Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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181Peluang Pemanfaatan Rumput Laut Sebagai Agen BiofiltrasiSome observation result said that the worst of enviromental uality happened is primarily caused by mislead in the aim of develoment nature resources thatonly concern to economic growth. Therefore, the develoment of brakisth water ecosystem as an economic growth region should be relatedto the goal of enviromental waters uality management. To enhance this goal, the people utilizing brakish water ecosystem as aquaculture site may reduce organic pollution that is producedby their activities. Integrationof Gracilaria sp as a biofilter agent in aquaculture pond or in the wastewater treatment system is an alterantivetechnology for waters quality recovery enhancement.The initial success of this method in some countries has been reported. Therefore, if the biofiltration process in reducing organic pollution run properly, waters pollution in certain brakish ecosystemmaybe reduced.Rumput laut, Gracilaria sp, biofiltrasi, kualitas air, tambak air payau.Wage Komarawidjaja
182Keberadaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau dalam Pembangunan Kawasan IndustriSome functions that involves in Green Open Area ( the function of ecology, social, economic and architecture) and the estetic value of Green Open Area (object and environment) it is not only able to increase the ecological quality, but it is to be an indicator of the sustainability of ecological development. In getting Green Open Area with has function and esthetic, therefore minimal large, patern, structure and form and its distribution that must to be considered in build and develop the area. The ecological, condition, the wish of user, direction and the aim of development of area is to be a main part to fix the Green Open Area functional.Green Open AreaAdinda Arimbi Saraswati
183Karakteristik Dukungan Industri Terhadap Upaya Implementasi Produksi BersihSolusi pengolahan akhir pipa (end-of-pipe) disadari belum mampu memberikan jawaban yang memuaskan terhadap penanganan masalah pencemaran lingkungan. Saat ini sejumlah besar perusahaan di dunia sedang mengupayakan keuntungan melalui suatu pendekatan pencegahan lingkungan yang dikenal sebagai eko-efisiensi dan produksi bersih. Walaupun penerapan Produksi Bersih dapat dilakukan melalui cara-cara yang amat sederhana, namun pada kondisi tertentu kadang-kadang memerlukan perubahan yang radikal dan perlu keterlibatan manajemen perusahaan yang proaktif. Penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi karakteristik dukungan organisasi terhadap upaya penerapan Produksi Bersih perusahaan pada kasus Perusahaan BUMN Pulp dan Kertas. Hal lain yang coba diungkap adalah prasyarat keberhasilan implementasi Produksi Bersih berdasarkan persepsi anggota organisasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan Tingkat Penerimaan Konsep Produksi Bersih secara positif dipengaruhi oleh pemahaman manfaat ekonomi, kebijakan strategis, dan gaya kepemimpinan; sedang mekanisma evaluasi dan sistem insentif perusahaan masih menjadi faktor penghambat dalam penerimaan konsep Produksi Bersih saat ini. Secara umum, kalangan anggota perusahaan menempatkan faktor dukungan finansial sebagai faktor paling esensial bagi keberhasilan implementasi Produksi Bersih. Namun kenyataan dari analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa sistem insentif perusahaan justru menjadi faktor penghambat penerimaan konsep Produksi Bersih. Faktor lain yang juga dianggap esensial berturut-turut adalah keterlibatan pekerja, komitmen manajemen, kemampuan karyawan, dan kebijakan strategis. Walaupun kebijakan strategis perusahaan telah mengakomodasikan kepentingan lingkungan, namun hal ini tidak didukung hingga pada tahap pelaksanaan. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan kebijakan strategis perusahaan masih menjadi faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaan Produksi Bersih. Fenomena lain yang menarik adalah ternyata saat ini belum terbentuk budaya produksi bersih pada tatanan perusahaan, tim pengelola lingkungan yang profesional juga belum memberikan peran yang signifikan bagi penerimaan dan penerapan Produksi Bersih di perusahaan.Produksi Bersih, Industri, Pulp, KertasIr. Sawarni Hasibuan, M.T.
184Produksi Gas Metana Dari Pengolahan Sampah Perkotaan Dengan Sistem SelSolidwaste, Metana, Cell SystemTeknologi
185Peran Adipura Pada Pelaksanaan Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Di IndonesiaSolid waste management, operator, regulator, promoter, motivator, activatorTeknologi Lingkunganansor
186Teknologi Pengolahan Sampah Dan Air LimbahSolid waste has become a problem for large and small cities, as they relate to environmental sanitation and health, as well as aesthetic issues. High intensity of rainfall influence in a high solubility results of decomposition of waste in both TPS and TPA, brought the flow of water and water soak to soil or water flow to the public drainage. Law Number 8 Year 2007 on waste management require sanitary landfill technology. Currently most of the TPA are still not meet the full construction of sanitary landfill and need to be supported by the application of the 3R (Reduced, Reused, Recycle) program in solidwaste. Processing waste liquid derived from the leachate (seepage water) waste requiring special treatment. There are many type of waste water technology processing, the most important, It can be applied and product water quality meet the standard quality.Sampah, 3 R, Tempat Pembuagan Akhir (TPA), Leachate Treatment.Arie Herlambang dan Djoko Heru Martono
187Strategi Pengembangan Energi Nasional Untuk Mendukung Pembangunan BerkelanjutanSocial awarrness, of the reduction and limitation of fossil fuel resource (oil) in one side, and of various other energy resources available to be utilized in other side, encourage us to shift the energy policy to use the renewable energy resources. In order to optimize usage of the renewable energy resources as a substitution to fulfil the energy supply, an appropriate strategy is required to manage the resources. In this paper, some strategies will be suggested as inputs to the govermentm in formulating energy policies.New Energy, Management Strategy of New Energy,Ikhwanuddin Mawardi
188Kontribusi Limbah Deterjen Terhadap Status Kehidupan Perairan Di Das Citarum HuluSoap is defined as compound of fats, fatty acids and caustics soda. These compounds work to reduce surface tension and increase its cleansing ability. The term ?detergent? usually refer to synthetics compounds, but has broader ability, not only reducing surface tension and increasing its cleansing ability but also has softening and emulsifying ability.Unfortunately, detergent in certain concentration can harm to aquatic organism such as plankton, mussel, mollusk and fish. In bioassays test, high detergent concentrations induced mortality in gill cells and reduced filtration rate of the mussel. In some report cited said that concentrations above 0.2 mg/L of anionic detergent already elicited detrimental, and sub-lethal effects in all test organisms.Therefore, in upper Citarum Catchments Area which has detergent concentration significantly above 0.2 mg/L could harm to sessile invertebrate organisms. And in the long period it may influence the diver and abundance of aquatic organisms.Water quality, aquatic organism, detergent.Wage Komarawidjaja
189Penghitungan Emisi Gas Metana (Ch4) Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah Pada Tipologi?Small-Medium Landfills, Methane emission, IPCC MethodTeknologi
190Evaluasi Kinerja Incineraktor skala Kecil Studi Kasus Incineraktor DKI JakartaSmall incinerator is one of means of municipal solid waste treatment which is used by local government of DKI Jakarta. To know the performance of the small incinerator, researchers conducted study on four incinerators in Ciracas, Srengseng, Sunter and Untung Java Island. Results of study shows that performances of the mentioned incinerators were quite low, i.e. particulate was greater than threshold limit, low burning capacity, producing waste water and poison gas was greater than treshold limit, the equipment wasn?t taken care according to standard, and the supporting facilities were not fulfilled the requirement.ambang batas, efisiensi pembakaran, emisi cerobong, limbah cair
ambang batas dan efisensi
Rizqon Fajar, Hendro Wicaksono, Firman LS
191Metoda Penghilangan Zat Besi Dan Mangan Di Dalam Penyediaan Air Minum DomestikSmall amounts of iron and manganese are quite common in domestic water supply because of the presence of iron and manganese in the soil and rock formations through which the water passes in reaching the point of use. Iron and manganese is characterized by red-brown staining of bathroom fixtures and laundry, and cause taste and odor problems. Iron and manganese are brought into solution by biological reactions under anaerobic reducing conditions. When the water is exposed to air or oxygen, oxidation of iron and manganese occurs slowly, forming objectionable colloidal precipitates. The deposition of these precipitates will stain plumbing fixtures, interfere with laundering, and cause difficulties in water distribution systems by supporting growth of microorganisms such as clonotrix and crenotrix that can clog pipelines and cause taste and odor problems. Processes in which oxidation is followed by removal of suspended solids can effectively remove soluble iron and manganese from water. Three common processes for removing iron and manganese are: aeration-filtration, chlorination filtration, and potassium permanganate-manganese greensand filtration. This article describes these processes and present result from pilot?s studies of iron and manganese removal from waterzat besi, mangan, aerasi, kkhlorinasi, filtrasi, mangan zeolitNusa Idaman Said
192Modifikasi Dan Peningkatan Kinerja Unit Sarpalam Kapasitas 5 L/Det, Kec. Sendana, Kab. MajeneSlow Sand Filter Technology is very common water technology that is used in many villages in Indonesia, because very simple, low operating and low investment cost. Sarpalam is the acronym of Saringan Pasir Lambat (Slow Sand Filter). For optimal process, the system should meet with the standard design for Slow Sand filter. Somba is one village that is situated in Northern Part of South Sulawesi. In that village there is a Slow Sand Filter with 5 l/s capacity to serve around 5.000 people. The problem is the quality of water is very low, turbid and smell. The source of water come from the hill, in the eastern part (around 3 km up hill). After investigation founded that, the system is not meet with standard Slow Sand filter and need modification for increasing the quality of product water. There are some constrain in the modification of the system, namely : existing construction, lack of space in the hill, stability of land, and quality of product water.Saringan pasir lambat, slow sand filter, teknologi pengolahan airArie Herlambang
193Evaluasi Kerusakan Lingkungan Kawasan Penambangan Batu Pasir Tufaan di Kecamatan PrambananSleman regency is located at southern part of Merapi Volcano. This regency has big potential in mining sector, espicially sand, pebble-boulder stone, tuffaceous sandstone (white stone), clay material (for roof), andesit (for building material, etc. Along with increase of population and residence area, the necessity building material is increasing too. In one other side, mining activity has positive impact (like as develop economic matter of community and income local government); in other hand has negative impact (like as environment quality degradation). Base on state environment degradation model, generally environmental condition atundulating area in Prambanan district is classified medium damage (7 location) and classified damage (3 location). In order to mining activity isn?t degrade quality environment, we must more pay attention in soil management and land reclamation.environment degradation, tuffaceous sandstoneMardi Wibowo
194MyXlib, Membuat Sendiri Program Library Dengan Penyederhanaan Fungsi X Window System LibrarySistem Window X merupakan satu-satunya sistem window jaringan (Network Window System) dan satu-satunya aplikasi GUI yang handal bekerja pada UNIX sebagai sistem operasi jaringan (Network Operating System) Intranet dan Internet. Sistem Window ini juga merupakan freeware sehingga semua penggemar komputer dapat memilikinya dengan gratis tanpa merasa dituduh sebagai pelanggar hak cipta. Dengan adanya sistem window X, UNIX menjadi lebih bersifat user friendly sehingga user dapat lebih mudah dalam mengoperasikan sistem operasi ini dan dalam mengembangkan program aplikasinya. Buku ini menerangkan bagaimana membuat aplikasi berbasiskan GUI/CGI yang bekerja pada sistem window X dengan menyederhanakan fungsi-fungsi dalam standar library Xlib yang pada umumnya memiliki syntax atau format penulisan yang sangat rumit. Dengan membuat library sendiri, anda dapat mengelompokkan sendiri fungsi-fungsi yang sering digunakan dalam membuat program aplikasi GUI pada sistem window X, sehingga dapat mempersingkat proses pemrograman dan pemanggilan fungsi tersebut dalam program.X Window System, X11R6, Unix, GUI, ProgramHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
195Sistem Saringan Pasir Lambat.Sistem saringan pasir lambat memiliki karakteristik sederhana, efisien dan ekonomis. Saringan pasir lambat sangat cocok atau sesuai untuk penyediaan air bersih masyarakat pedesaan , juga sekelompok kecil masyarakat perkotaan karena teknologinya sangat sederhana dan tanpa pemakaian bahan kimia.Saringan Pasir Lambat, Slow Sand FilterIr. Ruliasih Marsidi dan Ir. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
196Mari Mencoba Sistem Operasi UnixSistem operasi Unix merupakan sistem operasi yang dirancang khusus untuk mengolah jaringan kerja komputer. Banyak orang menyebutnya sebagai Computer Networking Operating System. Pelopor sistem operasi jaringan internet ini umumnya digunakan pada workstation yang membutuhkan kapasitas media penyimpan data (hard disk) yang besar, performance, spesifikasi dan kwalitas perangkat keras yang tinggi. Unix merupakan sistem operasi yang multi user dan multi task yang cocok diterapkan pada komputer jaringan.NextStep, Unix Ware, SCO, A/UX, Mac BSD, NIC, Network Information Center, TCP/IP, DNS, SuperuserHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
197Implikasi Undang-Undang Nomor 14/2008 Tentang Keterbukan Informasi Publik Pada Informasi TeknologiSince the Internet was introduced virtual network, the globalization of information gradually changes. One positive result of the globalization of this information is the geographical boundaries are not visible in the face of the earth. Information wide open to anyone who would like to access and contribute in it. To protect the rights and obligations of both the information providers and the users from the cyber crime, the government has prepared several law and legislation. On this paper, the regulation of public information opennes (Law Number 14/2008) will be discussed, which protect the rights of people to access information held by public agencies and institutions. Example given is associated with the provision of information for environmental problems, particularly water management technology and liquid waste that has been managed by the Center for Environmental Technology, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology.Keterbukaan Informasi Publik, Pelayanan Informasi Teknologi, Hak Akses, Jaringan Global InternetKomarudin dan Heru Dwi Wahjono
198Study on Adsorption of Anionic Detergent by Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) and By Biological SludgeSince recently, detergents are not anymore causing so big problems in developed countries but they still do so in many developing countries including in Indonesia. Synthetic detergents , mostly anionic detergents, have been widely used in Indonesia over the past two decades, similar to their use in other developing countries , and residuals from such use have entered the country?s riverine and estuarine systems. Detergent problems have become more serious especially in urban areas where the spread of sewarage systems are still low. It is therefore important to develop appropriate technology to solve this problems such as developing treatment using powdered activated carbon (PAC) or biological treatment for removing detergents. The present study describes the the result of adsorption experiments of biological sludge, in relation with variables pertinent to the adsorption process such as the intial pH of the solution etc.Adsorption, Anionic Detergent, Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC), Biological SludgeIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
199Mempelajari Karakter Flow Di Atas Sistem Orografik Jakarta, Bogor, Puncak Untuk Transport ?Simulating transport seeding agent using AgI tracer from GBG-Tower at Citeko (Bogor area) is presented during period of 17 ? 26 December 2008. Character flow over low mountain ranges from Jakarta (0-50 m) to Puncak (1000 ? 1500m) has been analyses using Froude number. Increasing elevation from Jakarta to Puncak build orographic system and caused flow lifted by topographic contour and building some orographic cloud there. Result of analyses found that flow over system orographic Jakarta,Bogor,Puncak have character low kinetic energy and flow can not reach the highest barrier. With typical flow velocity ranges from 4.6 to 11.4 m/s, flows only reached 700m elevation of barrier. Flow can be reaches the highest elevation if have velocity 25 m/s, the uncommon velocity in this region. During day time (morning to afternoon), typical flow velocity is 6.1 to 11.4 m/s and its reduce during nght day with typical velocity 4.6 ? 9.9 m/s. Cloud over Citeko have base with various heght, generally between 100 and 600 m. The Silver in rain water content is not unique disperse to high altitude after releasing from top of GBG-tower due to no different concentration in rainwater during its releasing day and background ie 0.09 mg/l. Flow character over sistem orographic Jakarta,Bogor,Puncak can not support as transport media for rising seeding agent to reach the higest barir due to low kinetic energy of flow.Froude number, system orographic,kinetic energy, barrierUntung Haryanto
200Kondisi Kualitas Air Sumur Penduduk Di Wilayah Genangan Semburan Lumpur SidoarjoSidoardjo mudflow has been occuring since 2006. This disaster is the first incident in Indonesia which has such a broad impact, like the settlements, fields, roads and other buildings submerged, resulting in enormous losses. Besides damaging the existing infrastructure in the area, the mud flow is also causing environmental damage, particularly contamination of ground water community. To find out how much the impact of the mud flow to the water quality community, carried out observations and surveys of well water quality conditions of the communities around the location of the mud puddles. In this paper provided an alternative drinking water treatment technology can be applied in this area.Lapindo mud, environmental degradation, pollution of well water quality ?Satmoko Yudo