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1 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih 104
2 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah 86
3 Teknologi Pengelolaan Air 7
4 Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah 22
5 Teknologi Pemantauan Gas 12
6 Teknologi Lingkungan 535
7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 33
8 Teknologi Penanganan POPs 15
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Masih Test
Menampilkan 401-420 dari 814 item.
401Peralatan Pemantau Penggunaan EnergiMonitoring equipment is very usefull to measure many kind of actual operation parameter of energy equipment dan also to compare with the design parameter to determine if the energy efficiency will be increased. In this paper, it is discussed the monitoring parameter for electricity system AC & DC and parameter for combustion monitoring equipment.Indriyati dan Djoko Padmono
402Modifikasi Putaran Fan Untuk Meningakatan Efesiensi Pemakaian EnergiApplication of Environment technology through Cleaner Production execution can be done by a simple method and sometimes don't require big investment expense. Improvement of efficiency energy consumption at fan/blower usage is not only give financial profit but also give benefit to environment.
At applying Cleaner Production improvement of efficiency fan at cement plant done by rotation modification fan. This effort succeed to improve the usage of efficiency energy at fan equal to 6.652 kW or reduce 30 % from 22,097 Watt become 15,445 Watt, if it is calculated the energy efficiency then the electrics efficiency was 39.912 kWh/Year or equivalent with reduction of emission of 28.9 ton CO2/year and financially also got the cost-saving energy ( electrics price assumption of 1 kWh = Rp 512,-)of amount Rp 20.4 Million, while the investment expense spent was equal to Rp 250.000,-
environmental energy efficiencyPrasetiyadi
403Perubahan Tipe Batu Tahan Api Pada Klin Semen untuk Menambah Efesiensi ProduksiCement is produced in kiln reactor which has been installed with refractory, in order to protect the kiln shell of high temperature during the process, of chemicals and mechanical abrasion. Fire bricks are the most material for refractory, hence it is necessary to carefully select and properly installed. In this way it will contribute to save heat. Various types of fire bricks will have its characteristic to deal with. Appropriate placement of fire brick is aimed at avoiding unfastened and increasing its life time. Referring to the observations in one of cement factory, it showed us that kiln shut down occurred for 3-4 times in a year due to refractory problem. This shut down will reduce energy efficiency, rising operational cost as of starting up kiln using IDO, loosing production time including additional hours for maintenance staff to fix it.Kiln, refractory, fire brick, cleaner production, cementWiharja
404Pengaruh Kebocoran Vakum Terhadap Efesiensi Energi di PabrikEquipments for cement production such as kiln, pre-heater and raw mill was operated in vacuum pressure with the range of -2 until -1000 mm WG. It is quite often that inside of those equipments has been cracked and worn out. This situation will allow air ingression to the system which is called false air. False air is also known as vacuum leak. False air in cement kiln can contribute to higher consumption of fuel, as for increasing air infiltration temperature from ambient to the system will need more fuel.Vacuum leak, false air, cement, fuel savingWiharja dan Widiatmini Sih Winanti
405Pemasangan Variable Speed Drivers (VDS) Pada Fan Untuk Menurunkan Penggunaan Listrik Di IndustriThere are over 90 fans used throughout Plant assessment for a variety of tasks within the cement making process. Many of the fans used on site are controlled and monitored from the Central Control Room (CCR). Whilst looking at the controls for some of these fans the CP-EE team observed that many of them have inlet guide vane (IGV) or damper controls that were closed to some extent and are not operating at best efficiencies. Mosr of all the fans in Plant assessment has the best potential for energy savings. The CP-EE option to optimize fan use is by Installing VSD to control fan with fluctuation load. The original investment for this project is Rp 1,250,000,000.00 or approximately US$136,000,00 (1US$ = Rp 9,200). Where the feasibility study shows that the electricity saving can achieve 5.530.120 kWH per year, Annual Cash Inflow per Year: Rp 2,942,023,799.30, or approximately US$ 320,000 Payback Period 5 month, GHG Emission 4,608.4 MWH x 0.724 = 3,336.41 TCO2/y. New installation will just be accomplished at the end of March for 6 (six) inverters in grate 2 and 3 while the other 6 (six) in grate 1 is planed to be accomplished at the beginning of December. VSD Panel will be placed in MCC location.cement, Fan, Variable Speed Drive (VSD), optimize.Teguh Prayudi
406Peningkatan Faktor Daya Dengan Pemasangan Bank Kapasitor Untuk Penghematan Listrik Di Industri Sementhat the installation of Capacitor bank at power factor in plant assessment can increase energy use up to 3 MVA, with this increasing automatically the energy can be used for other equipment. Therefore, the prediction of cost saving from electricity can raised more than 11 billion rupiahs. Even though, the installation of capacitor bank, cannot be implemented considering the high cost, but it is the main priority of the management.cement, Electrical, Capacitor bankTeguh Prayudi dan Wiharja
407Measurement Of Selected Pripincal Organic Hazardous Consituent (POHC) In Cement KlinThis paper presents the measurement of a selected principal organic hazardous constituent (POHC) injected into cement kiln that burned waste derived synthetic fuel. The POHC selected for the test was tetrachloroethane (more commonly known as perchloroethylene, or just PERC). The conditions of the kiln tested were maintained at its normal operation.The results will be used to calculate a destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) capability of that cement kiln. Thus, the test was assumed to be able to simulate the performance of a cement kiln acting as a waste combustor in destructing toxic waste. The test protocol was based upon the full set of procedures mandated by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) designed to demonstrate sufficient destruction of organic constituents, by demonstrating a 99.9999% DRE. It was found that all measurement data of POHC resulted DRE values higher than the limit of 99.9999%. As a conclusion, the cement kiln test has demonstrated the capability for achieving performance required for incineration of organic constituents.POHC, PERC, waste derived synthetic fuel, kilnKardono
408Perbaikan Jalur distribusi Stem Untuk Penghematan Steam Pada Industri KertasSteam is water in vapor condition with certain temperature and pressure that produced in boiler. Steam is widely used as an energy transfer media in many industries because steam has several advantage such as flexible and easy to control and can be produced efficiently and economically. Another advantage of using steam as energy sources is cheap and easy to distribute to user point and the energy is easy to be transfer to the industrial process. To reach the user points, steam need to distribute through distribution lines that consist of pipeline, flanges, steam traps, valves, joins, etc., including insulation system. Poor maintenance in steam distribution is one of the source of significant energy loses. Repairing of steam distribution system in a paper industry with replacing/ repairing more than 160 steam traps, pipelines, condensate leaking and pipelines insulation can reduce the consumption of steam about 5% of total steam consumption or about 30,517 tons per year and can give financial saving about Rp. 3,295,280,000,-. The natural gas consumption reduces about 45,887.64 tons per year and reducing greenhouse gas emission about 311,163 tons CO2. This activity need an initial investment about Rp. 1,800,000,000 and the payback period is 0.55 year.steam, distribution system, steam traps, energy savingWidiatmini Sih Winanti
409Perhitungan Efesiensi Boiler Pada Industri Tepung TeriguBoiler is an enclosed vessel that consume significant amount of fuel for heating water to become heated water or steam. The hot water or steam under pressure is then usable for transferring the heat to a process. Water is a useful and inexpensive medium for transferring heat to process. One of the methods for fuel consumption efficiency in boiler operation is maintain the steam production efficiency always in high performance, therefore can utilize the energy input as much as possible to produce steam. Boiler efficiency calculation can be calculated using direct method and indirect method. Each method has its advantage and disadvantage. The results of calculation can be used as guidance for industry to improve the boiler performance to become more efficient, that can reduce fuel consumption and production cost. The result of boiler efficiency calculation in flour industry is 69.6%. This result show that the boiler performance is under good efficiency standard for boiler 85%.Boiler, efficiency, direct methods, indirect methods.Widiatmini Sih Winanti dan Teguh Prayudi
410Perawatan Sistem Intercooler Untuk Penghematan Energi Pada Industri PupukThe option of cleaner production of energy efficiency in the good maintenance on energy saving one of them was in the system of the water cooler from the intercooler system..The process unit of ammonia, urea production and the power house in the fertilizer industry needed 600 m3/jam cooling water approximately 60 % the requirement for cooling water from all over the requirement for the factory (reached 900 m3/jam).Several critical heat exchangers that use cooling water for process cooling, abnormally high process-out temperatures were noted. For example, the intercoolers (124CA & 124CB) of the Syn Gas Compressor (103J) are operating with Syn Gas outlet temperatures of 63?C and 51?C respectively, versus a target of 38.6?C. This excessive temperature will affect the performance of the downstream Chiller Plant and cause abnormally high-energy consumption. The improvement of system and equipment was carried out against intercooler 124CA in the fertilizer industry as well as was done by the replacement and maintenance that produced the decline temperature from 63 o C to 52 o C. This decline could be done by saving of energy of cooling water reached 2.62 MMBTU/hour so as to be able to reduce the disposal of greenhouse gases through to 422.293,733 tonne CO2/the year.Fertilizer industry, Cooling water systemDjoko Padmono
411Flue Gas Desulfurization For 2 X 6 MW Coal Fired Power PlantA study on a mine mouth coal fired power plant has been done and showed that a 2x6 MW electricity output coal fired power plant is feasible to be installed when it uses rejected coal. The rejected coal mostly contains high sulfur (~3% dry basis), and has low calorific value (4700 Kcal/kg). From an environmental point of view, the SO2 emission from the combustion of high sulfur containing coal has to be controlled in order to comply with the government regulation. Besides, ash content of the coal which produces the particulates need to be captured by cyclones to have particle concentration below the standard. This paper calculates the particulate and SO2 emissions and estimates the the size and number of cyclones used as well as the amount of lime slurry utilized in the in Flue Gas Desulfurization using a spray-dry scrubber type. Utilizing a 4.7% ash content and a 3% sulfur content of coal as a fuel, the prediction of particulate and SO2 emission are about 570 mg/m3 and 2580 mg/m3, respectively. In order to meet the respective particulate and SO2 emission standards of 150 and 750 mg/m3, it could employ a 4-conventional type cyclones with a 0.5 m2 each of inlet area having around 80% efficiency, and a SO2 control device of spray-dry scrubber type with a capture efficiency of at least 75%. The scrubber has to utilize lime between 376 and 504 kg Ca(OH)2/ hour, with continuous addition between 23% and 30%, and re-cycled between 77% and 70% of it.coal, desulfurization, SO2 emissionKardono and Cahyadi
412Pemanfaatan Ladang Gas Marginal Untuk Suplai Sektor Tranportasi Di Wilayah PanturaAs the oil energy demand for the transportation sector in the northern of Java coastal area is high, that area has a high potential for oil substitution to gas. The substitution not only can reduce oil consumption but can also can reduce pollutant emissions from oil combustion. The substitution, gas besides can be supplied from the existing gas fields, but also can be supplied from marginal gas fields that are in the Java coastal areas.An analysis result showed that gas utilization from marginal gas fields needs to be reconsidered, because the gas reserve in the marginal gas field in that area in relatively small and it is not enough infrastructure to utilized that gas fields for that area.Gas fuel, Transportation, Clean energyIrawan Rahardjo
413Analisis Kebutuhan Air Tanaman Padi Dan Palawija Di Desa Batu Betumpang,Kabupaten Bangka SelatanWater is natural resources required absolutely by living creature, role of water for the plant is bringing nutrient element from inside the ground to leaf for photosynthesis process and distributing the photosynthesis outcome to all body tissue. Determination of the amount of crop water requirement can be observed with measuring empirical equation. From calculation outcome of water requirement for rice and second crop (planted after race) and an available water overdraught, the paddy planting patten (rain season) and being by second crop (beginning dry season) is preferable planting pattern.At planting period of rainy season can be planted rice as wide as 2.797 hectar and in the second planting season (tuming) was planted second crop as wide as 1.762 hectare.water requirement, rice, scond cropSudaryono dan Ikhwanuddin Mawardi
414Strategi Pengembangan Energi Nasional Untuk Mendukung Pembangunan BerkelanjutanSocial awarrness, of the reduction and limitation of fossil fuel resource (oil) in one side, and of various other energy resources available to be utilized in other side, encourage us to shift the energy policy to use the renewable energy resources. In order to optimize usage of the renewable energy resources as a substitution to fulfil the energy supply, an appropriate strategy is required to manage the resources. In this paper, some strategies will be suggested as inputs to the govermentm in formulating energy policies.New Energy, Management Strategy of New Energy,Ikhwanuddin Mawardi
415Konservasi Lahan Marginal Berpasir Melalui Penanaman Buah Naga (Hylocereus Polyrhizus)An effort to do conservation of sandy marginal land through cultivation of dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) was carried out. As cactus plants, dragon fruit plants (Hylocereus polyrhizus) have good adaptation to sandy soil. To prove that dragot fruit plants coud be productive in sandy soil, the experiments with different types of media were carried out. Explants were obtained from tissue cultured experiments. The experiment was done using Completely Randomized Design with 6 treatments and 5 replications. The medium treatments were: soil, sand, soil+sand, soil+organic fertilizer, sand+organic fertilizer, and soil+sand+organic fertilizer. The results of statistical analysis after 3 month planting showed that there was no distinct difference among treatments for additional shoot. The highest additional fresh weight and the highest root fresh weight were obtained from the treatment of soil+organic fertilizer. However, no distinct difference between soil+organic fertilizer and sand+organic fertilizer for additional fresh weight. There was different between treatment of sand and treatment of sand+organic fertilizer. In the case of root fresh weight, There was no difference among treatments,except with treatment of soil.Sandy marginal land, Hylocereus polyrizus, dragon fruit.Fadliah Salim,Tuti Suryati, dan Titiresmi
416Studi Zonasi Agro-Ekologi Dengan Teknologi Remote Sensing Dan GIS (Studi Kasus:Kabupaten TanahDatar)Agro-ecological zoning in Tanah Datar Distric by using remote sensing ang GIS aims to evaluate land resources suitability corresponding to sustainable agricultural development. The stages of the study starting from planning and methodology, secondary data collection, pre-processing, field survey, up to agro-ecological analysis. Description of the study area are presented on this paper in order to know the illustration of geographic location, landscape, land type, and local climate. The analysis of the data and information is done by remote sensing and GIS soft-ware. The agricultural commodities are clustured into four categories, consisted of: food crops, vegetables, and plantation crops. The results are presented in both spatially and numerically as well. The data and information of the land suitability study can be used as references for selecting local priority crops which would be extended for agricultural developmen.remote sensing and GIS, sustainable agricultural developmentMubekti, Andi Rahmadi, Gatot Hendrarto
Bambang Winarno, dan Laju Ghandarum
417Penelitian Kualitas Air Danau Aneuk Laot di Pulau Weh Propinsi NangroeAneuk Laot Lake is situated inWeh island in the north of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province. It is an important source of water supply for the local people in Weh island. At the moment there is a problem faced by the local government concerning with this lake since the water level become decreasing significantly. Various anticipation emerge among others the existence of earthquake in big scale capable to enlarge breaking residing in lake base and also pumping of lake water by PDAM town of Sabang. A researching, therefore, to be conducted to know cause of decrease of lake water of Aneuk Laot. This research was carried out in August and September 2005danau, Pulau Weh ,penyediaan air , kualitasHerman Edyanto
418Ecological And Ekonomic Aspect Of Complex Agroforest Systems in IndonesiaEcologically the agroforest systems could be comparable to mature secondary forests. The multispecies and multilayer structure of the vegetation create condition, in which flow of nutrient between different plant species is favoured and nutrient loss is kept at minimum level. Agroforest systems are managed sustainably by the farmers. Agroforest systems play important role in agricultural economy in Indonesia and are important sources of income for millions of smallholder farmers. From viewpoint of socio-economic aspects, agroforest systems can be considered as social forestry. So they could be complemented with overall forest policy and development. Development of agroforest systems as sustainable farming methods in Indonesia needs better knowledge on the interaction between trees and other vegetation components; biology of wild fruit and timber producing trees, end products processing and marketing.agroforest, biodiversity, nutrient cycle, economyTitiresmi dan Yudhi Soetrisno Garno
419Agroforestry as A From Of Land Use With Emphasis to Complex Agroforest in IndonesiaAgroforestry as land use management systems have been practised by local communities in Indonesia for centuries. Agroforestry systems in Indonesia can be found as densely vegetated pieces of land. This multispecies and multilayer vegetation structures is an ingenious answer of local communities combining management of small pieces of land for multiple products in an efficient manner. Agroforestry systems harbour a rich collection of plant and animals, despite the commercial orientation of the management.agroforest, damar, homegardenTitiresmi
420Teknik Biomonitoring Sebagai Alternatif "Tool" Pemantauan Kualitas Lingkungna PerairanIn order to improve environmental quality and to prevent environmental sustainability, It is necessary to establish the measurement tools of relevant environmental parameter to distinguish the anticipated change. Because the establishment and maintenance of monitoring system is expensive, to select organisms on their ecosystem (flora and fauna) as a tool for monitoring should be our concern.Biomonitoring, POPsWage Komarawidjaja dan Titiresmi