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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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241Identifikasi Potensi Air Tanah Di Kecamatan Mangkubumi Tasikmalaya Dengan Metode Uji PompaPumping tests are carried out to determine how much groundwater taken from a well and what effects pumping will have on the aquifer. Theis recovery method aims to find out the aquifer characteristics such as transmisibility and permeability values. This method in principle observes the recovery of ground water surface.This reasearch location at Mangkubumi distric Tasiklamaya West Java. The value of transmisibilitas and permeabilitas in Mangkubumi district indicated the groundwater potential is good. Ground water flow (m3/day) between 684,02 at Cipawitra until 4.617,19 at Cipari Tasikmalaya. Hidrolik Conductivity between 0.39 ? 2.63 (m2/day).groundwater, pumping test, permeabilityAgung Riyadi, Kusno Wibowo, Mardi Wibowo, Sabaruddin WTj
242Identifikasi Hypoxia Di Teluk Hurun LampungThis study was carried out to describe the characteristics of hypoxia in the tropical coastal sea. The general oceanographic surveys were conducted two times in Hurun Bay, 5-7 February and 17-19 February, 2003. And also, a day-night survey (25 hours survey) and the continuous monitoring of water temperature, current and meteorology were carried out. The monitoring data of water temperature indicated that the seasonal variation and the spatial in temperature in Hurun Bay were small. The difference in temperature between the surface and bottom water was less than 1.3 oC. The water temperature increased from February and the highest in April. It gradually decreased to late June and a sudden decrease occurred in the early July. The lowest temperature was observed in September and then it increased again. The seasonal variation in the thermal stratification was not happened. Instead of the weak thermal stratification, a sharp picnocline was formed around 20m in the dry season. The water below the picnoline was colder and more saline and contained less DO than the overlaying water. The cold water mass which has high salinity and lower DO was situated along bottom deeper than 20m on 17-19 July. The lowest DO in this water mass was 0.4 mg/l. Such a cold water mass appeared in early July and it propagated from offshore to the coast. The oxygen consumption rate of the water column was about 0.1 mgO2/L/hour in Hurun Bay. Comparing these oxygen consumption rates and the DO of water, if the oxygen supply was restricted, the water in Hurun Bay could become hypoxic easily.Water temperature, Hypoxia, Dissolved oxygenArif Dwi Santoso, M.Eng dan Yuichi Hayami, PhD
243Distribusi Spasial Zooplankton Di Danau Lindu, Dan Beberapa Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi KelimpahannyaLake Lindu is located in conservation area, the Lore Kalamanta National Park, and still on natural condition. Therefore, it is interesting to recognize their biological condition, especially zooplankton existence. It was observed the zooplankton spatial distribution on March 2001 and evaluated the factors which influenced to their abundance. Four sampling station at rivers, inlet of the lake, five in lake waters body at 0 m; 3 m , 5 m, and 10 m water depth were studied. Supporting data, namely organic content on COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) parameter was measured on same location, for a while phytoplankton and heterotrophyc bacteria data from secondary data. There were five genus zooplankton, namely Ceriodaphnia (Cladocera), Diaptomus, Cyclops (Copepoda), Brachionus and Filinia (Rotifera). It was not found zooplankton at rivers, therefore average of abundance in lake water body ranged 37 - 376 ind.l-1, and based of depth stratum their abundance show to maximize at three meters depth. Zooplankton abundance seem correlate support factors quadratically, positively to COD and abundance of heterothrophyc bacteria, but negatively to phytoplankton abundance.Lake Lindu, zooplankton, phytoplankton, heterothrophyc bacteriaLukman
244Dampak Industri Peleburan Logam Fe Terhadap Pencemaran Debu Di UdaraIn this research have been done by the iron metal rate analysis (Fe) in air dirt ambient industry area molding of metal in Dusun Batur, Kecamatan Ceper, Kabupaten Klaten, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Research result indicate that the distribution contamination of metal Fe have extended with swampy forest [among/between] 0,02 ~ 15,71 ug/m3, and this rate enough significant with dirt content TSP which are research before all.metal, Klaten, contaminationTeguh Prayudi
245Pengembangan Ekowisata Sebagai Pendekatan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir BerkelanjutanEcotourism has been chosen as an approach to integrate conservation and economic development in Blendung Village, one of coastal villages in the north coast of Pemalang District. Most of its community depend their livelihood on fish ponds and jasmine plantation. The combination of fish ponds, jasmine plantation and mangrove conservation is expected to be tourist attraction, which ables to enhance the prosperity of local community as well as to recover the function of mangrove as a means for coastal protection that has been lost recently. In order to prepare Blendung Village as a tourist destination, an environmentally- sound tourism area plan was created, and the skill of local community to manage the acitities was developed. The main challenge in the development of ecotourism in Blendung Village is how to empower local community as well as local government, thereby all of those local potentials could be developed, which in turn a sustainable coastal zone could be achieved.ecotourism, coastal resources managementIr. Mukaryanti, MPSt, Adinda Saraswati, Ssi
246Upaya Pencegahan Dan Penanggulangan Dampak Pemanasan GlobalGlobal warming can be influented by natural and human activities. Effect and impact of it should be consider for all countries of the world . To reduce the global warming effects some activities will be shown in this paper. They will be divided into prevention and tackling activities.Global warmingNawa Suwedi
247Analisis Diskripsi Pencemaran Air Sumur Pada Daerah Industri Pengecoran LogamThe objective of the study is to explain the ground water impact of foundry industry activities in Ceper, Klaten Regency, Central Java Province. The result of this study shows that the tendency of some metal parameters (Fe, Mn and Pb) increases at water taken from some location artesian well or traditional well. Slags do not manage yet very well supposition ally causing the pollutant so that?s created opportunity to bring about the process leaching by the rain toward the inside metal components.Recommendation : In the future, the anticipate to expantion this industry is the slag manage very well through utilization exact and friendly environment technology.Slags pollutant friendly environment technologyJoko Prayitno Susanto
248Rumput Laut Gracilaria Sp. Sebagai Fitoremedian Bahan Organik Perairan Tambak BudidayaPhytoremediation is the utilization of green plants to remove pollutants from the environment. A central component of this technology is the use of plants as living technologies that provide services in addressing environmental issues. Therefore, based on the hydrological understanding, phytoremediation technology can be used to manage nutrient and water dynamics; It can lead significant improvement in water quality as well as remediation of degraded ecosystem.Laboratory experiment result indicated, seagrass called Gracilaria sp. have the ability in reducing organic substance as total Nitrogen (N-Total) from 1,2 mg / L into 0.4 mg / L in less than 10 hour. The integration of seagrass into pond ecosystem as organic substances phytoremedian of exceeding fish-feed accumulation expected to become an alternative technology for water quality recovery enhancement.seagrass Gracilaria sp., phytoremediation, brackish water aquacultureWage Komarawidjaja
249Kajian Status Kualitas Perairan Jangari Cirata Dan Kelayakannya Untuk Daerah Wisata AirJangari is an area in Cirata reservoir that was developed for tourism area. Lately, in this area have been developed many cages for fish culture that produce organic waste in huge number. This research was conducted to know the status and dynamics of water quality in Jangari that receive organic waste in huge number.The research revealed that Jangari water body could be cited as an eutrophic water body. This conclusion was due to (i)-the concentrations of phosphorus was always higher than 0,016 mg?l-1P and nitrogen total was always higher than 0,711 mg?l-1N; (ii)-the density of fitoplankton in 25 cm depth was between 36.590?103 and 40.710?103 ind?l?1; whereas in 150 cm depth was between 29.620?103 and 36.370?103 ind?l?1. This phytoplankton community was dominated by Cyanophyta (70,9%-78,2%), especially. Microcystis sp and Oscillatoria sp. (iii)-the vanishing point of secchi disc was always smaller than 71 cm. During the research zooplankton was dominated by copepoda, cladocera and rotifera with density fluctuate between 34-394 ind?l?1. The eutrophic status for Jangari, will threaten the sustainable potency for tourism area; and therefore it was suggested to built one management for Cirata reservoir which could be hoped to plan, do and evaluate the development of Cirata appropriate to the potencies and carryng capasity of reservoir.Jangari, organic waste, phytoplankton, euthrophic.Yudhi Soetrisno Garno
250Penyisihan Timbal (Pb) Dari Tanah Terkontaminasi Dengan Proses ElektromigrasiThis study is trying to apply a new method in remediation electrokinetic by inserting conductive solution between cathode and soil to be treated. This is purposed in keeping the pH in low condition and preventing the precipitation of heavy metals in the soil adjacent to the cathode that often happen in the previous electrokinetic methods. Concentration of Pb (C0), period (t), concentration of conductive solution were selected as parameters, both with artificially contaminated sand and naturally contaminated soil experiments. The experiment with natural soil C0 = 975 ppm gave lower efficiency at 32,84% when it compares with sand as the medium, with the experiment in the same condition at 87,68%. Concentration of KCl also influenced the performance of system which was shown by the increasing in removal efficiency. The double increase of conductive solution concentration does not proportionally increase the flux of Pb. Although desorption in the natural soil take time longer than in the sand the removal efficiency relatively low. This is caused by the immobile state of Pb in the natural soil and the complexity of chemical reaction between heavy metals with surface of soil particle.electrokinetic, lead (Pb), electromigrationWahyu Purwanta
251Pemantauan Hidrografi Dan Kualitas Air Di Teluk Hurun Lampung Dan Teluk JakartaThe present study, which was performed in Hurun Bay Lampung and Jakarta Bay, Indonesia, aimed to present the similar method using digital device Chlorotec, type AAQ1183, Alec Electronics for describing the characteristics of tropical coastal hydrography and water quality. The reason of selecting these two locations was to obtain a representation of different dissolved oxygen, temperature and turbidity levels. Jakarta Bay receives large amounts of nutrient-enriched waters, Hurun bay Lampung has moderate or small level of nutrient inputs of organic-polluted waters. The advantage of this method is the observation of field study able to hold with simply and device, dissolved oxygen, temperature, turbidityArif Dwi Santoso
252Evaluasi Kondisi Lingkungan Perairan Estuaria Teluk Klabat, Bangka Pada Musim TimurThe environmental situation of the estuarial ecosystem Teluk Klabat that is located at the northwestern coastal area of Bangka was evaluated on the basis of the physical, chemical and biological data derived from direct in-situ field survey during the southeast monsoon (dry season). The objective of this study is to understand the environmental characteristics and water quality status of the Teluk Klabat to support fisheries development within this area. The result shows that the sedimentation process at theTeluk Klabat has been ocurred excessively and it caused decreasing of the bathymetry reached only 1 m that is found almost in a whole of the coast line area at the inner side of the Teluk Klabat and it extended up to more than 2.5 km from that coast line. More over, the terrestrial environment seem to have strong effect on the degradation of the water quality at the Teluk Klabat that is shown by high concentration of the nutrient (nitrate, phosphate, silicate) and heavy metal such as Pb and Cd. While chlorophyll-a concentration was also high. It indicates that the Teluk Klabat tend to be eutrophycation.The environmental status, estuarial ecosystem,Teluk KlabatSuhendar I Sachoemar dan Agus Kristijono
253Status Makro Invertebrata Pada Perairan Das Citarum Hulu Yang TercemarMacro invertebrate study in Upper Citarum Watershed conducted for a few target, such as understanding some organisms indices and the function in aquatic ecosystem.In this study, besides identified macro invertebrate type also measured some water quality parameter that influence to the exchange of its habitat quality. Water quality laboratory analysis indicates that pressure to macro invertebrate life happened due to the change in environmental quality Upper Citarum Watershed, either by physical impact (erosion) and also chemical impact (domestic, industries and agriculture). To overcome the problem mentioned, environmental monitoring enhancement to be needed, so that calamity of aquatic organism losses can be avoided.waters quality, aquatic organisms, macro invertebrateWage Komarawidjaja
254Fungsi Ruang Hijau Kota Ditinjau Dari Aspek Keindahan, Kenyamanan, Kesehatan Dan Penghematan EnergiTown?s area needs both open and green spaces. This is not only for the sake of aesthetical requirement in shaping the town, but also to fulfill the needs of fresher and cooler air for its inhabitants. Green area is required to accommodate people social activities, and also to reduce air pollution ? particularly in the form of carbon dioxide comes from vehicles. Besides reducing air temperature, green area also benefit people by producing oxygen and absorbing dust. Green area must be provided adequately in the town, and be controlled firmly by legislation. By the provision of sufficient and well-distributed green spaces in the town, people will be guaranteed to have such lower air temperatures, fresher air and better living environment. This may be resulting, whether direct or indirectly, in reducing the consumption of energy in many sectors in the town. This article discusses the way green space and vegetation are giving benefit to the inhabitants through several aspects as mentioned above.air pollution, air temperature, energy savings, green spacesTri Harso Karyono
255Pengaruh Naungan Dan Pemberian Mulsa Terhadap Produksi Buah Melon (Cucumis Melo L.)During the present time, the coastal area is lack of interested by the farmer as the cultivation site of agriculture plant. It is caused by the problem constraint of land physical character and the climate (particularly, micro climate), so that most confined the kinds of plant may be cultivated. The more narrowed of agriculture area, then optimalizing the use of coastal area for developing agriculture is necessary to conduct, although must throungh various means with an environment reengineering, as climate modification, conservation efforts of land moisture, supplying irrigation water, and etc. So that in the research will be implemented the research on the melon plant cultivation with various treatment.But, these condition of micro climate can be manipulated or reengineered with using simple technology in shape of closed shade, so that can be created an ideal condition for cultivation requirements.The result show that melon plant cultivated under the shade with sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation gives the highest result that is 325 kg/70 m2 or 4,65 kg/m2, the melon planted under the shade + sprinkler irrigation + mulse the result 272 kg/70 m2 or 3,89 kg/m2, while the lowest result is that planted without using the shade with sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation : 200 kg/m2 or 2,86 kg/m2.Cultivation, agricultural ProductSudaryono
256Kajian Atas Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Kawasan Konservasi Daerah Resapan Air Di Cekungan BandungDevelopment of city and population in Bandung Basin cause the need of clean water is increasing too. The increasement of groundwater abstraction and the decreasement of recharge area will disturb the natural water balance in the Bandung Basin. Therefore, recharge area of the Bandung Basin must be protected and conserved. The efforts to protected this area is done with make some regulation and policy to protect and conserved the recharge area and mapping (delineation) recharge area. Generally the regulation is good enough, but this isn?t detail; and monitoring and inforcement in field is still very weak. From the results of the research that were done, the recharge area in Bandung basin is in the northen and southern part of Bandung Basin with elevation more than 750 m. Detil mapping and delineation of recharge area with scale 1 : 100.000 or 1 : 5.000 must be done as soon as possible.consenservation area, water basin delineationMardi Wibowo
257Analisis Vegetasi Hutan Di Sekitar Gunung Wani, Suaka Margasatwa Buton Utara Sulawesi TenggaraStudy of plant ecology in around of Wani Mountain, Buton Utara Game Preserve, South-East Sulawesi, was conducted in April 2004. Two plots each 0,5 ha (50x100m) on 300 and 400 m a.s.l were established. As the result, the forest type is low land primary forest, which inclination land is steep. There were 106 species from 78 genus and 36 families, which dominated by Pometia pinnata, Litsea albayana, Homalium foetidum, Syzygium bordenii, Kjellbergiodendron celebicum, Cleistanthus myrianthus, Orophea celebica and Polyalthia lateriflora. Number of trees noted 452 individual/ha and sapling were 3016 ha/ha. Total Basal Area of trees in two-study site is 29,71 m/ha and distribution stem diameter class were largest between on 10-20 cm.Vegetation structure and composition, primary forest, Labuan Tobelo, Buton Island.Muhammad Mansur
258Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Di Kawasan Hutan Krui, Taman Nasional Bukit BarisanScholaris, ficus deltoidea, and Plants diversity of Krui Dipterocarp forest area and National Park Bukit Barisan Selatan West Lampung have been conducted. Explorative survey methods which including interview and direct field observation was applied in order to collect data of plant usage. A-mong 145 plant species recorded belong to 54 families have been use to in many ways e.q. 63 species for medicinal plants, 32 species for food, 32 species building materials, 3 species for handycraf, and 15 species for others. Four species out of considered endangered species namely Eurycoma longifolia, Alstonia Shorea javanicaPlant diversty, Pesisir Tengah Krui, West LampungWardah
259Keanekaragaman Dan Potensi Flora Di Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cyclops, PapuaStudy on richness, diversity and potential species of plant in two location in the Pegunungan Cyclops Nature Reserve had been conducted. One hundred and fifty species of plant are collected from this area, and 75 species of them are reported as potential species. The largest group of potential species is medicinal plants (35 species) follows by timber (33 species), ornamental plants (22 species), vegetables (16 species), and fruits (10 species). The results of study recommended that buah merah (Pandanus conoideus), matoa (Pometia pinnata) , tongkeu (Aidia racemosa), oi nokom (Parastemon urophyllus), and kayu besi (Instia bijuga) were very important as potential species of plants; and also reported that kreipeh (Saccharum officinarum) is a potential genetic resources of the wild sugar plants in Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cyclops.PegununganCyclopsnature reserve,diversity, potential, floraTahan Uji
260Kajian Kualitas Perairan Laut Kota Semarang Dan Kelayakannya Untuk Budidaya LautMarine culture develoment at Semarang Central java coast is not increased. Based on water quality, a good water quality conditions at line 3, beside far for human activities, the dissolved oxygen and nturbidity level still suitable for marine culture activities. The dissolved oxygen value from 4.8 ? 5 mg/l. Comparing with the second station (line l and 2) dissolved oxygen (DO) is rather low and turbidity level is very hight, turbidity value until 4 FTU. The method using digital device Chlorotech type AAQ 1183, Alecs Electronics for describing the characteristicsof tropical coastal hydrography and water qualityQuality waters and fissh cultureAgung Riyadi, Lestario Widodo dan Kusno Wibowo