, Diar Shiddig
110Ivetigasi Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Tandan buah kosong sebagai bahan bakar boiler terhadap pembentukan?The gas prudced in soliud waste disposal sites, practiculry CH4 can be a local enviromenteal hazard if precaution are not take to prevent uncontrolled emissions or migration into surrounding land. Gas can migrate from solid waste disposal sites either odors at low concertration, while at cocentration of 5 - 15 per cent in air, the gas may be form expolsive mixture. Recently, a forest fire on the Indonesia islands of Sumatra and Kalimatan left not only In Indonesia but neihboaring countries as well covered under a thick cluod of haze. Semo palm plantations and palm oil refineries once disposed of palm palm oil wste (Empty Fruit Bruinches)by drying them in ovens and then burning them in field. This paper discusses some result of the experimental and theoretical investigations which conducted to exasmie effects of the utilization of palm oil wastes partcularly Empty Fruit Brunches as the fuel of boiler on greenhouse gas emission.Kelapa Sawit, TBK(Tanda Buah Kosong), batu baram, CFB Boiler (CirculaTING Fluized Bed Boiler)Amiral Aziz
111Pembangunan Lingkungan Yang HolistikEnvironment is now an important global current issue and as a factor that must be considered in the implementation of Indonesian national development. Entering globalization era, the condition of environment will be one of the parameters required for a country to be accepted in the world free trade community. Instead, a country with bad environment can therefore be charged for a penalty, such as a limited export quota. For that reason, starting now, Indonesia should improve their environmental condition by implementing a good environmental management in order to attain the standard of a good environment. If Indonesia cannot achieve this goal, Indonesia will be used by other countries as their big market, without the ability of Indonesia to export their products. If the standard has been fulfilled, Indonesia can be part of the world free trade community in which this is a benefit for Indonesia itself. Without lowering the pace of development growth, national development through holistic environmental management would be a proper program to implement. This program is considering the impact of development to the environment and this program was commencing by the Indonesian government since 1970. However, it seems that the holistic environmental development has not been running smoothly, especially at the soft sides of development, such as people awareness, environmental law, law enforcement, arbitrary committee, community development, environmental information including people rights to get those information, the role of non-government organization, etc.By considering the importance of environmental development in a holistic way to fulfill the globalization requirements, this paper would be focused on the factors that may inhibit the national development. Those are factors that affect sustainability of environmental functions. Solution to the problems may also generally be described.environmental management holisticAmita Indah Sitomurni
112Penelitian Tingkat Toksisitas Produk Komponen Bangunan Dari Bahan Drill Cuttinglimbah panas bumi, pemotongan bor, komponen bangunan, toksisitas, lingkunganTeknologi
113Penelitian Pemanfaatan Limbah Pertanian Untuk Bata Cetak RinganLimbah, sekam padi, bata ringan, natrium silikatTeknologi Pengolahan Air,
114Peran Adipura Pada Pelaksanaan Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Di IndonesiaSolid waste management, operator, regulator, promoter, motivator, activatorTeknologi Lingkunganansor
115Studi Karakterisasi Migrasi Fosfat Lumpur Ipal Yogyakarta Dalam Tanah Menggunakan Perunut 32pIPAL Yogyakarta mud contains high concentration of phosphate that can polute groundwater. To study phosphate migration with matematical model needs the data of soil properties and phosphate migration characterization in that soil. The phosphate migration characterization is determine in laboratorium scale using soil colomn nethod. The soil that are used in this research are soil at IPAL location (IPAL soil) and soil at soil at Physics Engineering Department GMU (PE soil). The tracer that is used is 32P radioisotop dan the detector is Geiger Muller detector. For IPAL soil the soil mass is 20 g, soil length is 2,1 cm, water height is 20 cm, and the flow rate of water 0,0038 cm3/s. For PE soil the soil mass is 25 g, soil length is 2,2 cm, water height is 20 cm, and the flow rate of water are 0,0275 cm3/s and 0,0071 cm3/s. The result shows that IPAL soil is clay class soil and PE soil is sand class soil.. The IPAL soil porosity is 0,2997 and PE soil is 0,303. IPAL soil permeability is 5,6984x10-5 cm/s and the average velosity is 1,79x10-4 cm/s. On PE soil for the flow rate of 0,0275 cm3/s the soil permeability is 4,338x10-4 cm/s, average velocity is 1,2818x10-2 cm/s, distribution coefficien is 0,88 ml/g, dispertion coefficien is 8,0971x10-3 cm2/s, phosphate migration velocity is 3,6429x10-3 cm/s, and the retardation factor is 3,5186. For the flow rate of 0,0071 cm3/s the soil permeability is 1,110x10-4 cm/s, average velocity is 3,322x10-3 cm/s, distribution coefficien is 1,345 ml/g, dispertion coefficien is 2,5339x10-3 cm2/s, phosphate migration velocity is 9,8888x10-4 cm/s, and the retardation factor is 3,3594. For the higher of flow rate the migration is higher. IPAL soil has capability to hold polutans.Lumpur IPAL, Migrasi FosfatAnung Muharini, Ester Wijayanti dan Donna Ardiani
116Penghilangan Bau Secara Biologi Dengan Biofilter SintetikBiofilter as one of method processing of waste have been introduced since early 20, but in its application have time to be left by effect of newer technological appearance like trickling filter, rotating biological contactor, activated sludge, and fluidized bed reactor. Biofilter very effective in deodorizing, especially dangerous aromas of organic volatile compound, and poisonous air from industry with efficiency 90 - 99,9%. Biofiltrasion become more economic compared to carbon adsorption or oxidation when its organic content under 3000 ppm. Most biofilter operate on organic concentration around 1000 ppm or lower. There are some matter to influence market of biofilter, for example : 1). the increasing of regulation about oxide nitrogen emission coming from hot process. Biofilter do not yield nitrogen oxide addition, 2). The increasing of sigh of society about contamination of aroma of facility processing of waste, processing of solid waste and others, 3). preventive methodologies implementation of pollution using condensation and air emission concentration, 4). Pressure to industry to use processes with discard as small as possible, 5). The increasing of attention to emission of hit and organic air materials, and also low cost water treatment technologyBau, Odour, Biofilter, Biofilm, Limbah tahu dan tempe, wastewater treatmentArie Herlambang
117Peran Teknologi Dalam Penentuan Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air NasionalIn the national water resource management, the data is the basis for the calculation of water reserves. In a large scale and wide, searching the data will require substantial funding, as well as with the updates. Data colecting becomes a problem and not useful if not managed with the system efficiently and effectively. Technology occupies an important role in accelerating the work, such as remote sensing technology using a satellite to determine the condition of forests and water, or a weather that can see the concentration of clouds and wind movement. Determination of catchment areas of water and protected areas, may of them using remote sensing technology. Water treatment technologies for drinking water and the development of efficient recycling technology of waste water, is very supportive in increasing water use efficiency. Technological developments also influence government policy and the implementation of water resource management. National Policy of Water Resource Management is influenced by economic factors, environmental sustainability and socio-cultural conditions. The role of technology are facilitate, accelerate and improve the efficiency of the process, so that the process can be more economical and environmental impact is reduced, and does not conflict with the socio-cultural conditions.Kebijakan nasional sumber daya air, potensi SDA, teknologi pengolahan airArie Herlambang
118Pengaruh Pemakaian Biofilter Struktur Sarang Tawon Pada Pengolah Limbah OrganikWastewater treatment of a combined anaerobic-aerobic system is secondary wastewater treatment after physical treatment. Basically this wastewater treatment relies on bacteria in degrading pollutants. The use of honeycomb biofilter is to increase specific surface of media for attaching bacteria. Total volume of reactors is 280 liter, made of glass, equipped with two circulating pump and blower in the aerobic zone. The Biofilter is made of plastic, structurally like honeycomb. Its dimension is 28 cm x 25 cm x 30 cm, very light and easy to clean. It takes 14 days for seeding. The reactors were run in four different resident time, namely 7 days, 5 days, 3 days and 1 day. The raw water used in this experiment is wastewater from tofu and fermented soybean cake industries that have BOD around 300 - 500 mg/l. The water is sampled weekly and the results from 1,872 physical and chemical parameters from 144 water samples show that the reactors that using biofilters have better performance than the reactors using no biofilters. The Efficiency process in decreasing BOD value is around 51 - 91 % for resident time one day up to 7 days. Besides such a good relatively high efficiency, the hydraulic loading is around 0,48 - 3,33 m3/m2/ day and BOD loading is around 0, 20 - 0,43 kg BOD/m3/ day.Wastewater Treatment, Organic Waste, Biofilter, BiofilmArie Herlambang
119Pencemaran Air Dan Strategi PenanggulangannyaThe rapid growth of population in developing country causes environmental contamination by increasing significantly pollution load in river and other water body. It needs efficient and effective strategy to overcome contamination in certain areas. Technical identification of pollution source and its influence to environmental quality is important to should be known and socialized to community. Land use to is important to get priority and should be managed consistently environmentally sound, beside solid waste and domestic wastewater. Law enforcement also should be applied, especially to company or industry which significantly gives contribution to environmental degradation. Environmental restoration need fund, so government as regulator need partner from private to overcome environmental problem. Environmentally based industries and services is needed to be developed as government counterpart, but up to now the development of them retarded caused by non competitive interest of commercial bank. Environmental fund should be collected from polluter through regulated mechanism and In the next future environmental bank should possible manage the fund and finance environmental industry and services to overcome environmental pollution, in this case government act as regulator only.Pencemaran air, pengelolaan, sumber daya air, strategi penanggulanganArie Herlambang
120Aplikasi Teknologi Sarpalam 100uf Untuk Penyediaan Air Bersih Di Dusun Dantar, Padang Cermin,LampungDantar Village can be reached from Bandar Lampung in one hour. There are 250 families or around 1250 people dwell there. In Dantar, groundwater is difficult to tap, especially during dry seasons, and the water is usually turbid and salty due to hydrothermal activities at several places. Sarpalam 100 UF is the accronym of Saringan Pasir Lambat (Slow Sand Filter), which has capacity of 100 m3/day with an up flow system. Standard design for the first filtration is 6 m3/m2/day, and 4 m3/m2/day for second one, with media 1 m thickness. Sarpalam 100 UF utilizes double system is intended to keep the running even though the whole unit is being cleaned. The unit is also equippped with top and bottom flushing systems to ease maintenance. The water processed comes from Way Sanggi Rivers situated 300 m from the location of the equipment, with an elevation difference of 4,5 m. Its water catchment uses branching porous pipe, submerged in the ground, so a constant water supply can be maintained although a flood is coming. The Sarpalam 100UF has operated for 2 months and its distribution network development is underway.Water Treatment, Slow Sand Filter, Sarpalam 100 Uf, Lampung,Arie Herlambang