Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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281Kestabilan Oksigen Terlarut Di Waduk Ciratawaduk cirata, kestabilan oksigen terlarut, fitoplanktonTeknologi
282Keterkaitan Pendidikan Lingkungan Dan Penyediaan Teknologi Lingkungan Dalam Mewujudkan PembangunanSejauhmana masyarakat, termasuk industri menggunakan teknologi lingkungan yang tersedia terkait erat dengan tingkat kesadaran dan kepedulian (awareness) masyarakat terhadap lingkungan. Salah satu penyebab keterbatasan penggunaan teknologi lingkungan di Indonesia saat ini adalah pengetahuan dan kepedulian masyarakat (public awareness) terhadap lingkungan yang masih sangat kurang. Oleh sebab itu, penyediaan teknologi lingkungan perlu didukung oleh penyelenggaraan pendidikan lingkungan secara intesif. Demikian pula dalam proses terjadinya perubahan pola perlakuan masyarakat terhadap lingkunga sebagai dampak kenerhasilan penyelenggaraan pendidikan lingkungan, maka diperlukan dukungan ketersediaan teknologi lingkungan yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan tindakan-tindakan penyelesaian masalah lingkungan yang dihadapi. Terbentuknya keterkaitan antara kedua aspek tersebut diharapkan dapat memebrikan kontribusi yang berarti dalam mewujudkan pembangunan yang berwawasan lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Pembahasan berikut merupakan ulasan berdasarkan referensi dan pengamatan kondisi penyediaan teknologi lingkungan dan pendidikan lingkungan di Indonesia saat ini.Teknologi lingkungan, pendidikan lingkunganMukaryanti
283Keterkaitan Tugas dan Fungsi BPP Teknologi dengan KearsipanPJP II ditandai kemajuan iptek yang memunculkan revolusi 3T (telekomunikasi, transportasi, dan tourism). Perkembangan 3T yang pesat mengakibatkan dunia terasa semakin sempit dan informasi dapat dengan cepat keluar/masuk tanpa mengenal batas negara serta mencakup semua aspek kehidupan manusia. Pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi BPP Teknologi terkait erat dengan 3T, meliputi berbagai kegiatan sistem informasi, dan pada akhirnya terkait erat dengan kearsipan. Sistem informasi yang mantap, andal, dan terpadu, akan dapat menangkal dampak negatif dari kemajuan teknologi sehingga makin memperlancar pelaksanaan pembangunan nasional. Makalah ini akan mengupas keterkaitan tugas dan fungsi BPP Teknologi, khususnya yang menyangkut sistem informasi, dengan kegiatan kearsipan. Masih dalam kaitannya dengan uraian tersebut, dibahas pula Sismennas, Simnas, dan berbagai Sistem Informasi Instansi yang telah atau sedang dibangun. Pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah kesisteman dan asta gatra.3T (telekomunikasi, transportasi, dan tourism),Sismennas, SimnasDrs. Komarudin, MA dan Heru Dwi Wahjono, B.Eng.
284Kinetika Proses Aops Untuk Penghilangan Warna Air Limbah Produksi BatikAn experiment of Advanced Oxydation Processes (AOPs) was conducted in semi-pilot scale using ozon and hydrogen peroxide. The reaction of ozon and hydrogen peroxide produce an active hydroxil which can crack a long-chain organic compounds such as azo dyes. A wastewater contains colour substances coming from batik industries in Jababeka was treated by AOPs. The reaction rate was affected by ozon concentration supplied to the wastewater. The more ozon concentration, the colour removal became faster.The colour removal using AOPs could be illustrated by first-order chemical reaction equation.The constant of reaction was calculated from experiment as high as 0,38 per hour.The cost for treating the wastewater using AOPs was Rp.3.656,- for one cubic meter of wastewater.AOPs, Colour Removal, Hydrogen Peroxide, OzonRudi Nugroho dan Ikbal
285Kombinasi Teknik Konservasi Tanah Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Hasil Jagung?erosi, strip, pertanaman, lahan kering, jagungTeknologi
286Komposisi Jenis Dan Struktur Vegetasi Hutan Di Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Cikepuh?structure, composition, trees species, Cikepuh Game ReserveTeknologi
287Kondisi Kualitas Air Sumur Penduduk Di Wilayah Genangan Semburan Lumpur SidoarjoSidoardjo mudflow has been occuring since 2006. This disaster is the first incident in Indonesia which has such a broad impact, like the settlements, fields, roads and other buildings submerged, resulting in enormous losses. Besides damaging the existing infrastructure in the area, the mud flow is also causing environmental damage, particularly contamination of ground water community. To find out how much the impact of the mud flow to the water quality community, carried out observations and surveys of well water quality conditions of the communities around the location of the mud puddles. In this paper provided an alternative drinking water treatment technology can be applied in this area.Lapindo mud, environmental degradation, pollution of well water quality ?Satmoko Yudo
288Kondisi Lahan Pasang Surut Kawasan Rawa Pening dan Potensi Pemanfaatan
The tidal land in Rawa Pening?s region is land that has been formed as caused of up and down water level process of Rawa Pening?s lake. The wide of tidal land that can be used are fluctuated beetwen dry and rainy seasons. The main used of tidal land is for rice field. The wide of tidal land that can be used for rice field beetwen elevation + 462,30 m and +463,30 m are 812 Ha, between elevation + 462,05 m and +462,30 are 218,51 Ha. There are some species of paddy that has been cultivated in that area, are IR-64, GH barito, ciliwung, cisadane, membramo and mentik. Mean of paddy yield is about 2,5 ? 5 ton/ Halahan pasang surut, elevasi, fluktuasiEuthalia Hanggari Sittadewi
289Kondisi Pencemaran Lingkungan Perairan Di Teluk JakartaThe environment of the rivers surround Jakarta was polluted due to the increasing of the domestics and industrial waste as response to the rapid development of the anthropogenic activities within the city since the decades. As consequence, the carrying capacity of the water ecosystem was degraded including Jakarta Bay as the estuary of the passing rivers of the Jakarta City. This article briefly discusses the pollution problem within the Jakarta Bay that is supported by the data collected from various sources including the result from in-situ survey. The result has shown the fact of what the causing factors that stimulated the pollution problem within this area.Pencemaran Lingkungan Perairan. Teluk Jakarta, Pantai Utara Jakarta, Air Limbah DomestikSuhendar I. Sachoemar dan Heru Dwi Wahjono
290Kondisi Pencemaran Logam Berat Di Perairan Sungai DKI JakartaRiver is a place where people do their cleaning activities and one of drinking water source and also where we could find fish. But nowadays river condition in Jakarta area are seriously polluted. The reasons of water pollution are not only domestic waste but also from industrial waste, factories take out their waste to the river without proccessing it first. One of the pollution materials is heavy metal which could have bad effect on human body. This paper analyses every element of heavy metal contain on rivers in DKI Jakarta area.Pencemaran, sungai, logam berat, DKI JakartaSatmoko Yudo
291Kondisi Perairan Kolam Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa Ditinjau Dari Segi Fisik Dan Kimia PerairannyaPelabuhan Sunda Kelapa sangat stragegis, dilihat dari fungsi nya sebagai pelabuhan rakyat dan bongkar muat serta mempunyai arti sejarah yang penting. Selain sebagai pelabuhan tertua di Indonesia, pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa juga merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang cukup ramai dikunjungi oleh wisatawan manca negara dan domestik. Untuk padatan tersuspensi disetasiun 1, 4 dan 5 lebih tinggi pada saat surut. Di setasiun lainnya terjadi hal sebaliknya, dimana kandungan padatan tersuspensi lebih tinggi pada saat pasang naik. Temperatur perairan pelabuhan berkisar antara 28? C- 29? C pada waktu pengamatan saat pasang dan 24? C - 29,5? C pada saat surut (malam hari). Nilai pH perariran berkisar antara 7,01 ? 8,8 baik pada saat pasang maupun pada saat surut dengan Kadar oksigen terlarut berkisar antara 0,4 ? 7,1 mg/l pada saat pasang dan 0,4 ? 72 mg/l pada saat surut. Nilai BOD berkisar antara 3,15 ? 15,57 mg/l pada saat surut dan 5,41 ? 15,88 mg/l pada saat pasang. Nilai COD berkisar antara 128 ? 356 mg/l pada saat surut dan 76 ? 368 mg/l pada saat pasang. Nilai Cu, Pb, Merkuri (Hg), dan Pertisida umumnya sudah melewati nilai ambang baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan.Padatan tersuspensi, temperatur, BOD dan COD, Kandungan logam berat, PestisidaMuchdar Effendi
292Konsentrasi Senyawa Dimetilsulfida di Pantura Jabar dan Kemungkinan Dampaknya pada Produksi UdangShrimp culture has became one of the most important Indonesian export commodity since 1985 up to the beginning of 1990`s. Due to the increasing intensification, the pressure on the shrimp ponds environment has became a serious problem. The problem was indicated by the decrease in shrimp production since 1992. Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is known as a major contributor to total sulfur emission from land and coastal marine and also known to inhibit nitrification .In this respect, we are studying the influence of DMS on nitrification process in saline water. This paper describes the DMS concentration observed in several places in the Western Coast of North Java. The minimum and maximum concentrations observed were 790.32 ?M and 6483.87 ?M respectively. These figures are higher than concentration detected in any other coastal area where shrimp productions are concerned. We speculate that DMS has given some contributions in the depletion of shrimp production.Dimethylsulfide (DMS), nitrification, shrimp cultureWage Komarawidjaja
293Konsep Pengelolaan Ekosistem Pesisir (Studi Kasus Kec. Ulujami, Kab. Pemalang, Jawa Tengah )As the coastal zone, Kabupaten Pemalang has an important strategic role for the fishery development at Java Island. Pemalang?s coastal zone is a bore of several rivers (estuary area) and this zone is a fertile maritime province so it?s potential to develop a dyke plantation. Meanwhile as Kabupaten Pemalang?s coastal zone have mangrove around, it?s require having conservation at this area and this situation may have a conflict of interest to developing a dyke plantation.
Many of concept to deploy coastal zone to integrate on behalf of ecology and economic has been developed and implemented at Kabupaten Pemalang, so this coastal zone is become a useful zone and this area was developed with a good environmental.The difficulties of how to manage this area was how to deploy with variety multifunction and this situation constantly have a conflict of interest especially how to developed a dyke plantation for economic against conservation.
This chapter is to dwell on concepts which has been developed and implemented at Kabupaten Pemalang which cover the Mangrove Conservation, Silvofishery and Tumpangsari Programme.
pengelolaan, ekosistem pesisirAdinda Arimbi Saraswati
294Konsep Spasial Persampahan 1c-2ft.Rsl & Perkebunan Energi Jatropha Curcas, Mewujudkan Eco-CityThe Tropical Eco-City Concept brings ideas of the possibility to achieve 11 and 12 targets of the Millennium Development Goal in tropical humid climate such as Indonesia by continually overcome the challenges of fresh water supply and a waste free community environment. Maintaining quality and quantity of fresh water supply requires rehabilitation of critical land on both rural and urban riverbank area in waste dumping issue.The waste production continuous process need to be balance by continuous waste treatment system facilities. The term ?waste final dumping? for final dumping area has to be changed to the term ?waste final treatment? as a foundation of waste final treatment area which more beneficial, continually and environmentally friendly. Sanitary landfill technology concept is not a guarantee for continuous operation, whereas reusable sanitary landfill technology concept has to be applied and appropriately included in land use planning structure of Eco-CityEcocity, 1C-2FT.RSL, Reusable Sanitary Landfill, Lahan KritisHMHB Henky Sutanto
295Konservasi Flora,Tanah dan Sumberdaya air Embung-Embung di Timor Barat Prov NTTConservation of flora, soil and water resources are very important to manage ?embung? ecosystem, in West Timor Island. Generally, ?embung? watersheds in this area are degraded, and consequently resulted high runoff and erosion rate; and at the same time, ?embung? water has not been used efficiently yet. To conserve ?embung? ecosystem, three methods can be applied, i.e.: 1). Flora conservation by using priority of local species; 2). Soil conservation by using vegetative methods; and 3). Water resources conservation in watershed area by combining flora and soil conservation; and increasing water used efficiency by using intermediate technology.Konservasi, flora, tanah, air, embung, TimorWahyu Widiyono
Netty Widyastuti
296Konservasi Hutan Dan Lahan Melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Sekitar HutanForest resources are really under pressure nowadays and leave only the conservation areas, although they are already standing on a risky zone of encroachments and illicit felling. The most important issues to be addressed in order to enable social forestry and work toward alleviating poverty security of land and resource tenure and access, and use planning, streamlined mechanisms for registering rights and resolving conflicts.conservation; risky zone; social forestryIkhwanuddin Mawardi dan Sudaryono
297Konservasi Lahan Marginal Berpasir Melalui Penanaman Buah Naga (Hylocereus Polyrhizus)An effort to do conservation of sandy marginal land through cultivation of dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) was carried out. As cactus plants, dragon fruit plants (Hylocereus polyrhizus) have good adaptation to sandy soil. To prove that dragot fruit plants coud be productive in sandy soil, the experiments with different types of media were carried out. Explants were obtained from tissue cultured experiments. The experiment was done using Completely Randomized Design with 6 treatments and 5 replications. The medium treatments were: soil, sand, soil+sand, soil+organic fertilizer, sand+organic fertilizer, and soil+sand+organic fertilizer. The results of statistical analysis after 3 month planting showed that there was no distinct difference among treatments for additional shoot. The highest additional fresh weight and the highest root fresh weight were obtained from the treatment of soil+organic fertilizer. However, no distinct difference between soil+organic fertilizer and sand+organic fertilizer for additional fresh weight. There was different between treatment of sand and treatment of sand+organic fertilizer. In the case of root fresh weight, There was no difference among treatments,except with treatment of soil.Sandy marginal land, Hylocereus polyrizus, dragon fruit.Fadliah Salim,Tuti Suryati, dan Titiresmi
298Konservasi Lahan Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Budidaya Lorong
BUDIDAYA LORONG (Alley Cropping)
The research of land productivity through the application of alley cropping has been carried out in transmigration area Kuro Tidur, Bengkulu. The research was done continously within three planting seasons, from 1997 to 1998.
The results of the research showed that Flemengia congesta as a fence crop or hedgerows was beneficial. The returning of organic matter from prunning of the hedgerows into the soil can conserve the soil through improvement of nutrients availability, increasing pH, decreasing availability of aluminium (Al) by chelate formation. The effect of dolomit 2,5 ton/ha and organic matter 5,0 ton/ha will increase soy beans production 28,9 % and increase corn production 33,1 %. The effect of dolomit 2,5 ton/ha and organic matter 10,0 ton/ha will increase soy beans production 38,6 % and increase corn production 54,9 %.
alley cropping, conservasionKasiran
299Konservasi Lengas Tanah Melalui Rekayasa Lingkungan Pd Lahan Pasir Beririgasi TeknisBy more decreasing supply of the fertility agriculture land, hence to optimize the usage of marginal land like coastal land is a good way out to improve the farmer income, although demanded to various technological innovation as the environmental engineering form that able to support repairmen of the farming.One step is making conservation of land maoisture and efficiency of the water usage.The result or the technological innovations was treatment with planting system under the shade and combined with mulls, sprinkler irrigation. Now the sprinkler irrigation in the best way on increasing the land moisture rate and then followed by treatment of the shde usage, mulls and drip irrigation, while the worst treatment is without the shade usage both using mulls and drips irrigationConservation and innovation technologicalSudaryono
300Konservasi Piper miniatum BI,dengan Perbnyakan Cara Perundukan; Ekstrasi dan Uji aktifitasThe aim of this study was to determine the potency of Piper miniatum as medicinal plant and its propagation method. Extraction and bioassays test (antioxidant activity by DPPH method and antidiabetes by ?- glucocidase test) were done. Propagation was done by bending the internodes at different maturity (R1, R2, R3) and growth medium (compost artificial, mixed husk, forest compost and soil as control treatment).The experimental design in this study was Complete Block Design, with 10 replication. The result showed that forest compost had positive respons to number of shoot, number of new internodes, and number of leaves on R1, R2 and R3. Old internode showed positive effect at mixed husk growth medium to number of shoots (19), emergence of new internodes (21). New seedling/plantlet were obtained 4 weeks earlier at bending treatment than that of stem cutting. Bioassays test showed that methanol extract of P. miniatum had no- free radical scavenger activity but very active on ?-glukocidase inhibition with LC50 for leaves and mixed of leaves and stem were 0.82 and10.75 respectively.P.miniatum, propagation by stem bending, DPPH, ?-glukocidaseSumarnie Hasto Priyono dan Yuliasri Jamal