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No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 61-80 dari 814 item.
61Permodelan Pengolah Limbah Organik Jenis Intermediate Trikling Filter dengan Menggunakan Visual BasiThis software is used for counting the dimension of unit operation of waste water treatment. The waste water treatment in this paper is INTERMEDIATE rate trikling filter and the computer language that be used is visual basic6.
Waste water that is treatment must organic, biodegradable and bod input not more than 500 ppm. This software can also guess the BOD output from this system and flow diagram of this unit operation.
BOD, intermediate trikling filter, visual basic,dimensi.Heru Subagio
62Identifikasi Populasi Gastropoda Air Tawar Di Waduk Saguling Dan SekitarnyaThis research has been carried out in Saguling, Jawa Barat. The aims of the research were to study the population of fresh water gastrophod and its ecological aspects. The research was done at three habitats which were the dam, paddy fields and ponds in three location : South Inlet, East Inlet and West Outlet of Saguling dam. It has been found 6 species of gastrophod which were Pomacea caniculata, Bellamya javanica, Lymnaea rubiginosa, Indoplanorbis exustus, Gyraulus convexiuscslus and Melanoides tuberculata. In all the habitats the density of species of Pomacea caniculata, Bellamya javanica and Lymnaea rubiginosa were relatively higher than others. While the highest dominantion index of gastrophod were at habitat of paddy fields in all locations and at habitat of ponds in East Inlet and West Outlet locations. Pomacea caniculata, Bellamya javanica and Lymnaea rubiginosa were dominant at habitat of pady fields and ponds. Furthermore, the highest gastrophod diversity index was at habitat of dam in South Inlet and West Outlet locations. All the gastrophod species were found in a group. On the other hand, there was a tendention that each habitat had a different gastrophod species.Gastropoda, populasi, wadukSri Wahyono
63Natrium Silikat Sebagai Bahan Penghambat Api Aman LingkunganThis research aims at investigating the effectiveness of fire retardant siliceous based materials which is made of natrium silicate (Na2SiO3.2H2O). Factors related to selection of mixed composition with respect to fire such as the easiness in processing or coating as well as the optimum weight of coating per m2 are investigated. Experimental method is used in this research with equipment used in this experiment include Fire Propagation Test Apparatus (based on JIS A 1321, 1994, # 605). Experiment is done on Borneo and Red Meranti Wood and comparison is done on the result of test undertaken on these types of wood which are treated with siliceous based fire retardant materials. Investigation also reveals that the more natrium silicate absorbed by the wood will increase the temperature rise (td ?) and smoke developed index. Experiment on mixture composition of 1 : 1 on both woods has proven it. The best mixture of siliceous based fire retardant against fire while ensuring ease workmanship is under the ratio 7 : 1 up to 10 : 1, with the layer optimum weight per m2 is approximately 0.7 kg. Using this type of fire retardant has proven the increase in the quality of Borneo wood and Red Meranti wood from quality class 4 (Semi fire retardant) to become quality class 2 (Semi non combustible).fire reterdant materials, natrium silicate, borneo wood, red meranti wood, temperature rise,Achmad Hidajat Effendi
64Application of US-EPA Menthod 29:Samping of Metals Emission from Stationary SourceThis report summaries the results of sampling (and analyses) of stack flue gas of P.T. Semen Cibinong?s Kiln, located at Jl. Raya Narogong, Desa Nambo, Cileungsi, Bogor. The test was aimed to determine concentrations of emitted metals (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg and Tl) concentrations. The conditions of the kiln tested were maintained at its normal operation. The metals were sampled from the flue gas at 3 (three) replicates. The metals concentrations in all three tests were well below the standard as stipulated in Kep-06/BAPEDAL/02/1999. This stack sampling work was carried out with the strict procedures specified by United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA), Method No. 29. The laboratory analysis of metals were conducted by Analitika Sejahtera Lingkungan (ASL) laboratory, Bogor. The procedures of both stack sampling and laboratory analyses have followed a quality assurance/ quality control (QA/QC) program as an integral part of the overall technical effort.US-EPA Method 29, metals, traverse points, isokinetic sampling, linear velocityKardono
65Ethnobotany Study Of Seaweed Diversity And Its Utilization In Warambadi ?This paper reports the ethnobotany study of seaweed diversity in Warambadi ? Panguhalodo areas of East Sumba District, the island of Sumba. The study recorded 19 genera of 54 species of seaweed, which were utilized as food or edible seaweed. The group consisted of 17 species of green algae, 17 species of red algae, and 20 species of brown algae. The study also reported that 18 genera of 38 species were traditionally utilized for medicinal purposes as herbal medicine. The herbal species consisted of 7 species of green algae, 13 species of red algae, and 18 species of brown algae. Seaweed is traditionally consumed as food in various forms: raw as salad and vegetable, as pickle with sauce of allspice or with vinegar, as relish or sweetened jellies and also cooked for vegetable soup. As herbal medicine seaweed is usually used for traditional cosmetics, as antipyretic and antiseptic, as vermifuges, and treatments for cough and asthma, hemorrhoid, nosebleed and boils, goiter and scrofula, stomach ailments and urinary diseases. Indigenous knowledge on seaweed still exist and are continually employed by people living in particular areas such as the Sumba and Sabu ethnic groups. Yet, the knowledge is gradually decreasing due to localities, socio-economic change and cultural development.ethnobotany, seaweed diversity, edible, herbal medicine, indigenous
knowledge ?
Jana Tjahjana Anggadiredja
66Measurement Of Selected Pripincal Organic Hazardous Consituent (POHC) In Cement KlinThis paper presents the measurement of a selected principal organic hazardous constituent (POHC) injected into cement kiln that burned waste derived synthetic fuel. The POHC selected for the test was tetrachloroethane (more commonly known as perchloroethylene, or just PERC). The conditions of the kiln tested were maintained at its normal operation.The results will be used to calculate a destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) capability of that cement kiln. Thus, the test was assumed to be able to simulate the performance of a cement kiln acting as a waste combustor in destructing toxic waste. The test protocol was based upon the full set of procedures mandated by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) designed to demonstrate sufficient destruction of organic constituents, by demonstrating a 99.9999% DRE. It was found that all measurement data of POHC resulted DRE values higher than the limit of 99.9999%. As a conclusion, the cement kiln test has demonstrated the capability for achieving performance required for incineration of organic constituents.POHC, PERC, waste derived synthetic fuel, kilnKardono
67Kebutuhan Energi untuk Memproses Kristal Silikon dan Waktu Pengembalian
This paper is to review existing knowledge on energy requirements for manufacturing photovoltaic (PV) module and system. Estimate energy (primary energy) requirements for manufacturing PV module for scenario: Low* and High
1. For multi crystalline silicon (mc-Si)
a. Low is 4200 MJ/ m2 (mc-Si) or 35 MJ/Wp = 3,395 kwh/Wp
b. High is 11600 MJ/ m2 (mc-Si) or 96 MJ/Wp = 9.312 kwh/Wp
2. For a single ?crystalline (sc-S)
a. Low is 6000 MJ/ m2 or 47 MJ/Wp = 4,559 kwh/Wp.
b. High is 13900 MJ/ m2 or 109 MJ/Wp = 10.573 kwh/Wp
Estimate energy production (final yield) for application SHS (50 Wp) multi ?crystalline (mc-S) is 65 kwh/Wp/year (1 Wp produce 1,3 kwh/year.
Estimate Energy Pay-back Time ,? take energy to save energy?. for Solar Home System Application for over 20 year system life (under 1900 kwh/ m2/year irradiation) are 3-4 years for low scenario and 8 years for high.
A single ?crystalline silicon (sc-S), multi crystalline silicon (mc-Si) manufacturing PV module,Abubakar Lubis
68Prospek Industri Pengolahan Limbah Sabut KelapaThis article discusses the prospect of coco fibre industry in Indonesia as an effort of increasing added value of coconut product. Supported by the abundance and less utilization of raw materials (coco fibre) throughout the country and increasing price and demand for coco fibre products, domestically as well as internationally, Indonesia has a potential chance for promoting coco fibre based industries. The simple industry that produces coir fibre and coir dust is recommended to be built by using selected technology. Various characteristics of supporting technologies and the financial feasibility of coco fibre based industry have been the concluding remark of the discussion in this article. The industry that use the MTM1 and Bandung type machines in its process is found financially feasibleTeknologi pengolahan sabut, serat dan abu gabus, kelayakan industri pengolahan sabut kelapaSubiyanto
69Potensi Limbah Industri Pertanian di P3G Pertanian Jangari, Cianjur - Pemanfaatan Limbah Kepala IkanThis article discusses the potency waste fisheries industry in case study P3G Jangari Cianjur as an effort of increasing added value of fillet waste of Pangasius pangasius. One of the alternative technique is dried hypophyses (pituitary glands). The dried hypophyses can be produced from fillet waste of Pangasius pangasius. Hypophyses should be collected from mature, freshly killed Pangasius. They should then be dehydrated and stored. These dried hypophyses will be needed for the preparation of the hormonal extract to be injected into the Pangasius breeders for inducing their maturation.Pangasius pangsius, dried hypophyses, waste fisheries industryEsi Lisyastuti, Erma Najmiyati dan Titiresmi
70Granulasi Lumpur Biogas AnaerobikThis article contained several differences of the theory about anaerobic sludge granulation biogas in the UASB reactor. The level of the granulation formation of the beginning followed same principles as the formation bio-film from the bacteria to a surface field. There exist strong facts that the material inert played a positive role important and granulation. Most researchers took the conclusion that Methanosaeta concilii was the main key to the formation of granulation. Only Town Stamp hypotheses that assumed that the organism autotrophic hydrogenotrophic like for example Methanobacterium from strain AZ, could grow in the condition high H2-pressure, was the key to the formation organism of granulation. Several writers focus in the stage granulation early and only several contributions that discussed the following stage in granulation included maturation granulation and multiplication. Determining factors granular in the latter stage was dominated in the existence of the manipulation of the pressure election, through which particle of bigger sludge selectively was kept in the UASB reactor.UASB; Anaerobic treatment.Djoko Padmono
71Kotoran Manusia, Standar Pengolahan dan Aspek Metabolisis pada Bidang Resapan.There are two kinds of human wates product. The first one is solid material which is called faeces, and the second one is liquid material which is called urine. Both faeces and urine contain hazardous chemical and biological constituent element or substancec. Such substances which are found in human waste are various depending on biological digestion process in the stomach, varieties of food, social aspect, age, sex, and climate. Bad sanitation systems especially for settlement areas where houshold waste water treatment is not yet built in accordance with the standard design will produce effluent that causes environmental quality degradation. It can be seen from the different kinds of deseases that affect skin, mouth or respiration. Effluent flowing in the areas with enough space and deeper ground water can be treated through cross sectional absorbtion treatment systems.Kotoran Manusia, Aspek Metabolisis, Sanitasi Lingkungan, Air TanahIr. Tasmian dan Ir. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
72Pemasangan Variable Speed Drivers (VDS) Pada Fan Untuk Menurunkan Penggunaan Listrik Di IndustriThere are over 90 fans used throughout Plant assessment for a variety of tasks within the cement making process. Many of the fans used on site are controlled and monitored from the Central Control Room (CCR). Whilst looking at the controls for some of these fans the CP-EE team observed that many of them have inlet guide vane (IGV) or damper controls that were closed to some extent and are not operating at best efficiencies. Mosr of all the fans in Plant assessment has the best potential for energy savings. The CP-EE option to optimize fan use is by Installing VSD to control fan with fluctuation load. The original investment for this project is Rp 1,250,000,000.00 or approximately US$136,000,00 (1US$ = Rp 9,200). Where the feasibility study shows that the electricity saving can achieve 5.530.120 kWH per year, Annual Cash Inflow per Year: Rp 2,942,023,799.30, or approximately US$ 320,000 Payback Period 5 month, GHG Emission 4,608.4 MWH x 0.724 = 3,336.41 TCO2/y. New installation will just be accomplished at the end of March for 6 (six) inverters in grate 2 and 3 while the other 6 (six) in grate 1 is planed to be accomplished at the beginning of December. VSD Panel will be placed in MCC location.cement, Fan, Variable Speed Drive (VSD), optimize.Teguh Prayudi
73Tinjauan Aspek Teknis Pemilihan Media Biofilter Untuk Pengolahan Air LimbahThere are literally dozens of different types of biofilters used for wastewater treatment applications. While many have common features, some are fundamentally different from the rest. The purpose of this article is to educate the reader about the types of packings used for fixed film biofilters.The types of biofilters under discussion are filters that employ a non-moving surface area to provide a substrate for various bacteria to attach and grow. The substrate remains in place while the water flows through the system. The heart of these biofilters is the packing or media used to provide the surface area. The type of packing used strongly influences both the capital and operating costs of the biofilter. It is important to emphasize however, that the packing merely provides surface area for bacteria to colonize. It is the bacteria that do the actual work of the biofilter. In order for the bacteria to do their job effectively, the biofilter and packing design must provide an even distribution of nutrients and oxygen while removing dissolved and suspended waste products. Most biofilters utilize aerobic bacteria but it is also possible to design and operate anaerobic systems for special purposes. Various types of packings exist for fixed film biological filters. Each different type has advantages and disadvantages but in terms of overall cost and suitability, the structured packings are the best choice for commercial biofilter designs.biofilter, media, pengolahan air limbahNusa Idaman Said dan Ruliasih Marsidi
74Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Bersih Masyarakat Kep. Seribu Melalui Optimasi Pemanfaatan Penampungan HujanThe very limited natural resources, especially in small islands such as in Thousand Island, north Jakarta, may cause a lot of environmental problems if the inhabitant is not wise in managing and exploiting its environmental power resources. One of the chronic problems in Thousand Island is the lack of clean water availability. That specific problem becomes worse and worse because of increasing of the population. In dry season the condition always gets worst. Many acts have been done to deal with the problem, but in fact until now it can not be solved properly. After doing a direct survey to all densely populated islands in Thousand island, it is found that one good alternative can possibly be done to solve the problem. It is to develop and maximize the using of rain water reservoir (PAH). Based on the calculation using two approaches, the fact that rain water reservoir in Untung Jawa and Lancang Besar island are already enough. For Tidung Besar, Panggang and Pramuka island, they need to enlarge the roof as a receiver of rain-water falling down. Another alternatif that should be carried out is to rehabilitate all the damage rain-water reservoirs. Kelapa island needs not only roof enlarging and rehabilitation of the rain-water reservoirs, but also developing some new rain-water reservoirs. Harapan island still needs developing some new rain-water reservoirs and roof enlarging to get more rain water.Clean water, maximize, rain-water reservoir (PAH)Petrus Nugro Rahardjo
75Pengetahan Dan Pemanfaatan Tumbuahan Obat di Sabang-Pulau Weh,Nangroe Aceh DarussalamThe understanding on medicinal herbs and its usefulness by local people are very common in Indonesia. Most of the ethnics utilize it, without exception in Sabang - Weh Island, Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) province. To explore what kinds of plant which use as medicinal herbs, research was conducted in Iboih, Sabang, NAD. As a result at least 113 plant species, belong to 85 genera and 55 families were recorded as medicinal herbs. It was found that medicinal herbs in research site was employed either as a single or as compound, which contains some materials. It is recognized as 44 medicinal compound (ramuan obat 44), eventhough it does not always consist of 44 plants. Occasionally, this 44 medicinal compound is well known as ramuan daun segala daun. Medicinal herbs which are used by Iboih people are terrestrial orchids, gerangsang rimaung (Anoectochylus setaceus) and abeung - abeung (Oroxylum indicum). The later belong to Bignoniaceae and it is one of the endangered plants.Medicinal herbs, Sabang - Weh Island, Nangroe Aceh DarussalamSiti Susiarti
76Konsep Spasial Persampahan 1c-2ft.Rsl & Perkebunan Energi Jatropha Curcas, Mewujudkan Eco-CityThe Tropical Eco-City Concept brings ideas of the possibility to achieve 11 and 12 targets of the Millennium Development Goal in tropical humid climate such as Indonesia by continually overcome the challenges of fresh water supply and a waste free community environment. Maintaining quality and quantity of fresh water supply requires rehabilitation of critical land on both rural and urban riverbank area in waste dumping issue.The waste production continuous process need to be balance by continuous waste treatment system facilities. The term ?waste final dumping? for final dumping area has to be changed to the term ?waste final treatment? as a foundation of waste final treatment area which more beneficial, continually and environmentally friendly. Sanitary landfill technology concept is not a guarantee for continuous operation, whereas reusable sanitary landfill technology concept has to be applied and appropriately included in land use planning structure of Eco-CityEcocity, 1C-2FT.RSL, Reusable Sanitary Landfill, Lahan KritisHMHB Henky Sutanto
77Pemanfaatan Mikroba Autotroph Dalam Pengolahan Limbah Konsentrasi TinggiThe treatment of wastewater containing high concentration of nitrate and low concentration of BOD using autotrophic bacteria were conducted in batch suspension experiment to investigate nitrate concentration level which can be treated by the bacteria. The autotrophic bacteria were enriched by acclimating activated sludge with inorganic substrates. The experimental result shows that denitrification reaction with initial nitrate concentration in synthetic wastewater from 200 to 850 mg/l proceeded according to the one-order reaction. The denitrification rate increased with increasing the initial nitrate concentration. Sulfate was detected as the by product of the denitrification reaction. The sulfate produced for 1 mmol of nitrate decreased was 1.09 mmol.Denitrifikasi, nitrat, autotropik bakteri, elemen sulfur.Rudi Nugroho
78Kondisi Lahan Pasang Surut Kawasan Rawa Pening dan Potensi Pemanfaatan
The tidal land in Rawa Pening?s region is land that has been formed as caused of up and down water level process of Rawa Pening?s lake. The wide of tidal land that can be used are fluctuated beetwen dry and rainy seasons. The main used of tidal land is for rice field. The wide of tidal land that can be used for rice field beetwen elevation + 462,30 m and +463,30 m are 812 Ha, between elevation + 462,05 m and +462,30 are 218,51 Ha. There are some species of paddy that has been cultivated in that area, are IR-64, GH barito, ciliwung, cisadane, membramo and mentik. Mean of paddy yield is about 2,5 ? 5 ton/ Halahan pasang surut, elevasi, fluktuasiEuthalia Hanggari Sittadewi
79Aplikasi Bio-Ball Untuk Media Biofilter Studi Kasus Pengolahan Air Limbah Pencucian JeanThe textile industry is one of the most popular industries in Indonesia. Although it?s giving a positive value towards economic value, it also contributes a bed effect towards environmental quality. One of those industries is small-scale laundry industry located in Kelurahan Sukabumi Selatan, West of Jakarta. The lack of land and money, most of the jeans laundry industry throws away their wastewater straight to the river system without any process. The present study describes the application plastic media called bio-ball as a biofilter supporting media for treating of jeans laundry industry wastewater using combined anaerobic and aerobic process. The type of reactor that is used in this research is a continuous flow biological reactor which has total volume 195 litter and divided into 5 zones, i.e. presedimentation , 2 anoxic zone, aerobic zone and post sedimentation zone. Reactor effluent is recirculated into presedimentation zone with hydraulic recycle ratio (HRR) 1:1. Seeding is done in a natural way by directly flowing the domestic wastewater into reactor with retention time 72 hours, until a biofilm layer is formed on the surface of bio-ball media. Acclimatization is done gradually by replacing domestic with laundry jeans wastewater in 72 hours retention time, until domestic wastewater was 100 % replaced, The main research were conducting by continuous operation under condition 72 hours, 48 hours and 24 hours retention time. The result of experiment shows that within the combined anaerobic and aerobic process using bio-ball plastic media under conditions 1 - 3 days retention time, the removal efficiency of COD 78 ? 91 %, BOD 85 ? 92 %, Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 80 ? 93 %, and Colour 48 ? 57 % respectively. The longer retention time has resulted in higher removal efficiency.Bio-ball, biofilter, pencucian jean, anaerob-aerob.Nusa Idaman Said
80Kajian Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Sakit Dan Sni TerkaitThe study of hospital waste water treatment technology, with choice one of waste water treatment technology this is activated sludge process, which already common use related to the National Standard of Indonesia (SNI) about environment, especially waste water, and more specifically is activated sludge. These snis are used to compliment of testing from technology of hospital waste water treatment. There for, it is need to be more reinforce the application of SNI so that each the technical regulation don?t want to detail the technical aspect it self. This because to revise the legal regulation is not easy, meanwhile the SNI can be revised anytime we need. We need to continue and to increase cooperation (MOU) between the Ministry of Environment and the National Accreditation Committee (KAN), about the joint assessment accreditation of environment parameters quality laboratory. The good application of technology and standard will have a good impacts for the growth of economic environment equipments industry. From the hospital waste water samples in Jakarta has showed that the chemical consentrate pollution very fluctuated, e.g., BOD 31,52 - 675,33 mg/l, ammoniac 10,79 - 158,73 mg/l, detergent (MBAS) 1,66 - 9,79 mg/l. From the BOD (mg/l) parameter with minimum 31, 52 and maximum 675,33 still include in the BOD parameter, as decree of KLH No 58/95, mentioned that the maximum gradient 75 mg/l, but to see from the mean as 353,43 are far out from the article of KLH decree.limbah, lumpur aktif, teknologi, SNI, lingkungan, standardisasiIr. Prihadi Waluyo, MM.