Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 101-120 dari 814 item.
101Ecological And Ekonomic Aspect Of Complex Agroforest Systems in IndonesiaEcologically the agroforest systems could be comparable to mature secondary forests. The multispecies and multilayer structure of the vegetation create condition, in which flow of nutrient between different plant species is favoured and nutrient loss is kept at minimum level. Agroforest systems are managed sustainably by the farmers. Agroforest systems play important role in agricultural economy in Indonesia and are important sources of income for millions of smallholder farmers. From viewpoint of socio-economic aspects, agroforest systems can be considered as social forestry. So they could be complemented with overall forest policy and development. Development of agroforest systems as sustainable farming methods in Indonesia needs better knowledge on the interaction between trees and other vegetation components; biology of wild fruit and timber producing trees, end products processing and marketing.agroforest, biodiversity, nutrient cycle, economyTitiresmi dan Yudhi Soetrisno Garno
102Teknologi Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Limbah AmmoniaAmmonia compound is chemical compounds abundance in nature. Ammonia wastes discharge into water body will have a negative impact and cause ecological and healthy problems. High concentration of ammonium will give eutrofication problem in water body therefore dissolve oxygen demand will be decreased as well as self purification of water ecosystem. This negative impact will influenced for aquatic organism which died gradually. The efforts decrease of ammonia concentration is by biological waste water treatment utilizing microbes for changing ammonia to nitrite and nitrate. One of the technologies could be carried out is nitrification process technology using biofilter with 80% efficiency. For decreasing ammonia concentration can be used biological treatment by using microbe which can change it ti nitrite and nitrateammonia, biofilter technology, nitrificationTitiresmi dan Nida Sopiah
103Agroforestry as A From Of Land Use With Emphasis to Complex Agroforest in IndonesiaAgroforestry as land use management systems have been practised by local communities in Indonesia for centuries. Agroforestry systems in Indonesia can be found as densely vegetated pieces of land. This multispecies and multilayer vegetation structures is an ingenious answer of local communities combining management of small pieces of land for multiple products in an efficient manner. Agroforestry systems harbour a rich collection of plant and animals, despite the commercial orientation of the management.agroforest, damar, homegardenTitiresmi
104By Product Exchange of Seaweed Solid Waste for Mushroom MediaA laboratory experiment on utilization of seaweed-containing solid wastes as media for growing mushrooms was conducted by researchers from the Institute for Environmental Technology. The solid wastes were obtained from PT. Agarindo Bogatama, a food industry which produces jelly powder processed from seaweed of Gracilaria. The company generates 60 tones of solid wastes of seaweed per-day that contained 70% of water content. The solid media was used to grow Auricularia polytricha, Pleurotus astreatus, and Ganoderma lucidum. Some mixed media were prepared with the percentage ratio of sawdust to solid waste as 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100. After sterilization the media were planted with mushrooms and then were kept in incubator. After 28-day the basidiomas of G. lucidum was developed while P. astreatus appeared after 36-day of incubation. Both were grown on 100% seaweed media (using 100% sawdust media as a control). This very early results indicated that solid waste of seaweeds have an additional value which can be used as media for mushrooms plantation. Implementation waste to product as a part of cleaner production approach should be disseminated to the industries, especially SMEs like PT. Agarindo Bogatama, who are concern to the environment.Byproduct exchange, seaweed solid waste, mushroomsTitiresmi
105Penurunan Kadar Cod Air Limbah Industri Permen Dengan Menggunakan ReaktorPollution in the rivers is generally caused by domestic and industrial waste. Some treatments to solve it can be done individually or collectively. The effort can be physical, chemical, or biological treatments chosen by its form, character, kind, quality, quantity. PT Van Melle Indonesia is a candy company which produces a high biological waste with COD concentration 10000-30000 mg/litre. This paper reports activated sludge reactor performance to decrease the waste?s organic content. The reactor is a biological waste water treatment, as a sequence of earlier anaerob process which still has a high COD (700-4000 mg/litre). A continued reactor operation done with retention time variation 24 hours, 18 hours, 12 hours, and 6 hours show reduced COD varied 80-90%. The highest efficiency was 97.59% from the 24 hours retention time, and the lowest efficiency was 89.5% from the 6 hours retention time.activated sludge reactor, candy industry wastewaterTitiresmi
106Potensi Bakteri Denitrifikasi Dalam Biodegradasi Carbaryl Pada Kondisi Anaerobikaktivitas denitrifikasi, aklimatisasi, Carbaryl, 1-NaphtholTeknologi
107Sistem Kultivasi Organik Pada Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogea L.)?pupuk hayati, semi-on-site-composting, sistem pertanian berkelanjutan, Arachis hypogea L.Teknologi
108Pemanfaatan Lahan tidur di Bawah Tegakkan Hutan Rakyat dengan Tanaman NilamThe agroforest region is bestowed with diverse agro-climatic zones, which makes itself a rich storehouse of different types of flora and fauna. Besides, this conditions help in introduction, acclimatization, and cultivation of a number of aromatic plants with minimum efforts. There are a few commercial crops, which can be cultivated without disturbing the existing flora and have the potential to establish as cash crops in this region. Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth) has been identified as one such essential oil bearing aromatic plant with immense export potential. Patchouli oil production could be a rural based, labour intensive, low cost agro-base cottage industry, which will give large-scale employment in rural and hilly areas. Patchouli, being a shade loving plant can easily be grown as an intercrop amidst fruit trees, arecanut, and coconut plantation etc. It can also be easily cultivated in flood free fallow or wastelands. This will provide some extra income for the farmers. Following report of experiment in Cibojong-Padarincang-Serang clearly indicates that Patchouli cultivation can be a good option besides the traditional crops.Agroforest, intercrop, shading, nilam, Pogostemon cablinTitin Handayani dan Titi Resmi
109Bioakumulasi Logam Berat dalam Mangrove Rhizophora mucronata dan Avicennia marina di Muara AngkeMangrove area in Muara Angke was dominated by api-api (Avicennia marina) and bakau (Rhizophora mucronata). We asume that these species was able to acumulate heavy metals, since both of them have adapted in this environmental condition which content of high concentration heavy metals. The objective of this experiment was to analyze heavy metals content in the tissue of api-api (Avicennia marina) and bakau (Rhizophora mucronata) in Muara Angke Jakarta. The results showed that Cu was highest heavy metal content in root of bakau (24.431 ppm) . While 23.674 ppm of Cu was content in api-api roots. Cu content in sediment was 26,640 ppmMangrove, heavy metal. Muara AngkeTitin Handayani
110Penurunan Bahan Organik Air Limbah Industri Permen Dengan Menggunakan Reaktor Packed?mikrobiologi, pembibitan, aklimatisasi, bioreaktor packed bed, air limbahTeknologi Pengolahan Air
111Pengujian Toleransi Mangrove Muda Terhadap Cemaran Minyak Bumipolusi minyak , fitoremediasi , bakau , Rhizophora mucronata , Bruguiera sp , Sonneratia
112Potensi Tumbuhan Liar Dari Lokasi Penampungan Limbah Tailing PT.Antam Cikotok Untuk FiteromendasiDetoxification of cyanide contaminated soils and waters with plants seems to be a feasible option in these decades. The plant types that are of particular interest for use as remediation are those that absorb, store and under certain circumstances, detoxify contaminants. Since plants vary in their ability to accumulate specific contaminants, it is necessary to identify candidate plant species that can both accumulate and tolerate the contaminants of concern at a given site. For this purpose screening appropriate plant species adapted to local conditions should be seriously considered. Therefore this study aims to characterized plants that grow under extreme contaminated media of gold mined sites i.e tailing dam that belongs to PT ANTAM Cikotok and to analyse the capacity of their potency as hyperaccumulator. The results showed that some plant species, which grow in the contaminated areas, indicated high tolerance and potentially affective in accumulating cyanide in their roots and above ground portions. Some of these plants are known as cover crops i.e Centrocema pubescens Beth and Mucuna purients DC. Other species are Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M King and H. Robinson, Cleome aspera Koen ex Dc, Jussieua peruviana, Melastoma malabatricum Liin, Mikania cordata (Burm.f.) B.L.Rob, Paspalum conjugatum Berg that known as weeds and Solanum torvum Swartz that known as vegetable. As candidate species, these plants need to be studied integratedly and utilized as hyperaccumulators for cleaning up the contaminated sites.Plants, phytoremediation, accumulator, cyanide.Titi Juhaeti, F. Syarif, N. Hidayati
113Inter Annual And Monsoonal Rainfall Variability In Java Islanddry season, decreasing tendency of rainfall amount, faster dry season.Teknologi
114Study On Seasonal Oscillation Of Zonal And Meridional Wind In Indonesia Using Ncep Reanalysis Dataseasonal oscillation, low-level zonal wind, upper-level meridional wind.Teknologi
115Teknologi Substitusi PestisidaStockholm Convention yang merupakan sebuah kesepakatan internasional memuat sasaran untuk menghilangkan penggunaan bahan kimia organik serta memulihkan media tercemar bahan kimia organik yang dikelompokkan sebagai persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Dalam kesepakatan tersebut, hingga saat ini, terdapat sembilan bahan kimia dari jenis pestisida yang telah diketahui memiliki perilaku sebagai POPs. Penggunaan pestisida POPs pada lahan pertanian telah dibuktikan memasuki jalur jejaring makanan sehingga penggunaanya yang semula untuk membasmi hama pada tanah dan tanaman telah ditemukan pula dalam tubuh manusia misalnya air susu ibu. Hal ini tidak saja menurunkan mutu lahan pertanian untuk produksi tanaman pangan tetapi juga menyimpan sejumlah bahaya kesehatan lingkungan, termasuk manusia, akan keamanan terhadap pestisida.Teknologi Penanganan POPs (SIPOP)
116Peningkatan Faktor Daya Dengan Pemasangan Bank Kapasitor Untuk Penghematan Listrik Di Industri Sementhat the installation of Capacitor bank at power factor in plant assessment can increase energy use up to 3 MVA, with this increasing automatically the energy can be used for other equipment. Therefore, the prediction of cost saving from electricity can raised more than 11 billion rupiahs. Even though, the installation of capacitor bank, cannot be implemented considering the high cost, but it is the main priority of the management.cement, Electrical, Capacitor bankTeguh Prayudi dan Wiharja
117Chitosan Sebagai Bahan Koagulan Limbah Cair Industri TextilThe Indrustrial development for textile in Indonesia has created environmental problem caused by its untreated wastes due to limited inexpensive waste treatment technology availabel. Chitosan is chemical compound that can be obtained easily from crabs and shrimps shell with is abundantly avaiable in Indonesia. One of its superiority characteristic of chitosan is its capability in bonding colloidal solution capability and heavy metals in textile waste. The aim of this research studies is assessing the capability of chitoson to bond the colloidal solution in indrustial waste treatment process especially for textile indrustry.Limbah cair, chitosan, coagulanTeguh Prayudi dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
118Kualitas Debu Dalam Udara Sebagai Dampak Industri Pengecoran Logam CeperDalam tulisan ini disampaikan hasil penelitian kandungan debu dalam udara ambient untuk daerah industri pengecoran logam Ceper yang terletak di Kecamatan Ceper, Kabupaten Klaten-Jawa Tengah. Industri pengecoran logam ini merupakan industri yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat yang tergabung dalam koperasi Batur Jaya. Mengingat sejarah pembentukannya sebagai industri rakyat yang telah berlangsung secara turun menurun sejak jaman kolonialisasi, maka masalah lingkungan belum pernah menjadi bagian dari proses pengembangan industri ini. Melalui penelitian ini dicoba mengidentifikasi permasalahan lingkungan yang telah timbul di daerah industri ini, khususnya masalah pencemaran debu didalam udara ambient. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi debu di wilayah ini telah melampaui nilai ambang batas yang diperbolehkan. Untuk itu perlu adanya usaha untuk menurunkan kadar tersebut melalui konsep pembangunan industri yang berwawasan lingkunganPencemaran Udara, Penelitian Kualitas Debu Dalam Udara, Industri Pengecoran Logam CeperTeguh Prayudi dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
119Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel Chitosan Pada Proses Degradasi Limbah Cair TekstilSebagai salah satu dampak dari perkembangan industri, khususnya industri tektil adalah timbulnya berbagai masalah lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh limbah industri yang belum terolah secara optimal. Hal ini disebabkan karena masih sedikitnya teknologi pengolahan limbah yang mudah dan murah untuk di terapkan. Pada Penelitian terdahulu (1) telah dicoba mengkaji efektivitas penggunaan chitosan untuk mengikat partikel-partikel koloid pada proses pengolahan limbah industri dalam air limbah industri tekstil. Sebagai kelanjutan penelitian di atas, pada penelitian ini dilakukan optimalisasi ukuran (mesh) untuk mengetahui ukuran chitosan yang paling optimal pada proses degradasi bahan-bahan pencemar dalam limbah industri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ukuran partikel chitosan sangat berpengaruh terhadap daya adsorbsi polutan dan semakin kecil ukuran chitosan maka daya adsorpsi terhadap BOD5 dan COD semakin besar. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui pula bahwa kemampuan optimum chitosan mengadsorsi polutan dalam limbah cair adalah masing-masing 4,56% untuk BOD dan 4,49% untuk COD dari berat yang digunakan.Partikel Chitosan, Proses Degradasi Limbah Cair TekstilTeguh Prayudi dan Joko Prayitno Susanto
120Dampak Industri Peleburan Logam Fe Terhadap Pencemaran Debu Di UdaraIn this research have been done by the iron metal rate analysis (Fe) in air dirt ambient industry area molding of metal in Dusun Batur, Kecamatan Ceper, Kabupaten Klaten, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Research result indicate that the distribution contamination of metal Fe have extended with swampy forest [among/between] 0,02 ~ 15,71 ug/m3, and this rate enough significant with dirt content TSP which are research before all.metal, Klaten, contaminationTeguh Prayudi