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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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161Evaluasi Kondisi Lingkungan Perairan Kawasan Pulau Abang, Galang BaruEvaluation of the water quality status at Abang Island Region was conducted by using the STORET and Canbera Similarity Indeks during Mei, June and October 2006. This analysis result shows that the water quality within this region was within the range of good to moderate. This condition indicats that the water quality status is still suitable to support the marine biotic life. During May, the water quality was good, but in June and October was decreased due to the increasing of the organic material transported by land surface run off driven by precipitation as response to the seasonal change.Kualitas air, Pulau Abang, Indeks Storet, Indeks Similaritas CanberaSuhendar I Sachoemar
162Evaluasi Kondisi Lingkungan Perairan Pantai Utara Karawang Untuk Mendukung Pengembangan?kondisi lingkungan, pantai utara Karawang, pengembangan budidaya perikananTeknologi
163Evaluasi Lahan Untuk Zonasi Komoditas Ungggulan Pertanian Kasus Kawasan Rawa Pasang ?land evaluation, commodities zoning, GIS, agricultureTeknologi
164Evaluasi Lingkungan Air Tanah Di Das Citarum HuluThe catchment area ?Citarum? has been being in a very critical condition relating to extremely environmental problems. River water pollution in this catchment is obviously caused by industrial and domestic waste water. Nowadays the pollution load is already too high and the BOD, COD contents exceed the WHO standard. The activity evaluating groundwater environment in the up steam of the catchment area has the objective wich is to monitor the effect of groundwater pollution brought about by decreasing of surface water quality in upstream Citarum. The observed locations are village Suleman, Mekarrahayu, Margarahayu and Nanjung. They are all in Bandung regency. The four observed locations can be as representative for the three parts of upstream Citarum, ie. Upper, middle and lower part. Results of the evaluation are able to described groundwater quality condition, especially in the upstream Citarum cathment area.Upstream Citarum, groundwater, evaluation, water pollutionR. Haryoto Indriatmoko, Heru Dwi Wahjono, Satmoko Yudo dan P. Nugro Rahardjo
165Evaluasi Pembangunan Wilayah Pengembangan Selatan DKI Jakarta Sebagai Kawasan Resapan AirSouthern Development Region DKI Jakarta is set as a water recharge area in the mean of decreasing the problem of water resources in DKI Jakarta. The fact, however, this rule does not run well, because there is not action plan and along with followed by development control and law enforcement. what that rule. Besides, the decree on Southern Develeopment Region as water recharging area is not optimal in either in groundwater stream point of view. That so, development in Southern Development Region must directed accomplishment with open space standard, park and playing field for city region, beginning of playlot, playground, playfield, and urban park. There is not only for old settlement, but new settlement development is necessary to put spatial arrangement in order.Evaluasi, Arahan, Resapan Air, Pembangunan.Sutopo Purwo Nugroho
166Evaluasi Populasi Mikroba Fungsional Pada Pupuk Organik Kompos (Pok) Murni?organic fertilizer, compost organic fertilizer, granule organic fertilizer, bio fertilizer?Teknologi
167Evaluasi Potensi Sumber Daya Air Di Provinsi GorontaloGorontalo as a new province has many natural resources. One of the natural resource at Gorontalo Province that support society live is water resource. Because of the condition of natural, most of people in Gorontalo Province live as farmer and fisherman. On the other side this new province also has been developing many infrastructures and basic tools for irrigation and watering such as water channel, water dam, irrigation network, etc. The recording process of water resource assets that belong to this new province has been done every year by local government through the Gorontalo Province Water Resources Management Department. The water resource management system is computerized system that able to inventory water resources at Gorontalo Province in two river area development units, so the water resources potential in this province can be retrieved easily and quickly.sumber daya air, prasarana dan sarana air, sistem pengelolaan data, potensi sumber daya airHeru Dwi Wahjono
168Evaluasi Proses Produksi Pupuk Organik Granul (Pog) Yang Diperkaya Dengan Mikroba FungsionalGranule organic fertilizer, microbe, organic material, composting, physical processTeknologi
169Evaluasi Teknologi Air Minum Isi Ulang Di Dki JakartaNowadays raw water resources for drinking water are less and less available, especially in Jakarta. For example, the condition of most rivers in Jakarta is extremely polluted by wastewaters, such as domestic and industrial wastewater. Some of industrial wastewater straightly discharged into the rivers are classified as toxic and hazardous wastewater. Therefore all rivers in Jakarta are not feasible to be used as the raw water for clean water treatment processes. Even ground water is not already safe to be used as the raw water for drinking water, because it has commonly been contaminated by seepage of septic tanks and polluted surface waters. Because of that, many people living in Jakarta tried to find other alternatives. Commercially sold mineral water is one good option for supplying drinking water need, but the prices are relatively expensive for most of people. There were more than 1,000 refill drinking water depots growing in the last ten years. They are one of the best answers to many people, but the quality of drinking water is still debatable. In other word, there is not a standard regulation for the water treatment processes, so the depots cannot guarantee that the produced water already fulfill the quality standard of drinking water. In order to give a good service for community living in Jakarta, it is very important to evaluate all aspects of technology, management and services.Refill drinking water technology, water treatment processesSatmoko Yudo dan P. Nugro Rahardjo
170Fitososiologi Hutan Di Sebagian Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Buton Utara, Sul-TengThe degradation rate of forest in the recent 5 years increases rapidly, particulartly in Sulawesi. The biggest damaged comes from the human impact, which spreads to the conservation area. As a result, the areais decreased, whereas its function and its potency have not been explored. The ecological research has been conducted in Soloi forest, Suaka Margasatwa Buton Utara in May 2003. The objectives of this work are to study the condition, which belong to. 75 general and 35 families with density of trees are 277 individual (stem diameter > 10 cm ), and 1140 sampling ( 2-9,9 cm stem diameter ). The forest type is low land primary forest, which dominated by Casearia rugulosa, Diospyros pilosanthere, Cleistanthus myriantus, Canarium hirsutum, and Drypetes longifolia. In the forest structure, trees with 10-20 cm stem diameter is in the first rankwith the total number 57,02%, then followed by the trees with 20-30 cm diameter (20,22%). In general, the forest condition in research site is good, although a few areas are damaged due to illegal loging.Suaka Margasatwa Buton Utara, struktur, komposisi, vegetasi hutan.Muhammad Mansur
171Flower Biology Of Two Diospyros Species Neighborly Live at Csc AreaPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur bunga, kesuburan dan laju pertumbuhan buluh serbuksari dua jenis Diospyros hidup bertetangga di kawasan Pusat Ilmu pengetahuan Cibinong (CSC), Diospyros blancoi A.DC and D. Celebica Bakh. Uji perkecambahan dan inkubasi buluh serbuksari dilakukan dalam medium Sarfatti dkk.,1974. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan mentransfer langsung digital image dari microskop, perbesaran objektif 10X, ke unit kontrol kamera DS-L1dan dianalisis computer. Hasil, meskipun struktur bunga kedua jenis tersebut sangat mirip, ukuran bunga dan bagian-bagian bunga D. blancoi jauh lebih besar. Kesuburan berdasarkan prosentase serbuksari berkecambah, D. blancoi jauh lebih tinggi, 41% vs 7%, laju pertumbuhan serbuksari jauh lebih tinggi, 1.66 vs 0.57 ?m per minute. Inkubasi sekitar 31/2 jam menunjukkan rata-rata panjang buluh serbuksari D. blancoi vs D. Celebica berbeda sangat nyata, yaitu 342,679 ? 37,067 vs 128,673 ? 49,215?m. Hampir semua pohon betina D. blancoi yang diamati, terlihat berbuah lebat sepanjang tahun, hampir semua D.celebica teramati berbuah sangat jarang, kadang tidak berbuah sama sekali, dikaitkan dengan perbedaan distribusi geografis kedua jenis tersebut. Kesuburan dan laju pertumbuhan buluh serbuksari dua jenis Diospyros bertetangga yang sangat berbeda dapat merupakan parameter menarik dikaji lebih lanjut, mengungkapkan kebutuhan lingkungan mikro untuk bioreproduksi dan propagasi jenis endemik D. CelebicaD. Blancoi, D. celebica, flower biology, pollen germination,Erlin Rachman
172Flue Gas Desulfurization For 2 X 6 MW Coal Fired Power PlantA study on a mine mouth coal fired power plant has been done and showed that a 2x6 MW electricity output coal fired power plant is feasible to be installed when it uses rejected coal. The rejected coal mostly contains high sulfur (~3% dry basis), and has low calorific value (4700 Kcal/kg). From an environmental point of view, the SO2 emission from the combustion of high sulfur containing coal has to be controlled in order to comply with the government regulation. Besides, ash content of the coal which produces the particulates need to be captured by cyclones to have particle concentration below the standard. This paper calculates the particulate and SO2 emissions and estimates the the size and number of cyclones used as well as the amount of lime slurry utilized in the in Flue Gas Desulfurization using a spray-dry scrubber type. Utilizing a 4.7% ash content and a 3% sulfur content of coal as a fuel, the prediction of particulate and SO2 emission are about 570 mg/m3 and 2580 mg/m3, respectively. In order to meet the respective particulate and SO2 emission standards of 150 and 750 mg/m3, it could employ a 4-conventional type cyclones with a 0.5 m2 each of inlet area having around 80% efficiency, and a SO2 control device of spray-dry scrubber type with a capture efficiency of at least 75%. The scrubber has to utilize lime between 376 and 504 kg Ca(OH)2/ hour, with continuous addition between 23% and 30%, and re-cycled between 77% and 70% of it.coal, desulfurization, SO2 emissionKardono and Cahyadi
173Formulasi Konsorsium Mikroba Asal Pertambangan Minyak Siak Riau Yang Efektif?bioremediasi minyak, biodegradasi, konsorsium mikrobaTeknologi
174Fotokatalisis Organik Kmno4, Surfaktan Dan Amoniak Dalam Inlet Waduk Muara Baru?fotokatalisis, senyawa organik, amoniak, surfaktanTeknologi
175Fungsi Ruang Hijau Kota Ditinjau Dari Aspek Keindahan, Kenyamanan, Kesehatan Dan Penghematan EnergiTown?s area needs both open and green spaces. This is not only for the sake of aesthetical requirement in shaping the town, but also to fulfill the needs of fresher and cooler air for its inhabitants. Green area is required to accommodate people social activities, and also to reduce air pollution ? particularly in the form of carbon dioxide comes from vehicles. Besides reducing air temperature, green area also benefit people by producing oxygen and absorbing dust. Green area must be provided adequately in the town, and be controlled firmly by legislation. By the provision of sufficient and well-distributed green spaces in the town, people will be guaranteed to have such lower air temperatures, fresher air and better living environment. This may be resulting, whether direct or indirectly, in reducing the consumption of energy in many sectors in the town. This article discusses the way green space and vegetation are giving benefit to the inhabitants through several aspects as mentioned above.air pollution, air temperature, energy savings, green spacesTri Harso Karyono
176Fungsi Strategis Danau Tondano, Perubahan Ekosistem dan Masalah yang terjadi Tondano is a natural and biggest lake in North Sulawesi which some strategic functions i.e for irrigation, source of drinking water, hydropower, freshwater culture, tourisms, overflow control. Wide of Tondano Lake is about 46 ? 51 km2. There are 35 streams as inlet and one outlet only is Tondano Stream. Tondano Lake has some problems caused by many activities both in downstream area or around of the lake. People?s activities such as land clearing for plantation in downstream area, freshwater culture and daily people?s activities around of the lake had been organic material contribution in the lake waters. It has caused of water hyacinth booming (Eichornia crassipes (Malt) (Soms), erosion and sedimentation. Nowadays water hyacinth has been covered about 20% of Tondano Lake?s wide. Besides reduce of waters quality, water hyacinth booming has been made problems for hydropower and traffic in lake waters to the outlet. Because of that problems, Tondano Lake needs concern for intensif management.Strategic funcitions, ecosystem, erosion, sedimentation, water hyancinthEuthalia Hanggari Sittadewi
177Global Dimming Dan Masa Depan Perubahan Iklim Di IndonesiaA-14-year (1979-1993) image satellites of Solar Radiation, NOAA and Sea Surface Height Anomaly of TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS-2 have been used to study a reducing solar radiation received by the Earth (global dimming) and to predict local weather anomaly for the future climate prediction in the Indonesian region. The result shows that a dimming of solar radiation is of 16.6% during 14-year observation. It is higher than the mean increasing of global dimming of 2 - 3% for every decade. This explicitly indicates that the air pollution in the form of aerosols from industrial sectors has large contributions to this this dimming process. At the other side, there is a trend of dominant warm water in the southern Jawa-Bali that affect on the increasing of rainfall intensity in the Indonesian region. We predict that flood and a longer dark during the day time, and more variative local weather change will be more frequently happen in the Indonesian region in the dimming, global warming, radiasi sinar matahari, anomali tinggi permukaan lautFadli Syamsudin
178Granulasi Lumpur Biogas AnaerobikThis article contained several differences of the theory about anaerobic sludge granulation biogas in the UASB reactor. The level of the granulation formation of the beginning followed same principles as the formation bio-film from the bacteria to a surface field. There exist strong facts that the material inert played a positive role important and granulation. Most researchers took the conclusion that Methanosaeta concilii was the main key to the formation of granulation. Only Town Stamp hypotheses that assumed that the organism autotrophic hydrogenotrophic like for example Methanobacterium from strain AZ, could grow in the condition high H2-pressure, was the key to the formation organism of granulation. Several writers focus in the stage granulation early and only several contributions that discussed the following stage in granulation included maturation granulation and multiplication. Determining factors granular in the latter stage was dominated in the existence of the manipulation of the pressure election, through which particle of bigger sludge selectively was kept in the UASB reactor.UASB; Anaerobic treatment.Djoko Padmono
179Growth And Fatty Acid Composition Of Marine Microalga Nannochloropsis Sp In Medium?CO2 biological mitigation, chlorophyll-a, fatty acid, lipid, magnesium, microalgae,Teknologi
180Gumuk Pasir Parangtritis Konversi Versus Konservasi Tulisan ini mencoba mengulas tentang adanya fenomena alam yang sangat langka dan unik berupa gumuk pasir tipe "barchan", yang terbentuk sebagai akibat adanya ekosistem Parangtritis yang khas. Pantai Parangtritis khususnya dan pantai selatan Yogyakarta umumnya saat ini telah berkembang sangat cepat di dalam pemanfaatan potensi sumber daya alam di lahan pesisir sehingga banyak pihak berkeinginan untuk memanfaatkan lahan pantai berbagai keperluan, sehingga mengancam keberadaan gumuk pasir. Dengan segala keunikan, karakteristik dan potensi pantai yang khas tersebut, maka potensi terjadinya konflik kepentingan antar sektor akan semakin besar. Gambaran konflik dan akibat yang akan ditimbulkan apabila terus dibiarkan dapat mengancam kelestarian gumuk pasir di Parangtritis tersebut. Dengan model sistem dinamik maka upaya untuk melestarikan keberadaan gumuk pasir dapat dimungkinkan melalui skenario pembangunan berkelanjutan yaitu menyeimbangkan atau mengendalikan laju pengurangan lahan dengan laju penambahan wilayah gumuk.Gumuk pasir, konservasi, model dinamikLestario Widodo