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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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201De-Coupling pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Degradasi Lingkungan di IndonesiaIn the past, development acceleration to reach the short term economic growth in many countries, had proven to cause a lot of environmental damages, followed by degraded living quality of the marginal community ? especially the poor, water, air and soil pollution and degraded the natural resources quality which functioned as the sink. Indonesia, since 1999 enacted regulation concerning the Regional economic that was known as the decentralization. Its implementation also heightened the risk of high exploitation flow of the natural resources due to the orientation focus towards the increasing of the Original Regional Income. Of several existing data, the environmental quality in Indonesia tends to drop.

On the other hand, Indonesia, nationally, has the program of the environment management by the sustainable development paradigm. This program was implemented through among others several effort like increase the environmental awareness, the pollution prevention from its sources, conservation and recovery of the environmental damages. In this decentralization era the strengthening of the environment management agencies in the regions and the community empowerment to carry out the control function also has to become priority. Nevertheless in its implementation, the sustainable development faced many obstacles added by the trade globalization era at present. Since the Indonesian economic must keep on growing to provide job filed and welfare improvement, therefore the choice to carry out the sustainable development is a must.
economic growth, environmental degradation, sustainability.Wahyu Purwanta
202Penerapan Instrumen Ekonomi Dalam Menguerangi Emisi Gas CO2 Suatu Perspektif Untuk IndonesiaIndonesia still using common and control (CAC) instruments in controlling environmental problems. Law No 23 year 1997 and decree of the minister and others regulations related to the law were established based on top-down policy approach. Environmental problems in most cases are effective to be controlled using common and control policy, however in issues of pollution or emission control, economic instrument or market based instrument is effective compare to the CAC. Another reason is flexibility of the instrument. This empirical study is intended to analyze how an instrument economy is useful in controlling CO2 emission. DICE model (Dynamic Integrated and Climate Change Economic ) or sometime called Three?Box model system is one of economic models which is used for controlling CO2 emission in response to potential threat of global warming. Emission of CO2 from fossil fuel is taxed through optimation of the model. Emission control rate is policy variable. Model system equations are solved using General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). Optimum scenario is occurred where value of rate of social preference 5%. Model outcome suggest that abatement cost having range between 0.1-6.7% of GDP and reduction of emission in range of 20 - 80% of current emission rate for the period of 1990-2019. In optimal condition, model suggest that appropriate emission tax for fossil fuel having range of 0.002 ? 0.024 USD per liter or equivalent to 3.90-40.35 USD carbon tax per ton of fossil fuel coal having range 1,95 -20,25 USD per ton CO2.economic instruments,environmental problebms,DICE model,EmissionKemas Fachruddin
203Pengembangan Ekowisata Sebagai Pendekatan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir BerkelanjutanEcotourism has been chosen as an approach to integrate conservation and economic development in Blendung Village, one of coastal villages in the north coast of Pemalang District. Most of its community depend their livelihood on fish ponds and jasmine plantation. The combination of fish ponds, jasmine plantation and mangrove conservation is expected to be tourist attraction, which ables to enhance the prosperity of local community as well as to recover the function of mangrove as a means for coastal protection that has been lost recently. In order to prepare Blendung Village as a tourist destination, an environmentally- sound tourism area plan was created, and the skill of local community to manage the acitities was developed. The main challenge in the development of ecotourism in Blendung Village is how to empower local community as well as local government, thereby all of those local potentials could be developed, which in turn a sustainable coastal zone could be achieved.ecotourism, coastal resources managementIr. Mukaryanti, MPSt, Adinda Saraswati, Ssi
204Respon Penambahan Effectife Microorganism-4 (Em-4) Terhadap Kualitas Nutrisi Fermentasi ?The objective of this research was to obtain the best dosage of using EM-4 in sugar cane waste. This research was done in two processes. First process was fermentation of sugar cane waste within 9 days in ?Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak? Laboratory at Sriwijaya University. Second process was analyzed the nutritive value of sugar cane waste, in Laboratory of ruminant and chemical feed at Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Padjajaran University, Bandung. A Complete Randomized Design with four treatments and three replications was carried out. The experimental diets were : E0 (control), E1 (waste of sugar cane + 7,5ml EM-4), E2 (waste of sugar cane + 15ml EM-4), E3 (waste of sugar cane + 22,5ml EM-4). Each treatment was added with rice straw 20% of dried weight sugar cane waste. The parameters measured were dry matter, crude fiber, crude protein, NFE and crude fat. The results of this research showed that the treatment improved significantly to dry matter, crude fiber, crude protein, NFE and crude fat. The conclusi-on of the research was treatment by addition EM-4 15ml give the best result in all treatments.Effective Organism-4, nutrition quality, fermentation, sugar cane wasteA. Fariani dan Sindu Akhadiarto
205Pengembangan Dan Pemberlanjutan Teknologi Pemantauan Lingkungan Perairan Laut.Sebagai sebuah infrastruktur yang bernilai investasi tidak sedikit, upaya menjaga kesinambungan sistem Seawatch sangatlah penting.Secara umum permasalahan yang muncul dalam pengoperasian dan pengembangan sistem ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai masalah teknis dan non-teknis. Secara teknis masalah yang terjadi pada sistem buoy sebagian besar disebabkan oleh faktor ketidak-akraban lingkungan laut bagi sistem elektronik. Sementara pada aspek teknis pada pusat kendali lebih kepada aspek keandalan (reliability) sistem dan masalah penyebaran termasuk pengaturan aksesnya. Adapun faktor non-teknis utama adalah aspek yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi dalam arti apakah nilai tambah yang dihasilkan sistem Seawatch sebanding dengan biaya pengadaan, pengembangan, dan operasionalnya. Dalam menjaga kesinambungan ke depan suatu upaya bagaimana menekan biaya operasional dan meningkatkan manfaat dan kemanfaatan data dan atau informasi yang dihasilkan menjadi penting. Peningkatan kemampuan pada aspek teknik-praktis-operasional dan peningkatan pemahaman (meaning atau know-how) pada sistem pemantauan diperlukan agar diperoleh pilihan-pilihan pengukuran dan koleksi data yang lebih ekonomis. Sementara penyebaran data dan informasi yang ada perlu segera dilakukan dalam kaitan memberi manfaat dalam jangka panjang khususnya dalam pembangkitan arti pentingnya data dan informasi kelautan.Efisiensi, Manfaat, Sistem Seawatch, BerkesinambunganWahyu Purwanta
206Eliminasi Logam Berat Kadmium Dalam Air Limbah Menggunakan Tanaman AirAquatic plants (Eichornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes and Salvinia cucullata) were grown in a nutrient solution in the presence of Cd ion (0,2 mg/L). Analysis were performed to established whether there was a removal of Cd in solution and there was accumulation of Cd in the roots and shoots of the plants. Analysis of Cd concentrations in water was performed everyday and at the end of the experiment the shoot and root of the plants was harvested. The results showed that Cd concentrations in all solutions declined until tenth day. Eichornia crassipes could remove Cd in solution completely by six days. While Pistia stratiotes and Salvinia cucullata of Cd removal rate were 93,5 % and 77,4 %, respectively. Root to shoot concentration ratio of Cd was 36 for Eichornia crassipes and 10 for Pistia stratiotes.Eichornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, Salvinia cucullata, logam berat, kadmium.Tuti Suryati dan Budhi Priyanto
207Perkembangan Iptek Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan.Eko-teknologi merupakan strategi baru yang inovatif dalam menunjang pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Hal ini merupakan prespektif pendekatan yang menjelaskan interdependensi sistem teknologi pengelolaan lingkungan dengan sistem biogeofisik. Pendekatan ini difokuskan pada peran teknologi lingkungan dalam meminimisasikan limbah dan memaksimalkan daur ulang bahan dan enerji. Sejauh mungkin sistem produksi mendekati sistem pencegahan kehilangan bahan yang bermanfaat maupun energi. Bersifat sistemaik, berorientasi ke masa depan, serta efisiensi sik1us melalui pemanfaatan sumber daya alam, energi dan limbah yang dibuang menjadi basis model pengintegrasian sistem biogeofisik kedalam sistem eko-teknologi atau sebaliknya Tuntutan akan kepedulian kerjasama warga masyarakat dan pengambil keputusan menegaskan bahwa eko- eknologi bukan sekedar suatu pendekatannn berpikir atau suatu alat analisis, namun harus ditumbuhkan sebagai etika bagi masyarakat industri, masyarakat luas dan pelaku dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk kelangsungan kehidupan masa depan. Perubahan pradigma dimana lingkungan alam sebagai penyedia sumber bahan baku serta tempat pembuangan yang tidak terbatas menjadi keterpaduan antara sistem teknologi dan sistem ekologi dalam keberlajutan masa depan.Eko-Teknologi, Antropogenik, Biogeofisik, Minimisasi, GlobalisasiAzis Djajadiningrat
208Penyisihan Timbal (Pb) Dari Tanah Terkontaminasi Dengan Proses ElektromigrasiThis study is trying to apply a new method in remediation electrokinetic by inserting conductive solution between cathode and soil to be treated. This is purposed in keeping the pH in low condition and preventing the precipitation of heavy metals in the soil adjacent to the cathode that often happen in the previous electrokinetic methods. Concentration of Pb (C0), period (t), concentration of conductive solution were selected as parameters, both with artificially contaminated sand and naturally contaminated soil experiments. The experiment with natural soil C0 = 975 ppm gave lower efficiency at 32,84% when it compares with sand as the medium, with the experiment in the same condition at 87,68%. Concentration of KCl also influenced the performance of system which was shown by the increasing in removal efficiency. The double increase of conductive solution concentration does not proportionally increase the flux of Pb. Although desorption in the natural soil take time longer than in the sand the removal efficiency relatively low. This is caused by the immobile state of Pb in the natural soil and the complexity of chemical reaction between heavy metals with surface of soil particle.electrokinetic, lead (Pb), electromigrationWahyu Purwanta
209Mencari Sekolah Melalui InternetDengan perkembangan teknologi komputer yang sedemikian canggihnya kini memungkinkan kita mendapatkan sebuah atau beberapa informasi dari berbagai sumber informasi di seluruh dunia dengan begitu cepatnya. Tidak hanya itu, kita juga dapat mengirimkan hasil karya kita sebagai informasi agar dapat dibaca, didengar, atau dilihat oleh seluruh penduduk di seluruh dunia. Kini perkembangan ilmu komputer dapat membuat hidup kita semakin praktis dalam memperoleh informasi.Email, Archie, Gopher, Multicast, WWW, Ftp, Telnet, Mesg, WallHeru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
210Emisi Karbon Lahan Basah, Pertanian, Dan Kehutanan Di IndonesiaBased on the field sampling and laboratory analysis, there were some varied results of the CH4 emission from the wetland (peatland, fresh water swamp, mangrove area) and paddy field. In the peatland area, the flooded plants of Stenochlaena palustris showed higher CH4 emission than no flooded plants. In the fresh water swamp, the highest CH4 emission was 12,184 mg/m2/hour for Cyperus elatus, then 10,957 mg/m2/hour for paddy (Oryza sativa), and 7,976 mg/m2/hour for Panicum maximum. In the mangrove areas, the plant of Avicenia marina located in the fish pond showed higher CH4 emission (0,356 mg/m2/hour) than Rhizophora mucronata (0,008 mg/m2/hour) located in the drain channel. The paddy field identified highly varied CH4 emission of 1,16 ? 11 mg/ m2/hour, of which the highest emission in the flooded area of 11 cm ? 14 cm that was possibly the optimum emission for paddy field. In the forested area, the carbon stock assessment located in the former logging estate found 113,5 ? 132,6 ton/ha (average of 120 ton/ha). Based on the reference that carbon stock of primary forest is 250 ton/ ha, so there was a carbon loss of app. 130 ton/ha (CO2 emission 764 ton/ha) when the primary forest converted to secondary forest after logging.emisi karbon, kandungan karbon, lahan basah, hutan, padiSeno Adi, Fadliah Salim, Tuti Suryati, Titin Handayani, Hartini, Nana Sudiana, Mubekti, ?
211Peningkatan Efisiensi Energi Sebagai Upaya Mengatasi Dampak Penggunaan Energi Pada LingkunganAs the energy consumption continues to increase, pollutants and greenhouse gases emissions from the energy utilization also increases. The increase of those emissions has impacts on environmental problems that harmful for the ecosystem and the population. Program action needed to reduce the energy
consumption. Improving the effi ciency of energy use is the most effective way to address simultaneously several national issues. It is not only can reduce the energy consumption, but also it can reduce the pollutant and greenhouse gases emissions. The program also can strengthen the national energy security. The energy effi ciency program has been implemented in some countries, but Japan is the most advance country on energy effi ciency
energy effi ciency, pollutant emission, greenhouse gases emissio.Endang Suarna
212Peralatan Pemantau Penggunaan EnergiMonitoring equipment is very usefull to measure many kind of actual operation parameter of energy equipment dan also to compare with the design parameter to determine if the energy efficiency will be increased. In this paper, it is discussed the monitoring parameter for electricity system AC & DC and parameter for combustion monitoring equipment.Indriyati dan Djoko Padmono
213Inovasi Teknologi Biohidrogen Dari Limbah Biomasa Ke Energi Listrik Dengan Teknologi Fuel-CellEnterobacter aerogenes ADH-43, Bacillus pumillus Asp-8 and co-culture of both microorganism was inoculated and fermented by using molasses as by product of sugar factory, sugar starch, and glycerol as by product of biodiesel into hydrogen gas (H2). Both producing double mutant bacteria as a facultative anaerobe and who was obtained by classical mutagenetically treated in order to enhance H2 producing. We have obtained that E. aerogenes ADH-43 has highest ability for molasses fermentation, and the volume H2 reached 4,0 l H2/l molasses.The fermentation was carried out in 50 ml vial bootle, 37 oC, pH 5.8 and 20 hrs. Optimization of molasses concentration was performed in order to study the inhibition, and finally, 2 % of molasses was found. To enhance the yield and H2 flow rate, the fed-batch system was applied into 6 l Stirred Tank Fermentor (STR). Innitial volume 2 l of medium was fermented, 1 l fresh medium was added into reactor at 6 and 9 hrs of fermentation time. Finally the achieved volume H2 was 6,5 l H2/l molasses, the remained molases was 0,2 %, and the fermentation time could be prolonged 4 hrs compare to bacth fermentation. We have also found the relationship between the H2 evolution rate and the voltage of electrical formed when we connected into 7 stack of fuel-cell.Enterobacter aerogenes, Hydrogen gas (H2), Fuel Cell, fed-batchMahyudin Abdul Rahman dan Eniya Dewi
214Evaluasi Kerusakan Lingkungan Kawasan Penambangan Batu Pasir Tufaan di Kecamatan PrambananSleman regency is located at southern part of Merapi Volcano. This regency has big potential in mining sector, espicially sand, pebble-boulder stone, tuffaceous sandstone (white stone), clay material (for roof), andesit (for building material, etc. Along with increase of population and residence area, the necessity building material is increasing too. In one other side, mining activity has positive impact (like as develop economic matter of community and income local government); in other hand has negative impact (like as environment quality degradation). Base on state environment degradation model, generally environmental condition atundulating area in Prambanan district is classified medium damage (7 location) and classified damage (3 location). In order to mining activity isn?t degrade quality environment, we must more pay attention in soil management and land reclamation.environment degradation, tuffaceous sandstoneMardi Wibowo
215Kajian Untuk Aplikasi Konsep ECO Park Pada Taman Kota Yang Berukuran Sedang di DKI JakartaBecause of too many environmental problems have already been continuing in Jakarta, the local government of Province DKI Jakarta is intensively doing huge environmental programs in order to cope with the problems. One of the programs is the application of concept ?Ecopark? in managing all of the cityparks or gardens in Jakarta. A lot of citygardens in Jakarta have not correctly been managed by the concept, especially gardens which are classified into medium size park. The aim of this specific program is to optimize the environmental function of all gardens in the field of water resource management, such as increasing the efficiency in water resource exploitation, conservation of the water resource by rain harvesting and using of treated domestical wastewater. Content of the assessment in this paper focused on three citygardens, i.e Cisanggiri, Kelapa Cengkir Barat and Gandaria V Garden. The conclusion said that all the three gardens have an excellent potential to be developed by the concept Ecopark.Environment, Ecopark, Water Resource ManagementP. Nugro Rahardjo
216Modifikasi Putaran Fan Untuk Meningakatan Efesiensi Pemakaian EnergiApplication of Environment technology through Cleaner Production execution can be done by a simple method and sometimes don't require big investment expense. Improvement of efficiency energy consumption at fan/blower usage is not only give financial profit but also give benefit to environment.
At applying Cleaner Production improvement of efficiency fan at cement plant done by rotation modification fan. This effort succeed to improve the usage of efficiency energy at fan equal to 6.652 kW or reduce 30 % from 22,097 Watt become 15,445 Watt, if it is calculated the energy efficiency then the electrics efficiency was 39.912 kWh/Year or equivalent with reduction of emission of 28.9 ton CO2/year and financially also got the cost-saving energy ( electrics price assumption of 1 kWh = Rp 512,-)of amount Rp 20.4 Million, while the investment expense spent was equal to Rp 250.000,-
environmental energy efficiencyPrasetiyadi
217Dampak Lingkungan Penambangan Silikon Proses Pemurnian, Pabrikasi Sel/Modul, Pembangkitan ?.The most important part is manufacturing since PV modules are produced under very height energy consumption characteristic. Photovoltaic energy production is suppose to be an environmentally friendly energy system with no emissions and no waste production, clean and noiseless but ins important to ensure that manufacturing is not going to be more harmful for the environment than operation advantages. Then it is very important to know if the product is going to be economically and environmentally viable for the overall life cycle. For the manufacturing processes environmental impact, three different studies have been carried out: Energy Analysis, Energy Related Emissions Analysis and Material flow analysis.Operation. Advocates of renewable solar system argue that during operation the environmental impact of this technology is minimal in comparison with other form of renewable energies. Decommissioning. At the end of the lifetime of the modules, they must be dispose in a sensitive way. At the moment there are no many option for recycle the silicon wafer. Aluminum frames can be recycled separately in the same way as this material normally is, glass could be recycle if technologies would exist to separates the glass from the adherent EVA and other module components.environmental impact, Photovoltaic energy DecommissioningAbubakar Lubis
218Pembangunan Lingkungan Yang HolistikEnvironment is now an important global current issue and as a factor that must be considered in the implementation of Indonesian national development. Entering globalization era, the condition of environment will be one of the parameters required for a country to be accepted in the world free trade community. Instead, a country with bad environment can therefore be charged for a penalty, such as a limited export quota. For that reason, starting now, Indonesia should improve their environmental condition by implementing a good environmental management in order to attain the standard of a good environment. If Indonesia cannot achieve this goal, Indonesia will be used by other countries as their big market, without the ability of Indonesia to export their products. If the standard has been fulfilled, Indonesia can be part of the world free trade community in which this is a benefit for Indonesia itself. Without lowering the pace of development growth, national development through holistic environmental management would be a proper program to implement. This program is considering the impact of development to the environment and this program was commencing by the Indonesian government since 1970. However, it seems that the holistic environmental development has not been running smoothly, especially at the soft sides of development, such as people awareness, environmental law, law enforcement, arbitrary committee, community development, environmental information including people rights to get those information, the role of non-government organization, etc.By considering the importance of environmental development in a holistic way to fulfill the globalization requirements, this paper would be focused on the factors that may inhibit the national development. Those are factors that affect sustainability of environmental functions. Solution to the problems may also generally be described.environmental management holisticAmita Indah Sitomurni
219Dimensi Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan Yang Dominan
Terhadap Upaya Produksi Bersih Perusahaan
This study is designed to identify dimension of environmental management system that influence of cleaner production?s strategy accept and implementation at natural rubber industry, especially in crumb rubber industry. Factor Analysis technic with Principal Component is aplicated to extract that dimension, while correlation analysis is using to inference the influence that dimension with cleaner production performance. Based of existing condition, deviation of cleaner production performance from the crumb rubber corporate?s enough big. Percentage of waste solid range 3 ? 11 %, the corporate don?t treatment that waste because almost of waste solid use for landfill. Treatment of unpleasant odour from crumb rubber industry, i.e.: with scrubber at the smokestack after drying process, reengineering of pre-drying process, spray of volatile oil, and soak bokar with liquid smoke. Alternatives for waste water treatment i.e.: activated sludge system, chemical system, and aeration system.Principal Component analysis results 13 dimension, namely: internal communication, evaluation tools, environmental benefit, employee ability, professional team, incentive system, cleaner production centre, community consultation, regulation, operational policy, environmental investment, green consumer, and environment requisite. The correlation of that dimension with cleaner production performance at natural rubber industry is not good (rs < 0,5). The dimension has significant correlation are professional team, environment requisite, internal communication, evaluation tools, regulation, incentive system, and employee ability; while the others is not significant.Environmental Management System, Cleaner Production, and Crumb Rubber IndustrySawarni Hasibuan
220Manfaat Pemantauan Dalam Bidang Pengelolaan IingkunganIn the next World Free Trade Era, presumably 70% industrial growth, especially in Java will be centered around the cities and this situation will increase environmental pollutions. The government continuously do the efforts to keep down the problems although there are also many pollution cases that couldn?t be completed. Because of lack in continous control and monitor by institution which handle environmental problems. This paper explains the role of monitoring environmental management, especially in monitoring environmental pollutions. As supporting data this paper discuss a case about using information technology in environmental managemnet in Japanesse Environmental Offices. This case shows that monitoring environmental pollutions, air water and others is an important job which is done by environmental departement in Japanese local government office. The environmental pollution monitoring has an important role in controling environmental pollutions.Environmental Pollution Monitoring, Information TechnologySatmoko Yudo