Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 161-180 dari 814 item.
161Evaluasi Kondisi Lingkungan Perairan Kawasan Pulau Abang, Galang BaruEvaluation of the water quality status at Abang Island Region was conducted by using the STORET and Canbera Similarity Indeks during Mei, June and October 2006. This analysis result shows that the water quality within this region was within the range of good to moderate. This condition indicats that the water quality status is still suitable to support the marine biotic life. During May, the water quality was good, but in June and October was decreased due to the increasing of the organic material transported by land surface run off driven by precipitation as response to the seasonal change.Kualitas air, Pulau Abang, Indeks Storet, Indeks Similaritas CanberaSuhendar I Sachoemar
162Karakteristik Lingkungan Perairan Kepulauan SeribuAn identification of the environment characteristics of the Seribu Islands was conducted by using the physical and chemical data obtained from various sources. The characteristics of the water quality at the Seribu Island was identified as a moderate level in the middle part and better in the northern part. While in the southern part was poor due to the effect of the degraded water quality at Jakarta Bay as indicated by low transparency and high heavy metal concentration of the Cd and Pb.Karakteristik lingkungan perairan, Kepulauan SeribuSuhendar I Sachoemar
163Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Tanaman Kayu Putih Kabupaten Buru, Provinsi Malukucapability, suitability, land, cajuput oilTeknologi
164Pengaruh Pupuk Hayati Dan Tanaman Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.)Terhadap Penyerapan Logam ?landfill compost , bio fertilizer, jatropha plants, heavy metalsTeknologi
165Pemanfaatan Biogas Dari Limbah Kotoran Ternak Sebagai Sumber Energi Listrik?Kotoran ternak, biogas, energi listrk, komposTeknologi
166Pengaruh Pupuk Kandang terhadap Penyerapa Logam Berat Chrom ( Cr ) Oleh Tanaman Jarak PagarProductivity of agricultural land contaminated with tannery wastes originated-chromium is decreased. Crop produced on the contaminated land is toxic for human and animal. An alternative to solve this problem is by using plants which are able to tolerate the contaminant, produce high yield, able to accumulate high concentration of the contaminant and non consumed. The aim of this research was to find out the effect of cattle manure and biofertilizer in supporting the giant castor bean grown on tannery wastes originated-chromium contaminated land and the ability of cattle manure and biofertilizer in influencing chromium absorption by the plant.
The result showed that giant castor bean can grow normally on chromium contaminated soil. There was no interaction between cow manure and biofertilizer for all observed variables. Cattle manure and biofertilizer have no effect to almost all of the observed variables, except that cattle manure affecting total leaf number and leaf area ratio. Giant castor bean grown on contaminated soils contain 5 ? 9 ppm chromium in the leaf. Therefore, giant castor bean could not be considered as higher accumulator plant.
contaminated land, biofertilizer, giant castor bean (Jatropha curcas L.)Sudaryono, Ikhwanuddin Mawardi
167Analisis Kebutuhan Air Tanaman Padi Dan Palawija Di Desa Batu Betumpang,Kabupaten Bangka SelatanWater is natural resources required absolutely by living creature, role of water for the plant is bringing nutrient element from inside the ground to leaf for photosynthesis process and distributing the photosynthesis outcome to all body tissue. Determination of the amount of crop water requirement can be observed with measuring empirical equation. From calculation outcome of water requirement for rice and second crop (planted after race) and an available water overdraught, the paddy planting patten (rain season) and being by second crop (beginning dry season) is preferable planting pattern.At planting period of rainy season can be planted rice as wide as 2.797 hectar and in the second planting season (tuming) was planted second crop as wide as 1.762 hectare.water requirement, rice, scond cropSudaryono dan Ikhwanuddin Mawardi
168Konservasi Lengas Tanah Melalui Rekayasa Lingkungan Pd Lahan Pasir Beririgasi TeknisBy more decreasing supply of the fertility agriculture land, hence to optimize the usage of marginal land like coastal land is a good way out to improve the farmer income, although demanded to various technological innovation as the environmental engineering form that able to support repairmen of the farming.One step is making conservation of land maoisture and efficiency of the water usage.The result or the technological innovations was treatment with planting system under the shade and combined with mulls, sprinkler irrigation. Now the sprinkler irrigation in the best way on increasing the land moisture rate and then followed by treatment of the shde usage, mulls and drip irrigation, while the worst treatment is without the shade usage both using mulls and drips irrigationConservation and innovation technologicalSudaryono
169Pengaruh Naungan Dan Pemberian Mulsa Terhadap Produksi Buah Melon (Cucumis Melo L.)During the present time, the coastal area is lack of interested by the farmer as the cultivation site of agriculture plant. It is caused by the problem constraint of land physical character and the climate (particularly, micro climate), so that most confined the kinds of plant may be cultivated. The more narrowed of agriculture area, then optimalizing the use of coastal area for developing agriculture is necessary to conduct, although must throungh various means with an environment reengineering, as climate modification, conservation efforts of land moisture, supplying irrigation water, and etc. So that in the research will be implemented the research on the melon plant cultivation with various treatment.But, these condition of micro climate can be manipulated or reengineered with using simple technology in shape of closed shade, so that can be created an ideal condition for cultivation requirements.The result show that melon plant cultivated under the shade with sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation gives the highest result that is 325 kg/70 m2 or 4,65 kg/m2, the melon planted under the shade + sprinkler irrigation + mulse the result 272 kg/70 m2 or 3,89 kg/m2, while the lowest result is that planted without using the shade with sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation : 200 kg/m2 or 2,86 kg/m2.Cultivation, agricultural ProductSudaryono
170Pengaruh Pemberian Lapisan Lempung Terhadap Peningkatan Lengas Tanah Pada Lahan Marginal BerpasirVarious methods for water or soil humidity conservation include the use of chemicals (synthetic matter) and plastic or asphalt layer at certain depth under soil profile to hold irrigation or rain water entering into the soil to prevent rapid disappearance from root zone. The present study observed the role of fine texture soil (clay fraction) in increasing water capacity, and releasing power of water for the need of plantation in marginal soil with sand easily pressed structure, and sensitive to water and wind erosion. The study was carried out in Glagah Coast, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. The results conclude that the addition of 10 cm of clay layer at the depth of 20-30 cm may optimally increase the humidity of sandy soil.Clay fraction, water capacity, marginal soilSudaryono
171Tingkat Pencemaran Air Permukaan Di Kodya YogyakartaPerkembangan kota yang tidak terkendali sering menimbulkan berbagai persoalan baik sosial, ekonomi, keamanan dan lingkungan, utamanya masalah pencemaran terhadap air permukaan maupun air tanah yang bersumber dari limbah industri, domistik, maupun limbah pertanian. Akibat dari pencemaran tersebut, kondisi air permukaan (sungai) di Kotamadya Yogyakarta telah terjadi penurunan kualitas, terutama meningkatnya kandungan Nitrit dan bakteri coli yang melebihi ambang batas baku mutu lingkungan. Untuk pencegahannya perlu kiranya adanya upaya-upaya untuk melakukan perbaikan lingkungan fisik, perbaikan saluran pembuangan limbah, pengolahan limbah, maupun sistem usahatani dengan menerapkan sistem pemupukan
Pencemaran ? Kualitas Air ? MenurunSudaryono
172Tingkat Kesuburan Tanah Ultisol Pada Lahan Pertambangan Batubara Sangatta, Kalimantan TimurMost of the land in East Kalimantan is ultisol soil types with low soil fertility. In a large-scale land utisol used for oil palm, rubber and industrial plantations, but on a scale farmers because of economic constraints has led to the ground ultisol terkelolannya not well. In general, land in coal mining utisol in Sangatta, East Kalimantan has a low soil fertility levels in various limiting factors, such as: poor content of organic material, so as to improve soil fertility with fertilizer needed organic fertilizer derived from compost or manure. Cation exchange capacity values are quite high up (10,4 - 17,36 me/100 g), so the land can only be used for the development of cash crops or plantation crops. Most of the land in Sangatta acidic, with high Al saturation, to reduce the acidity of the soil can be done by or with the accumulation Calcification phospat (element P) and KCl.ultisol, fertility, soil managementSudaryono
173Pengaruh Pemberian Bahan Pengkondisi Tanah Terhadap Sifat Fisik Dan Kimia Tanah ?.Di Indonesia, tanah-tanah marginal dengan kandungan pasir tinggi ( tanah vulkan berpasir kasar dan tanah berpasir digumuk-gumuk pantai), merupakan contoh dari banyak tanah bermasalah. Oleh karena itu upaya untuk mengatasi tanah bermasah tersebut perlu dilakukan. Budidaya pertanian pada tanah pasiran akan dijumpai banyak kendala yang berkaitan dengan sifat fisik, kimia dan hidrologi tanah serta iklim yang kurang kondusif bagi pertumbuhan tanaman, lebih khusus lagi tanah tersebut mempunyai sifat mudah meloloskan air, kandungan bahan organik rendah serta suhu tanah yang tinggi, sehingga kurang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan tanaman. Dengan menambah bahan pengkondisi tanah maka telah dapat merubah sifat fisik dan kimia tanah. Perubahan fisik tanah tersebut mengarah pada berat volume tanah yang meningkat, porositas tanah menurun, permeabilitas tanah menurun dan kadar lengas tanah meningkat. Keberadaan mikroba didalam tanah memegang peranan penting dalam transpormasi yang menyebabkan perubahan dalam sifat fisik dan kimia tanah.Lahan Marjinal, Bahan Pengkondisi, Sifat Fisik, Kimia TanahSudaryono
174Pengaruh Bahan Pengkondisi Tanah Terhadap Iklim Mikro Pada Lahan BerpasirUsahatani pada lahan berpasir akan dijumpai banyak kendala yang berhubungan dengan kondisi fisik tanah, hidrologi tanah dan iklim, lebih khusus lagi kondisi iklim mikro yang kadang kurang kondusif untuk pertumbuhan tanaman. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya terobosan guna melakukan rekayasa lingkungan, agar supaya keadaan yang kurang menguntungan tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal oleh petani, yaitu melalui masukan teknologi alternatif berupa penambahan bahan pengkondisi tanah (pupuk kompos, pupuk kandang, biomikro), pembuatan jaringan irigasi dan pembuatan pelindung/naungan yang pada hakekatnya berfungsi untuk mengurangi fluktuasi suhu harian pada tanah (intensitas matahari), penurunan penguapan dan kehilangan air (evaporasi).Bahan Pengkondisi Tanah, Iklim Mikro, Intensitas MatahariSudaryono
175Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Terpadu, Konsep Pembangunan Berkelanjutan.Upaya pengelolaan DAS terpadu di Indonesia telah lama diterapkan dengan memperkenalkan berbagai kegiatan yang bercirikan lintas sektoral dan multidisipliner, sebagai contoh adalah pelaksanaan pengelolaan DAS secara terpadu di DAS Brantas, Jratunseluna, dan yang kemudian direncanakan untuk diimplementasikan pada DAS-DAS lain di seluruh Indonesia. Namun karena kompleksnya permasalahan yang harus dihadapi dan banyaknya DAS yang harus ditangani, serta menyangkut kendala teknis dan non-teknis lainnya yang harus disempurnakan, maka banyak DAS yang belum dapat tertanggani dengan baik, bahkan yang terjadi adalah kerusakan DAS semakin meluas dan semakin parah. Oleh karena itu dalam pengelolaan DAS secara terpadu harus berazaskan : (1) pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam (hutan, tanah dan air) dengan memperhatikan terhadap perlindungan lingkungan; (2) pengelolaan DAS bersifat multidisiplin dan lintas sekoral; (3) peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat; (4) keterpaduan dimulai sejak dalam perencanaan pengelola DAS terpadu.Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS), Ekosistem, Pengelolaan DASSudaryono
176Teknologi Usahatani Konservasi Terpadu Konsep Pembangunan Berbasis Keserasian Lingkungan.Sebagian besar sumber daya lahan di Indonesia merupakan lahan kering yang memiliki potensi untuk usaha pertanian. Pada umumnya kawasan lahan kering tersebut memiliki topografi dari landai sampai terjal, sehingga apabila dimanfaatkan untuk usahatani sangat rentan terhadap erosi. Tingkat erosi yang tinggi merupakan masalah serius terhadap kelestarian sumberdaya lahan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) dibagian hulu, dan menimbulkan pengaruh negatif di DAS bagian hilir. Usahatani pada lahan kering menghadapi problema yang sangat kompleks, beragam dan beresiko tinggi, oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian dengan strategi pendekatan pengelolaan secara terpadu. Penelitian dan pengembangannya melibatkan berbagai disimplin ilmu (interdisipliner). institusi (interinstitusi) dan petani sebagai pengelola utamanya. Pengembangan sistem usaha tani konservasi terpadu pada sub DAS Prambanan hulu dengan tujuan mencari solusi pengembangan teknologi alternatif serta upaya mengendalikan erosi, ternyata telah mendapat respon positif baik oleh petani binaan maupun non-binaan.Usaha tani Konservasi, Daerah Aliran Sungai, DASSudaryono
177Teknologi Usahatani Konservasi Terpadu Konsep Pembangunan Berbasis Keserasian LingkunganSebagian besar sumber daya lahan di Indonesia merupakan lahan kering yang memiliki potensi untuk usaha pertanian. Pada umumnya kawasan lahan kering tersebut memiliki topografi dari landai sampai terjal, sehingga apabila dimanfaatkan untuk usahatani sangat rentan terhadap erosi. Tingkat erosi yang tinggi merupakan masalah serius terhadap kelestarian sumberdaya lahan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) dibagian hulu, dan menimbulkan pengaruh negatif di DAS bagian hilir. Usahatani pada lahan kering menghadapi problema yang sangat kompleks, beragam dan beresiko tinggi, oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian dengan strategi pendekatan pengelolaan secara terpadu. Penelitian dan pengembangannya melibatkan berbagai disimplin ilmu (interdisipliner). institusi (interinstitusi) dan petani sebagai pengelola utamanya. Pengembangan sistem usaha tani konservasi terpadu pada sub DAS Prambanan hulu dengan tujuan mencari solusi pengembangan teknologi alternatif serta upaya mengendalikan erosi, ternyata telah mendapat respon positif baik oleh petani binaan maupun non-binaan.Usahatani konservasi, Daerah Aliran SungaiSudaryono
178Pengaruh Pupuk Kandang terhadap Serapan Pada Tanaman Kacang TanahNaturally, the farm damage cure effect of heavy metal waste dismissal will need very long time, but with growing of knowledge and technology hence the damage cure acceleratable by passing input bacterium or bioremidasi into impure land. Organic materials in compost or cage manure have role of vital importance in influecing heavy metal availability in land.Organic manure usage can degrade heavy metal concent to of chromium at impure land until 67 - 68 %.The degredation of heavy metal concent in land have correlation to level of chromium concent to quiality of agro product and crop.Standard gyration quality of chromium concent range from 0,5 ppm - 1,0 ppm, while chromium concent in peanut crop > 0,5 ppm, so that is not peaceful if exploited for livestock food, but chromium concent at seed reside in below standard quality of competent so that to be consumed, however for certainty have to be seen other heavy metal concent (cadmium)heavy metal, organic meter, the farm quality productSudaryono
179Pengaruh Naungan Terhadap Perubahan Iklim Mikro Pada Budidaya Tanaman Tembakau RakyatObserved from context of the physical environment, especially micro climate, to get tobacco leaf with good quality, hence have to fulfill any conditions : dampness of air (about 60%-80%), mean of rain-fall per month more or less 175 mm, air temperature range from (21-33)?C, and irradiating intensity of the sun (about 61-69)%. For many area the conditions difficult to fulfilll because the situation of microclimate is sometime uncertainty. Pursuant to the problem, have been conducted an experiment to improve the life environment at the tobacco crop with manipulating physical environment (micro climate) by growing the tobacco crop under closed shade.Through the environmental engineering of physical, heve been obtained a micro climate element like: temperature, dampness of air, photosynthesis, sun radiation, speed of wind, which yielded have come near conditions on grow to tobacco crop, hence may be expected will be obtained a better tobacco production and quality.Naungan tertutup, iklim mikro, produksi, kualitasSudaryono
180Rekayasa Lingkungan Dgn Naungan Tertutup Utk Perbaikan Kualitas & Produktivitas Tembakau RakyatGeneral the effort in agriculture area has involved not only small failure risk of crop, the risk might be in the form of pest disturbance or crop disease, floods, dryness, and uncertain climate disturbance. To solve the tobacco crop in the climate problems (especially micro climate), was made experiment by engineering technology of physical environment (micro climate), with closed shade technology in order to obtain an optimal production.The field result experiment, in application of the closed shade technology, in reality has given positive impact to tobacco production. It is showed by the change of indicator of crop production, through season : growth acceleration of leaf, which is better than tobacco crop planted outside of the shadeteknologi naungan, produksi, kualitas, tembakauSudaryono