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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 341-360 dari 814 item.
341Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Teknologi Pengolahan Air (SITPA)Clean water needs and wastewater treatment will be a serious problem for industry especially for food industries. The packet information of applicable technology for water treatment and industrial waste handling that can support any development sector nowadays is needed by any kind of society especially for small and medium enterprise players. To face on globalisation, the computer and information technology will be used as an important tools for distributing the packet of technology from R&D community to any kind of society through global network. By using the existing network infrastructure in the country, the packet information of technology will be distributed electronically specially to help group of small and medium industry. As pilot project, this activity chooses the tahu/tempe industry located in Semanan, Jakarta Barat for the industrial centre. By surveying the need of technology, we try to help craftsman to resolve their problem on clean water supply and industrial waste, so they can increase their product quality.air bersih, limbah cair, sistem informasi, internet, hypertext, multimediaHeru Dwi Wahjono
342Rancang Bangun Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Potong Hewan (Rph) Ayam Dengan Proses BiofilterMore than 90 % of Jakarta livestock supply, especially poultry, originated from outside the area. Meanwhile temporary places and slaughterhouse are spread out in some locations in Jakarta area, even most of them located in residences area. Almost all wastewater are not processed but straightly discharged to the sewer or river around the house. These spread chickens slaughterhouse activities caused environmental pollution which is difficult to control. This paper discussed about the design of wastewater process installation of chickens slaughter by biofilter anaerob-aerob process and test of its process result. Based on the test the removal efficiency of COD, Permanganate, BOD and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) were 86.52 %, 82.85 %, 88.79 % and 94.1 % respectively.Design, process, wastewater, chicken slaughterhouse, biofilter.Nusa Idaman Said dan Satmoko Yudo
343Peranan Teknologi Pemantauan Secara Online Dalam Pengelolaan Kualitas LingkunganIn global industrial era, more than 70% industrial growth especially in Java will centrally around urban region. This matter can increase the environmental pollution as long as the progress of industry and technology development. Central and regional governments have continued to cope with the environmental pollution problem, although many environmental cases difficult to be resolved. This matter caused by the limited ability of observation technology and monitoring which conducted by the relevant institution and also because of the limited existing fund which allocated for the environment management. To increase the ability of environmental quality observation and monitoring technology in this time, we need the role of information and computation technology which can be used to observe and monitor online the source of pollution that resulting the environmental damages. To support this article we used the data of the case of information technology usage by the environmental institution in JapanOnline monitoring, pengelolaan Llngkungan perairan, teknologi Informasi dan komputasiHeru Dwi Wahjono dan Satmoko Yudo
344Daur Ulang Air Limbah (Water Recycle) Ditinjau Dari Aspek Teknologi, Lingkungan Dan EkonomiIn line with fast growth of populations in urban area the discharged waste water from daily activities have caused contamination of ground water and also surface water. Unbalance between distribution of source and usage of water have caused unbalance between supply and demand. Therefore, new innovation in the case supply of raw water has come to important attention. One of the alternatives which getting much attention in many state in world is to use recycle wastewater especially municipal wastewater as one source of raw water for water supply. Several things which need to be paid attention in the case of usage of recycle wastewater are consistency of the treated water quality as according to enabled condition. In usage of recycle wastewater to be used as clean water supply there is several categorize of contaminant which must be paid attention peculiarly namely for example organic contaminant including pesticide, pathogenic bacteria, parasite, virus and also heavy metal contaminant for example mercury, lead, chrome, cadmium etc. Therefore the treatment process must be done neglectlessly with control of quality which able to be justified. One of the concept for processing of urban wastewater to be made clean water is use combination of primary treatment, secondary treatment with biological process continued by advanced treatment by physico-chemical process for example covering clarification process, nutrient removal, recarbonation, filtration, adsorption with activated carbon, ion exchange process, and also demineralization with process of reverse osmosis and also ozonization and chlorination. With these processes combination can treat wastewater yield treated water with quality of as drinking water. This paper explained some example of wastewater treatment process for recycle wastewater which have been applicated in some state. One of the example of wastewater recycle process using combination of biological process continued with ultra filtration process, reverse osmosis process, and disinfection by ultraviolet, and also pH control such as those which have been conducted by NEWATER Factory, Singapore.Daur ulang, air limbah, teknologi, lingkunganNusa Idaman Said
345Kebutuhan Air Bersih Masyarakat Di Daerah Perdesaan Nelayan Di Wilayah Pesisir Kab. Pasir, KaltimCoastal region is very potential area for developing in sectors of fish, low and middle business from domestic industrial such as: food and husbandary food, fish net and shipping, services, trasnportation and travel. Concerning to high conomical potency in this coastal area is expected to be supporting area for central activities. For this supporting in public facility require elictricity, road and sea transportation, telecommunication, housing, health and the important is water supply. In providing water supply infrastructure is needed good planning so that the result outcomes in right purpose and beneficial for certain community. One of the supporting in planning is to know social-economical condition of this community. This paper will show in general the result of coastal community social economy in Local Government, Pasir, East Kalimantan.Masyarakat nelayan, perencanaan penyediaan air bersih, kondisi sosial-ekonomi penduduk pesisirSatmoko Yudo dan Taty Hernaningsih
346Pengelolaan Limbah Kawasan Industri Kecil Di Kota TegalTegal is a maritime town that mostly its resident has living as fisherman. Most existing industry in this town is fishery industry. Besides fishery industry, other small industrial also produce waste water which together with domestic waste water partake to contaminate Gung river, Sibelis river, Kemiri river and other channel which pass through Tegal town. Tegal town government trough the Office Operation of Environmental Impact (KEPADEL) have conducted various effort to reduce the impact of environmental contamination by giving counseling, training and other compilation of book containing information technology and technical guidance of waste water management to industrial activity exist in Tegal. With construction which continues to be conducted by KAPEDAL, we expected that the environmental quality in this town will change with progressively goodness.Kawasan Industri, Limbah Cair Industri, Pencemaran Lingkungan, Informasi Teknologi Pengolahan LimbahSetiyono dan Heru Dwi Wahjono
347Pelaksanaan Amdal, UKL Dan UPL Serta IPLC Di DKI JakartaPelaksanan tentang analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan secara nasional di atur berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27 Th 1999 tentang Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Hidup (AMDAL). Sejak diberlakukannya Peraturan Pemerintan Nomor 27 tahun 1999 ini dan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Otonomi daerah, sebagian besar penilaian AMDAL dilaksanakan oleh Komisi Penilai Amdal Daerah, sedangkan kegiatan yang bersifat strategis, Lintas Negara dan Propinsi dinilai oieh Komisi Penilai Amdal Pusat (Meneg LH). Dalam rangka pelaksanaan AMDAL di Propinsi DKI Jakarta, Gubernur telah mengeluarkan Keputusan Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta No. 2863 tentang Jenis Rencana Usaha dan/atau Kegiatan Yang Wajib Dilengkapi Dengan AMDAL. Keputusan Gubernur Nomor 2863 Tahun 2001 tersebut mengatur 12 sektor atau bidang yang meliputi :Bidang pertahanan dan Keamanan; Bidang Pertanian; Bidang Perikanan; Bidang Kesehatan; Bidang Perhubungan Darat,Laut,Udara, teleko-munikasi; Bidang Perindustrian; Bidang Prasarana Wilayah; Bidang Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral yaitu Pertambangan Umum/ Ketenaga Listrikan/Minyak dan Gas Bumi/Geologi Tata lingkungan; Bidang Pariwisata; Bidang Pengembangan Nuklir; Bidang Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3); serta Bidang Rekayasa Genetika. Makalah ini membahas masalah mekanisme pelakasanaan AMDAL, UKL, UPL serta ijin pembuangan limbah cair (IPLC) di Propinsi DKI Jakarta.AMDAL, UKL, UPL, IPLC, DKI JakartaNusa Idaman Said
348Effect Of Nitrite On Denitrification Of Wastewater By Autotrophic BacteriaEffect of nitrite on denitrification of synthetic wastewater using autotrophic bacteria was evaluated in both batch suspension and continuous packed column runs. Emphasis was placed to clarify the minimum concentrations of nitrite and nitrous acid that inhibit the denitrification rates. Batch suspension runs were conducted by mixing acclimatized denitrification sludge and synthetic wastewater in an Erlenmeyer flask. In continuous runs, denitrification sludge was loaded to a column packed with sulfur and limestone. The nitrite inhibition could be explained satisfactorily by substrate non-competitive inhibition model. The minimum concentration of nitrite which inhibits the nitrate and nitrite removal rate lowered with decreasing pH. In suspension runs, the minimum concentration of nitrous acid which inhibited the nitrite removal rate was 0.043 g-N/m3, while the nitrate removal rates was inhibited below 0.012 g-N/m3. Both in suspension and continuous packed column runs, nitrate removal was more sensitive against nitrite increase compared with nitrite removal. The minimum concentration of nitrite which inhibited nitrate removal rate in continuous packed column runs was lower than that in suspension runsAutotrophic bacteria, denitrification, inhibition, nitrite, sulfurRudi Nugroho
349Pengelolaan Air Limbah Domestik Di Dki JakartaWater pollution problem caused by household waste water in the region of DKI Jakarta, and more made worse by affecting of expanding settlement area in buffer zone around Jakarta which without provided with waste water facilities, so that all waste water thrown to public channel and finally flowing into river bodies in region of DKI Jakarta. To overcome the mentioned above Government of Province DKI Jakarta have released Regulation of Governor Province Special District Capital of Jakarta Number 122 Year 2005 About Management Of Domestic Water Waste In Province Special District Capital Of Jakarta. According To Regulation Of Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 122 Year 2005 Section 7 express that house building and non house building is obliged to manage domestic waste water before discharge to public channel or drainage. Planning of domestic waste water treatment installation which represent environmental utilities or building represent conditions in course of publication of Permit Directing Of Usage Of Land;Ground (SIPPT), Plan Arrange Situation Building ( RTLB), Permission Found Building (IMB), and awaking up of domestic waste water treatment installation represent conditions in course of publication of Permit of Building Usage (IPB) and Elegibility Use Building (KMB), and also licensing of operational of institution in charge related to such operational.Air limbah domestik, air limbah rumah tangga, pengelolaanNusa Idaman Said
350Rancangbangun Pompa Hidram Untuk Masyarakat PedesaanEnvironmental contamination and global climate change cause degradation of fresh water in the whole world. Increasing of oil price also insist the water treatment operational cost rise, especially for pumping and water lifting from the low land areas to up land. One of alternatif solution to reduce operational cost is using Hydraulic ram pumps (hydram pump). Hydram pump are water-lifting devices that are powered by filling water. Such pumps work by using the energy of water falling a small height to lift a small part of that amount of water to a much greater height. In this way, water from a spring or stream in a valley can be pumped to a village or irrigation scheme on the hillside. The main and unique advantage of hydram pumps is that with a continuous flow of water, a hydram pump operates automatically and continuously with no other external energy source - be it electricity or hydrocarbon fuel. It uses a renewable energy source (stream of water) mid hence ensures low running cost. Minimum up lifting vertical power of pump is twice than vertical distance of water down and maximum up lifting vertical power is twenty times than vertical distance of water down. If there are air captured in distribution pipe, it will need release valve. In this paper, different aspect of designing a hydraulic-rain pump system is discussed. Application and limitation of hydram pump is presented. It imparts absolutely no harm to the environment Hydraulic ram pumps are simple, reliable and require minimal maintenance. All these advantages make hydram pumps suitable to rural community water supply and mud backyard irrigation in developing countries.Air bersih pedesaan, pompa hidram, pengelolaan air bersihArie Herlambang dan Heru Dwi Wahjono
351Kondisi Pencemaran Lingkungan Perairan Di Teluk JakartaThe environment of the rivers surround Jakarta was polluted due to the increasing of the domestics and industrial waste as response to the rapid development of the anthropogenic activities within the city since the decades. As consequence, the carrying capacity of the water ecosystem was degraded including Jakarta Bay as the estuary of the passing rivers of the Jakarta City. This article briefly discusses the pollution problem within the Jakarta Bay that is supported by the data collected from various sources including the result from in-situ survey. The result has shown the fact of what the causing factors that stimulated the pollution problem within this area.Pencemaran Lingkungan Perairan. Teluk Jakarta, Pantai Utara Jakarta, Air Limbah DomestikSuhendar I. Sachoemar dan Heru Dwi Wahjono
352Disinfeksi Untuk Proses Pengolahan Air MinumWater disinfection means the removal, deactivation or killing of pathogenic microorganisms. Microorganisms are destroyed or deactivated, resulting in termination of growth and reproduction. When microorganisms are not removed from drinking water, drinking water usage will cause people to fall ill. Chemical inactivation of microbiological contamination in natural or untreated water is usually one of the final steps to reduce pathogenic microorganisms in drinking water. Combinations of water purification steps (oxidation, coagulation, settling, disinfection, and filtration) cause (drinking) water to be safe after production. As an extra measure many countries apply a second disinfection step at the end of the water purification process, in order to protect the water from microbiological contamination in the water distribution system. Usually one uses a different kind of disinfectant from the one earlier in the process, during this disinfection process. The secondary disinfection makes sure that bacteria will not multiply in the water during distribution. This paper describes several technique of disinfection process for drinking water treatment. Disinfection can be attained by means of physical or chemical disinfectants. The agents also remove organic contaminants from water, which serve as nutrients or shelters for microorganisms. Disinfectants should not only kill microorganisms. Disinfectants must also have a residual effect, which means that they remain active in the water after disinfection. For chemical disinfection of water the following disinfectants can be used such as Chlorine (Cl2), Hypo chlorite (OCl-), Chloramines, Chlorine dioxide (ClO2), Ozone (O3), Hydrogen peroxide etch. For physical disinfection of water the following disinfectants can be used is Ultraviolet light (UV). Every technique has its specific advantages and and disadvantages its own application area sucs as environmentally friendly, disinfection byproducts, effectivity, investment, operational costs etc.Disinfeksi, bakteria, virus, air minum, khlor, hip khlorit, khloramine, khlor dioksida, ozon, UVNusa Idaman Said
353Penyediaan Air Siap Minum Pada Situasi Tanggap Darurat Bencana AlamA response in an emergency condition is the most critical thing in natural disaster. In this situation, every thing is in a panic. Any decision must be taken tactically, quickly and property to minimize the number victims and severity as the impact of disaster. One of the response in an emergency is to provide facility of drinking water treatment unit which has to be located at the respective disaster area. This unit is designed compacly with high mobility, flexible and easily operated to fullfil the potable water need for the victims. The treatment processes use are filtration, adsorbtion and sterilization. The capacity is 1 M3/hour.Tanggap darurat, air minum, ultra filtrasi, bencana alam, mobilitas tinggi, tepat sasaranRobertus Haryoto Indriatmoko dan Wahyu Widayat
354Alternatif Teknologi Pengolahan Air Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Air Bersih Di Daerah Pemukiman NelayanPrimary water source of people in fisherman area in Kabupaten Pasir, Kalimantan Timur for daily water need generally is from surface water or deep well. Surface water is affected by water tide of sea water, so that almost all the time in a year the water quality is salty or brakish. Beside high salt concentration, deep well quality is also worst. This is caused by poor environmental sanitation of fisherman community. Rainy water use as water source alternative in problem solving for limited water drinking only provide in rainy season. Other alternative, people must find from other area where is far from their house or buy water with expensive price. To solve this critical problem is required the application of suitable water treatment technology. This water treatment technology must produce drinking water that meet technical standard and? the technology is applicable, easy and cheap in operation and maintenance because it is hoped that community in that area can manage, operate and maintenance.Penduduk nelayan, penyediaan air bersih, teknologi pengolahan air bersih.Taty Hernaningsih dan Satmoko Yudo
355Removal Of Commercial Anionic Detergent In Water Using Continuous Process Of Biological Reactor ?Synthetic detergents, mostly anionic detergents have been widely used in Indonesia over past two decades, similar to its use in other developing countries, and residuals from such use have entered the country's riverine and estuarine systems. Detergent problems have become more serious especially in urban areas where the spread of sewerage systems are still low, even in drinking water treatment process. According to this reason, it is important to develop low-cost technology to solve this problem such as developing biological treatment for removing detergents. Effects OF continuous adding of powdeR activated carbon (PAC) on biological removal of anionic detergent in continuous reactor was assessed. Results of these experiments showed that introduction of PAC into biological treatment of anionic detergent (ABS or LAS), has indicated significant effect on removal efficiency. Conducting continuous feeding of PAC into bench scale of continuous process system for removal of detergent has resulted better stability of MBAS removal efficiency, even when MLSS concentration in aeration tank dropped or MBAS concentration in influent water rose rapidly. With continuous addition of PAC, the MBAS removal efficiency was relatively constant even when the water temperature dropped rapidly. In other words, continuous feeding of PAC can improve the stability for shock loads or temperatures changes. At lower temperatures, micro organisms that were used for detergent removal in bench scale of continuous process system, need longer adaptation or acclimation periods compared with higher temperatures.: Commercial anionic detergent, biodegradation, biological reactor, powdered activated carbon (PAC)Nusa Idaman Said
356Tinjauan Teknologi Pengolahan Leachate Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (Tpa) Sampah PerkotaanLeachate is defined as a liquid, which flows through waste and extracts suspended material or their suspension. In most landfill, leachate is consist of liquids that go into the landfill, which originated from outside the landfill, such as surface drainage, rain water, ground water, water from spring water and other liquids which produced from waste decomposition. The existence of pollutant material or minerals in water body that is originated from leachate will propose the growth of microorganisms, which are harmful for human health and reduce the aesthetic. Leachate handling could be done with several methods, such as: utilization of hydrolic characteristics by ground water adjustment, thus the leachate flows would not go into the direction of ground water. Another way of leachate handling are: landfill isolation, in order to prevent the inflow of external water and the outflow of leachate water; site selection of an area, which has a good capability of pollutant neutralization; leachate recirculation to be redirected to the solid waste pile; flowing the leachate to domestic waste treatment system and leachate processing with a certain system. Some processing techniques that are often to be used are: physical-chemical processing, such as coagulation-flocculation-settling; aerobic processing (activated sludge, stabilization pond or aeration pond); anaerobic processing, such as stabilization pond and utilization of sorption characteristics, such as active carbon. The aerobic stabilization pond system is suitable for Indonesian condition due to the availability of sunlight, simple, relatively cheap and their capability of BOD reduction above of 90% and COD reduction of above 80%.Leachate, TPA sampah, teknologi pengolahan.Wahyu Purwanta
357Aplikasi Teknologi Pengadaan Air Bersih Di Empat Desa Tertinggal Di Bengkulu SelatanIn County South Bengkulu there are 4 villages classified into poor villages. Those villages do not have some principal facilities yet, such as clean water supply system and electricity. To fulfill clean water need, the people use shallow groundwater which has very bad quality. The groundwater contains Fe (1.7 ppm) and Mn (0.7 ppm). The contents are much more than the standard quality allowed by WHO. The groundwater colour is also a little bit brown. To deal with those problems, BPPT (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology) has tried to apply a water treatment system which is supported by a solar cell system producing the electricity. The electric energy is used for pumping the groundwater. The water treatment has a mainly important process which is accommodated in a multy media filter. The media include coarse coral, find coral, sand silica, manganese zeolite and activated carbon. The media filter can reduce the contaminants (Fe & Mn) and remove the odour effectively. The complete water treatment system has been applied successfully in the 4 villages (one for each village).Clean Water Supply TechnologyP. Nugro Rahardjo
358Phenomena Intrusi Dasar Di Teluk Hurun LampungResearch aimed to learn and know the bottom intrusion mechanism in Hurun Bay Lampung. Three kinds surveys were conducted consist of mooring survey, synoptic oceanographic survey and 25 hour survey. The monitoring data of water temperature indicated that at Hurun Bay occurred bottom intrusion from middle February until early July. The mass water was colder, more saline and contained less DO than the overlaying water. These phenomena may be caused by eastern monsoon from Java Sea to Lampung Bay and Hurun Bay. Vertical profile distribution showed that there are significant different in temperature, salinity and DO between surface and bottom layer. Along bottom deeper than 22m were identified as a termocline layer which was colder and more saline and contained less DO. Result of 25 hour survey resumed that the lowest DO in this water mass appeared in early July and it propagated from offshore to the coast with velocity 0.07 m/s. This condition will be a treatment for marine cultivation stakeholder in this areaBottom Intrusion, HypoxiaArif Dwi Santoso
359Rancangbangun Sistem Database Kualitas Air Limbah
Rumah Sakit

Environmental pollution that happened around us in this time have resided in condition of concerning. The environmental quality recovering is not only becoming responsibility of government, but becoming responsibility of all society, especially who was causing the environmental pollution itself. Some metropolitans like Jakarta has domestic waste as dominant waste, which is not dominant hostpital waste also contributes environmental pollution in Jakarta.To decrease the pollution level of wastewater from hospital, the government of Jakarta has published the environmental regulation. The regulation contains how the hospitals in Jakarta should manage and process their wastewater. This article explain about the design and development of database system for managing the data of hospital wastewater quality, so the observation process of wastewater quality from the wastewater treatment plant for the hospital can be monitored easily and known immediately.
database kualitas air, kualitas air limbah rumah sakit, IPAL rumah sakitHeru Dwi Wahjono
360Aplikasi Teknologi Pengolahan Air Asin...
Desa Tarupa Kecamatan Taka Bonerate Kabupaten Selayar
Takabonerate is one of the 23 regencies in South Sulawesi where it is locates at the southern parth of South Sulawesi Province and it is surrounded by flores sea. As maritime regency, its mainland is 1,188.28 km2 (5.23%) and the sea is approximately 21,138.41 km2 (94.68%). It has 126 islands wich consist of small and big islands. Tarupa village?s a subdistrict located in a tidy and peat area. The community living in tarupa use surface water of river as the main clean water resource. The surface water is influenced by the tide of sea water. The surface water taste is very salty (TDS>12000ppm). The use of rain water as the second alternative is very limited, i.e it is only in rainy season. To deal with the chronic problem, such as the lack of clean water supply, it needs an appropriate water treatment technology. The suitable water treatment system is a combination of conventional and advanced technology. Desalination, such as Reverse Osmosis must be involved to reduce salinity of the raw water. A complete process includes the pretreatment and advance treatment. The pretreatment are oxidation and some common filtrations. The advance treatment is a molecular filtration using a membran which the principal is reverse osmosis pressure. If the pilot water treatment plant is avalaible in Tarupa in Takabonerate, the clean water supply will not be a serious problem. Generally, it can also play an important role to increase the social level of community in South Sulawesi..Teknologi, pengolahan, air asin, reverse osmosis, air minum.Wahyu Widayat