No | Kategori | Jumlah |
1 | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih | 104 |
2 | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah | 86 |
3 | Teknologi Pengelolaan Air | 7 |
4 | Teknologi Pengelolaan Sampah | 22 |
5 | Teknologi Pemantauan Gas | 12 |
6 | Teknologi Lingkungan | 535 |
7 | Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer | 33 |
8 | Teknologi Penanganan POPs | 15 |
TOTAL | 814 |
# | Judul | Abstrak | Katakunci | Penulis | |
101 | Dampak Penggunaan Klorin | Chlorine is a chemical substance, which has been used in many industries for a long time, especially in the pulp and paper industry and drinking water treatment. Chlorine has been used in making dye, medicine, plastic, solvent and dry clean. In the sector of energy and electricity, chlorine is used in the cooling water system. Due to the lack of condition of chlorine?s storage, it will lead to the leakage of chlorine gas, which will endanger environment and health. Waste from industrial activity containing chlorine has a potential to damage environment. Chlorine also can easily react with many compounds because of its character as a strong oxidator. If chlorine and organic compounds are bound to each other, they will cause carcinogenic effect. Based on the consideration of the danger of chlorine on environment and health, many countries in the world strive to reduce its use in industries. Many alternatives and technologies have been developed to alternate the function of the chlorine | Chlorine, Chemical, Environment, Solvent, Oxidator, Industry, Cooling, Fouling | Achmad Hasan | |
102 | Dampak Pestisida Organoklorin Terhadap Kesehatan Manusia dan Lingkungan Serta Penanggulangannya | Pestisida organoklorin merupakan bahan kimia yang digunakan petani untuk membasmi hama, namun disamping manfaatnya yang dapat meningkat hasil pertanian pestisida dapat membahayakan kesehatan dan dapat mencemari lingkungan. Pestisida organoklorin seperti DDT yang sudah dilarang penggunaannya di Indonesia tetapi dari beberapa hasil penelitian masih ditemukan. Untuk menghindari dampak negatif dari penggunaan pestisida, maka perlu adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan praktik yang benar dalam menggunakan pestisida di lahan pertanian. Disamping itu petani hendaknya menggunakan alat pelindung diri pada waktu menggunakan pestisida serta menerapkan Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu. | Pestisida, organoklorin | MG Catur Yuantari | |
103 | Dasar Hukum Pengelolaan Limbah B3 | Berbagai jenis limbah industri B3 yang tidak memenuhi baku mutu yang dibuang langsung ke lingkungan merupakan sumber pencemaran dan perusakan lingkungan. Untuk menghindari kerusakan tersebut perlu dilaksanakan pembangunan berkelanjutan yang berwawasan lingkungan hidup. Salah satu komponen penting agar program tersebut dapat berjalan adalah dengan diberlakukannya peraturan perundang-undangan lingkungan hidup sebagai dasar dalam menjaga kualitas lingkungan. Dengan diberlakukannya peraturan tersebut maka hak, kewajiban dan kewenangan dalam pengelolaan limbah oleh setiap orang, badan usaha maupun organisasi kemasyarakatan dijaga dan dilindungi oleh hukum. | Limbah B3, Peraturan Pengelolaan Limbah B3. | Setiyono | |
104 | Dasar-Dasar Pengoperasian Fotobioreaktor Skala Laboratorium Menggunakan Mikroalga ? | Mikroalga, fotobioreaktor, emisi CO2 | Teknologi Lingkungan | | |
105 | Daur Ulang Air Limbah (Water Recycle) Ditinjau Dari Aspek Teknologi, Lingkungan Dan Ekonomi | In line with fast growth of populations in urban area the discharged waste water from daily activities have caused contamination of ground water and also surface water. Unbalance between distribution of source and usage of water have caused unbalance between supply and demand. Therefore, new innovation in the case supply of raw water has come to important attention. One of the alternatives which getting much attention in many state in world is to use recycle wastewater especially municipal wastewater as one source of raw water for water supply. Several things which need to be paid attention in the case of usage of recycle wastewater are consistency of the treated water quality as according to enabled condition. In usage of recycle wastewater to be used as clean water supply there is several categorize of contaminant which must be paid attention peculiarly namely for example organic contaminant including pesticide, pathogenic bacteria, parasite, virus and also heavy metal contaminant for example mercury, lead, chrome, cadmium etc. Therefore the treatment process must be done neglectlessly with control of quality which able to be justified. One of the concept for processing of urban wastewater to be made clean water is use combination of primary treatment, secondary treatment with biological process continued by advanced treatment by physico-chemical process for example covering clarification process, nutrient removal, recarbonation, filtration, adsorption with activated carbon, ion exchange process, and also demineralization with process of reverse osmosis and also ozonization and chlorination. With these processes combination can treat wastewater yield treated water with quality of as drinking water. This paper explained some example of wastewater treatment process for recycle wastewater which have been applicated in some state. One of the example of wastewater recycle process using combination of biological process continued with ultra filtration process, reverse osmosis process, and disinfection by ultraviolet, and also pH control such as those which have been conducted by NEWATER Factory, Singapore. | Daur ulang, air limbah, teknologi, lingkungan | Nusa Idaman Said | |
106 | Daur Ulang Air Limbah Domestik Kapasitas 0,9 M3 Per Jam Menggunakan Kombinasi Reaktor Biofilter ? | Water pollution in the big cities in Indonesia, especially in DKI Jakarta has shown serious problems. One of the potential sources of water pollution is domestic wastewater that is wastewater from kitchens, laundry, bathing and toilets. These problems have become more serious since the spreads of sewerage systems are still low, so that domestic, institutional and commercial wastewater cause severe water pollution in many rivers or shallow ground water. There are a number of ways to converse water resources, one of them is to treat domestic waste water by communal system and then it is continued by advance process for recycling of wastewater. In this paper, it will be discussed recycling of domestic wastewater by communal system that combine the biological system using anaerobic-aerobic biofilter reactor for removing organic pollutant in wastewater and the advance process consisting of oxidation process, filtration by manganese zeolite filter, filtration by rapid sand filter, filtration by carbon filter and desinfection by ultraviolet sterilisator. The sterilisator is improve quality of tread wastewater being clear water as an alternative for water use save. | Limbah, domestik, daur ulang, biofilter, pengolahan lanjutan | Wahyu Widayat | |
107 | Daur Ulang Sampah Organik Dengan Teknologi Vermicomposting | Organic material from municipal solid wastes can be recycled by composting technology become organic fertilizer. One kind of composting technologies is vermicomposting that use earthworm as ?machine? of composting process. There are two products from the process: biomass of worm and casting. Vermicomposting consists of three phases of activities such as preparation, processing, and nursing phase. Preparation phase consists of choosing of location, system, building, and equipment. Processing phase consists of making of worm media, preparation of worm and planting. Nursing phase consists of feeding, turning, cropping of casting and controlling of the disease. This article talk about those phases and the classification and characterization of earthworm. | Vermicomposting, Sampah Organik, Kascing, Kompos | Sri Wahyono | |
108 | Daya Dukung Sumberdaya Air Sebagai Pertimbangan Penataan Ruang | The concept of carrying capacity of water resource is applied as a management tool for the operationalization of sustainable regional planning. Carrying capacity of a region, comprising its supportive and assimilative capacities, is defined as the ability to produce desired outputs from a resource base to achieve a higher and more equitable quality of life, while maintaining desired environmental quality. The proposed conceptual model for the carrying capacity-based planning process considers problems, constraining and supporting factors, and interrelated systems within a dynamic ecosystem to arrive at the water resource-based sustainable regional planning | dayadukung lingkungan, sumberdaya air, pengelolaan DAS, penataan ruang, Jawa Barat | Chay Asdak dan Hilmi Salim | |
109 | Daya Tahan Beberapa Organisme Air Pada Pencemar Limbah Deterjen | Saat ini deterjen telah digunakan secara luas oleh masyarakat, sehingga limbahnyapun tersebar di setiap badan air. Limbah yang kadangkala nampak sebagai buih-buih putih tersebut dipastikan mempunyai dampak negatif terhadap organisme air. Untuk mengetahui daya tahan organisme air terhadap limbah deterjen tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa setiap organisme air mempunyai daya tahan yang berbeda terhadap limbah deterjen ?rinso?. Pada penelitian ini terungkap bahwa terhadap limbah deterjen rinso larva Culex sp memiliki daya tahan yang lebih baik daripada Daphnia carinata dan Chironomus sp. Hal ini tercermin dari kenyataan bahwa dalam waktu 38 jam; 50% larva Culex sp masih bertahan dalam media dengan rinso terlarut 4 x 10 2 ppm; Daphnia carinata dalam media dengan rinso terlarut 10 2 ppm dan Chironomus sp hanya dalam media dengan rinso terlarut 10 -1 ppm. | Daya Tahan, Organisme Air, Limbah, Rinso | Yudhi Soetrisno Garno, PhD | |
110 | De-Coupling pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Degradasi Lingkungan di Indonesia | In the past, development acceleration to reach the short term economic growth in many countries, had proven to cause a lot of environmental damages, followed by degraded living quality of the marginal community ? especially the poor, water, air and soil pollution and degraded the natural resources quality which functioned as the sink. Indonesia, since 1999 enacted regulation concerning the Regional economic that was known as the decentralization. Its implementation also heightened the risk of high exploitation flow of the natural resources due to the orientation focus towards the increasing of the Original Regional Income. Of several existing data, the environmental quality in Indonesia tends to drop. On the other hand, Indonesia, nationally, has the program of the environment management by the sustainable development paradigm. This program was implemented through among others several effort like increase the environmental awareness, the pollution prevention from its sources, conservation and recovery of the environmental damages. In this decentralization era the strengthening of the environment management agencies in the regions and the community empowerment to carry out the control function also has to become priority. Nevertheless in its implementation, the sustainable development faced many obstacles added by the trade globalization era at present. Since the Indonesian economic must keep on growing to provide job filed and welfare improvement, therefore the choice to carry out the sustainable development is a must. | economic growth, environmental degradation, sustainability. | Wahyu Purwanta | |
111 | Degradasi Bahan Organik Limbah Cair Industri Permen Dengan Variasi Waktu Tinggal. | Limbah cair yang dihasilkan PT. Van Melle Indonesia (PTVMI), mengundang bahan organik tinggi dengan konsentrasi COD berkisar antara 10.000 ? 30.000 mg/L. kandungan bahan organik yang tinggi dapat menimbulkan gangguan bagi perairan, sehingga perlu didegradasi salah satu alternatif teknologi pengolahan limbah yaitu menggunakan reaktor anaerobik lekat diatas terendam. Jenis reaktor ini adalah bioreaktor yang dilengkapi dengan bahan penyangga sebagai tempat massa mikroorganisme tumbuh dan berkembang biak.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat degradasi bahan organik limbah cair industri permen dengan variasi waktu tinggal 18, 14, 12 dan 10 hari yang dioperasikan secara kontinyu. Hasil degradasi bahan organik dengan variasi waktu tinggal terbaik di dapat pada waktu tinggal 12 hari dengan degradasi bahan organik terlarut sebesar 98,07%, pH efluen 6,90, produksi harian biogas 5 L/hari, produksi gas metan 3,25 L/hari dan kandungan gas metan 65%. Plastik yang digunakan sebagai media cukup efektif sebagai tempat menempelnya bakteri dengan porositas 87,30% dan luas permukaan efektif sebesar 514,40 M2/M3 | Lingkungan Aerob, Lingkungan Anaerob, Degradasi Senyawa | Indriyati | |
112 | Degrasi Bod dan Cod pada Sistem Lumpur Aktif Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tekstil | Observation of waste parameter in textile wastewater treatment was done. This experimental investigation consist of three mayor textile parameter including total suspended solid (TSS), biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The parameters were collected and analyzed. The TSS, BOD and COD consentration in effluent of textile wastewater treatment is not exceeded the standard, but the efficiency of TSS, BOD and COD reduction is not statistically significant. | BOD, COD, textile wastewater. | Wage Komarawidjaja | |
113 | Denitrifikasi Limbah Nitrat Pada Berbagai Tingkat Keasaman Dengan Memanfaatkan Mikroba Autotroph | A biological denitrification using autotrophic bacteria in batch suspension runs was investigated to clarify the effect of pH on denitrification rate. Elemental sulfur was employed as an electron donor. The culture of autotrophic bacteria was obtained from activated sludge by acclimatization. The effect of pH on denitrification rate could be expressed by bell-shape equation with optimum pH of 7,07. However at a pH range of 5,5 to 8,0, the denitrification rate significantly fastl. Therefore, the application of the denitrification of wastewater using autotrophic bacteria is suggested running well although without controlling pH. | Denitrification, nitrate, autotrophic bacteria, elemental sulfur, pH | Rudi Nugroho | |
114 | Development Of Autotrophic Denitrification For Nitrate-Contaminated Industrial Wastewater | An autotrophic denitrification system was developed for treatment wastewater from steel industry. The aim was to evaluate the kinetics and capability of the system in reducing nitrate content in such industrial wastewater. The experiments were conducted in batch suspension and continuous runs. The denitrification kinetics in suspension runs obeys first order reaction with the rate constant k1 and k2 were determined to be 0.014 and 0.004 g-N/m3.d, respectively. The continuous runs used a column packed with mixture of granular sulfur and limestone. The microbes of Thiobacillus denitrificans were attached on the surface of granular sulfur in the form of biofilm. The biofilm thickness was investigated to be approximately 40 ?m. The denitrification kinetics in the packed column obeys half-order reaction with the rate constant k of 0.172 g-N1/2.m1/2/(kg-S.d). The lower denitrification extent of industrial wastewater compared with the synthetic wastewater might be due to the lack of alkalinity. | denitrification, sulfur, packed column, thiobacillus denitrificans. | Rudi Nugroho | |
115 | Difusi Inovasi Teknologi Pengolahan Sampah ke Masyarakat | The diffusion of Waste Management System to the society should be followed by the change of not only their knowledge and attitude, but also their behavior. To find out the effects of the diffusion to the society, some measurements can be used. These are the number of society adopted the system and how fast the society can adopt it. In order to measure the success of its implementation, the knowledge on the natures of innovation in waste management technology is required, as well as the components influencing how fast it is adopted. By doing so, the system socialization is expected to be more acceptable by all parties. It is needed to avoid the incompleteness of waste management system socialization carried out so far by society and government elements | diffusion, behavior, society, adopted, innovation, waste management. | Muhammad Ansorudin Sidik | |
116 | Dimensi Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan Yang Dominan Terhadap Upaya Produksi Bersih Perusahaan | This study is designed to identify dimension of environmental management system that influence of cleaner production?s strategy accept and implementation at natural rubber industry, especially in crumb rubber industry. Factor Analysis technic with Principal Component is aplicated to extract that dimension, while correlation analysis is using to inference the influence that dimension with cleaner production performance. Based of existing condition, deviation of cleaner production performance from the crumb rubber corporate?s enough big. Percentage of waste solid range 3 ? 11 %, the corporate don?t treatment that waste because almost of waste solid use for landfill. Treatment of unpleasant odour from crumb rubber industry, i.e.: with scrubber at the smokestack after drying process, reengineering of pre-drying process, spray of volatile oil, and soak bokar with liquid smoke. Alternatives for waste water treatment i.e.: activated sludge system, chemical system, and aeration system.Principal Component analysis results 13 dimension, namely: internal communication, evaluation tools, environmental benefit, employee ability, professional team, incentive system, cleaner production centre, community consultation, regulation, operational policy, environmental investment, green consumer, and environment requisite. The correlation of that dimension with cleaner production performance at natural rubber industry is not good (rs < 0,5). The dimension has significant correlation are professional team, environment requisite, internal communication, evaluation tools, regulation, incentive system, and employee ability; while the others is not significant. | Environmental Management System, Cleaner Production, and Crumb Rubber Industry | Sawarni Hasibuan | |
117 | Dinamika Dan Status Mutu Air Waduk Sei Nongsa | Nongsa, water quality status. | Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih | | |
118 | Dinamika Kualitas Dan Kelayakan Air Waduk Sei Harapan Untuk Bahan Baku Air Minum | Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih yang sangat besar untuk pembangunan P. Batam, Otorita Pengembangan Daerah Industri Pulau (OPDIP) Batam telah membangun 6 buah waduk untuk menampung air hujan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas air dan kelayakan salah satu waduk tersebut yakni waduk Sei Harapan untuk menjadi bahan baku air bersih. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa mengacu pada Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No.20 tahun 1990 tentang pengendalian pencemaran air; maka air waduk Sei Harapan termasuk masuk sumber air ?golongan B? yaitu air yang dapat digunakan sebagai air baku untuk diolah sebagai air minum dan keperluan rumah tangga. Air tersebut tidak dapat digunakan sebagai air minum secara langsung tanpa pengolahan lebih dahulu (Golongan A) karena beberapa konsentrasi parameter logam berat, terutama kromium (Cr); kadmium (Cd); dan timbal (Pb) pernah termonitor lebih besar dari baku mutu air golongan A pada PP tersebut diatas. Guna menghindari dampak negatif dari logam-logam berat tersebut diatas maka disarankan agar sumber-sumber yang menjadi penyebabnya dikaji, dan kemudian dipikirkan cara menanganinya. Pengelola unit pengolahan air perlu memberi perhatian khusus pada logam-logam berat tersebut sehingga hasil pengolahan benar-benar bebas dari logam tersebut. | Waduk sei harapan, kualitas air, air minum, logam berat | Yudhi Soetrisno Garno | |
119 | Dinamika Perubahan temperatur dan Reduksi Volume Limbah dalam Proses Pengomposan | The goal of this research is to study the dynamics changing of temperature, weight and volume of wastes during composting process in Cakung Slaughterhouse. The composting process was done using windrow system for 65 days. Windrow was turned mechanically using compost turning machine once a week. Composition of input wastes was calculated based on its volume and specific weight. Regularly, windrows were measured of their volume, weight and temperature. The composting shows that weight and volume reduction was exponentially done in the two of the first weeks. The temperature also exponentially increased in that time. Those indicated that the increasing of metabolisms and development of microbiology during composting process. Weight and volume reduction reached about 80 percent, and their temperature reached above 55oC during first weeks. The dynamics changing of the temperature and volume/weight reduction was the key parameter for evaluating composting process | Composting, windrow, temperature, volume, weight | Sri Wahyono, dan Firman L. Sahwan | |
120 | Disain Perencanaan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (Ipal) Dan Re-Use Air Di Lingkungan Perhotelan | Denpasar is one of the number one tourist destination in the world. This city needs a lot of water resources with high quality to meet the needs of the hotel. While the Bali island with a relatively small area can not save the water resources in large numbers, the good management of water resources and efficiency use of water is realy needed. Hotel is one of the largest water users in the city of Denpasar. The water source is from deep ground water and PDAM with the same quality. If someday deficit water and sea water intrusion in Denpasar happened, the hotel will be accused as one major cause of this problem. To overcome these problems, environmentally friendly hotel management will be needed to achieve "GREEN HOTEL & RESORT" programs in Bali, such as water usage efficiency, water recycle and protect environment from wastewater polution. To achieve this without reducing the amount of water consumption, can be done by using the technology of wastewater reuse, with technology Waste Water Treatment Installation (WWTP) and continued with the water quality improvement technology using multi media filters, ultra-filtration or reverse osmosis. | Hotel ramah lingkungan, re-use air limbah | Setiyono |