Rekapitulasi Jumlah Koleksi dalam Database
No Kategori Jumlah
1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 61-80 dari 814 item.
61Kajian Penerapan Prinsip Produksi Bersih Pada Proses Manufaktur Pipa ApungManufacture process of floating hose is a rubber technical commodity process, which has potencies to pollute the environment. Two types of waste, which are produced from the purification process and rubber latex process, are liquid and solid waste. Beside those waste, the component developing process, which uses several chemical agents, also has negative impacts to the human who has intensive contacts with those chemicals. Calendering and vulcanisation process are also produce air pollutants, especially the contaminated air from some harmful parameters. Considering that floating hose product will be used by oil companies with very high technical specification, it is necessary to prepare an environmental friendly material and construction technic. Those eco-efficiency planning should be arranged since the beginning, from the using of energy and water resources until waste management and disposal and good house keeping. All materials should be choosen with environmental approach and 4R principle (reduce, reuse, recovery and recycle) must be used for waste disposal activity.Proses Manufaktur, Pipa Apung, Produksi BersihWahyu Purwanta
62De-Coupling pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Degradasi Lingkungan di IndonesiaIn the past, development acceleration to reach the short term economic growth in many countries, had proven to cause a lot of environmental damages, followed by degraded living quality of the marginal community ? especially the poor, water, air and soil pollution and degraded the natural resources quality which functioned as the sink. Indonesia, since 1999 enacted regulation concerning the Regional economic that was known as the decentralization. Its implementation also heightened the risk of high exploitation flow of the natural resources due to the orientation focus towards the increasing of the Original Regional Income. Of several existing data, the environmental quality in Indonesia tends to drop.

On the other hand, Indonesia, nationally, has the program of the environment management by the sustainable development paradigm. This program was implemented through among others several effort like increase the environmental awareness, the pollution prevention from its sources, conservation and recovery of the environmental damages. In this decentralization era the strengthening of the environment management agencies in the regions and the community empowerment to carry out the control function also has to become priority. Nevertheless in its implementation, the sustainable development faced many obstacles added by the trade globalization era at present. Since the Indonesian economic must keep on growing to provide job filed and welfare improvement, therefore the choice to carry out the sustainable development is a must.
economic growth, environmental degradation, sustainability.Wahyu Purwanta
63Potensi Sumberdaya Air di Selatan Gunung Tampomas Selatan Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa BaratTampomas mountain areas can be divided 2 types of aquifer : volcano sediment aquifer and sediment aquifer. Volcano sediment aquifer is a free aquifer sedimentation, because there was not impermeable rock existing under or bellow it, this aquifer also known as shallow or surface aquifer. Sediment aquifer is a depressed aquifer where the water flow along the sandstone layer which covered by claystone and water flow through the pore. This sediment aquifer are deep aquifer. Ground water at sumedang area can be divide as : ground water on volcanic quarter sedimentation and ground water on consolidate rock.
The type of water source at the reaserch area can be devide into 3 ways : Depressed water resources formed by land surface which is cutting the watter table, Shear water source which formed by the crack / shear structure or sesar path, and contact water source which shown at the tertiery rock (impermeable) and quartery rock (permeable).
This reaserch using geofisical methode Imaging Resistivity to result interpretation that on the south Tampomas Mountain predicted had 4 aquifer potention resource (A,B,C,D), whith aquifer thickness vaariated from (5-15)m, (30-50)m and more than 50 m. Several water source surface cases found in this reaserch area at 20-30 m depth which predict as the water table. This indicated there are very large aquifer at 500 m level and assume this level as a potential places for ground water exist at the south Tampomas mountain
aquifer, imaging resistivity, water resources.Wahyu Garinas dan Wahyu Hidayat
64Potensi Ketersediaan Air Tanah di Desa Limo Kecamatan SalimpuangGround water potential map showed that the Salimpaung in Tanah Datar District has very low water resources potential. Deep and shallow water resources were found in some places and in a limited area.
Interpretation of imaging resistivity showed that water resources potential lies in P1 and P2 layers. This layers were found in 90 to 150 meters to the south of the mosque. The potential layer was found between 10 to 30 meter depth and thickness between 5 to 25 meter and lies in observation point between 50 ? 125 meter.

Water resources at layer P1, P2, P3 and P4 has medium to low potential and the water layers was interpreted as water trap above the rock layer.

The other water resources potential were found at P5, P6 and P7, at 90 ? 150 meter to the north of the mosque. The potensial aquifer lies beneath hard rock at depth 40 to 60 meter.
Water resources, imaging resistivy, potensial locationWahyu Garinas
65Penelitian Air Tanah Di Waduk Puntuk Suruh Kecamatan Pengadegan Kabupaten Purbalingga ? Jawa TengahBased on groundwater indication map, the area of Pengadegan district, Purbalingga Regency, has low groundwater resources potential for both deep and shallow groundwater. Investigation using resistivity showed that the potential water layers were found in the eastern part of the Dam at B and C layers. The groundwater is shallow and the thickness of the aquifer is about 20 meter and extent horizontally up to 30 meter. Layer A and B in the western part of the Dam are possibly act as a water trap as they lies above a compact layer E. To know the potential groundwater area it is suggested that further research and survey be done in the eastern part of the Dam.water resources, imaging resistivity, potentialWahyu Garinas
66Status Kualitas Air Waduk Cirata Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan BudidayaWaduk Cirata is multipurpose cascade dam that lay in the middle of Citarum watershed. Based on some reports, the water quality of this dam significantly decreased to bad condition. This condition may be harmful to some equipments generating electricity power and also aquaculture product utilizing cages (KJA).The result of intensive observation during carps (Cyprinus carpio) culture period concluded that its aquaculture water changed into polluted called Eutrophic environment. There is correlation between eutrophication and lack growth of fishes in some cages. It is indicated by dominant increase of fish length than the increase of the weight of fish which is called as a negative allometric of fish growth.Water quality, eutrophication, aquaculture, growth rate, Cyprinus carpioWage Komarawidjaja, Sutrisno Sukimin dan Entang Arman
67Teknik Biomonitoring Sebagai Alternatif Tool Pemantauan Kualitas Lingkungna PerairanIn order to improve environmental quality and to prevent environmental sustainability, It is necessary to establish the measurement tools of relevant environmental parameter to distinguish the anticipated change. Because the establishment and maintenance of monitoring system is expensive, to select organisms on their ecosystem (flora and fauna) as a tool for monitoring should be our concern.Biomonitoring, POPsWage Komarawidjaja dan Titiresmi
68Teknik Biomonitoring Sebagai Alternatif "Tool" Pemantauan Kualitas Lingkungna PerairanIn order to improve environmental quality and to prevent environmental sustainability, It is necessary to establish the measurement tools of relevant environmental parameter to distinguish the anticipated change. Because the establishment and maintenance of monitoring system is expensive, to select organisms on their ecosystem (flora and fauna) as a tool for monitoring should be our concern.Biomonitoring, POPsWage Komarawidjaja dan Titiresmi
69Potensi Mikroba Penitrifikasi Kawasan Pertambakan Udang Tanjung Pasir, TangerangHigh concentration of ammonia in shrimps pond sediment due to the accumulation of feed excessive will become negative impact to the shrimp culture. Therefore, Increasing the indigenous microbial abilities in minimizing toxicity effect of ammonia through biotransformation of ammonia into nitrite and nitrate is very important for shrimp growth and health. Isolation and identification of nitrifying microbes has been done. The number of microbes isolated form shrimps pond are six namely 2p, 2k, 3p, 1p, 3k, and 2. The number of isolated microbes in aquaculturing pond (T-bd) is five and in post harvest pond (T-pp) is three. In T-bd samples, autotroph nitrifying microbes are 2(k), 2(p) and 3(p), but 1(p) and 3(k) as heterotroph nitrifying microbes. And in T-pp samples, autotroph nitrifying microbe is 3(p), except 2 and 3(k) as heterotroph nitrifying microbes. The rank of effectivness In nitrifying activity is 2k, 3p and 2p respectivelyBioremediasi, Kualitas Air, Nitrifikasi, Tambak UdangWage Komarawidjaja dan Hanies Ambarsari
70Status Konsorsium Mikroba Lokal Pendegradasi MinyakLaboratory observation were conducted to study the effect of media containing oil spill on microbial ability in utilizing oil spill as carbon sources. Microbial consortia which was isolated from Cepu oil spill sample was inoculated on the Bushnell-Haas (BH) media containing 5% Cepu crude oil. The experiment proved that microbes could be able utilizing oil as carbon source for their cell multiplication, the more the turbidity concentration increase, the more the microbial population rise. Concentration of oil dissolved trend and availability that was measured show a microbial surfactant generation. Furthermore, microbial density that was measured along experiment period indicate an increase in density. The result indicate that remediation of oil spill study which is utilizing indigenous microbes as in situ bioremediation technologies can be implemented.Oil pollution, biodegradation, bioremediation, biosurfactantWage Komarawidjaja dan Esi Lysiastuti
71Tingkat Filtrasi Rumput Laut (Gracilaria Sp)
RUMPUT LAUT (Gracilaria sp)
The Concern of this study is to understand Gracilaria sp. function in biofiltration process as a way in removing exceeding nutrient.
Laboratory analysis indicated that Gracilaria sp has the ability to reduce organic substance as orthophosphate in see water up to range 0.0082 -00.0149 ppm/days. Application of Gracilaria in waste water filtrattion is expected to be an alternative approach in shrimp pond waste water treatment.
Gracilaria sp., biofiltration, orthophosphate.Wage Komarawidjaja dan Dian Ary Kurniawan
72Rumput Laut Gracilaria Sp. Sebagai Fitoremedian Bahan Organik Perairan Tambak BudidayaPhytoremediation is the utilization of green plants to remove pollutants from the environment. A central component of this technology is the use of plants as living technologies that provide services in addressing environmental issues. Therefore, based on the hydrological understanding, phytoremediation technology can be used to manage nutrient and water dynamics; It can lead significant improvement in water quality as well as remediation of degraded ecosystem.Laboratory experiment result indicated, seagrass called Gracilaria sp. have the ability in reducing organic substance as total Nitrogen (N-Total) from 1,2 mg / L into 0.4 mg / L in less than 10 hour. The integration of seagrass into pond ecosystem as organic substances phytoremedian of exceeding fish-feed accumulation expected to become an alternative technology for water quality recovery enhancement.seagrass Gracilaria sp., phytoremediation, brackish water aquacultureWage Komarawidjaja
73Status Makro Invertebrata Pada Perairan Das Citarum Hulu Yang TercemarMacro invertebrate study in Upper Citarum Watershed conducted for a few target, such as understanding some organisms indices and the function in aquatic ecosystem.In this study, besides identified macro invertebrate type also measured some water quality parameter that influence to the exchange of its habitat quality. Water quality laboratory analysis indicates that pressure to macro invertebrate life happened due to the change in environmental quality Upper Citarum Watershed, either by physical impact (erosion) and also chemical impact (domestic, industries and agriculture). To overcome the problem mentioned, environmental monitoring enhancement to be needed, so that calamity of aquatic organism losses can be avoided.waters quality, aquatic organisms, macro invertebrateWage Komarawidjaja
74Karakteristik Dan Pertumbuhan Konsorsium Mikroba Lokal Dalam Media ?Laboratory microcosm observation were conducted to study the effect of media culture containing oil spill in microbial growth ability . Laboratory microcosms was inoculated with oil microbial consortia isolated from oil spill sample in Cepu oil field. Based on the colony characteristic differentiation, 5 microbial types identified from the sample. At the end of enrichment period and acclimatization on the BH media containing 5% Cepu crude oil, all isolates as microbial consortia put into growth experiment media. The experiment proved that microbes could be able utilizing oil as carbon source for their cell multiplication. The results showed the more the turbidity concentration increase, the more the microbial population rise. These studies indicates that reducing oil spill utilizing in situ bioremediation technologies can be realized.spill oil, oil pollution, bioremediationWage Komarawidjaja
75Kajian Adaptasi Kijing Pilsbryoconcha Exilis Sebagai Langkah Awal Pemanfaatannya Dalam BiofiltrasiPilsbryoconcha exilis is freshwater mussel that derive its feed through filtering water. The mussels could filter such as phytoplankton and suspended material to get their feed. Its ability may be used in water remediation which is polluted by organic contaminant, such as at Cirata reservoir in West JavaTo undesrtand that freshwater mussels have ability to adapt in Cirata reservoir, a group of mussels kept in certain water column at some station observation. Then mussels growth rate was measured. Research result indicated that freshwater mussel could be adapted and grown in different water column as well as in their habitat (bottom sediment with muddy substrate). The mussels planted in Cirata reservoir have relation length and weight pattern which categorize as negative allo-metric (increasing of length is more dominant than weight). Observation result of mussels grow at Jangari Station was remarked by coefficient of growth (k=0.47) and infinity of length (L?=9.41); at Pasir Empul k=0.64 and L?=9.62; at Jati Nenggang k=0.47 and L?=9.41; also at mussels stock cages k=0.65 dan L?=9.62. The result of this study concluded that mussels could be grown in Cirata reservoir of West JavaFreshwater Mussel (Pilsbryoconcha exilis),, infinity of lengthWage Komarawidjaja
76Konsentrasi Senyawa Dimetilsulfida di Pantura Jabar dan Kemungkinan Dampaknya pada Produksi UdangShrimp culture has became one of the most important Indonesian export commodity since 1985 up to the beginning of 1990`s. Due to the increasing intensification, the pressure on the shrimp ponds environment has became a serious problem. The problem was indicated by the decrease in shrimp production since 1992. Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is known as a major contributor to total sulfur emission from land and coastal marine and also known to inhibit nitrification .In this respect, we are studying the influence of DMS on nitrification process in saline water. This paper describes the DMS concentration observed in several places in the Western Coast of North Java. The minimum and maximum concentrations observed were 790.32 ?M and 6483.87 ?M respectively. These figures are higher than concentration detected in any other coastal area where shrimp productions are concerned. We speculate that DMS has given some contributions in the depletion of shrimp production.Dimethylsulfide (DMS), nitrification, shrimp cultureWage Komarawidjaja
77Degrasi Bod dan Cod pada Sistem Lumpur Aktif Pengolahan Limbah Cair TekstilObservation of waste parameter in textile wastewater treatment was done. This experimental investigation consist of three mayor textile parameter including total suspended solid (TSS), biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The parameters were collected and analyzed. The TSS, BOD and COD consentration in effluent of textile wastewater treatment is not exceeded the standard, but the efficiency of TSS, BOD and COD reduction is not statistically significant.BOD, COD, textile wastewater.Wage Komarawidjaja
78Pengaruh Aplikasi Konsorsium Mikroba Penitrifikasi Terhadap Konsentrasi NH3 Pada Air TambakAn experiment on the utilization of nitrifying bacteria in shrimps pond ecosystem was conducted in the village of Grinting, Brebes Regency. This experiment has two treatment ponds. Pond A was put nitrifying bacteria on as a treatment and pond B was without its treatment. The impact of the treatment was indicated by ammonia concentration measured, in which pond A was lower than pond B. In other words proved that nitrification process in pond A ecosystem was accelerated by the addition of nitrifying bacteria.Bioremediasi, kualitas air, nitrifikasi, tambak udangWage Komarawidjaja
79Peluang Pemanfaatan Rumput Laut Sebagai Agen BiofiltrasiSome observation result said that the worst of enviromental uality happened is primarily caused by mislead in the aim of develoment nature resources thatonly concern to economic growth. Therefore, the develoment of brakisth water ecosystem as an economic growth region should be relatedto the goal of enviromental waters uality management. To enhance this goal, the people utilizing brakish water ecosystem as aquaculture site may reduce organic pollution that is producedby their activities. Integrationof Gracilaria sp as a biofilter agent in aquaculture pond or in the wastewater treatment system is an alterantivetechnology for waters quality recovery enhancement.The initial success of this method in some countries has been reported. Therefore, if the biofiltration process in reducing organic pollution run properly, waters pollution in certain brakish ecosystemmaybe reduced.Rumput laut, Gracilaria sp, biofiltrasi, kualitas air, tambak air payau.Wage Komarawidjaja
80Penelitian Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Konsorsium Mikroba Penitrifikasi Dalam Budidaya UdangResearch on application of consortia of Nitrifying bacteria on shrimp culture was conducted in Grinting, Brebes, Central Java . The experiment method used consortia of nitrifying bacteria as a sole treatment on Pond A and Pond B as a control. Intensive observation on some water qualities parameter such as temperature, salinity, pH and turbidity was conducted during shrimp cultural period. The research result is indicated by distinction of survival rate (SR) between Pond A and Pond B. The SR for Pond A is greater (32,5%) than in Pon B (14%), but it is still low SR for aquaculture activity.Nitrifying bacteria, water quality, shrimp pond.Wage Komarawidjaja