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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Menampilkan 141-160 dari 814 item.
141Proses Biologis Untuk Pengolahan Air Minum.Dengan semakin tingginya konsentrasi zat pencemar di dalam air baku air minum, maka kemungkinan terbentuknya senyawa mikro polutan misalnya trihalomethane dan senyawa kholrophenol yang dapat menyebabkan kanker sebagai akibat proses klorinasi dalam proses pengolahan air minum semakin bertambah besar. Salah satu alternatif untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut yakni dengan melakukan pengolahan pendahuluan secara biologis pada di dalam proses pengolahan air minum. Dari hasil percobaan, proses pendahuluan secara biologis ini dapat menghilangkan deterjen lebih dari 90 %.Mikro Pulutan, Trihalomethane, Khlorophenol, FilterIr. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Sc.
142Proses ?Aerasi Kontak? Menggunakan Media Arang Kayu Untuk Mengurangi Deterjen Dalam Air BakuAlong with the increase of population and industries in Indonesia especially in DKI Jakarta, the river?s water quality for raw water supply for drinking water treatment is decreasing. And society?s growing concern towards sanitation prompted an increase in the usage of detergents as a cleaning item. In effect, waste excerted by these items contributes to that decrease. This decrease in river?s water quality has increase the expense needed to process drinking water out of it. At this time, PAM (Drinking Water Enterprise) use Active Carbon Powder to remove the detergents from raw water by the adsorption method. The Active Carbon Powder is the main reason behind the increase expense as the powder is quite expensive. To counter the problem, an alternative method is a biological process such as an Aeration Contact using a charcoal as a medium. The process utilizes microbe activities within the river?s water itself. Previous experiments resulted in this : A process with a hydraulic retention time of six hours result in a 90,95 % efficiency rate of detergents removal and a 72,22 % efficiency rate of other organic substance removal.Proses biologis, aerasi kontak, deterjen, senyawa organikNusa Idaman Said dan Ruliasih Marsidi
143Profil Perubahan Amonium, Nitrit Dan Nitrat Pada Percobaan Curah Dari PDAM Bogor Dan SurabayaAmonium, Nitrit, NitratTeknologi
144Produksi Xilanase Menggunakan Media Limbah Pertanian Dan PerkebunanWaste Agriculture of paddy like hay, bran, chaff and frond of banana and also waste plantation of coconut root and cangkang of sawit pregnant [of] lignoselulosa (cellulose, lignine and hemiselulosa). In order to searching alternative materials for the production of xylanase hence done by research of xylanase production of agriculture waste and plantation waste like the above. Xylanase produced from Bacillus stearothermopillus DSM 22, using hay, bran, chaff and frond of banana and also coconut root and cangkang of sawit as source of carbon while as source of nitrogen and nutrisi by molasses and urea. Fermentation done in the erlenmeyer use incubator shaker with condition of temperature 550C, pH early 8, and agitation 250 rpm. From result of research obtained activity of xylanase highest 0.523 Unit / ml.menit and 0.429 Unit / ml.menit at to 30 hours with bran media of oven ( DO) and natural hay ( JA) respectively with natural bran medium (DA) activity of xylanase highest 0.514 Unit / ml.menit at 24 hours fermentation. Fermentation using fermentor with natural hay and condition of temperature 550C, pH 8, and agitation 250 rpm result activity of xylanase highest 2.47 Unit / ml.menit at to 32 hours.Xylanase, B. stearothermophillus DSM 22, enzyme activityTrismilah dan Deden Rosid Waltam
145Produksi Gas Metana Dari Pengolahan Sampah Perkotaan Dengan Sistem SelSolidwaste, Metana, Cell SystemTeknologi
146Produksi dan Formulasi Bioinsektida dan Propagul Aktif Jamur Beauveriabassiana Tondano is a natural and biggest lake in North Sulawesi which some strategic functions i.e for irrigation, source of drinking water, hydropower, freshwater culture, tourisms, overflow control. Wide of Tondano Lake is about 46 ? 51 km2. There are 35 streams as inlet and one outlet only is Tondano Stream. Tondano Lake has some problems caused by many activities both in downstream area or around of the lake. People?s activities such as land clearing for plantation in downstream area, freshwater culture and daily people?s activities around of the lake had been organic material contribution in the lake waters. It has caused of water hyacinth booming (Eichornia crassipes (Malt) (Soms), erosion and sedimentation. Nowadays water hyacinth has been covered about 20% of Tondano Lake?s wide. Besides reduce of waters quality, water hyacinth booming has been made problems for hydropower and traffic in lake waters to the outlet. Because of that problems, Tondano Lake needs concern for intensif management.Beauveria bassiana, bionsecticide, production technology, formulationUntung Suwahyono dan Priyo Wahyudi
147Preparasi Deinococcus Radiodurans Dan Khamir Dalam Material Kecap L-Drying?Viabilitas, Deinococcus, khamir, L-pengeringan, ProficiencyTeknologi
148Preliminary Study: Phytoremediation Of Carwash Wastewater By Using Vetiver Grasslimbah cair pencucian mobil, phitoremediasi, tanaman VetiverTeknologi Pengolahan Air;
149Prediksi Parameter -Parameter Biofisik Tanaman Padi Dari Data Gro Undspectro Meter?Hyperspectral, NDSI , spectral indices, PLSR, ground-based spectroradiometerTeknologi
150Prediksi Fluks Karbon Organik Terlarut Dari Sungai-Sungai Utama Di Jawa Ke LautStream plays an important role on carbon cycle due to its role to deliver carbon from land to sea. Smaller creeks in the mountaineous area are main sources of DOC. In total, Indonesian streams contribute around 10% of global DOC intake to the ocean. Based on reasearch, DOC concentration in Java streams is higher that those in the world, that is around 929 uMol/l. DOC flux is reflected by stream debit that relates on precipitation where rainy season is higher than in dry season. DOC flux of 8 streams in Java is about 0.000923 GtC/year. Extrapolation of all streams in Java show that DOC flux in the island is about 0,00256 GtC/year (12,19%) of all streams in Indonesia or about 1.02-1.51% of all rivers in the world, that is 170-250 Tg C/year or 0,64-1,02% of all rivers in the world based on global DOC export that is 0,25-0,4 GtC/year. Of the total DOC flux, 27% flows into Java Sea, 61% into Madura Strait and 13% into Hindian Ocean. The higher yield of DOC in Java relates to high population. In the end, above facts highlight expert hypothesis that smaller creeks in mountaineous area is major source of organic carbon into the ocean, significantly higher that predicted before.DOC, organic carbon, river, Jawa, flux.Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, Hidayat Pawitan, Etty Riany, Edvin Aldrian
151Potret Kondisi Perairan Di Pulau Karang Congkak
Kepulauan Seribu, Dki Jakarta
Pulau Panggang in Kepulauan Seribu district have many small corall island sand, many reef flat the island. Approximately have four island reefs and there are relatively wide, that are a P. Karang Semak Daun, P. Karang Beras, P. Karang Congkak and P. Karang Bongkok. Karang Congkak Island has reef flat and its area is more than 169,36 Ha, while land area is just only 0,6 Ha and 0,5 ? 2 meter depth. Water quality include temperature distribution about 29,8 ? 30,4 oC, dissolved oxygen 6,001 ? 7,110 mg/L, salinity 32,891 ? 33,214 PSU, turbidity 0,518 ? 1,944 FTU,chlorophyll 0,204 ? 0,563 ug/L and pH about 8,505 -8,592 and its quality relative normal. Current velocity about 0,102 ? 0,407 m/s at the reef flat, this conditions is relative height all along monsoon until corall reff many a massive type, at the some location have good corall conditon. Karang Congkak Island has potency for tourism maritime. Determining of sea protection at Karang Congkak island is very useful to preserve remainder corall reef existence.reef flat, waters quality, preserve areaAgung Riyadi
152Potensi Tumbuhan Liar Dari Lokasi Penampungan Limbah Tailing PT.Antam Cikotok Untuk FiteromendasiDetoxification of cyanide contaminated soils and waters with plants seems to be a feasible option in these decades. The plant types that are of particular interest for use as remediation are those that absorb, store and under certain circumstances, detoxify contaminants. Since plants vary in their ability to accumulate specific contaminants, it is necessary to identify candidate plant species that can both accumulate and tolerate the contaminants of concern at a given site. For this purpose screening appropriate plant species adapted to local conditions should be seriously considered. Therefore this study aims to characterized plants that grow under extreme contaminated media of gold mined sites i.e tailing dam that belongs to PT ANTAM Cikotok and to analyse the capacity of their potency as hyperaccumulator. The results showed that some plant species, which grow in the contaminated areas, indicated high tolerance and potentially affective in accumulating cyanide in their roots and above ground portions. Some of these plants are known as cover crops i.e Centrocema pubescens Beth and Mucuna purients DC. Other species are Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M King and H. Robinson, Cleome aspera Koen ex Dc, Jussieua peruviana, Melastoma malabatricum Liin, Mikania cordata (Burm.f.) B.L.Rob, Paspalum conjugatum Berg that known as weeds and Solanum torvum Swartz that known as vegetable. As candidate species, these plants need to be studied integratedly and utilized as hyperaccumulators for cleaning up the contaminated sites.Plants, phytoremediation, accumulator, cyanide.Titi Juhaeti, F. Syarif, N. Hidayati
153Potensi Sumberdaya Air Tanah Di urabaya Berdasarkan Survei Geolistrik Tahanan JenisSurabaya merupakan salah satau kota terbesar di Indonesia dan sebagai pusat kegiatan (baik kegiatan industri, kependudukan, ekonomi maupun pemerintahan) di Jawa Timur khususnya dan Indonesia bagian timur pada umumnya. Seiring dengan hal tersebut maka Surabaya menghadapi banyak permasalahan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan air tanah. Akibat ketidakseimbangan antara pengisian (recharge) dengan pengambilan (discharge) air tanah akan menurunkan tinggi muka air tanah yang pada gilirannya mengakibatkan intrusi air laut, amblesan tanah dan kekurangan air bersih bagi masyarakat. Geometri, distribusi dan kedalaman akifer harus diketahui untuk dapat memecahkan permasalahn sumberdaya air tanah. Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui karakteristik akifer adalah dengan surve geolistrik tahanan jenis. Metode ini pada dasarnya adalah mengukur tahanan jenis material yang ada di bawah tanah dengan melewatkan arus listrik tertentu kedalam tanah dan kemudian mengukur perbedaan potensial antara dua titik. Berdasarkan survei ini, kondisi bawah tanah Surabaya terdiri dari 4 jenis batuan yaitu lapisan tanah (soil), batulempung, batulempung pasiran, dan batupasir. Akifer di Surabaya terbagi menjadi akifer dangkal/ akifer bebas (< 20 m) yang terdiri dari endapan alluvial dan akifer dalam/ akifer tertekan (> 60 m) yang terdiri dari batupasir.Akifer ini tersebar merata di seluruh Surabaya hanya ketebalannya yang berbeda.Geolistrik, Tahanan Jenis, AkuiferMardi Wibowo
154Potensi Sumberdaya Air di Selatan Gunung Tampomas Selatan Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa BaratTampomas mountain areas can be divided 2 types of aquifer : volcano sediment aquifer and sediment aquifer. Volcano sediment aquifer is a free aquifer sedimentation, because there was not impermeable rock existing under or bellow it, this aquifer also known as shallow or surface aquifer. Sediment aquifer is a depressed aquifer where the water flow along the sandstone layer which covered by claystone and water flow through the pore. This sediment aquifer are deep aquifer. Ground water at sumedang area can be divide as : ground water on volcanic quarter sedimentation and ground water on consolidate rock.
The type of water source at the reaserch area can be devide into 3 ways : Depressed water resources formed by land surface which is cutting the watter table, Shear water source which formed by the crack / shear structure or sesar path, and contact water source which shown at the tertiery rock (impermeable) and quartery rock (permeable).
This reaserch using geofisical methode Imaging Resistivity to result interpretation that on the south Tampomas Mountain predicted had 4 aquifer potention resource (A,B,C,D), whith aquifer thickness vaariated from (5-15)m, (30-50)m and more than 50 m. Several water source surface cases found in this reaserch area at 20-30 m depth which predict as the water table. This indicated there are very large aquifer at 500 m level and assume this level as a potential places for ground water exist at the south Tampomas mountain
aquifer, imaging resistivity, water resources.Wahyu Garinas dan Wahyu Hidayat
155Potensi Serapan Co2 Pada Beberapa Jenis Pohon Tumbuh Cepat Di Hutan Rawa Gambut?Serapan CO2, pohon cepat tumbuh, hutan rawa gambut, Kalimantan Tengah.Teknologi
156Potensi Sampah Kota Sebagai Bahan Baku Kompos Untuk Mendukung Kebutuhan Pupuk?Sumberdaya lahan pertanian, pupuk organik, sampah kota, kompos, kemandirian pangan.Teknologi
157Potensi Salvinia Molesta D.S. Mitchell, Limnocharis Flava (L.) Buchenau Dan Monochoria Vaginalis?Phytoextraction, Hg, Salvinia molesta, Limnocharis flava, Monochoria vaginalisTeknologi
158Potensi Pencemaran Limbah Cair Industri Pengolahan Ikan di Kecamatan MuncarFish processing industries in Muncar-Banyuwangi have increased the welfare of the people there and made this area known as the major fish producer in Indonesia. More than 50% of its production has been exported to many countries and the rest has fulfilled domestic need. Although fish processing industry has developed quickly, its industrial pollution effect hasn?t been handled well so that it polluted the surrounding envionment especially water surface. It happened because of using water for industrial need reached 17.883,2 m3 /day and almost all industries haven?t provided a good wastewater installalion so that the environment couldn?t handle and neutrilize the wastes. This paper explains condition of fish processing industries and potential load of the wastewater produced by them.: Industri Pengolahan Ikan, Limbah Cair Industri, Pencemaran Lingkungan, Informasi.Setiyono dan Satmoko Yudo
159Potensi Mikroba Penitrifikasi Kawasan Pertambakan Udang Tanjung Pasir, TangerangHigh concentration of ammonia in shrimps pond sediment due to the accumulation of feed excessive will become negative impact to the shrimp culture. Therefore, Increasing the indigenous microbial abilities in minimizing toxicity effect of ammonia through biotransformation of ammonia into nitrite and nitrate is very important for shrimp growth and health. Isolation and identification of nitrifying microbes has been done. The number of microbes isolated form shrimps pond are six namely 2p, 2k, 3p, 1p, 3k, and 2. The number of isolated microbes in aquaculturing pond (T-bd) is five and in post harvest pond (T-pp) is three. In T-bd samples, autotroph nitrifying microbes are 2(k), 2(p) and 3(p), but 1(p) and 3(k) as heterotroph nitrifying microbes. And in T-pp samples, autotroph nitrifying microbe is 3(p), except 2 and 3(k) as heterotroph nitrifying microbes. The rank of effectivness In nitrifying activity is 2k, 3p and 2p respectivelyBioremediasi, Kualitas Air, Nitrifikasi, Tambak UdangWage Komarawidjaja dan Hanies Ambarsari
160Potensi Limbah Industri Pertanian di P3G Pertanian Jangari, Cianjur - Pemanfaatan Limbah Kepala IkanThis article discusses the potency waste fisheries industry in case study P3G Jangari Cianjur as an effort of increasing added value of fillet waste of Pangasius pangasius. One of the alternative technique is dried hypophyses (pituitary glands). The dried hypophyses can be produced from fillet waste of Pangasius pangasius. Hypophyses should be collected from mature, freshly killed Pangasius. They should then be dehydrated and stored. These dried hypophyses will be needed for the preparation of the hormonal extract to be injected into the Pangasius breeders for inducing their maturation.Pangasius pangsius, dried hypophyses, waste fisheries industryEsi Lisyastuti, Erma Najmiyati dan Titiresmi