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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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261Keanekaragaman Tanaman Pekarangan & Pemanfaatannya Di Ds. Lampeapi, Pulau Wawoni ? Sulawesi TenggaraIn Indonesia, home garden have not aequire any much awareness yet. Although this home garden can be a valuable incomes for family if manage in good way. Research and inventory on plant diversity of home garden in Lampeapi village, Wawonii Dictrict, Southwest Of Celebes resulted of 40 species.Those plants are used daily needs and can be used for raising family income such as ?onii? Cocos nucifera, ?marisa? Piper nigrum, ?dambo? Anacardium occidentale, ?punti? Musa spp. and coklat Theobroma cacao. Diversity of plants species, as proportion and indigenous knowledge of local people is very interesting to study in order to conserve their germ plasma.Home garden, Lampeapi village, Wawonii island, Southwest of Celebes.Mulyati Rahayu dan Suhardjono Prawiroatmodjo
262Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Dan Potensinya Di Cagar Alam Tangale, GorontaloPlant inventory has been carried out in Tangale Nature Reserves in Gorontalo Province, North Sulawesi (2002). This area covers about 113 ha. About 250 species have been listed from this area, and 72 species of them utilized by the local people who leave in its surrounding area as stuff food, fruit and vegetable sources, medicinal purpose, ornamental plant and for house building as well. From this activity, one new species of Oxalidaceae (Averrhoa leucopetala Rugayah & Sunarti) described, and two species of Euphorbiaceae (Mallotus griffi thianus and M. macrostachys) informed as a new record for SulawesiPlant inventory, Tangale Nature Reserves, GorontaloRugayah, Siti Sunarti dan Tutie Djarwaningsih
263Keberadaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau dalam Pembangunan Kawasan IndustriSome functions that involves in Green Open Area ( the function of ecology, social, economic and architecture) and the estetic value of Green Open Area (object and environment) it is not only able to increase the ecological quality, but it is to be an indicator of the sustainability of ecological development. In getting Green Open Area with has function and esthetic, therefore minimal large, patern, structure and form and its distribution that must to be considered in build and develop the area. The ecological, condition, the wish of user, direction and the aim of development of area is to be a main part to fix the Green Open Area functional.Green Open AreaAdinda Arimbi Saraswati
264Keberlanjutan Fungsi Ekologis Sebagai Basis Penataan Ruang Kota BerkelanjutanThe pattern of the land, natural resources and environment used will influence the sustainability of a city. Nowadays, many cities in Indonesia have been developed without consideration of ecological aspects. The development of built areas that tends to be sprawling and convert natural environments such as forests and other green areas, wetlands, and lakes that have ecological functions has been causing the increasing environmental problems such as floods, groundwater shortage, and micro climate change in many cities. Spatial planning that considers the sustainability of ecological functions is a strategic tool to manage the city?s land allocation so as to achieve sustainable cities. However, most spatial planning products of cities have been made without the support of ecological data and analysis in the planning process. The paper discusses the importance of maintaining the ecological spaces as a part of an urban ecosystem and decribes the concept of sustainable spatial planning, including data and analysis should be prepared in order to integrate ecological consideration in the sustainable spatial planning processtata ruang, kota berkelanjutan, fungsi ekologis.Mukaryanti, Alinda Medrial Zain, Nawa Suwedi
265Kebijakan Pengelolaan Limbah Elektronik Dalam Lingkup Global Dan LokalLimbah elektronik, pencemaran, extended producer responsibilityTeknologi Pengolahan Air
266Kebijakan Pengolahan Air Untuk Mewujudkan ketahanan panganAbstract
Up until now, some countries still facing food shortage. One of the reasons is waters carcity. As we know, it is estimated that 70 percent of the water consumed worldwide, including that diverted from rivers and pumped from underground, is used for irrigation, while some 20 percent is used by industry and 10 percent for residential purposes. In the increasingly intense competition for water among these three sectors, the economics of water do not favor agriculture. In China, 1,000 tons of water can be used to produce 1 ton of wheat, worth perhaps $200, or to expand industrial output by $14,000?70 times as much. In a country that is desperately seeking economic growth and the jobs it generates, the gain in diverting water from agriculture to industry is obvious.
Water capacity, water useMaryadi
267Kebutuhan Air Bersih Masyarakat Di Daerah Perdesaan Nelayan Di Wilayah Pesisir Kab. Pasir, KaltimCoastal region is very potential area for developing in sectors of fish, low and middle business from domestic industrial such as: food and husbandary food, fish net and shipping, services, trasnportation and travel. Concerning to high conomical potency in this coastal area is expected to be supporting area for central activities. For this supporting in public facility require elictricity, road and sea transportation, telecommunication, housing, health and the important is water supply. In providing water supply infrastructure is needed good planning so that the result outcomes in right purpose and beneficial for certain community. One of the supporting in planning is to know social-economical condition of this community. This paper will show in general the result of coastal community social economy in Local Government, Pasir, East Kalimantan.Masyarakat nelayan, perencanaan penyediaan air bersih, kondisi sosial-ekonomi penduduk pesisirSatmoko Yudo dan Taty Hernaningsih
268Kebutuhan Energi untuk Memproses Kristal Silikon dan Waktu Pengembalian
This paper is to review existing knowledge on energy requirements for manufacturing photovoltaic (PV) module and system. Estimate energy (primary energy) requirements for manufacturing PV module for scenario: Low* and High
1. For multi crystalline silicon (mc-Si)
a. Low is 4200 MJ/ m2 (mc-Si) or 35 MJ/Wp = 3,395 kwh/Wp
b. High is 11600 MJ/ m2 (mc-Si) or 96 MJ/Wp = 9.312 kwh/Wp
2. For a single ?crystalline (sc-S)
a. Low is 6000 MJ/ m2 or 47 MJ/Wp = 4,559 kwh/Wp.
b. High is 13900 MJ/ m2 or 109 MJ/Wp = 10.573 kwh/Wp
Estimate energy production (final yield) for application SHS (50 Wp) multi ?crystalline (mc-S) is 65 kwh/Wp/year (1 Wp produce 1,3 kwh/year.
Estimate Energy Pay-back Time ,? take energy to save energy?. for Solar Home System Application for over 20 year system life (under 1900 kwh/ m2/year irradiation) are 3-4 years for low scenario and 8 years for high.
A single ?crystalline silicon (sc-S), multi crystalline silicon (mc-Si) manufacturing PV module,Abubakar Lubis
269Kecenderungan Reklamasi Wilayah Pantai Dengan Pendekatan Model DinamikBig cities, especially those with have coastal area, in their development process will face the problem of limiting area, either for human setlemen or other purposes. One effort to solve the problem is by doing a coastal reclamation which still has problems until now due to the negative impacts resulted. A dynamic model had been developed to exemine the causality of a reclamation phenomenon. Which a simple dynamic model it is known already that investor interest in coastal reclamation is defined by result potential in future, which is reflected by a beneficial land conversion price and relatively small delay period.reklamasi, pantai, model dinamikLestario Widodo
270Kekuatan Bioremediasi Jamur Dan Biokonversi Limbah Pertanian Menggunakan Teknologi Budidaya JamurBioconversion technology of agricultural waste or biowaste has been known by industries as one of the technology that could provide or increase quality og fod through industrial food processing. However, some of people in Indonesia have not been realized that uneconomic values and unnutritious of agro materials could be converted into high value of food and feed, and also usefull material for soil conditioner which is improved soil health. In addition, spent mushroom substrate as a waste of mushroom production can be used for a stater material to remediate contaminated soil as one of the strong capability material for bioremediation technology for polluted environment. Therefore, this review would like to create some hopes for pheasant to covert some agricultural waste materials into useful materials toward poverty alleviation and sustainable community development as mentioned by millennium development goals. Through this application of bioconversion and bioremediation technology of agricultural waste which is ubicuitous in tropical countries like Indonesia, we do much more for environmental care and social welfarebioconversion technology, agricultural waste, healthy food, soil conditionerSabaruddin Wagiman Tjokrokusumo
271Kelas Kesesuaian Lahan Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan di DAS Citarum Hulu.Lahan tropika seperti halnya kebanyakan lahan di Indonesia harus dikelola secara bijaksana sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip konservasi tanah dan air agar swasembada pangan dapat lebih dimantapkan lagi. Klas Kemampuan Lahan merupakan pedoman yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip konservasi tanah dan air dan dapat diguankan sebagai pedoman untuk perencanaan pengembangan pertanian secara umum. Sedangkan pengembangan pertanian berskala usaha hendaknya harus berdasarkan pada kelas kesesuaian lahan suatu wilayah yang akan dikembangkan untuk suatu usaha pertanian agar tidak terjadi kerusakan lahan yang dapat m,enimbulkan kerugian jangka panjang baik secara ekonomi mauspun lingkungan. Pengetahuan tentang perencanaan pembangunan pertanian yang berasas pada Kelas Kemampuan Lahan dan Kelas Kesesuaian Lahan suatu wilayah dapat diterapkan pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) terutama wilayah DAS Citarum Bagian Hulu yang dalam kenyataannya telah mengalami kerusakan yang sangat berat dan akan berakibat pada kemampuan daya dukung wilayah dan menurunnya kualitas Danau multiguna seperti Saguling, Cirata dan Jatiluhur.Kelas Lahan, Konservasi, LingkunganSabaruddin Wagiman Tjokrokusumo
272Kelayakan Air Waduk Mukakuning Di P. Batam Untuk Bahan Baku Air MinumTelah diketahui bahwa tanah pulau Batam relatif sulit untuk meresapkan air, sehingga air hujan yang jatuh sebagian besar mengalir dipermukaan tanah, masuk sungai dan terbuang ke laut. Oleh karena itulah maka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih, Otorita Pengembangan Daerah Industri Pulau (OPDIP) Batam membangun waduk-waduk untuk panampung air hujan yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber utama bahan baku air bersih. Untuk mengetahui kualitas air waduk Sei Mukakuning dan kelayakannya sebagai bahan baku air bersih maka penelitian ini dilakukan. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa air W.S. Mukakuning tidak dapat dimanfaatkan secara langsung karena konsentrasi beberapa parameter; yakni deterjen, kromium, kadmium dan timbal melebihi konsentrasi baku mutu air golongan A pada Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No.20 tahun 1990. Meskipun demikian air tersebut masih layak dijadikan sumber bahan baku air minum karena memenuhi ketentuan baku mutu air golongan B. Penulis menyarankan agar dilakukan pengkajian terhadap penyebab tingginya konsentrasi parameter-parameter tersebut, dan dalam mengolah air tersebut WTP Mukakuning perlu memberikan perhatian khusus pada parameter-parameter tersebut.OPDIP Batam, Bahan Baku Air, Waduk MukakuningYudhi Soetrisno Garno, PhD
273Kemampuan Alkalinitas Kapasitas Penyanggan (Butter Capacity) dalam Sistem Anaerobik Fixed BEDIn the process of decomposition of the organic matter with the anaerobic system was learnt that the methane forming bacteria of was very sensitive to the level of the acidity in other words very sensitive with the low pH. There are by two big groups the bacteria that was active in this system. These two bacteria group had the duplication capacity that was very different that is 3 hours during the acid forming bacteria of and 3 days for the methane forming bacteria. The alkalinity in the reactor with the certain concentration between 1000 ? 5000 mg/l could support the pH continue to in the neutral condition when the decline in the pH happened so as the balance of the process could on the whole stay proceeding normally.
It was observed that achieving the pH 3 in the feeding, the concentration of the alkalinity descended through to 500 mg/l this was the lowered condition and the process of decomposition of the organic matter was disrupted. When being left alone then the system will stop completely because of the methane forming bacteria was inhibited.
alkalinity, buffer capacity, anaerobic, biogasDjoko Padmono
274Kemampuan Flavobacterium Sp Nub1 Dalam menggunakan Alifatik Nitril Untuk Pertumbuhannyaaliphatic nitrile, biodegradation, Flavobacterium sp. NUB1Teknologi Lingkunganistin_ar
275Kenaikan Muka Laut Akibat Pemanasan Global Dan Aspek Penataan Ruang Wilayah Kota MakassarClimate and regional temperature changes due to anthropogenic activities have the impact on physical and biological aspects in the coastal zone. The increase of sea level changes is one important impact that adversing the coastal ecosystem. In 40 years (1961 ? 2003) sea level has increase in the average rate of 1,8 mm/year with the total increase of 17 cm in the early 20th century. Makassar city, the largest city in the eastern part of Indonesia is vulnerable to the increase of sea level. In this city, several coastal tipology in terms of land use can be observed. Human settlement, city tourism, sea port, fish pond as well as area with no human activities can be found. Large potential of economic loss can be occured if is not anticipated. Coastal zone spatial planning need to include coastal hazard of sea level changes due to global warming, increase of sea level changes, coastal tipologyIwan G. Tejakusuma dan Hermawan P
276Keragaan Model Budidaya Perikanan Terintegrasi Multi Tropik Di Pantai Utara Karawang, Jawa Barat.Keragaan Model Budidaya Perikanan Terintegrasi Multitropik, Pantai Utara KarawangTeknologi
277Keragaman Lumut Daun Di Hutan Bekas Terbakar Bukit Bangkirai, Kalimantan Timur. Moss Diversity?Bangkirai forest recreation, east Kalimantan, mosses, burn areas, diversity.Teknologi
278Keragaman Lumut Di Resort Karang Ranjang, Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon, BantenKarang Ranjang resort is a part of Ujung Kulon National Park at Banten Province. It has two type ecosystem of forest. The coastal forest ecosystem are dominated by Pandanaceae Plant and the lowland forest ecosystem is dominated by Arecaceae. Floor of the lowland forest always covered by sea water when flooding. The first bryophyte research in this park was been done by surrounding methode and it recorded 50 specimen numbers of mosses. The identification result of the 48 speciment numbers found 33 species. Mniomalia semilimbata is dominant species on the research areas. Two species of the mosses have endemic status, Fissidens teysmanianum as endemic species in Java and Calymperes cougiense found abundant in the Malesia region and endemic in PolynesiaUjung Kulon National Park, Karang Ranjang, Mosses, diversity, ecosystem
Florentina Indah Windadri
279Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Teknologi Peningkatan Kualitas AirKualiatas air khususnya air minum dapat berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan manusia atau masyarakat melalui berbagai cara yakni melalui adanya mikroorganisme patogen misalnya protozoa, bakteria, virus dan lain-lainnya, melalui perkembang-biakan vektor penyakit, serta melalui senyawa polutan organik dan anorganik yang ada dalam air. Penyedian air bersih untuk masyarakat memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat/lingkungan, yakni berperan dalam menurunkan angka penderita penyakit khususnya penyakit yang berkaitan dengan air (waterborne diseases), dan berperan dalam mengingkatkan standar hidup (living standard) masyarakat. Proses pencemaran pemantauan kulaitas air, khususnya air minum adalah salah satu hal yang sangat penting untuk mengontrol kualitas air minum yang dipasok untuk keperluan masyarakat. Buku ini membahas masalah kualitas air khususnya kualitas air minum, dampaknya terhadap kesehatan masyarakat, serta beberpa teknologi terapan dalam bidang peningkatan kualitas air minum dan pengolahan air limbah yang dikemas secara praktis dan sederhana.Kualitas Air, Kesehatan Lingkungan, Air Bersih, Limbah Cair, Filter, Air Keruh, Air MinumIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
280Keseimbangan Lingkungan Antara Kebutuhan & Penyediaan Air Melalui Teknologi
Modifikasi Cuaca
The process of weather modification to increase rainfall amount can be done continuously when the weather condition is favorable and can be used to maintain DAM water level especially during the dry season. By maintaining the DAM water level with the weather modification technology the environmental balance between supply and demand will be sustained. To reduce the rainfall intensity in order to lessen the impact of flood with the weather modification technology by early precipitation, which eventually lessen the intensity and the accumulated rainfall amount. The application of the weather modification technology to clear the atmosphere due to the forest fire and land clearing activities can be used to area where fires is still ongoing. The use of that technology not only clears the atmosphere but also allows convection processes to happen because the cloud development was hindered by thick smoke from fires.penyemaian, bahan parameterCh. Nasution