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No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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121Penghematan Energi Pada Industri SemenIndustri semen merupakan salah satu industri yang digolongkan sebagai industri
yang boros mengkonsumsi energi, karena dalam proses produksi mengkonsumsi
energi cukup besar setara dengan 25 s/d 35 % dari biaya total produksi. Sejalan
dengan semakin berkurangnya cadangan bahan bakar fosil yang tidak dapat
diperbaharui (non-renewable energy), penghematan energi melalui efisiensi
penggunaan energi pada proses produksi menjadi suatu keharusan yang tidak dapat dihindari. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya[1], Penulis telah melakukan Feasibility Study terhadap pemasangan VSD di Fan, yang menunjukkan kemungkinan penghematan energi yang cukup besar. Dalam penelitian ini, unjuk kerja dilapangan secara nyata telah didapatkan bahwa pemasangan inverter atau VSD?S pada Fan yang digunakan didalam proses produksi Industri Semen, mampu menghemat penggunaan energi sebesar 499,0464 MWH pertahun, dan nilai ini setara dengan penurunan emisi gas CO2 sebesar 361.309,594 Ton CO2/Tahun.
Industri Semen, Fan, Damper, Variable Speed Drive (VSD), Inverter.Teguh Prayudi
122Pemasangan Variable Speed Drivers (VDS) Pada Fan Untuk Menurunkan Penggunaan Listrik Di IndustriThere are over 90 fans used throughout Plant assessment for a variety of tasks within the cement making process. Many of the fans used on site are controlled and monitored from the Central Control Room (CCR). Whilst looking at the controls for some of these fans the CP-EE team observed that many of them have inlet guide vane (IGV) or damper controls that were closed to some extent and are not operating at best efficiencies. Mosr of all the fans in Plant assessment has the best potential for energy savings. The CP-EE option to optimize fan use is by Installing VSD to control fan with fluctuation load. The original investment for this project is Rp 1,250,000,000.00 or approximately US$136,000,00 (1US$ = Rp 9,200). Where the feasibility study shows that the electricity saving can achieve 5.530.120 kWH per year, Annual Cash Inflow per Year: Rp 2,942,023,799.30, or approximately US$ 320,000 Payback Period 5 month, GHG Emission 4,608.4 MWH x 0.724 = 3,336.41 TCO2/y. New installation will just be accomplished at the end of March for 6 (six) inverters in grate 2 and 3 while the other 6 (six) in grate 1 is planed to be accomplished at the beginning of December. VSD Panel will be placed in MCC location.cement, Fan, Variable Speed Drive (VSD), optimize.Teguh Prayudi
123Dampak Industri Pengecoran Logam Terhadap Kualitas Gas No2 Dalam Udara Ambien Di Daerah CeperPenelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui dampak industri pengecoran logam terhadap tingkat pencemaran udara di wilayah industri dan sekitarnya, khususnya terhadap penurunan kualitas gas NO2. Melalui penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dikaji kebijakan teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan yang terkait dengan proses industri pengecoran logam, sebagai upaya pencegahan dini tehadap timbulnya pencemaran udara dimasa depan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi gas NO2 di wilayah ini masih dibawah nilai ambang batas yang diperbolehkan. Namun demikian, untuk mengantisipasi perkembangan industri dimasa depan, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan meningkatnya emisi gas NOx, direkomendasikan adanya modifikasi teknologi yang digunakan untuk menekan jumlah emisi NOX yang dihasilkan.Kualitas NO2, udara ambien, dan pengecoran logamTeguh Prayudi
124Aplikasi Teknologi Eksplorasi Untuk Memahami Kondisi Air Tanah Di Daerah Padang ?Groundwater is water that comes from the ground. Groundwater comes from rain, snow, sleet, and hail that soaks into the ground. The water moves down into the ground because of gravity, passing between particles of soil, sand, gravel, or rock until it reaches a depth where the ground is filled, or saturated, with water. Groundwater is stored in the ground in materials like gravel or sand. Water can also move through rock formations like sandstone or through cracks in rocks. Groundwater is one of solution to overcome a problem of the need of drinking water in the Padang Luas Area, because the availability of surface water is not enough. The objective of research is finding out characteristic and condition of ground water in Padang Luas, Tanah Laut district. To meet the objective, it was applied method of geophysical technology, namely electrical resistivity method by injecting current into the ground through current electrodes that are grounded at the earth's surface and measuring the difference of the electrical potential between the potential electrodes. Based on data processing, modeling and interpretation, it was gained result concerning the existence of aquifer in Padang Luas area that is predicted to occupy between 30 ? 60 meter and 70 ? 120 meter depth.Groundwater, Electrical ResistivityTeguh Prayogo
125Pemetaan Geohidrologi Daerah Donorojo Kabupaten PacitanWater is a component in the earth that is very important for human life. The availability of water is always wanted to meet a demand of water supply, such as for drinking water, washing, taking a bath, and etc. Along with population growth, so the need of water will be still increasing, including Tanah Datar. In this paper will be described concerning to characteristics, and condition of water in Pacitan Area, East Java Province, especially Donorojo district. This location occupies geographically between the latitude of 00o17? and 00o39? south and the longitude of 100o19? and 100o51? east. Based on survey in field, condition of aquifer in Telaga Banta is located in 20 ? 60 meter depth, and the result of laboratory points to that the quality of water in this area meets the requirement for drinking water. The main uses of ground water include irrigation uses, drinking-water and other public uses, and for supplying domestic water to people who do not receive publicsupply water. The majority of water used for self-supplied domestic and livestock purposes came from ground-water sources.water, characteristic, explorationTeguh Prayogo
126Eksplorasi Sumberdaya Air Tanah di Daerah Handil Babirik Kabupaten Tanah LautGround water is water located beneath the ground surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of lithologic formations. A unit of rock or an unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it can yield a usable quantity of water. Ground water is alternative water to meet a demand of water supply, because the availability of surface water at an area is sometimes not enough to fulfill the need of drinking water, like occured in the Handil Babirik area. In this paper will be discribed concerning application of imaging resistivity technology for understanding characteristic and condition of ground water in Handil Babirik, Tanah Laut district, South Kalimantan Province. The result of survey in field, data processing, modelling and interpretation indicated that the existence of aquifer in Handil Babirik area is occupied between 30 ? 40 meter depth and having a form of lensHandil Babirik, ground water, imaging resistivityTeguh Prayogo
127Aplikasi SIG Untuk Memahami Fenomena Tutupan Lahan dengan Citra SatelitSeasonal characteristics of vegetation, such as growing season are closely related to characteristics of the lower atmosphere, and are therefore important variables in global models and vegetation monitoring. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data derived from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration?s (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite sensor offer a means of efficiently and objectively evaluating vegetation response over large geographic areas. Those vegetation responses were computed based on time-series NDVI data collected from May 1997 to April 1998 over South East Asia. Measure of growing season was computed and analyzed for land cover type. It is difficult if not impossible to objectively define an absolute the time of the growing season from satellite observations. The purpose of this paper is to determine the threshold of the growing season by using Geographic Information System (GIS).GIS, Satellite Data, Growing Season,ThresholdTeguh Prayogo
128Akuisisi Data Sumberdaya Air Tanah Di Daerah Sukodono Kabupaten PacitanThe need of water for human life is very high, especially to meet a demand of water supply, such as for drinking water, washing, taking a bath, and etc. Unfortunately, the availability of surface water at an area is sometimes not enough to comply with a request of pure water, as happened in the Sukodono area. Hence, to avoid the problem, we focus at the ground water sources as alternative water supply. In this paper will be discussed exploration of ground water that is accomplished with imaging resistivity technology to find out characteristic and condition of ground water in Sukodono, Pacitan district, East Java Province. Based on the result of survey in field and interpretation, the existence of aquifer in Sukodono area is occupied between 5 ? 40 meter depth.ground water, imaging resistivity, desa SukodonoTeguh Prayogo

Teguh Prayogo

Teguh Prayogo
129Penentuan Parameter Model Nreca Untuk Pulau NatunaKetersediaan data debit sungai di P. Natuna sangat kurang dan jarang bila dibandingkan dengan P. Jawa. Oleh karena itu dirasakan perlu untuk mengembangkan suatu metoda untuk mensimulasi data debit untuk setiap lokasi yang tidak mempunyai pos duga air sama sekali. Penulis mencoba menganalisa potensi sungai tersebut dengan pendekatan Model NRECA. Dalam metoda ini dilakukan pendekatan dengan menggunakan data curah hujan yang sejenis sehingga diperoleh parameter NRECA yang kemudian digunakan dalam memperkirakan debit maksimum dari sungai yang ada di Pulau Natuna.Time History, Design Outflow, Base Flow, Soil MoistureTeddy W Sudinda
130Alternatif Teknologi Pengolahan Air Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Air Bersih Di Daerah Pemukiman NelayanPrimary water source of people in fisherman area in Kabupaten Pasir, Kalimantan Timur for daily water need generally is from surface water or deep well. Surface water is affected by water tide of sea water, so that almost all the time in a year the water quality is salty or brakish. Beside high salt concentration, deep well quality is also worst. This is caused by poor environmental sanitation of fisherman community. Rainy water use as water source alternative in problem solving for limited water drinking only provide in rainy season. Other alternative, people must find from other area where is far from their house or buy water with expensive price. To solve this critical problem is required the application of suitable water treatment technology. This water treatment technology must produce drinking water that meet technical standard and? the technology is applicable, easy and cheap in operation and maintenance because it is hoped that community in that area can manage, operate and maintenance.Penduduk nelayan, penyediaan air bersih, teknologi pengolahan air bersih.Taty Hernaningsih dan Satmoko Yudo
131Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan di Cagar Alam Kakenauwe dan Suaka Marga Satwa Lambusango, Pulau ButonStudy on richness diversity plants in Kakenauwe Nature Reserve and Lambusango Game Reserve had been conducted. One hundred and seventy species of Spermatophyta, 12 species of Pteridophyta and 24 species of Bryophyta are collected from this area. One hundred and four species of Spermatophyta and 6 species of Pteridophyta are reported as potential species of plants. The largest group is timber (32 species) and other is ornamental plants (24 species), medicinal plants (17 species) and edible fruits (13 species). This study also reported that Orthorrhynchium phyllogonioides is recorded as ?new record? of Bryophyta collections in Sulawesi.diversity, potensial, plants, kakenauwe nature reserve and lambusango game reserve,Tahan Uji dan F. I. Windadri
132Keanekaragaman Dan Potensi Flora Di Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cyclops, PapuaStudy on richness, diversity and potential species of plant in two location in the Pegunungan Cyclops Nature Reserve had been conducted. One hundred and fifty species of plant are collected from this area, and 75 species of them are reported as potential species. The largest group of potential species is medicinal plants (35 species) follows by timber (33 species), ornamental plants (22 species), vegetables (16 species), and fruits (10 species). The results of study recommended that buah merah (Pandanus conoideus), matoa (Pometia pinnata) , tongkeu (Aidia racemosa), oi nokom (Parastemon urophyllus), and kayu besi (Instia bijuga) were very important as potential species of plants; and also reported that kreipeh (Saccharum officinarum) is a potential genetic resources of the wild sugar plants in Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cyclops.PegununganCyclopsnature reserve,diversity, potential, floraTahan Uji
133Penerapan Enzim untuk Penyamakan Kulit Ramah LingkunganLeather industries contribute significant problems due to the hazard wastes, that threat to environmental sustainability and to human health. The negative impacts are particularly caused by the chemical compounds used in the conventional process of the leather tannery, such as lime, sodium sulphide, chrome, etc.

Enzyme is protein compound from biological system, that acts as catalyst (bio-catalyst). Enzyme can be used to replace partly or complete the chemicals used in tannery processes. Recently, micro-organisms are considered a appropriate device to produce enzymes. Furthermore, it is necessary to select potential micro-organisms for enzyme production.

?Exolite?, that is first enzyme produced in pilot scale in Indonesia, proved to reduce significantly pollutant in waste of leather tannery industries. Therefore, the development of enzyme industry in Indonesia is needed to be supported.
Enzhyme, micro-organisms, leather processing, leatrher indusrty, waste and environmental impactSuyanto Pawiroharsono
134Penggunan Index of Biotic Intergrity (IBI) Untuk Menilai Kualitas Lingkungan PerairanHistorically, the health of aquatic systems was monitored primarily trough chemical means.However, chemical monitoring provides ony a"snapshot"of condition at the time of sampling and may fail to detect acute pollution events(e.g. runoff from heavy rain, spills), non-chemical pollution(e.g. habitat alteration) and non-point source pollution. In order to address the shortcomings of chemical monitoring, the biological monitoring could be used and more accurarately reflect the health of ecosystem. Biological monitoring is based on the premise that biological communities are shaped by the long-term conditions of their enviornment and more accurately reflect the health ofan ecosystem.Monitoring, aquatic, pollution, and health ecosystemSutrisno Sukimin
135Prediksi Fluks Karbon Organik Terlarut Dari Sungai-Sungai Utama Di Jawa Ke LautStream plays an important role on carbon cycle due to its role to deliver carbon from land to sea. Smaller creeks in the mountaineous area are main sources of DOC. In total, Indonesian streams contribute around 10% of global DOC intake to the ocean. Based on reasearch, DOC concentration in Java streams is higher that those in the world, that is around 929 uMol/l. DOC flux is reflected by stream debit that relates on precipitation where rainy season is higher than in dry season. DOC flux of 8 streams in Java is about 0.000923 GtC/year. Extrapolation of all streams in Java show that DOC flux in the island is about 0,00256 GtC/year (12,19%) of all streams in Indonesia or about 1.02-1.51% of all rivers in the world, that is 170-250 Tg C/year or 0,64-1,02% of all rivers in the world based on global DOC export that is 0,25-0,4 GtC/year. Of the total DOC flux, 27% flows into Java Sea, 61% into Madura Strait and 13% into Hindian Ocean. The higher yield of DOC in Java relates to high population. In the end, above facts highlight expert hypothesis that smaller creeks in mountaineous area is major source of organic carbon into the ocean, significantly higher that predicted before.DOC, organic carbon, river, Jawa, flux.Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, Hidayat Pawitan, Etty Riany, Edvin Aldrian
136Penerapan SIG untuk Penyusunan dan Analisis Lahan Kritis Pada Satuan Wilayah Pengelolaan Das AgamThe increment of critical land extent is still undergoing because of change of land use without accompanied with conservation of land and water proportionally. Hence, it is need to carry out rehabilitation of land and forest by considering critical land map which is purposed to define priority scale, both its spatial and time. By applying technology of Geographic Information System (GIS), it can be mapped critical land according to standard of critical land criteria. In addition, the constraint of manual map can be reduced, particularly in information processing and map reproduction. In Agam Kuantan Watershed, critical land of forest has extent of 778.704,2 ha, and outside there area is about 496.486,7 ha.Critical Land, Watershed, GISSutopo Purwo Nugroho dan Teguh Prayogo
Sutopo Purwo Nugroho dan Teguh Prayogo
137Perubahan Watak Hidrologi Sungai-Sungai Bagian Hulu Di JawaThe hydrological character of the rivers in Java has changed. The trend flow of upstream rivers in Java declined. Significance level of the trend decline in the upstream was large enough. This indicates that the basic flow (base flow) from these rivers has been reduced. The cause of the trend decline in river flow is strongly influenced by a combination of the effects of global climate change and the influence of anthropogenic. The influence of climate change is marked by decreasing annual rainfall. While anthropogenic influences include changes in land use, reduced water catchment area, increasing population pressures and settlements. To identify which factors are most influential between the two factors are very difficult to do because of limited data on land use change.discharge, trend, climate change, landuse, anthropogenicSutopo Purwo Nugroho
138Minimalisasi Lahan Kritis Melalui Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Lahan Dan Konservasi Tanah Dan Air TerpaduAkibat adanya pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam yang melebihi daya dukung lingkungan dan tidak dibarengi dengan usaha konservasi tanah dan air, ternyata telah menimbulkan munculnya ketidakseimbangan lingkungan yaitu terus bertambahnya luas lahan kritis. Peningkatan luas lahan kritis ini juga semakin dipercepat dengan meningkatnya tekanan penduduk terhadap lahan, khususnya di Pulau Jawa. Akibatnya pemanfaatan lahan dieksploitasi secara terus menerus sehingga menyebabkan produktivitas lahan menjadi berkurang dan lahan miskin hara. Hal ini akan berakibat pada menurunnya produksi pertanian, semakin besarnya erosi, sedimentasi, banjir, kekeringan, pendangkalan sungai, berkurangnya umur waduk dan masalah-masalah lingkungan lainnya. Luas lahan kritis pada awal tahun 1974, jumlah lahan kritis secara nasional mencapai 10.751.000 ha, kemudian pada tahun 1998 dengan kriteria penetapan lahan kritis yang lebih objektif, lahan kritis di Indonesia mencapai 23.725.552 ha. Sedangkan luas lahan agak kritis sebesar 3.311.152 ha dan lahan potensial kritis seluas 8.806.758 ha, sehingga luas keseluruhan sebesar 35.852.462 ha atau 18,6% dari luas lahan di Indonesia. Meskipun usaha rehabilitasi lahan dan konservasi tanah dan air sudah dilakukan melalui program penghijauan dan reboisasi serta usaha lainnya, namun usaha-usaha tersebut masih belum mampu mengatasi terjadinya peningkatan luas lahan kritis. Hal ini lebih disebabkan pendekatan yang dilakukan lebih berorientasi pada penanganan fisik dan kurang memperhatikan masalah sosial ekonomi dan budaya masyarakat. Untuk itulah maka untuk mencegah peningkatan laju lahan kritis tersebut perlu dilakukan secara komprehensif, terpadu dan multisektoral. Dengan melibatkan peran serta masyarakat secara menyeluruh.sumberdaya alam, pengelolaan, lahan kritis, konservasi, terpaduSutopo Purwo Nugroho
139Analisis Sensitivitas Parameter Hidrologi, Sedemintasi & Hara Dengan Menggunakan Model AGNPS ?In Indonesia, the serious problems of degradation water quality from nonpoint source pollution was not yet many applied on watershed. Agrecultural activities such ass cultivation and applicaation of ferlizer and pesticide will influence water quality, with activities in runoff-producing zones and near streams having a greater effect than those elsewhere. Water quality integates all suorces of pollutants . Nonpoint sources, by definition, are diffuse and not easily identified. The control technologies and best management pratice available are generally expensive tobe implemented. ANGPS model is as model hydrology that shuold used to identify and quattify the nonpoint suorce pollution from watershed. The ANGPS is an event- based model that simulates surface runoff, sediment, and nutrient transport primarily from agricurtural watersheds. In iddition, the model considers point source of water, sediment, nutirents, and chemical oxigen demand (COD) from animals feedlots, and spring. The model has the ability to output water quality characteristics at intermediate points througthout the watershed network. Seven parameter were selected out of twenty two parameters based on their signifiacancde in sensitivity to hydrology eroisoin ang sediment, and nutrient yield output. That seven paramaters concist of SCS curve number, manning's roughness coeffiecient, cover and management factor ,land slope , channel sedislope, practice factor and fertization available factor.Omitted parameters in the hypothetical scenario formulationt were either parameters of uncontrollable naature such as rainfall, El30, soil erobility, parameters that had least signifcant sensensitvity such asd rainfall, slope length and channel slope. The sirmulaation with BMP system has been conducted from the parameters adjustment for seven parameters. The BMP scenario was most effecttive in reducing the degree of volume and peak runoff rate by 32,08% and 29,66% from the base value of 0,53 inches and 118,51 cfs. All erosion and sediment related nonpoint sopurce pollunts were significantly reduce by 66,36% from the base valuie of 135,67 tons by altering the cover and mangement factor (C- factor) and the pratice factor (P-factor ) at theee time that ,total N dan P were significantly reduced by 56,85% and 57,92% from the base value of 11,15 lbs /care with that same of methods.Sensitvy of analy,AGNPS model, hydrology, sediment, nutreint, simulation.Sutopo Purwo Nugroho
140Pengaruh Ukuran Sel Terhadap Hasil Prediksi Model Agnps ?Water quality monitoring effort increased with concern about protection of the water quality from waterbody. AGNPS model, which was developed to objectively evaluate alternative land management strategies on non point source pollution from agricultural watersheds, offers a method of predicting the quality of water from the watershed. The model has the ability to output water quality characteristics at intermediate points throughout the watershed network. The size cell was very influence the result of output model. More large of the size cell so the sediment and nutrient yield output was large too. Scale of map for indentify the input model was influnce the result of output model.Ukuran Sel, Model AGNPS, Kualitas Air, Sedimen, Hara, DASSutopo Purwo Nugroho