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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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281Pengaruh Garam Nacl Terhadap Kinerja Proses Biologis AnaerobikAnaerobic treatment of synthetic wastewater with a high NaCl content was investigated for its effect on the process. The synthetic wastewater, including NaCl up to 40 g/l, was treated anaerobically by draw-and-fill method at a treatment temperature of 37? and volumetric loading of rate TOC of 1 g/l/d. TOC removal efficiency and rate of gas evolution rate gradually decreased as salt content increased, although stable operation was maintained. TOC removal efficiency remained high at concentration of NaCl up to 20 g/l, although it fell to 82 % at 30 g NaCl/l. The gas yield at 10, 20 and 30 g NaCl/l were 1.35; 1.10 and 1.00 l/g-TOC loaded, which corresponded to 96; 83 and 78% of that without NaCl, respectively. The content of methane in the evolved gas was 50 to 55% throughout the experiment. Stable operation could not be maintained at 40 g NaCl/l since the TOC removal efficiency gradually decreased with the rapid increased in levels of volatile fatty acidsfermentasi metana, garam NaCl, konduktifitas, asam-asam organik, biogasIkbal
282Evaluasi Kandungan Klorida (Cl-) & Daya Hantar Listrik (Dhl) Air Tanah Pada Sistem AkuiferEvaluation of chloride (Cl-) content and electric conductivity (EC) of ground water in aquifer system is one method to identify salt water movement in aquifer system, which occurred as a result of changes in hydraulic equilibrium which cause by temporary variation of natural recharges and pumping of ground water at many layered aquifers.Salt water movement in Jakarta aquifer system is evaluated based on mapping of chloride content at 500 mg/L and EC at 1500 m mhos/cm in many bored well during period of 1990 ? 2000. In the beginning chloride content and EC is in value only and with the addition of attribute data, namely coordinate, it could be used as input data. By using software namely SURF, the above input data is simulate to have a contour map of chloride and EC. Overlapping of the contour map to Jakarta base map will result in thematic map of chloride and EC distribution which represent salt water movement at Jakarta aquifer system.Aquifers, Aquifer system, Chloride (Cl-) , Electric Conductivity (EC), Map, Hydraulic EquilibriumRobertus Haryoto Indriatmoko dan E. Myra. J
283Penghilangan Bau Secara Biologi Dengan Biofilter SintetikBiofilter as one of method processing of waste have been introduced since early 20, but in its application have time to be left by effect of newer technological appearance like trickling filter, rotating biological contactor, activated sludge, and fluidized bed reactor. Biofilter very effective in deodorizing, especially dangerous aromas of organic volatile compound, and poisonous air from industry with efficiency 90 - 99,9%. Biofiltrasion become more economic compared to carbon adsorption or oxidation when its organic content under 3000 ppm. Most biofilter operate on organic concentration around 1000 ppm or lower. There are some matter to influence market of biofilter, for example : 1). the increasing of regulation about oxide nitrogen emission coming from hot process. Biofilter do not yield nitrogen oxide addition, 2). The increasing of sigh of society about contamination of aroma of facility processing of waste, processing of solid waste and others, 3). preventive methodologies implementation of pollution using condensation and air emission concentration, 4). Pressure to industry to use processes with discard as small as possible, 5). The increasing of attention to emission of hit and organic air materials, and also low cost water treatment technologyBau, Odour, Biofilter, Biofilm, Limbah tahu dan tempe, wastewater treatmentArie Herlambang
284Aplikasi Teknologi Pengolahan Air Sederhana Untuk Masyarakat PedesaanThe level of water services by PDAM (Local Water Service Company) is still 19,4% of Indonesian population. Most of them still rely on groundwater, spring, river and rain. In the big and medium cities the level of water services higher between 40 ? 50 and 20 - 30% respectively, but in rural still very low. Recently many source of water is contaminated by domestic, industry, and agricultur waste due to lack of attention of water users to environment. Beside, some dense populated areas with low sanitation fasility make many shalow well contaminated by E.coli. For improving rural water services, It needs government policy that encourage bigger role of rural comunity to develop their ability and organization that maintain and protect source, process, production and distribution of water. Information of Simple Water Treatment Technology is an important that must be distributed to people who live in village or remote areas, in order to improve their knowledge. BPPT has been along time to develop many kind of water treatment technologies for treating river water, groundwater, peatwater, calcareous water,poluted water, brachist water or even sea water to make clean water or potable water. Many of those technologies have already applied in many areas in Indonesia, and up to now BPPT still develop many kind of water treatment technologies for the futureair bersih, pengolahan air, masyarakat pedesaanArie Herlambang dan Nusa Idaman Said
285Masalah Polutan Mikro Di Dalam Air Minum Dan Cara PenanggulanganyaWater quality can affect human health in various ways such as through breeding of vectors, presence of pathogenic protozoa, helminths, bacteria and viruses, or through inorganic and organic chemicals. While traditional concern has been with pathogens and gastro-intestinal diseases, chemicals pollutants in drinking water supplies have in many instances reached proportion, which affect human health, especially in cases of chronic exposure. A number of common contaminants in drinking water, arising from industrial pollution or, from as by-products of chlorination such as Trihalomethanes, chlorophenols or others chlorinated compounds, have been shown to cause cancer. The various ways to controlling or reducing Trihalomethanes in drinking water are the following: removal of Trihalomethanes precursors prior to chlorination using activated carbon adsorption process, eliminating of Trihalomethanes by aeration process or activated carbon adsorption, use of alternative disinfectants that do not generate Trihalometanes such as ozone, chloramination, hydrogen proxide or UV irradiation, and eliminate substances which directly or indirectly can generate Trihalomethanes, for example organic compound (BOD, COD), ammonia etc, by conducting pre-treatment using biological treatment.Polutan mikro, kesehatan masyarakat, air minumRuliasih Marsidi dan Nusa Idaman Said
286Teknologi Pengolahan Air Siap Minum Untuk Daerah Padat PendudukOne of common problem on dense settlement area in Indonesia is the need for clean water and especially at rural and isolated areas this problem have not been properly solved yet. The ground and river water which consume by the community do not meet the requirement for drinking water, even at several places the water is not suitable to drink. The standard requirement for drinking water have to comply with the physical, chemical and biological requirements and if one parameter do not comply with the requirement then the water is not proper to drink.Most of residential area in Indonesia have poor water quality and have not got clean water services from local PAM, therefore in order to fulfill the need for drinking water, the community buy bottled drinking water which is very expensive.To overcome the above problem, a pilot unit package of technology have been developed, to treat well water or clean water from PAM to be direct to drink water ( no need to boiled it ). The unit consists of water pump, sand filter, mangan zeolit filter, activated carbon filter, cartridge filter, ultra violet sterilisator and ozon generatorAir tanah, air PAM, pengolahan air, air siap minumWahyu Widayat
287Penggunaan Media Serat Plastik Pd Proses Biofilter Tercelup Utk Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah TanggaWater pollution in the big cities in Indonesia, especially in DKI Jakarta has shown serious problems. One of the potential sources of water pollution is domestic wastewater that is wastewater from kitchens, laundry, bathing and toilets. These problems have become more serious since the spreads of sewerage systems are still low, so that domestic, institutional and commercial wastewater causes severe water pollution in many rivers or shallow ground water. Based on the fact that the progress of development of sewerage system is still low, it is important to develop low cost technology for individual house hold or semi communal wastewater treatment such as using anaerobic and aerobic submerged biofilter. This paper describes the pilot plan study of individual household wastewater treatment using anaerobic and aerobic submerged biofilter using plastic fiber media. The raw wastewater in this experiment was from household wastewater. Results of experiment shows that under operating condition 12-24 hours hydraulic retention time, the treated water was physically very clear, and according on chemical analysis the removal efficiency of BOD is 73.24 ? 94.92 %, COD 65.80 ? 90.76 %, total suspended solids (TSS) 95.60 ? 97.69 %, and detergent (MBAS) 56.80 ? 88.51 %, respectively. Compared to attempt by using charcoal media, the quality of treated water did not show difference significantlyLimbah domestik non toilet, biofilter anaerob-aerob, media serat palstikNusa Idaman Said
288Aplikasi Proses Biologi Anaerobik Pada Pengolahan Air Limbah Organik Berkonsentrasi Garam TinggiAnaerobic treatment of wastewater with high organic and salt content but low pH (TOC, 14 g/l; salt, 150 g/l; pH,2.7) generated during an ?ume boshi? manufacturing process was investigated. Five-fold-diluted ?ume boshi? effluent was treated by a draw-and-fill method at a volumetric TOC (total organic carbon) loading rate of 3.0 g/l/d with a TOC removal efficiency of 75%. Five-fold-diluted ?ome boshi? effluent was also treated in an anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR) at a maximum volumetric TOC loading rate of 3.0 g/l/d, which gave almost the same results as the draw-and-fill method. However, ten-fold-diluted ?ome boshi? effluent could be treated in the AFBR at a maximum volumetric TOC loading rate of 11 g/l/d with a TOC removal efficiency of 85%. The methane content in the evolved gas was high, being 70%. The red pigment in the ?ome boshi? effluent was completely decolorized by the anaerobic treatmentAnaerobic fluidized-bed reactor, ?Ume boshi?Co2+ and Ni2+ ions, decolorizationIkbal
289Pengolahan Air Limbah Berwarna Industri Tekstil Dengan Proses AopsAn experiment of advanced oxydation processes (AOPs) was applicated in textile wastewater treatment for color removal. The experiment was conducted in laboratory scale using ozon and hydrogen peroxide as oxidizing agents. The textile wastewater contains any organic and inorganic dyes that could not be effective treated by coagullation and and sedimentation as well as by conventional aerobic treatments. Result of the experiments concluded that the AOPs technologies could be applied effectively for removal of color. Addition of hydrogen peroxide with volume of 0.25 ml for 1 liter of wastewater exhibits the reaction. The reaction of AOPs for color removal was optimum at temperatur of 70oC. As higher as pH, the reaction become faster and the efficiency of color removal become higheradvanced oxidation processes, color removal, hydrogen peroxide, ozonRudi Nugroho dan Ikbal
290Pengolahan Air Limbah Dgn Sistem Reaktor Biologis Putar (Rotating Biological Contactor)A rotating biological contactor (or RBC) is a type of fixed media filter which removes both organic matter and ammonia from water. It can be added to a packaged plant for more efficient ammonia removal, replacing the aerator in both location and function.The RBC consists of a series of rotating discs. These discs are coated with a biological slime like the slime on rocks in a healthy stream. This slime is rotated through the air and and then through the wastewater so that it picks up oxygen in the air and breaks down B.O.D. in the wastewater. Since the discs rotate through the air, there is no need to pump air into the wastewater. And since the slime stays on the discs, there is no need to recycle sludge. The present study describes basic consideration of rotating biological contactor (RBC) system for wastewater treatment. The design of an RBC system must include the following consideration sach as organics and surface loading criteria, staging of RBC units, peripheral velocity, temperature, effluent characteritics and secondary clarifier. The RBC system have some advantages : smaller basin, less upset, high loading rate, nitrification/de-nitrification, high tolerance, low O&M Cost, durable constructions, odorless, no noise, and stable sludge characteristicsReaktor bioloigis putar, air limbah, parameter disainNusa Idaman Said
291Pengelolaan Air Minum Berbasis MasyarakatStudi Kasus Pembangunan Air Minum Di Desa Nelayan IIAccording to the result of the World Bank study, from 121 drinking water management projects in rural area, only 20 (16,6%) are very effective projects. A lot of drinking water management in developing country, including Indonesia is not running well. One of the reasons of this problem is that community did not take part in developing and managing drinking water treatment plant. A right policy and strategy could overcome the problem and give an effective and sustainable of drinking water management.This paper generally explain principles and general policy in developing the drinking water treatment plant and how to apply the strategies, therefore that it is running well and the are will being of the community sustainable.There is also an example, a case study about small-scale drinking water treatment plant in a fisherman village, Sungai Liat, Province Bangka-Belitung where the community took part in every stage of building it.Community based of drinking water managementSatmoko Yudho
292Pengembangan Sistem Database Online Monitoring (Onlimo) Kualitas AirRecent water quality decrease has caused difficult in finding clean water source for people and their daily life. Monitoring on water quality had been carried out many times, from up stream to down stream. It?s necessary to do Online Monitoring on ground and underground water quality continuously, so that the effect of water quality decrease could be detected earlier and handle directly. The output of water quality data needs to be processed so that the society and the decision makers could see the information publicly. So, we need a design of structured database of online and real-time water quality data processing. Water quality data management using structured data base system could make water source data retracing easierdatabase struktur, online monitoring, real time monitoringHeru Dwi Wahjono
293Pengelolaan Air Tanah Dan Intrusi Air LautCoastal Aquifer System of Jakarta consist of unconfined aquifer layers, confined aquifer I and confined aquifer II. Resources of groundwater is very important for Jakarta City, for drinking water, industry, hotel, government offices and various other facility. Important considering of groundwater resources of Jakarta hence needed an effort to preserve the groundwater and awake its continuity by conducting a system management of groundwater. Model used for the management of groundwater system of aquifer coastal referred as Groundwater Model Simulation and Optimization of Quasi Three Dimension ( OPT-Q3D). Model simulation and optimization represent computer model of quasi-three dimensions with method of finite difference used for the operation of infiltration of sea water. This model can conduct current simulation of groundwater flow, head of fresh water and brine, and describe the movement of interface fresh water and sea water. The model can also make optimization of system aquifer with single or multi layers. Jakarta Groundwater Basin assumed consist three layers of aquifer separated by impermeable layer. Applying of groundwater simulation model in Jakarta can give information regarding balance of groundwater, head of freshwater, head of brine, interface brine and freshwater, map of brine distribution and bargain in each; every aquifer. Herein after model optimization will yield various information able to wear upon which consideration to manage the amount of pumping of optimal ground water every area in each layer of aquifer, amount of optimal pumping, optimal freshwater head, head of optimal brine and map of infiltrationAir Tanah, Pengelolaan, Intrusi Air Laut, ModelingArie Herlambang dan R. Haryoto Indriatmoko
294Aplikasi Metoda Res-2d Untuk Eksplorasi Air Bawah Tanah Di Daerah KarsPeople have long been interested in kars, the typically topograhy in limestone area. There are many spectacular ornament in the caves caused by carbonates presipitates. Among the most common shapes which is be chief attraction for cave visitors is stalactites, stalagmites and columns. Beside of the excitements, kars also have hard problem for people who lived in that area. It is how to find out water for their living. Karst formation, both the surface (dolina, hill, etc) and underground forms (caverns, groundwater conduits, underground streams), appears as conductive zones relative to adjacent undisturbed limestone. Therefore resistivity methode will produce good results if applied to identify dolina, conduits , caverns and structure of geology in kars. The methode describes in this paper is Res-2D with configuration of pole-dipole with area for research are kars in Pacitan and Tulungagung region. Four principal layers can typically be differentiated in a vertical section : near surface (clayey) loam and soil in dolina, dry karstified limestone, conduit & cave and solid unkarstified limestone. They have contrast of resistivity. Conduits have resistivity value range from 10 to 20 ohmm, whereas resistivty of cave is > 1000 ohmm. Karstified limestone have resistivity value from 20 to 250 ohmm, whereas massive limestone have resistivity > 250 ohmm. This paper shows that Res-2D methode can give good contribution in exploration of groundwater in kars area.Kars, Res-2D, ConduitsAgus Kuswanto
295Analisis Spasial Indeks Kekeringan Daerah Pantai Utara (Pantura) Jawa BaratSpatial analysis for water deficit in Pantura was done for 16 rainfall stations average 13 year observations. Water balance computation was calculated with Thornthwaite-Matter method. Spatial analisys was done by Geographys Information System (GIS) with ArcInfo 3.5 and displayed by ArcView 3.3. Water balance analysis shown that water deficit was on June for most of all stations and reached maximum deficit on August. Water deficit was concentred around of Batujaya (bekasi District), Peundeuy (Karawang district), and around of Leuweungsemut (Indramayu district). These result of the analysis recommended to plan the optimum water management for maximize purpose of Jatiluhur LakeAnalisis spasial, Thornthwaite-Matter neraca air, indeks kekeringanCh. Nasution dan Djazim Syaifullah
296Metoda Penghilangan Zat Besi Dan Mangan Di Dalam Penyediaan Air Minum DomestikSmall amounts of iron and manganese are quite common in domestic water supply because of the presence of iron and manganese in the soil and rock formations through which the water passes in reaching the point of use. Iron and manganese is characterized by red-brown staining of bathroom fixtures and laundry, and cause taste and odor problems. Iron and manganese are brought into solution by biological reactions under anaerobic reducing conditions. When the water is exposed to air or oxygen, oxidation of iron and manganese occurs slowly, forming objectionable colloidal precipitates. The deposition of these precipitates will stain plumbing fixtures, interfere with laundering, and cause difficulties in water distribution systems by supporting growth of microorganisms such as clonotrix and crenotrix that can clog pipelines and cause taste and odor problems. Processes in which oxidation is followed by removal of suspended solids can effectively remove soluble iron and manganese from water. Three common processes for removing iron and manganese are: aeration-filtration, chlorination filtration, and potassium permanganate-manganese greensand filtration. This article describes these processes and present result from pilot?s studies of iron and manganese removal from waterzat besi, mangan, aerasi, kkhlorinasi, filtrasi, mangan zeolitNusa Idaman Said
297Evaluasi Teknologi Air Minum Isi Ulang Di Dki JakartaNowadays raw water resources for drinking water are less and less available, especially in Jakarta. For example, the condition of most rivers in Jakarta is extremely polluted by wastewaters, such as domestic and industrial wastewater. Some of industrial wastewater straightly discharged into the rivers are classified as toxic and hazardous wastewater. Therefore all rivers in Jakarta are not feasible to be used as the raw water for clean water treatment processes. Even ground water is not already safe to be used as the raw water for drinking water, because it has commonly been contaminated by seepage of septic tanks and polluted surface waters. Because of that, many people living in Jakarta tried to find other alternatives. Commercially sold mineral water is one good option for supplying drinking water need, but the prices are relatively expensive for most of people. There were more than 1,000 refill drinking water depots growing in the last ten years. They are one of the best answers to many people, but the quality of drinking water is still debatable. In other word, there is not a standard regulation for the water treatment processes, so the depots cannot guarantee that the produced water already fulfill the quality standard of drinking water. In order to give a good service for community living in Jakarta, it is very important to evaluate all aspects of technology, management and services.Refill drinking water technology, water treatment processesSatmoko Yudo dan P. Nugro Rahardjo
298Pengolahan Air Payau Menggunakan Teknologi Membran Sistem Osmosa Balik Sebagai Alternatif Kepulauan seribu (Seribu Archipelago) is one of region of north jakarta, the province of DKI Jakarta Raya which is populated by around 18.000 inhabitants. It consists of 111 small islands. Among them, there are about 11 (eleven) islands are stated as the residential: P. Untung Jawa, P. Tidung Besar, P. Lancang Besar, P. Panggang, P. Pramuka, P. Kelapa I, P. Kelapa II, P. Harapan, P. Sebira. P. Payung dan P. Pari. P. Panggang and P. Kelapa I are the most populated.In relation to the clean water supply, specifically for drinking water/freshwater, mostly is got from the narrow well, rainfall and some water treatment installations that heve been owned by some islands. However, problem arises when the prolong dry season comes as the quality of water in the narrow well decreases significantly, the well water became brackish. In order to cope this problem, the avaibility of sufficient water treatment installations to process brackish water into freshwater is very important. The water treatment installation with reverse osmosis system is one of the most effective alternative in order to provide the freshwater for the people in the islands. The system has also been aplied sufficiently in several islands, such as P. Kelapa I, P. Tidung, P. Pramuka, P. Untung Jawa, P. Panggang dan P. HarapanPengolahan Air payau, Osmosa balik, Air minumWahyu Widayat
299Tinjauan Aspek Teknis Pemilihan Media Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Air LimbahThere are literally dozens of different types of biofilters used for wastewater treatment applications. While many have common features, some are fundamentally different from the rest. The purpose of this article is to educate the reader about the types of packings used for fixed film biofilters.The types of biofilters under discussion are filters that employ a non-moving surface area to provide a substrate for various bacteria to attach and grow. The substrate remains in place while the water flows through the system. The heart of these biofilters is the packing or media used to provide the surface area. The type of packing used strongly influences both the capital and operating costs of the biofilter. It is important to emphasize however, that the packing merely provides surface area for bacteria to colonize. It is the bacteria that do the actual work of the biofilter. In order for the bacteria to do their job effectively, the biofilter and packing design must provide an even distribution of nutrients and oxygen while removing dissolved and suspended waste products. Most biofilters utilize aerobic bacteria but it is also possible to design and operate anaerobic systems for special purposes. Various types of packings exist for fixed film biological filters. Each different type has advantages and disadvantages but in terms of overall cost and suitability, the structured packings are the best choice for commercial biofilter designs.biofilter, media, pengolahan air limbahNusa Idaman Said dan Ruliasih Marsidi
300Kinetika Proses Aops Untuk Penghilangan Warna Air Limbah Produksi BatikAn experiment of Advanced Oxydation Processes (AOPs) was conducted in semi-pilot scale using ozon and hydrogen peroxide. The reaction of ozon and hydrogen peroxide produce an active hydroxil which can crack a long-chain organic compounds such as azo dyes. A wastewater contains colour substances coming from batik industries in Jababeka was treated by AOPs. The reaction rate was affected by ozon concentration supplied to the wastewater. The more ozon concentration, the colour removal became faster.The colour removal using AOPs could be illustrated by first-order chemical reaction equation.The constant of reaction was calculated from experiment as high as 0,38 per hour.The cost for treating the wastewater using AOPs was Rp.3.656,- for one cubic meter of wastewater.AOPs, Colour Removal, Hydrogen Peroxide, OzonRudi Nugroho dan Ikbal